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MK Public Relations

Melissa Christensen, Kayla Friesland, and Madelyn Storm

April 17, 2024

Table of Contents

Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................3
1.0 Organization Background ........................................................................................................4
1.1 Business definition ......................................................................................................4
1.2 Vision...........................................................................................................................4
1.3 Mission.........................................................................................................................4
1.4 Value Proposition.........................................................................................................4
1.5 Organization Structure..............................................................................................4-5
1.6 History & Culture ........................................................................................................5
2.0 Situation Analysis.....................................................................................................................5
2.1 Definition & Scope of Situation...................................................................................5
2.2 Stakeholders Effected ..................................................................................................5
2.3 Competition .................................................................................................................5
2.4 SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................6
2.5 Market Position............................................................................................................7
3.0 Plan ..........................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Objectives, Strategies & Tactics...............................................................................7-8
3.2 Critical Success Factors ...........................................................................................8-9
3.3 Key Performance Indicators ........................................................................................9
3.4 Budget & Resource Allocations...................................................................................9
3.5 Timeline.......................................................................................................................9
3.6 Evaluation Method & Anticipated Results.............................................................9-10
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................11
A. Letter of Transmittal....................................................................................................11
B. Timeline.......................................................................................................................12
C. Budget..........................................................................................................................13

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Executive Summary

Amy’s Artistic Designs is a small business founded by Amy Yetter in Bloomington, Illinois, in
May of 2015. Specializing in handcrafted jewelry, crochet items, and other unique creations,
Amy’s Artistic Designs is driven to spread inspiration and positivity into everyday life through
handcrafted designs. Amy’s journey began at a local pop-up shop, which led her to participate in
local farmer’s markets and craft fairs.

As a one-person operation, Amy Yetter is the sole creator behind all the designs, ensuring each
item has a personal touch that makes her items stand out from others. Drawing inspiration from
various sources and prioritizing personalization, Amy’s Artistic Designs stands out in the market
for similar items. With her commitment to the authenticity of her handmade products, Amy’s
designs have gained a loyal following from customers who appreciate her unique and heartfelt

For more people to discover Amy’s Artistic Designs, the strategic plan outlined in this document
focuses on key objectives like enhancing online presence and fostering customer engagement. By
spreading knowledge of Amy’s designs, the strategic plan aims to give Amy’s Artistic Designs
long-term success and have a positive impact on the handcrafted goods market. Through targeted
initiatives such as producing new designs, implementing social media pages, websites, and
customer engagement efforts, Amy’s Artistic Designs seeks to achieve increased brand
recognition and more profit.

Ultimately, Amy’s Artistic Designs is committed to staying true to its core values of creativity,
craftsmanship, and authenticity while having adaptability to meet the preferences of the
customers at these farmers markets. With a clear vision and strategic plan, Amy’s Artistic
Designs is on track to continue inspiring customers with these handcrafted designs for many
years to come.

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1.0 Organization Background

Amy's Artistic Designs, led by Amy Yetter, is all about the beauty of handmade goods. In our
strategic plan, we will dive into what makes Amy’s Artistic Designs different from her
competitors, highlighting her handmade jewelry and her mission of driving in more customers.
Additionally, we will touch up on the organizational structure, which puts emphasis on Amy's
role as the sole proprietor and decision-maker in this business. We will provide readers with a
glimpse of what Amy’s Artistic designs are all about and dive deeper into exploring her
business’s strategic direction.

1.1 Business Definition

Amy’s Artistic Designs is a small business for people who love buying handcrafted items,
especially jewelry and crochet items.

1.2 Vision

To be known in central Illinois and beyond as a creative and innovative artist in the media she
chooses to use.

1.3 Mission

Yetter’s mission is to create inspirational products with inspiring words and messages that create
a more positive atmosphere. Incorporating tactile textures and movements that are visually
pleasing is especially important in this day and age where there are so many sensory needs.

1.4 Value Proposition

When it comes to small businesses like Amy’s Artistic Designs, it is hard to stand out when
others are making similar products. Yetter’s products stand out from other people’s because she
puts her own personal touch on each item. She draws inspiration from other businesses but
personalizes her designs, so no other business sells the same products as hers. The value
proposition, then, for Amy’s Artistic Designs would be as follows:
Slogan: Crafted by hand, Inspired by heart: Amy’s Artistic Designs
Proof Points:
 Handcrafted items are made with care and attention to detail, and Amy makes all her
designs herself, ensuring each item she makes has her own personal touch.
 Handcrafted goods are often associated with good craftsmanship and attention to detail.
By emphasizing “Crafted by Hand,” the slogan communicates good quality in the
creation process.
 “Inspired by Heart” brings a sense of creativity, passion, and an emotional connection.
This phrase connects with customers on a deeper level.
 Handcrafted items often stand out for their uniqueness. Amy’s Artistic Designs stands out
because Amy offers one-of-a-kind products that cannot be found elsewhere. Amy’s
personal touch ensures each item is special.

1.5 Organization Structure

Amy’s Artistic Designs is a simple organization because it consists only of Amy Yetter. She is
the creator of all designs and all media she uses. She relies on selected sources for materials used

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to make her products. She solely decides where she chooses to sell her products, with a
preference for farmers' markets and festivals.

1.6 History & Culture

Amy’s Artistic Designs is owned and operated by Amy Yetter here in Bloomington, Ill. Yetter
created this organization eight years ago, in May 2015, after attending a pop-up shop at the
library that inspired her and proceeding to join a farmer’s market and a craft fair with a friend.
Yetter offers handcrafted items ranging from jewelry to crochet bears, neck purses, bows, and

2.0. Situation Analysis

Amy’s Artistic Designs suffers from a lack of awareness. Amy’s Artistic Designs is not able to
reach more target customers because they do not know it exists. Internally, the company suffers
because expansion is not wanted. Externally, the company is suffering because companies with
similar products are open to expanding and have an online presence, which makes them easy to
access. Amy’s Artistic Designs stands to gain more exposure and customers after following the
plan MK Public Relations has created.

2.1 Definition & Scope of Situation

In the scope of situation analysis for Amy’s Artistic Designs, the current state of the business
shows a need for change to raise awareness and attract new customers. Without any social media
presence or website, Amy’s ability to reach potential customers is limited, which puts the
business at risk of financial loss due to a lack of visibility. The absence of online platforms means
many people may not be aware of Amy’s unique handcrafted items, which could result in missing
opportunities for sales and growth. Therefore, the primary focus of the situation analysis is to
address this challenge and develop strategies to increase awareness about Amy’s Artistic Designs,
which will drive up revenue and ensure the business’s long-term sustainability.

2.2 Stakeholders Effected

An organization’s success or failure greatly depends on its stakeholders. When it comes to Amy’s
Artistic Designs, the stakeholders are Amy Yetter, her target audience, and material suppliers.
Without these stakeholders, Amy’s Artic Designs would cease to exist. The material suppliers
provide Yetter with the supplies she needs to create the products that her target audience buys. No
professional council assists Yetter, so it does not affect her business.

2.3 Competition

There are many competitors for a business like Yetter’s. The main competitors are those who sell
handcrafted items at the same farmer’s markets Yetter is attending. Yetter is at a disadvantage
when it comes to her competitors that sell online and at farmers markets. They are more
accessible to their shared clientele. Yetter is also competing with department stores and stores
like Shein and Amazon because they offer similar products that are cheaper and faster.

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2.4 SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis identifies the core strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to success
(Smudde, 2023). A SWOT chart is an important aspect of creating strategies. It helps determine
what is needed to aid an organization to succeed. In the table below we present our findings.
 Aspects are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
 Implications are what each aspect means to the organization.
 Possible actions are ways to capitalize on a strength, eliminate a weakness, utilize an
opportunity, or defuse a threat (Smudde, 2023).

Aspects Implications Possible Actions

Strengths 1. Passionate about her 1. Focus her creativity on 1. Amy creates pieces; How she
work. individual pieces. Come promotes herself.
2. A variety of 55 up with creative and 2. Write handwritten notes that
product designs innovative pieces. come with the jewelry for
(including pendants, 2. With a wide variety of brand loyalty.
chokers, bracelets, products, there are 3. Highlight unique features of
earrings, rings, options for everyone. each product when speaking
anklets, hair pieces, 3. Loyalty from customers with customers.
little purses, toys, because of her passion 4. Have satisfied customers
etc.). and personal touch in her share her designs on social
3. Only her, no other designs media.
employees; Not a 4. Amy has direct
complex organization. interaction with her
customers because she
is the sole proprietor.
Weaknesses 1. She does not have a 1. Potential customers may 1. Create a website, Facebook,
website or social struggle to discover her. or Etsy page.
media. 2. Time consuming 2. Implement time management
2. Some of her projects products may limit Amy’s strategies like deadlines,
are time consuming. productivity or cause goals, or by scheduling
3. Buzz about her delays with other dedicated time to make
products and projects. designs.
business is created 3. Some items can be slow 3. Make spreadsheets to help
by word of mouth. and have an with the track of sales.
4. Not very organized. unpredictable finish time.
5. Tracking sales of
specific products.
Opportunities 1. Selling items online 1. Expanding Amy’s reach 1. Create websites and list her
via Facebook, Etsy, beyond the local area. products so they can sell.
or a website. 2. Exposes Amy to a larger 2. Research events in the area,
2. Attending bigger market to attract more apply for vendor space,
farmers markets customers. prepare market materials.
(Morton Pumpkin 3. Allows Amy to create a 3. Find good locations for pop-
Festival; Sweet Corn physical presence for up shops to be held, plan
Circus) herself. events, promote designs at
3. Hosting pop-up 4. Builds loyalty with the events.
shops. customers.
Threats 1. Time restrictions to do 1. Challenges to finish 1. Prioritize tasks and set
her art. some of her designs. deadlines.
2. Small businesses that 2. Customers may be drawn 2. Enhance online presence to
sell similar items and to competitors because increase visibility.
have a website or they see them online. 3. Try indoor venues or online
social media. 3. Rain or heat can affect selling platforms.

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3. Weather (outdoor market sales. 4. Monitor weather forecasts.
market sales). 4. May be a financial risk.
4. High fees for booth

2.5 Market Position

A market position is essential because it helps make your brand stand out during a customer's
initial experience. A market shows how a business communicates and fits into the market. Once a
market position is correctly identified, it allows a business to communicate correctly with their
target audiences.

Since Amy’s Artistic Designs offers unique and personalized items that sell at farmer markets,
the business falls under the category of niche occupiers. A niche occupier targets a particular
interest in a market. Handmade jewelry is a niche market with less demand than mass-produced
jewelry (IndexBox Inc, 2023).

3.0 Plan

The fiscal year planned is for September 1st through August 31st. During this period, we have
mapped out objectives, strategies, and tactics that will help Amy reach her vision. By gaining
more exposure and becoming more accessible, Amy will be able to teach more of her target
audience. Below is a breakdown of the plan created and how to execute it successfully.

3.1 Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics

The following table includes the objectives, strategies, and tactics necessary for the plan.
Objectives focus on a specific outcome by stating the desired effect, a measurable goal, target
audience, and an established deadline. The objectives stated are high-level results that Amy’s
Artistic Designs achieve in a certain measurable time. The strategies are the specific steps needed
to achieve the objective by identifying and using tactics.

Objectives Strategies Tactics

1. Establish awareness of her and her brand  Create a social  Start an “Amy’s Artistic Designs”
among her target customers. media presence. group on Facebook.

Benchmark: 0
Intuitive benchmark:

Rationale: There is no formal level

2. Establish a system for organizing all  Create an  Take free excel classes offered
aspects of the business by January organization system. through LinkedIn.
15, 2025.  Watch YouTube tutorials on
Benchmark: 0

Rationale: There is no formal level


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3. Create a business website by May 27,  Improve technology  Consider one of these channels
2025. usage. to create a (free) website:
 HubSpot: best for
Benchmark: 0 growing businesses
 best for
Rationale: There is no formal level beginners
established.  Weebly: best for
ecommerce websites
 Webflow: best for web
 Wix: best for local
business owners
 Google Sites: best for
no-fuss, short term
 Dorik: best for
 Potentially start an Etsy shop

3.2 Critical Success Factors

The following table describes four factors that may positively or negatively impact Amy’s
Artistic Designs when trying to carry out our objectives. These factors include opportunities,
barriers, environment, and resources.
 Opportunities are occasions where an organization can capitalize on a situation to garner
support and build its image.
 Barriers include ideological, attitudinal, or social opposition to or legal, regulatory, or
institutional restrictions on an organization doing what it believes it should to solve a
problem or manage a situation.
 Environment (internal and external) considers that business issues command attention
and fuel communication.
 Resources include staff, technologies, facilities, funding, and other support required to
fulfill objectives.

Objectives Opportunities Barriers Environment Resources

Establish -Selling items -Amy has a career -Inflation as it -Time to allocate
awareness of her online via that she loves and affects discretionary towards social
and her brand Facebook, Etsy, or would not like her income. media pages.
among her target a website that Amy’s Artistic
customers. creates buzz about Designs business -Price of -A phone or
her products. to interfere or get supplies/material computer to manage
in the way of that. costs. social media pages.
-Attending bigger
farmers markets -Creativity to
(Morton Pumpkin create new
Festival; Sweet products.
Corn Circus).

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-Hosting pop-up
Establish a system -Take free courses -Amy is not very -Amy’s full-time job -Access to excel,
for organizing all in Excel offered familiar with may cause time LinkedIn, and
aspects of the through LinkedIn technology. restraints YouTube.
-Watch YouTube
tutorials about
Create a business -Creating a -Creating a -A new website may -Use one of our
website. website will website is more increase traffic to listed resources to
increase exposure. complex and time Amy’s business. create a new
consuming than a website (HubSpot,
social media page. WordPress, etc.).

3.3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key performance indicators are measurements used to track the process of fulfilling the
objectives suggested. The leading indicators are forward-looking and help aid in proactive
decision-making. It is important to check leading indicators at predetermined times so
adjustments can be made if needed (Smudde, 2023).

Objective Leading indicator Measurement frequency

Establish business awareness Customer sentiment Monthly

Establish an organization system Excel usage Weekly
Establish an online presence Online interactions Monthly

3.4 Budget & Resource Allocations

A budget allows for financial planning. When a business is fiinancially literate, they can better
understand their priorities and where resources can be allocated. Yetter to express the desire to
spend as little money as possible. We have collected budget-friendly options to help her business
grow (See Appendix C). Even though the income for the business is unknown, the budget created
will not cause a financial burden.

3.5 Timeline

An essential performance measure is time, and it is important to manage it. The timeline (see
Appendix B) helps ensure all tactics and leading indicators are met. The timeline provided shows
what should be done and by when.

3.6 Evaluation Method & Anticipated Results

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We intend to evaluate our plan’s success using a quantitative research method, analyzing the
number of outputs. Outputs are the measurements of the tactics created and how well they were
deployed, along with the level of exposure for an organization (Smudde, 2023). These may
include handcrafted creations, marketing materials like brochures or business cards, as well as a
presence on platforms like Etsy and Facebook. Since we have no formal level established for our
objectives’ benchmarks, analyzing the outputs appears to be the clear way to measure our plan’s

Our first objective of establishing awareness of her and her brand can be measured by creating the
“Amy’s Artistic Designs” Facebook group and seeing how well it performs based on outputs such
as follower count. Our second objective of establishing a system for organizing all aspects of the
business can be measured after Yetter takes advantage of the free Excel courses offered through
LinkedIn or YouTube tutorials. Once she familiarizes herself with Excel, we will be able to
analyze the outputs. Lastly, our third objective of creating a business website can be measured by
outputs, including future website traffic and increased exposure.

Other important measurements to consider include outtakes, as well as outcomes and outgrowths,
which are projected. Outtakes, representing the audience’s immediate or short-term response to
communication efforts, include customer satisfaction, brand recognition, and growth and
development in Amy’s artistic skills. Outcomes, which gauge the audience’s medium-term
response to communication, involve revenue growth, community engagement, and positive
impact. Outgrowths, which serve as measurements of the audience’s long-term and cumulative
response to communication and its impact on the organization’s reputation and image, include
community support and artistic recognition. We anticipate that Amy’s Artistic Designs consumer
base will grow, Yetter will become more knowledgeable and organized, and by creating a
website, she will receive more sales.

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A. Letter of Transmittal.

MK Public Relations
304 S. University St.
Normal, IL 61761
(309) 438-2181

April 17, 2023

Amy Yetter
Amy’s Artistic Designs

Dear Ms. Yetter,

Our team at MK Public Relations would like to present a strategic plan for your small
business, Amy’s Artistic Designs. Our goal for your organization is to establish awareness of you
and your brand using social media, as well as establish a system for organizing all aspects of your
business. We also think that having a website would be beneficial to your brand, so we found
ways to make websites for free. MK Public Relations wants to help you with your mission of
creating inspirational products that create a more positive atmosphere.
Our situational analysis includes findings from our research, along with information
given to us by you, that helped us brainstorm effective objectives, strategies, and tactics. It also
includes an analysis of your business’ current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats,
possible competitors, and our mission, values, and key messages. Finally, we included a detailed
timeline along with a budget sheet.
If approved, we look forward to working with you to help establish awareness of your
brand and get your business organized. We have worked diligently to create a plan that will help
you and your small business get the recognition you deserve. MK Public Relations looks forward
to pitching our plan to you and would love to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for
your time.

MK Public Relations Team:
Melissa Christensen
Kayla Friesland
Madelyn Storm

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B. Timeline.

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C. Budget

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IndexBox Inc. (2023, April 20). Handmade jewelry market analysis - search. IndexBox.

Smudde, P. M. (2023). Managing public relations: Business Principles and Tools for Strategic
Communication (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.

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