A Small Yet Complete Framework For A Potentiostat Galvanostat and Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometer

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org/jchemeduc Technology Report

A Small yet Complete Framework for a Potentiostat, Galvanostat,

and Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometer
Yasuo Matsubara*
Cite This: J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 3362−3370 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: A modern cybernetic potentiostat plays a significant role in

realizing various electrochemical measurements. This technology report
describes a general-purpose, scalable, handheld (10 cm2), yet affordable
hardware−software framework for a potentiostat, galvanostat, and electro-
chemical impedance spectrometer with high capabilities: (1) cyclic
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voltammetry, square-wave voltammetry, and (potential-step) chronoamper-

ometry as potentiostatic measurements conjugated with iR compensation
and rotating-disk electrode apparatus in a wide range of current and voltage
(pA to 0.1 A and ±12 V); (2) chronopotentiometry (with an arbitrary
current) as a galvanostatic measurement (e.g., Karl Fischer titration); and
(3) electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with a bandwidth of 0.1−1
MHz. Two additional devices derived from the framework were also
demonstrated for fast potential scanning (up to 100 kV/s) and simple
assembling, respectively. The presented framework provides rich teaching materials for chemistry, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (e.g., STEM) education.
KEYWORDS: Upper-Division Undergraduate, Graduate Education/Research, Laboratory Equipment/Apparatus,
Undergraduate Research, Hands-On Learning/Manipulatives, Analytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Electrolytic/Galvanic Cells/Potentials

Electrochemical education is essential for students to under-
Scheme 1. Generalized Structure of an Electrochemical
Device (for Electrochemical Cells) Consisting of Three
Components: View, Controller, and Core Analog Circuita
stand the electrical effects related to interfacial chemistries,
which are essential phenomena in various redox-relevant devices
for the development of a sustainable society (e.g., dye-sensitized
solar cells, rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, and electrolyzers),
metabolism in biological cells (e.g., mitochondria), and signal
transmission in nervous systems.1 Therefore, educational
content spans a wide range of chemical (e.g., heterogeneous
redox reactions in the electrical double layer), technological
(e.g., voltammetry), engineering (of devices), and mathematical
(e.g., diffusion on the surface of an electrode described by Fick’s
law) topics. To help students understand these interrelated and
complex topics, electrochemical experiments in laboratory a
The acronyms “PS”, “Osc”, “AWG”, and “DIO” denote a power
classes play a significant role since experiments can visualize supply, an oscilloscope, an arbitrary waveform generator, and a digital
the electrical effect(s) on a material of interest (e.g., Faradaic input/output, respectively.
efficiency for the evolution of continuous bubbles of hydrogen
gas from an electrode). On this basis, various groups have
reported potentiostats, galvanostats, and/or electrochemical
impedance spectrometers (EIS) as task-specific devices for their
respective (educational) topics.2−29 These structures of devices Received: March 6, 2021
are generalized to a system consisting of three functionalities, a Revised: July 22, 2021
view, a controller, and core analog circuit(s), as depicted in Published: September 3, 2021
Scheme 1, where the view represents a graphical user interface
prepared by programming language(s), the analog circuit
represents an electrical interface converting chemical re-
Published 2021 by American Chemical
Society and Division of Chemical https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00228
Education, Inc. 3362 J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 3362−3370
Journal of Chemical Education pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc Technology Report

Figure 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the hardware−software framework for potentiostat (P/S), galvanostat (G/S), and EIS. (b, c) Photographs of the
lower and upper layers, respectively, in the actual assembled device with two layers, where the upper layer is stacked on the lower layer through a 6-lead
socket and pin (J). The symbols R, W, S, and C represent terminals for reference, working, sensing, and counter electrodes, respectively.

sponse(s) from an electrochemical cell of interest to the form of students to conduct various consecutive electroanalytical
electrical response(s), and the controller, which is typically a measurements.
general-purpose microprocessor with peripheral task-specific In this technology report, a general-purpose, scalable,
integrated circuits, mediates between the view and analog handheld, yet affordable hardware−software framework is
circuit(s). The balance between functionality, capability, and described, i.e., a unified electrical analog circuit on a printed
cost of a device depends on how the three functionalities are circuit board for potentiostat, galvanostat, and EIS with an open-
purposefully configured. Accordingly, these reported devices are sourced and object-oriented software interface. The framework
categorized into four classes: (1) wireless electrochemical is based on recent advances in IoT technology over the past two
detector as an IoT device;6,8,11,19,22,26,28 (2) stand-alone device decades30 and on two historically important works: (1) analog
not requiring an external computer;3,14,18,20,25,29 (3) single-chip circuit design of a 3-electrode potentiostat using an operational
to miniaturize a device;4,13,24,28 and (4) electric-topologically amplifier in 195831−33 and (2) cybernetic instrumentation using
multifunctional device as general-purpose equipment in a a digital microcomputer in 1982.34,35 The actual device using the
laboratory10,19,27 (see the Supporting Information for the framework is the first to satisfy four important requirements for
detailed classification of low-cost (<1000 USD) electrochemical performing potentiostatic, galvanostatic, and impedance meas-
devices reported previously). Among these categories, the urements in a laboratory class and/or a research laboratory: (1)
multifunctional device can play a vital role for students it must serve various electroanalytical techniques with a wide
investigating various dimensions of a subject of interest and range of current sensitivity and voltage control; (2) it must be
understand the subject multidirectionally. However, no open- small and operable by a student (it is even good if it can be
sourced device with a complete set of functionalities and operable over the internet); (3) it must be inexpensive as an
capabilities has been reported for undergraduate and graduate instrument; and (4) the system configuration must be scalable
3363 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00228
J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 3362−3370
Journal of Chemical Education pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc Technology Report

and easily understood by students. The device enables chemistry is an essential condition for the operation. When the circuit
educators to have students implement various electrochemical (Figure 1a) works as a galvanostat, another circuit topology is
experiments in laboratory classes or to demonstrate various activated, as shown in Figure 2b, by a combination of relay
electrochemical phenomena to students in normal classes. switches. In this topology, a sensing electrode (S) is used as the

fourth electrode, which senses a potential (referring to the
CONFIGURATION OF APPARATUS reference electrode, R) of the solution electrolyzed between
working (W) and counter (C) electrodes. The galvanostat
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram (Figure 1a) and circuit is useful, for example, in Karl Fischer titration using
photograph (Figure 1b,c) of the actual assembled device chronopotentiometry (see the Supporting Information for the
developed in this study (see the Supporting Information for actual experiment). The voltage regulator unit (VR in Figure 1c,
the complete circuit, a bill of materials, and the assembling the upper layer in the device) converts ±5 V (supplied from the
procedure). The device consists of two stacked layers with the oscilloscope) into ±12 V with an external +5 V power-supply
core analog circuit and the voltage regulator (±12 V) placed at unit using a wall socket (not shown), which is sufficient to
the lower and upper layers, respectively. In general, a conduct various electrochemical experiments in the laboratory
potentiostat apparatus consists of a waveform generator, a classes. This conversion can be switched off by SW (in Figure
circuit for potentiostat, an oscilloscope, and a power supply. All 1c) for demonstrations that do not require such a voltage range,
functionalities except the essential potentiostat part are perhaps in normal classes where a wall socket may not be
delegated to a multifunctional digital oscilloscope36 (Analog available. The output terminal, AWG(W2), is designed to
Discovery 2, Digilent as denoted by AD in Figure 1a) that is control an external rotating-disk electrode (RDE) apparatus
connected directly (or over the Internet by interfacing performing (fully automatic) hydrodynamic measurements with
functionalities of the oscilloscope to a web service37) to a or without gas purging (see the Supporting Information for the
personal computer where software (SW) operates these example). These analog circuits are controlled by the software
functionalities, including the potentiostat part. Thus, the circuit Voltammogrammer,43 in a personal computer using the digital
for the essential potentiostat part in Figure 1 is allowed to be oscilloscope (AD). This open-source software is written in the
simple, as represented in an electrochemistry textbook and C# programming language and provides a modern graphical
downsized enough to fit the inside of a small Faraday cage (see user interface for students to conduct various electrochemical
the Supporting Information for the cage designed in this study). techniques and intuitively organize acquired data (see Figures 3,
The geometry of the schematic circuit (Figure 1a) is in 4, and 5). Alternatively, a LabView program is also available so
accordance with that of the actual assembled circuit (Figure 1b) that an IoT device (e.g., Raspberry Pi) can be used as a computer
to enhance the pedagogical effect. Although the actual circuit controlling the device (see the Supporting Information for
seems complex at first glance because it unifies three circuits for details; this program is also useful to graphically understand how
potentiostat, galvanostat, and EIS,38−42 the respective circuit is the device works with the software). All electronic components
switched to be activated exclusively by mechanical relays (S1− used in the device are commercially available and cost a total of
S4) during the operation. Figure 1a shows a combination of 410 USD, including the digital oscilloscope. The cost is
relays to switch to the circuit topology for a potentiostat substantially lower than those of typical commercially equivalent
consisting of three electrodes, as shown in Figure 2a. This circuit devices (at least 10,000 USD). Although the device takes
is classified as a typical adder potentiostat where the operational approximately 8 h to assemble, the simplified version of the
amplifier (OP2−3 in Figure 1a) keeps points P2 and 3 (P3 is device is also available that remedies this issue with little loss of
connected to the working electrode, W) at virtual ground, which the original functionalities (see the Supporting Information for
details; the time is abated to 2 h).
Although this report does not discuss the operating principle
of the respective circuit in detail since well-written books have
been published,44−47 the first question that should be addressed
by students is “why does a potentiostatic measurement typically
require the three-electrode system?” This question is simple yet
essential to understanding the operating principle and perform-
ance limitations as follows. In the two-electrode system, which
can be familiar to students, the current passing through the cell is
determined by kinetics on the surfaces of both electrodes, and
the potential of an electrode cannot be determined unless the
potential of the other electrode is known. This situation is very
inconvenient for the study of an electrode reaction of interest. It
is still possible if an electrode with known potential and a
completely nonpolarizable surface regardless of the voltage
impressed (the so-called ideal reference electrode) is employed
as one of two electrodes. However, students could realize that
such an electrode is only practically available when the current is
quite small enough against the electrode surface (i.e., very low
current density, which can be indirectly achieved when an
ultramicroelectrode is used as the other electrode where a
Figure 2. Circuit topologies for (a) potentiostat (with a capacitor, Cf) reaction of interest takes place on its surface). To overcome the
and EIS (without Cf) and (b) galvanostat in the device. The symbols R, difficulty relevant to this nonideality, a three-electrode system
W, S, and C correspond to those shown in Figure 1. was invented in 1942,48 where a reference electrode as the third
3364 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00228
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Journal of Chemical Education pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc Technology Report

Figure 3. (a) Diagram of a circuit (shown as CRcali in Figure 1c) tested and (b) Nyquist (blue line) and Bode magnitude (red line) plots of an
impedance spectrum obtained by using EIS in the device. The spectrum was obtained by successive measurements of the impedance characteristics of
three circuits where the W terminal was (1) placed at point P4, (2) connected to point P5, and (3) connected to point P6.

Figure 4. (a) Output waveform of the current response (red line) from the device when a symmetrical triangular waveform (blue line) was input to the
device to which a typical 3-electrode electrochemical cell was connected. The cell consists of a glassy carbon disk (d = 3 mm) working, Ag/AgNO3
reference, and Pt counter electrodes in acetonitrile solution containing ferrocene (∼1 mM) and tetraethylammonium perchlorate (0.5 M) at 25 ± 2
°C. (b) Voltammograms resulting from plotting the outputs against the respective input waveforms: CV and Osteryoung square-wave voltammogram
(SWV). The sweep rates for CV and SWV were 100 and 100 mV/s (calculated from the step and frequency in SWV), respectively. This figure was
prepared by using Voltammogrammer software.

electrode only sensing the potential of one of two electrodes the working electrode) to avoid kinetically inhibiting the
(called a working electrode) is introduced to maintain a very low reaction being proven on the working electrode. For the sake
current density, and meanwhile, a relatively large current from of this, the potential difference between the working and counter
the working electrode is received by the other electrode (called a electrodes is automatically controlled by vacuum bulbs to keep
counter electrode) with a large surface area (relative to that of the potential difference between the working and reference
3365 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00228
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Journal of Chemical Education pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc Technology Report

Figure 5. (a) Photograph of the downsized device specialized for CV at a fast scanning rate and (b) scanning rate dependence of CV of anthracene (4
mM) recorded using an ultramicroelectrode (Pt, d = 10 μm) as a working electrode (W) and Pt wire as a counter electrode (C) with a Ag/AgNO3
reference electrode (R) in acetonitrile containing tetraethylammonium perchlorate (0.5 M) at 25 ± 2 °C. The scanning rate was varied in the range of
0.01 (black), 0.1 (blue), 1 (green), 10 (orange), and 100 (red) kV/s. The obtained voltammograms were organized and normalized to respective
current functions according to the Randles−Š evčiḱ equation by using Voltammogrammer software.

electrodes constant according to Kirchhoff’s first law. This 1c) is depicted in Figure 3a, which is equivalent to a typical
automatic system is currently enabled by employing monolithic three-electrode electrochemical cell where the W terminal is
operational amplifiers with substantially improved capabilities as connected to the point P4, as shown in Figure 3a (the so-called
active electrical elements (OP1−3 in Figure 1a), although there Voigt equivalent circuit). Figure 3b shows a screenshot of the
are still performance limitations of this automatic system due to Voltammogrammer software just after the measurement,
the nonidealities of a practical operational amplifier (see the representing the Nyquist and Bode magnitude plots. In this
Supporting Information for an example of improvements in the device, a sinusoidal waveform of the voltage at a given frequency
capabilities of an amplifier over 50 years). is input to the operational amplifier OP2 from the arbitrary
The device response characteristics were tested on the basis of
waveform generator (AWG) via the AWG (W1) pin, and then
two responsivities of current and frequency. First, the current
the temporal change in voltage at point P1 (as potential changes
responsivity is theoretically determined by the current sensing
resistor (Rf in Figure 1a) with the input bias current and at the working electrode) is recorded as a waveform via the ADC
maximum output/sink current of an operational amplifier (1+) pin. The temporal change in current passing through the
(OP1−3) for the lower and upper limits, respectively. The working electrode is recorded as a waveform of voltage via the
currents of the operational amplifier ADA4610-4 (Analog ADC (2+) pin. These two waveforms are compared by an
Devices) used in the device (OP1−3 in Figure 1) are 5 pA impedance analyzer (IA) inside the digital oscilloscope, from
and 79 mA, respectively, corresponding to a dynamic range of which the impedance of the test circuit (or an electrochemical
approximately 109. However, due to the resolution (14 bit) of cell) at the frequency is determined. An EIS is then acquired by
the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in the digital oscillo- sweeping the frequency from 1 to 1 MHz (in the case of Figure
scope, mechanical relays (S5−S7 in Figure 1a) select a resistor, 3b, for example). For Figure 3b, two measurements were
Rf, corresponding to a current range of interest. The lower limit conducted a priori to remove the impedance of the device as a
of current responsivity was practically evaluated to be a few pA test fixture using the autobalancing bridge for IA:49−53 (1) the
(when Rf is 1 GΩ) by measuring a cyclic voltammogram under case where the W terminal is located at point P5, which is
diffusion-limited conditions using an ultramicroelectrode (Pt, d disconnected from point P4, as shown in Figure 3a (open circuit
= 10 μm), as shown in Figure S5 (see Section G1 in the compensation), and (2) the case where the R and W terminals
Supporting Information). The upper limit can be extended if a are shorted at point P6, as shown in Figure 3a (short circuit
buffer amplifier is used in combination. The accuracy and
compensation). These measurements were also conducted by
precision of current control, which are determined by those of
selecting a graphical menu in the Voltammogrammer software
potential control, were ±2 and ±3 μA/mA, respectively, for the
calibrated device (see Section D2 in the Supporting (noted by M in red). Figure 3b shows two facts: (1) the
Information). Next, the frequency responsivity is, in principle, resistance and capacitance can be determined with an accuracy
limited by the product of voltage gain and bandwidth (GBP) for of ±10%, and (2) the device performance limit is approximately
an operational amplifier. Although the GBP of ADA4610-4 is 1 MHz, characterizing the practical usability of the device.
16.3 MHz, the actual voltage gain of the device strongly depends Although the short circuit compensation cannot be performed
on the physical circuit topology and signal intensity applied for when the potential is biased, the measurement without these
the device. Figure 3 shows the frequency response of a test compensations still affords a satisfactory result (see Section D1
circuit by potentiostatic EIS. The test circuit (CRcali in Figure in the Supporting Information for details).
3366 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00228
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Journal of Chemical Education

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PRACTICE WITH APPARATUS a practical electrochemical reaction, e.g., the activation process
of the precatalyst for an electrochemical CO2 reduction.57
Most likely, the most popular technique among various
To improve the frequency response, the circuit is downsized,
electroanalytical studies is (cyclic) voltammetry. Figure 4
as shown in Figure 5a. The additional cost is only 30 USD (see
shows the electrochemical response of ferrocene measured by
the Supporting Information for details). In this small
a student using a glassy carbon disk (d = 3 mm) as a working
circuit,58−60 not only is the inductance of the entire circuit
electrode in an acetonitrile solution containing tetraethylammo-
reduced, but also the two roles of one operational amplifier
nium perchlorate, 0.5 M as an electrolyte. This was acquired by (OP3 in Figure 1a), (1) converting the current response at the
setting the initial potential, vertex potential, and sweep rate to working electrode into a voltage and (2) amplifying the voltage,
−0.3 V, +0.5 V, and 100 mV/s, respectively, after selecting the are now handled with two operational amplifiers (OP4−5 in
“Cyclic voltammetry (CV)” technique from the menu, which Figure 5a and see the Supporting Information for a detailed
lists available techniques in the Voltammogrammer software (as circuit). Figure 5b shows the scan-rate dependence of the
shown in Figure 4a). In voltammetry, a temporal change in oxidative response of anthracene in acetonitrile measured by CV
current passing through the working electrode is recorded when using an ultramicroelectrode (Pt, d = 10 μm). The voltammo-
the working electrode potential is formally swept. Here, it is a gram, which was observed to be totally irreversible at a low
good exercise to bring a word of “formally” to the student’s scanning rate (approximately 0.1 kV/s) due to rapid subsequent
attention since the working electrode potential is virtual- reaction(s) to the oxidation of the aromatic ring, became
grounded. The student can visually recognize why a technique reversible at a scanning rate of 100 kV/s (peak currents in the
using a symmetrical triangular waveform of voltage as an input anodic and cathodic scans were almost the same intensity,
(indicated by the blue line in Figure 4a) is called cyclic although the charging current was not negligible due to the
voltammetry (CV). In the device, the input from the AWG “large” surface area of the ultramicroelectrode at this scanning
(W1) pin is received by the OP2 amplifier, and the response rate),61,60 from which the half-wave potential for 1-electron
current (indicated by the red line in Figure 4a) at the working oxidation of anthracene was determined to be +0.89 V vs Fc+/
electrode is recorded as a waveform of voltage via the ADC (2+) Fc, which agrees well with the previously reported value62
pin of the digital oscilloscope, from which the voltammogram is (+0.91 V vs Fc+/Fc in acetonitrile with tetraethylammonium
obtained by plotting the response against the input (CV as perchlorate, 0.6 M).
shown in Figure 4b). Its shape is found in an electrochemistry
textbook where the shape is relevant to Fick’s law of diffusion
(see the Supporting Information for the theoretical shape
These devices were assembled and used by undergraduate
calculated by a Wolfram Mathematica script using the Bulter− students in the organic−inorganic hybrid material chemistry
Volmer equation). The peak separation was 65 mV, which is course at the Department of Material and Life Chemistry,
close to the theoretical value of 57.0 mV54 (see Section D1 in the Faculty of Engineering, in Kanagawa University, Japan, for the
Supporting Information for the nonideal case). In the full year of 2019. They were in their fourth year at the university
Voltammogrammer software, other input waveforms can be and interested in functional materials or energy-related issues. In
freely generated. Figure 4b also shows an Osteryoung square- the course, each student was assigned to conduct research about
wave voltammogram (SWV) measured using the same solution. a scientific topic and submitted the thesis under the supervision
The voltammogram looks simple at first glance, but the input of educators. Before these devices were developed in 2019,
and response waveforms are very complex (see the Supporting students in the course had experienced several obstacles as
Information). The difference between potential-sweep and follows:
potential-step techniques can be presented to the student in a (1) Students used a commercial potentiostat as a black-boxed
further assignment. instrument. As a result, they could not have a chance to


observe the real circuit managing the three-electrode
system in an intelligent way.
(2) A commercial potentiostat/galvanostat/EIS instrument
The apparatus represented in Figure 1 is useful not only for that provides various functionalities and capabilities is
general electrochemical measurements but also as a framework quite expensive for laboratory classes, which made it
to develop a device for a particular purpose. This is because the financially difficult for the educator to allocate the
flexibility and rapidness of the device design have been greatly multiple units to students so as to conduct their respective
improved by dramatic improvements in the performance of an research studies concurrently. Furthermore, when the
operational amplifier and advances in interface technology for instrument was broken, their research was interrupted for
analog circuits to digital circuits. For example, although the a while. The repair cost was also expensive.
circuit’s frequency response (∼1 MHz, as shown in Figure 1) (3) Although an expensive commercial potentiostat has many
limits the scanning rate in cyclic voltammetry up to 0.1 kV/s, this functions, the software interface was too complicated for a
limitation can be eliminated by a specific device design based on beginner (who just started to learn electrochemistry) to
the framework. The scanning rate is one of the principle understand how to operate. The functionalities and
parameters characterizing the kinetics of an electrode capabilities of an inexpensive one were sometimes
reaction.55,56 The cyclic voltammogram of ferrocene described insufficient for students to conduct scientific research in
above is only the case observed when the scanning rate is much the later stage.
slower and faster than the rates of heterogeneous electron- (4) Careful organizing and analyzing a lot of voltammograms
transfer reaction and (precedent or following) chemical measured under various conditions is crucial to deduce a
reactions, respectively. The device capable of varying the conclusion. However, the data manipulation (e.g., unit
scanning rate in a wide range is useful for students to investigate conversion, nondimensionalization, and conversion of a
3367 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00228
J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 3362−3370
Journal of Chemical Education pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc Technology Report

potential scale) for students using spreadsheet software tively); and mechanical design files of the small Faraday
was quite tedious and subject to error. cage enclosing the device (Autodesk Inventor 2019 files:
These indicate that both hardware and software for the *.ipt) (ZIP)

electrochemical device should be well-designed yet affordable in
order to improve students’ experiences. The devices based on AUTHOR INFORMATION
the open-sourced framework in this report provided sufficient
Corresponding Author
functionalities, capabilities, and usability for students to
investigate their research topics without these obstacles. Yasuo Matsubara − Research Center for Artificial

Electrochemistry addresses energy-relevant issues that are
Photosynthesis, Osaka City University, Sugimoto, Osaka 558-
8585, Japan; Department of Material and Life Chemistry,
Kanagawa University, Rokkakubashi, Yokohama 221-8686,
recognized as the central matter in our society, and the study Japan; orcid.org/0000-0001-9791-7197; Email: yasuo@
of this topic is essential for the development of a sustainable osaka-cu.ac.jp
society for the future. Hence, its apparatus should be general, Complete contact information is available at:
scalable, and affordable. The framework and its apparatus https://pubs.acs.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00228
reported in this study fully satisfy these requirements where a
wide range of electrochemical techniques is available, yet the Notes
cost is affordable (410 USD including an oscilloscope): (1) The author declares no competing financial interest.

cyclic voltammetry, square-wave voltammetry, and (potential-
step) chronoamperometry as potentiostatic measurements
conjugated with iR compensation and rotating-disk electrode
apparatus in a wide range of current and voltage (pA to 0.1 A and I thank my undergraduate students and especially acknowledge
±12 V); (2) chronopotentiometry (with an arbitrary current) as the works of Ryuji Sakuma, Nana Masano, Mizue Asakura, and
a galvanostatic measurement; and (3) electrochemical impe- Takahiro Tsumuraya on electrochemical measurements, and
dance spectroscopy with a bandwidth of 0.1−1 MHz. Although Naomasa Kanako, Kaito Abe, and Tomohiro Uchiyama on
the device might be too complicated to be assembled in a device assembly. I also thank Prof. Dr. Masanobu Higashi and
laboratory class, the simplified version of the device remedies the Yoshihiro Koide for helpful comments.
issue without a large loss of its capability. The software
communicating the device was also implemented in two ways,
i.e., C# and LabView languages; however, other languages are
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ASSOCIATED CONTENT (6) Nemiroski, A.; Christodouleas, D. C.; Hennek, J. W.; Kumar, A.
A.; Maxwell, E. J.; Fernández-Abedul, M. T.; Whitesides, G. M.
sı Supporting Information
Universal mobile electrochemical detector designed for use in resource-
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s.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00228. 11984−11989.
(7) Dryden, M. D. M.; Wheeler, A. R. DStat: A Versatile, Open-Source
Details for the full version, simplified version, and specific- Potentiostat for Electroanalysis and Integration. PLoS One 2015, 10
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