Consistency Is Key

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The Prophet Muhammad told us that the most beloved acts of worship are those that are

consistent, even if they are small.

Certainly! Consistency is a trait shared by many successful individuals across various fields. Here
are ten more examples:

1. **Thomas Edison:** Despite facing numerous failures, Edison remained consistent in his
pursuit of inventing the light bulb. He famously said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000
ways that won't work."

2. **Michael Jordan:** one of the greatest basketball players of all time, Jordan's success can
be attributed to his consistent practice regimen.

3. **Marie Curie:** Curie's groundbreaking research in radioactivity earned her two Nobel
Prizes in different scientific fields. Her consistent dedication to her work revolutionized our
understanding of physics and chemistry.

5. **Serena Williams:** With 23 Grand Slam singles titles to her name, Williams' dominance in
tennis is a result of her consistent training, determination, and mental toughness.

6. **Elon Musk:** The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is known for his ambitious goals and relentless
pursuit of innovation. Musk's consistent focus on pushing the boundaries of technology has led
to groundbreaking advancements in space exploration and electric vehicles.

7. **Malala Yousafzai:** Despite facing adversity and threats to her life, Malala remained
consistent in her advocacy for girls' education. Her unwavering commitment led to her
becoming the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate.

8. **Warren Buffett:** The legendary investor built his fortune through consistent value
investing principles and long-term thinking. Buffett famously advises investors to "be fearful
when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful."
9. **J.K. Rowling:** Before achieving success with the Harry Potter series, Rowling faced
numerous rejections from publishers. Her consistent belief in her story and perseverance
eventually paid off, making her one of the best-selling authors of all time.

10. **Usain Bolt:** The fastest man in the world, Bolt's consistent training regimen and
dedication to his sport enabled him to set multiple world records and win numerous Olympic
gold medals.

Jim Rohn once said, we all suffer one of two things. The pain of consistency or the pain of regret
or disappointment. Now what would you choose? Your choices will determine what you are
going to be in the future. Most of the people chose the pain of regret or disappointment
unknowingly, because they are inconsistent and give up on their goals. They always look for an
easy path.
Goals on the road to achievement cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency.
Ambition is the path to success, but consistency is the vehicle you arrive in. Between goals and
achievement, there is consistency. Consistency is one of the key elements of success in any area
of life. Without consistency, there is no sustained achievement. With a lack of consistency, there
is a lack of success. Goals cannot be achieved without consistency. Dreams will not become
reality without consistency.
Pain today pride tomorrow
Most people quit because of pain but pain is temporary and eventually it will subside so
whenever you feel pain or to quit that moment you have to ask yourself the question is am I
willing to sacrifice today to get the results I want in the future what's your answer yes or no? it's
about having the courage to say yes when you feel to give up. it's about having the courage to
say I'm ready to sacrifice for my future. do not fall into the trap of short-term pleasure that gives
you the long-term pain instead of that chose short-term pain that gives you the long-term gain.
nobody got anywhere great in life without showing great consistency. nobody on this planet
ever reached any great heights without having great consistency. if you are not willing to
sacrifice today for a better tomorrow, you will never have that pride tomorrow. no pain no gain
no consistent no success. you may feel to quit now because of that short-term pain but after
giving up what do you say when you look in the mirror what would you say when people ask
you and who you are? what have you done in life? what would you feel then? remember there
is no better feeling than looking in the mirror and saying I built this I created this I sacrificed for
this I worked for this and I am proud of this. do not give up do not lose to pain the pain is not
stronger than you. you are stronger than it. do not choose the easy path. if you chose your life
will be hard in the future it's all about those tiny choices every day chose to be consistent be
strong today so you have pride tomorrow be strong today so you are stronger tomorrow be
consistent today so you have pride tomorrow be consistent today so you are stronger

If you go to the gym and you work out and you come back and you look in the mirror, you will
see nothing. And if you go to the gym the next day and you come back and you look in the
mirror, you will see nothing. So clearly there's no results, can't be measured, it must not be
effective. So we quit. Or if you fundamentally believe that this is the right course of action and
you stick with it, you commit yourself to the exercise. But if you stick with it consistently, I'm not
exactly sure what day, but I know you'll start getting into shape. If you hit an oak tree a
thousand times in a thousand different spots, what's going to happen? Absolutely nothing. But
if you hit an oak tree a thousand times in the exact same spot, you know what's going to
happen? You're going to bring it down. You're going to do the impossible.
People put out goals, dreams, and aspirations in what they want to accomplish. But you very
rarely hear people say what they're willing to sacrifice in order to make it happen. They'll tell
you to go with a dream, the aspiration. They'll tell you they want to be great, but they're not
going to say I'm going to stop going out on Friday night. They're not going to say I'm going to
sacrifice and I'm going to stay late. I don't hang with people who can only get up when they got
something to motivate them. That's not something I want to hang out with. I want to hang with
somebody, I don't care what the circumstances, I don't care what the situation. You're putting
on your back and you're like, no, you hear me, you got to have that dog. I got to clear my mind
of some stuff, but when I get up there, I got to do what I got to do. Because success is not a
failing. It's a mindset. You have to commit to becoming better. You have to commit to being a
person of action. You have to commit to being someone who doesn't just talk but follows
through. You have to plan ahead. And by planning ahead, you have to create a life in your head
that is so great that even if you fall short, you're going to be better than everybody else. Your
problem is you start something, you stop it. You start something, you stop it. You feel good, you
do it. You don't feel good, you quit. Stop doing stuff in January that you know you're not going
to do in March. I'm just saying whatever you do, be on time and be consistent. People who do
stuff consistently and on time, they surpass people who talented and gifted. Sometimes it ain't
about being the most talented. Sometimes it ain't about being the smartest. Sometimes it's
about consistency. Consistency. Just keep doing it and keep doing it and keep doing it and never
stop and never give up and never quit and keep doing it day after day, play after play, second
after second. You should work every day like somebody's working 24 hours a day to take it away
from you. If you're not working to get better on a daily basis, if you're not pursuing the
fulfillment of your own true potential, you are losing. You're either getting better or you're
getting f***ing passed by people who are. Every time you kick back and you think you're the
greatest and you think you're the s*** and you think you're the best at what you do, there is
somebody that's one inch behind you that gets better than you. If you do this morning, noon
and at night, it's going to happen. The only way it doesn't happen is you're not focusing on it
and you're not giving it energy. So even if you're better than me, it doesn't matter. If I'm putting
energy out in the world, the world is going to.

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