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GGUP: 259 Dissertation


“Agriculture Development In Hanga”

Submitted to




Department of Geography



CERTIFIDE that the work incorporated in the “Agriculture Development In

Hanga” submitted by Alhat Kajal Ramesh. Was carried out by the candidate under my
supervision and guidance. Such material has been obtained from sources has been duly
acknowledged in the project.

Place: - Parner Prof. Ashok Vitthal Thokal

Date: - Department of Geography

New Arts, Commerce and Science
College , Parner Dist-Ahmednagar.

This is to certify that Mr./Miss Alhat Kajal Ramesh of

M. A./ M. Sc. II Geography student has completed this project work for the fulfillment of the
course name GGUP- 259 Dissertations satisfactorily during the academic

year 2023-2024 as per the requirements.

Seat Number………………

Name & Signature of the student Signature of guideance

(Prof. A. V. Thokal)
“Agriculture Development In Hanga ‘’

1. Introduction

1.1. Introduction to the problem.

1.2. Aims and objectives of the study.

1.3. Data base &Methodology

2. Geographical setup

2.1 physical setup

Geographical location

A. Topography

B. Climate

C. Drainage

D. Soil

2.2 Agriculture

2.3 socio economic profile

3. Agricultural Development
4. Finding, Suggestion and Conclusion
5. References

We would like to express profound sense of gratitude to Prof. A.V. Thokal, Department of
Geography and New Arts, Commerce Science College Parner. We got opportunity to work under
their guidance, valuable suggestions& encouragement through this work.

We are thanks to the Principal Dr.Matkar L.S, & Dr.R.E.Najan, Head of the Department
Geography, New Arts, Comm. & Sci. College Parner.

We are also thankful to our teachers from of Department Geography

Prof.D.S Ghungarde, Prof .J.D Mhaske, Prof. K.K .Sasane, & Prof.S.S. AHER and to our friends
helped us during the project work.

1.1. Introduction to the problem.

Hanga is a small village of Parner Taluka Of Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra

state. The majority of the population has farming as their primary occupation.

Farmers of Hanga Village have not getting sufficient returns from their farms naturally without any
assistance to them. So there is need to study agricultural development of the study area.

A drought condition occurs frequently in the study area. There is need to study
geographical set up of the study area and selected parameters for measuring agricultural

1.2 Aims and objectives of the study.

1. To study Geographical setup of Hanga Village.

2. To find out the agriculture development of Hanga Village.

3. The main objective of Development of agriculture is to give pace to the growth rate of
agriculture development and crop production and productivity which will strengthen the
economic status of the farmers and uplift their life-style. (ii) The ultimate aim of agricultural
development is to increase food security.

1.3. Data base & Methodology

The present project work is primarily based secondary data. Secondary data have been collected
from various agencies like agricultural data have collected from Grampanchayat office in Hanga.
The Toposheet of Survey of India, 1:50000 also used for the interpretation

Further all sorts of published and unpublished data were processed and then suitable maps and
diagrams, represented data, choropleth maps, graphs have been constructed and interpreted.
Suitable diagrams are prepared and interpreted the text to show the changing cropping pattern.

2.1 Physical setup

A.Geographical location

Hanga village is located in Tal Parner of Ahmadnagar district in Maharashtra, India. It is situated
5km away from sub-district headquarter Parner and 25km away from district headquarter
Ahmadnagar. As per 2009 stats, Hanga village is also a gram panchayat.

Coordinates 18°59′33″N 74°28′54″ECoordinates: 18°59′33″N 74°28′54″E

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Hanga village is

The total geographical area of village is 2779.54 hectares. Hanga has a total population of 4,320
peoples. There are about 947 houses in Hanga village. As per 2019 stats, Hanga villages comes
under Parner assembly & Ahmednagar parliamentary constituency.


Climatically, Parner falls in the rainshadow zone of the Sahyadris, the situation wihch hinders
agricultural development in particular leading to overall under development. The climate of the
Hanga characterized by a hot summer and general dryness during major part of the year expect during
south west monsoon season. The cold season in the Hanga commences from December and ends in
the month of February. The period from March to the first week of June is the hot season. It is
followed by the south –west monsoon season which lasts till the end of September. October and
November constitute the post-monsoon season.

Rainfall throughout the Hanga is very scanty, the annual average at Parner being as 574mm. It is
always very erratic and uncertain loading to frequent crop failures and consequent droughts. Over
three quarters of the annual rainfall is received within monsoon period with a long dry spell till the
next monsoon, resulting in to scarcity of even drinking water.

The temperature is low in winter which is experienced from middle of November to the end of
February. December is the coldest month of the year. The cold waves associated with westerly
disturbance are frequently experienced causing drops of minimum temperature. From March to the
break of monsoon the day temperatures increased progressively, the night remaining comparatively
cool. With the onset of monsoon in the Hanga there is appreciable drop in temperature and weather
becomes pleasant.


The Hanga River originates near the peak of Dashabai near the Kanur Plateau at an altitude of
960m above sea level west of the city of parner. The river has Hanga Laghutalav and Visapur
reservoir under bhima Ujani project. There is a british carpet stone bridge at Hanga on this river
there is benchmark height of 720m on this bridge.On this river there is a magnificent Hanga Water
bridge of kukadi canal at Pimpalgaon pisa in Shrigonda taluka. This river flows eastwards near
Parner Hanga and joins Ghodnadi near Hangewadi Ghodnadi further joins Bhima.

The HangaNadi originating along slopes all around Parner township, drains eastern and south
eastern part of the Parner tahsil to the Ghod, the confluence being out of the tahsil to the south east.
Hanga Dam is an earth-fill dam on Hanga River in Hanga village in Parner taluka of Ahmednagar
district of state of Maharashtra in India.

The height of the dam above lowest foundation is 15.84 m (52.0 ft) while the length is 390 m (1,280
ft). The gross storage capacity is 1,850 km3 (440 cu mi).[1]

Official name Hanga Dam

Location Hanga, Parner


Opening date 1978

Owner(s) Government of Maharashtra, India

Dam and spillways

Type of dam Earth-fill (Earthen)

Impounds Hanga River

Height 15.84 m (52.0 ft)

Length 390 m (1,280 ft)


Creates Hanga lake

Total capacity 1,340 km3 (320 cu mi)

Surface area 500 km2 (190 sq mi)

D. Soil

Soils over the plateau in many parts of Hanga are not very deep but suited for a number of rabbi
crops. Fairly productive black soils are seen only in a narrow strip along the kukadi and the Ghod.
Over the entire plateau of the tahsil very small sections are under poor grate forests, some of them
very recently planted, and proportion of area under barren and uncultivable wastes is fairly larger.
2.2 Agriculture

Land holding

Sr. Size of Sub- total (individual Institutional Total holdings

no holding(ha) +Joint)holder holder
Number Area Number Area Number Area
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 Below-0.5 16997 4639 12 2 17009 4641
2 0.5 to 1 17152 11540 6 4 17158 11544
3 1to 2 24280 35040 3 4 24283 35043
4 2to 3 12269 29871 4 9 12273 29879
5 3to 4 5428 18408 2 6 5430 18414
6 4to 5 3202 13624 0 0 3202 13624
7 5to 7.5 2899 16868 2 13 2901 16881
8 7.5to 10 999 8225 1 10 1000 8235
9 10to 20 682 8922 7 94 689 9016
10 20 & above 77 2266 7 501 84 2767
11 All classes 83985 149402 44 643 84029 150045

Above table shows that more holders are 0.5 to 1 and 1 to 2 in the category of small and marginal.
very less holders are 20 and above hectors. That means small and marginal landholders are more
in the Hanga which occupied 46580 hector areas. So small and marginal farmers need assistance
to their agriculture through government schemes.

Land Use Pattern of Study Area:- Land Cover Area in sq km Area in%

1 Agriculture 1477.63 76.55
2 Forest 187.92 9.74
3 Other 264.73 13.71
Total 1930.28 100

Socio-Economic Review and Statistical Abstract of Ahmednagar District

Total geographical area of study area is 1930.28 sq km .out of them only 9.74 percent land
under covered by vegetation.13.71 percent land is under other land cover. More than 75 percent area
is under agricultural activity.
Occupational Structure:-

Farming in moderate sized land holdings by dry farming methods forms the basis of the rural
economy over the plateau. Irrigation is by and large absent in this region due to shortage of water
supply. Well irrigation to a limited extent is developed all over the plateau. Only a narrow strip along
the Kukadi and the Ghod has recently been brought under non perennial canal irrigation. Jowar and
Bajara are the two main crops of the Hanga, the jowar being grown exclusively as a rabbi crop.
Pulses mainly Tur, green pea and gram during the kharip and rabbi seasons, respectively are grown
often as mixed crops.

The proportion of fallow lands over the entire plateau is a reflection of the erratic and
unreliable nature of the monsoon rainfall which is precariously marginal. In fact, the whole of this
region a chronic scarcity zone and farming needs to be supplemented by artificial means of water
supply. Construction of the canal emanating from Kukadi project in Pune district has been
responsible for little change in the situation only in a limited area in the south western part the tahsil
through cultivation of sugarcane and vegetables.

The establishment of MIDC area at Supa along Ahmednagar-Pune highway

Map-No. I- Location of Study Area

3. Agricultural Development

1. General Land use:-

Year Total Geographical forest Fallow Non Agricultural land Arable

Area Land land
2004-05 186792 18792 925 28814 11067
2011-12 186792 18792 7826 2220 15876

negative changes in non arable land. It clearly indicates that land under agriculture is
increased in 2011-12. Because rainfall is more to comparatively in 2004-05.

2. Area under various crops.( Area in Hectares)

Year Rice Wheat Jowar Bajara Maize Gram Tur Mug Sugarcane Onion Groundnut
2004- 0 9889 71423 14410 629 1354 2023 1200 1596 4696 1635
2011- 15 3800 73240 50060 591 1140 2010 0 1296 4649 1708

bajara but decresing area under the wheat, sugarcane and gram. In kharip season bajara is the
main crops which needs small amount of rainfall, in rabbi season jowar also main crops
which also needs low amount of water, but sugarcane , wheat and gram needs surface
irrigation which is not sufficient available in 2011-12.

3. Production in metric tons

year Rice Wheat Jowar Bajara Maize Gram Tur Mug Groundnut sugarcane
2004-05 0 2441 20365 32598 4980 791 166 189 251 152271
2011-12 4 12861 60778 17751 8738 4688 516 4265 251 579256
Interpretation: Production of cereal crops and pulses, oil seeds increased. This is the main
output of the agriculture. Agricultural development mainly depends upon production of

4. Rainfall in mm.
Year No. of Rainfall No. of Rainfall Annural
Rainfall Rainfall Rainfall in
days days comparison
2004-05 24 409 20 249 39.12%
2011-12 27 464 25 604 127

increased in 2011-12 the rainfall is for agriculture development rainfall is highly because


Interpretation: Graphically this data has shows than rainfall in mm rainfall average is also
return monsoon affected by commercial crops
Interpretation: Generally usefullwells,dieselpump,electric pump, and not useful wells this
modes are effected in directly agriculture development from parnertahasil. Useful wells have
increasing in 2011-12. Irrigation well is highly increased for commercial crops production.
6. Irrigated Area under various crops (In Hector)

Year Wheat Jowar Bajara Maize Gram Tur Mug Sugarcane Onion Total Ground
Vegetable Nut
200405 4844 8591 14410 629 1354 00 0 1596 4649 4871 1635

201112 5210 15230 17310 870 2970 210 540 1830 14610 9735 1850

Interpretation: Graphically representation clearly shows the increasing areas irrigated under
various crops jowar, bajara, onion ,total vegetable etc. is increasing in the year 2011-12. Rainfall
has low in 2004-05 so, maize, tur , mug sugarcane crops production was decreasing.
7. Borewell and Electric Pump

Year No. of No. of No. of No. of Installe Running No. of

Borewell High Successful Installed d Hand Running
Efficiency Borewell Borewell Electric Pump Electric
Borewell Pump Pump
2004-05 0 10 8 0 20 872 44
2010-11 0 0 0 7 0 883 50
Interpretation: This data has shows that running hand pump is increased

9. Minor Irrigation Work

Irrigation ZillaParishad State Cooperative Total
Prospected 9417 6359 0 15776
Irrigated Area 9525 7850 0 17375

Prospected Area
4000 Irrigated Area

Interpretation: Above graphs shows minor irrigation status of the study area. Irrigated area
of zilha parishad and state are increased during the study years. Irrigated area is more than
prospectus area.
7. Agricultural Implements

Year Wooden Iron Bullock Sugarcane Tractor Threshing

Cart Machine Machin
2011-12 3445 9079 6917 5 2926 2400
2004-05 5922 5787 4354 2 1524 1320

3000 2011-12
2000 2004-05

Interpretation: Table and graphical presentation clearly indicate that traditional inputs of
agriculture like wooden implements, bullock cart decreased, changing in tendency of the farmer
towards modernization of the agriculture, Which is the result in using tractors and allied
Finding, Suggestion and Conclusion

Above interpretation of data finds that

1. Land use increased in arable land

2. Area under various crops increased
3. Production also increased
4. Rainfall also increased
5. Area under irrigation also increased
6. Modes of irrigation increased
7. Inputs of agriculture transform from traditional to modern methods.

Chosen parameters of agricultural development positively changes from 2004-05 to
2011-12. Growth in all parameters clearly shows that agricultural development has
took place in study Area.

1. Methods of agriculture and cropping pattern may be applicable to according

to geographical condition.
2. Government assistance may provide when crop failure condition occurred.


 Socio economic abstract, Ahmednagar district.

Thank You

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