Rubrics For Children in Day To Day Practice

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Rubrics for Children in day to day practice

Rubrics for Children in day to day practice

Complied by Dr Mansoor Ali

Govt Homoeopathic Medical College Calicut

Based on RADAR 10.5

School Children

Children – PUBERTY, ailments from – girls, in – school

Children – TIMID, in school, children
Constitutions – GIRLS, constitutions – headache, of schoolgirls – headache with diarrhea, school girls
Eyes – EYESTRAIN, overexertion, agg. – headache, from – school children, in
Eyes – SORE, pain, bruised, tender – headache, during – school children, in
Generals – PUBERTY, agg. – girls, in – school
Mind – PRECOCITY, children – school, does not perform to capacity
Mind – TIMID – children, with other – children, at school

Vision – EYESTRAIN, overexertion, agg. – headache, from – school children, in

MIND – BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS – children; in – home, but good at school, with strangers, etc.; at
MIND – DULLNESS – children, in – school children

HEAD – PAIN – school children

STOMACH – PAIN – children; in – school children; in
ABDOMEN – PAIN – children; in – school children; in
RECTUM – DIARRHEA – children; in – school girls
RECTUM – DIARRHEA – school girls; in

DREAMS – ATTACKED, of being – high school bullies; by – child; being a

PETRUCCI R., Children – School
EYES – PAIN – headache – during – school children, in
EYES – PAIN – sore, bruised – headache, during – school children, in

Murphy’s Repertory – Children

Abdomen – ALIVE, sensation, of something, in – fist, of a child, like

Abdomen – ANXIETY, abdomen, in – colic, with, in children
Abdomen – ANXIETY, abdomen, in – epigastrium – children, in
Abdomen – BURNING, pain – palpitations, after, on first movement of child
Abdomen – CRAMPING, pain – children, in
Abdomen – CRAMPING, pain – flatus, passing, amel. from – children, in

Abdomen – CUTTING, pain – anorexia, with, costiveness and red urine, in children
Abdomen – ENLARGED, abdomen – children
Abdomen – HARDNESS, abdomen – children
Abdomen – HERNIA, inguinal – children, in
Abdomen – HERNIA, inguinal – umbilicus – children, in
Abdomen – MOVEMENTS, abdomen, in – child, were bounding, as if
Abdomen – PAIN, abdomen – aphthae, in children, pains with
Abdomen – PAIN, abdomen – children
Abdomen – PENDULOUS, abdomen – children, in
Abdomen – TENSION, sensation – children
Ankles – WALKING, impossible, ankle complaints, from – children, in
Ankles – WEAK, ankles – children, in
Back – WEAK, back, spine, tired feeling in – lumbar, – walking – child does not learn to walk
Bladder – BEDWETTING, enuresis – children, in
Bladder – BEDWETTING, enuresis – children, in – difficult to waken the child
Bladder – BEDWETTING, enuresis – children, in – weakly, children, in
Bladder – IRRITABILITY, bladder – children, in
Bladder – PAIN, bladder – children, in
Bladder – PAIN, bladder – urination, during – children, in
Bladder – PAIN, bladder – urine, retention, of, painful – children
Bladder – RETENTION, of urine – children, in
Bladder – RETENTION, of urine – children, in – every time child catches cold
Bladder – RETENTION, of urine – children, in – child, cries all night from retention

Bladder – URGING, to urinate – agg., when not attended to – children, in

Bladder – URGING, to urinate – children, in
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – ineffectual – children
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – painful – child cries
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – sudden, – night – child wakes but cannot get out of bed soon enough

Bladder – URGING, to urinate – dribbling, urination, by drops, of urine – children, the whole day
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – frequent, urination – child cries and screams before urine passes, for a long
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – involuntary, urination – children, in
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – involuntary, urination – children, in – difficult to waken the child
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – involuntary, urination – difficult to waken the child
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – involuntary, urination – night – children, in
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – involuntary, urination – night – difficult to waken the child

Bladder – URGING, to urinate – involuntary, urination – night – weakly children, in

Bladder – URGING, to urinate – involuntary, urination – weakly children, in

Bladder – URGING, to urinate – painful, dysuria, urination – child cries before urine starts
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – painful, dysuria, urination – children, in
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – painful, dysuria, urination – children, in – child cries before urine starts

Bladder – URGING, to urinate – painful, dysuria, urination – headache, with, children

Bones – BROKEN, bones – children, in

Bones – DECAY, of bones – predisposing, to, in children

Bones – INJURIES, bones, bruised, blows – children, in
Bones – INJURIES, bones, bruised, blows – slow, healing of broken bones – children, in

Bones – PERIOSTITIS, inflammation, periosteum – spots, red, on skin, children are unable to walk
Bones – SENSITIVE, bones – ankles particularly affected, children are unable to walk
Brain – BRAIN, general – children, of
Brain – MENINGITIS, infection – children, of
Brain – SENSITIVITY, brain or scalp – brushing, hair, from – child cannot have hair brushed or combed

Breasts – BLEEDING, nipples, from – child, draws so much blood, when it vomits it seems to vomit blood
Breasts – BREAST-feeding, nursing, lactation – breast, pain, while nurses child
Breasts – BREAST-feeding, nursing, lactation – breast, pain, while nurses child – nurses, while child, wandering
Breasts – BREAST-feeding, nursing, lactation – breast, pain, while nurses child – opposite breast, in, when child
Breasts – BREAST-feeding, nursing, lactation – blood, pure, flows every time child nurses
Breasts – BREAST-feeding, nursing, lactation – painful, nipples, sore and cracked, during – complains every
time she puts child to breast
Breasts – BREAST-feeding, nursing, lactation – painful, nipples, sore and cracked, during – crys every time child
is put to breast
Breasts – BREAST-feeding, nursing, lactation – weaning – child, for the
Breasts – BREAST-milk, general – child, refuses mother’s milk

Breasts – BREAST-milk, general – profuse, too, confinement, second day after – watery, child refuses it
Breasts – BREAST-milk, general – spoiled, child refused it

Breasts – BREAST-milk, general – tastes, bad – disagreeable, nauseating, child will not nurse and cries much
Breasts – BREAST-milk, general – thin, and blue – after child has sucked awhile milk becomes natural in color
Breasts – BREAST-milk, general – thin, and watery – constant discharge of, for nine months after child has
been weaned
Breasts – CONSTRICTION, tension, tightness, breasts, sensation of – left, when child nurses from right
Breasts – CRACKS, fissures, breasts – nipples – pain, intense, on putting child to breast

Breasts – CRACKS, fissures, breasts – nipples – nursing, during – complains every time she puts child to breast
Breasts – CRACKS, fissures, breasts – nipples – nursing, during – crys every time child is put to breast

Breasts – CRAMPING, pain – nurses, when child

Breasts – DRAWING, pain – left, under – child nurses right breast, when
Breasts – DRAWING, pain – nipples – as with a string when child nurses

Breasts – DRAWING, pain – nipples – string, as if a, when child nurses

Breasts – EMPTINESS, sensation of, after child nurses

Breasts – INDURATION, breasts – children, in

Breasts – NURSING – children, ailments in
Breasts – PAIN, breasts – lactiferous, tubes, in, when child nurses

Breasts – PAIN, breasts – left – child, nurses right side, while

Breasts – PAIN, breasts – left – right side, while child nurses on
Breasts – PAIN, breasts – nipples – child, on each application of

Breasts – PAIN, breasts – nipples – nursing, while – opposite breast, in, when child nurses
Breasts – PAIN, breasts – nurses, while child, agg.

Breasts – SENSITIVE, breasts – nipples, – touch, to – pain on slightest, by child

Breasts – SHARP, pain, stitching – left – child nurses right, while
Breasts – SWELLING, breasts – children, in

Breasts – WANDERING, pains – nurses, while child

Breathing – DIFFICULT, breathing – anger, after – children, in

Breathing – DIFFICULT, breathing – children

Breathing – SNORING, breathing – children, in
Breathing – STOPPED, breathing – anger, from, children in

Breathing – STOPPED, breathing – falling (child)

Breathing – STOPPED, breathing – suddenly, in children

Cancer – LEUKEMIA, blood – acute – children, in

Children – CHILDREN, general
Children – ABUSIVE, children, who insult parents

Children – ACETONEMIA, in child

Children – ANGRY, children

Children – ANXIOUS, children

Children – ASTHMA, children
Children – AUTISTIC, children
Children – BASHFUL, children
Children – BEDWETTING – children, in

Children – BEDWETTING – difficult, to waken the child

Children – BEDWETTING – weakly, children, in

Children – BREAST-feeding, general – vomits, milk after nursing – forcibly soon after taking, child weak,
Children – BREAST-feeding, general – weaning, child, ailments from

Children – CAPRICIOUS, children

Children – CHOREA, children who have grown too fast

Children – CLINGING, child, awakens terrified, knows no one, screams, clings to those near
Children – COMPLAINING, children
Children – CONSCIENTIOUS, child, about trifles

Children – CONSTIPATION, children

Children – CONVULSIONS, children
Children – CONVULSIONS, children – holding, child, when, amel.

Children – COWARDICE, children

Children – CRAWLS, child crawls into corners, howls, cries

Children – CROSS, disposition, children

Children – CRUELTY, children cannot bear to see cruelty at the movies
Children – CRYING, children
Children – CURSING, swearing, children
Children – DEPRESSED, children

Children – DIARRHEA, children

Children – DIRTY, children
Children – DISCONTENTED, children
Children – DISCOURAGED, feelings, children
Children – DISOBEDIENT, children
Children – DULLNESS, mental, children
Children – DWARFISH, children
Children – DWARFISH, children – though, seventeen, was so reduced and dwarfish, looked like a child
Children – ECZEMA, children
Children – EMACIATION, children
Children – EXCITABLE, children
Children – FAIR, and plump, children
Children – FEARFUL, children
Children – FINGERS, in the mouth, children put
Children – FLABBY, children
Children – FRIGHT, ailments from, in highly exitable children, nervous

Children – GLOOMY, disposition, children

Children – HAIR, cutting, ailments after – child, refused

Children – HERPES, children

Children – HICCOUGHS, children
Children – HIDE, desire to – child, thinks all visitors laugh at it and hides behind furniture

Children – HIDE, desire to – children, desire to

Children – HIGH-spirited, children

Children – HYDROCEPHALUS, children

Children – HYPERACTIVE, children
Children – IMPRESSIONABLE, children

Children – INCOORDINATION, children

Children – INDEPENDENT, children
Children – INFANTS, general – nursing, general, – vomited, milk, forcibly soon after taking, child weak, drowsy

Children – INFANTS, general – sour, child smells

Children – INFANTS, general – INSOLENT, children

Children – INSOMNIA, children

Children – INSOMNIA, children – caressed, child must be caressed
Children – INSOMNIA, children – carried, child must be
Children – INSOMNIA, children – nervous, children, during cough
Children – INSOMNIA, children – rocked, child must be
Children – INSOMNIA, children – wants, to play and laughs, child
Children – INTELLECTUAL, children
Children – IRRITABLE, children
Children – JEALOUSY, ailments from – between, children
Children – KICKING, child
Children – KICKING, child – child, is cross, kicks and scolds on waking
Children – LIVELY, children
Children – MARASMUS, children

Children – MARASMUS, children – bottle, fed, children who are

Children – MARASMUS, children – irritability, child will be approached by no one
Children – MARASMUS, children – nervous, restless, weakly children
Children – MASTURBATION, children, in
Children – MOANING, children
Children – MOANING, children – piteous, of child, because he cannot have what he wanted
Children – NIGHTMARES, children

Children – NOSEBLEEDS, children

Children – NURSING, breastfed children, ailments in
Children – OBESITY, children
Children – OBSTINATE, children
Children – OLD, looking, children

Children – PEEVISH, children

Children – PLAYFUL, children

Children – PROCRASTINATES, children

Children – QUIETED, child cannot be
Children – RELIGIOUS, affections, children

Children – RESPONSIBILITY, in children

Children – RESTLESS, children
Children – RUDE, children

Children – SCREAMING, children

Children – SCROFULOUS, children

Children – SENSITIVE, children

Children – SHAMELESS, behavior, in children
Children – SLOWNESS, mental, children

Children – SNAPPISH, children

Children – SNORING, children, in

Children – STRANGERS, presence of, agg. – child, coughs at sight of

Children – THRUSH, children
Children – THIN, sickly, children

Children – TIMID, in school, children

Children – URINATION, painful, child cries

Children – URINATION, painful, child cries – children, grasp the genitals and cry out
Children – URINATION, painful, child cries – sudden, at night, child wakes but cannot get out of bed soon

Children – URINE, retention, in – child, cries all night from retention

Children – URINE, retention, in – every, time child catches cold

Children – WEAK, children

Children – WORMS, children, in
Chills – THERMOMETER, degrees, temperature – increased – convulsions of children, in

Clinical – acetonemia, blood – child, in

Clinical – acetonuria, urine – child, in
Clinical – acidosis, ailments from excess of acids in blood – children, suffering from excess of lactic acid, from
overfeeding of milk or sugar
Clinical – acne, general – tubercular children, in

Clinical – adenitis, glands, infection – children, in

Clinical – adenitis, glands, infection – chronic, adenitis – lymphatic – children, in
Clinical – adipose, tissue, increased – children, especially in

Clinical – aphthous, ulcers – children, in

Clinical – austistic, children

Clinical – Blood, general – plethora, blood – children, fat

Clinical – boils, general – children, disposition to
Clinical – bronchitis, infection – children

Clinical – chorea, general – children, who have grown too fast

Clinical – convulsions, general – children, in
Clinical – convulsions, general – dentition, during

Clinical – croup, general – sopor, stertorous breathing and wheezing, the child starts up, kicks about
Clinical – DIABETES, mellitus – children, in

Clinical – down’s, syndrome

Clinical – dysentery, infection – emaciated, undersized children
Clinical – dwarfish, children

Clinical – dwarfish, children – though, seventeen, was so reduced and dwarfish, looked like a child
Clinical – edema, general – asthma, with spasmodic, of children

Clinical – emaciation, general – children

Clinical – emaciation, general – scrofulous – children
Clinical – erysipelas, general – children, in

Clinical – hernia, general – inguinal – children, in

Clinical – intertrigo, skin – children, in

Clinical – jaundice, general, icterus – newborn, children

Clinical – KALA AZAR, disease – children, of
Clinical – kidney, failure, inactive – children, especially in

Clinical – LEUKEMIA, blood – acute – children, in

Clinical – lifting, straining of muscles and tendons, from – children

Clinical – Malaria, infection, ague – children, in

Clinical – Malaria, infection, ague – convulsions, in children, with
Clinical – Malaria, infection, ague – quotidian, fever – scrofulous children, in, chronic

Clinical – marasmus, general – bottle, fed, children who are

Clinical – marasmus, general – irritability, child will be approached by no one
Clinical – marasmus, general – nervous, restless, weakly children

Clinical – meningitis, infection – children, of

Clinical – OBESITY, general – children, in

Clinical – periostitis, inflammation, periosteum – spots, red, on skin, children are unable to walk
Clinical – pneumonia, infection, inflammation, lungs – children, in
Clinical – STROPHULUS, volaticus in children

Clinical – thrush, mouth – children, in

Clinical – tuberculosis, infection – children, in, without fever

Clinical – tumors, general – head, tumors – nevus on right temple, flat, in children
Clinical – ulcers, general – bed-sores – children, in
Clinical – veins, varicose – women, obstinate, especially in, who have borne many children

Constitutions – ANEMIC, constitutions – debilitated, rheumatic, scrofulous children, afflicted with ascarides
and lumbrici
Constitutions – BOYS, constitutions

Constitutions – CHOLERIC, constitutions – children, especially

Constitutions – DEVELOPEMENT, arrested

Constitutions – DWARFISH, constitutions – though, seventeen, looked like an child, was so reduced and
Constitutions – EMACIATED, constitutions – deep-seated, child weak and exhausted, with no other symptoms

Constitutions – FIBRE, lax, constitutions – light-haired, children

Constitutions – GIRLS, constitutions

Constitutions – INFANTS, constitutions

Constitutions – INFANTS, constitutions – nursing, general, – vomited, milk, forcibly soon after taking, child
weak, drowsy

Constitutions – INFANTS, constitutions – sour, child smells

Constitutions – LARGE, people, fat, bloated – chubby, short necked children, disposed to croup

Constitutions – WEAK, constitutions – children, in

Constitutions – WOMEN, constitutions – ovaritis, right sided, who have born children, coming on suddenly
from walking

Coughing – CROUPY, cough – sopor, stertorous breathing and wheezing, the child starts up, kicks about
Coughing – DRY, cough – chronic in pining boys – scrofulous children, in

Coughing – DRY, cough – spasmodic, exhausting, especially in children

Coughing – FEARS, to cough and seems to avoid it as long as possible, in children with bronchial catarrh
Coughing – FRIGHTENS, them, weak, nervous children arouse with a dry

Coughing – PRESSING, pain in larynx, from – pressing, and straining, in child

Coughing – RAISED, child must be, gets blue in face, cannot exhale
Coughing – SNOWFALL, exposure to, in children, from

Coughing – SPRINGS, up, child, and clings to those around

Coughing – STRANGERS, child coughs at sight of

Coughing – SUFFOCATIVE, cough – child, becomes stiff and blue in face

Dreams – ANXIOUS, dreams – children, in
Dreams – BATHING, in boiling water, child is

Dreams – CHILD, had been beaten

Dreams – CHILDREN, dreams about

Dreams – FALLING, dreams of – water, into – child is falling

Dreams – MANY, dreams – children, in
Dreams – NIGHTMARES, dreams – children, in

Dreams – VEXATION, dreams – children, in

Dreams – WATER, dreams – child bathing in boiling
Dreams – WATER, dreams – falling into – her child

Ears – BORING, fingers in ears – children

Ears – CHILDREN, chronic complaints of

Ears – INFLAMMATION, ears – children

Ears – PAIN, ears – children, in
Eyes – BLUE, discoloration – sclera – children

Eyes – BORING, fist in eye, child

Eyes – EYESTRAIN, overexertion, agg. – headache, from – school children, in

Eyes – INFLAMMATION, eyes – children, infants, in

Eyes – INFLAMMATION, eyes – scrofulous – children, in, disposed to scaled head and inflammation of external

Eyes – LINE, eyes, in young, girls, hysterical children

Eyes – PARALYSIS, eyes – optic nerve, amaurosis – threatened – scrofulous children, in

Eyes – SORE, pain, bruised, tender – headache, during – school children, in

Eyes – STRABISMUS, eyes – children, in
Eyes – ULCERATION, eyes – cornea – children

Face – ACNE, face – tubercular children, in

Face – EXPRESSIONS, facial – anxious – cradle, when child is lifted from

Face – HAIR, facial – growth of, child’s face

Face – HEAT, general – movements, of first of child
Fainting – NURSING, child, when

Fainting – PREGNANCY, during – slightest, motion of child, from

Female – BEARING down pain, genitalia – nursing, of child, while
Female – BEARING, down pain, uterus and region of – nursing, of child, while

Female – BLEEDING, uterus, metrorrhagia – breast-feeding, the child, when

Female – BLEEDING, uterus, metrorrhagia – nursing, the child

Female – BLEEDING, uterus, metrorrhagia – sterile, women, in, and those who have borne no children
Female – LABOR-like, pain, genitalia – child, bouncing in body, as if
Female – MASTURBATION, disposition – children, in

Female – MENSES, general – nursing, period, during – nursing the child, while
Female – PAIN, uterus – after-pains, of childbirth – child nurses, when

Female – PAIN, uterus – nurses, while child

Female – SEX, female – increased, desire – nursing child, when
Female – SEX, female – masturbation, disposition to – children, in
Female – VAGINAL, discharge, leucorrhea – acrid, excoriating – children, in
Female – VAGINAL, discharge, leucorrhea – children, in
Female – VAGINAL, discharge, leucorrhea – yellow – children, in
Female – WEAK, uterus – women, who have had many children, in
Fevers – CHILDREN, fever in
Fevers – DURATION, of fever – constant, continued – child, in a
Fevers – ERUPTIONS, with fevers – children, in
Fevers – EXANTEMATIC, fevers – children, in

Fevers – HECTIC, fever – children, especially in

Fevers – HIGH, fever – children, in
Fevers – INFLAMMATORY, fever – children, in, with excitability
Fevers – INTERMITTENT, fever, ague, malaria – children, in
Fevers – INTERMITTENT, fever, ague, malaria – convulsions, in children, with

Fevers – INTERMITTENT, fever, ague, malaria – quotidian, fever – scrofulous children, in, chronic
Fevers – IRRITATIVE, fever – cerebral, congestion, with, causing convulsions, in children

Fevers – MORNING, fever – child, disposed to convulsions

Fevers – NOSE, coryza – secretion, thick plugs of nasal, especially in old people and children
Fevers – QUOTIDIAN, fever – scrofulous children, in, chronic

Fevers – RECURRENT, history of fevers, in children

Fevers – SLEEP, fever, during – children, and old people, in

Fevers – THERMOMETER, degrees, temperature – increased – convulsions of children, in

Fevers – TYPHOID, fever, salmonella – children, in
Fevers – WORM, fever – slow, chronic form in scrofulous children, with large bellies, and sweat about head
Fevers – YELLOW, fever – meningeal inflammation threatening, especially in children
Food – APPETITE, general – ravenous, appetite, canine – emaciation, with – children, in

Food – DESIRES, food, alternating with aversions – children, in

Food – DRINKS, general – aversion – children, in

Food – EATING, general – over-eating, agg. – children, in

Food – EGGS, general – aversion, to – children, in
Food – FARINACEOUS, food – amel., in children

Food – MARASMUS, general – bottle, fed, children who are

Food – MARASMUS, general – irritability, child will be approached by no one
Food – MARASMUS, general – nervous, restless, weakly children
Food – MEAT, general – desires – children, in
Food – MILK, general – agg. – children, in

Food – MILK, general – aversion, to – mother’s milk, child refuses

Food – STARCHY, food – amel., in children
Food – WHEAT, general – amel., in children
Generals – CRAMPING, pain – women, and children, in
Generals – HAIR, general, head and body – child’s, face, growth of

Generals – HAIR, general, head and body – cutting, of hair, agg. – child, refuses to have
Generals – HAIR, general, head and body – falling, out, of hair – children, in
Generals – LARGE, fat, people, bloated – chubby, short necked children, disposed to croup
Generals – OBESITY, general – children, in
Generals – PUBERTY, agg.

Generals – SEASICKNESS, sensation as if – summer, agg. – children, in

Generals – TOUCH, general – agg. – children, in
Generals – UNEASINESS, sensation – sleep, arousing child from, evening
Generals – WALKING, general – late, learning to walk, children
Glands – adenitis, infection, glands – children, in

Glands – adenitis, infection, glands – chronic, adenitis – lymphatic – children, in

Glands – swelling, glands – scrofulous – children, worse after slight cold
Glands – thyroid, gland, general – children, in
Glands – thyroid, gland, general – goitre, thyroid – large, irregular, knotty – large as a child’s head, non-
lobulated tumor, rosy-red, heavy in weight and soft

Head – FALLING, of head – sideways, of head – child leans, all time

Head – TUMORS, head – nevus, on right temple, flat, in children
Hearing – IMPAIRED, hearing – children, in
Heart – HEARTBEATS, general – throbbing – acute catarrh of children, in
Heart – PALPITATIONS, general – anxiety – children, in
Heart – PALPITATIONS, general – children, growing too fast

Heart – PALPITATIONS, general – motion, agg. – child, from the first movements of the
Heart – PALPITATIONS, general – pregnancy, during – movements of child, from first
Hips – hip-joint, disease – right – after mercury, or in syphilitic children
Intestines – CRAMPING, pain – children, in
Intestines – CRAMPING, pain – flatus, passing, from – children, in

Intestines – DISTENTION, from flatus – children, in

Intestines – DISTENTION, from flatus – large, pot-bellied, flabby – women, pendulous in, who have many
Intestines – DYSENTERY, infection – emaciated, undersized children
Intestines – FLATUS, flatuence, intestinal – children

Intestines – INFLAMMATION, intestines – children, in, from milk and farinaceous diet
Intestines – WORMS, parasites, general – children, in
Kidneys – COLIC, kidney, pain – children, in
Kidneys – INACTIVITY, kidneys – children, especially in
Larynx – CROUP – sopor, stertorous breathing and wheezing, the child starts up, kicks about

Legs – WEAK, legs – child, late learning to walk

Liver – ENLARGED, liver – children, in
Liver – ENLARGED, liver – children, in – nursing children
Liver – HEPATITIS, infection, liver – children, of
Liver – JAUNDICE, icterus – children, in

Liver – JAUNDICE, icterus – newborn, children, in

Liver – JAUNDICE, icterus – nursing, children, in
Liver – SWELLING, liver – children, in
Lungs – ASTHMA, general – children
Lungs – ASTHMA, general – humid, rattling – children, in

Lungs – BRONCHITIS, infection – children

Lungs – CROUP, lungs – sopor, stertorous breathing and wheezing, the child starts up, kicks about
Lungs – PARALYSIS, lungs – children, in
Lungs – PNEUMONIA, infection, inflammation, lungs – children, in
Male – ERECTIONS, penis, troublesome – child, in a

Male – ERECTIONS, penis, troublesome – convulsive – child, in a

Male – ERECTIONS, penis, troublesome – painful – children, in
Male – HANDLES, genitals – children
Male – HERNIA, testes – children, in weak
Male – RETRACTION, genitalia – testes – children, not descended
Male – SEX, male – excessive, desire – children, in
Male – SEX, male – increased, desire – children, in
Male – SEX, male – masturbation, disposition to – children, in
Mind – ABANDONS, forsakes – children, their own
Mind – ABSENT-minded – children, in
Mind – ABUSIVE, insulting – children, and family, to
Mind – ABUSIVE, insulting – children, insult parents
Mind – ABUSIVE, insulting – husband, insults wife, in front of children

Mind – ABUSIVE, insulting – husband, insults wife, in front of children – wife and children
Mind – ADMONITION, agg., ailments, from – children, in
Mind – AFFECTIONATE – children, kisses and caresses
Mind – AGONY, anguish – children, in
Mind – AM– USE, himself, child does not
Mind – ANGER, general – children, in

Mind – ANXIETY, general – children, in

Mind – ANXIETY, general – children, in – about his children
Mind – ANXIETY, general – motion, from – slightest, in child in cyanosis
Mind – ANXIETY, general – night – children, in
Mind – AUTISTIC, children

Mind – AVERSIONS, mental – children, to

Mind – AVERSIONS, mental – husband, to her – children, and
Mind – AWKWARD, mentally – children, in
Mind – BASHFUL, behavior – children, in
Mind – BITING, behavior, desires to – children, in

Mind – CAPRICIOUSNESS, behavior – children, in

Mind – CARESSING, general – husband, and child, then pushes away
Mind – CHANGEABLE, fickle – children
Mind – CHEERFUL, feelings – children, in
Mind – CHILDREN, general

Mind – CLINGING, behavior – awakens, terrified, knows no one, screams, child clings to those near
Mind – COMPLAINING – children, in
Mind – CONCENTRATION, general – difficult – children, in
Mind – CONFIDENCE, lacking, no self esteem – children, in
Mind – CONFUSION, mental – waking, on – children
Mind – CONSCIENTIOUS, about trifles – children, in
Mind – CONTRADICTIONS, general – intolerant, of – children, in
Mind – COWARDICE, general – children, in
Mind – CRAWLING – child, crawls into corners, howls, cries

Mind – CRUELTY, inhumanity – children, cannot bear to see, cruelty at the movies
Mind – CRYING, weeping – child, like a
Mind – CRYING, weeping – children, in
Mind – CRYING, weeping – eating, while – children, in
Mind – CRYING, weeping – sleep, during – child good during the day, screaming and restless all night

Mind – CRYING, weeping – trifles, at – worry, children at the least

Mind – CURSING, swearing – children, in
Mind – DANCING, behavior – children, in
Mind – DEATH, general – ailments, from the death of others – child, death of a
Mind – DELIRIUM, general – romping, with children
Mind – DELUSIONS, general, hallucinations, visions – child, childish fantasies, has

Mind – DELUSIONS, general, hallucinations, visions – children, thinks he must drive, out of the house
Mind – DELUSIONS, general, hallucinations, visions – dead, corpse – dead, brother and child
Mind – DELUSIONS, general, hallucinations, visions – dead, everything is – her, child was
Mind – DELUSIONS, general, hallucinations, visions – murder, thinks she is about to, her husband and child
Mind – DELUSIONS, general, hallucinations, visions – nursing, her child, that she was

Mind – DEPRESSION, sadness – aversion, to see her children from sadness

Mind – DEPRESSION, sadness – aversion, to see her children from sadness – devotedly attached children
become burdensome
Mind – DEPRESSION, sadness – children, in
Mind – DESIRES, mental – children, to beat

Mind – DESIRES, mental – children,, to have

Mind – DESIRES, mental – impatiently, many things, dislikes its favorite playthings, child
Mind – DESTRUCTIVE, behavior – children, in
Mind – DEVELOPEMENT, arrested
Mind – DIRTY, behavior – urinating, and defecating everywhere, children

Mind – DISCONTENTED, feelings, dissatisfied – children

Mind – DISCOURAGED, feelings – children, in
Mind – DISLIKES, general – their, own, children
Mind – DISOBEDIENCE – children, in
Mind – DOMINATION, by others, ailments from – children, in

Mind – DULLNESS, mental – children

Mind – ESCAPE, attempts to – family, and children, from her
Mind – ESCAPE, attempts to – waking, on – children
Mind – ESTRANGED, feels – children, flies from her own
Mind – EXCITEMENT, mental, emotional – children, in

Mind – EXCITEMENT, mental, emotional – nervous – children, of

Mind – FEARS, phobias,general – alone, of being – child wants mother to hold her hand
Mind – FEARS, phobias,general – approaching, fears others approaching him – children cannot bear to have
anyone come near them
Mind – FEARS, phobias,general – children, in

Mind – FEARS, phobias,general – falling, of – children

Mind – FEARS, phobias,general – killing, of others – child, her
Mind – FEARS, phobias,general – night – children, in
Mind – FEARS, phobias,general – people, of – children, in
Mind – FEARS, phobias,general – pregnancy, during – child would be deformed, that
Mind – FECES, general – urinating, and going to stool everywhere, children

Mind – FRIGHT, ailments from – children, in highly exitable, nervous

Mind – GESTURES, makes – grasping, or reaching at something – children put, everything in the mouth
Mind – GESTURES, makes – grasping, or reaching at something – genitals – children
Mind – GESTURES, makes – stamps, the feet – children during sleep
Mind – GLOOMY, morose – children, in

Mind – HATRED, feelings – children, of

Mind – HIDE, desire to – child, thinks all visitors laugh at it and hides behind furniture
Mind – HIDE, desire to – children, desire to
Mind – HOWLING, behavior – rage, from, in children
Mind – HYPERACTIVE, children

Mind – IMPATIENCE, behavior – children, with

Mind – IMPATIENCE, behavior – children, with – children, about his
Mind – IMPATIENCE, behavior – playing, of children
Mind – INATTENTIVE – children, weak memory
Mind – INDIFFERENCE, apathetic – children, to her

Mind – INDIFFERENCE, apathetic – relations, to – children

Mind – INSOLENT – children, in
Mind – IRRITABILITY, general – children, in
Mind – IRRITABILITY, general – children, towards
Mind – IRRITABILITY, general – evening – children in brain affections

Mind – IRRITABILITY, general – morning – children, in

Mind – IRRITABILITY, general – sleep, during – after – children, in
Mind – IRRITABILITY, general – sleeplessness, with – children, in
Mind – JEALOUSY, general – children, between
Mind – JUMPING, general – children, in

Mind – KICKING, behavior – children, in

Mind – KICKING, behavior – children, in – child, is cross, kicks and scolds on waking
Mind – KILL, impulse or desire to – child, his own
Mind – KILL, impulse or desire to – parents, in a child
Mind – KILL, impulse or desire to – threatens, to – wife and children

Mind – KILL, impulse or desire to – throw, child

Mind – KISSES, everyone – carresses, children, and
Mind – LAMENTING, wailing – stool, if children have urging before
Mind – LAUGHING, general – children, in
Mind – LAUGHING, general – silly – children at every occasion, in
Mind – LAZINESS, behavior – children

Mind – LOOKED at, being – cannot bear to be – children, in

Mind – LOVE, general – children, for
Mind – MEMORY, weakness, of – children, in
Mind – MEMORY, weakness, of – mental, work for – child cannot be taught
Mind – MOANING, groaning – children, in

Mind – MOANING, groaning – children, in – piteous, of child, because he cannot have what he wanted
Mind – MOANING, groaning – sleep, during – children
Mind – NEGLECTS, things – children, her
Mind – OBSTINATE, stubborn, headstrong – children
Mind – PLAYING, general – aversion, to, in children

Mind – PLAYING, general – desire, for – night, children, in

Mind – PRECOCITY, children
Mind – PULLED, child pulls on mothers arm
Mind – RAGE, fury, general – children, in
Mind – RAGE, fury, general – paroxysms, in – children, in

Mind – RAGE, fury, general – taken, up, child on being

Mind – READING, general – unable, to read – children, in
Mind – RECOGNIZE, does not – children, her own
Mind – RELIGIOUS, affections – children, in
Mind – RESTLESSNESS, mental – children, in
Mind – RESTLESSNESS, mental – eruption, with, in children
Mind – RUDENESS, general – children, of naughty
Mind – SCRATCHING, with hands – child, on waking
Mind – SCREAMING, shrieking, shouting – child, like a

Mind – SCREAMING, shrieking, shouting – children, in

Mind – SCREAMING, shrieking, shouting – pain, with the – ear, in – otitis, in children
Mind – SCREAMING, shrieking, shouting – stool, during – children, in, during
Mind – SENSITIVE, mental, oversenitive, emotional – children
Mind – SENSITIVE, mental, oversenitive, emotional – crying, of children

Mind – SERIOUS, disposition – children

Mind – SHAMELESS, behavior – children, in
Mind – SLOWNESS, mental – children, in
Mind – SPOILED, children
Mind – STRANGERS, presence of – child, coughs at sight of
Mind – STRIKING, hitting,behavior – children, in
Mind – SUICIDAL, disposition – children, in
Mind – TALKING, talks, general – anxious, about his condition, talks – wakes wife and child
Mind – TALKING, talks, general – sleep, in – children, in
Mind – TIMID – children, with other
Mind – TIMID – children, with other – children, at school
Mind – TOUCH, things, impelled to – children, in
Mind – TOUCHED, mental aversion, to being – head, of, in children
Mind – UNOBSERVING, mind – children, in
Mind – WALKING, general – bed, child is walking in
Mind – WHINING – children
Mind – WHINING – sleep, during – brain affections of children, in
Mind – WILDNESS – children, in

Mind – WRITING, general – inability, for – learning to write in children

Mind – YIELDING, passive – children
Mouth – ACHING, pain, mouth – gums – teething children
Mouth – APHTHOUS, ulcers – children, in
Mouth – FINGERS, in the mouth, children put

Mouth – GANGRENE, mouth – children, in

Mouth – MUCOUS, membrane, ailments – white, in children
Mouth – PUTS, children put everything in mouth
Mouth – SALIVA, general – suppressed – teething children, in
Mouth – SALIVATION, general – children, in

Mouth – THRUSH, mouth – children, in

Muscles – CRAMPS, muscle – women, and children, in
Muscles – LIFTING, straining, muscles, tendons, ailments from – children
Neck – SHORTNESS, region of neck – fat, neck, in children
Nose – BLEEDING, nosebleed, epistaxis – children, in

Nose – BLOW, the nose, compelled to, in the evening – inability, in children
Nose – CORYZA, general – children, in
Nose – DISCHARGE, nasal – purulent – children
Nose – DISCHARGE, nasal – redness – children, raw and dirty
Nose – ITCHING, nose, crawling and tickling – rubs – child starts out of sleep and

Nose – OBSTRUCTION, nose – children

Perspiration – ODOR, general – sour – children
Pregnancy – CHILDBIRTH, general – after-pains, childbirth – child nurses, pain when
Pregnancy – CHILDBIRTH, general – after-pains, childbirth – elderly women, scrawny, who have borne many

Pregnancy – CHILDBIRTH, general – after-pains, childbirth – nursing the child, when

Pregnancy – CHILDBIRTH, general – anus, childbirth, tenesmus, child’s head presses against symphysis pubis
Pregnancy – CHILDBIRTH, general – fetus, abnormal position, of – child lying transversely, during first stage in
thirty minutes, vertex presented
Pregnancy – CHILDBIRTH, general – fetus, abnormal position, of – labor pains, ineffectual, from defective
position of child
Pregnancy – CHILDBIRTH, general – pains, force the child
Pregnancy – CHILDBIRTH, general – uterus, during childbirth – inertia – child’s head is in the opening of pelvis
and the action of womb is insufficient for expulsion
Pregnancy – CONFINEMENT, puerperal – convulsions – knew every one but her child, during intervals
Pregnancy – FETUS, general – eighth month in, child moves so violently it awakens her
Pregnancy – FETUS, motions, of – says child turns over and does not lie right, it pains her
Pregnancy – HAUNTED by seeing a man who had a disfiguring nasal cancer, she was sure her child would be
Pregnancy – LABOR, pains – child, seems to ascend with every pain
Pregnancy – LABOR, pains – motion, child, of, agg.
Pregnancy – LABOR, pains – upward, run – dart, head of child goes back
Pregnancy – LOCHIA, discharge – bloody, too – child nurses, when

Pregnancy – MISCARRIAGE, spontaneous abortion – lead, poisoning, from – if born the child lives but a year or
Pregnancy – MISCARRIAGE, spontaneous abortion – tendency, to miscarriage – children, especially in women
who have had

Pregnancy – MISCARRIAGE, spontaneous abortion – tendency, to miscarriage – women who have had children,
Pregnancy – MISCARRIAGE, spontaneous abortion – women, general, – feeble, who have born many children
Pregnancy – POSTPARTUM, general – after-pains – day, on second, after delivery of fourth child, unbearable
when child nurses

Pregnancy – POSTPARTUM, general – after-pains – distressing, particularly in women who have borne many
Pulse – SMALL, pulse – influenza, in, diarrhea of children and pneumonia
Pulse – UNEQUAL, pulse – catarrh of a child, in
Pulse – WEAK, pulse – children, in
Rectum – CONSTIPATION, general – alternating, with diarrhea – children, in
Rectum – CONSTIPATION, general – children, in
Rectum – CONSTIPATION, general – infants, in
Rectum – CONSTIPATION, general – newborn
Rectum – CONSTIPATION, general – painful – compels child to desist from effort

Rectum – DIARRHEA, general – alternating, with – constipation – children, in

Rectum – DIARRHEA, general – children, in
Rectum – FISSURE, rectal – children, tall
Rectum – HEMORRHOIDS, general – children, in
Rectum – PROLAPSED, rectum – children

Skin – BOILS, skin – children, disposition to

Skin – ECZEMA, skin – children, in
Skin – ECZEMA, skin – dry – children, in
Skin – ECZEMA, skin – moist – children
Skin – ERUPTIONS, skin – sudamina – children

Skin – EXCORIATION, skin – children, in

Skin – INTERTRIGO, skin – children, in
Skin – PALE, discoloration, skin – children, in
Skin – RASH, skin – children, in
Skin – SORES, become ulcers – child, in a

Skin – STROPHULUS, volaticus in children

Skin – URTICARIA, hives – children, in
Skin – YELLOW, discoloration, skin – newborn, children
Sleep – COMATOSE, sleep – children, in
Sleep – DEEP, sleep – children, in
Sleep – DISTURBED, sleep – walking in bed, child is

Sleep – FALLING, asleep – difficult – children, in

Sleep – FALLING, asleep – fever, during – children and elderly people, in
Sleep – FEVER, intermittent, sleeps during – children, and elderly people, in
Sleep – HEAVY, sleep – children, in
Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – breathing, with difficult – children, in

Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – child, must be carried

Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – children, in
Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – children, in – caressed, child must be caressed
Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – children, in – carried, child must be
Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – children, in – nervous children, during cough

Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – children, in – rocked, child must be

Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – children, in – wants to play and laugh, child
Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – cough, from – children, in
Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – day, and night, children
Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – nursing, from – child, after

Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – playing, and laughing, child is

Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – rocked, child must be
Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – screaming, with – children, in
Sleep – INSOMNIA, sleeplessness – weaning, child, of
Sleep – INTERRUPTED, sleep – children, in

Sleep – POSITION, of body – knees, general – elbows, and knees – children, in, during sleep
Sleep – PROLONGED, sleep – children, in
Sleep – RESTLESS, sleep – children, in
Sleep – SLEEPINESS, general – children, in
Sleep – SLEEPINESS, general – diarrhea, during – children, in

Sleep – SLEEPINESS, general – fever, during – children and old people, in

Sleep – SLEEPINESS, general – head, to one side, child hangs
Sleep – SLEEPINESS, general – nervousness and, in children, with cough
Sleep – SLEEP-talking, during sleep – children, in
Sleep – SLEEP-walking, somnambulism – children, in

Sleep – SNORING, respiration – children, in

Sleep – WALKING, in bed, child is
Sleep – YAWNING, general – children, in
Sleep – YAWNING, general – coughing, when – children especially
Sleep – YAWNING, general – fruitless, efforts to yawn – children, in

Speech/Voice – CRYING, speech, hoarse like a child

Speech/Voice – HOARSENESS, voice – children, in
Speech/Voice – MURMURING, speech – sleep, in – brain complaints of children, in
Speech/Voice – STAMMERING, stuttering, speech – children, in
Spleen – ENLARGED, spleen – children, in

Spleen – ENLARGED, spleen – liver and spleen, children, in

Spleen – SWELLING, spleen – children, in
Stomach – ANXIETY, stomach – children, in
Stomach – ANXIETY, stomach – epigastrium – children, in
Stomach – DIGESTION, general, complaints – slow, digestion – children, in

Stomach – HEARTBURN, general – children, in

Stomach – HICCOUGHS, hiccups – children, in
Stomach – INDIGESTION, general – brain, fag, from – children, in
Stomach – INDIGESTION, general – children
Stomach – INDIGESTION, general – fatigue, from – children, in

Stomach – IRRITATION – children, in

Stomach – PAIN, stomach – children, in
Stomach – REGURGITATION, of food – child, vomits milk after nursing
Stomach – VOMITING, general – bile – children, in
Stomach – VOMITING, general – blood, blood,, vomit – children, in

Stomach – VOMITING, general – brownish – children, in nursing

Stomach – VOMITING, general – children, in
Stomach – VOMITING, general – milk, after – child, vomits milk after nursing
Stomach – VOMITING, general – nursing, children
Stool – STRINGY, stool – children, in, with chill

Teeth – CUPPED, teeth in children

Teeth – DECAYED, teeth, rotten, hollowed – premature, in children
Teeth – GRINDING, teeth, bruxism – children, in
Teeth – IRREGULAR, teeth, formation, of – formation, of lower teeth in a scrofulous child with mesenteric

Teeth – PAIN, teeth, toothaches – children, in

Throat – CHOKING, general – swallowing, on, liquids – children, in
Throat – INFLAMMATION, throat – children
Throat – TONSILS, general – enlargement, tonsils – children, in
Time – SUMMER, season, general – agg. – children, in
Toxicity – ACIDOSIS, ailments from excess of acids in blood – children, suffering from excess of lactic acid, from
overfeeding of milk or sugar
Urine – ACETONURIA, urine – child, in
Urine – ALBUMINURIA, albuminous, urine – children, in
Urine – BURNING, hot, urine – children
Urine – RETENTION, of urine – children, in

Urine – RETENTION, of urine – children, in – every time child catches cold

Urine – RETENTION, of urine – children, in – child, cries all night from retention
Vaccinations – ASTHMA, after vaccination – children, in
Vaccinations – AUTISM, children, after vaccination
Vaccinations – CHILDREN, fever, in
Vaccinations – ECZEMA, after – children, in
Vaccinations – ERUPTIONS, after – itch, like, depriving child of sleep
Vaccinations – HYPERACTIVE, children, from
Vaccinations – ITCH, like, depriving child of sleep
Vertigo – CARRIED, when, child grasps the nurse
Vertigo – CHILD, grasps the nurse when carried
Vision – EYESTRAIN, overexertion, agg. – headache, from – school children, in
Weakness – CHILDREN, weakness, in

Synthesis Repertory – Rubric for Children

MIND – ABRUPT – harsh – children; in


MIND – ABUSIVE – children
MIND – ABUSIVE – children – parents; children insulting
MIND – ABUSIVE – children – towards one’s children
MIND – ABUSIVE – husband – insulting; husband is – wife and children

MIND – ABUSIVE – husband – insulting; husband is – wife before children or vice versa
MIND – ADMONITION – agg. – children; in
MIND – AFFECTATION – children; in
MIND – AFFECTIONATE – kisses and caresses children

MIND – AILMENTS FROM – abused; after being – children

MIND – AILMENTS FROM – abused; after being – sexually – children; in
MIND – AILMENTS FROM – abused; after being – violence; from – children
MIND – AILMENTS FROM – death of loved ones – child; of a
MIND – AILMENTS FROM – death of loved ones – children; in

MIND – AILMENTS FROM – domination – children; in

MIND – AILMENTS FROM – excitement – emotional – children are ill at certain moments
MIND – AILMENTS FROM – fright – children; in
MIND – AILMENTS FROM – punishment – children
MIND – ANGER – abused; after being – children

MIND – ANGER – children; in

MIND – ANGER – children; towards
MIND – ANGER – destroy things; with tendency to – children; in
MIND – ANGER – milk of mother – vomits from anger of mother; child
MIND – ANGER – respiration difficult; with – children; in

MIND – ANGUISH – children; in

MIND – ANIMALS – love for animals – children; in
MIND – ANIMALS – love for animals – pet; her – children; in


MIND – ANTICS; playing – children; in

MIND – ANTISOCIAL – children; in

MIND – ANXIETY – night – midnight – before – 23 h; until – waking; on – children; in
MIND – ANXIETY – night – midnight – before – waking, on – children; in

MIND – ANXIETY – night – children; in

MIND – ANXIETY – carried by someone who is dancing; when

MIND – ANXIETY – children

MIND – ANXIETY – dancing; when carried by someone who is
MIND – ANXIETY – nursed; when the child is

MIND – APPROACHED by persons; being – aversion to – children; in

MIND – ATTACHED – father; children are attached to the

MIND – AUDACITY – children; in

MIND – AUTISM – children; in
MIND – AVERSION – children, to

MIND – AVERSION – children, to – beloved children become suddenly burdensome for him; his
MIND – AVERSION – children, to – get children; to

MIND – AVERSION – children, to – get children; to – interfere; feels children will

MIND – AVERSION – husband, to – children; and
MIND – AWKWARD – children, in
MIND – BENEVOLENCE – children; towards

MIND – BITING – children, in

MIND – BITING – fingers – gently – children’s fingers; the tips of

MIND – BITING – nails – children; in

MIND – BITING – nails – toenails – children; in
MIND – BULIMIA – children

MIND – BUSY – children

MIND – CAPRICIOUSNESS – children; in

MIND – CAPRICIOUSNESS – rejecting the things for which he has been longing; when offered, he is – children;
MIND – CARESSED; being – aversion to – children; in

MIND – CARESSED; being – desire to be caressed – children; in

MIND – CARESSING – husband and child, then pushes them away; caresses
MIND – CARRIED – aversion to be carried – dancing; when the one who carries is
MIND – CHANGE – aversion to – children; in

MIND – CHILDREN – aversion to her own

MIND – CHILDREN – beget and to have children; desire to
MIND – CHILDREN – covering their face
MIND – CHILDREN – desire to be with
MIND – CHILDREN – desire to have more children

MIND – CHILDREN – dislikes her own

MIND – CHILDREN – flies from her or his own children
MIND – CHILDREN – striking one’s own children
MIND – CLINGING – children; in
MIND – CLINGING – children; in – awakens terrified, knows no one, screams, clings to those near; child

MIND – CLINGING – children; in – grasps the nurse when carried; child

MIND – CLINGING – children; in – mother; child clings to the
MIND – CLINGING – children; in – mother; child clings to the – hand of the mother; child will always take the
MIND – CLINGING – take the hand of mother, will always
MIND – COMPANY – aversion to – children; in

MIND – COMPANY – aversion to – children; in – nursed; when the child is

MIND – COMPANY – desire for – children; in
MIND – COMPANY – desire for – children; of
MIND – COMPLAINING – pitiful – children; in
MIND – CONCENTRATION – difficult – children, in
MIND – CONFIDENCE – want of self-confidence – children; in

MIND – CONFIDENCE – want of self-confidence – self-depreciation – children; in

MIND – CONFUSION of mind – children; in
MIND – CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles – children; in
MIND – CONTRADICTION – disposition to contradict – children; in
MIND – CONTRADICTION – intolerant of contradiction – children; in

MIND – COQUETTISH – too much – children; in

MIND – CRAWLING – children; in
MIND – CRUELTY – seeing or hearing cruelty; cannot bear – children
MIND – CURIOUS – children
MIND – CURSING – children; in

MIND – DANCING – agg. – child which is carried by someone who is dancing; in a

MIND – DANCING – children
MIND – DELIRIUM – romping with children

MIND – DELUSIONS – night – children; in

MIND – DELUSIONS – changelings and will leap up and attack her; her children are


MIND – DELUSIONS – child – drive children out of the house; he must
MIND – DELUSIONS – child – he is a child

MIND – DELUSIONS – child – he is a child – acts like a child; and

MIND – DELUSIONS – child – not hers; child is

MIND – DELUSIONS – child – not hers; child is – attack her; her children are changelings and will leap up and
MIND – DELUSIONS – child – nursing her child
MIND – DELUSIONS – child – wish and need for another child

MIND – DELUSIONS – criticized, she is – children; in

MIND – DELUSIONS – dead – child was, her

MIND – DELUSIONS – dead – corpse – brother and child, corpse of

MIND – DELUSIONS – falling – he is – children; in
MIND – DELUSIONS – murdering; he is – husband and child; she is about to murder her

MIND – DELUSIONS – neglected – he or she is neglected – children; in

MIND – DELUSIONS – nursing; she is – child; her

MIND – DELUSIONS – visions, has – evening – children wake in; with

MIND – DELUSIONS – visions, has – horrible – twilight; in – children; in
MIND – DELUSIONS – wrong – suffered wrong; he has – children; in
MIND – DESPAIR – death – fear of; with – separate him from his children; death will

MIND – DEVELOPMENT of children

MIND – DIRTY – sitting or lying in feces – unaware – children; in

MIND – DIRTY – urinating and defecating – everywhere – children

MIND – DISCOURAGED – children, in

MIND – DISOBEDIENCE – children, in

MIND – DOGMATIC – children

MIND – DULLNESS – children, in

MIND – DULLNESS – children, in – school children
MIND – DUTY – aversion to – domestic duty – children; in

MIND – DUTY – too much sense of duty – children; in

MIND – EATING – refuses to eat – children; in
MIND – EGOTISM – children; in
MIND – EMBITTERED – children
MIND – ENERGIZED feeling – children; in

MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to – children; in

MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to – family and children; attempts to escape from her
MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to – waking; on – children
MIND – ESTRANGED – children; flies from her own
MIND – EXCITEMENT – alternating with – sleepiness – children; in

MIND – EXCITEMENT – children, in

MIND – EXCITEMENT – desire for – children; in
MIND – EXCITEMENT – nervous – children; in
MIND – EXHILARATION – children; in
MIND – FEAR – night – children; in

MIND – FEAR – accidents, of – child; to

MIND – FEAR – approaching; of – others; of – children cannot bear to have anyone come near them
MIND – FEAR – bed – child fears to go to bed alone
MIND – FEAR – children, in
MIND – FEAR – children, in – behavior problems; with

MIND – FEAR – children; of

MIND – FEAR – contagion – children; in
MIND – FEAR – coughing; of – children; in
MIND – FEAR – coughing; of – children; in – keeps still and does not move or talk; child
MIND – FEAR – dark; of – children; in
MIND – FEAR – disease, of impending – contagious, epidemic diseases; of – children; in
MIND – FEAR – dogs, of – children; in
MIND – FEAR – failure, of – children; in
MIND – FEAR – falling, of – child holds on to mother
MIND – FEAR – falling, of – children; in
MIND – FEAR – forsaken; of being – children; in
MIND – FEAR – happen, something will – parents; child is afraid something bad will happen to his
MIND – FEAR – hurt, of being – soldiers, in children; by
MIND – FEAR – killing, of – child; her
MIND – FEAR – people; of – children, in
MIND – FEAR – punishment; of – child
MIND – FEAR – separation; of – children; from
MIND – FEAR – spiders, of – children; in

MIND – FEAR – stool – painful – children; in

MIND – FEAR – strangers, of – children; in
MIND – FEAR – terror – night – children; in
MIND – FEAR – terror – night – followed by strabismus – children; in
MIND – FEAR – thunderstorm, of – children; in

MIND – FEAR – women; of – children; in

MIND – FECES – urinating and going to stool everywhere, children
MIND – FEIGNING – sick; to be – children; in
MIND – FIRE – throwing things into – child; her own
MIND – FLATTERING – seducing behavior in children

MIND – FOOLISH behavior – children; in

MIND – FORSAKING – children; his own
MIND – GESTURES, makes – feet; involuntary motions of the – stamping the feet – sleep; during – children
MIND – GESTURES, makes – fingers – mouth; children put fingers into the
MIND – GESTURES, makes – hands; involuntary motions of the – covering – face with their hands, but looking
through their fingers – children; in
MIND – GESTURES, makes – tics; nervous – children; in
MIND – GRIMACES – children; in
MIND – GRUMBLING – children; in
MIND – HAIR – cut; having hair – refuse; children

MIND – HATRED – children; of

MIND – HIDING – himself – children

MIND – HINDERED; intolerance of being – children; in

MIND – HOLDING – mother’s hand; child constantly holding

MIND – HOMESICKNESS – children; in

MIND – HURRY – children; in

MIND – HYSTERIA – children; in

MIND – IDEAS – deficiency of – child

MIND – IDIOCY – children; in

MIND – IMPATIENCE – children; about his
MIND – IMPATIENCE – playing of children, by

MIND – IMPOLITE – children


MIND – INDIFFERENCE – children; in

MIND – INDIFFERENCE – children; towards

MIND – INDIFFERENCE – children; towards – mother towards her children; indifference of

MIND – INJUSTICE, cannot support – children; in
MIND – INSOLENCE – children, in



MIND – INTERRUPTION – aversion to – children; in

MIND – INTOLERANCE – complaints; intolerance of his – children; in
MIND – IRRESOLUTION – children; in

MIND – IRRITABILITY – morning – waking on – children, in

MIND – IRRITABILITY – night – children; in

MIND – IRRITABILITY – children, in

MIND – IRRITABILITY – children, towards
MIND – IRRITABILITY – looked at – spoken to or touched – children; in

MIND – IRRITABILITY – sleeplessness, with – children, in

MIND – IRRITABILITY – violent – children; in

MIND – JEALOUSY – children

MIND – JUMPING – children; in
MIND – KICKING – children; in
MIND – KICKING – children; in – carried; child becomes stiff and kicks when
MIND – KICKING – children; in – cross, kicks and scolds on waking; child is
MIND – KILL; desire to – child, the own
MIND – KILL; desire to – children; in

MIND – KILL; desire to – throw child; sudden impulse to

MIND – KISSING – children are caressing and kissing
MIND – LAMENTING – stool – before stool, in children
MIND – LAUGHING – night – children
MIND – LAUGHING – children, in

MIND – LAUGHING – silly – children on all occasion, in

MIND – LAZINESS – children, in
MIND – LOOKED AT; to be – cannot bear to be looked at – children; in
MIND – LOQUACITY – children; in
MIND – LOVE – children; for
MIND – MALICIOUS – children; in

MIND – MANIA – alternating with – depression – children; in

MIND – MANIA – puerperal – abuses her child
MIND – MATURE, behaves as a much older child
MIND – MEDDLESOME – children

MIND – MEMORY – weakness of memory – children, in

MIND – MEMORY – weakness of memory – mental exertion; for – child cannot be taught
MIND – MILDNESS – children; in
MIND – MISCHIEVOUS – children; in
MIND – MISTAKES; making – homework; in – children; in

MIND – MOANING – children, in

MIND – MONOMANIA – children; in
MIND – MOOD – alternating – children; in
MIND – MOOD – changeable – children; in
MIND – MOROSE – children, in

MIND – MUSIC – aversion to – children; in

MIND – MUSIC – aversion to – children; in – nurslings – nursed; when the child is
MIND – MUSIC – desire for – children; in
MIND – MUSIC – desire for – children; in – nurslings – nursed; when the child is
MIND – NAIVE – open, honest and childlike
MIND – NATURE – loves – children; in
MIND – NEGLECTING – children, her

MIND – NURSED in children; being


MIND – OBSTINATE – children

MIND – OFFENDED, easily – children; in
MIND – OLDER child; behaves as a much


MIND – PINCHING – children; in

MIND – PLAYING – aversion to play – children; in

MIND – PLAYING – aversion to play – daytime – children; in
MIND – PLAYING – desire to play – night – children

MIND – POSITIVENESS – children; in

MIND – PRAYING – children; in
MIND – PRECOCITY of children

MIND – PROPER – too – children; in

MIND – PROSTRATION of mind – children; in

MIND – QUARRELSOME – children; in

MIND – RAGE – children; in
MIND – RAGE – taken up, child on being

MIND – READING – desires – children; in

MIND – READING – unable to read – children, in

MIND – RECOGNIZING – not recognize; does – children; her own

MIND – RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS – too occupied with religion – children; in
MIND – RESERVED – children

MIND – RESPECTING – law; child is very respectful of the

MIND – RESPONSIBILITY – taking responsibility too seriously – children; in

MIND – RESTLESSNESS – children, in

MIND – RESTLESSNESS – children, in – eruption; with
MIND – RESTLESSNESS – eruptions – with – children; in

MIND – RESTLESSNESS – sitting, while – children; in

MIND – RETARDATION; mental – children

MIND – ROLLING – side to side – children; in

MIND – RUDENESS – children; of naughty
MIND – SADNESS – children, in
MIND – SCHIZOPHRENIA – children; in
MIND – SCRATCHING with hands – head; on waking child scratches
MIND – SELF-CONTROL – increased – children; in
MIND – SENSITIVE – children

MIND – SENSITIVE – crying of children, to

MIND – SENSITIVE – music, to – children; in
MIND – SENSITIVE – pain, to – children; in
MIND – SENSITIVE – reprimands, to – children; in
MIND – SENSITIVE – sensual impressions, to – children; in

MIND – SENSITIVE – touch, to – children; in

MIND – SERIOUS – children
MIND – SHAMEFUL – children; in
MIND – SHAMELESS – children, in
MIND – SHRIEKING – child; like a
MIND – SHRIEKING – children, in
MIND – SIGHING – children; in
MIND – SINGING – children’s songs
MIND – SLOWNESS – children; in
MIND – SMILING – never – children; in
MIND – SNAPPISH – children; in
MIND – SOMNAMBULISM – children; in
MIND – SPEECH – repeats – everything said to him – children; in
MIND – SPOILED children
MIND – STARTING – fright; from and as from – children; in
MIND – STRANGER – presence of strangers – agg. – children; in
MIND – STRANGER – presence of strangers – agg. – coughs at sight of strangers; child
MIND – STRIKING – anger, from – children; in
MIND – STRIKING – children; in
MIND – STRIKING – children; striking one’s own
MIND – STUPEFACTION – vomiting; after – children; in
MIND – TACITURN – children; in
MIND – TACITURN – mutism – children; in
MIND – TALENTED – children
MIND – TALKING – condition; anxious about his – wakes wife and child
MIND – TALKING – sleep, in – children, in
MIND – TEASING – children; in

MIND – TENSION, mental – children; in

MIND – THOUGHTS – compelling – children; in
MIND – THREATENING – kill; to – wife and children
MIND – TIMIDITY – children; in
MIND – TIMIDITY – children; in – children; towards other

MIND – TOUCHED – aversion to be – children; in

MIND – TOUCHING – impelled to touch – everything – children, in
MIND – UNDRESSING – coldest weather; in – children; in
MIND – UNOBSERVING [= inattentive] – children
MIND – VIOLENT – children

MIND – WALKING – bed; child is walking in

MIND – WASHING – aversion to wash – children, in

MIND – WEEPING – carried, when – piteously if taken hold or carried; child cries
MIND – WEEPING – carried, when – quiet only when carried; child is

MIND – WEEPING – child, like a

MIND – WEEPING – children, in
MIND – WEEPING – continuously – children; in

MIND – WEEPING – eating – while – children, in

MIND – WEEPING – nursing a child; while

MIND – WEEPING – piteous – children; in

MIND – WEEPING – silently – children; in
MIND – WEEPING – sleep, in – child good during the day, screaming and restless at night

MIND – WEEPING – spoken to; when – kindly – children; in

MIND – WEEPING – touched, when – children; in

MIND – WEEPING – trifles, at – children at the least worry

MIND – WEEPING – urination – before – children
MIND – WILDNESS – children, in

MIND – WRITING – inability for – learning to write in children

MIND – YIELDING disposition – children; in

VERTIGO – GRASPS the nurse when carried; child
HEAD – BORES head in pillow – children; in
HEAD – BRAIN; complaints of – children; in
HEAD – CHILDREN; complaints of

HEAD – EDEMA – Scalp; of – children; in

HEAD – ERUPTIONS – milk crust – children; in

HEAD – FALLING – sideways of head – child leans head, all the time
HEAD – HAIR – falling – children; in
HEAD – HEAT – children; in

HEAD – HYDROCEPHALUS – cholera; after – children; in

HEAD – HYDROCEPHALUS – diarrhea agg.; after – children; in

HEAD – HYPERESTHESIA – Cerebral – children; in young

HEAD – INFLAMMATION – Brain – children; in
HEAD – INFLAMMATION – Meninges – children; in young

HEAD – INJURIES of the head; after – children; in

HEAD – MOTIONS of head – nodding of – children; in
HEAD – MOTIONS of head – throwing head – backward – headache; during – children; in
HEAD – NEVUS – children
HEAD – PAIN – constant, continued – children; in

HEAD – PAIN – periodical – children; in

HEAD – PAIN – school children
HEAD – PAIN – Forehead – children; in
HEAD – SENSITIVENESS – brushing of hair; to – children; in
HEAD – SENSITIVENESS – touch; to – children; in

HEAD – SINKING sensation – Occipital bone – children; in

HEAD – SWOLLEN – children; in
EYE – AMBLYOPIA – children; in
EYE – CATARACT – children; in
EYE – CATARRH – chronic – children; in

EYE – CHILDREN; complaints of

EYE – DISCHARGES – bloody – watery – children; in
EYE – DISCOLORATION – blue – Sclera or conjunctiva – children; in
EYE – INFANTS; eye complaints of
EYE – INFLAMMATION – children; in

EYE – INFLAMMATION – chronic – children; in

EYE – INFLAMMATION – scrofulous – children disposed to scald-head and with inflammation of external ear;
EYE – INFLAMMATION – Lachrymal ducts – children; in
EYE – INFLAMMATION – Lids – chronic – children; in
EYE – LINE – transverse line through middle of upper lid – children; in

EYE – PAIN – chronic – children; in

EYE – RUBBING the eyes – desire to – children; in
EYE – SCROFULOUS affections – children; in
EYE – STRABISMUS – fear; from – night
EYE – STRICTURE of lachrymal duct – children; in

EYE – TUMORS – Lids – tarsal tumors – children; in

EYE – TWITCHING – Lids – children; in
EYE – ULCERATION – Cornea – children; in
EYE – WINKING – children; in
VISION – ACCOMMODATION – diminished – children; in

VISION – MYOPIA – children; in

EAR – BORING fingers in – children; in

EAR – DISCHARGES – children; in

EAR – DISCOLORATION – redness – children; in

EAR – DISCOLORATION – redness – Tympanum – children; in

EAR – INFLAMMATION – Media – children; in
EAR – PAIN – children; in

HEARING – IMPAIRED – children; in

HEARING – LOST – tonsils; from swelling of – children; in

NOSE – ADENOIDS – children; in

NOSE – ADENOIDS – removal; after – children; in
NOSE – BLOWING THE NOSE – inability to blow the nose in children

NOSE – CATARRH – children; in

NOSE – CONGESTION – children; in

NOSE – CORYZA – bloody coryza – children; in

NOSE – CORYZA – children; in
NOSE – CORYZA – discharge, without – children; in

NOSE – DISCHARGE – bloody – children; in

NOSE – DISCHARGE – blue – children; in

NOSE – EPISTAXIS – children; in

NOSE – EPISTAXIS – nursing the child
NOSE – INFLAMMATION – purulent – children; in
NOSE – ITCHING – rubs – children; in
NOSE – ITCHING – rubs – children; in – starts out of sleep and rubs nose; child

NOSE – OBSTRUCTION – children; in

NOSE – OBSTRUCTION – children; in – nursing infants – nurse; child is unable to

NOSE – SNUFFLING – children; in

NOSE – SUNKEN nose – children, infants; in
NOSE – TWITCHING – Nostrils – involuntary – children; in

FACE – CHEWING motion of the jaw – children; in

FACE – CHEWING motion of the jaw – children; in – teeth; before child has

FACE – CLENCHED jaw – children

FACE – COLDNESS – children; in
FACE – COLDNESS – children; in – obese children

FACE – DISCOLORATION – cyanotic – Lips – children; in

FACE – DISCOLORATION – pale – children; in
FACE – DISCOLORATION – pale – exertion – agg. – children; in
FACE – DISCOLORATION – red – children; in
FACE – DISCOLORATION – red – Cheeks – children; in

FACE – DISCOLORATION – white – chalk; like – children; in

FACE – ERUPTIONS – acne – tubercular – children; in
FACE – ERUPTIONS – eczema – children; in
FACE – ERUPTIONS – eczema – children; in – scrofulous children; in
FACE – ERUPTIONS – herpes – Lips – About – children; in

FACE – ERYSIPELAS – nursing the child agg.; when

FACE – EXPRESSION – anxious – cradle, when child is lifted from
FACE – EXPRESSION – discontented – children; in
FACE – EXPRESSION – distressed – children; in
FACE – EXPRESSION – foolish – children; in

FACE – EXPRESSION – old looking – children; in

FACE – FORMICATION – children; in
FACE – HAIR – growth of hair – children; in
FACE – HEAT – movements of the child; at first
FACE – HIPPOCRATIC – children; in

FACE – LOCKJAW – children; in

FACE – NEVI – flat – Temples – right – children; in
FACE – PERSPIRATION – children; in
FACE – SHRIVELLED – children; in
FACE – TWITCHING – children; in

FACE – TWITCHING – Chin – children; in

FACE – TWITCHING – Lips – children; in
FACE – VEINS distended – children; in
FACE – WRINKLED – children; in
MOUTH – APHTHAE – children; in
MOUTH – APHTHAE – infants
MOUTH – APHTHAE – nursing – infants
MOUTH – APHTHAE – Tongue – painful – nursing; prevents child from
MOUTH – FINGERS in the mouth, children put
MOUTH – FIST in the mouth; children put
MOUTH – GANGRENOUS – children; in
MOUTH – HEAT – children; in
MOUTH – HEAT – children; in – mother’s nipple; mouth of child feels hot to

MOUTH – OPEN – children; in

MOUTH – PAIN – accompanied by – salivation; profuse – children; in
MOUTH – PAIN – children; in
MOUTH – PAIN – Palate – nursing the child agg.; when
MOUTH – PUT everything in mouth; children

MOUTH – SALIVATION – children; in

MOUTH – SPEECH – crying like a child; hoarse
MOUTH – SPEECH – stammering – children; in
MOUTH – STOMATITIS, ulcerative – nursing children
MOUTH – ULCERS – Tongue – children; in

TEETH – CARIES, decayed, hollow – children; premature in

TEETH – CHILDREN; complaints of teeth in
TEETH – COMPLAINTS of teeth – accompanied by – neurological complaints – children; in
TEETH – CRUMBLING – children; in
TEETH – CUPPED – children; in

TEETH – DENTITION – difficult – accompanied by – worms in children; complaints of

TEETH – GRINDING – fear; from – children; in
TEETH – IRREGULAR – Lower teeth – scrofulous child with mesenteric disease; in a
TEETH – PAIN – children; in
THROAT – DIPHTHERIA – children; in
THROAT – FOOD – lodges in throat – children; in
THROAT – INFLAMMATION – children; in

THROAT – PAIN – children; in

THROAT – SWALLOWING – difficult – children; in

THROAT – SWALLOWING – hindering swallowing – children; in

THROAT – SWELLING – Tonsils – children; in
THROAT – SWELLING – Tonsils – children; in – pale, scrofulous children


EXTERNAL THROAT – THYROID GLAND; complaints of – accompanied by – obesity

STOMACH – ACIDITY – children; in

STOMACH – APPETITE – diminished – children; in
STOMACH – APPETITE – diminished – children; in – accompanied by – Umbilicus; eruption about

STOMACH – APPETITE – increased – children; in

STOMACH – APPETITE – ravenous – accompanied by – marasmus
STOMACH – APPETITE – wanting – children; in

STOMACH – CHILDREN; complaints of

STOMACH – DIGESTION – impeded – children; in

STOMACH – EMPTINESS – nursing the child agg.; after

STOMACH – GAGGING – children; in
STOMACH – GAGGING – children; in – dull child

STOMACH – GAGGING – x-rays taken; on having dental – children; in

STOMACH – HICCOUGH – children; in

STOMACH – HICCOUGH – nursing the child agg.; after

STOMACH – INDIGESTION – brain fag; from – children; in
STOMACH – INDIGESTION – children; in

STOMACH – INDIGESTION – milk – agg. – children; in

STOMACH – IRRITATION – children; in

STOMACH – NA– USEA – children; in

STOMACH – PAIN – children; in

STOMACH – PAIN – children; in – school children; in

STOMACH – THIRST – children; in

STOMACH – VOMITING – children; in

STOMACH – VOMITING – nursing the child agg.; after
STOMACH – VOMITING – periodical – children; in
STOMACH – VOMITING – teething children, in
STOMACH – VOMITING; TYPE OF – blood – children; in
STOMACH – VOMITING; TYPE OF – food – undigested – children; in
STOMACH – VOMITING; TYPE OF – milk – curdled – children; in

STOMACH – VOMITING; TYPE OF – milk – curdled – large curds choking the child
STOMACH – VOMITING; TYPE OF – milk – sour – nursed; soon after child has
ABDOMEN – BLEEDING – Umbilicus – children; in
ABDOMEN – CHILDREN; complaints in
ABDOMEN – COMPLAINTS of abdomen – Intestines – nervousness; with – children; in

ABDOMEN – DISCHARGE from umbilicus – accompanied by – emaciation

ABDOMEN – DISCHARGE from umbilicus – bloody fluid – children; in
ABDOMEN – DISCHARGE from umbilicus – children; in
ABDOMEN – DISTENSION – children; in
ABDOMEN – DISTENSION – children; in – potbellied children
ABDOMEN – DISTENSION – emaciation; with – Limbs; of the – children; in

ABDOMEN – ENLARGED – children; in

ABDOMEN – ENLARGED – Liver – children; in
ABDOMEN – ENLARGED – Spleen – children; in
ABDOMEN – ERUPTIONS – Umbilicus – Around – children; in
ABDOMEN – ERUPTIONS – Umbilicus – Around – children; in – newborns; in – accompanied by – emaciation

ABDOMEN – FLABBY – children; in

ABDOMEN – FLATULENCE – children; in
ABDOMEN – FLATULENCE – painful – children; in
ABDOMEN – HARD – children; in
ABDOMEN – HEAT – children; in


ABDOMEN – HERNIA; ABDOMINAL – Inguinal – children; in
ABDOMEN – HERNIA; ABDOMINAL – Umbilical – children; in
ABDOMEN – INFLAMMATION – children, infants
ABDOMEN – INFLAMMATION – Umbilicus – children; in

ABDOMEN – LIVER and region of liver; complaints of – children; in

ABDOMEN – LIVER and region of liver; complaints of – children; in – puny, rickety children
ABDOMEN – PAIN – babies, colic – cramping
ABDOMEN – PAIN – children; in
ABDOMEN – PAIN – children; in – school children; in
ABDOMEN – PAIN – cramping – accompanied by – flatulence – children; in
ABDOMEN – PAIN – sucklings; in – cramping

ABDOMEN – PAIN – Umbilicus – child refers to the navel as the most painful part
ABDOMEN – PAIN – Umbilicus – Region of umbilicus – children; in

ABDOMEN – PENDULOUS abdomen – accompanied by – Glands; swelling of – children; in

ABDOMEN – PENDULOUS abdomen – children; in

ABDOMEN – PROTRUSION – Umbilicus – children; in

ABDOMEN – REFLEXES – lost – children; in

ABDOMEN – RETRACTION – children; in

ABDOMEN – TENSION – children; in
ABDOMEN – ULCERS – Umbilicus, about – children; in

RECTUM – CONSTIPATION – accompanied by – worms; complaints of

RECTUM – CONSTIPATION – children; in

RECTUM – CONSTIPATION – chronic – children; in

RECTUM – CONSTIPATION – difficult stool – painful stool – children; in



RECTUM – DIARRHEA – morning – children; in

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – accompanied by – heat; lack of vital – children; in

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – children; in

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – children; in – mother’s milk; after drinking
RECTUM – DIARRHEA – chronic – children; in

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – nursing; after – child; in the

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – nursing the child agg.; after

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – nurslings

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – school girls; in
RECTUM – DIARRHEA – summer – children; in

RECTUM – DYSENTERY – children; in

RECTUM – DYSENTERY – emaciated undersized children

RECTUM – ERUPTIONS – Anus; about – children; in

RECTUM – ERUPTIONS – Anus; about – eczema – children; in
RECTUM – ERUPTIONS – Anus; about – rash – children; in
RECTUM – ERUPTIONS – Perineum – children; in
RECTUM – FISSURE – children; in
RECTUM – FISSURE – children; in – tall children; in
RECTUM – FLATUS – nursing children

RECTUM – HEMORRHAGE from anus – children; in

RECTUM – HEMORRHOIDS – children; in
RECTUM – INVOLUNTARY stool – motion – agg. – children; in
RECTUM – ITCHING – children
RECTUM – PROLAPSUS – children; in

RECTUM – WORMS – complaints of worms – accompanied by – constipation – children; in

RECTUM – WORMS – complaints of worms – children; in
RECTUM – WORMS – complaints of worms – dentition in children; difficult
STOOL – BLOODY – children; in
STOOL – BROWN – children; in
STOOL – CHILDREN; complaints of

STOOL – ODOR – sour – children; in

STOOL – UNDIGESTED – milk agg. – children; in
BLADDER – RETENTION of urine – children; in
BLADDER – RETENTION of urine – children; in – cold; every time child takes a
BLADDER – RETENTION of urine – children; in – cries all night from retention; child

BLADDER – RETENTION of urine – infants; in newborn

BLADDER – RETENTION of urine – newborns
BLADDER – TENESMUS – children; in
BLADDER – URINATION – dribbling – children; in
BLADDER – URINATION – dysuria – accompanied by – Head; pain in – children; in

BLADDER – URINATION – dysuria – children; in

BLADDER – URINATION – dysuria – painful – cry before urine starts; children
BLADDER – URINATION – involuntary – night – children; in
BLADDER – URINATION – involuntary – night – waken the child; difficult to
BLADDER – URINATION – involuntary – night – weakly children, in
BLADDER – URINATION – involuntary – children; in
BLADDER – URINATION – seldom – profuse; but – children; in
BLADDER – URINATION – urging to urinate – frequent – children, infants scream before the urine passes
BLADDER – URINATION – urging to urinate – ineffectual – children; in
BLADDER – URINATION – urging to urinate – painful – children; in
BLADDER – URINATION – urging to urinate – painful – children; in – cry – urination; before
BLADDER – URINATION – urging to urinate – sudden – night – child wakes but cannot get out of bed soon
KIDNEYS – SUPPRESSION of urine – children; in

URETHRA – DISCHARGE – gleety – children; in

URETHRA – IRRITATION – children; in

URETHRA – PAIN – children; in

URINE – ACRID – children; in

URINE – ALBUMINOUS – children; in

URINE – BLOODY – children; in
URINE – BURNING – children; in

URINE – BURNING – urination – after – agg. – children; in

URINE – CASTS, containing – children, infants; in
URINE – COLOR – red – children; in

URINE – ODOR – ammoniacal – children

URINE – SCANTY – children; in

URINE – SUGAR – children; in

MALE GENITALIA/SEX – ATROPHY – Testes – children; in

MALE GENITALIA/SEX – ERECTIONS – convulsive – child, in a

MALE GENITALIA/SEX – ERECTIONS – frequent – children; in

MALE GENITALIA/SEX – ERECTIONS – painful – children; in



MALE GENITALIA/SEX – MASTURBATION; disposition to – children; in

MALE GENITALIA/SEX – SEXUAL DESIRE – increased – children; in

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – ABORTION – tendency to abortion – women, who have had children; in

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – LEUKORRHEA – acrid, excoriating – children; in


FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – LEUKORRHEA – yellow – children; in

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – LOCHIA – bloody – nursing child, when
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – LOCHIA – nursing the child agg.; when

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – MASTURBATION, disposition to – children; in

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – MASTURBATION, disposition to – itching, from – Vagina; in – children; in
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – MENSES – lactation; during – nursing the child, while

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – MENSES – nursing the child agg.; when

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – METRORRHAGIA – nursing the child agg.; when

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – METRORRHAGIA – women – children; not having

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – PAIN – afterpains – nursing child, when
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – PAIN – afterpains – women who had born many children; in

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – PAIN – Uterus – nursing the child agg.; when

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – PAIN – Uterus and region – nursing; when child is

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – SEXUAL DESIRE – increased – children; in

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – SEXUAL DESIRE – increased – nursing child, when
MALE AND FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – SEXUAL desire – increased – children; in

LARYNX AND TRACHEA – CROUP – children; in light-haired fair

LARYNX AND TRACHEA – VOICE – hoarseness – children; in
LARYNX AND TRACHEA – VOICE – nasal – children; in

RESPIRATION – ARRESTED – fall in a child; after a

RESPIRATION – ARRESTED – suddenly, in children
RESPIRATION – ASPHYXIA – children, newborns
RESPIRATION – ASTHMATIC – bronchial – children; in

RESPIRATION – ASTHMATIC – fright agg. – children; in

RESPIRATION – BREATHING – holding breath – anger; from – children; in
RESPIRATION – DIFFICULT – spasmodic – children; in


RESPIRATION – PANTING – children; in
RESPIRATION – RATTLING – sleep agg.; during – children; in
RESPIRATION – SNORING – children; in

RESPIRATION – SNORING – sleep; during – children; in

RESPIRATION – WHEEZING – sleep agg.; during – children; in
COUGH – NIGHT – children; in
COUGH – ANGER; after – children; in

COUGH – BARKING – children; in

COUGH – CRYING agg. – children; in
COUGH – DRY – children; in
COUGH – DRY – chronic dry cough – scrofulous children; in

COUGH – DRY – spasmodic, exhausting cough especially in children

COUGH – FRIGHTENING – children; in weak nervous
COUGH – HOLD – up the child or it will go into convulsions; must hold
COUGH – JUMPING up – children; in
COUGH – LYING – bed; in – agg. – children; in

COUGH – RAISED, gets blue in face cannot exhale; child must be

COUGH – SLEEP – disturbing – children; in
COUGH – SLEEP – preventing – children; in

COUGH – SLEEP – wakens from – not waking from the cough – children; in
COUGH – SNOWFALL; cough in children from exposure to

COUGH – STRAINING – children; in irritable

COUGH – STRANGERS – presence of; in the – children; in
COUGH – STRANGERS – sight of; at – children; in

COUGH – SUFFOCATIVE – children; in

COUGH – SUFFOCATIVE – children; in – appears dead during paroxysm; child

COUGH – SUFFOCATIVE – children; in – stiff and blue in the face; child becomes
COUGH – SUFFOCATIVE – stiff and blue in face; child becomes
COUGH – VIOLENT – children; in

COUGH – VIOLENT – children; in – throwing the child down



CHEST – ANGINA pectoris – children; in
CHEST – CATARRH – children; in

CHEST – CATARRH – Bronchial tubes – children; in

CHEST – CONSTRICTION – Mammae – left – child nurses from right; when

CHEST – EMPTINESS, sensation of – Mammae – after child nurses

CHEST – HEART; complaints of the – children; in
CHEST – HEART; complaints of the – Valves – children; in
CHEST – INDURATION – Mammae – children; in
CHEST – INFLAMMATION – Bronchial tubes – bronchopneumonia – children; in

CHEST – INFLAMMATION – Bronchial tubes – children; in

CHEST – INFLAMMATION – Bronchial tubes – congested – children; in

CHEST – INFLAMMATION – Lungs – children; in

CHEST – INFLAMMATION – Lungs – infants
CHEST – MILK – child refuses mother’s milk

CHEST – NODULES, sensitive – Mammae – children; in


CHEST – PAIN – Mammae – left – nurses at the right side; when the child
CHEST – PAIN – Mammae – children; in
CHEST – PAIN – Mammae – nursing the child

CHEST – PAIN – Mammae – nursing the child – between the different times when the child is nursing
CHEST – PAIN – Mammae – Lactiferous tubes; along the – when child nurses
CHEST – PAIN – Mammae – Nipples – nursing the child
CHEST – PAIN – Mammae – Opposite; when child nurses pain in
CHEST – PALPITATION of heart – children who grow too fast; in

CHEST – PALPITATION of heart – visible – children; in

CHEST – PARALYSIS – Lung – children; in
CHEST – SWELLING – Mammae – children; in

BACK – HAIR – growth – Spine; along the – children; dark or long, fine hair on back of
BACK – PAIN – nursing the child agg.; when

BACK – PAIN – Lumbar region – nursing the child agg.; when

BACK – SPASMS – nursing the child agg.; when
BACK – WEAKNESS – Lumbar region – learn to walk; children do not


EXTREMITIES – CLENCHING – Fists – children; in


EXTREMITIES – CRAMPS – children; in
EXTREMITIES – EMACIATION – Nates – children; in


EXTREMITIES – ERUPTIONS – Nates – erythematous – infants; in

EXTREMITIES – ERUPTIONS – Nates – Between nates – rash in children, newborns; red

EXTREMITIES – FALL, liability to – children; in
EXTREMITIES – HEAT – Feet – children; in
EXTREMITIES – JERKING – touch agg. – children; in
EXTREMITIES – PAIN – rheumatic – children; in

EXTREMITIES – PERSPIRATION – Foot – children; in

EXTREMITIES – RESTLESSNESS – Upper limbs – tossing from side to side – children; in


EXTREMITIES – WEAKNESS – Ankles – children; in
EXTREMITIES – WEAKNESS – Lower limbs – child late learning to walk

SLEEP – COMATOSE – children; in

SLEEP – DEEP – children; in

SLEEP – DISTURBED – children; in

SLEEP – DISTURBED – walking in bed; child is
SLEEP – FALLING ASLEEP – difficult – children; in

SLEEP – FALLING ASLEEP – heat – during – children; in

SLEEP – HEAVY – children; in
SLEEP – INTERRUPTED – children; in

SLEEP – NEED OF SLEEP – little – children; in

SLEEP – POSITION – knees – chest position; knee – children; in

SLEEP – PROLONGED – children; in

SLEEP – RESTLESS – children; in
SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – accompanied by – Face – red discoloration of – children; in

SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – children; in

SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – diarrhea – during – children; in

SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – head to one side; child hangs

SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – pain – during – Abdomen – children; in
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – daytime – children; in

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – causeless – children; in

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – children; in

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – children; in – caressed; child must be

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – children; in – carried, child must be
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – children; in – held; child must be

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – children; in – play and laugh; child wants to

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – children; in – rocked, child must be

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – cough, from – children, in

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – dark room agg.; in a – children; in
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – mental exertion; after – children; in
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – nursing the child, after
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – playing and laughing, child is

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – respiration – difficult – children; in

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – rocked, child must be
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – screaming; with – children; in
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – weaning child, on
SLEEP – STUPOR, drowsy – children; in

SLEEP – WAKING – children; in

SLEEP – WAKING – children; in – pushes everything away and wants everybody to go away; child
SLEEP – WAKING – frequent – children; in
SLEEP – WAKING – movements of child in pregnancy, from
SLEEP – WALKING in bed; child is

SLEEP – YAWNING – children, in

SLEEP – YAWNING – coughing – children; especially in
SLEEP – YAWNING – ineffectual – efforts to yawn – children; in

DREAMS – AIDS – child having AIDS; her

DREAMS – ANXIOUS – children, in

DREAMS – ATTACKED, of being – high school bullies; by – child; being a

DREAMS – ATTACKED, of being – Indians; by – child; being a
DREAMS – BATHING – boiling water; child is bathing in

DREAMS – BEATEN, being – children

DREAMS – CARES, FULL OF – children; about one’s

DREAMS – CHILD; being a

DREAMS – CHILDREN; about – AIDS; her child has

DREAMS – CHILDREN; about – caring for debilitated child

DREAMS – CHILDREN; about – danger; in – unprotected – adults; children feel unprotected by

DREAMS – CHILDREN; about – dead

DREAMS – CHILDREN; about – fondness for – own child; her
DREAMS – CHILDREN; about – got a three year old child; she

DREAMS – CHILDREN; about – love for her child; great

DREAMS – CHILDREN; about – neglecting her child

DREAMS – CHILDREN; about – newborns – naked babies from the cold; trying to save
DREAMS – CHURCHYARD – dead child in a churchyard; finding a
DREAMS – DANGER – children; to
DREAMS – DEAD BODIES – children; of
DREAMS – DEAD BODIES – churchyard; finding dead child in a

DREAMS – DEAD; of the – children

DREAMS – DEAD; of the – children – embolism; being responsible for the death of one’s child by causing an

DREAMS – DROWNING – children are drowning

DREAMS – EVIL; of – impending – child to a
DREAMS – FALLING – water, into – child is falling; her

DREAMS – FEAR – children; in

DREAMS – HOMOSEXUALITY – children; amongst

DREAMS – MANY – children, in

DREAMS – MOTHER – protecting – child; her
DREAMS – NEGLECTING others – children

DREAMS – NIGHTMARES – children, in

DREAMS – NIGHTMARES – children, in – behavior problems; with
DREAMS – PARANORMAL phenomenon – children

DREAMS – PLAYING – children

DREAMS – POISONED, being – woman and her children being gassed and poisoned; a

DREAMS – RAPE – children of

DREAMS – REMORSE – death of child; over
DREAMS – RESCUING; he is – children; he is rescuing


DREAMS – SAVING – children

DREAMS – SNOW – children playing in

DREAMS – TOE – cut off; toe – child; of
DREAMS – VEXATIOUS – children, in

CHILL – CHILLINESS – children; in


FEVER – INTENSE heat – children; in

FEVER – INTENSE heat – constant – accompanied by – diarrhea – children; in tuberculous
FEVER – REACTION; lack of – no fever when fever is expected – children; in

FEVER – RELAPSING – children; in

PERSPIRATION – PROF– USE – night – children; in

SKIN – DECUBITUS – children; in

SKIN – DISCOLORATION – pale – children; in
SKIN – DISCOLORATION – pink – children; in
SKIN – DISCOLORATION – white – spots – children; in
SKIN – DISCOLORATION – yellow – children, new born
SKIN – ERUPTIONS – boils – children; in
SKIN – ERUPTIONS – children; in

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – eczema – children; in

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – eczema – dry – children; in
SKIN – ERUPTIONS – miliaria rubra – children; in
SKIN – ERUPTIONS – newborns
SKIN – ERUPTIONS – psoriasis – children; in

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – rash – children; in

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – urticaria – children; in
SKIN – ERUPTIONS – urticaria – chronic – children; in
SKIN – ERUPTIONS – urticaria – fever – during – agg. – children; in
SKIN – ERYSIPELAS – children; in
SKIN – ERYSIPELAS – newborns

SKIN – HAIR – growth of hair; excessive – children; in

SKIN – INDURATIONS, nodules, etc. – children; in
SKIN – SOFT – feels – children; in
SKIN – WARTS – brown – children; in
GENERALS – ABSCESSES – Glands – children; in

GENERALS – ACETONEMIA – children; in

GENERALS – ACIDOSIS – children; in
GENERALS – ACROMEGALY – children; in
GENERALS – AILMENTS from – disease; never recovered – children; in
GENERALS – ANEMIA – children; in

GENERALS – ASCENDING high – agg. – children; in

GENERALS – ASSIMILATION of nutrition defective
GENERALS – CANCEROUS affections – Glands – children; in
GENERALS – CATARRH – chronic – children; in
GENERALS – CHILDREN; complaints in

GENERALS – CHILDREN; complaints in – delicate, puny, sickly – Liver; with complaints of

GENERALS – CHOREA – children who have grown too fast
GENERALS – COLD; TAKING A – tendency – children; in
GENERALS – COMPLAINTS – acute – children; in
GENERALS – CONVULSIONS – anger; after – mother; in nursling after anger of the
GENERALS – CONVULSIONS – diarrhea – children; in

GENERALS – CONVULSIONS – epileptic – children; in

GENERALS – CONVULSIONS – epileptiform – children; in

GENERALS – CONVULSIONS – heat; during – children; in

GENERALS – CONVULSIONS – nursing children when mother is angry or frightened
GENERALS – CONVULSIONS – periodical – hour; at the same – children; in

GENERALS – CYANOSIS – children; in



GENERALS – DISABLED – children; in

GENERALS – DROPSY – general; in – children; in

GENERALS – EATING – overeating agg.; after – children; in

GENERALS – EMACIATION – accompanied by – Abdomen – enlarged

GENERALS – EMACIATION – appetite with emaciation; ravenous – children; in

GENERALS – EMACIATION – children; in

GENERALS – EMACIATION – infantile marasmus

GENERALS – ENERGY – excess of energy – children; in


GENERALS – FAINTNESS – pain; from – children; in

GENERALS – FAMILY HISTORY of – alcoholism – children; in
GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – drinks – aversion – children, in

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – farinaceous – amel. in children

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – food – aversion – children; in

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – meat – desire – children, in

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – milk – aversion – mother’s milk – child refuses
GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – water – desire – children; in

GENERALS – HISTORY; personal – cystitis; of recurrent – children; in

GENERALS – HISTORY; personal – domination by others; of – children; in

GENERALS – HISTORY; personal – hydrocephalic children; of delivering

GENERALS – INDURATIONS – Glands – children; in
GENERALS – INFLAMMATION – Bones; of – children; in
GENERALS – INFLAMMATION – Cartilages; of – children; in
GENERALS – INFLAMMATION – Glands; of – children; in

GENERALS – INFLAMMATION – Sinuses; of – children; in

GENERALS – INFLUENZA – children; in

GENERALS – INJURIES – Bones; fractures of – slow repair of broken bones – children; in

GENERALS – IRON, after abuse of – children; in
GENERALS – LASSITUDE – children; in

GENERALS – LEAN people – children; in


GENERALS – LEUKEMIA – children; in

GENERALS – LOSS – fluids, of – children; in


GENERALS – NEUROLOGICAL complaints – children
GENERALS – NEUROLOGICAL complaints – irritation of nervous system – children; in
GENERALS – OBESITY – children; in
GENERALS – ODOR OF THE BODY – sour – children; in

GENERALS – PARALYSIS – children; in

GENERALS – PARALYSIS – Spinal – children; in
GENERALS – PLETHORA – constitution; plethoric – children; in
GENERALS – PLETHORA – false – children; in

GENERALS – RELAXATION – physical – children; in

GENERALS – SEASONS – summer – agg. – children; in
GENERALS – SEPTICEMIA, blood poisoning – children; in
GENERALS – SOURNESS – children; in
GENERALS – STIFFENING OUT of body – touch in children; from

GENERALS – STOOP shouldered – children; in

GENERALS – SWELLING – general; in – children; in
GENERALS – SWELLING – Glands; of – children; in
GENERALS – TALL people – children; in
GENERALS – TALL people – obese; and – children; in

GENERALS – TALL people – thin; and – children; in

GENERALS – TOUCH – agg. – children; in
GENERALS – TUBERCULOSIS – Glandular – Lymphatic glands – children; in
GENERALS – TWITCHING – children; in
GENERALS – VACCINATION; ailments after – children; in


GENERALS – WARM – fire; open – agg. – children; in

GENERALS – WEAKNESS – albuminuria, in – children; in

GENERALS – WEAKNESS – children; in
GENERALS – WEAKNESS – Joints – children; in

GENERALS – WEAKNESS – Muscular – children; in

GENERALS – WEIGHT; children who fail to gain

ACUTE DISEASES – Pediatrics – hepatitis a – in children

ACUTE DISEASES – Pediatrics – acute leukemia in children. see also “in general”
ACUTE DISEASES – Hepatic & biliary disorders – hepatitis a – in children

ACUTE DISEASES – Hematological disorders – leukemia – acute leukemia in children

Complete Repertory – Rubrics for Children


MIND – ABUSIVE, insulting – children insult parents

MIND – ABUSIVE, insulting – family and children, to

MIND – ABUSIVE, insulting – husband insults wife – children, and

MIND – ABUSIVE, insulting – husband insults wife – in front of children or vice versa
MIND – AFFECTION – desires – children

MIND – AFFECTIONATE – children kiss and caress

MIND – AM– USE himself, child does not

MIND – ANGER, irascibility – children, in

MIND – ANGUISH – children, in
MIND – ANSWER, answering, answers – general – confusedly as if thinking of something else – children, in

MIND – ANXIETY – night – agg. – children, in

MIND – ANXIETY – abdomen – in – colic, with, in children

MIND – ANXIETY – stomach, in – children, in

MIND – ANXIETY – children, in
MIND – ANXIETY – children, about his

MIND – ANXIETY – motion, from – agg. – slightest, in child in cyanosis

MIND – ANXIETY – palpitation – with – children, in

MIND – AVERSION – husband, to – children, and

MIND – AVERSION – interference – if you take the child by the hand it cries terribly
MIND – AVERSION – nurse, to, in children
MIND – AWKWARDNESS – children, in, especially with headache

MIND – BITING – children, in

MIND – BROODING – constantly over loss of a child

MIND – BUSY – children

MIND – CAPRICIOUSNESS – children, in
MIND – CARESS, caressed – caresses husband and child, then pushes away

MIND – CHEERFULNESS, gaiety, happiness – general – children, in


MIND – CLINGING – children, of

MIND – COMPANY – desire for – children that are rejected, in
MIND – COMPANY – desire for – sleep with parents, child desires to

MIND – CONCENTRATION – difficult – children, in

MIND – CONFUSION of mind – waking, on – children
MIND – CONTRADICTION – intolerant of – rules, of, in children

MIND – COQUETTISH – too much – children, in

MIND – CRAWLING, rolling – child crawls into corners, howls, cries

MIND – CRUELTY, brutality, inhumanity – bear, cannot, done to other children

MIND – CRUELTY, brutality, inhumanity – general – children cannot bear to see cruelty in cinema
MIND – DANCING – desire for – children, in

MIND – DANCING – desire for – dull child will become alive again
MIND – DAY-DREAMING – children

MIND – DEATH, ailments from – child, of a

MIND – DELIRIUM – romping, with, children
MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – attacks and insults, defends himself against – children, by

MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – child, children

MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – children, thinks he must drive, out of the house

MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – dead – child is

MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – dead – corpse – brother and child, of
MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – man – children, in, at night

MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – murder – husband and child, she is going to

MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – nursing her child, that she is

MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – people – sees – connected with the law who will seize him, causing great
anxiety, cries like a child
MIND – DELUSIONS, imaginations – visions, has – evening – children wake in, with
MIND – DESIRES – many things impatiently, dislikes its favorite playthings, child
MIND – DESPAIR – death, with fear of – separate him from his children, death will
MIND – DIRTINESS – urinating and defecating everywhere, children

MIND – DISCONTENTED, displeased, dissatisfied – children

MIND – DISCOURAGED – children, in
MIND – DISOBEDIENCE – children, in
MIND – DREAMS – anxious – children, in
MIND – DREAMS – cares, full of – children, about her

MIND – DREAMS – child, children

MIND – DREAMS – child, children – about – adopting a child
MIND – DREAMS – child, children – about – lying on ice, her little child, and she feared it would fall into water
MIND – DREAMS – dead – bodies – finding a dead child in a churchyard
MIND – DREAMS – evil – child, to a

MIND – DREAMS – frightful – children, in

MIND – DREAMS – kidnapping – children, of
MIND – DREAMS – killing – children

MIND – DREAMS – looking for someone and failing to find him – children
MIND – DREAMS – many – children, in

MIND – DREAMS – nightmare – children, in

MIND – DREAMS – piercing bodies of her children together
MIND – DREAMS – remorse, of – death of child due to maternal carelessness, over

MIND – DREAMS – responsibility, of – children, for

MIND – DREAMS – saving others – asphyxiated child, an, whose parents will not let him treat it

MIND – DREAMS – vexatious – children, in

MIND – DREAMS – water – child bathing in boiling
MIND – DREAMS – water – falling into – child, her

MIND – DREAMS – weeping, with – death of child, over

MIND – DULLNESS, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending – children, in

MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to – family and children, from her

MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to – waking, on – children
MIND – ESTRANGED – flies from her own children

MIND – EXCITEMENT, excitable – children, in

MIND – EXCITEMENT, excitable – convulsions – during – children

MIND – EXCITEMENT, excitable – fever, during – inflammatory in children

MIND – EXCITEMENT, excitable – nervous – children, of
MIND – FEAR – accidents, of – child, to
MIND – FEAR – alone, of being – child wants mother to hold her hand
MIND – FEAR – approaching – others, of – children cannot bear to have anyone come near them

MIND – FEAR – bed – of the – alone, when – children, in

MIND – FEAR – broken the arm of her child, that she has, in gastroenteritis during pregnancy

MIND – FEAR – children, in

MIND – FEAR – cough, of – children, in weak, nervous, wake up with a dry, spasmodic cough, which causes
them to cry out in te

MIND – FEAR – disease, of – impending – child, to

MIND – FEAR – disease, of – impending – contagious, epidemic, infection – children, in

MIND – FEAR – falling, of – children, in

MIND – FEAR – killing, of – child, her
MIND – FEAR – panic attacks, overpowering – children, on waking

MIND – FEAR – people, of, anthropophobia – children, in

MIND – FEAR – pregnancy, during – child would be deformed, that
MIND – FEAR – punished, of being – child

MIND – FEAR – punishment, after, in children, if brought to bed too soon get convulsions in sleep
MIND – FECES – urinating and going to stool everywhere, children

MIND – FEIGNING – sick – children, in

MIND – FIRE – throw child into fire, after delivery
MIND – FOOLISH behavior – children, in

MIND – FORSAKES – children, his or her own

MIND – GESTURES, makes – grasping or reaching at something – children put

MIND – GESTURES, makes – grasping or reaching at something – genitals – children

MIND – GESTURES, makes – stamps the feet – sleep, during – children
MIND – HARSHNESS, rough – children, in

MIND – HATRED – children, of

MIND – HEEDLESS, careless – impelled to do reckless things, such as throwing child which he carries in his
arms, out of window
MIND – HIDE, desire to – children, in
MIND – HOWLING – rage, from, in children
MIND – IDIOCY – children, in
MIND – IMPATIENCE – children, with

MIND – IMPATIENCE – itching, from – child, in

MIND – IMPATIENCE – playing of children
MIND – IMPOLITE – children
MIND – IMPRESSIONABLE, susceptible – children, in
MIND – INDIFFERENCE, apathy – children, to her
MIND – INDOLENCE, aversion to work – children

MIND – INSOLENCE, impertinence – children, in

MIND – INTERRUPTION, aversion to – if you take the child by the hand it cries terribly

MIND – IRRITABILITY – morning – waking, on – children, in

MIND – IRRITABILITY – evening – agg. – children in brain complaints
MIND – IRRITABILITY – children, in
MIND – IRRITABILITY – children, toward
MIND – IRRITABILITY – diarrhea – in – children

MIND – IRRITABILITY – quietly, in children

MIND – IRRITABILITY – sleep – agg. – after – children, in
MIND – IRRITABILITY – sleeplessness, with – children, in
MIND – IRRITABILITY – touch, by – child cries
MIND – IRRITABILITY – violent, in children
MIND – JEALOUSY – children

MIND – JUMPING – general – children

MIND – KICKS – child is cross, kicks and scolds
MIND – KILL, desire to – child, her own
MIND – KILL, desire to – parents, in a child
MIND – KILL, desire to – sudden impulse to – throw child

MIND – KILL, desire to – threatens to – wife and children

MIND – KISSES – kissing and caressing, affectionate, children
MIND – LAMENTING, bemoaning, wailing – stool, if children have urging before
MIND – LAUGHING – general – children, in
MIND – LAUGHING – general – insane, in children

MIND – LAUGHING – general – silly – children at every occasion, in

MIND – LAUGHING – general – sleep – during – child with convulsions
MIND – LAUGHING – never – children
MIND – LOVE – children, for
MIND – MANIA, madness – abuses everyone – violent outburst, abuses her child, parturition, after, puerperal

MIND – MEMORY – weakness, loss of – children, in

MIND – MEMORY – weakness, loss of – labor, for mental – child cannot be taught
MIND – MOANING, groaning – children, in
MIND – MOANING, groaning – sleep, during – children
MIND – MOROSE, sulky, cross, fretful, ill-humor, peevish – children, in
MIND – NEGLECTS – children, her
MIND – OBSTINATE, headstrong – children

MIND – PLAY – aversion to, indisposition to, in children

MIND – RAGE, fury – children, in

MIND – RAGE, fury – paroxysmal – children, in

MIND – RAGE, fury – taken up, child on being
MIND – READING – unable to read – children, in

MIND – RECOGNIZE – does not – children, her own

MIND – RELIGIOUS – affections, general – children, in

MIND – RESPONSIBILITY – late, in children

MIND – RESPONSIBILITY – strong – children, in
MIND – RESTLESSNESS, nervousness – night – children, in

MIND – RESTLESSNESS, nervousness – children, in

MIND – RETARDED children
MIND – RUDENESS – children, of naughty

MIND – SADNESS, despondency, depression, melancholy – aversion to see her children from sadness
MIND – SADNESS, despondency, depression, melancholy – aversion to see her children from sadness – children
to whom he is devotedly attached become burdensome
MIND – SADNESS, despondency, depression, melancholy – children
MIND – SADNESS, despondency, depression, melancholy – diarrhea, during – child

MIND – SCHIZOPHRENIA – children, in

MIND – SCRATCHES with hands – child on head, on waking

MIND – SENSITIVE, oversensitive – crying of children

MIND – SENSITIVE, oversensitive – general – children
MIND – SENSITIVE, oversensitive – noise, to – voices – children, of

MIND – SERIOUSNESS, earnestness – children

MIND – SHAMELESS – children, in

MIND – SHRIEKING, screaming, shouting – anguish, in children

MIND – SHRIEKING, screaming, shouting – child, like a
MIND – SHRIEKING, screaming, shouting – children, in

MIND – SHRIEKING, screaming, shouting – continuously, children, in

MIND – SHRIEKING, screaming, shouting – fear, with – death, of, as if in – dry convulsive cough, from, in weak
nervous children
MIND – SHRIEKING, screaming, shouting – looked at, when – children in tabes mesenterica
MIND – SHRIEKING, screaming, shouting – pain, with the – ear, in – otitis, in children

MIND – SHRIEKING, screaming, shouting – sudden – children, in

MIND – SIGHING – children, in
MIND – SOMNAMBULISM – children, in

MIND – SPOILED children

MIND – STARTING, startled – fright, from and as from – child in croup

MIND – STRIKING – general – children, in

MIND – STRIKING – general – children, other, when not observed
MIND – STUPEFACTION, as if intoxicated – vomiting, after, in a child

MIND – SUICIDAL disposition – children, in

MIND – SYMPATHETIC, compassionate – children

MIND – SYMPATHY, compassion – desire for – studying, in children

MIND – TALK, talking, talks – general – sleep – in – children, in
MIND – TIMIDITY – bashful – children, in

MIND – TIMIDITY – children, with other

MIND – TOUCH things – impelled to – children, in
MIND – TOUCHED – aversion of being – head, of, in children

MIND – TRANQUILLITY, serenity, calmness – general – children, in

MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS, coma – general – brain – diseases, in – children

MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS, coma – general – fever, during – children

MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS, coma – general – interrupted by – moaning, anxious, child with gastritis mucosa
MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS, coma – general – motion – amel. – child standing up from bed

MIND – UNMANAGEABLE – children, sick and weak, in


MIND – WASHING – aversion to – children, in

MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – causeless – children, in
MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – child, like a

MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – children, in

MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – constant – children, in

MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – involuntary – children, in

MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – paroxysmal – child approaches fire, when, at night, rubbing head
quiets it

MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – piteous – children, in, when awake
MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – prolonged, children, in
MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – rage, as from, in children
MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – sleep – in – child good during the day, screaming and restless all

MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – spoken to, when – kindly – children, in
MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – sudden, in children
MIND – WEEPING, tearful mood – general – whimpering, in children

MIND – WILDNESS – children, in

MIND – WRITING – inability for – learning to write in children

MIND – YIELDING disposition – children

HEAD – FALLING of head – sideways – child leans head, all time
HEAD – FALLING out, hair, alopecia – children, in

HEAD – HYDROCEPHALUS, dropsy – children, third stage

HEAD – INFLAMMATION – meninges, meningitis – children, in

HEAD – PAIN – morning – agg. – waking, and on – children, in

HEAD – PAIN – children, in, recurrent
HEAD – PERSPIRATION – screaming children, in

HEAD – SENSITIVENESS of scalp or brain – brushing hair, from – child cannot have hair brushed or combed
HEAD – SWELLING – general – children
HEAD – TUMORS – bloody – children

HEAD – TUMORS – nevus on right temple, flat, in children

EYES – BORING with fists in eyes, child

EYES – DISCOLORATION – blueness – sclera – children

EYES – INFLAMMATION – children, infants, in
EYES – INFLAMMATION – scrofulous – children disposed to scaled head and inflammation of external ear, in

EYES – LINE, lower lids, young girls, hysterical children

EYES – PAIN – headache – during – school children, in

EYES – PAIN – sore, bruised – headache, during – school children, in

EYES – PANNUS – children, in
EYES – STRABISMUS – general – children, in

EYES – ULCERATION – cornea – children

EARS – BORING in, with fingers – child

EARS – PAIN – children, in

HEARING – IMPAIRED – children, in

NOSE – BLOW the – inability in children

NOSE – CATARRH – general – children, in

NOSE – CORYZA – general – children, in
NOSE – CORYZA – general – discharge – without, dry – children, in
NOSE – DISCHARGE – bloody – children, in
NOSE – DISCHARGE – purulent – children
NOSE – EPISTAXIS – general – children
NOSE – EPISTAXIS – general – nursing the child, while

NOSE – EPISTAXIS – general – habitual – children

NOSE – ITCHING, tickling – rubs – child starts out of sleep and
NOSE – OBSTRUCTION – general – children
NOSE – OBSTRUCTION – general – obstinate, children
NOSE – POLYPUS – children of psoric diathesis

NOSE – SOOTY nostrils – children

FACE – DISCOLORATION – pale – children, on running
FACE – DISCOLORATION – red – raw and dirty, nose, children
FACE – ERUPTIONS – acne – children, in tubercular
FACE – EXPRESSION – anxious – cradle, when child is lifted from
FACE – EXPRESSION – old looking – children, in

FACE – HEAT – general – movements of child, at first

FACE – LOCKJAW, trismus – children, in
FACE – RUBS – fist, with, while coughing, in children
FACE – ULCERS – general – nose – children, in tuberculous
MOUTH – BITING – fist, child gnaws

MOUTH – FINGERS in the mouth, children put

MOUTH – GANGRENOUS – children, in
MOUTH – PAIN – children, in
MOUTH – PAIN – gums – children during dentition
MOUTH – PAIN – aching – gums – children during dentition

MOUTH – PUT everything in mouth, children

MOUTH – SALIVA – suppressed – children during dentition
MOUTH – SALIVATION – general – children, in
MOUTH – STOMACACE, cancrum oris, ulcerative stomatitis – nursing children
TEETH – CARIES, decayed, hollow – general – premature in children

TEETH – DENTITION – difficult – painful, very, child will not sleep

TEETH – DWARFED, cupped – children, in
TEETH – IRREGULAR formation – lower, in a scrofulous child with mesenteric disease
TEETH – PAIN – children, in
THROAT – CHOKING, constricting – drinking, when – solids, but not for, in children
THROAT – CHOKING, constricting – swallow, swallowing – on – liquids – children, in
THROAT – ENLARGEMENT – general – tonsils – children, in pale, scrofulous

THROAT – INFLAMMATION, sore throat – children, in

STOMACH – ANXIETY – children, in
STOMACH – HEARTBURN – children, in
STOMACH – HICCOUGH – children, in

STOMACH – INDIGESTION – brain fag, from – children, in

STOMACH – IRRITATION – children, in
STOMACH – NA– USEA – children, in
STOMACH – PAIN – children, in

STOMACH – PAIN – motion – agg. – child in uterus, of

STOMACH – PAIN – burning – motion, on – child in uterus, of
STOMACH – SLOW digestion – children, in

STOMACH – VOMITING – general – children, in

STOMACH – VOMITING – general – nursing children

STOMACH – VOMITING – general – bile – children, in

STOMACH – VOMITING – general – blood, bloody – children, in
STOMACH – VOMITING – general – brownish – children, in nursing

STOMACH – VOMITING – general – chronic – children, in

STOMACH – VOMITING – general – sudden – children, in

ABDOMEN – ALIVE sensation – fist of a child, like

ABDOMEN – ANXIETY – colic, with, in children
ABDOMEN – DISTENSION – general – children, in

ABDOMEN – DISTENSION – general – large – pendulous in women who have born many children

ABDOMEN – ENLARGED – liver – children, in

ABDOMEN – HARDNESS – general – children

ABDOMEN – HERNIA – general – inguinal region – children, in

ABDOMEN – HERNIA – general – umbilicus – children, in

ABDOMEN – PAIN – anorexia, with, costiveness and red urine, in children

ABDOMEN – PAIN – aphthae in children, with
ABDOMEN – PAIN – children
ABDOMEN – PAIN – flatus – passing – with – children, in
ABDOMEN – PAIN – palpitation, after, on first movement of child

ABDOMEN – PAIN – burning, smarting – palpitation, after, on first movement of child

ABDOMEN – PAIN – cramping, griping – children, in

ABDOMEN – PAIN – cramping, griping – flatus – passing – with – children, in

ABDOMEN – PAIN – cutting – anorexia, with, costiveness and red urine, in children
ABDOMEN – PENDULOUS – children, in

ABDOMEN – SWELLING – general – liver – children, in

ABDOMEN – SWELLING – general – spleen – children, in

ABDOMEN – TENSION – children

RECTUM – CONSTIPATION – alternating with diarrhea – children, in
RECTUM – CONSTIPATION – children, in

RECTUM – CONSTIPATION – painful – child has to desist from effort

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – general – morning – children, of
RECTUM – DIARRHEA – general – children, in
RECTUM – DIARRHEA – general – children, in – emaciated children
RECTUM – DIARRHEA – general – coldness, with – children

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – general – convulsions, during – children

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – general – fever – with – high, children
RECTUM – DYSENTERY – children, in
RECTUM – EXCORIATION – children, in
RECTUM – FISSURES – general – children, tall

RECTUM – FLATUS – general – nursing children

RECTUM – HEMORRHOIDS – children, in
RECTUM – ITCHING – anus – children, in
RECTUM – PROLAPSE – general – children
RECTUM – WORM, worms – complaints – children, in

STOOL – STRINGY – children, in, with chill

BLADDER – IRRITABILITY – general – children, in, with headache
BLADDER – PAIN – urination – during – children, in
BLADDER – RETENTION of urine – general – children, in
BLADDER – RETENTION of urine – general – children, in – cold, every time child catches

BLADDER – URGING to urinate, morbid desire – children, in

BLADDER – URGING to urinate, morbid desire – ineffectual, fruitless – children
BLADDER – URGING to urinate, morbid desire – painful – child
BLADDER – URGING to urinate, morbid desire – sudden – night – child wakes up but cannot get out of bed
soon enough

BLADDER – URINATION – dribbling by drops – children, whole day

BLADDER – URINATION – dysuria – children, in
BLADDER – URINATION – dysuria – headache, with, children
BLADDER – URINATION – frequent – child cries and screams before urine passes, for a long time
BLADDER – URINATION – involuntary – night, incontinence in bed – children, in weak

BLADDER – URINATION – involuntary – children, in

BLADDER – URINATION – involuntary – children, in – difficult to waken the child
KIDNEYS – PAIN – colic – children, in
KIDNEYS – SUPPRESSION of urine, anuria – children, in

URINE – ALBUMINOUS – children, in

URINE – PAINFUL – burning, hot – children, in
MALE – ERECTIONS, troublesome – child, in a

MALE – ERECTIONS, troublesome – convulsive, spasmodic – child, in a

MALE – ERECTIONS, troublesome – painful – children, in

MALE – HANDLES genitals – children

MALE – HERNIA, testes – children, in weak
MALE – MASTURBATION – disposition to – children, in

MALE – SEXUAL – desire – excessive – children, in

MALE – SEXUAL – desire – increased – children, in

FEMALE – ABORTION, miscarriage – lead poisoning, from, if born the child lives but a year or two
FEMALE – ABORTION, miscarriage – women – feeble, who have born many children
FEMALE – ABORTION, miscarriage – tendency to – women who have had children, in

FEMALE – LEUCORRHEA – acrid, excoriating – children, in

FEMALE – LEUCORRHEA – yellow – children, in

FEMALE – LOCHIA – bloody, too – child nurses, when

FEMALE – MASTURBATION – disposition to – children, in
FEMALE – MENSES – nursing period, during – nursing the child, while

FEMALE – METRORRHAGIA – nursing the child

FEMALE – METRORRHAGIA – women – sterile, in, and those who have borne no children

FEMALE – PAIN – uterus – nurses, while child

FEMALE – PAIN – after-pains – nursing the child, when
FEMALE – PAIN – after-pains – women – old, scrawny, who have borne many children

FEMALE – PAIN – bearing down – uterus, and region of – nursing of child, during
FEMALE – PAIN – labor pains – general – child seems to ascend with every pain
FEMALE – PAIN – labor pains – general – motion – agg., of child

FEMALE – PAIN – labor-like – child bouncing in body, as if

FEMALE – SEXUAL – desire – increased – nursing child, when

FEMALE – STILLBORN children, women who deliver

SPEECH & VOICE – SPEECH – murmuring – sleep, in – brain complaints of children, in
SPEECH & VOICE – SPEECH – stammering – children, in

SPEECH & VOICE – VOICE – hoarseness – children, in

RESPIRATION – ARRESTED – desire to arrest – sudden – children, in

RESPIRATION – ARRESTED – general – anger from, children in

RESPIRATION – ARRESTED – general – falling, child
RESPIRATION – ARRESTED – general – lifted up from crib, child when

RESPIRATION – ASPHYXIA, death apparent – children, in

RESPIRATION – ASTHMATIC – humid – children, in

RESPIRATION – DIFFICULT – anger, after – children, in


RESPIRATION – SNORING – children, in

COUGH – CROUPY – sopor, stertorous breathing and wheezing, with, child starts up, kicks about, suffocating
turning b
COUGH – DRY – chronic dry cough – scrofulous children, in
COUGH – DRY – convulsive, spasmodic – exhausting, especially in children, agg. night lying down and going to
cold room to sleep
COUGH – STRAINING – children, in peevish
COUGH – SUFFOCATIVE – child becomes stiff and blue in face

COUGH – WHOOPING – child cries before cough

COUGH – WHOOPING – children, especially of

COUGH – WHOOPING – paroxysmal – wakens child at six am. – seven am., with vomiting of ropy mucus
CHEST – CONSTRICTION, tension, tightness – mammae – left – nurses from right, when child

CHEST – EMPTY sensation – mammae, after child nurses

CHEST – INDURATION – mammae – children, in

CHEST – INFLAMMATION – bronchial tubes, bronchitis – children

CHEST – INFLAMMATION – lungs, pneumonia – children, in
CHEST – INFLAMMATION – capillary, bronchial tubes – children, in

CHEST – MILK – flowing – children, in

CHEST – PAIN – mammae – left – child, nurses right side, while
CHEST – PAIN – cramping – mammae – nursing of child, during

CHEST – PAIN – drawing – mammae – left, when child nurses right

CHEST – PAIN – drawing – string, as with a, nipples, when child nurses
CHEST – PAIN – stitching – mammae – left – right side, when child nurses on
CHEST – PAIN – wandering – mammae – nurses, while child
CHEST – PALPITATION heart – anxiety – with – children, in

CHEST – PALPITATION heart – children, growing too fast

CHEST – PALPITATION heart – motion – agg. – movements of the child, from the first
CHEST – PALPITATION heart – pregnancy, during – movements of child, from first
CHEST – PARALYSIS – general – lungs – children, in
CHEST – SWELLING – general – mammae – children, in

CHEST – TUBERCULOSIS pulmonalis – children, in, without fever

BACK – SHORTNESS – cervical region – fat neck, in children
BACK – WEAKNESS, tired feeling – lumbar region – walking – child does not learn to walk

EXTREMITIES – CRAMPS – children, in

EXTREMITIES – HIP joint disease – children, in

EXTREMITIES – HOLD, child always missed laying hold of anything she wished
EXTREMITIES – WALKING – impossible – children, ankle complaints, from

EXTREMITIES – WEAKNESS – lower limbs – child late learning to walk

EXTREMITIES – WEAKNESS – lower limbs – ankles – children, in

SLEEP – COMATOSE – children, in

SLEEP – DEEP – children, in
SLEEP – DISTURBED – walking in bed, child is

SLEEP – FALLING asleep – difficult – children, in

SLEEP – FALLING asleep – fever – during – children and old people, in

SLEEP – HEAVY – children, in

SLEEP – INTERRUPTED – children, in
SLEEP – POSITION – knees – on – elbows, and – children, in, during sleep

SLEEP – PROLONGED – general – children, in

SLEEP – RESTLESS – children, in

SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – children, in

SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – diarrhea – during – children, in
SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – head to one side, child hangs
SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – heat – during – children and old people, in
SLEEP – SLEEPINESS – nervousness and, in children, with cough

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – day and night, children

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – children, in

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – children, in – caressed, child must be

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – children, in – carried, child must be
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – children, in – nervous children, during cough

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – children, in – rocked, child must be

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – children, in – wants to play and laughs, child

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – cough, from – children, in

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – nursing – child, after
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – playing and laughing, child is

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – respiration, with difficult – children, in

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – rocked, child must be
SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – screaming, with – children, in

SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – general – weaning the child, on

SLEEP – WAKING – movements of child in pregnancy, from

SLEEP – YAWNING – general – children, in

SLEEP – YAWNING – general – coughing – when – children especially, in
SLEEP – YAWNING – general – fruitless efforts to yawn – children, in

SLEEP – YAWNING – unable, in children

FEVER, HEAT – CEREBRO-SPINAL fever – children, in

FEVER, HEAT – KALA azar – children, of

FEVER, HEAT – RECURRENT, history of, in children
PERSPIRATION – ODOR – sour – children

SKIN – DISCOLORATION – pale – children, in

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – boils – children, disposition to

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – eczema – children, in

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – eczema – dry – children, in
SKIN – ERUPTIONS – eczema – moist – children

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – rash – children, in

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – sudamina – children

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – urticaria, hives – children, in

SKIN – ERUPTIONS – urticaria, hives – chronic – children, in
SKIN – ERYSIPELAS – children, in
SKIN – EXCORIATION – children, in
SKIN – EXCRESCENCES – condylomata – children, in
SKIN – INTERTRIGO – children, in
SKIN – SORE, becomes sore, decubitus – general – children, in

SKIN – STROPHULUS volaticus in children

GENERALITIES – ATTRACTIVE appearance in children
GENERALITIES – CHOREA – children who have grown too fast
GENERALITIES – CONVULSIONS, spasms – children, in

GENERALITIES – CONVULSIONS, spasms – mind – fright, from – child, in nursing, from fright of the mother
GENERALITIES – CONVULSIONS, spasms – mind – laughing – from – weakly, excitable children, in
GENERALITIES – CONVULSIONS, spasms – mind – punishment, after – children
GENERALITIES – CONVULSIONS, spasms – sleep – during – children, in
GENERALITIES – CONVULSIONS, spasms – head – pressure on the brain of child during parturition, from

GENERALITIES – CONVULSIONS, spasms – teeth – dentition, during – children, in

GENERALITIES – CONVULSIONS, spasms – epileptic – during epileptic paroxysm – mind – anger, morning,
GENERALITIES – CRAMPS – muscles – children, in
GENERALITIES – DIABETES – mellitus – children, in

GENERALITIES – EMACIATION – general – appetite – ravenous, with – children, in

GENERALITIES – EMACIATION – general – children, in
GENERALITIES – FAINTNESS, fainting – nursing child, when
GENERALITIES – FAINTNESS, fainting – pregnancy, during – slightest motion of child, from
GENERALITIES – FOOD and drinks – desires alternating with aversions, in children

GENERALITIES – FOOD and drinks – drinks – aversion – children, in

GENERALITIES – FOOD and drinks – eggs – aversion – children, in
GENERALITIES – FOOD and drinks – farinaceous food, starchy – amel., in children
GENERALITIES – FOOD and drinks – meat – desires – children, in
GENERALITIES – FOOD and drinks – milk – agg. – children, in

GENERALITIES – FOOD and drinks – milk – aversion – mothers – child refuses mothers milk
GENERALITIES – INJURIES, blows, falls and bruises – bones, fractures – slow repair of broken bones – children,

GENERALITIES – PARALYSIS – general – children, in

GENERALITIES – STIFFENING out of body – touch, from, in children
GENERALITIES – WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity – children, in

GENERALITIES – WEAKNESS, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity – muscles – children

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