Seva 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 986 012019

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International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

Ecosystem conservation of Mangrove Education Center (MEC)

in handling abration disaster at Pangkalan Jambi village based
on stakeholder engagement perspective

T A Seva1*, W Purwanto1 and A R Latuconsina1

CSR Department PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning


Abstract. The coastal communities of Pangkalan Jambi Village lives in an abrasion-prone

situation. This vulnerability can't be separated from natural factor namely hydrodynamic
phenomena worsened by lack of mangrove plants, which also caused by some destructive human
activities that ruined the ecosystem. This phenomena, simultaneously creates an abrasion-prone
situation on the Pangkalan Jambi Village’s coastal area, which is marked by the coastline decline
on the village coast up to 115 meters. Hence, this study aims to examine an innovative idea to
restore and conserve the mangrove ecosystem of village coastal area. Using descriptive
qualitative approach with conceptual framework of stakeholder engagement, it focused on
analyzing the idea of conservation of mangrove areas initiated by CSR PT Kilang Pertamina
Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning in partnership with various stakeholders such as
local government and also civil society organization as well. Activities that performed to
conserve coastal mangrove areas in Pangkalan Jambi Village started from mangrove planting
practice using Hybrid Engineering and Triangle Mangrove Barriers (Trimba), and developing
Mangrove Education Center (MEC) area as a tourism spot as well as a learning laboratory for
mangrove ecosystems.

1. Introduction
Based on data from the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government in 2021, Pangkalan Jambi Village is
located in Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province. The village area covering an area of
10 km2 has a population of 1.259 people spread across 12 Neighborhood Units (RT) and 6 Community
Units (RW). The eastern region of Pangkalan Jambi Village is a coast directly adjacent to the waters of
the Bengkalis Strait which is prone to abrasion phenomena. The lack of mangroves and coastal
hydrodynamic phenomena such as waves, currents, and tides are the driving factors for abrasion.
Technically, the abrasion condition is not only influenced by the hydrooceanographic process. However,
there are natural factors from land that can change the coastline, such as the result of sedimentation and
erosion from the impact of tidal currents (floods) and changes in river flow.
In 2004, a group of fishermen from Pangkalan Jambi Village who live in coastal areas formed a
group called “Harapan Bersama”. The group is a manifestation of the fishermen's concern about the
condition of the coastal area affected by abrasion. The rate of abrasion phenomenon is caused by the
hydrodynamic phenomenon of the coast which is driven by irresponsible human actions in cutting down
mangrove trees illegally in the coastal area of Pangkalan Jambi Village. According to (Purwanto et al.,
2020) the coastal land of Pangkalan Jambi Village has regressed by 115 meters or in the last 20 years

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International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

each year it has decreased by 5 meters. These ecological problems require solutions and interventions
from various stakeholders. One of the welfare actors who played a role in overcoming the ecological
crisis was PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning.
Pangkalan Jambi Village is located in the Ring 1 area of the operational area of PT Kilang Pertamina
Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning. This means that the Pangkalan Jambi Village area will
be directly affected by the company's operational activities both in terms of asset placement and
distance. So that in business ethics, the company is responsible for providing compensation both socially
and environmentally to the people of Pangkalan Jambi Village. This form of compensation is realized
through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and biodiversity programs, as a form of intervention and
the role of the company in overcoming environmental crisis problems in the coastal area of Pangkalan
Jambi Village. The company provides assistance to the “Harapan Bersama” group, and encourages
synergy among other welfare actors in order to support the success of mangrove planting in the coastal
area of Pangkalan Jambi Village. The mangrove planting effort is targeted to protect coastal areas from
the impact of abrasion disasters.
Furthermore, in 2018 the company also developed the potential of the area on the coast of Pangkalan
Jambi Village by creating a mangrove ecotourism area. This is marked by fostering the empowerment
of coastal women's groups by utilizing the potential of marine products and mangrove plants to then be
processed into food and drink products. This mangrove planting and community development zone on
the coast of Pangkalan Jambi Village was later known as the Mangrove Education Center (MEC). The
direction of development of the Mangrove Education Center (MEC) emphasizes the synergy between
stakeholders in efforts to restore and preserve mangrove ecosystems, as well as to develop groups from
a social and economic perspective. Departing from the issues above, it is interesting to study from the
perspective of stakeholder engagement regarding how the practice of developing the MEC ecosystem
conservation area on the coast of Pangkalan Jambi Village is? and how is the analysis of stakeholder
involvement in the development of the MEC ecosystem conservation area on the coast of Pangkalan
Jambi Village?

2. Theoretical Framework

2.1. Stakeholder Engagement

[1] Argues that stakeholder involvement can be understood as a practice carried out by an organization
to positively involve various parties in an activity within it. Involving stakeholders from various types
of actors can provide a positive impetus for the achievement of common goals in conserving the
mangrove ecosystem in the coastal area of Pangkalan Jambi Village. However, it can also reduce social
conflicts that may occur if other actors such as local government, other private parties and community
groups at large are not involved. When many actors are involved in a program or activity, it will be seen
how big the level of participation and decision making will be. There are ten levels of stakeholder
involvement which are depicted through the spectrum in the form of remain passive, monitor, advocate,
inform, transact, consult, negotiate, involve, collaborate and empower in the AA1000 Stakeholder
Engagement Standard guide [2].
Stakeholder involvement is then grouped to find categories of involvement through stakeholder
mapping activities. The results of the mapping will later be used to support the company's needs to see
the order of stakeholders who have a main role to those who have a minority role. Thus, a coherent and
effective mapping plan is needed in obtaining the desired data results. Morris & Baddache [3] suggest
that there are four stages that must be carried out in conducting stakeholder engagement mapping
activities, namely by identifying, analyzing, mapping and prioritizing. The identification stage is aimed
at knowing and determining who are and are not stakeholders of the company [3]. After we identify, the
next step is to analyze the relationship between the company and its stakeholders using certain variables
to arrange the priority level of the stakeholders. Next, we describe or describe the results of the
identification and analysis into a visualization in the form of modeling from stakeholder mapping. From
there, we will know the strengths and interests of each stakeholder which is then used to determine the

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

priority scale of each of these stakeholders. Only then will we determine the appropriateness of attitudes
and actions that will later be used to manage relationships with stakeholders according to the order of
priorities that have been determined.
After we get the data from the mapping of stakeholder involvement, the next step is to develop a
model of the form of engagement. [4] suggest that there are four categories or groups of stakeholders
by presenting a model matrix with four quadrants divided by 2 axes of power/influence and interest.
Through this model, it will be easier for companies to determine the appropriate method of engagement
with each stakeholder and at the same time to know which stakeholders should be prioritized [3].


Subjects Players

Crowd Setter


Low High

Source : [4]
Figure 1. Stakeholder Influence and Stakeholder
Matrix Modeling

Quadrant 1 is a "key player" which is a stakeholder who has high power and interest and is able to
support or sabotage the company's strategy [4]. While quadrant 2 “subjects” are stakeholders who have
high interest but low influence. Furthermore, quadrant 3 is “crowd” which shows low interest and
influence [5]. The last quadrant is “context setters” which shows stakeholders who have high influence
but low in terms of interest or importance.

3. Method
This research was conducted using qualitative methods to present descriptive data findings with a case
study approach. Data collection was done by identifying through observation, Forum Group Discussion
(FGD), interviews and documentation. Informants in this study were determined by non-probability
sampling, namely by purposive technique. The object of research to be studied is the MEC coastal area
in Pangkalan Jambi Village which is the CSR target area of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II
Production Sungai Pakning. Thus, the results of the stages of identification, analysis, mapping and
prioritizing stakeholders are aimed at supporting the development of CSR at PT Kilang Pertamina
Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning in synergy in implementing conservation and group
empowerment in MEC Pangkalan Jambi Village.
The determination of the category of informants which is a collection of stakeholders resulted from
scoring using a list of questions to measure how much influence and level of interest they have on the
implementation of the Mangrove Education Center (MEC) ecosystem conservation program and
activities for handling abrasion disasters in Pangkalan Jambi Village. The question instrument in scoring
was adopted from Roslinda et al. [6] by using five gradations of data measurement, then the score results
are accumulated and mapped into the stakeholder analysis model matrix grid.

4. Results and Discussion

The practice of developing the MEC ecosystem conservation area on the coast of Pangkalan Jambi
Village, started in 2017 through the CSR programs of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

Production Sungai Pakning which focused on mangrove restoration efforts and continued in the
following years with the aim of increasing biodiversity and empowerment of the Harapan Bersama
Group. Members of the Harapan Bersama Group are a mixture of fishing fishermen groups and
community groups outside the fishing fishing groups. The restoration of the coastal area of MEC in
Pangkalan Jambi Village was carried out by improving the quality of the 7 km long coastal environment
through the selection of mangrove seedlings of the api-api and mangrove species as well as planting
2.500 mangrove seedlings. Until the provision of good and correct mangrove cultivation training by
continuing to provide regular assistance to the Harapan Bersama Group. The Pangkalan Jambi Village
Government also contributed by realizing village funds for the construction of boat moorings for fishing
groups. The construction of this facility is intended to provide infrastructure support for fishing groups
in facilitating their access to sea. Thus, it is expected to increase the marine catch of the group.
The development of the mangrove conservation CSR program continues, marked by the creation of
a mangrove nursery, replanting 10.000 new mangrove seedlings, developing the Mangrove Education
Center (MEC) area as an ecotourism location and applying the installation of Wave Breakers (APO) in
stages in the form of hybrid engineering along 1.000 meters in 2018. However, this hybrid engineering
type APO did not last long when the waves hit, which was only able to last for 1 week. Furthermore,
the hybrid engineering type was modified by adding components in the form of crossed wood which
were arranged on top of the previous hybrid engineering. As a result, this type of APO can withstand
the waves for a period of 1 year and can be useful as a means of catching mud sediments, where the
sediment that has formed on the MEC coast of Pangkalan Jambi Village until 2020 is 21 meters wide
with a depth of 30-60 cm/year.
Then in 2019, many actors began to be involved in the development of the MEC area, both in terms
of tourism and in terms of conservation. The actors involved are PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU
II Production Sungai Pakning through the implementation of CSR programs which are marked by the
addition of planting 5.000 mangrove seedlings which are attended by elementary school students from
the Cinta Gambut School Network, ecotourism development by building a wooden track around the
MEC area, training diversification of marine catches and mangrove plants into processed food and drink
products that have standardized quality through a PIRT (Home Industry Products) permit and halal
certification from LPPOM MUI Riau. In addition, the development of APO is also carried out with the
innovation of the Triangle Mangrove Barrier (TRIMBA) which uses nibung wood as its raw material.
TRIMBA is the result of a combination of hybrid engineering modifications, straight wood type APO
and additional mounding techniques placed in front of the APO as a breakwater [7]. The next actor is
the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government which allocates village funds for the continued construction
of boat moorings for fishing groups that have been started since 2017 and training assistance for
mangrove tourism development. The Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Bengkalis Regency
also took part in providing assistance in the form of the construction of a 36 meter long boat mooring,
the construction of 1 saung infrastructure and 1 toilet. The construction of this infrastructure is intended
so that the Harapan Bersama Group can have public facilities in the form of a place to dock for ships, a
place for deliberation activities between members to take place, and a place for groups to rest when they
want to go or return from fishing. In addition, the Bengkalis Regency Cooperatives and Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Office also frequently visits through the UMKM exhibition to
promote the processed products of the Pokja Jaya Bersama. Pokja Jaya Bersama is one of the working
groups of the Harapan Bersama Group in charge of processing marine catches and mangrove plants to
be processed into food and beverage products. In its development, the Harapan Bersama Group has 3
working groups including the Fish Cultivation Working Group, the Mangrove Working Group and the
Product Management Working Group.

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

Source: company data

Figure 2. Implementation of TRIMBA at MEC Pangkalan Jambi Village

Then in 2020, the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government also re-realized village funds to support the
maintenance of fishing boat bridges/moorings, construction of boat moorings and the manufacture of
coastal protection sheeting on fishing roads. The Bengkalis Regency Library and Archives Service also
took part in assisting the promotion of MEC ecotourism in Pangkalan Jambi Village through literacy
enrichment and social media. The Department of Environment (DLH) of Bengkalis Regency and the
Department of Environment and Forestry (DLHK) of Riau Province also have a role in monitoring and
supporting conservation programs in the MEC coastal area of Pangkalan Jambi Village through the Setia
Lestari Bumi program and the Climate Village Program (PROKLIM). still running today. Through the
support of the Bengkalis Regency DLH and the Riau Province DLHK, Rukun Hamlet, which is where
the MEC is located, is a candidate for the Main PROKLIM candidate in 2021. PT Kilang Pertamina
Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning is also still involved in efforts to conserve mangrove
ecosystems and improve the group's economic welfare. in the MEC area of Pangkalan Jambi Village.
This is done by providing capacity building training for tour guides in the form of outbound activities
with resource persons from Pertamina Pecinta Alam (Patrapala). Aims to encourage the skills of group
members as tour guides in serving tourists at MEC Pangkalan Jambi Village. In addition, the company
also carries out monitoring and evaluation of biodiversity in the development of MEC Pangkalan Jambi
Village in 2020. As a result, the findings from the monev report show a positive impact from the
application of TRIMBA, where with this type of APO modification it is able to reduce the rate of waves
hitting the mainland and capable of forming sediments along 300 meters with a width of 50 meters and
a depth of ± 60-70 cm. The new sediments formed in fact also had a positive impact on the addition of
8 new benthic animal species in the seedling area that had never existed before. The Harapan Bersama
group has also been able to cultivate mangroves with the results of their captive breeding being sold to
various areas such as Bengkalis and Dumai. Therefore, the average mangrove seedling that has been
planted from 2017 to 2020 is ± 10.000 seedlings, followed by cross-sectoral institutions/organizations.
Where this year, the Forum Gambut Muda (FORGADA) is also involved in the replanting of mangrove

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

Source: company data

Figure 3. Mangrove seedlings reach cross-sectoral

Furthermore, this year, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning through
the CSR annual work plan (Renja), the company has realized several activities that are integrated into
the Permata Hijau Program. The purpose of the program is the company's efforts to develop an
innovative ecotourism concept based on mangrove conservation and group empowerment. The activities
carried out include group institutional administration training, development and improvement of
processed food products typical of mangroves, development of the mangrove area fisheries sector,
reforestation of mangrove areas with stakeholders, improvement of mangrove tourism tracks and
construction of a hybrid solar dryer system. Then through the Program Kampung Gambut Berdikari, the
company carried out teacher training activities for the Sekolah Cinta Gambut Network with resource
persons from the Geography Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Sebelas Maret. This training brought a group of Sekolah Cinta Gambut Network teachers to
the MEC location in Pangkalan Jambi Village to stimulate them to create a collection of questions with
the theme of mangrove ecosystem conservation.

4.1. Identification of Stakeholders in the Implementation of MEC Ecosystem Conservation

The actors involved have different portions and roles of involvement. Therefore, the results of the stages
of identification, analysis, mapping and prioritizing stakeholders are directed to support the role of PT
Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning in improving the quality and quantity
of conservation and group empowerment. The following is a table of identification results of a list of
stakeholders involved in MEC ecosystem conservation activities in Pangkalan Jambi Village:

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

Tabel 1. Stakeholders Mapping

Role in the implementation of MEC ecosystem conservation in Pangkalan
No. Institution
Jambi Village

1.As a corporation that carries out social and environmental responsibilities as a form
of commitment to sustainability;
PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional
2.Determine strategies and targets for achieving sustainable conservation;
3.Planning activities in the implementation of the conservation and revitalization
Production Sungai Pakning
program for the mangrove area at MEC, Pangkalan Jambi Village;
4.Monitor and evaluate the implementation of programs and activities.

1.Get involved in providing MEC conservation development assistance through the

realization of village funds;
2.Supporting mangrove conservation in MEC by issuing village regulations;
Pangkalan Jambi Village
2 3.Support the prohibition of illegal logging of mangroves through the establishment
of notice boards;
4.Support the formation of the Harapan Bersama Mangrove Cultivation Working
Group which was ratified through a Village Decree

Carry out CSR programs and activities that have been planned with
PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning which aims to
3 Harapan Bersama Group
maintain the MEC ecosystem through conservation activities and improving the
group's economy.
The role of the Bengkalis Regency Marine and Fisheries Service in supporting the
success of the Mangrove Education Center in Pangkalan Jambi Village is to build
boat moorings around the mangrove location, thus supporting the economy of
4 Marine and Fisheries Services fishermen as mangrove conservation activists. Because often fishermen or other
conservation groups are reluctant to carry out conservation because it clashes with
their economic needs. With this support, fishermen still get economic benefits when
carrying out mangrove conservation.
The Environmental Service at the Bengkalis District Environmental Service (DLH)
and the Riau Province Environmental and Forestry Service (DLHK) strongly
5 Environmental services supports conservation programs through its programs such as PROKLIM, Setia
Lestari Bumi, and others. The Environmental Service also provides assistance and
monitoring of The success of mangrove planting in Pangkalan Jambi Village.
Several other agencies and ministries are also heavily involved, especially in local
and national promotions. The Department of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (UMKM) of Bengkalis Regency often visits the UMKM
6 Other Offices and Ministries exhibition. Then the Bengkalis Regency Library and Archives Service helped
promote through literacy enrichment and social media, until the Ministry of Home
Affairs made Pangkalan Jambi Village an example of a village that was successful
in managing mangrove conservation through cross-sectoral collaboration.

Pertamina Pencinta Alam Provide capacity building for group members in the form of outbound training so
(PATRAPALA) that it can be applied in the development of tourism based on mangrove conservation.

Public Administration Study Explore knowledge through research such as theses, theses and dissertations at the
Program, Universitas Riau MEC location in Pangkalan Jambi Village.
One of the assisted groups of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production
9 Forum Gambut Muda (Forgada) Sungai Pakning which also has a role in helping mangrove conservation efforts such
as planting mangroves.
One of the assisted groups of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production
Sungai Pakning which makes MEC a learning laboratory for elementary school
10 Sekolah Cinta Gambut network
students in educating them to love the peat environment and the coastal environment
is no exception.
Geography Education Study An educational institution that provides knowledge enrichment training for
Program, Faculty of Teacher elementary school (SD) teachers who are members of the Cinta Gambut School
Training and Education, network to create a collection of questions at the MEC mangrove conservation
Universitas Sebelas Maret location.
Source: Processed from primary data

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

4.2. Analysis of Stakeholder Involvement in the Implementation of MEC Ecosystem Conservation

After we identify the actors involved in the MEC conservation activities in Pangkalan Jambi Village, it
is necessary to analyze the influence and interests of each of these actors and their relationship with PT
Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning. Thus, the results of the analysis are
as follows:
a. PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning
The company's intervention is the dominant factor in the development of the MEC conservation
area in Pangkalan Jambi Village which until now has developed into an ecotourism area. This is
evidenced by the company's guidance to coastal community groups in Pangkalan Jambi Village
through the implementation of CSR programs since 2017. Community development funds have
been disbursed by the company to assist groups in overcoming abrasion problems and overcoming
the failure of mangrove planting due to lack of group knowledge. There were innovations which
were later developed by the company together with the group in the form of breakwaters in the
form of hybrid engineering, hybrid engineering with modifications and the Triangle Mangrove
Barrier (TRIMBA). The company has a very high influence, due to the existence of an intense
mentoring relationship with community groups. Making companies trusted by groups to help
them deal with abrasion disasters while helping to improve their economy through the
development of ecotourism. The level of interest owned by the company is classified as very high
to maintain its existence in carrying out sustainable community development through the
implementation of CSR programs in the MEC area of Pangkalan Jambi Village. During a period
of four years from the start of the company's mentoring in 2017 to 2020, it was able to create a
benefit value of 3,5 times the program costs incurred. This value is generated through the
calculation of SROI (Social Return On Investment), where the investment issued by the company
starting from 2017 to 2020 amounting to Rp. 690.178.439,04 managed to create benefits felt by
the group equivalent to Rp. 2.417.149.336,48. The achievement of perceived benefits was largely
contributed by the success in mangrove nurseries, the reduction of abraded shorelines and media
b. Pangkalan Jambi Village Government
The influence that the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government institution has is very high, this is
because this institution has the responsibility to grant partnership permits between the Harapan
Bersama Group and companies or with other institutions and organizations in an effort to deal
with abrasion disasters and empower groups. The Pangkalan Jambi Village Government also
plays a role in providing input on the strategies and policies that will be taken by PT Kilang
Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning in implementing CSR programs in the
MEC area. In addition, the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government also has the authority to issue
policies that encourage mangrove conservation activities as well as allocate village funds to
support these activities. From 2017 to 2020, the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government has
contributed to allocating village funds of Rp. 305.153.300 to support the development of
ecotourism based on mangrove conservation and improvement of the fishermen's economy. On
the other hand, the interest of the Pagkalan Jambi Village Government is considered very high
seen from the gradual contribution it has made through the allocation of village funds aimed at
supporting mangrove planting and ecotourism development in MEC. Another reason is to
advance the village by making the reputation of the village name better.
c. Harapan Bersama Groups
The Harapan Bersama Group has a fairly high influence in expressing its aspirations to provide
input to the Community Development Officer team and management regarding the planning and
strategy for implementing CSR programs in the MEC area of Pangkalan Jambi Village. The group
also has a high interest in managing the MEC area of Pangkalan Jambi Village, where there is a
periodic performance and success assessment of the implementation of the CSR program
conducted by PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning which is

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

contained in the CSR monitoring and evaluation report. Monitoring and Evaluation activities are
intended to see the enthusiastic development and progress of the group in developing ecotourism
based on mangrove conservation at MEC Pangkalan Jambi Village.
d. Bengkalis Regency Marine and Fisheries Service
The Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Bengkalis Regency has a fairly high influence
on the implementation of the conservation of the MEC ecosystem in Pangkalan Jambi Village,
this can be seen from the absence of regular guidance by this institution. So that the policies and
strategies of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning in the
implementation of the CSR program do not have an inherent impact on this institution. On the
other hand, the importance of this institution is considered quite high, seen from its form of
concern in 2019 which provided infrastructure assistance for fishing groups to help improve
infrastructure facilities when they wanted to go and return from fishing.
e. DLH Bengkalis Regency and DLHK Riau Province
This institution has a high enough influence on the implementation of conservation and
ecotourism activities at MEC Pangkalan Jambi Village. This is because his presence is able to
change the CSR implementation strategy of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production
Sungai Pakning with the assessment criteria in the Proklim and Setia Lestari Bumi assessment
categories. The interest of this institution is considered high because the policies and strategies
for implementing CSR PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning do
not have a major impact on the institution. However, it has a big impact on the encouragement of
changes in the actions of the Harapan Bersama Group and the whole community in Pangkalan
Jambi Village to continue to improve the quality of the MEC mangrove environment with
conservation efforts.
f. Other Offices and Ministries
This group of institutions has a fairly high influence and interest in the implementation of
conservation and or ecotourism in the MEC area of Pangkalan Jambi Village. This is because the
role and involvement of this institution is deemed sufficient to support and support mangrove
conservation activities at MEC Pangkalan Jambi Village. However, the presence of these
institutions has no influence on the formulation of CSR policies and strategies carried out by PT
Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning in the MEC area of Pangkalan
Jambi Village.
g. Pertamina Pencinta Alam (Patrapala), Public Administration Study Program Universitas Riau,
Forum Gambut Muda (Forgada), Sekolah Cinta Gambut Network, Geography Education Study
Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Sebelas Maret
This stakeholder group belongs to the category that has less high influence. This is because they
are passive actors who were assigned by PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production
Sungai Pakning to help enrich the knowledge of the Harapan Bersama Group and the assisted
groups outside of mangrove conservation and to help in the planting of mangroves. As for the
level of importance, Patrapala has a low criteria because all conservation activities carried out by
PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning through CSR development
and biodiversity do not have much impact on the continuity of activities in the Patrapala group.
On the other hand, the Public Administration Study Program at the Universitas Riau, the Forum
Gambut Muda (Forgada), the Sekolah Cinta Gambut Network and the Geography Education
Study Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Universitas Sebelas Maret
have criteria of a fairly high level of importance because all development and implementation
activities of conservation are deemed sufficient. important to them.
In more detail the results of the analysis are presented in a scoring calculation table using five
questions adopted from Roslinda et al.[6], the following are the results of scoring the level of influence
and interest of each stakeholder:

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

Tabel 2. The level of influence and interest of stakeholders in the implementation of MEC
conservation in Pangkalan Jambi Village
No Stakeholders Influence Total Interest Total
U U U U U Value U U U U U Value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II 5 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 25
Production Sungai Pakning
2 Pangkalan Jambi Village Government 5 5 5 4 5 24 5 5 5 5 5 25
3 Harapan Bersama Group 3 2 5 1 5 16 5 5 5 5 5 25
4 Marine and Fisheries Services 4 2 1 2 5 14 3 3 1 3 2 12
5 Environmental services 5 1 1 1 5 13 5 2 3 5 5 20
6 Other Offices and Ministries 5 1 1 1 3 11 3 2 3 3 3 14
7 Pertamina Pencinta Alam (PATRAPALA) 2 1 1 1 2 7 2 2 2 2 2 10
8 Public Administration Study Program, 2 1 1 1 4 9 3 2 3 3 3 14
Universitas Riau
9 Forum Gambut Muda (Forgada) 2 1 1 1 3 8 5 2 3 4 2 13
10 Sekolah Cinta Gambut network 2 1 1 1 3 8 5 2 3 4 2 14
11 Geography Education Study Program, 2 1 1 1 3 8 3 1 3 3 2 12
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Sebelas Maret
U1= The ability of stakeholders to fight for his aspirations related to the implementation of conservation in MEC, U2= Contribution
of facilities provided for implementation/development of MEC conservation areas, U3= Institutional/HR/Facilitator capacity
assigned by stakeholders related to MEC conservation area implementation/development, U4= Budget support from stakeholders
used for the implementation/development of MEC conservation area,U5= The need for cooperation in the implementation/
development of MEC conservation area, U6= Perception of the importance of implementation/development of MEC conservation
area, U7= Stakeholder engagement in the implementation/development of the area MEC conservation, U8= Stakeholder
programs/activities related to the implementation/development of MEC conservation area, U9= Implementation/development
benefits MEC conservation area for stakeholders, U10= Stakeholder dependence on the implementation/development of MEC
conservation areas.
Source: Processed from primary data

The next step is to determine the quadrant position of each stakeholder by mapping their influence
and interests. This is supported by in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to obtain
accurate data using the scoring assessment method through questions given to stakeholders. The
following is a matrix of stakeholder quadrants based on the analysis of the level of influence and level
of importance discussed previously:

Source: Processed from primary data

Figure 4. Stakeholder classification quadrant in the implementation
of conservation in the MEC area of Pangkalan Jambi Village

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

Based on the table above, the stakeholders who play a role in the implementation of conservation in
the MEC area of Pangkalan Jambi Village are classified into 4 quadrants, namely: subjects, crowd,
context setters, and players. Stakeholders who fall into the subject category are Environmental Services
(DLH Bengkalis Regency and DLHK Riau Province). Then the stakeholders who fall into the crowd
category are Marine and Fisheries Services, Other Offices and Ministries, Pertamina Pecinta Alam
(Patrapala), Public Administration Study Program at Universitas Riau, Forum Gambut Muda (Forgada),
Sekolah Cinta Gambut Network and Geography Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education at Universitas Sebelas Maret. Meanwhile, in the context setters category, there are no
stakeholders in this quadrant of the category. Finally, the players category, the stakeholders who fall
into this quadrant category are Pangkalan Jambi Village Government, Harapan Bersama Group and PT
Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning.

Tabel 3. Forms of Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders PT Kilang
Engagement Engagement
No Pertamina Internasional RU II Engagement Method
level Strategy
Production Sungai Pakning
Coordination periodically using
Pangkalan Jambi Village Manage closely and two-way communication,
1 Collaborate
Government influence actively patnerships, joint ventures &
projects, collaborative platforms.
Training, conducting regular
meetings, two-way
communication, provision of
conservation support facilities and
Manage closely and
2 Harapan Bersama Groups Empower infrastructure and capacity
influence actively
building for the Harapan Bersama
Group. Integration of
stakeholders into strategy and
operations of the organisation.
Intense discussion, involve in
visiting & survey conservation
3 Marine and Fisheries Services Consult/Involve Keep satisfied
areas , focus group discussions,
online engagement tools.
Environmental services ( DLH Focus group discussions, involve
4 Bengkalis Regency dan DLHK Consult/Involve Keep satisfied in monitoring conservation areas,
Riau Province) limited meetings.
Workshop, surveys and public
5 Other Offices and Ministries Consult Keep satisfied
Pertamina Pencinta Alam
6 Inform Keep informed Whatsapp, Telephone, and letter.
Public Administration Study Surveys and focus group
7 Consult Keep satisfied
Program, Universitas Riau discussion.
Live dialogue and maintain
Manage closely and
8 Forum Gambut Muda (Forgada) Collaborate intensive two-way
influence actively
communication and training.
Live dialogue, maintain intensive
Manage closely and two-way communication, training
9 Sekolah Cinta Gambut network Collaborate
influence actively and online collaborative
Geography Education Study
Program, Faculty of Teacher Surveys and focus group
10 Consult Keep satisfied
Training and Education, discussion.
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Source: Processed from primary data

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

The results of the matrix modeling require supporting strategies to increase stakeholder involvement.
This is done by increasing the level of involvement of stakeholders who have a low level of
interest/influence and interest. Meanwhile, for stakeholders who have higher levels, it is necessary to
maintain relationships by maintaining and increasing the level of more comprehensive engagement
communication. The Harapan Bersama Group and Pangkalan Jambi Village are "Players" who have a
very high interest in handling abrasion disasters through conservation in the MEC area and are supported
with a very high influence to influence the planning, strategy, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation as well as publication of conservation activities. Thus, it is necessary to maintain the
relationship between the two parties by using an active influence strategy and carefully managing the
cooperative relationship. The method that can be used to build engagement is by two-way participatory
communication followed by routine coordination, common purpose, forming a joint collaboration forum
and carrying out activities together according to their roles and capacities supported by the creation of
mutually beneficial cooperative relationships. The level that will be used to encourage the involvement
of Pangkalan Jambi Village is to collaborate, while for the Harapan Bersama Group is to empower.
DLH Bengkalis Regency and DLHK Riau Province as well as the Department of Marine Affairs and
Fisheries of Bengkalis Regency are representatives of stakeholders at the level of government
institutions, which in the case of this study have an important role in the implementation of conservation
activities and handling abrasion. Therefore, this institution is important to be involved and useful as a
means of consultation in providing advice and input on all actions that have been taken by PT Kilang
Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning in collaboration with the Harapan Bersama
Group and the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government in developing mangrove conservation methods.
and ecotourism areas. The method of engagement that can be used by companies is limited two-way
communication according to the selected subject matter. Furthermore, assessing the capacity of the
institution of the Public Administration Study Program at Universitas Riau, Geography Education Study
Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Universitas Sebelas Maret as well as other offices
and ministries provide opportunities for companies to be able to manage and improve cooperative
relationships through consultation actions with the intent and purpose to the three institutions can
provide more voluntary support to increase the capacity and quality of mangrove conservation
implementation and provide input on existing local ecotourism management. The method of
engagement that should be carried out is to establish two-way limited communication, followed by
conveying the company's constructive interest in developing the MEC conservation area in Pangkalan
Jambi Village. This can be done by establishing special group discussions, workshops, surveys and
public meetings. Meanwhile, Pertamina Pecinta Alam (PATRAPALA) is a stakeholder whose
involvement is passive because its duties and responsibilities come from the company's command to
make it a resource for training guides with less strong institutions than stakeholders from educational
and government institutions. Thus, the level of involvement that will be carried out by the company is
still limited to informing the publication of conservation-based ecotourism development in the MEC
area in Pangkalan Jambi Village as an effort to offer more medium-term collaboration.
Meanwhile, the Sekolah Cinta Gambut Network and Forum Gambut Muda (Forgada) are groups that
are the result of the community development development program conducted by PT Kilang Pertamina
Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning in the field of education. The portions and roles of these
two groups that were previously passive are now managed by increasing the intensity of collaboration
to foster aspirations in the form of bright ideas to help companies in the development of conservation-
based ecotourism in the MEC area of Pangkalan Jambi Village. Therefore, companies need to carefully
manage the communication that is built through training activities, direct discussions, and creating
online collaboration platforms in the form of digital learning applications and so on.

4.3. Stakeholder Engagement Program Results

After analyzing the involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of the conservation of the MEC
ecosystem in Pangkalan Jambi Village which is now also developing into an ecotourism area. There are

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

several programs that are the result of multi-stakeholder collaboration to support the handling of
abrasion in the MEC area. The programs are:
a. Mangrove tree planting involving cross-sectoral stakeholders such as the Governor of Riau,
temporary person in charge of the Regent of Bengkalis Regency, GM of PT Kilang Pertamina
Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning, Office of Library and Archives of Bengkalis
Regency, Department of Environment of Bengkalis Regency, Department of Environment and
Forestry of Riau Province, BAPPEDA of Bengkalis Regency, Sub-district of Bukit Batu, Sub-
district of Bandar Laksamana, Sub-district of Siak Kecil, Department ofTourism, Culture,
Youth and Sports (Disparbudpora) of Bengkalis Regency, the Department of Trade and Industry
of Bengkalis Regency and many other stakeholders are involved. This involvement is integrated
in 1 ceremonial activity for the inauguration of MEC and its ecotourism in 2020 by the Governor
of Riau. However, periodically planting mangroves every year starting from 2017 until now
involves at least 3 stakeholder actors outside PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II
Production Sungai Pakning, namely the Harapan Bersama Group and the Pangkalan Jambi
Village Government.
b. Fisherman Wharf Construction Program
It is a program initiated by the Bengkalis Regency Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service which
collaborates with the Harapan Bersama Group which is no exception also coordinating with the
company and the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government to build a fishing pier in the form of
building a boat mooring on a river that juts into the estuary, construction of 1 MCK
infrastructure and 1 saung infrastructure. In addition, the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government
previously in 2017 had also contributed to the stage of building a boat mooring that jutted into
the sea.
c. Ecotourism Development Program
It is a collaborative program which reflects the company's intense involvement with the Harapan
Bersama Group and the Pangkalan Jambi Village Government in building mangrove wood
tracks, tourist shelters, boat moorings, making coastal protection sheeting on fishing roads,
building mangrove tourism towers and many more. At the same time, increasing preparedness,
mitigation, recovery and development efforts in the MEC coastal area as a result of the
encouragement of the criteria for the assessment of the DLH Bengkalis Regency and DLHK
Riau Province in the Climate Village Program (Proklim) and Setia Lestari Bumi.
d. Breaker Equipment Development Program (APO)
This program is implemented by collaborating between the company and the Harapan Bersama
Group in the practice of installing APO, starting from the application of ordinary type hybrid
engineering to modification to TRIMBA.

5. Conclusion
Programs and activities to support the conservation efforts of the MEC ecosystem in Pangkalan Jambi
Village have involved the contributions of various cross-sectoral stakeholders. However, this
involvement is still limited to stakeholders who are representatives of actors from the government and
civil society organizations. As for the involvement of the private sector, it can be said that it is less
heterogeneous, where only one actor plays a role and is actively involved in the conservation activities.
This private actor is PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU II Production Sungai Pakning. Although
many actors are involved, this is only able to contribute to the stages of disaster management at the level
of prevention, mitigation, recovery and development. While the stages of emergency preparedness and
response have not been provided by the company, either in the form of education and training. Where
the company is only limited to providing education related to the readiness and feasibility of ecotourism
opening infrastructure that is safe for tourists, as well as providing tricks for groups to save tourists in
the event of an accident such as drowning.

International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/986/1/012019

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