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Over seventy million people were dead, including over forty six million civilians.

There was war in France, Germany, Poland, Russia, Italy, Britain, Lybia, the United States, Japan, China, Korea, and the Philippines. How did this happen; how did Adolf Hitler, a man that could today be certified as insane, get to the position where he led the world into the deadliest conflict in our history? Today we can look back we can say that its incomprehensible how Hitler came to power, but back in the day it only took one thing: good public speaking skills. In the 1930s here was no internet or mass television to provide alternative viewpoints. The only way for somebody to get the word out to the masses was in person, through the newspaper, and on the radio; two of which require good public speaking skills. There were three ways that Hitler used public speaking to come into power: he knew his audience, he used emotional appeals, and he made sure that the word got out. The first way that Hitler was able to take control was that he knew his audience. In the 1930s, Germany was on its knees. The Allies had been victorious in the Great War and had stripped Germany of everything. There were millions dead, its armies had been dismantled so that Germany would never pose a danger again, and the Allies were forcing them to pay billions of dollars in reparations to the victors, which drained the German economy and pushed them into a depression. Hitler knew this, and he tailored his campaign so that it targeted what the German people wanted most revenge. To quote Hitler himself in his book Mein Kampf, To whom should propaganda be addressed? To the scientifically trained intelligentsia or to the less educated masses? It must be addressed always and solely to the masses. Modern Germans have always been a mostly logical people, and they almost always have been logical. But the Allies had humiliated Germany after the Great War, and between the reparations and dismantling of the army, the Germans were, for lack of a better word, pissed off. Hitler appealed to their anger and their fear and was able to cast the rest of the world, and the Jews in particular, as the enemies. He was able to motivate the German people into transforming their crippled economy into a massive war machine. Of course, just getting under some peoples skin isnt quite enough. Youve got to get the word out. Hitler organized massive rallies at which he spoke in front of tens of thousands of receptive Germans, who all went home and talked to hundreds of thousands of friends and family. That wasnt enough, so he took a hold of technology, utilizing the radio like no man before him. His powerful speeches were broadcast into the homes of millions of Germans, and without an opposing viewpoint his ideas were quickly accepted. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. We can say that such a thing would never happen today, but we still get most of our information through listening. If one knows their audience, appeals to their emotions, and the make sure that their message is spread which today is easier than ever, they can be convincing enough to fool even the best of us.

How did Adolf Hitler come to power?

Derek Kessler

Specific Goal: I would like the audience to understand how Hitler used public speaking to take convince the German people to go to war.

Introduction I. World War II killed 70 million, including over 46 million civilians. II. The war spanned across the world, in the Pacific, Europe, Asia, and Africa. III. Today we can look back and say that couldnt happen today, but how did it happen then? IV. Get the word out in person, in the newspapers, and on the radio.

Thesis Statement: The three ways that Adolf Hitler used public speaking to come into power was that he knew his audience, he used emotional appeals and he made sure that his message was spread.

Body I. The first way that Hitler was able to take control was that he knew his audience. A. Germany was on its knees. 1. There were millions dead. 2. The German armies had been dismantled by the allies.

3. The Allies forced Germany to pay reparations that drained their economy. B. Hitler tailored his campaign so it targeted what the German people wanted: Revenge. C. Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler: To whom should propaganda be addressed? To the scientifically trained intelligentsia or to the less educated masses? It must be addressed always and solely to the masses.

II. The second way that Hitler was able to take control was that he used emotional appeals. A. Germans are proud and logical. B. But after the Great War they were humiliated and angry. C. Hitler appealed to their emotions and cast the rest of the world and the Jews as the enemy. (Finch 2000)

(Of course, just getting under some peoples skin isnt quite enough. Youve got to get the word out.)

III. The third was that Hitler was able to take control was that he made sure his message was spread. A. Spoke at rallies in front of tens of thousands. B. Used the radio to broadcast his speeches into homes across Germany. (Culbert 1995)

(As they say, hindsight is 20/20.)

Conclusion I. We can say that that could never happen today. II. We still get most of our information through listening. III. If you know your audience, appeal to their emotions, and make sure your message is spread, you can convince even the best of us.

References Culbert, D. (1995). Joseph Goebbels and his diaries. Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television, v15. p143. Finch, L. (2000). Psychological propaganda: the war of ideas on ideas during the first half of the twentieth century. Armed Forces & Society, v 26. p367. Hitler, A. (1925). Mein kampf. London. Secker and Warburg.

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