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REVIEWER understand what participants think in

a particular way.

WHAT IS RESEARCH? Is a method that deals with numbers
and measurable forms. It uses a
RESEARCH is defined as careful systematic way of investigating events
consideration of study regarding a or data. It answers questions to justify
particular concern or problem using relationships with measurable
scientific methods. variables to either explain, predict, or
control a phenomenon.
According to the American sociologist
Earl Robert Babbie, “research is a PURPOSE
systematic inquiry to describe, explain,
predict, and control the observed The purpose of Qualitative method is
phenomenon. It involves inductive and to examine a phenomenon as it is, in
deductive methods. rich detail while Quantitative method
is to study relationships, cause and
For Qualitative, the design is flexible
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH and it evolves during study. On the other
hand, Quantitative is developed prior
Is a method that collects data using to study.
conversational methods, usually open-
ended questions. The responses APPROACH
collected are essentially non-
Qualitative is inductive and may
numerical. This method helps a
generate theory while Quantitative is
deductive and tests theory.

The Qualitative method only uses
small samples while Quantitative
method uses large samples.
take part in research experiment
For Qualitative, it uses a narrative might be asked to complete
description and interpretation while for various tests to measure their
Quantitative, it uses statistical analysis cognitive abilities (e.g word
of numeric data. recall, attention, concentration,
RESEARCH PAPER reasoning ability etc.) usually
verbally, on paper or by
STUCTURE computer.
TITLE SURVEYS – involve collecting
information, usually from fairly
Contains the fewest possible
large groups of people, by means
words needed to adequately describe the
of questionnaires but other
content and/or purpose of your research
techniques such as interviews or
telephoning may also be used.
Write 150 words on the purpose information from a large number
of the study, research questions and of people and/or people who
suggestions, and main findings with may not have the time to attend
conclusion. an interview or take part in
Provide the main information on INTERVIEWS – usually carried
the problem statement, the indication of out in person i.e. face-to-face but
the methodology, important findings can also be administered by
and principal conclusions. telephone or using more advance
Formulate the thesis statement. computer technology such as
CASE STUDIES – involve the
LITERATURE detailed study of a particular
Analyze and incorporate case (a person or small group)
scholarly sources on the past studies.
METHODOLOGY Review the information in the
Explain the design of the introduction part, evaluate their gained
research with techniques that are used results, or compare it with past studies.
for gathering information and other
aspects related to the experiment.
Present and illustrate the It is a specific meaning of a
obtained findings word or phrase given to it by the group
of people who use the word in their
LIMITATIONS specific contest.
Consider the weaknesses of the It is more on the application of
research and results to get new the word.
Different from the dictionary
CONCLUSION definition

Provide final thoughts and For example, these may include

summary of the whole work the various attempts to define or explain
a certain process and its properties
RECOMMENDATIONS including but not limited to the
characteristics of the event itself.
Propose potential solutions or
new ideas based on the obtained results. Ex:

APPENDIX An automobile is a car or truck that

gets you around from place to place and
Contains the extra information, it caries cargo or passengers, and makes
may not be useful to the entire audience it easier to live in the city or
or the time and space may not allow you countryside.
to include in the main body. It supports
the important points in your paper TECHNICAL
Enable the researcher to thank It refers to the aspect of
all those who have helped in carrying explaining or describing any technical
out the research. terms or terminology.
Technical definitions could be
BIBLIOGRAPHY/ used in expanding the vocabulary since
REFERENCES most of these terms are explained in the
exact manner.
Write the list of the sources used
to get information for the research Examples include the terms and
definition of the words found in
lesson 2 dictionary.
And in a technical definition, knowing
TYPES OF DEFINITION who the audience is, matters
An automobile is a road vehicle,
typically with four wheels, powered by lesson 3
an internal combustion engine or
electric motor and able to carry a small EXPANDED DEFINITION OF
number of people. WORDS
1. Used by specialists when FORMAL DEFINITION
communicating with readers Consists of three parts: the
who have a high level of term, the part of the speech to which it
technical expertise to : belongs, such as noun or verb, and all
clarify the context and the traits or characteristics that are
reduce ambiguity. specific to that term.
2. Help specialists
communicate with less Another form is the word to define, the
knowledgeable readers. For class to which the term belongs and the
example, a manual characteristics (details about the term
explaining how to tune up a that distinguish it from other member of
car includes definitions of the class.)
parts and tools.
Ex: freedom
The power or right to act, speak,
OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS are or think as one wants without
concrete, observable, repeatable and hindrance or restraint.
measurable. A definition that identifies
observable properties, steps in a
sequence, an interaction, change, INFORMAL
process, or other phenomena for
explanatory purposes. DEFINITION
The writer uses known words or
examples to explain an unknown term.
These definitions may be synonyms or
antonyms introduced by or, in other
words, or like.
Ex: freedom
Freedom, also referred to as
liberty or independence, is a state people
reach when they are free to think and do
whatever they please.
freedom when everyone has the same
educational opportunities.
Generally have components of 1. ETYMOLOGY – explaining
both informal and formal definitions. origin of the word itself
However, the author uses a number of 2. HISTORY – if relevant,
other techniques to define a word, discussing the history of the tem/
concept, or phrase. its use/ controversies associated
with it.
discussing how the situation
a. Clarifying sometime that is came about and what effects it
complex may have
b. Bringing a reader to a fresh 4. DESCRIPTION – listing and
appreciation of something defining the component parts
familiar or taken for granted 5. PRINCIPLES OF
OPERATION – discussing how
the topic in question functions,
To our colonial forefathers, including any special materials
freedom meant having a voice in their or conditions required.
government. (historical reference) The 6. CLASSIFICATION – showing
Revolutionary War was a last resort how the topic fits into a larger
against an empire that continued to tax category
its colonists without the presentation of 7. CONTRAS/NEGATION –
our colonists in Parliament. Since the showing how the topic differs
United States won the right to rule from others in the same class
itself, our country has been referred to 8. COMPARISON – showing how
as “the land of the free and the home of the topic is similar to others in
the brave” (example) True freedom the class
means the ability to think, feel, say, or 9. ANALOGY – explaining by
act however one chooses. (description- comparing two dissimilar topics,
listing parts) It is a state where the bars where the second is familiar to
of bondage do not exist. (negation) the audience.
Unfortunately, the widening gap 10. EXAMPLES – give variety of
between the have and have nots means sample
that some are now shacked by their lack 11. ILLUSTRATIONS – include
of education. (evoke the senses: pictures, drawings, sketches
shacked) Americans can attain real
Formal definitions commonly use
lesson 4 indefinite articles for the term and class,
present forms of the verb be and an
RESEARCH REPORT adjective clause or reduced adjective
clause to express the distinguishing
The IMRaD FORMAT characteristics.
IMRaD is an acronym for Ex:
RESULTS – and – DISCUSSION. 1. Modems are devices that
make possible the
The IMRaD format is a way of transmission of data to or
structuring a scientific article. It is often from a computer via
used in healthcare and natural sciences. telephone.
Unlike theses in the social sciences, the 2. The internet is a global
IMRaD format are usually short and system of networked
concise. The language will be plain and computers that allows user-
as unambiguous as possible. There is no to-user communication and
place in this type of writing for personal transfer data files.
views and fanciful language.
A research report is your way of Writing Informal
communicating the finding of your Definitions
study in a concise and systematic way.
You can inform, analyze, and persuade The following tips are some of
or argue through your research report. the ways on how to write informal
definitions, including expanded
The Grammar in Writing Use present tense of the verb
Ex: Cancel culture is generally
In academic word, students are discussed as being performed on social
often expected to give definitions of key media in the form of group shaming.
words and phrases in order to
Define the term in the way you use it.
demonstrate and understand these terms
clearly. Academic writers generally, Ex: Throughout this essay, the term
however, define terms so that their classic gaming will refer specifically to
readers understand exactly what is playing video games produced for the
meant when certain key terms are used. Atari, the original Nintendo
Entertainment System, and any systems
Writing Formal in-between.
Use synonym : What is its similarity to
the other objects?
Ex: Cancel culture or call-out culture is REPORT
a modern form of ostracism in which
someone is thrust out of social or 1.
professional circles – whether it be
online, on social media, or in person. Informational/Expository
Those subject to this ostracism are said This type presents information.
to have been “cancelled”. The reader sees the details of events,
Use negation : What similar things activities, or conditions. This type does
should not be equated with this object? not require analysis of the situation,
there is no conclusion, and no
Ex: Machine screws, unlike machine recommendations.
rivets, are not resistance to vibration and
low-profile heads. 2. Analytical
This type is written to solve
problems. Here, the information
Additional Tips for gathered is analyzed, conclusions are
Writing Definitions drawn, and recommendations are made.

- Avoid defining with “X is when” 3.

and “X is where the” elements.
These introductory adverb Persuasive/Argumentative
phrases should be avoided. This type is an extension of
Define a noun with a noun, a analytical reports. This demonstrates an
verb with a verb, and so forth. attempt to convince the readers of the
- Do not define a word by me solidity of a particular view you have on
repetition or merely restating the a subject.

lesson 5
After conducting your research, you
need to present your findings of your
study. Here, you will write about your
research clearly and concisely so that
your readers will understand the purpose
of the results of your research.

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