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Assessing Consumer Preferences for Clean-Fuel Vehicles:

A Discrete Choice Experiment

Gordon Ewing and Emine Sarigöllü

The authors assess preferences for clean-fuel vehicles (CFVs) versus the conventional vehi-
cle using a discrete choice experiment. The results show that though consumers value envi-
ronmental impact, vehicle performance characteristics are critical to choice. The authors
find that regulation is not sufficient to create a market for CFVs, and they identify three
market segments to which CFVs should be distinctly positioned and targeted.

oncern about transportation’s adverse impact on the use” (p. 5), including the mandatory purchase of alternative-

C environment has led the United States, the European

Commission, and Canada to pass regulations limit-
ing greenhouse gas emissions by transportation. For exam-
fuel vehicles. Furthermore, The Montreal 2000 Electric
Vehicles Project, partnered by the governments of Canada
and Quebec and Hydro-Quebec, provides purchase assis-
ple, the European Commission requires benzene levels to be tance for EVs and ensures the development of recharging
cut by 70% and carbon monoxide to be reduced by one-third infrastructures. Similarly, to encourage the leasing of EVs by
by 2005. The United States’s new federal emission stan- public fleets, the California Air Resources Board, the South
dards, to be phased in between 2004 and 2009, require pas- Coast Air Quality Management District, and the Department
senger cars, sport-utility vehicles, and light-duty trucks to be of General Services have launched the ev Loan Program.
75%–95% cleaner than they are today. The California Air Regulations encouraging or mandating fleet operators to buy
Resources Board has already established that 10% of new EVs could be a major driving force, at least in the initial
vehicles sold in California in 2003 must have zero emissions stages of the EV market growth, during which development
(i.e., they must be electric). In response, major automakers and commercialization of the EV is subject to a learning
in the United States, Japan, and Europe have been investing curve. Ultimately, however, it is consumer demand that will
approximately $10 billion annually to develop cleaner vehi- determine the long-term viability of the EV.
cles and particularly the electric vehicle (EV). Says GM’s Governments are also considering/implementing industry
former chairman, Robert C. Stempel, “Our guys can build subsidies or partnerships to improve the performance char-
anything but somebody’s got to want to buy it” (Woodruff, acteristics of clean-fuel vehicles (CFVs), such as the
Peterson, and Miller 1991, p. 59). Marketers and regulators California Fuel Cell Partnership, a collaboration among
have also voiced concern about consumer acceptance/ automakers, fuel providers, a fuel cell developer, and gov-
demand for the EV. ernment agencies. Such initiatives would expedite the
Realizing that larger volumes of EVs will result in sub- development of a viable competitor to the conventional
stantial air quality benefits, governments have stepped in to vehicle and provide an attractive alternative to consumers.
facilitate the development of the EV market. Price subsidies Measures directly targeting the consumer, such as price
and purchase mandates for public fleets are already in place. subsidy, gasoline taxes, subsidy on electricity, and allocation
For example, the U.S. president has recommended tax cred- of express lanes for EVs, are also being debated. Currently,
its for EV buyers to begin in the early 2000s. In Canada, the however, it is not known whether governments could play a
Federal Smog Management Plan mandates the government vital role in swaying consumer preferences with these mea-
to “pursue opportunities for agreements that would over- sures. Knowledge on whether government regulation would
come market barriers for alternative transportation fuels and influence consumer preferences is critical for the marketing
advanced technology vehicles” (Government of Canada of CFVs and thus is of great interest to marketers, regulators,
1997, p. 5). In addition, “Natural Resources Canada will and automakers. The current research explores this issue.
develop a ‘green fleet’ of vehicles for federal government We investigate consumer preferences for CFVs, includ-
ing both low-emission vehicles (LEVs) and zero-emission
vehicles (ZEVs)—that is, the EV—through a discrete
GORDON EWING is Associate Professor of Geography, Department choice experiment. We explore what level of preference
of Geography, McGill University. EMINE SARIGÖLLÜ is Associate consumers display for CFVs, how their preferences respond
Professor of Marketing and Director, Centre for Knowledge and to improved performance, and whether governments could
Research in Marketing (KARMA), Faculty of Management, influence preferences through regulation. Specifically, we
McGill University. The authors thank Imran Currim, Alex consider policies of setting different prices for alternative
Whitmore, and Albert Lukban for their helpful comments and sug- fuels (such as taxing gasoline and subsidizing cleaner fuels
gestions. This research was supported by a grant from and electricity), subsidizing the price of CFVs, exempting
Environment Canada’s University-Based Research Program on cleaner cars from any road pricing charges, and allocating
Economic Instruments for Environmental Sustainability.
express lanes to CFVs. Although extensive research has

Vol. 19 (1)
106 Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Spring 2000, 106–118
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 107

been reported on both the supply side (manufacturing LEVs shorter commuting times because of express lane privileges.
and ZEVs) and the environment side, research on consumer Commuting costs could also vary between vehicle types
preferences for CFVs has been sparse (for exceptions, see because of differences in fuel efficiency, fuel price (taxing
Beggs and Cardell 1980; Beggs, Cardell, and Hausman gasoline, subsidizing cleaner fuels and electricity), and
1981; Bunch et al. 1993; Calfee 1985; Segal 1995; Urban, exemption from any road pricing charges. These two attri-
Weinberg, and Hauser 1996). This research focuses on indi- butes were specifically included to assess the impact of reg-
vidual consumer (or household) preferences for CFVs, not ulatory policies on consumer preferences.
on fleet buyers’ preferences. Subsequently, we pretested the attributes and their levels in
We surveyed a random sample of 1500 commuters who focus groups. Four sessions were conducted with drivers who
drive to work regularly. This study extends previous research commute regularly (at least three days a week). Focus groups
on consumer preferences for CFVs in four ways. First, the were helpful in assessing respondent reaction to the range of
choice experiment included factors that reflect potential gov- attribute levels considered in choice scenarios. For example,
ernment subsidies/levies to encourage the choice of CFVs. small changes in fuel cost (e.g., 15%) appeared unlikely to
Second, in assessing preferences for vehicles, in addition to the bring about a response (i.e., switch from a conventional vehi-
typical vehicle-specific predictors (e.g., price, acceleration), cle to the EV). Therefore, in the subsequent mail survey, we
we also considered information on attitudes toward the envi- varied fuel cost by as much as three times its present cost.
ronment and technology. We show that such attitude informa- Most important, we realized that focus group participants did
tion contributes to a more accurate assessment of preferences. not respond well to the typical values that were used for attrib-
Third, we customized the attribute values in each respondent’s utes, such as purchase price, commuting time, and cost. To
choice sets to maximize the relevance of the choice task for ensure the relevance of the choice experiment, we customized
respondents. Fourth, the sample was drawn in Montreal, the choice scenarios for each respondent. Finally, the partici-
Canada, a mid-sized, low-smog city, where a large-scale pants had difficulty in quantifying commuting costs as cents
investigation of preferences for CFVs had not been undertaken per mile as in Bunch and colleagues’ (1993) work; therefore,
before. Much past research on CFVs has been conducted in we expressed commuting costs as dollar cost per week and
high fossil-fuel pollution areas in the United States, such as customized them for each respondent in the mail survey.
southern California (e.g., Bunch et al. 1993; Segal 1995;
Urban, Weinberg, and Hauser 1996). It is not obvious whether Attribute Levels
findings in previous studies could be generalized to other con- Table 1 summarizes the attribute-level specification for the
texts, such as differing levels of pollution and receptiveness to choice experiment. For each vehicle, four of the eight
government intervention. It is conceivable that Canadians attribute values were customized to be proportional varia-
would respond more positively to regulation and incentives for tions of a respondent’s current situation. These were price,
CFVs, because in Canada the government plays a larger role, annual expenditure on repairs and maintenance, commuting
obedience to law and authority is a deeply entrenched tradition time, and cost. Customization required an initial contact with
(Lipset 1993), and the society is more collectivist (thus less respondents to obtain the essential information. The contact
individualistic) than that of the United States (Lipset 1990). was made by a reputable research company, Centre de
Recherche sure l’Opinion Publique, which completed 1500
Methodology random telephone interviews with commuter households in
geographically representative suburban areas of Montreal.
Because CFVs were not commercially available for the par- For the conventional vehicle (vehicle like present one),
ticipants of the survey, it was not possible to observe their pur- for the sake of realism we set all the variables at a fixed
chase behavior or measure their preferences through revealed value except for the commuting fuel cost, which was varied
preference approaches. Therefore, we adopted a stated prefer- to reflect potential carbon taxes that may be levied by the
ence approach. Using a choice experiment, we asked respon- government. Some of the values for the conventional vehi-
dent preferences for hypothetical vehicles that were described cle were unique to each respondent (purchase price, mainte-
in terms of their attributes. Discrete choice experiment is the nance cost, and commuting time), whereas others were fixed
standard approach in recent research that deals with choice for all respondents. For the sake of realism, we fixed two
among hypothetical products (e.g., Bunch et al. 1993; other attributes, namely, a zero emission level for the EV
Hensher, Barnard, and Truong 1988; Louviere 1988). and a cruising range for the alternative-fuel vehicle that was
the same as that of the conventional vehicle. The remaining
Discrete Choice Experiment 15 attributes varied with three possible values for each vehi-
At the outset, through a literature review (e.g., Bunch et al. cle, as is shown in Table 1. In determining the attribute val-
1993; Calfee 1985; Urban, Weinberg, and Hauser 1996), we ues, expert opinion was consulted to ensure realistic levels.
identified the most relevant attributes for three vehicle types For commuting time, we considered three possibilities: (1)
included in the choice experiment. The attributes include (1) The commuting time is the same for all three vehicles, (2)
purchase price, (2) repair and maintenance cost, (3) cruising the EV and alternative-fuel vehicle have access to express
range (i.e., the maximum distance traveled on a full tank or lanes, or (3) only the EV has express lane privileges.
charge), (4) refueling time (i.e., the time it takes to fill a fuel Using respondent-specific information from the tele-
tank or charge batteries), (5) acceleration, and (6) polluting phone survey and a conjoint design, we customized choice
emissions. In addition, we included two commuting attri- scenarios for each respondent. With 15 three-level factors,
butes associated with each vehicle type, namely, commuting an 81-card fractional factorial design allowed estimation of
time and cost. It is conceivable that CFVs will experience all the main effects plus seven interaction effects. To pre-
108 Clean-Fuel Vehicles

vent fatigue, each respondent was presented with only 9 addition to the eight attributes, respondents were told to
choice sets, instead of the full 81. Respondents were pro- assume that the vehicles are identical in all other aspects,
vided with descriptions of three vehicles: (1) a conventional including size, styling, comfort, and durability. Respondents
gasoline vehicle (vehicle like present one), (2) an alterna- were then told to imagine they had to choose one of the three
tive-fuel vehicle, and (3) an EV. Alternative fuel was vehicles to replace the vehicle they drove to work, and they
defined as natural gas, propane, ethanol, or methanol, or an were then asked to pick one. Each respondent was asked to
alternative-fuel vehicle could be a more fuel-efficient gaso- repeat this exercise in nine separate choice scenarios. We
line vehicle of equivalent performance and emissions. In present a sample choice set in Figure 1.

Table 1. Discrete Choice Experiment Attribute Levels

More Fuel-Efficient
Vehicle Like Gasoline or Alternative-
Attributes Present One Fuel Vehicle EV
Purchase price Price respondent would pay for next car same as first column same as first column
10% less 10% less
10% more 10% more

Annual repair and Average annual maintenance same as first column same as first column
maintenance cost expenditure 25% less 25% less
25% more 25% more

Acceleration Like present one same as first column same as first column
25% poorer 25% poorer
25% better 25% better

Cruising range 300 miles 300 miles 100, 200, or 300 miles

Refueling rate 5 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes

10 minutes 30 minutes
15 minutes 5 hours (at home or work)

Polluting emissions as 85% 0% 0%

percentage of present 35%
vehicle 65%

Commuting time Current trip time to work same as first column same as second column
(one way) 25% less or if second = first,
50% less same as first column
25% less
50% less

Commuting fuel and Commuting fuel cost ¥ fuel cost same as first fuel cost same as first
parking cost (weekly) {1 or 2 or 3} + parking column + parking cost column + parking cost
cost 25% less + parking cost 50% less + parking cost
50% less + parking cost 75% less + parking cost

Figure 1. Sample Vehicle Choice Set

More Fuel-Efficient
Vehicle Like Gasoline or Alternative-
Features Present One Fuel Vehicle EV

Purchase price $20,000 $20,000 $22,000

Annual repair and maintenance cost $180 $180 $180
Acceleration Like present one Like present one 25% poorer than present one
Cruising range 300 miles 300 miles 200 miles
Refueling rate 5 minutes 10 minutes 5 hours (at home or work)
Polluting emission as percentage of present vehicle 85% 0% 0%
Commuting time (one way) 20 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes
Commuting fuel and parking cost (weekly) $20 $15 $10
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 109

Attitude Measurement (1990).1 These items specifically measure attitudes toward

In addition to the vehicle choice experiment, the question- air pollution, but not other environmental issues (water pol-
naire contained items to assess attitudes toward the environ- lution, sustainable production, and so forth), which are
ment and technology. We believe that consumers who are beyond the scope of this study. Items measuring attitudes
concerned about the environment and are not intimidated by toward technology were adapted from a CROP study
technology should display a higher preference for CFVs (Barbeau 1994). The items are listed in Table 2.2
than consumers who are not concerned and are intimidated. Respondents were asked to indicate their degree of agree-
Our belief is consistent with the long and compelling evi-
1Items included both general and specific attitude questions in accord
dence in the literature that relates attitudes to preference and
behavior (e.g., Ajzen and Fishbein 1977; Borgida and with Ajzen and Fishbein (1977), who recommend that more immediate
(specific) determinants of behavior, such as attitude toward the behavior, be
Campbell 1982; Snyder and Kendzierski 1982). We show considered in predictive models of behavior.
subsequently that information about attitudes indeed permits 2The attitude items adapted for this study may not be all-encompassing.
a better assessment of preferences. Thus, we confirm find- Nonetheless, they have been validated over time. Furthermore, our findings
ings of prior research and extend them to a new context— from these items are consistent with those of previous research (e.g., Aaker
and Bagozzi 1982; Balderjahn 1988; Schwepker and Cornwell 1991).
vehicle choice. Because development of attitude scales for environment and technology is
We assessed attitudes toward the environment using sev- beyond the scope of this study, we make do with the items adapted from the
eral items adapted from a study by the Roper Organization extant literature.

Table 2. Results of Factor Analysis on Attitude Items*

Factor 1
General Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4
Environmental Environmental Locus of Technology
Attitudes Toward Environment and Technology Attitude Activism Control Attitude
The whole pollution issue has never upset me too much since I feel it is
somewhat overrated. 76 –17 2 –8
I rarely ever worry about the effects of pollution on myself and family. 70 –21 –3 –6
I am really not willing to go out of my way to do much to help the
environment. 63 –18 1 –17
To preserve people’s jobs in this country, we must accept higher
degrees of pollution in the future. 54 2 17 –3
It is acceptable for an industrial society like ours to produce a certain
degree of pollution. 49 –10 15 24
I’d be willing to write to my MP or MNA about ecological problems. –10 78 1 1
I would be willing to go door to door to discuss and distribute literature
on the environment. –2 77 –8 –2
I would be willing to take the bus, train, or metro to work in order to
reduce the air pollution. –15 47 2 15
I am willing to spend a bit more to buy a product that is more
ecologically friendly. –12 45 3 17
The world will be dead in 40 years if we don’t remake the environment. –13 40 21 –26
I would probably never join a group, club, or organization that is
concerned solely with ecological issues. 44 –50 4 11
There is never enough time in a day to get everything done. –10 –17 68 31
Things have become so complicated in the world today that I really
do not understand just what is going on. 22 13 68 –21
Whatever we do, the world’s destiny is predetermined and history
takes its course. 27 7 61 –10
I am excited by the possibilities offered by new technologies. –8 23 –3 80
New technologies cause more problems than they solve. 15 –3 51 –55
Eigenvalue 2.39 2.26 1.67 1.33
Percentage of variance 15 14 10 8

*Values are multiplied by 100 and rounded off to the nearest integer. Values greater than 40 appear in bold.
110 Clean-Fuel Vehicles

ment with each statement using a scale from 1 (strongly dis- natives, which implies a nonhierarchical choice. A hierar-
agree) to 5 (strongly agree). chical choice would be, for example, if a consumer made a
prior decision whether to buy a conventional or nonconven-
Survey Implementation tional vehicle and, only if the latter is chosen, made a sec-
We obtained 881 usable responses from a mail survey of ond decision between the EV and an alternative-fuel one.
1500 commuters. The response rate, 59%, is satisfactory This was tested for by using a procedure described by
given the length of the survey (16 pages), the complexity of Greene (1992), and no evidence of hierarchical choice was
the choice task, and the mere fact that the survey was admin- found.
istered by mail, for which the average return rate is approx-
imately 20%. Several factors may have contributed to the Findings
response rate. Customization of the choice sets made the We first present findings from segmentation of respondents
choice task relevant and may have encouraged response. based on attitudes toward the environment and technology.
The initial telephone contact may have raised respondents’ Then we report discrete choice experiment findings regard-
commitment for completing the subsequent mail survey. In ing vehicle choice. Specifically, we delineate the impact of
addition, incentives (lottery prizes worth a total of $2,000) both vehicle performance characteristics and government
promised to respondents may have been effective. regulation on vehicle choice.
Although we are content that many people care enough
about the topic to complete a long and complex mail survey, Findings on Attitude Segmentation
we are cognizant of the potential self-selection bias. We con- Respondents were heterogeneous in their attitudes; there-
sidered investigating respondents’ representativeness of their fore, we used a cluster analysis to classify those with similar
intended population in demographic terms. Unfortunately, this attitudes into the same segments. Because of multicollinear-
was not feasible, because we do not have demographic infor- ity among attitudinal items, we factor analyzed them before
mation specific to our population—adults from automobile- cluster analysis, using a principal component analysis. We
owning households who live in Montreal suburbs and com- provide the rotated factor solution in Table 2.3 Four factors
mute regularly in their private vehicles. Instead, we took
with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 emerged. The factor solu-
demographic data on the Montreal population as a reference tion was appropriate from an interpretative point of view
with which to compare our respondents. We found that the sur- and was also confirmed with a scree test. The factors were
vey respondents are wealthier and younger than the Montreal labeled “general environmental attitude,” “environmental
population. Whereas 41% of Montrealers have an annual activism,” “locus of control,” and “technology attitude.”
household income of $30,000 or less, only 13% of the respon- The items loading highly on each factor were then
dents do. Only 5% of our sample, but 16% of Montrealers, are summed to create four scales.4 Subsequently, the scales
55 years of age and older (Statistics Canada 1994). It is not were entered into a k-means cluster procedure to segment
surprising that our specific population is wealthier and younger respondents on the basis of their attitudes. We explored two,
than the population of Montreal, given that suburban popula- three-, four-, and five-cluster solutions. A three-cluster solu-
tions tend to be younger and wealthier than the central city tion provided the best results statistically. The clusters were
populations on average. It is also likely, however, that within validated by split-sample approaches and found stable.
our specific population, wealthier and younger people exhib- Furthermore, the resultant segments were readily interpreted
ited a higher response rate. Given the lack of true population and managerially relevant: They were significantly different
data, it is not possible to measure the level of self-selection from one another in their characteristics and were easily
bias. We discuss the impact of self-selection bias subsequently. identifiable and sufficiently large.
The Model Cluster 1, labeled “actively concerned,” consists of 353
people (40% of the sample) who are highly concerned about
Consumer vehicle choice is represented in terms of the follow- the environment and are activists. They believe they are in
ing multinomial logit model, in which vehicle-specific attrib- control and display positive attitudes toward technology.
utes and attitude segment information were used as predictors: Cluster 2, labeled “passively concerned,” has 330 members
Ê K J ˆ who are highly concerned about the environment but are not
(1) U il = expÁ a1 +
Á Â b k X k1 + Â c jl Z ji ˜ ,
willing to do anything about it. They, too, believe they are
in control and have positive attitudes toward technology, but
Ë k = 1 j = 1 ¯ their attitudes are less strong than those of the actively con-
cerned group. Cluster 3, labeled “unconcerned,” is the
smallest group, with 198 members (22% of the sample).
Uil = vehicle 1’s utility as seen by respondent i, They believe the pollution issue is overrated, and they are
al = vehicle-specific constant for vehicle 1, not concerned about its effects. Therefore, they do not con-
Xkl = quantity of attribute k in vehicle 1, sider taking action in any way. The unconcerned believe
bk = generic effect of attribute k in vehicle utility, new technologies cause more problems than they solve.
Zji = quantity of characteristic j possessed by respondent i, and They do not perceive themselves to be in control.
cjl = effect of respondent characteristic j on the utility of vehi-
cle 1 compared with the base vehicle. 3Quartimax rotation was performed in accord with Stewart’s (1981, p.
59) and Sharma’s (1996, p. 120) work.
A potential limitation of multinomial choice models is the 4Internal reliability tests indicated adequate scale consistency (alpha
implicit assumption of the independence of irrelevant alter- ranging from .68 to .76).
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 111

The three clusters differ significantly in their mean ratings significant, we redefined this variable as having two cate-
of individual attitude items as well as various other charac- gories, (1) 30 minutes and less and (2) five hours, and rees-
teristics. Actively concerned respondents are the youngest timated this reduced model. There is no significant differ-
segment (p = .06). Whereas only 34% of the actively con- ence in how well the two models fit the data. Therefore, the
cerned group is 40 years of age and older, the proportion is reduced model is used in further analysis.
46% for the other segments. Unconcerned respondents have In the analyses, without loss of generality, the conven-
the lowest annual income (p = .06). Seventeen percent of the tional vehicle is treated as the base vehicle. Therefore, vehi-
unconcerned group, but approximately 11% of the concerned cle-specific coefficients are estimated only for alternative-
group, makes less than $30,000 in annual income. However, fuel vehicles and EVs. These coefficients capture all
the three segments do not differ significantly in terms of sex. intrinsic vehicle-specific effects on choice, as distinct from
Most passively concerned and unconcerned respondents the effects of generic attributes estimated by bk. Both vehi-
make the vehicle purchase decision alone, but actively con- cle-specific coefficients were found to be significant (see
cerned ones are more likely to decide jointly with their Table 3). This may indicate that other critical fuel-related
spouse or companion (p = .08). The unconcerned respon- variables (e.g., quiet engine, smooth acceleration) were
dents are most inclined to purchase a vehicle in the next five omitted in the experimental design. Our finding differs from
years. One in four unconcerned respondents said that there is that of Bunch and colleagues (1993), who did not find sig-
more than a 50/50 chance that they will buy a vehicle. nificant vehicle-specific effects. This discrepancy in the
The high proportion of actively concerned respondents in findings cannot be attributed to differences in vehicle types
our sample most likely overrepresents their population pro- or model specifications, because both studies employed
portion, whereas unconcerned respondents seem to be similar vehicle types, explanatory variables, and models.
underrepresented. As mentioned previously, although ques- Instead, the discrepancy may be ascribed to several reasons,
tionnaires were mailed to a randomly selected sample, peo- including differences in the two populations’ level of
ple who are activists may have had a higher motivation to knowledge or perception regarding these vehicles. Because
return the surveys than the unconcerned people. Indeed, the affirmative media coverage of the EV and LEV has been
survey respondents, in comparison with the Montreal popu- increasing over time, our respondents may have had higher
lation, are disproportionately wealthier and younger—char- exposure to supportive information about these vehicles
acteristics of the concerned segments. Furthermore, than Bunch and colleagues’ respondents. It is also conceiv-
although the survey was confidential, some respondents able that our population has a more positive disposition
may have picked politically correct responses. Potential bias toward the EV and LEV than Bunch and colleagues’ popu-
due to self-selection and political correctness would not per- lation. This may be due to several factors. First, public elec-
mit us to make generalizations regarding the relative size of tric utilities, lauded in Canada for their exceptionally reli-
each segment in the population. However, our inferences able service at reasonable prices, are actively involved in the
regarding the general characteristics of the respective seg- development and promotion of the EV. Second, the govern-
ments are valid. ments at all levels, federal and provincial, are promoting the
development of the EV market. Consequently, Canadians,
Findings on Vehicle Choice who are amenable to government intervention, may have
Findings are presented for two model specifications. The developed more positive dispositions toward the EV. It
base model contains only vehicle-specific and generic should be noted that in the province of Quebec, receptive-
terms.5 The full model builds on the first one with additional ness to government intervention is particularly strong.
explanatory variables consisting of respondent attitude Using a multinomial logit model in which the dependent
information. Comparison of the estimation results from the variable is the natural logarithm of the odds of choosing one
two models permits assessment of the incremental benefit to alternative over a base alternative, the exponential of the
predictive effectiveness of adding respondent attitude infor- coefficient estimates for each vehicle can be used to deter-
mation as an explanatory variable. mine the odds of each type of vehicle being chosen. These
Estimation results for the base model are shown in Table are shown in Table 3, with xk replaced by Dxk. They show
3. The model is highly statistically significant. All the indi- by how much the odds of choosing an alternative would be
vidual coefficients are significant and of the expected sign multiplied for an increment of Dxk in its value of xk.
and direction, with the exception of refueling rate. This is The odds ratio for the alternative fuel vehicle is 2.99 and
because in the choice experiment, refueling levels were for the EV is 2.48, as opposed to the gasoline vehicle, which
associated with each type of vehicle for the sake of realism. is set at 1. These values are utility measures for these vehi-
Recharging times more than 15 minutes were uniquely asso- cles holding everything else constant. Therefore, the likeli-
ciated with the EV, and refueling times less than 15 minutes hood of selecting an alternative-fuel vehicle can be esti-
were never associated with the EV. Only a 15-minute refu- mated as its utility relative to the sum of utilities of all three
eling time was associated with more than one vehicle type. vehicles, which in this case is 2.99/(2.99 + 2.48 + 1) = .46.
Because refueling times between 5 and 30 minutes were not Of the three types of vehicles, the alternative-fuel vehicle is
the most likely to be chosen, followed by the EV (p = .38).
5The generic terms—acceleration, range, refueling rate, and emission The gasoline car is the least preferred option (p = .15).
level—were treated as categorical, and a separate effect was estimated for These findings indicate that far from displaying any resis-
each level. For each attribute, without loss of generality, one level was tance to trying these new types of vehicles, Montrealers
defined as the standard, and coefficients were estimated for the other lev- demonstrate a strong preference for them, assuming the
els. The standard levels are acceleration same as present vehicle, 300-mile
range, and 0% emissions.
vehicles can deliver the same performance at the same price.
112 Clean-Fuel Vehicles

Table 3. Parameter Estimates of the Multinomial Logit Vehicle Choice Base Model

Base Model Reduced Model

Variable Coefficient t-Value Coefficient t-Value Odds Ratio Dx *

Alternative-fuel constant 1.1234 15.84 1.0950 17.95 2.99

(.00) (.00)

Electric constant .94390 9.35 .90905 12.86 2.48

(.00) (.00)

Price ($) –.0002 –15.31 –.0002 –15.30 .8 1000

(.00) (.00)

Maintenance cost ($/year) –.00104 – 9.85 –.00105 –9.89 .9 100

(.00) (.00)

25% worse** –.55107 –11.76 –.55150 –11.77 .58
(.00) (.00)
25% better** .13702 3.03 .13805 3.06 1.15
(.00) (.00)

100 miles –.82007 –12.06 –.82154 –12.08 .44
(.00) (.00)
200 miles –.36373 –5.59 –.36262 –5.58 .7
(.00) (.00)

Refuel rate
10 minutes –.06877 –1.08 — — —
15 minutes –.01845 –.29 — — —
30 minutes –.03206 –.58 — — —
300 minutes –.38865 –4.67 –.39642 –6.73 .67
(.00) (.00)

Emission rate
35%*** –.23726 –3.78 –.23720 –3.77 .79
(.00) (.00)
65%*** –.41245 –6.54 –.41211 –6.53 .66
(.00) (.00)

Commuting time –.00826 –3.33 –.0081 –3.29 .92 10

(minutes/one way) (.00) (.00)

Commuting cost –.01492 –12.55 –.01491 –12.56 .86 10

($/week) (.00) (.00)

Log-likelihood initial (0) –7311.265 –7311.265

Log-likelihood model –6354.732 –6355.504
Chi-square 1913.065 1911.522
(.00) (.00)

*Equals one unless otherwise indicated.

**Relative to the respondent’s present vehicle.
***Relative to a ZEV.
Notes: The t-statistics may be biased, because no correction was made for repeated measurements.
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 113

The odds ratios for 100- and 200-mile cruising ranges

Figure 2. Part-Worth Graphs for Vehicle Performance
reveal how sensitive respondents are to this factor. The default Attributes
range was 300 miles, a typical highway range of conventional
vehicles. A range of only 100 miles cuts the odds of choosing
such a vehicle by more than half (odds ratio = .44). This makes
range the primary impediment to the widespread adoption of

Part-Worth Estimate
EVs as multipurpose transportation. Even a range of 200 miles .2

significantly reduces demand (odds ratio = .70). Respondents 0

are also sensitive to losses in acceleration. A vehicle with –.2

acceleration 25% worse than conventional has almost half the –.4
odds of being purchased. Another major obstacle to adoption
of battery-powered EVs is a five-hour recharge time (odds 25% Same 25%
ratio = .67). This finding is consistent with that of Urban, Poorer as Better
Weinberg, and Hauser (1996, p. 57), who concluded that
“Based on simulations and information on technology, infra-
structure, and competition, management decided that a new
battery technology was one key to profitability.”
The effect of emission rates on choice is higher than might CRUISING RANGE

be expected. The base level was a vehicle with no polluting .2

Part-Worth Estimate
emissions, the EV. The effect of 85% emission rate is not 0
estimated, because that level is uniquely associated with the –.2
conventional vehicle. Therefore, its effect on choice is –.4
embedded implicitly in its vehicle-specific constant. We –.6
find that other things being equal, clean vehicles would cap- –.8
ture a major share of the market. Specifically, the odds of –1
100 miles 200 miles 300 miles
consumers choosing a vehicle with an emission level 35% of
their current vehicle are .79 that of choosing the EV, and for Level

a vehicle with a 65% emission rate, the odds ratio falls to .66.
Consumer response to each level of performance attribute,
taken one at a time, is presented in Figure 2. Specifically, the
part-worth estimates for levels of acceleration, cruising range,
Part-Worth Estimate

and polluting emission rates are depicted. Respondents are .2

particularly sensitive to losses in acceleration and cruising 0

range. Although “25% better” and “25% poorer” represent the –.2

same change in acceleration from “same as present,” the slope –.4

from “25% poorer” to “same as present” is steeper than the
slope from “same as present” to “25% better,” which indicates 0% 35% 65%
a greater impact in utility. In contrast, there appears to be no Less than Less than
Present Present
indication that an increase of 100 miles in cruising range
would affect the utility differently when a change from 100 to
200 miles as opposed to a change from 200 miles to 300 miles
is considered. The same is true for polluting emissions.
Our findings regarding the effects of vehicle performance
characteristics on choice confirm and extend those of previous EVs produced by Peugeot-Citroen and Renault. Without a
literature (Bunch et al. 1993; Urban, Weinberg, and Hauser subsidy, the odds ratio of .8 for a $1,000 difference in vehi-
1996). We conclude that drivers are sensitive to vehicle per- cle price means that for Montrealers, the odds of choosing
formance characteristics, particularly to losses relative to what the more expensive vehicle are 80% of those of choosing the
they are accustomed to. On a more positive note, drivers, even cheaper competitor, other things being equal.
if they are not faced with high air pollution as in California’s Commuting costs can be modified by taxing gasoline,
south coast air basin, respond positively to CFVs. They display subsidizing cleaner fuels and electricity, or exempting
strong preference for the EV and alternative-fuel vehicle, other cleaner cars from any road pricing charges. The odds ratio
things being equal. However, environmental impact is unlikely of .86 for $10 a week higher commuting cost for one type of
to make up for losses in vehicle performance characteristics. vehicle means that its odds of being chosen are 14% less.
Commuting time can be influenced by a policy that reserves
The Effects of Economic Instruments on Vehicle lanes on expressways for EVs, for example. An associated
Choice relative increase of ten minutes in the one-way commuting
The odds ratios associated with vehicle price, commuting time of other vehicles would reduce the odds of being cho-
cost, and time indicate how demand for CFVs could be sen by 8%. The odds ratios in Table 3 indicate that a 20-
influenced if policy measures were introduced to change the minute travel time difference has approximately the same
values of these attributes. An example of such measures is effect as a $10 per week cost difference. A policy that both
the French government’s subsidy of the price premium on reduces the relative travel time of EVs by 10 minutes per
114 Clean-Fuel Vehicles

trip and increases the relative commuting cost of conven- as the joy of driving while listening to music that sounds
tional vehicles by $10 a week would reduce the latter’s odds magnificent as never before, thanks to the EV’s extremely
of being chosen by more than 20%. quiet engine and smooth ride. For the passively concerned
The impact of economic instruments on vehicle choice is consumers, automakers may also design educational cam-
much smaller than that of vehicle performance characteris- paigns that provide factual information and statistics on how
tics. Nonetheless, price subsidy is likely to be an effective each driver can make a difference and help the environment
incentive. Gasoline taxes and faster lane privileges do not in significant ways.
seem to sway driver preferences. Montrealers’ lack of Although the unconcerned respondents have the highest
response to economic measures may be explained by their likelihood of buying a vehicle in the next five years, they are
short commuting time (median = 20 minutes). In the Market unlikely to consider the EV unless it is financially more
Simulations section, we investigate Montrealers’ insensitiv- attractive than the conventional vehicles. The unconcerned
ity to economic measures further.
group is most likely to respond to cash incentives (such as
The Effects of Attitude Variables on Choice rebates) and gasoline taxes. However, given that fuel cost is
approximately 12% of the cost of owning a gasoline vehicle,
Preferences for different conventional vehicle types are known
the tax must be substantial. Campaigns and advertisements
to vary among market segments (Sukhdila, Chakraborty, and
Steger 1995). Therefore, it is reasonable to expect differences that focus on the cost advantages of driving the EVs—in both
in how various segments of consumers respond to alternative the short and long run—would be effective for this segment.
types of innovative vehicles. We tested for the significance of
attitude cluster information on vehicle choice by adding inter- Market Simulations
action terms between respondent attitude clusters and vehicle- So far, we have focused on how absolute changes in the val-
specific constants in the reduced model. Specifically, we intro- ues of single attributes would influence the odds of choosing
duced four interaction terms: ACTVALT (actively concerned different vehicle types. If policy initiatives affect attributes,
and alternative-fuel vehicle), ACTVELEC (actively con- such as commuting time and cost, attributes tend to change
cerned and EV), CONCALT (passively concerned and alter- proportionately rather than absolutely, because of differences
native-fuel vehicle), and CONCELEC (passively concerned in travel distances. Also, it is desirable to estimate the joint
and EV). The third attitude cluster, namely, the unconcerned effect of simultaneous changes in several attributes on the
group, was taken as the base group. probability of each alternative being chosen. A choice simu-
Including the attitude clusters as predictors significantly
lator enabled us to simulate choices and derive market shares
improved the model’s fit (see the likelihood ratio statistics for
under varying scenarios involving changes in attribute values
the full model in Table 4 versus the reduced model in Table
3). All the interaction terms are significant. Relative to the for one or more vehicles. Attributes were manipulated to
unconcerned respondents, actively concerned ones are 3.6 reflect both future technological change and policy-induced
times more likely to choose the EV and 2.7 times more likely changes to travel times, costs, and vehicle-related costs. This
to choose the alternative-fuel vehicle. Passively concerned allowed for estimation of the impact of these changes on the
respondents also displayed higher odds of selecting the inno- average choice probability of each type of vehicle.
vative vehicles than the unconcerned respondents, but to a The choice simulator is based on the sample enumeration
lesser extent than the actively concerned ones. So far, we have method (Ben-Akiva and Lerman 1985). It should be noted,
established that these three segments differ in their prefer- however, that because the simulator is based on the results of
ences for vehicles, attitudes toward the environment, and a stated preference study and the choice set consists of a small
demographic characteristics. Furthermore, they are suffi- number of vehicles that does not necessarily mirror choice
ciently large and easily identifiable. Therefore, these seg- sets as envisioned by real-world consumers (Bunch et al.
ments are managerially relevant, and the CFVs, particularly 1993), the method is not meant to provide accurate prediction
the EV, should be positioned and targeted differently for each. of future market shares. Nevertheless, the method is useful for
The actively concerned group is the most befitting target policy analysis. The following simulation results are based on
for alternative-fuel vehicles and particularly the EV. The EV the estimated coefficients in the full model in Table 4.
should be positioned as an innovative vehicle and not Table 5 shows the average choice probability of the three
directly compared with the gasoline-powered car. The types of vehicles under various scenarios involving changes in
young and wealthy actively concerned group may be vehicle technology and transportation policies. The vehicles in
attracted by advertisements that characterize the EV as the simulator are the same as in the discrete choice experiment:
young, clean, and futuristic. The advertisements should Vehicle A corresponds to a vehicle like the respondent’s pre-
explicitly target both spouses, because many actively con- sent one (except its emission level is 15% less because today’s
cerned people make joint purchase decisions. gasoline cars are cleaner than older models); B is an alterna-
Passively concerned consumers, who do not act on their
tive-fuel vehicle; and finally, C is an EV. Scenario 1 in Table
worries about the environment, are unlikely to buy the EV
5 is the base case of which all the other scenarios are variants.
on its environmental merits unless it can deliver perfor-
mance typical of the gasoline-powered vehicle and match its The base case assigns each vehicle realistic values for the
price. Positioning the EV as similar to gasoline vehicles, range, refueling/recharging time, emission rate, and travel cost.
rather than differentiating it as a brand-new product cate- ∑Range and refueling/recharging time are 300 miles and less
gory, would be more appropriate for this segment. The than 30 minutes, respectively, for vehicles A and B versus 100
advertisements should focus on the EV’s “soft” merits, such miles and five hours for vehicle C, the EV.
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 115

Table 4. Parameter Estimates of the Multinomial Logit Vehicle Choice Full Model

Variable Coefficient t-value Odds Ratio Dx*

Alternative-fuel constant .5662 6.78 1.76

Electric constant .3054 3.21 1.36


Price ($) –.0002 –15.30 .8 1000


Maintenance cost ($/year) –.0010 –9.83 .9 100


25% worse** –.5584 –11.85 .57
25% better** .1374 3.03 1.15

100 miles –.8301 –12.10 .44
200 miles –.3626 –5.53 .7

Refuel rate
300 minutes –.3947 –6.74 .67

Emission rate
35%*** –.2381 –3.78 .79
65%*** –.4187 –6.62 .66

Commuting time (minutes/one way) –.0081 –3.04 .92 10


Commuting cost ($/week) –.0149 –12.74 .86 10


ACTVALT .9963 10.70 2.71


ACTVELEC 1.2805 12.96 3.60


CONCALT .5050 5.90 1.66


CONCELEC .3757 4.01 1.46


Log-likelihood initial (0) –7311.265

Log-likelihood model –6247.271
Chi-square (17) 2127.987

*Equals one unless otherwise indicated.

**Relative to the respondent’s present vehicle.
***Relative to a ZEV.
Notes: The t-statistics may be biased, because no correction was made for repeated measurements.
Chi-square statistic = –2 (LMF – LMR) = 216.46; d.f. = 17 – 13 = 4; p = .0000.
116 Clean-Fuel Vehicles

Table 5. Choice Simulator: Average Choice Probabilities Under Alternative Scenarios

Vehicle A Vehicle B Vehicle C

Scenario (Conventional) (Alternative-Fuel) (EV)
1. Base case 31 51 18
2. As in 1, but B’s emission reduced to 35% 29 55 16

Scenarios 3 to 7: As in 1, but B’s and C’s vehicle prices vary

relative to 100 for A
3. B 100; C 110 33 54 12
4. B 110; C 110 38 46 16
5. B 110; C 120 40 49 11
6. B 120; C 120 46 41 13
7. B 100; C 120 35 57 8

Scenarios 8 and 9: As in 1, but C’s cruising range increases

8. 200 miles 28 45 27
9. 300 miles 26 40 35

10. As in 1, but C’s recharge time decreases to 30 minutes 29 46 25

11. As in 10, but C’s range increases to 200 miles 26 39 35
12. As in 10, but C’s range increases to 300 miles 24 33 43

∑Vehicle A’s emission is 85% that of a respondent’s current tive to the other two vehicles. For example, a 40% price dif-
vehicle, vehicle B’s is 65%, and vehicle C is a ZEV. ference reduces the previous two shares to .09 and .14,
∑Vehicle C’s travel costs are half those of A and B.6 respectively. Therefore, EVs will need to compete in all
three factors—price, range, and recharging time—to be
Other things being equal, the alternative-fuel vehicle
would capture half this market (Table 5). The EV, despite its
In contrast to the substantial impact of vehicle price and
limited range and slow recharging time, would capture 18%
technological improvements on choice probabilities,
of the market with its lower operating cost and zero emis-
changes in commuting cost and time induce only a small
sions. Therefore, if vehicles B and C matched A in price,
effect even with large differential proportionate changes. A
maintenance cost, and acceleration, they would capture
50% increase in vehicle A’s fuel costs reduces its choice
approximately 70% of the market between them and in the
probability by only 3%, and doubling it, by an additional
process significantly reduce total vehicle emissions.
2.6%. If road pricing were applied to both vehicles A and B
Scenario 2 in Table 5 shows that a further improvement in
such that their travel costs rose by 50%, the EV’s choice
vehicle B’s emission rate from 65% to 35% of a current vehi-
probability would rise by only 3.3%, and a doubling in their
cle raises its average choice probability only from .51 to .55.
travel costs would add a further 3.4%.
Scenarios 3 through 7 show how higher prices for the inno-
Reducing commuting time for the EV by 25%, as might be
vative vehicles B and C reduce their average choice proba-
possible through diamond lanes on expressways, would
bilities. If both were 20% more expensive than A (Scenario
increase its share by a mere 1%, and a further 1% increase
6), their combined shares would fall from .69 to .54. If only
would result from the improbable event that door-to-door com-
the EV’s price is higher by 20% (Scenario 7), vehicle B’s
muting time could be halved by this means. This reflects, in
share would be .57, and the EV’s share would drop to .08.
part, the median reported commuting time of only 20 minutes,
Technological improvements in the EV brings about sig-
so that for half the sample, a 25% reduction in commuting time
nificant increases in its share. Scenarios 8 and 9 allow the
translates into 5 minutes or less. Therefore, given the actual
EV’s cruising range to increase to 200 and then 300 miles
commuting times and costs experienced by Montrealers, road
while prices of all vehicles remain equal. The EV’s share
pricing and carbon taxes do not appear to be effective in per-
increases by 9% and a further 8% in response. Reducing the
suading motorists to purchase cleaner types of vehicles.
EV’s recharging time from five hours to 30 minutes or less
has a similar effect on its share (Scenario 10) to increasing
its range to 200 miles. Finally, a combined reduction in Discussion
recharging time and increase in range to 200 miles in Government mandates have been effective in generating
Scenario 11 and 300 in Scenario 12 increases the EV’s share investment in the manufacture of EVs. Indeed, given the
to .35 with a 200-mile range and .43 at 300 miles. However, absence of overwhelming consumer demand, development
these probabilities drop sharply as the EV’s price rises rela- of EVs could not have been accomplished without the gov-
ernment. Is government intervention also vital to the devel-
opment of the EV market? Prointerventionists concur on the
6This is based on the U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental
basis of various economic arguments, including negative
Protection Agency’s annual fuel cost estimate for Saturn Corp.’s EV1,
which is between $126 and $420 (for electricity costs at $.03–$.10), in
externality, public good, coordination problems, and
comparison with a gasoline-powered vehicle’s annual fuel cost, which economies of scale (e.g., see Ochoa and Schurmann 1997).
averages approximately $696 (Chambers 1996). But, whether governments can sway consumers to become
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 117

EV buyers—and if so, how—is yet to be determined. The multipurpose transportation vehicles; performance improve-
current research provides some insight into this issue. ments are essential. Therefore, policymakers can stimulate the
We found that regulation alone is not sufficient to create a EV market by redirecting expenses to this new technology to
market for the EV in Canada. Bearing in mind that Canadians ensure better performance. Otherwise, government interven-
are generally more amenable to government intervention than tion, if it results in a premature introduction of the EV to the
U.S. citizens, our findings about Canadians’ insensitivity to public, could result in destruction of the potential market.
regulation are likely to be conservative for the U.S. market.
Specifically, increasing gasoline prices, subsidizing electric- Conclusions
ity, or reducing commuting time for the EV (lane privileges) In this research, we measured consumer preferences for
appears ineffective unless vehicle performance characteristics CFVs versus the conventional vehicle using a discrete choice
(range, acceleration, and recharging rate) are improved. experiment in Montreal. We found that though consumers
Therefore, government intervention in the form of industry had a positive disposition toward CFVs and perceive envi-
subsidies (or partnerships) to better the EV’s performance is ronmental impact as important, they were unwilling to trade
more promising than direct consumer subsidies/levies. The off the standard vehicle performance levels of range, acceler-
most critical technical challenge for EV manufacturers is to ation, and refueling time. We also found that regulation alone
develop either fuel cells that generate electricity on board would not be sufficient to create a market for the EV or alter-
from a hydrogen source, such as methanol, or batteries that native-fuel vehicles. Specifically, increasing gasoline prices
provide high energy, power density coupled with low cost, or reducing commuting time (by reserving special lanes) for
long life, and rapid recharge capacity. Government initiatives these vehicles does not appear to be effective. Instead, the
to accelerate the development of fuel cell and advanced bat- vehicle performance characteristics are critical for the accep-
tery technologies, by forming well-funded research consor- tance of these innovative vehicles by Montreal commuters,
tiums, could enhance the EV performance factors and and unless the range, acceleration, and recharging issues are
strengthen consumer interest. California Fuel Cell Partnership resolved, consumer demand is likely to remain limited.
is a step in this direction. Furthermore, subsidies that direct Therefore, government intervention targeted at improving
the utilities to provide free battery charging devices at the the performance of CFVs (e.g., industry subsidies, partner-
consumers’ residences and to install charging stations at var- ships) would be effective in swaying preferences. Positioning
ious locations in the city would help alleviate consumer fears and target marketing of the CFVs, particularly the EV, are
regarding the cost and time associated with battery charging. critical to their acceptance by consumers. Our research iden-
Among the measures directed at the consumer, price sub- tified three managerially relevant market segments to which
sidy appears to be the most effective. Price subsidy could be the EV should be distinctly positioned and targeted.
implemented alone or as part of a feebate program (e.g., Ford This study extends previous research on consumer prefer-
1996). A purchase-price fee can be imposed on dirty vehi- ence for CFVs in four ways. We included factors reflecting
cles, and the revenues could be used to fund a rebate for potential government subsidies/levies to encourage the
CFVs. Implementation of a feebate program, however, is choice of CFVs, fully customized choice scenarios, incor-
likely to be challenging, as shown by computer simulations porated information on consumer attitudes toward the envi-
(Ford 1996). Therefore, the practical aspects of running a fee- ronment and technology, and conducted the research in a
bate program should be examined thoroughly before execu- different geographic context—Montreal.
tion. Tax credits for EV buyers are also likely to be effective. Our method, however, is limited, because the choice set
Last but not least, the government can play a beneficial consists of a small number of vehicles that does not neces-
role by guaranteeing the existence of a market by becoming sarily mirror choice sets as envisioned by real-world con-
the industry’s first customer. As is typical of any new tech- sumers. Therefore, although the method is useful for obtain-
nology, development and commercialization of the EV is ing a good understanding of consumer preferences and for
subject to a learning curve. Therefore, initially limited pro- policy analysis, it is not meant to provide accurate market
duction of EVs will result in higher costs than can be antic- share predictions. If the latter is the purpose, a more appro-
ipated in the future. Regulations mandating fleet operators priate, albeit expensive, method would be the one proposed
to buy EVs could be a major driving force, at least in the ini- by Urban, Weinberg, and Hauser (1996) for premarket fore-
tial stages of the EV market growth. Furthermore, mandat- casting of really new products. Our research is also limited
ing the fleets with set routes and times to operate EVs will because of attribute levels employed in the choice experi-
enable the automakers to work on the bugs before tackling ment. Although we took care to ensure that the attribute lev-
the tougher consumer market. Canada’s Federal Smog els are realistic, findings may not generalize to a break-
Management Plan and The Montreal 2000 Electric Vehicles through technology that would bring about big shifts in
Project mandate action in this direction. Similar initiatives attribute levels. Another limitation of our method is the nec-
are being undertaken by governments in the United States essary assumption of additivity, a typical restriction in trade-
and Europe. For example, the U.S. Postal Service has off analysis. Although the method did not allow us to model
recently announced the single largest contract for EVs in directly potential interactions between attributes, our con-
U.S. history, involving the purchase of 500 EVs by Fall clusions are still valid. Interaction terms are most likely to
2000. be substantial in cases for which attributes are less tangible,
To conclude, although government mandates are useful in particularly when aesthetic or emotional reactions play a
creating an initial demand for the EV, ultimately it is consumer large role (Hair et al. 1998, p. 409), which is not the case in
demand that will determine its long-term viability. Regulation the current study. Finally, given the pertinence of educa-
cannot guarantee widespread consumer adoption of EVs as tional campaigns for the passively concerned and uncon-
118 Clean-Fuel Vehicles

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