Assignment 2

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Dhyabadyoti Chakraborty

Dweryow chooses B. 2612024

9 Every node han tthvashetd q=

e, f, k nitially mitohs to A
olenotee te frachiou of a nodes neiqu bonrs whe cAoose
N, ppose P
A is above the
A nodev wil choose A Suoitoing fom B,i{ the frachiau Pi

han soi tchd

for node L, 2of it 3 neighbowrs

So, wil s witeh to A

No oty no de wil Switeh

Nodes § c, m,n, d blocks te cwn cade in

o l o leact o
Sneu ling i h oithin the ini hal set adopters
4u cancade:
Smgpese, oe imc luole u,

Then for mand d, tre

o67> 4 =0- 4. So, Yn, d wol have Soitohed
Who had S1oitohA, i e, Pa=
wld Soi telh to A
Thony 0.5 >4

And, ne

So adding eactycancade
woud ad to h ins tea el f i
b ninclude

in the i i bal sot

2) ng R,if
matohi here evik
triple, i4 for a seeEddssfdeehhea
m, w, e) is a blo ekia
that, (mw) (C)
i) Sow, (n, w) Sneh
ii) or somh, ) sucn that, (m, )

jü) or ome w, )

whene, > is a
no need pretaene ocderiy
matoing» acoreling to mís preferena, fto(m1 Wya )
Any ith
bloeked by (mi w, G). is beer o
Sin ce, m,
w, &Ci than oith amy aYbitray tugles atter CWi 4):
Hny matohg, to make my lbeder ott -
(m,, C3) tis is blocked by (m3w3, Cz) . C3 woda be beter
oi th (mg, 0s) than oitt (m» ) accoraing to
Cys grgerene.
Consi de, (n 2 Cg tis is blocted by

Siwilay: ng mateing hocs o 3) is blochel og

is bloceel by(m, wz3)

So, there is mo table mateing by wtich m, mg ca

ba beter t
For, (m3 wg(3) is blockeal g (,s gc)
that does not hava,
(ma Co) are itthuy blocead toy ttm or are mstable.
it is to be woted that,

As, mm

so, thuse can be no stable matatings posible:

for FA,

To be reponitve, demg ith wz, Fl wowd be betlev otit for ni ng a qroup t

two, with w, Yat thau W

So, had the preetne bean vepmive. Ws)ws) which is indest

prterad to auny wnoacee teale

Cutes atives,
in th

Pratoranus in or des to be posihive tspngve

Wa W, ) it vuds to be (wes s)

it mss to be
Wz F, w ;
So the Firms preturn are
mliioally oatipnal,
We conhder the watoina which are
evaty uejrt

his best -Tanked orkess mo Fe is mateu rta its wost

Hege, F,
Yemked orker.
eot frm W, is mo tcled oith his
W is matched bith it bet rautk
wovt witth it best- vanked frm.
bestraked sm W, is Tane eod
bael he ben matahed oith F Oa d
So, w, wonto be beteY or
haal e ben mat ehd oith
woud olso be betten

So, Mis blae ked by (f2 ).


Sin ce,

N2 is bocked by

Now F


Na, 4 So, Mg is bloce by
Werrs ca be
Now, wnemployed

Any matei
it is ma t ched wit itcet, B hs is not stable

W pretavs FI tnau e mainin unmateu Fi pretera wy to.

in amy matehing whuze, Wis nat employdis ao blockud

unaigned toay fae tog is bloaked

imlatg og matelaig -tnat up (fs, ws)).

ngumut are is lupt uorgm to ag fuetrg

b oeel (Fi,(wg) )
tn gncn mateing
no stable matchings
So there are

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