Theatergen: Revolutionizing Multi-Turn Image Generation With LLMs

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Theatergen: Revolutionizing Multi-Turn Image Generation

with LLMs


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making strides in various fields, with
multi-turn image generation being one of the most exciting areas of
development. This technology allows for the creation of images in a
sequential manner, where each subsequent image is influenced by the
context and feedback from the previous ones. However, maintaining
semantic and contextual consistency across multiple turns has been a
significant challenge. This is particularly important for applications such
as storytelling and interactive media, where consistency is key.

Enter Theatergen, an innovative solution that addresses these

challenges. Developed by a team of researchers affiliated with Sun
Yat-sen University and Lenovo Research, Theatergen leverages Large
Language Models (LLMs) to ensure consistent multi-turn image
generation. The development of Theatergen was driven by the need to

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overcome the limitations of existing multi-turn image generation models.

The goal was to create a framework that could seamlessly integrate
character management with LLMs to produce images that are not only
high-quality but also contextually and semantically consistent across
turns. This marks a significant leap in the capabilities of AI, opening up
new possibilities in the realm of multi-turn image generation.

What is Theatergen?

Theatergen is a innovative framework that integrates Large Language

Models (LLMs) with text-to-image (T2I) models to facilitate multi-turn
image generation. It is designed to interact with users, generating and
managing a structured prompt book for character prompts and layouts.
This allows Theatergen to create images that are not only high-quality
but also contextually and semantically consistent across multiple turns.

Key Features of Theatergen

● Training-Free Framework: Theatergen does not require training,

making it efficient and accessible.
● LLM Integration: It leverages the power of LLMs to manage
character prompts and layouts, ensuring consistency in the
generated images.
● Standardized Prompt Book: Theatergen maintains a structured
prompt book that guides the image generation process.
● Semantic and Contextual Consistency: One of the standout
features of Theatergen is its ability to significantly improve the
consistency in synthesized images.

Capabilities/Use Case of Theatergen

Theatergen’s capabilities extend to various real-world applications:

● Interactive Storytelling: Theatergen can be used to create

visually consistent stories over multiple turns.

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● Media and Entertainment: It offers potential in gaming and virtual

reality for creating dynamic characters.
● Educational Tools: Theatergen is useful for creating educational
content that requires visual consistency.

How does TheaterGen work?/ Architecture/Design

TheaterGen is an innovative framework designed for multi-turn

interactive image generation. It’s a training-free model that combines the
strengths of existing Large Language Models (LLMs) and Text-to-Image
(T2I) models to facilitate natural interaction and diverse image
generation. The architecture of TheaterGen comprises three key

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The first component is the LLM-based character designer. This module

acts as a screenwriter, interacting with users and managing a structured
character-oriented prompt book to encode user intentions and
descriptions of multiple characters. The prompt book contains the
background prompt, the negative prompt, and the unique ID, the prompt,
and the layout (bounding box) of each character. This unique ID allows
TheaterGen to track different characters across multiple turns effectively.

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The second component is the character image manager. This module is

responsible for generating on-stage character images according to the
prompt book and extracting guidance to ensure semantic and contextual
consistency in generated images. For each character, it considers two
types of images: a reference image that is used to maintain contextual
consistency throughout the entire interaction process, and an on-stage
image that represents the character in the current stage. The character
image manager also extracts two types of guidance: latent guidance and
lineart guidance. Latent guidance is constructed by applying the forward
diffusion process of the T2I model on the middle-state image, projecting
it into the latent space of the model. Lineart guidance, on the other hand,
is extracted using a lineart processor, providing stronger constraints on
character positions and facilitating the preservation of finer edges and
structural details.

The third component is the character-guided generator. This module

synthesizes the final image for each turn. It first concatenates the
character prompts and the background prompt in the prompt book to
obtain a global prompt. This global prompt contains the semantic
information of the entire image, which is injected into the cross-attention
modules of the T2I model along with the guidance information to control
image generation. The character-guided generator utilizes both lineart
guidance and latent guidance. Lineart guidance strengthens the layout
constraint and incorporates more details into synthesized characters.
Latent guidance, on the other hand, enhances the consistency of a
character across multiple turns.

Performance Evaluation with Other Models

TheaterGen has been put through rigorous testing and comparison with
other leading models in the field. The results, as shown in Tables below,
are quite impressive.

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TheaterGen significantly outperforms the cutting-edge Mini DALLE·3

model, raising the performance bar by 21% in average
character-character similarity (aCCS) and 19% in average text-image
similarity (aTIS). These metrics are crucial in evaluating the semantic
consistency of the generated images, and such a substantial
improvement underscores TheaterGen’s superior ability to maintain this
consistency across multi-turn dialogues.

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In terms of contextual consistency, TheaterGen also demonstrates an

improvement of 19% in the aTIS metrics compared to the previous
state-of-the-art model. This suggests that TheaterGen can effectively
uphold both semantic and contextual consistency in multi-turn image
generation, a feat that is not easily achieved.

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Moreover, TheaterGen not only excels in maintaining dialogue

consistency but also outshines other models in terms of completion for
each editing type. This is particularly evident in cases involving spatial
relationships and quantities. This improvement is mainly attributed to the
layout capability of the Language-to-Layout Model (LLM).

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The visualizations of the generation results of the chosen models, reveal

that the images generated by TheaterGen perform well in both semantic
and contextual consistency. This suggests that TheaterGen can handle
complex referential issues and maintain discernible features for the main

Dissecting TheaterGen’s Unique Position in AI Modeling

In the dynamic field of AI, TheaterGen, mini-DallE3, Minigpt-5, and

SEED-LLaMA each play pivotal roles, bringing distinct methodologies
and strengths to the table.

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TheaterGen distinguishes itself with a novel framework that requires no

training, seamlessly blending Large Language Models (LLMs) with
text-to-image (T2I) models to facilitate the generation of images over
multiple interactions. Conversely, mini-DallE3 has carved out a niche in
interactive text to image (iT2I) generation, fostering a dialogue between
LLMs and users to produce high-quality images that closely align with
textual descriptions through natural language interactions. It enhances
LLMs for iT2I by incorporating prompting strategies alongside readily
available T2I models. Minigpt-5 ventures into the realm of vision and
language generation with its 'generative vokens' concept, aiming to
synchronize text and image outputs. This model adopts a dual-stage
training process, emphasizing the generation of multimodal data without
the need for explicit descriptions. SEED-LLaMA, on the other hand,
introduces a specialized SEED tokenizer that discretizes visual signals
into distinct visual tokens, ensuring the capture of essential semantics
while being generated under one-dimensional causal dependence.

TheaterGen’s unique proposition lies in its use of LLMs as a

'Screenwriter' orchestrating and curating a standardized prompt book for
each character depicted in the generated images. This innovative
strategy ensures that TheaterGen upholds semantic coherence between
text and images, as well as contextual continuity for subjects across
successive interactive turns. While its counterparts exhibit their own
advantages, TheaterGen’s commitment to preserving semantic and
contextual integrity in image synthesis positions it as a standout model in
the AI landscape.

Access and Usage

Theatergen is available on GitHub, where users can find instructions for

local use. It is open-source, allowing for both commercial and
non-commercial use under its licensing structure.

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If you are interested to learn more about this AI model, all relevant links
are provided under the 'source' section at the end of this article.

Limitations and Future Work

TheaterGen, despite its significant advancements in multi-turn image

generation, still faces challenges. One of the primary issues is
maintaining semantic consistency between images and texts, as well as
contextual consistency of the same subject across multiple interactive

Few more challenges, like ability to handle more complex multi-turn

scenarios and expanding its application to other domains, while
complex, are the focus of ongoing research and development efforts.


Theatergen is a groundbreaking AI model that promises to revolutionize

the field of multi-turn image generation by providing a solution to the
long-standing challenge of maintaining consistency across turns. Its
development is a testament to the incredible strides being made in the
field of AI and its potential to transform how we interact with technology.

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