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Advanced Reading Expert 1 Advanced Reading Comprehension Questions

Unit 01 Reading 1

Much of the food that is available today is full of chemicals and processed substances. Called
"additives," they are used to give food more flavor and better texture and to increase its shelf
life. However, some of the most common additives have been shown to cause serious health
Aspartame, one of the most common food additives, is an artificial sweetener used in foods
that are labeled "diet" and "sugar free." Studies have linked it to various types of cancer,
diabetes, anxiety, and many other diseases and conditions. It is found in a wide variety of foods:
diet and sugar-free soft drinks, sugar-free gum and breath mints, various desserts, toothpaste,
and even chewable vitamins!
Another dangerous artificial sweetener is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). It increases levels
of LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, damages bodily tissues, and causes people to gain weight.
Amazingly, because it is used in nearly all processed foods, it has become one of the main
sources of calories for many people.
Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is used to enhance the flavor of soups, salad dressings,
snacks, frozen foods, and more. Because it turns off the brain's neurological pathways that
make you feel full, it leads many people to overeat. MSG also seriously damages cells, and
studies have linked regular consumption of the additive to depression, eye damage, fatigue,
and headaches.
Finally, trans fat, which is found in fast food, margarine, and other processed foods, also
enhances food's natural flavor. However, not only does it increase levels of LDL cholesterol, but
it also decreases levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol. It has been linked to all kinds of health
problems, from diabetes to heart disease. In fact, it is considered so dangerous that it is now
either highly restricted or banned in countries such as Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden.
Unfortunately, food additives have become so common that they can be hard to avoid. However,
there are things you can do to start eating healthier. Instead of eating fast food and processed
foods, eat home cooked meals as often as you can. And when you buy groceries, remember to
read the food labels, which list the ingredients and any additives that the food contains. Finally,
buy as many organic products as you can. The more often you eat natural, whole foods, the
healthier you will be!

Advanced Reading Expert 1 Advanced Reading Comprehension Questions

What is the primary purpose of food additives mentioned in the passage?

a) To increase the nutritional value of food

b) To enhance the natural flavor of food

c) To extend the shelf life of food

d) To reduce the cost of food production

e) To improve the appearance of food

According to the passage, which health issues have been linked to the consumption of

a) Heart disease and high blood pressure

b) Cancer and diabetes

c) Anxiety and depression

d) Obesity and fatigue

e) Eye damage and headaches

What is a potential consequence of consuming high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), as
mentioned in the passage?

a) Increased levels of HDL cholesterol

b) Decreased levels of LDL cholesterol

c) Weight loss and improved metabolism

d) Damage to bodily tissues

e) Enhanced brain function

How does monosodium glutamate (MSG) affect eating habits, according to the passage?

a) It suppresses the sense of taste, leading to reduced food intake

b) It enhances the feeling of fullness, preventing overeating

c) It stimulates appetite, causing people to eat more

d) It increases the absorption of nutrients, promoting satiety

e) It has no significant impact on eating habits

Advanced Reading Expert 1 Advanced Reading Comprehension Questions

Why is trans fat considered dangerous, according to the passage?

a) It leads to weight loss and improved heart health

b) It decreases levels of LDL cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease

c) It enhances food's natural flavor without adverse effects

d) It has been linked to various health problems, including diabetes and heart disease

e) It is naturally occurring and therefore harmless

According to the passage, which countries have highly restricted or banned trans fat?

a) Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden

b) United States, Canada, and Mexico

c) Japan, China, and South Korea

d) Australia, New Zealand, and India

e) France, Italy, and Spain

What advice does the passage offer to individuals aiming to eat healthier?

a) Consume more fast food and processed foods

b) Avoid reading food labels and ingredient lists

c) Opt for home-cooked meals over processed foods

d) Purchase products containing artificial sweeteners

e) Prefer organic products over conventional ones

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source of aspartame in the passage?

a) Sugar-free gum

b) Diet soft drinks

c) Fresh fruits

d) Chewable vitamins

e) Sugar-free desserts

Advanced Reading Expert 1 Advanced Reading Comprehension Questions

What effect does high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) have on cholesterol levels?

a) It decreases LDL cholesterol

b) It increases LDL cholesterol

c) It has no effect on cholesterol levels

d) It increases HDL cholesterol

e) It eliminates cholesterol from the body

Which health condition has NOT been associated with the consumption of monosodium
glutamate (MSG)?

a) Depression

b) Eye damage

c) Fatigue

d) Enhanced brain function

e) Headaches

What is the main purpose of the passage?

a) To promote the consumption of processed foods

b) To discuss the benefits of food additives

c) To raise awareness about the health risks associated with common food additives

d) To provide recipes for home-cooked meals

e) To advertise organic products

According to the passage, what role does trans fat play in food?

a) It decreases the shelf life of food products

b) It enhances the nutritional value of food

c) It increases the cost of food production

d) It improves the texture and flavor of food

e) It reduces the calorie content of food

Advanced Reading Expert 1 Advanced Reading Comprehension Questions

Answer: c) To extend the shelf life of food
Answer: b) Cancer and diabetes
Answer: d) Damage to bodily tissues
Answer: c) It stimulates appetite, causing people to eat more
Answer: d) It has been linked to various health problems, including diabetes and heart disease
Answer: a) Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden
Answer: c) Opt for home-cooked meals over processed foods
Answer: c) Fresh fruits
Answer: b) It increases LDL cholesterol
Answer: d) Enhanced brain function
Answer: c) To raise awareness about the health risks associated with common food additives
Answer: d) It improves the texture and flavor of food

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