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고등학교 내신 대비

완벽대비 특별한 1등급 커리타기 어법편

UNIT 11 전치사와
전치사와 접속사
Do you think the new or used vehicle you are purchasing is safe? Since the introduction of automotive

crash-testing, the number of people killed and injured by motor vehicles has decreased in many countries.

Obviously, it would be ideal to have no car crashes. However, car crashes are a reality and you want the

best possible chance of survival. How are cars becoming safer? One of the reasons cars have been getting

safer is that we can conduct a well-established crash test with test dummies. The dummy’s job is to

simulate a human being during a crash, collecting data that would not be possible to collect from a

human occupant. So far, they have provided invaluable data on how human bodies react in crashes and

have contributed greatly to improved vehicle design.

당신이 구매하려고 하는 신차, 혹은 중고차가 안전하다고 생각하는가? 자동차 충돌 시험이 도입된 이후로, 자동차로 인해 사망하거나 부
상당하는 사람들의 수가 많은 나라에서 감소해 왔다. 분명, 차량 충돌이 발생하지 않는 것이 이상적이다. 하지만 충돌 사고는 현실이며 당
신은 생존할 가능성이 최대한 높기를 바란다. 자동차들은 어떻게 점점 더 안전해지고 있는가? 자동차가 더 안전해지고 있는 이유 중 하나
는 우리가 인체 모형으로 안정된 충돌 시험을 실시할 수 있다는 것이다. 인체 모형의 임무는 충돌 도중 차에 타고 있는 인간으로부터는
수집할 수 없는 자료를 수집하면서 인간의 역할을 대신하는 것이다. 지금까지 그것들은 충돌 시 인간의 신체가 어떻게 반응하는지에 대한
귀중한 자료를 제공해 왔고, 개선된 차량 설계에 큰 공헌을 해왔다.

William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, is about a group of boys from different backgrounds who

end up trapped on a desert island after their plane crashes. As they attempt to organize themselves and

come up with a plan to get rescued, some of them break away and form a band of savages. Eventually,

these boys abandon almost all civilized behavior. The reader ultimately comes to realize that, despite the

fact that these boys were raised in civil society and instilled with a strong sense of character throughout

their lives, they reject all of this in favor of the savage nature that exists in all humans. Golding’s story

seems to suggest that while the social order imposed by external institutions is temporary, mankind’s

savage nature is enduring.

William Golding의 첫 번째 소설인 「파리 대왕」은 비행기 추락 사고 후에 결국 한 무인도에 갇히게 된 서로 다른 출신 배경을 가진 한

무리의 소년들에 관한 것이다. 그들이 스스로를 조직화하여 구조되기 위한 계획을 세우고자 할 때, 그들 중 일부는 무리에서 이탈하여 야
만인 집단을 결성한다. 마침내, 이 소년들은 거의 모든 문명화된 행동 양식을 버린다. 결국 독자는 이 소년들이 문명화된 사회에서 양육되
었고 평생 동안 강한 인성 교육을 받았다는 사실에도 불구하고, 그들이 모든 인간에게 존재하는 야만적 본성으로 이 모든 것을 거부한다
는 것을 깨닫게 된다. Golding의 이야기는 외부 제도에 의해 강제되는 사회 질서가 일시적인 반면, 인간의 야만적인 본성은 지속됨을 시
사하는 것처럼 보인다.

- 1 -
Around 450 BCE, the Greek philosopher Empedocles came up with one of the first ideas about the way

human vision works. He believed that people could see due to the fact that light radiating from the eye

illuminated objects around us. This idea stuck around until about 1000 CE, when a Persian scientist

named Alhazen performed experiments that led him to conclude that light comes from external objects

rather than the human eye. More importantly, his conclusions were based not on abstract reasoning, but

on experimental evidence. He revolutionized not only our ideas about light, but also our methods of

scientific research. Scientific research today still relies on the method of rigorous experimentation that

Alhazen followed as he was overturning Empedocles’s theory of vision more than a thousand years ago.

기원전 450년경, 그리스의 철학자인 Empedocles는 인간의 시각이 기능하는 방식에 관한 초기 견해들 중 한 가지를 생각해냈다. 그는 눈
에서 뿜어져 나오는 빛이 우리 주변의 물체들을 비춘다는 사실로 인해 사람들이 볼 수 있다고 생각했다. 이러한 생각은 서기 1000년경까
지 변함없다가, 이때 Alhazen이라는 한 페르시아의 과학자가 빛이 인간의 눈이 아니라 외부의 물체들에서 나온다고 결론을 내리게끔 이
끈 실험들을 수행했다. 더 중요한 것은, 그의 결론이 추상적인 추론에 근거한 것이 아니라, 실험 증거에 근거했다는 점이다. 그는 빛에 대
한 우리의 생각뿐만 아니라, 우리의 과학 연구 방법에도 혁신을 일으켰다. 오늘날 과학 연구는 Alhazen이 1,000년도 더 전에 시각에 대한
Empedocles의 이론을 뒤집었을 때 그가 따랐던 정밀한 실험 방법에 여전히 의존한다.
어법 정리 - 시제 일치 (주절 시제가 과거인 경우)
People thought (that) he will come back. - 미래시제: 불가능 (will을 would 로 바꾸는 것은 가능)
moon moves around the earth. - 현재시제: 불변의 법칙, 진리, 속담, 현재의 습관등인 때만 가능
they were wrong. - 과거시제: 주절 시제와 같은 타이밍이나, 연속되는 타이밍일 때
they had fixed the problem. - 대과거시제: 주절 시제보다 그 이전이라고 구분될 때

- 2 -
고등학교 내신 대비
완벽대비 특별한 1등급 커리타기 어법편

【 빈칸 채우기 】 instilled with a strong s____________ of character

기출 throughout their lives, they r____________ all of this
Do you think the new or used ____________ you are in favor of the s____________ nature that
purchasing is safe? Since the i____________ of e____________ in all humans. Golding’s story seems
a____________ crash-testing, the number of people to s____________ that w____________ the social order
killed and i____________ by motor vehicles has i____________ by e____________ institutions is
decreased in many countries. O____________, it t____________, mankind’s savage nature is
would be ideal to have no car crashes. However, e____________.
car crashes are a reality and you want the best William Golding의 첫 번째 소설인 「파리 대왕」은 비행기 추락
possible chance of s____________. How are cars 사고 후에 결국 한 무인도에 갇히게 된 서로 다른 출신 배경을
가진 한 무리의 소년들에 관한 것이다. 그들이 스스로를 조직화하
becoming safer? One of the reasons cars have 여 구조되기 위한 계획을 세우고자 할 때, 그들 중 일부는 무리에
been getting safer is that we can c____________ a 서 이탈하여 야만인 집단을 결성한다. 마침내, 이 소년들은 거의
모든 문명화된 행동 양식을 버린다. 결국 독자는 이 소년들이 문
well-established crash test with test dummies. The
명화된 사회에서 양육되었고 평생 동안 강한 인성 교육을 받았다
dummy’s job is to simulate a human being 는 사실에도 불구하고, 그들이 모든 인간에게 존재하는 야만적 본
d____________ a crash, c____________ data that would 성으로 이 모든 것을 거부한다는 것을 깨닫게 된다. Golding의 이
야기는 외부 제도에 의해 강제되는 사회 질서가 일시적인 반면,
not be possible to collect from a human 인간의 야만적인 본성은 지속됨을 시사하는 것처럼 보인다.
o____________. So far, they have p____________
i____________ data on how human bodies react in
crashes and have c____________ greatly to
i____________ vehicle design. 2.
Around 450 BCE, the Greek philosopher
당신이 구매하려고 하는 신차, 혹은 중고차가 안전하다고 생각하
는가? 자동차 충돌 시험이 도입된 이후로, 자동차로 인해 사망하 Empedocles came ____________ with one of the first
거나 부상당하는 사람들의 수가 많은 나라에서 감소해 왔다. 분명, ideas about the way human v____________ works.
차량 충돌이 발생하지 않는 것이 이상적이다. 하지만 충돌 사고는
현실이며 당신은 생존할 가능성이 최대한 높기를 바란다. 자동차 He b____________ that people could see
들은 어떻게 점점 더 안전해지고 있는가? 자동차가 더 안전해지고 d____________ to the fact that light radiating from
있는 이유 중 하나는 우리가 인체 모형으로 안정된 충돌 시험을
the eye i____________ objects around us. This idea
실시할 수 있다는 것이다. 인체 모형의 임무는 충돌 도중 차에 타
고 있는 인간으로부터는 수집할 수 없는 자료를 수집하면서 인간 stuck around until about 1000 CE, when a Persian
의 역할을 대신하는 것이다. 지금까지 그것들은 충돌 시 인간의 scientist n____________ Alhazen performed
신체가 어떻게 반응하는지에 대한 귀중한 자료를 제공해 왔고, 개
선된 차량 설계에 큰 공헌을 해왔다. experiments that led him to c____________ that light
comes from e____________ objects rather than the
human eye. More importantly, his c____________
were b____________ not on a____________ reasoning,
1. but on e____________ e____________. He r____________
William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, is not only our ideas about light, but also our
about a group of boys from different backgrounds m____________ of scientific research. Scientific
who ____________ up t____________ on a d____________ research today still relies on the method of
island after their plane crashes. As they attempt to r____________ experimentation that Alhazen followed
o____________ themselves and come ____________ as he was o____________ Empedocles’s theory of
____________ a plan to get r____________, some of vision more than a thousand years ago.
them break away and form a band of savages.
기원전 450년경, 그리스의 철학자인 Empedocles는 인간의 시각이
Eventually, these boys a____________ almost all 기능하는 방식에 관한 초기 견해들 중 한 가지를 생각해냈다. 그
c____________ behavior. The reader u____________ 는 눈에서 뿜어져 나오는 빛이 우리 주변의 물체들을 비춘다는
사실로 인해 사람들이 볼 수 있다고 생각했다. 이러한 생각은 서
comes to r____________ that, despite the fact that 기 1000년경까지 변함없다가, 이때 Alhazen이라는 한 페르시아의
these boys were r____________ in civil society and 과학자가 빛이 인간의 눈이 아니라 외부의 물체들에서 나온다고
결론을 내리게끔 이끈 실험들을 수행했다. 더 중요한 것은, 그의

- 3 -
결론이 추상적인 추론에 근거한 것이 아니라, 실험 증거에 근거했
다는 점이다. 그는 빛에 대한 우리의 생각뿐만 아니라, 우리의 과
학 연구 방법에도 혁신을 일으켰다. 오늘날 과학 연구는 Alhazen
이 1,000년도 더 전에 시각에 대한 Empedocles의 이론을 뒤집었
을 때 그가 따랐던 정밀한 실험 방법에 여전히 의존한다.

- 4 -
고등학교 내신 대비
완벽대비 특별한 1등급 커리타기 어법편

【 어법 / 어휘 선택 】
Do you think the new or used vehicle you are 1)

purchasing/ purchased is safe? Since the 2.

introduction of automotive crash-testing, the Around 450 BCE, the Greek philosopher

number of people killed and injured by motor Empedocles came up with one of the first ideas
about the way human vision works. He 23)
vehicles 2) has/ have decreased in many countries.
believed/ relieved 24) that/ what people could see
Obviously, it would be ideal to have no car
due to the fact that light 25) radiates/ radiating
crashes. However, car crashes are a reality and
you want the best 3) possible/ impossible chance from the eye illuminated objects around us. This

of survival. How are cars becoming safer? One of idea stuck around until about 1000 CE, when a
Persian scientist 26) naming/ named Alhazen
the reasons cars have been getting safer 4) is/ are
performed experiments that led him 27) to
5) that/ what we can conduct a well-established
crash test with test dummies. The dummy’s job is conclude/ concluding that light comes from

to simulate a human being during a crash, 6) external objects rather than the human eye. More
importantly, his conclusions 28) based/ were based
collecting/ collected data that would not be
not on 29) abstract/ concrete reasoning, but on
possible to collect from a human occupant. So far,
they 7) have provided/ have been provided experimental evidence. He revolutionized not only

invaluable data on how human bodies react in our ideas about light, but also our methods of

crashes and have contributed greatly to 8) proved/ scientific research. Scientific research today still

improved vehicle design. relies on the method of rigorous experimentation

that Alhazen 30) following/ followed as he was
overturning Empedocles’s theory of vision more
than a thousand years ago.

William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, is
about a group of boys from different backgrounds
who end up 9) trapping/ trapped on a 10) dessert/
desert island after their plane crashes. As they
attempt 11) to organize/ organizing 12) them/
themselves and come 13) up/ down with a plan to
get rescued, some of 14) them/ themselves break
away and form a band of savages. Eventually,
these boys 15) abandon/ keep almost all civilized
behavior. The reader ultimately comes to realize
that, despite the fact 16) that/ which these boys
were 17) risen/ raised in civil society and instilled
with a strong sense of character throughout their
lives, they 18) reject/ inject all of this in favor of
the savage nature 19) that/ what 20) exists/ resists
in all humans. Golding’s story seems to suggest
21) that/ what while the social order imposed by
external institutions 22) is/ are temporary,
mankind’s savage nature is enduring.

- 5 -
【 순서 / 주제 / 요지 / 기타 】 them break away and form a band of savages.
기출 Eventually, these boys abandon almost all civilized
Do you think the new or used vehicle you are behavior.
purchasing is safe? Since the introduction of (C) The reader ultimately comes to realize that,
automotive crash-testing, the number of people despite the fact that these boys were raised in
killed and injured by motor vehicles has decreased civil society and instilled with a strong sense of
in many countries. character throughout their lives, they reject all of
(A) One of the reasons cars have been getting this in favor of the savage nature that exists in all
safer is that we can conduct a well-established humans.
crash test with test dummies. The dummy’s job is 33) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 적절한 것은?
to simulate a human being during a crash, ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A)
collecting data that would not be possible to ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
collect from a human occupant.
34) 윗글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
(B) Obviously, it would be ideal to have no car
① 표류 소년 구하기 ② 인간의 야만적 본성
crashes. However, car crashes are a reality and
③ 소설의 흥미 진진함 ④ 실제 있었던 사건
you want the best possible chance of survival.
⑤ 소설의 기본적 요소
How are cars becoming safer?

(C) So far, they have provided invaluable data on

how human bodies react in crashes and have
contributed greatly to improved vehicle design. 2.
31) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 적절한 것은? Around 450 BCE, the Greek philosopher
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) Empedocles came up with one of the first ideas
④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) about the way human vision works. He believed
that people could see due to the fact that light
32) 윗글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. radiating from the eye illuminated objects around
① 자동차의 새로운 모델 us.
② 안전 불감증의 문제
(A) More importantly, his conclusions were based
③ 자동차 충돌 실험의 효과
not on abstract reasoning, but on experimental
④ 충돌 실험의 문제점
evidence. He revolutionized not only our ideas
⑤ 끊임없이 발생하는 교통 사고
about light, but also our methods of scientific

(B) Scientific research today still relies on the

1. method of rigorous experimentation that Alhazen
William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, is followed as he was overturning Empedocles’s
about a group of boys from different backgrounds theory of vision more than a thousand years ago.
who end up trapped on a desert island after their
(C) This idea stuck around until about 1000 CE,
plane crashes.
when a Persian scientist named Alhazen performed
(A) Golding’s story seems to suggest that while experiments that led him to conclude that light
the social order imposed by external institutions is comes from external objects rather than the
temporary, mankind’s savage nature is enduring. human eye.

(B) As they attempt to organize themselves and 35) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 순서로 적절한 것은?
come up with a plan to get rescued, some of ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A)

- 6 -
고등학교 내신 대비
완벽대비 특별한 1등급 커리타기 어법편

④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

36) 윗글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

① 눈의 시각 조절 ② 실험 실패의 이유
③ 추론의 중요성 ④ 역사적 과학 기록
⑤ 실험에 기반한 과학

- 7 -
【 실전 문제 연습 1회 】 40) 윗글의 빈칸에 가장 적절한 답을 고르시오.
기출 ① cope with ② shy away from
37) 다음 밑줄에서, 어법상 어긋난 것을 고르시오. ③ are in no charge of ④ run out of
Do you think the new or used vehicle you are ① ⑤ come up with
purchasing is safe? Since the introduction of
automotive crash-testing, ② a number of people
killed and injured by motor vehicles has decreased
in many countries. Obviously, it would be ideal ③
41) 다음 밑줄에서, 어법상 어긋난 것을 고르시오.
to have no car crashes. However, car crashes are
Around 450 BCE, the Greek philosopher
a reality and you want the best possible chance
Empedocles came up with one of the first ideas
of ____________. How are cars becoming safer? One
about the way human ____________ works. He
of the reasons cars have been getting safer is that
believed that people could see due to the fact
we can conduct a well-established crash test with
that light ① radiating from the eye illuminated
test dummies. The dummy’s job is ④ to simulate
objects around us. This idea stuck around until
a human being during a crash, collecting data
about 1000 CE, when a Persian scientist ② named
that would not be possible to collect from a
Alhazen performed experiments that led him ③
human occupant. So far, they ⑤ have provided
concluding that light comes from external objects
invaluable data on how human bodies react in
rather than the human eye. More importantly, his
crashes and have contributed greatly to improved
conclusions ④ were based not on abstract
vehicle design.
reasoning, but on experimental evidence. He ⑤
38) 윗글의 빈칸에 가장 적절한 답을 고르시오. revolutionized not only our ideas about light, but
① dependence ② survival ③ danger
also our methods of scientific research. Scientific
④ intolerance ⑤ depression
research today still relies on the method of
rigorous experimentation that Alhazen followed as
he was overturning Empedocles’s theory of vision
more than a thousand years ago.
39) 42) 빈칸에 맞는 한 단어를 지문에 있는 단어에서 골라
다음 밑줄에서, 어법상 어긋난 것을 고르시오.
William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, is 서 채우시오.
about a group of boys from different backgrounds
who end up ① trapped on a desert island after
their plane crashes. As they attempt to organize
themselves and ____________ a plan to get rescued,
some of them break away and form a band of
savages. Eventually, these boys abandon almost all
② civilized behavior. The reader ultimately comes
to realize that, despite the fact that these boys
were raised in civil society and ③ instilled with a
strong sense of character throughout their lives,
they reject all of this in favor of the savage
nature that exists in all humans. Golding’s story
seems to suggest ④ that while the social order
imposed by external institutions ⑤ are temporary,
mankind’s savage nature is enduring.

- 8 -
고등학교 내신 대비
완벽대비 특별한 1등급 커리타기 어법편

【 실전 문제 연습 2회 】 is ____________.
기출 46) 윗글의 빈칸에 가장 적절한 답을 고르시오.
43) 다음 밑줄에서, 어법상 어긋난 것을 고르시오. ① ignoring ② exposing ③ enduring
Do you think the new or used vehicle you are ④ outsourcing ⑤ absorbing
purchasing is safe? Since the introduction of
automotive crash-testing, the number of people
killed and injured by motor vehicles ① have
decreased in many countries. Obviously, it would 2.
be ideal to have no car crashes. However, car 47) 다음 밑줄에서, 어법상 어긋난 것을 고르시오.
crashes are a reality and you want the best Around 450 BCE, the Greek philosopher
possible chance of survival. How are cars Empedocles came up with one of the first ideas
becoming safer? One of the reasons cars have about the way human vision works. He believed
been getting safer is ② that we can conduct a ① what people could see due to the fact that
well-established crash test with test dummies. The light radiating from the eye ② illuminated objects
dummy’s job is to ____________ a human being around us. This idea stuck around until about
during a crash, collecting data that would not be 1000 CE, when a Persian scientist named Alhazen
possible ③ to collect from a human occupant. So ③ performed experiments that led him to
far, they ④ have provided invaluable data on how conclude ④ that light comes from external objects
human bodies react in crashes and have rather than the human eye. More importantly, his
contributed greatly to ⑤ improved vehicle design. conclusions were based not on a____________

reasoning, but on experimental evidence. He
윗글의 빈칸에 가장 적절한 답을 고르시오.
revolutionized not only our ideas about light, but
① motivate ② simulate ③ damage
④ alter ⑤ distinguish also our methods of scientific research. Scientific
research today still relies on the method of
rigorous experimentation that Alhazen ⑤ followed
as he was overturning Empedocles’s theory of
1. vision more than a thousand years ago.
45) 다음 밑줄에서, 어법상 어긋난 것을 고르시오. 48) 빈칸에 들어갈 한 단어를 본문을 참조하여 쓰시오.
William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, is
about a group of boys from different backgrounds
① who end up trapped on a desert island after
their plane crashes. As they attempt ② to
organize themselves and come up with a plan to
get rescued, some of ③ whom break away and
form a band of savages. Eventually, these boys
abandon almost all civilized behavior. The reader
ultimately comes to realize ④ that, despite the
fact that these boys were raised in civil society
and instilled with a strong sense of character
throughout their lives, they reject all of this in
favor of the savage nature that exists in all
humans. Golding’s story seems ⑤ to suggest that
while the social order imposed by external
institutions is temporary, mankind’s savage nature

- 9 -
【 실전 문제 연습 3회 】 institutions is ⑤ forever, mankind’s savage nature
기출 is enduring.
49) 다음 밑줄에서 어휘가 잘못된 것을 고르시오. 52) 위 밑줄친 부분을 문맥에 맞게 배열하시오.
당신이 구매하려고 하는 신차, 혹은 중고차가 안전하
다고 생각하는가? Since the introduction of
automotive crash-testing, the number of people
killed and injured by motor vehicles has ① 2.
decreased in many countries. Obviously, it would 53) 다음 밑줄에서 어휘가 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
be ideal to have no car crashes. However, car Around 450 BCE, the Greek philosopher
crashes are a reality and you want the best Empedocles came up with one of the first ideas
possible chance of survival. How are cars about the way human vision works. He ①
becoming ② safer? One of the reasons cars have believed that people could see due to the fact
been getting safer is that we can conduct a that light radiating from the eye ② illuminated
well-established crash test with test dummies. The objects around us. This idea stuck around until
dummy’s job is to simulate a human being during about 1000 CE, when a Persian scientist named
a crash, collecting data that would not be ③ Alhazen performed experiments that led him to
possible to collect from a human occupant. So far, conclude that light comes from ③ internal objects
they have provided ④ invaluable data on how rather than the human eye. More ④ importantly,
human bodies react in crashes and have his conclusions were based not on abstract
contributed greatly to ⑤ ruined vehicle design. reasoning, but on experimental evidence. He
50) 주어진 한글에 맞게 다음 단어들을 배열하시오. revolutionized not only our ideas about light, but

think / the / you / or / vehicle / purchasing / Do also our methods of scientific research. Scientific

/ new / safe / is / you / are / used research today still relies on the method of
rigorous experimentation that Alhazen followed as
he was ⑤ overturning Empedocles’s theory of
vision more than a thousand years ago.
54) 밑줄 친 부분을 다음 주어진 단어로 시작하여 다시
51) 다음 밑줄에서 어휘가 잘못된 것을 고르시오. 쓰시오. [자사고 대비]
William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, is Not
about a group of boys from different backgrounds
who end up trapped on a desert island after their
plane crashes. As they attempt to ① organize
themselves and come up with a plan to get
rescued, some of them break away and form a
band of savages. Eventually, behavior / all /
almost / boys / these / civilized / abandon. The
reader ultimately comes to realize that, despite the
fact that these boys were ② raised in civil society
and instilled with a ③ strong sense of character
throughout their lives, they reject all of this in
favor of the savage nature that exists in all
humans. Golding’s story seems to ④ suggest that
while the social order imposed by external

- 10 -
고등학교 내신 대비
완벽대비 특별한 1등급 커리타기 어법편

【 실전 문제 연습 4회 】 to suggest that while the social order imposed by

기출 external institutions is temporary, mankind’s savage
55) 다음 밑줄 (A), (B), (C)에서 올바른 것을 고르시오. nature is enduring.
Do you think the new or used vehicle you are 58) 위 밑줄친 부분을 문맥에 맞게 배열하시오.
purchasing is safe? Since the introduction of
automotive crash-testing, the number of people
killed and injured by motor vehicles has decreased
in many countries. Obviously, 차량 충돌이 발생하지 2.
않는 것이 이상적이다. However, car crashes are a 59) 다음 밑줄 (A), (B), (C)에서 올바른 것을 고르시오.
reality and you want the best (A) possible/ Around 450 BCE, the Greek philosopher
impossible chance of survival. How are cars Empedocles came up with one of the first ideas
becoming safer? One of the reasons cars have about the way human vision works. He believed
been getting safer is that we can (B) stop/ that people could see due to the fact that 눈에서
conduct a well-established crash test with test 뿜어져 나오는 빛이 우리 주변의 물체들을 비춘다.
dummies. The dummy’s job is to simulate a This idea stuck around until about 1000 CE, when
human being during a crash, collecting data that a Persian scientist named Alhazen performed
would not be possible to collect from a human experiments that led him to conclude that light
occupant. So far, they have provided (C) (A) came/ comes from external objects rather than
invaluable/ worthless data on how human bodies the human eye. More importantly, his conclusions
react in crashes and have contributed greatly to were based not on abstract reasoning, but on
improved vehicle design. experimental evidence. He (B) ignored/
56) 주어진 한글에 맞게 다음 단어들을 배열하시오. revolutionized not only our ideas about light, but

be / car / to / have / ideal / no / would / also our methods of scientific research. Scientific

crashes / it research today still relies on the method of (C)

idle/ rigorous experimentation that Alhazen
followed as he was overturning Empedocles’s
theory of vision more than a thousand years ago.
60) 주어진 한글에 맞게 다음 단어들을 배열하시오.
57) 다음 밑줄 (A), (B), (C)에서 올바른 것을 고르시오. around / radiating / the eye / us / light / from /
William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, is objects / illuminated
about a group of boys from different backgrounds
who end up trapped on a desert island after their
plane crashes. As they attempt to organize
themselves and plan / a / to / up / get / rescued
/ with / come, some of them break away and
form a band of savages. Eventually, these boys
abandon almost all civilized behavior. The reader
ultimately comes to realize that, despite the fact
(A) that/ which these boys were raised in civil
society and instilled with a (B) weak/ strong sense
of character throughout their lives, they reject all
of this in favor of the savage nature that (C)
exists/ resists in all humans. Golding’s story seems

- 11 -

- 12 -
고등학교 내신 대비
완벽대비 특별한 1등급 커리타기 어법편

1) purchasing
2) has
3) possible
4) is
5) that
6) collecting
7) have provided
8) improved
9) trapped
10) desert
11) to organize
12) themselves
13) up
14) them
15) abandon
16) that 동접
17) raised
18) reject
19) that
20) exists
21) that
22) is
23) believed
24) that
25) radiating
26) named
27) to conclude
28) were based
29) abstract
30) followed
31) ②
32) ③
33) ③
34) ②
35) ④
36) ⑤
37) ② the number of
38) ②
39) ⑤ is
40) ⑤
① 대처하다 ② 피하다 ③ 책임 없다 ④ 다 써버리다 ⑤ 생각해내다
41) ③ to conclude
42) vision
43) ① has decreased
44) ②
45) ③ them
46) ③
47) ① that
48) abstract
49) ⑤ improved
50) Do you think the new or used vehicle you are
purchasing is safe
51) ⑤ temporary
52) these boys abandon almost all civilized behavior
53) ③ external
54) Not only did he revolutionize our ideas about light
55) possible, conduct, invaluable
56) it would be ideal to have no car crashes
57) that 동접, strong, exists
58) come up with a plan to get rescued
59) comes, revolutionized, rigorous
60) light radiating from the eye illuminated objects around

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