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La Consolacion College

Iriga City

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies of foreign and local authors,

synthesis,as well as the significant theories and concepts related to the Perception on the

Practices of Blended Learning among the Grade 7 Students.

Foreign Literature

According to Stauffer (2022), traditional instruction is used to introduce concepts and give

students opportunity for group activities. Meanwhile, online learning is used to improve the

educational content when paired with traditional instructions. The combination of the two is what

makes learning more understandable. Students and teachers are able to explore many ways in

acquiring and providing knowledge respectively. When dealing with the students’ different

learning styles, the use of blended learning is what destroys the barrier in gaining knowledge.

Furthermore, an article by Dharmawardene and Wijewardene (2021) stated that the

association and the use of different mode of learning affects the presentation skills of learners

through a study that conducted a pre-test and post-test to assess presentation skills of learners.

The result shows significant improvement in the blended mode among others. Since it is evident

that blended learning is more effective, new implementations will be addressed along with the

ever changing norms.

La Consolacion College
Iriga City

Local Literature

An article Learning from the Problems and Challenges in Blended Learning: Basis for

Faculty Development and Program Enhancement states that in the Philippines, blended

learning is still in a phase of development. However, there are limitations and challenges

associated with this increased demand for blended learning that needs investigation, particularly

in newly established higher education institutions, as they obstruct the effective and efficient

delivery of teaching and learning. It attempts to increase the number of instructions who are

speaking up about the difficulties they have when delivering blended learning.

According to Anduyan, (2021) the blended learning module appears to be effective.

Additionally, the student has a high level of self-efficacy. Most of the time, both manifest. The

efficiency of blended learning and students’ self –efficacy are significantly correlated. The

following aspects of a blended learning module’s effectiveness have an impact on students’ self-

efficacy: content quality, usability, and potential as a learning tool. To increase students’ self-

efficacy, the researcher advises teachers to attend seminars and training sessions focused on

creating and enhancing educational material for blended learning.

Foreign Studies

Wang et al. (2015) said that blended learning is a complex subsystem because it involves

changing environment caused by different interaction ways among students in the learning

process. The students become more active when a specific part of the brain called cerebrum is

stimulated. It is where memory and reasoning occur that made students interested and responsive

in the learning environment.

La Consolacion College
Iriga City

Zaharah et al. (2015) explain that blended learning only serves as a path for students to

determine what learning method work best for themselves. The teachers only function as

facilitator to create a meaningful learning environment. Students will no longer need to consume

time understanding concepts in the wrong way. While students are exploring their learning style,

it will be beneficial if they will be using it not only for academic purposes but as well as other

practical purposes in the future.

Local Studies

In the related study of Barrot et al. (2021), the new normal had impact on the mental

health and coping mechanisms of college students. The students raised their concerns on the

technical difficulties and overwhelming tasks. To cope with the problems, they seek help from

teachers and relatives and engage themselves in leisure activities. This elaborate that learning is

not only about understanding and knowing what instructional materials to be used. Emotions also

matters as it affects the ability of students to think and process information.

Salac and Kim (2016) conducted a related study that explains the slow internet connection

in the Philippines is due to limited internet infrastructure, outdated laws and red tape that hinder

the quick installations of cell towers. With this, the internet is not only slow and costly, students

are having difficulties in coping with the new normal and advancement of technology as a means

of communication. The consequence will only give students hardship in understanding concepts

and lesson.

La Consolacion College
Iriga City

Synthesis of the State of the Art

Through the associated literature and studies given, the researchers were able to gain useful

information. The materials provided gave significant insights into the researchers’ perspective on

the subject issue. Taken together, the different studies and literature laid the foundation for this

study, which will be built on and used in the analysis of the data to be gathered. According to

several researches, blended learning gives advantages as well as disadvantages to students and

individual involved and is affected in the learning process. Students can assess their learning

styles through blended learning. Although the slow internet connectivity hinders the efficient

learning process, students find ways in dealing with the situation since it is the new normal

people are adapting on to. The use of blended learning still needs improvement in order to make

it effective for every learner. However, it has provided an opportunity to use the existing

resources in the present and meet the needs of students.

The researchers opted to focus on the perception of blended learning among the grade 7

students. They use variables such as the basic practices, factors and issues/ concerns about to

determine whether there are disparities.

The researchers aimed to determine the notions behind blended learning and its goal with

the help of related literature and studies. The researchers studied the situation and discovered

where did blended learning lack due to few resources and knowledge of the technology. It gives

a path to numerous ways that researchers could utilize when conducting the study, proving that

this research is relevant.

La Consolacion College
Iriga City

Theoretical Framework

This research is anchored on the theories which had been made known and validated by a

combination of psychologists, researchers, and educators.

According to David Kolb, concrete experience transformed into effective learning. The

involvement of students including their senses, emotions, and personality is what makes learning

truly experiential. The environment also impacts on the way students process information

because it affects how they feel. There is realization created when an experience is interpreted in

a new way that guides an individual on how to deal with something. The new ideas are then

applied in real-life situations to assess what will work best and adjustments to be made if needed.

Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence (1983) asserts that individuals learn

in different ways and that there is a need for reform in educational curriculums. Instead of going

through a curriculum that is a mile wide and an inch deep, students should focus on their true

capabilities. Students have different range of intelligence and it will be discovered by

experiencing different circumstances that test their capabilities.

Jean Piaget pointed out that gaining knowledge is constructed. Through interactions with

the environment, individuals are subjected to change and examine their experiences. There is no

objective reality on learners regarding the things they should know. Individuals have different

intelligence they can use to construct meaning. Communication with others helps construct

meaning and knowledge based on their needs and own representations. Basically, students don’t

just receive information but rather interpret a new idea out of it.

La Consolacion College
Iriga City

Experiential Learning

of Blended

Theory of Gardner’s Theory

Constructivism of Multiple

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm

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Iriga City

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study is anchored on the concepts which further

explains and clarify the relationship of the variables and the process used in this study. It is

divided into three parts: Input, Process, and Output.

Input. The input includes the variables of the study. Profile of the student respondents in terms

of age, grade level, school last attended, Perception of the Students on the Effectiveness of

Blended Learning in terms of basic practices, factors and improvement.

Process. The process includes the survey to the respondents through a questionnaire. The

drafting and distribution of instruments. The analysis and interpretation of data gathered.

Output. The output determines the effectiveness of blended learning to grade 7 students. And if

there is a supplement for effective implementation of blended learning.

Feedback. The feedback loop acts as a link between the output and the input and process. If any

changes are required, they must be made to the input and process to obtain the desired result.

La Consolacion College
Iriga City


1. Profile of the respondents in terms of:

 Age
 Grade Level
 School Last Attended

2. Basic practices of students in blended


3. Factors that determine the effectiveness

of blended learning.

4. Supplement for effective

implementation of blended learning.


 Drafting the Questionnaire

 Distribution of Instruments

 Data Gathering
 Analysis and Interpretation of Data


Effectiveness of
Blended Learning
to Grade 7 Students

Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm

La Consolacion College
Iriga City


Stauffer, B. (2022). Top 7 Blended Learning Strategies for CTE. Blended Learning Strategies.

Date Access: April 18, 2023

Dharmawardene, R.P. and Wijewardene, L. (2021). Effectiveness of Teaching in Blended Mode:

A Case Study from Sri Lankan University System.

Date Access: April 18, 2023

Alvarez, A. (2020). Learning form the Problems and Challenges in Blended Learning: Basis for

Faculty Development and Program Enhancement.15, 112-132.

Date Access: April 15, 2023

Anduyan, D. (2021). Effectiveness of Blended Learning Modules as Correlates of Self-Efficacy

of ALS Students: Basis for an Action Plan.2,(11).

Date Access: April 15, 2023

Wang, Y. et al. (2015). Revisiting the Blended Learning Literature: Using a Complex Adaptive

Systems Framework. 18,(2), 380-393.
_Adaptive_Systems_Framework Date Access: April 16, 2023

La Consolacion College
Iriga City

Zaharah et al. (2015). Kajian Model Blended Learning Dalamjurnal Terpilih: Satu Analisa

. Kandungan. 3(1), 20-31.

Date Access: April 16, 2023

Barrot, J.S., Llenares, I.I. & del Rosario, L.S., (2021).Students’ online learning challenges

during the pandemic and how they cope with them: The case of the Philippines, Education

and Information Technologies. 26(6), 7321-7338. Date Access: April 21, 2023

Salac, R.A., Kim, Y.S.,(2016) A Study on The Internet Connectivity in The Philippines. 1(1), 67-



Date Access: April 21, 2023

Kolb, D., (1984). What Is the Experiential Learning Theory of David Kolb?.

Date Access: April 19, 2023

Gardner, H., (1983). Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (8 Types of Intelligences).

Date Access: April 19, 2023

Piaget, J., (1964). Learning Theories: Constructivism.

Date Access: April 19, 2023


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