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Course 1- Marketing Fundamentals

Project title: Audit & Strategise the Brand Marketing

Select one of the following brands to undertake this project. Options are:

PeeSafe Patanjali, Namhya Foods, Skippi Ice Pops, Sleepy Owl Coffee, Man Company

In this project, you'll talk about the brand's story, what customers like, and who else is in
the competition. Your goal is to think of ideas to help the brand grow, from
understanding current customers to coming up with new products. It's all about figuring
out how the brand can do better in the market.

Task 1 - Brand Overview(15 Marks):

● Brand History: Talk briefly about when the brand started, the important things it
did, and the events that made it what it is today.
● Consumer and Brand Truth: Explain what both the brand and its customers really
care about. Show how their values match and why people like the brand.
● Product or Service Offerings: Describe the main things the brand sells and what
makes them special.
● Current Market Position: Check how well the brand is doing in the market. Look
at things like how many people buy their stuff, if people stick with the brand, and
what others think about it.
● Recent Marketing Campaigns or Initiatives: Talk about any recent ads or things
the brand did to get noticed. Explain what they wanted to do, where they did it,
and if it worked well.

Task 2 - Competitive Research(15 Marks):

● Major Competitors: Identify and list the main competitors in the market. Provide
a brief overview of each, emphasizing their market presence and key offerings.
● Strengths and Weaknesses: Conduct a SWOT analysis for each major
competitor, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Consider aspects like
product quality, customer service, pricing, and innovation.
● Target Audience of Competitors: Define the target audience of each major
competitor. Explore the demographic, psychographic, and behavioral
characteristics of the consumers they aim to reach.
Task 3 - Brand vs. Competitor (Analyzing USPs)(15 Marks):

● Unique Selling Propositions (USPs): Identify and compare the USPs of the
assigned brand with those of its key competitors. Explain how these unique
features contribute to the brand's competitive advantage.
● Competitive Advantage: Explore how the brand's USPs give it a competitive edge
in the market. Discuss any customer testimonials, reviews, or market feedback
that support this advantage.

Task 4 - Decoding STP and Identifying Existing Target Audience for the
Assigned Brand(15 Marks):

STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning): Assess whether the assigned brand has a
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning strategy in place. If yes, provide a brief
overview. If not, proceed to identify and define the existing target audience.

Identifying Existing Target Audience:

● Demographics: Provide an overview of the demographic characteristics of this

identified target audience, such as age, gender, income, and location.
● Psychographics: Explore the psychographic traits that resonate with this
audience, including lifestyle, values, and interests.
● Behavioral Traits: Highlight specific behaviors that characterize interactions with
the brand.

Overview of Other Potential Target Audiences:

● Provide a brief overview of other potential target audiences that might exist for
the brand.
● Highlight key characteristics of these audiences without going into detailed

Task 5 - Comprehensive Marketing Strategy Development(15 Marks):

​ Creative Product/Feature Idea and Target Group Strategy:

● Present a creative suggestion for a new product or feature.
● Justify the suggestion based on market trends, consumer needs, or
potential gaps in the current product line.
● Discuss how the proposed addition aligns with the brand's overall strategy
and positioning.

​ Target Group Strategy (STP):
● Apply segmentation criteria to propose a new target group for the brand.
● Define the characteristics of this group, including demographics,
psychographics, and behavioral traits.
● Explain why the newly identified target group is strategically relevant for
the brand.
● Discuss how it aligns with the brand's values and goals.
● Outline a positioning strategy to effectively target and engage with the
new audience, considering how the brand can differentiate itself.

​ Anticipating Challenges, Impact, and Solutions:
● List potential challenges during the implementation of marketing
● Consider factors like market dynamics, changing consumer preferences,
or external events.
● Discuss how these challenges might impact the brand's performance and
market position.
● Propose effective strategies to overcome the identified challenges.
● Provide insights into proactive measures to mitigate risks, ensuring
successful marketing endeavors.

Submission Guidelines:

● Create the presentation using Google Slides.

● Save the presentation as a PDF file and then convert it into a zipped (.zip)
● Upload the zipped folder on their respective dashboard..
● Failure to comply with submission guidelines will result in no grading/0

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