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Republic of the Philippines



Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Nursing

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the RLE Clinical Duty

Submitted by:
Bernardino, Elizabeth C.
(BSN 3-5 GRP 1)
Republic of the Philippines



July 16, 2023

Student nurses might acquire beneficial clinical experience in a specialized healthcare

environment by joining a mental health facility. Working with patients who have mental health
issues offers special insights into therapeutic, evaluation, and nursing treatments in the field of
psychiatry. July 16, 2023 Sunday, I arrived at Wesleyan University- Philippines at 12:30 in the
afternoon, then minutes had passed the bus came in and we need to put our luggage bag on.
Our clinical instructor just went to our bus to give some information that we need to know
before we arrived at Maxx hotel. At exactly 2:30 in the afternoon the CI's said that we need to
go so that we would not going to be too late when we get there. While we are in the bus with
our classmates, friend and professor's we are chatting about our excitement, giving opinion on
what we are going to do while we are in the Mental hospital. We are hoping that our one-week
stay would be the worth it. Hours had passed our bus driver decides to over stop for us to buy
foods and other stuffs. At 7 pm we just got here at Maxx Hotel; they accommodate us with the
smile on their faces welcoming each other. Our professor instruct us to went to the conference
room saying that they will be going orientation about the hotel's rules and regulations and
about the distribution of foods and also the rooms they also said that before we take a rest we
need to check the room if there's any problem we can report to them so that they will knew
about it. Sir leover gives advices about the activities that we need to do, ma'am Erika and other
professor check our grooming. So Our day went well, we have a new knowledge that we gain,
information’s that we need to know before we are going to the Mental hospital.
Republic of the Philippines



July 17, 2023

Patients at mental institutions are frequently treated for a variety of psychiatric

disorders with varying degrees of severity. Since they are exposed to a variety of instances,
nursing students have a deeper awareness of mental health problems and the challenges of
delivering care. On our 1st day of Affiliation, July 17, 2023 Monday. Exactly 4 am in the Morning
Our team leader Elli and I distributed foods for our professor after we get back to our room, we
also take our breakfast so that we can eat before we go to the Mental hospital. After we take a
bath and wear our uniforms, we gather ourselves on the 1st floor of the hotel while we are
waiting for our van to arrive. After a couple minutes our team leader announced that are van
just got arrived. As we get here at National center for mental health our clinical instructor told
to us that we can tour around with him so as he said that we took a group pictures and while
doing that Sir Wilfredo giving us some knowledge and information like about the statue of sisa.
I'm so happy that time while waiting for our orientation because my friends and I are taking
pictures creating new memories. After minutes had passed that CI's told that we need to go in
the administration or conference hall so that the facilitator of the NCMH can discuss about the
timeline of NCMH how it starts, who started it and when did they start to run the facility. He
also provides us knowledge about the pavilions and about the service user. After an hour sir
Wilfredo gather us so that we can take a tour to our assigned pavilions, we are informed that
we are in pavilion 1, the male section. Sir Wilfredo and my group mates went to the
information desk so that we can know which ward that they assigned to us but somehow we
waited for 30 minutes because there were no available professor's to accommodate us they
said that they are all here at the meeting so first we go the basketball court inside the pavilion
waiting for Ma'am while we are waiting My groupmates and I shared our thoughts about the
plan of activities, giving task to each other assigned ourselves what are the task that we need to
do. A minutes had passed Sir Wilfredo announced that the ward that we are going to handle is
ward 6 so we decided to go to their ward and read their charting, the service user that I will be
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handling for 4 day is Mr. X his from lucena city, 47 years old single. At first when we enter to
their ward we are all got scared because of their stares the way they act the way they talk we
are hearing them singing and laughing but as we student nurse we are all trained that we
should show them empathy and high quality of care. After we are reading their chart, we
headed to the parking area so that we can go back in the hotel. Sir Wilfredo instruct us that we
should meet at 3 pm because we will be having a self-awareness activities. At 12:30 in the
afternoon we take our lunch after that we take a bath and I fall asleep for 1 just one hour and
then at 3 pm we have a class to attend Sir Wilfredo gave 3 activities first is knowing yourself we
will share our strength, weakness , what is the purpose of God in your life, what characteristics
do you have that they notice about you, and What characteristic did you notice to yourself that
they don't know about you, on this activity help us to build trust to each other and also to this
help us to always understand each other in any circumstances that we have, 2nd activity was
Trustfall, I am the first to try this activity so I'm scared that time thinking that I'm gonna hurt
myself but apparently I have trust on them that no matter what happens they will catch me
when I fall. And the last activities called Ho'oponopono, sir Wilfredo gave some instructions
that we need to follow in order to release our feelings toward someone or something that may
hurt us in the past Our Dinner went well, after that we gather everyone in our group so that we
can plan our activities for the other day, that ends our day 3 in here in madaluyong, this
affiliation makes me more strong .

July 18, 2023

Student nurses can develop nursing abilities including therapeutic communication,

behavioral management, crisis response, and patient evaluation by working in a mental
institution. These abilities are useful in other healthcare contexts as well, not just mental
nursing. July 18,2023 Tuesday. First thing in the morning we take a bath and eat our breakfast
and a couple of minutes Kuya bobby our driver was there to fetch us, then after we arrived at
Republic of the Philippines



NCMH we just log our temperature there and Before we meet our patients, Sir Wilfredo
discussed the therapeutic communication and that includes pre-orientation phase, orientation
phase, working phase and termination phase. After the discussion, At exactly 9 am , We went to
ward 6 so that we can meet our service user , when I met my Service User first I got scared
because of How the way he act and talk but when we went to basketball court I realize that I
shouldn't be afraid or feel scared of him, Our plan of activities starts in Prayer after that Me and
My co student nurse facilitate the exercises that we prepared for our service user and also we
are facilitating games like charades, and activities like self-expression that the service express
themselves by picking a one color so you can pick the color green if you're excited, yellow if
you're happy and last blue if you are sad, So I noticed that my service user pick the color green
and he also said that He is excited because we have many activities that we prepare for them.
After that Elli instruct them on how to prepare their food so we have tuna with mayonnaise and
Bread and last after an hour as plan of activities the Nursing Patient Interaction, I met my
Patient one by one I try to talk to him I ask his name and age , if he have family and when he
admit in NCMH but questioning him was very difficult he did not answer me directly he
repeatedly said about the UFO, cars, president and also economic as the time passed by we
need to close our conversation and say goodbye to him. After we go back to our hotel Sir
alfredo told to us that we should meet at 3 pm, then afterwards sir discussed about the
therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication in this lesson we learned on how important to
communicate properly on our service user then after the discussion we take quiz and then
meeting, making our props for the activities tomorrow

July 19, 2023

We arrived at National center for mental health exactly at 8:00 in the morning, when we
get there the first thing that we do is just to log in our temperature in the information desk. We
went to ward hall to wait for our patients According to sir Wilfredo they releasing the patient
Republic of the Philippines



after 9 am , so we just wait for them but while we are waiting Sir discussed about the Electro
convulsive test, the lesson that I learned is I understand now the prior medication of ECT , the
candidates for ECT , contraindications, and side effect I gain a lot of knowledge when sir
Wilfredo doing the pre-conference meeting these meeting help me a lot to learn more. After
that exactly 9 am, we went to our service user to guide them, as I met him already all the fear
that I'm feeling this past few days were gone, I greeted him Good morning and How his day
went well he said that he is feeling well , I also noticed his hair I said to him " ayos po ah bagong
gupit po tayo tatay" and he replied " oo Nga ginupitan nila ko" then he smiled. The first activity
that we did is Prayer and then Exercise my co student nurse and I facilitating the exercises then
after that we go back to the ward hall were in we can do our next activity which is the Art and
music therapy, My co student Clark and I are facilitating this activity we explained to them that
In first bond paper they will draw what them makes happy and on the second bond paper they
will draw what them makes sad and also we inform them that later on they will explain their
drawing . After that My co student nurse nea and Camille teach them how to sing and the title
of the song is "Tuloy parin" , As I can see through their eyes they were happy while singing ,
they also participating they are singing one by one. After a song number, we prepared their
snacks and after they are done with their foods , the next activity is trust walk so we went
again to the open field which is their basketball court , Von my co student nurse are facilitating
this activity so All we need to do is guide them, this trust walk help them to trust their groups
and Listen to the leader and had a teamwork, then the next activity was hephep hoorey, we all
know that game so my co student nurse John and reden are facilitating this, the games went
well we are so happy because we are seeing that they are also happy, after a couple of minutes
we go back to ward hall and Prepared gain for their snacks and the last activity was dancing, My
co student nurse Von is facilitating this activity, we dance with them. And the last activity that
we did is Nursing patient Interaction, My patient is explaining the first drawing which is what he
makes him happy, he draw the house and orange and also he write the word “ Going home”
and in second picture he wrote the names of her ate, and also the food and ocean and places
Republic of the Philippines



that he want to travel before they go back to their ward, I say goodbye to him and saying that I
will be there tomorrow. After our exposure to the pavilion 3 male we went back to our hotel,
ate our lunch and at 3 pm sir Wilfredo with my co student nurse are having a post conference
meeting and quiz about the lectures that he discussed this past few days, He dismissed the
meeting earlier so that we can prepare our activities for Grand socialization tomorrow, as a
group we are making our task, Making like bandaritas, cutting papers, and so on. We finished
the designs late in the evening, so we have only 2 hours to sleep. So that will be the end of my
3rd duty in NCMH. It's fun but also tiring but I am learning a lot.

July 20, 2023

Mental health treatment often involves a multidisciplinary approach, where nurses

collaborate with psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and other healthcare professionals.
Affiliation with a mental hospital exposes student nurses to the importance of teamwork and
interprofessional collaboration. Thursday, the last day of our duty here in pavilion 1, as usually
we arrived at NCMH at 8 am in the morning, the first thing we do is to gather our material and
we start to designed for the Grand socialization, In our grand-socialization we had prepare
again the activities and food for them, Grand socialization was very fun. Before we start the
program, we guided our patient to went to their sits. Team leader eli is assigned for opening
remarks and as usual Camille and I are performing the exercise. then Nea my co-student nurse
with clark is performing the puppet show it is all about mabuting hari, they have characters
who named pepito and manaloto, the second is recreational / play bingo, I guide my patient
and the other patient for them to know how to play it properly. Next is dance therapy von is
practicing them so that later on the service users were familiarized about the dance and after
this we gave them an award best in dancing, best in singing, best in drawing and best in playing
games they were all excited as we announced the winner and after that Von played BUDOTS
song so we danced with them, as student nurses we care for them and we want to give a high
Republic of the Philippines



quality of care. At snack time they eat the food that we prepared for them. Next activity is the
occupational therapy were in we gave one each tote bag and paint so they can design their bag.
And then after they are done, we gave them foods and juice. So, after a minute had passed we
have time to talk to them a say goodbye to them, My patient is very happy as I can see into his
eyes. As I observed little by little, he is giving his trust on me, He is telling me about himself and
what happened to him. I am emotional when I say to him that this is the last day that we would
see each other, and he said also that “ don’t leave me” and “illoveyou ma’am” I was touch by
his words that time, and I think his defense mechanism when someone is making him sad is to
said inappropriate words, he is changing topic so that his real emotion can’t be seen, but I felt
so sad when I realized that. But also, happy because I know to myself that he would be come
better, he will be going back soon to his home. Last is we returned the service user to their
ward. After that Sir Wilfredo congratulate us for having a beautiful and successful grand
socialization. All my groupmates were so happy that time, the sleepless nights was all worth it.
After that we went to the hotel, ate our lunch and before that sir Wilfredo informed us that we
will having as Post Test, and at 1 pm we take the quiz and I got 25 out of 30, and this was the
end of our affiliation. But as the clinical professor said that the requirement will be passed on

July 21, 2023

Friday, The last day here in NCMH, we arrived 8:00 in the morning, We are having a tour
at National Center of mental health, we will visits the other pavilion to take a look and observed
the differences of the other pavilions, there a lot of pavilion here in NCMH , different cases and
facility. I realized that affiliation in a mental hospital can bring numerous benefits, including
improved patient care, access to resources, professional development for staff, and better
coordination within the broader healthcare network. This can lead to a more comprehensive
and efficient mental health care system that benefits patients and healthcare providers alike.
Republic of the Philippines



Overall, it is advantageous for both parties when we student nurses are associated with
mental facilities. As a result of the participation of eager and motivated students, mental
hospitals gain vital clinical experience and abilities. In order to provide people with mental
health issues with high-quality treatment, it is crucial to establish a professional and
compassionate mental health nursing staff.

Individuals, families, and communities are all impacted by mental health, which is an
important component of total wellbeing. The demand for comprehensive and specialized care
rises as our knowledge of mental health concerns expands. The connection of mental health
institutions with broader healthcare networks is an essential component in providing high-
quality mental health treatment.

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