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We had had enough of luxury until and unless we got

ourselves dipped into selfishness and caused severe damage to
the environment and paved our way towards the end. When
we go outside, we have experienced fireballs exploding on us,
haven’t we? Many people across the country are suffering for
this high heat wave. Earlier, people had seen 30oC to 32oC as
the high temperature. But they hadn’t had the idea that their
successors would face such arduous situation.
People have never seen such horrid problem in their
whole life. This situation is leading to the death of various
people. Not only is it affecting us externally, but internally as
well. Our bodies are getting dehydrated due to global
warming. The situation is showing an orange alert, but once it
starts showing red alert, our patience would go off. It is very
hard to endure are situation. Many people admit their mistakes
and the scientists are trying to find a way out. The fireballs are
fortifying us from all the sides as we go out. So it is of utmost
importance that we also try our best to save ourselves from
this terrible situation. And according to most, the way out is
planting more and more trees. They simply act like ACs or
coolers. They not only save resources (electricity) but also
save us from this unstoppable disaster.

Soumya Garai
Class: VII-E-43
St. Paul’s Academy

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