Test No 3

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St Name: Class: INTER-II

Paper Code: Subject: COMPUTER
Paper Time: 1 Hour 30 mint. T-Marks: 50
Paper Date: 27-Feb-2020 Paper Type:

Q1. Tick for correct answer. 1X12=12

1.In access, the structure of a table is created in ......... view.
(A) Design view (B) Datasheet view (C) Both A & B (D) None of them

2.In a relational database, a single piece of information is called:

(A) Field (B) Record (C) Entity (D) Attribute

3.Which data type can be used to define a field that contains an active Web address as its content?
(A) Hyperlink (B) OLE object (C) Lookup wizard (D) Auto Number

4.Field properties are shown in:

(A) Design view (B) Datasheet view (C) Both A & B (D) None

5.Which of the following is not suitable for an input mask?

(A) Telephone number (B) A date (C) Street address (D) Social security number

6.Which field type can be indexed?

(A) Memo (B) Number (C) Hyperlink (D) OLE

7.Which of the following buttons of find and replace dialog box is clicked to start the search process?
(A) Find (B) Find next (C) Search (D) Next

8.The Sort Ascending button will:

(A) (B) (C) Filter out selected records (D) Delete selected records
Order all records alphabetically Order all records reverse

9.How find four names that starts with H, the criteria is specified as?
(A) H * a (B) H ? 4 (C) H ? ? ? ? (D) H # #

10.Which of the following describes a select query?

(A) Limits the records shown (B) Limits the fields shown (C) (D) All
Selects records based on specific

11.Which of the following is returned by Access if you type H*II in a text field of a select query?
(A) Hill (B) Hiell (C) Hall (D) All

12.Which of the following entries in a Design grid will return the record Rabnawaz?
(A) Ander? (B) Rab* (C) Both rab? And rab* (D) Neither rab? Nor rab*

Q2. Write short answers of the following questions.(Any 6) 2X6=12

I. Define the term RDBMS.
II. List advantages of RDBMS.
III. Name any for parts of MS Access application window.
IV. Define scroll bar.
V. List different buttons available on Access database window.
VI. Define two database objects.
VII. Define a form.
VIII. Write two advantages of form.
IX. Write definition of reports.

Q3. Write short answers of the following questions.(Any 6) 2X6=12

I. Define the term degree of relation.
II. Difference between degree of relation and cardinality of relation.
III. List two disadvantages of integrated development environment.
IV. What is the use of datasheet view in MS Access?
V. List any four field properties.
VI. Write down the use of filters in MS Access.
VII. Discuss the use of design view in MS Access.
VIII. Write a query to display all the records from a table Employee.
IX. List some advantage of query.

Q4. Write detailed answers of the following questions.(Any 2) 8X2=16

1.Briefly describe the advantages of using MS Access.
2.What is query? Explain any three types of queries.
3.Discuss any four different methods of modifying a table.

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