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Outside your body - The part of your clitoris that extends outside your body is located at the top of your vulva. Beneath
your clitoris is your urethral opening (the hole where you pee), your vaginal opening (the hole where you have
intercourse), a space of skin called your perineum and your anus (the hole where you poop). On either side of your clitoris
and vaginal opening are two flaps of skin called your labia minora (inner vaginal lips). Your labia majora (outer vaginal
lips) surround your inner vaginal lips. A mound of skin called your mons pubis is above your clitoris, directly atop your
pubic bone.

Zooming in, the parts of your clitoris that are outside your body include:
Glans clitoris: Most people referring to the clitoris (or clit) actually mean the glans, the tiny nub that’s just above your
urethral opening. The glans is filled with nerve endings that make it especially sensitive to touch.
Clitoral hood: Your labia minora (inner vaginal lips) meet at the top of your vulva to form a hood for your glans. Your
clitoral hood may cover all, some or none of your glans.

Inside your body - your clitoris is shaped like an upside-down wishbone, with a clitoral body branching out to form a V
Body (corpora): The body of your clitoris is located behind your glans. Think of it as the top of the wishbone that isn’t
divided. The body extends downward and branches off to form a pair of legs, the crura.
Crura: The crura are two legs that extend from the clitoral body. They’re the longest part of your clitoris. Together, they
form the “V” of the wishbone and surround your vaginal canal and urethra (the tube that carries pee out of your body).
Vestibular (clitoral) bulbs: The vestibular bulbs are in between your crura and your vaginal wall. Like the crura, the
vestibular bulbs are a paired structure. When you’re aroused, they swell with blood and can even double in size.
Root: The nerves from the erectile tissue that makes up the various structures in your clitoris meet at the root. The root is
located where the legs of the crura meet.

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