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Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

Food Security in Pakistan: Historical & Contemporary Perspective

Author: Samaha Chaudhry. Published in the Friday Times on August 21, 2023.
The hunger situation in Pakistan is the most abysmal liberal modernism was catching up – a unique
in South Asia. According to one UNOCHA report, it is monster in its own right.
worse than even Afghanistan. Our number of stunted It is no surprise, then, to see that while agricultural
children – twelve million – is highest in the region; production was peaking in India, its peasants were
over half of our population, women and children pushed deeper into poverty and hunger. The common
particularly, experience some kind of deficiency, and man was clearly not the beneficiary of the schemes of
according to the Global Hunger Index, our hunger modernism and productivity erected to apparently
problem is ‘serious’. civilize him. After all, he was prohibited to touch even
To say that such headlines were shocking would be a salt from the seas. No, the cash was for the masters
lie. After all, haven’t we all heard it before, from the and their friends.
day we first heard our elders talk about Pakistan? We This backdrop of food insecurity still haunts us today.
are a poor country and most of our compatriots can Pakistan, born an agrarian economy, was poor in part
barely afford one nutritious meal in a day. Therefore, – and a very large part – because it was made that
our firefly is gratitude – its home must reside in the way by its colonial masters and their colluders – many
gardens of those who can eat comfortably. of them in assemblies and governments. Most feudal
Melancholic and spiritual as this portrayal is, it families today were likely given land by the British in
makes it all the more important to investigate the exchange for their cooperation. After all, dissidence
origins of such great lack. We must ask why. Why is it never went unpunished in the British Empire, at least
that this image was fit into our minds from the very not when it came to the brown skin.
beginning? Was our nation born poor? Were we Today, Pakistan stands at its worst food security
always starving, even a thousand years ago? Is the junction in history; the floods of 2022 decimated most
white man right when he speaks of his burden – how of our crops and impacted 34 million people – to put
he civilized the brown brute who was in need of rescue this into perspective, farmland the size of Czech
from his own savageness? Republic was drowned. Food shortages since the
In answering such a question, our finger can never pandemic has resulted in an increase in overall price
stray from colonialism: the single most destructive of food – although, Pakistan has had a relatively
force the world has experienced in the past few stable wheat production, we have been importing food
centuries. Although there was no uniform system in since the lockdown. The economic crisis further
the subcontinent with regards to cultivation, the compounds this inaccessibility; in March 2023 alone,
process was not commercialized – at least in the food inflation stood at 47% in urban areas and has
modern sense. In many areas, subsistence farming touched approximately 50.1% in rural. Moreover, IMF
was practiced; peasants grew their own food, and a loans are expected to further devalue the rupee;
variety of food was grown to cope with the nutritional farmers may hit targets and export, but at what cost?
needs of a household. Even with the caste system in The government is not likely to give greater subsidies
place, the peasants were not entirely without in production, anyway, given the structural
protection; if nothing, they still had share in the adjustment policies it must now implement.
harvest. They were still food secure. On top of this, there is a new hyena we must combat,
Then, entered the colonial powers, and the British which was never our hyena at all: the climate crisis.
emerged as victors among them. With the introduction Although one may argue that the Earth’s climate has
of commercial farming, indigenous systems of always been shifting, there is no doubt that human
production were decimated on a massive scale. No activity in the past century has greatly accelerated the
longer did the poor peasant grow a variety of food for pace of change – and worsened its impacts. And the
the dietary needs of his family unit. Instead, he was brunt of this assault of nature is borne not by those
encouraged to grow the crops which would generate who caused it, but those they impoverished. For
the most cash – and specialize in them instance, Pakistan emits less than 1% of the world’s
This may sound profitable to our ears, but one must emissions, and yet is the eighth most vulnerable
note here that the farmer, independent in cultivation nation to its consequences. From deadly heatwaves to
of his nutrition before, was now made forcibly melting glaciers to lethal flash floods, we do not have
dependent on the modern market. The South Asian the privilege of escaping global warming.
farmer encountered the newborn classes of It is essential, therefore, that we begin adapting to the
middlemen, and feudal lords whose sole purpose was crisis, seeing as we cannot mitigate it – not unless we
to extract as much rent as possible for the British and join hands with all the countries in the world and
their own pockets. With what meagre wages he had revamp the entire global financial system – which
left for himself, he was now expected to buy other would be idyllic, but unfortunately, we cannot afford
kinds of food from the market, and meet his dietary to be idealists. Being the nation facing the brunt, we
needs. Thus, he became subjected to price shocks, are forced to root our feet in realism and pragmatism.
inflationary and interest mechanisms – all the while, Flood embankments, mass relocation of individuals
sinking deeper into poverty himself. from flood plains, strengthening disaster management,
Moreover, commercial farming had to be done on and improving water storage facilities seem to be key
certain lines – making use of modern technology, to this process. However, greater research and
always in search of innovation to maximize profit. investigation is obviously needed – on a district-to-
Farmers who could not afford this new schema of district level – to discover adaptation strategies most
production were forced to take loans, often from suited to the needs and climate of Pakistan. The hour
middlemen, who found even better grounds to exploit is upon us, and we succeed only as long as we put the
them, and entrap them in debt cycles. Stripped of vulnerable first. Perhaps, that, too, is an idyllic dream.
autonomy, and in most cases, his share of profit, the
peasant encountered true systematic alienation in
Marxist terms for the first time. Life in pre-colonial
times may have been difficult, but now, the hunger of

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

Authority and Democracy: Envisaging Local Government In Pakistan

Author: Samaha Chaudhry. Published in the Friday Times on March 22, 2023.
Musharraf’s death in February harkens us back to the adulteration. Rates of high political apathy already
decades-long debate of democracy versus show the alienation of the common man from the
authoritarianism, the rule of the people versus that of political system, the oppression of minorities and the
unelected military leaders. Public and media opinion systemic disenfranchisement of women from the
in recent years has started shifting in favor of the political scene. Clearly, enfranchisement is limited to
democratic tide, although this in no way implies active either those from a particular class, or a very brave
enthusiasm for the system. A healthy, functioning heart — in Pakistan, the latter often join the ranks of
democracy for most Pakistanis remains an elusive those eventually disgruntled with the mess of the vote.
dream. What is being argued is not that authoritarianism is
There are active reasons for this phenomenon, the better than democracy — or that principles of
foremost being that whenever Pakistan has ever called organization are utterly useless. Rather, what I am
itself a democracy, it has been engulfed in the arguing is that for many on-ground, democracy can be
poisonous fumes of mostly oligarchic and dynastic as bad as authoritarianism.
politics with superficial representation for common This does not entirely mean that the system itself
citizens at best. Military rule is officially over and yet, needs to be entirely discarded; there are constitutional
it seems that even under so-called democratic safeguards with regards to the issue of true
conditions, the country is on the brink of collapse and representation — the foremost being the envisaging of
the shots are being called by those in Rawalpindi. We local governments in Pakistan.
only have foreign reserves to pay for two more weeks
of imports; inflation is at an all-time high of 37% and It is forgotten often that Pakistan has a three-tiered
Pakistan continues to rank at number 145 in the Free federal system — Article 140-A mandates provincial
Speech Index. governments to devolve “political, administrative and
financial responsibility and authority to the elected
Meanwhile at the time of Musharraf, we had a Prime representative of the local governments.” Technically,
Minister assassinated (a similar event nearly occurred the local governments are responsible for carrying out
under Shehbaz Sharif’s government just a few months the implementation of provincial laws — and within
ago), an entire Lawyer's Movement and the the ambit of the former, have their own executive and
constitution once again ‘held in abeyance.' legislative capacity, albeit to a limited extent.
One might argue that the primary difference between The purpose is obvious: it is recognized that in order
a democratic and authoritarian rule is that for self-governance to truly function in a country as
irrespective of how easily the common man can put massively populated and conflicted as Pakistan, what
food on his family’s table, important principles are is needed is democracy on a grassroots level, starting
upheld in the former— a universal franchise of all from the tehsil. Only then can we dream of a sufficient
those contracted under a body politic. degree of accountability, tehsil to tehsil.
However, it is precisely on the irrespectives that the However, local governments have their own push-
issue ought to be erased. As utilitarian as it sounds, backs, the first and foremost being the political
no system ought to prevail simply on principle alone, establishment itself. Aside from election delays and
unless it practically distinguishes itself as bureaucratic hurdles, it is not uncommon for local
qualitatively better form of reality. The differences governments to be dismissed entirely. PTI did this
between democracy and authoritarian regimes matter recently in March 2021. Even more notable was the
most to those who care about the constitution, and 2019 occasion when fifty-eight government officials
universal enfranchisement, and the notion of were sent home packing after the indictment of the
representation without taking into consideration all Punjab Local Government Act.
that it does not structurally encompass.
Unless and until these barriers are unmade, the era of
They do not take into consideration that principles do meaningful representation – the backbone of any
not fill stomachs; they do not prevent journalists from functional democracy – in which people exercise active
being murdered and entire villages being put to death grassroots agency instead of being delegated to
(until the 25th Amendment in 2018) for the crime of passive participation — can never be ushered in.
one. Therefore, if the notion of ‘universal
enfranchisement’ exists, it does so only in

Strategic Stability & Nuclear Deterrence In South Asia

Author: Dr Moonis Ahmar. Published in the Friday Times on July 29, 2023
The asymmetrical nature of deterrence in Indo- attack me because if you do, something
Pak relations is reflected in New Delhi’s edge in unacceptably horrible will happen to you.'
conventional weapons and large-scale
modernization of India’s nuclear arsenal. Is Based on the above subject, one can argue that
nuclear deterrence in South Asia durable the concept of deterrence is as old as the
enough to be able to prevent another war in the existence of this world, with periodic
region? Or will an arms race, whether transformations which took place in its
conventional or nuclear, continue to drain the application from time to time. Weapons form
resources of both India and Pakistan? the core of deterrence, which was demonstrated
when nuclear weapons began to shape state
According to Key Concepts in International policy with the purpose of deterring the other
Relations by Martin Griffiths and Terry side and signaling refrain from aggression. For
O’Callaghan, in its simplest form, deterrence deterrence to work reliably, the three ‘Cs’ are
consists of the following threat, intended to critical: capability, credibility and
dissuade a state from aggression: ‘Do not

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

communication. If any of the Cs is missing, was given practical shape when in December
deterrence will not work. 1988, on the sidelines of SAARC summit held
in Islamabad, India and Pakistan signed an
The history of nuclear deterrence goes back to agreement in which the two countries agreed to
the post-1945 era, when the nuclear arms race exchange a list of their nuclear installations
between the United States and the Soviet every year by December 31. Called nuclear
Union acted as a useful way to prevent the confidence-building measures, the idea was to
outbreak of another global war. Nuclear induct trust, responsibility and professionalism
weapons are supposedly supposed to deter the by India and Pakistan about their respective
other side and are not to be used, because they nuclear programs.
conclusively create a ‘zero sum game,’ in which
there are no winners and losers. Talks for Likewise, in 1991, India and Pakistan signed
nuclear arms control yielded muted results, an agreement not to attack each other’s
because the nuclear stockpile held by the five nuclear installations. Prior to that in 1990,
de jure and four de facto nuclear states are India and Pakistan agreed to establish a hot
capable of destroying the world several times line between Director General Military
over. De jure nuclear powers are the Operations (DGMOs) to manage military crises
permanent members of the UN Security situations. In 2005, New Delhi and Islamabad
Council and the de facto nuclear states are signed an agreement for giving advance notice
Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea. of ballistic missile tests.

Coming back to the nuclearization of South While nuclear confidence-building measures

Asia, with the testing of nuclear devices by formed the core of nuclear deterrence, India
India on May 11, 1998 and Pakistan on May 28, and Pakistan are unable to bridge their trust
1998, the two countries ended a policy of deficit and eradicate a mindset based on
nuclear ‘opacity’ and embarked on paranoia and hostility, which is responsible for
manufacturing nuclear weapons and missiles. putting a question mark over their professional
That caused enormous fear and concern in the approach to dealing with threats of nuclear
influential capitals of the world, that both escalation.
countries, in view of their unresolved issues,
may be tempted to use their nuclear weapons One needs to analyze the phenomenon of
against each other. Yet, in order to ensure the nuclear deterrence in South Asia in three ways.
world over responsible handling of their First, both sides claim that a level of maturity
nuclear arsenal, India and Pakistan established and prudence is reflected in their nuclear
nuclear control and command authority, and programs after a quarter century of their overt
took measures to ensure nuclear safeguards nuclearization. The standoff in Indo-Pakistan
and nuclear restraint, along with pursuing a relations, and stalled comprehensive dialogue
policy of minimum nuclear deterrence. While since the Mumbai attacks of November 2008
the Indian nuclear program is two pronged i.e. tends to deepen the vacuum in stabilizing a
directed against China and Pakistan, credible nuclear restraint regime. When there is
Islamabad’s nuclear program is India specific. the absence of Track-1 diplomacy under
comprehensive dialog, which has a specific
Twenty-five years after the nuclearization of component dealing with the nuclear issue, the
South Asia, the region is grappling with the two sides are unable to engage in dialog on
prospect of a nuclear arms race, with India ensuring confidence, trust and transparency in
taking the lead in land, sea and air based their nuclear programs.
nuclear weaponry, by expanding the range of
its nuclear missiles with an ambition to deter Literature on the nuclearization of New Delhi
China and Pakistan in the Indian Ocean region. and Islamabad spells out that “Pakistan is
It means nuclear weapons have come to stay in pursuing a policy of “full spectrum deterrence
South Asia, and continue to act as a credible (FSD)” designed to prevent conventional conflict
means to avoid an all-out war. at any level by the threat of nuclear first use in
response to aggression. Pakistan’s first
In order to project their nuclear weapon’s response may, and probably would, be
program as credible and safe, India and conventional. It would resort to nuclear use in
Pakistan came up with their respective nuclear response to a ‘large-scale attack.’ The full
doctrines and also signed agreements for spectrum covers both short-range, low-yield
ensuring safety of their nuclear arsenal. In weapons and long-range weapons to cover the
December 1985, after attending the first most distant targets in India, which is
SAARC summit in Dhaka, the President of identified as the sole adversary. While the
Pakistan General Zia-ul-Haq made a stopover capability to inflict unacceptable damage is
in Delhi where after meeting the Indian Prime inherent in the full-spectrum approach, the
Minister Rajiv Gandhi, the two countries agreed threat of the use of short-range weapons is
to exchange information about each other’s meant to deny India the space for limited
nuclear installations, an arrangement which conventional war. India follows a policy of No

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

First Use (NFU) against all nuclear-armed (JeM) terrorist group claimed responsibility –
states, but with a commitment to retaliate in killed 40 Indian paramilitary personnel in
the case of any use of nuclear, or large-scale Pulwama in the Indian state of Jammu and
chemical or biological, weapons against its Kashmir. In retaliation, India carried out an
territory or its armed forces anywhere.” airstrike targeting what the Indian government
described as a major JeM training camp in
In a useful and an informative monograph Balakot, a town in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
entitled, “Nuclear Deterrence and Stability in province of mainland Pakistan. Pakistan’s
South Asia: Perceptions and Realities” counter-retaliation resulted in the loss of an
published by Antoine Levesques, IISS Research Indian aircraft and the capture of its pilot. (He
Fellow for South Asia with Desmond Bowen, was later released.) There are reports that India
IISS Associate Fellow for South Asia, in May threatened to use, and possibly prepared, a
2021, the authors argued that the “failure of small number of conventionally armed ballistic
deterrence leading to a confrontation between missiles against Pakistan. During the crisis,
India and Pakistan could result in the first both sides engaged in deterrence signaling that
offensive use of a nuclear weapon since 1945 alternated between provocation, and which was
and potentially escalate into a broader nuclear evidently clouded by misperceptions that could
exchange. Neither side would truly win such a have led to miscalculation and unintended
war, the consequences of which, including the escalation. This episode, in which chance
breakdown of the nuclear taboo that has held played an ameliorative role, challenged both
for more than 70 years, would extend far countries’ long-standing claims of being able to
beyond the region. Unless national survival contain a crisis well ahead of any resort to
were truly at stake, it is hard to see what nuclear weapons. Such claims have been, at
security gains would warrant nuclear use. best, soliloquies, rather than resulting from
India and Pakistan became nuclear-armed dialogue between the two.”
states when they both tested weapons in
1998.” International players like United States, Russia,
China and Saudi Arabia reportedly played a
Fingers were pointed against Pakistan from crucial role in defusing the 2019 crisis, which
several sides about the unreliability of its had the potential to escalate in the wake of
nuclear weapons program, because of the Pulwama and the Balakot incident, leading to
unstable character of the state and the growing the shootdown of two Indian aircraft by the
influence of Jihadi forces. It is a nightmare and Pakistan Air Force. American President Donald
a doomsday scenario according to the West if Trump, who was visiting Vietnam at that time,
the Pakistani state is seized by Jihadi elements had to intervene and persuade the Modi regime
and they also manage to seize control of the to refrain from retaliating following the shooting
country’s nuclear installations and weapons. In of Indian fighter aircraft by the PAF.
order to dispel such fears and conspiracy
theories, from time to time, Islamabad has Lately, the fragility of the Pakistani state
reminded the International Atomic Energy because of a severe economic crisis and
Agency (IAEA) about the safety of its nuclear seemingly perpetual political instability tends
arsenal. to question the capability of Islamabad to
secure its nuclear arsenal from a possible
Second, nuclear deterrence in the context of seizure by Jihadi groups. When the economy of
India and Pakistan has been tested numerous Pakistan has narrowly escaped default and the
times in the last several decades. In 1990, country is under heavy burden of debt, will
when the two countries had not overtly gone international lenders take advantage of the
nuclear, crisis escalation in Indo-Pakistan situation and pressurize Pakistan to put the
relations took place over Kashmir, which country’s nuclear installations under the
reportedly forced Pakistan to activate its control of the IAEA? This may verge on the
nuclear weapons. The so-called mission of conspiratorial, but when a country is facing
Robert Gates, the then CIA Chief to both India breakdown both economically and politically,
and Pakistan to manage the nuclear crisis in how can it be expected to protect its nuclear
1990 is often quoted as a major challenge to arsenal from possible seizure?
the very concept of nuclear deterrence.
The stability of nuclear deterrence in South
Apart from other crises in Indo-Pak relations Asia will continue to have a question mark if
since 1990, the February 2019 crisis in Indian both India and Pakistan are unable to make
occupied Kashmir triggered a crisis which significant progress in their nuclear confidence
threatened a nuclear showdown in South Asia. building measures, or if Islamabad continues
According to Antoine Levesques and Desmond to slide downhill, exacerbating the fragility of
Bowen in their IISS monograph: “On 14 the Pakistani state.
February 2019, a suicide bomb attack – for
which the Pakistan-based Jaysh-e-Mohammad

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

Artificial Intelligence and the New World Order

Author: Giancarlo Elia Valori. Published in the Israel Defense in August, 2023
An in-depth look into how artificial intelligence affects There are certainly many exaggerated expectations
changes in the world order from two viewpoints: about how science and technology will affect modern
structure and international rules. international relations. Some people, like Alvin Toffler
in his book The Third Wave - published in the United
Today we will begin to focus on analysing how States in 1980 and in Italy in 1987 - predict that the
artificial intelligence affects changes in the world order future world will be fraught with risks and nuclear
from two viewpoints, namely structure and weapons and on the brink of economic and ecological
international rules. As to the international situation, collapse. They also predict that the existing political
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to influence the system will quickly become obsolete, and the world
balance of power between countries in the economic will face a major crisis.
and military spheres. The capabilities of non-State
actors will also expand unprecedentedly and Such predictions often overestimate the difficulties
international competition around technology will that technology causes to human beings, but
become more intense. underestimate the human will and ability to solve
them. After the Cold War, against the backdrop of
In terms of international rules, Artificial Intelligence globalisation, multilateralism gradually turned into
has the potential to change the form and principles of international consensus - at least until the collapse of
warfare and impact existing international laws and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - as did the
ethics. The security and governance challenges posed effectiveness of the international non-proliferation
by AI technology are issues that must be addressed by system; the global movement to tackle climate change;
all mankind. and the increasingly strengthened cooperation
between countries to tackle a new ecological order.
Countries should look at the problem from the
perspective of building a community with a shared The same holds true for the development of peace
future for mankind and discuss the future of AI movements, which have shown consensus and
international rules starting from the concept of responsible attitude of mankind in upholding
common security. founding values and responding to challenges.

It must be said, however, that the topic and issues The problems caused by technology can be solved
pertaining to Artificial Intelligence do not stem from through the continuous evolution of technology itself,
the spread of the Internet and cyber-science in recent and human beings must also build a rigorous system
years, but go back a long way. of prevention through ethics and laws. Indeed, each
technological revolution has accelerated the process of
In 1950 British mathematician Alan Turing (1912-54) globalisation, bringing a number of planetary issues
proposed the concept of Artificial Intelligence. In 1956 onto the agenda of international politics. Hence the
the first symposium on Artificial Intelligence was held world at least has become more transparent and
in Dartmouth, New Hampshire, USA, and AI was later integrated than in the past.
officially recognised as a science by the international
community of scholars. But before getting to the heart of the discussion,
several issues need to be clarified. The first question is
As we entered the second decade of the 21st century, the following: what Artificial Intelligence are we talking
the research and development of AI technology about?
stepped up its pace. Today, almost seventy years after
the first theoretical approaches, Artificial Intelligence 1. Are we talking about Artificial Intelligence in the
is widely used in an increasing number of production strict sense that can simulate individual human
and human life areas. In some specialised fields, it is behaviour, such as recognition, learning, reasoning
almost at the same level or even surpass the human and judgement?
brain’s performance.
2. Or are we talking about a general Artificial
As a ubiquitous technology with the potential to Intelligence with autonomous consciousness and
transform human society, Artificial Intelligence has independent innovation capabilities similar to the
been widely discussed in the areas of science and human brain that can then set itself above man
technology, industry, the military, society and ethics, himself?
as we mentioned above.
3. Are we talking about a weak Artificial Intelligence,
Hence will Artificial Intelligence have an impact on which exists to solve specific tasks, and is only good
international relations? What kind of impact will it at voice and image recognition, and at translating
have? It is worth exploring some of these issues. It certain materials, such as Google's AlphaGo and
should be noted that AI technology itself is complex, iFLYTEK's intelligent translator? That is to say, a mere
hard to explain and uncertain. If you are not an expert waiter?
in the field, you cannot go into its “workings”, but you
can set logical and moral grounds for discussing it. 4. Or are we still talking about a strong artificial
intelligence, capable of thinking, planning, problem-
An attempt will be made to analyse Artificial solving, abstract thinking, understanding complex
Intelligence only on the basis of the events that have concepts, learning quickly, learning from experience
occurred as a function of it, or of the development and other human-level artificial intelligences, such as
trend generally recognised by the academic the prototype Mecha child David, capable of
community as having an impact on international experiencing love in the movie AI (2001), or the
relations, with the hope of trying to explore the humanoid robot Ava in the movie Ex Machina (2015)
necessity and possibility of building a common rule. with the consciousness of living a normal life?

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

5. Or are we talking about an artificial super- At the same time, they enacted a series of
intelligence, experiencing “singularity” with international agreements such as the Treaty on the
computational and thinking capabilities that far Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the
surpass the human brain in all areas including Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, the UN
scientific innovation, general knowledge and social Negotiating Mechanism for Nuclear Disarmament, the
skills? (Such is the definition of superintelligence by Global Nuclear Security Summit, and the Southeast
the Swedish philosopher from the Oxford University, Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone.
Nick Bostrom, known for his reflections on the so-
called existential risk of humanity and the anthropic Hence we should not be surprised that there is no
principle). difference between the aforementioned war chariot
and Artificial Intelligence, or the dual use of nuclear
When we discuss the AI impact on international energy (for military or peaceful purposes), all of which
relations and even on its model, we can only confine changed and are changing the balance of international
ourselves to the well-known AI technology and its power.
applications based on big data, deep learning, as well
as computing power and algorithms as its three major An in-depth analysis into how new technology has
pillars. We cannot speak of future AI technologies that been affecting the international balance of powers.
have not developed yet (at least as far as we know)
such as the technology of simulating the brain's In July 2017 the Belfort Center for Science and
activities at 100% of its total operation, while today we International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School
know that the human brain only works at 10% in published the report Artificial Intelligence and
different areas each time and never, as a whole, at the National Security, arguing that in the future artificial
aforementioned 100%. The second question is the intelligence could become a transformative medium
following: can Artificial Intelligence influence comparable to nuclear weapons, aircraft, computers,
international relations and hence the international and biotech security technology. It is therefore
order? So far, the answer is yes. reasonable to include Artificial Intelligence in
discussions that may influence international relations.
Throughout history, technological innovation and
spreading have revolutionised the fate of one or more The international order includes two basic aspects,
countries countless times, changing regional patterns one being the power structure and balance of power of
and even the world situation. Just think of the impact the major countries and groups of States, and the
of technological revolutions recorded over time on the other being the rules that should be followed in the
military, as well as on the methods of organising management of relations between these countries.
government, on beliefs, and hence on the transfer of
power between countries, with the related evolution of The international order is a state of affairs in which
power structures. countries in the global system should adopt non-
violent methods to resolve conflicts in accordance with
Around 1700 B.C. the discovery/invention of the international rules. Its constituent elements are jus
chariot in battle changed the power structure in gentium, shared rules and regulations, and relevant
Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and the Yellow River region institutions.
of China. For instance, the Aryans entered Northern
India, and the rise of the Shang dynasty (1675-1046 Changes in this system are essentially caused by
B.C.) took place. After 1200 B.C. the emergence and changes in the international structure, but the
spread of iron-casting technology enabled ordinary structure is not a constitutive element of the
infantry - equipped with (relatively cheap) armours international order. Hence, if the aforementioned
and weapons made of such metal - to overturn fallacious system is to be changed, a new
chariots, which were driven by the opposing warring international order must be established, which is
elites. nothing more than the redistribution of power, i.e. the
core content of the rearrangement of international
However, not only the military aspect should be institutions.
considered. The consolidation of bureaucratic
dominance - i.e. the prior acquisition and mastery of Artificial Intelligence can have an impact on existing
alphabetical structures and arithmetic calculation - international rules and give rise to a new jus gentium
made possible the rise of agricultural empires such as by changing the balance of power and mutual
Assyria and Persia. In the 7th century B.C. the relations of international players, thus influencing
number and technology of horse archers once again changes.
broke the military and political balance in Eurasia,
and the steppe nomadic peoples – such as the First of all, Artificial Intelligence will economically
Mongols - gained an advantage over rural peoples, affect the balance of power between countries and
forming the largest empire of all time (1206-1368). even trigger a new cycle of influence and co-
management by the great powers.
Just to make another more recent example, the
emergence of nuclear technology changed the modern As early as 1989 Paul Kennedy argued - in his book
world’s political landscape and further strengthened The Rise and Fall of Great Powers. Economic Change
the power structure of the major powers shaped at the and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000 - that in the
end of World War II, which created and imposed upon long run there was an obvious link between the
themselves the status of permanent members in the economic rise and fall of every great world power. In
Security Council of the United Nations. Those powers June 2017 Pricewaterhouse Coopers published Seize
set a series of international rules, such as the use of the Opportunity. 2017 Summer Davos Forum Report
nuclear energy for peaceful purposes; the nuclear predicting that by 2030 the AI contribution to the
States’ commitment to the non-proliferation of nuclear world economy would reach 15.7 trillion US dollars
weapons, and the non-nuclear States’ access to and that the People's Republic of China and North
peaceful nuclear technology. America were expected to become the largest
beneficiaries, totalling 10.7 trillion US dollars.

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Over and above the economic issue, Artificial

In September 2018 the report Frontier Notes: Using Intelligence will militarily change the balance of power
Models to Analyse the Impact of Artificial Intelligence between countries. Proponents of military AI believe it
on the World Economy, published by the McKinsey will subvert the form and style of warfare. Armoured
Global Institute, estimated that Artificial Intelligence or mechanized warfare uses materials to release
would significantly improve overall global productivity. energy, relying on oil and steel, whereas computerised
Excluding the impact of competition and warfare uses networks to gather energy, relying on
transformation cost factors, Artificial Intelligence information, links and connections. According to
could contribute an additional 13 trillion US dollars to current expectations, once warfare enters the AI era, it
global GDP growth by 2030, with an average annual will be a confrontation of robots and automation,
GDP growth of around 1.2 per cent. controlled by the aforementioned AI.

This is comparable to or greater than the It can be expected that, under AI conditions, elements
transformative impact of many other technologies of warfare such as combatants, battle concepts and
throughout history, such as steam engine in the 19th winning mechanisms will change completely. In a
century, industrial production in the 20th century, traditional war, even if there is a gap in terms of
and information technology in the current century. weapons and training levels between the opposing
The report also pointed out that countries and regions sides, the disadvantaged side can anyway fight with
(mainly developed economies) with leading positions in favourable times and places, superior strategies and
Artificial Intelligence can achieve economic growth of advanced tactics. For example, during the wars in Iraq
20 to 25 per cent on current basis, while emerging and Afghanistan, improvised explosive devices (IED)
economies may only record half this rate. caused problems for the US and Soviet armies in the
latter country.
The Artificial Intelligence gap can lead to further
deepening the digital divide. Artificial intelligence can Under the conditions of intelligent warfare, instead,
change the global industrial chain. The new the technological contribution of one side through AI
industrialisation represented by industrial robots and will quickly create an overwhelming advantage on the
smart manufacturing will lure the manufacturing battlefield, thus making it impossible for the weaker
industry back to developed economies, and will impact side to define an effective observation-judgement-
the de-industrialisation of many developing countries decision-action cycle, always remaining in a passive
sooner than expected. Hence opportunities would position.
remain locked in the country that provides “only” the
resource or raw material. In its report Artificial Intelligence Changing the World,
the Brookings Institution put forward the concept of
The development and implementation of Artificial “hyperwar”, i.e. war is a process of race against time
Intelligence require a lot of funding, high-tech content, and usually the side with the fastest decision-making
and can lead to changes in the employment structure, and execution process will prevail. The decision-
making highly repetitive and low-tech jobs gradually making speed of the AI-assisted command and control
disappear. system will far exceed that of the traditional mode of
warfare - combined with the automatic weapon
Moreover, in another McKinsey report from 2017, system that can autonomously decide to launch lethal
based on research into 46 countries, it was predicted weapons - and will greatly accelerate the warfare
that by 2030 as many as 800 million people worldwide process, so that a new expression - “extreme speed
would lose their jobs and be replaced by automated warfare” - will and must be coined to describe this
robots. There will be a massive displacement of jobs mode of warfare.
worldwide similar to that seen in the early 20th
century, when most of the world's jobs moved from Regarding the latter, the article What Happens When
agriculture to industry. At the same time, the Your Bomb-Defusing Robot Becomes a Weapon,
widespread implementation of AI technology will also published by Caroline Lester on the website The
increase the demand for professionals in this field. Atlantic on 26 April 2018, used many analyses to
show that military robots can significantly reduce the
According to the research, there are three types of threat of roadside bombs, with all due respect to Iraqi
countries that are most likely to benefit from the and Afghan patriots.
development of AI technology.
Artificial Intelligence will also lead to revolutionary
The first type consists of countries with first-rate changes in military equipment. Unmanned lethal
advantages in Artificial Intelligence - such as the automatic weapon cluster combat could become the
United States and China - and they are all favoured. protagonist and the main combat method in future
The second type is represented by capital- and
technology-intensive countries with a small Once the aerial drone, the unmanned submarine, the
population or a downward trend, such as Japan, ground robot, the unmanned tank, the war of attrition
South Korea and Singapore, which not only have the and sea tactics are perfected, they will make large-
capital and technical conditions to develop Artificial scale weapon platforms - such as aircraft carriers and
Intelligence, but can also use the AI development to fighter aircrafts - complex and expensive, as the latter
compensate for a lack of total population or a are less advantageous from the viewpoint of warfare
downward trend, as well as an ageing population cost and combat effectiveness.
structure and other disadvantages.
It is as if an F-35 fighter jet, with a single cost of
The third type includes countries with more scientists, hundreds of millions of dollars and with one man on
mathematicians, engineers or States that value and board fighting a group of low-priced armed drones, is
appreciate vocational training related to science, equivalent to shooting mosquitoes.
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

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What needs to be explained is that there is still great indeed, Artificial Intelligence, which until yesterday
uncertainty about the AI impact on armies: it is not seemed like science fiction, with yesterday's eye
known to what extent and how this impact will projected onto today may seem uchronia, but is
manifest itself. In the discussion held at the objective reality.
Conference Artificial Intelligence and Security of the
7th World Peace Forum at Tsinghua University in July Exchanges between peoples are in line with the
2018, some experts pointed out that although the common interests of all States. In today's world, a new
future development trends of machine learning in step of scientific and technological revolution, as well
industrial robots, material science and other as industrial transformation, proves to be each time a
technologies can be generally studied, the specific profound development. The system of global
impact of the mix of these technologies on future governance is deeply changing and the international
warfare cannot be accurately assessed. model is affected, thus speeding up the process.

In the first thirty years of the 20th century, European The interests of all countries are interwoven and
military powers such as Germany, Great Britain, the destiny is shared. Cooperation and mutually beneficial
Soviet Union, France and Italy developed tank, aircraft, relations - in the case of bilateral relations - are
missile and radio communication technologies. becoming the general trend. Peace, development,
Nevertheless, it was only after Germany had waged cooperation and mutual gain would be the trend of
the Blitzkrieg in World War II that the world the present times, even if not yet achieved due to the
discovered that those new technologies together could needs and demands of the international war industry
bring such unimaginable changes to warfare. Now, (see the case of the Ukraine-Russia war).
regardless of algorithmic warfare or similar tactics, the
heated debate in strategic circles is still to analyse the After all, no one can cope with the various challenges
AI impact on the operations of a single technology. facing mankind alone, and no country can turn
geographically into an island closed in on itself, such
Without a holistic understanding of the military as the United Kingdom which dominated the world in
applications of AI technology, the planned the 19th century, also thanks to its physical
countermeasures could become a costly and configuration, later followed by its former colony,
unnecessary new Maginot Line. namely the United States of America.

Prof. Valori now looks at where the world is heading, Openness brings progress and, conversely, isolation
whether it will be more open or closed, more will inevitably leave those that supports it behind. If a
cooperative or more confrontational country wants to develop and thrive, it must grasp,
follow and adapt to the general trend of world
The global changes at the turn of the two millennia development, otherwise it will inevitably be left behind
and the epidemic of the century are currently by History. The desired project of a new world
intertwined. The world economy is struggling to economic order firmly pursues a strategy for
recover and is facing many complex challenges. liberalising and facilitating trade and high-level
Economic globalisation is facing headwinds. Where is investment policies, and promotes the creation of a
the world heading? Will it be more open or more pattern of contacts and relations linking land, sea,
closed than now? Cooperation or confrontation? overseas, East and West, which are the fundamental
promoters of a common global open-minded approach.
This is the reason why it is necessary to continuously
emphasise the need for building an open world They are the pivots of a stable source of strength and
economy. There must be no restraints or reversals of power for global economic growth, regulated by the jus
the trend. We need to be on the right side of history, gentium.
expanding relentlessly by fully opening up to every
innovation we can control, such as, hopefully, Building an open world economy is an unavoidable
Artificial Intelligence - inter alia - about which we will prerequisite to advance and adhere to the common
speak later in connection with a new economic world values of all mankind. Countries have different
order. We need to build a community with a shared histories, cultures, systems and levels of development,
future for the whole of mankind. but the people of each State pursue the common
values of peace, development, equity, justice,
The planet is circumscribed: there are no more terrae democracy and freedom for all mankind: gens una
nullius - in the broadest sense - to be conquered, or sumus. The common value of all mankind embodies
peoples “to be educated” through the bogus, consensus on the respect for the values of each
mystifying and hypocritical “white man's burden” or different human civilisation. It represents mankind's
various divining “manifest destinies” to be imposed on common quest for a better future and is also an
others with smart bombs or humanitarian wars. important symbol of human progress.

Building an open world economy is an inevitable The fact of building an open world economy, of
choice in line with the historical trend of equal fostering economic globalisation in a more open,
development, or rather with the elimination of colonial, inclusive, balanced and win-win way for everybody, of
neo-colonial and imperialist remnants. Equal pursuing cooperation instead of war and/or political
economic globalisation is the only way for the confrontation, of embracing openness instead of
development of human society. Economic narrow-mindedness, of pursuing mutual benefit and
globalisation is historically the objective prerequisite avoid a zero-sum game means to consciously promote
for the development of social productive forces, and adherence to the common feelings and sentiments of
the inevitable result of scientific and technological all mankind.
progress has given great momentum to world
economic growth. Practice has shown that the peaceful development of
the world is inseparable from mutual openness and
It has favoured the flow of goods and capital, the tolerance. Any unilateralism and extreme self-interest
progress of science and technology and civilisation: are totally unworkable. Engaging in “inner circles”

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must also be fully rejected. The same holds true for Based on these principles, not only will individual
triggering confrontation along outdated ideological people gain momentum for development in the future,
policy lines, which in the past meant oppressing the but the world will benefit even more. To this end, on
weak so that the winner could take it all. The the one hand, it is crucial to establish an overarching
particularism of self-styled economic-political and vision, and to firmly pursue a mutually beneficial
ideologically imposing elites is an increasingly narrow strategy of openness for all. This means going global
blind alley. Believing to be the repository of truth and with a proactive attitude, and insisting on the
wanting to impose one's own model on States, implementation of broader cooperation between States,
countries and nations, as well as peoples, is a moral so that a wider scope and deeper awareness of
and above all a factual crime. openness to the outside world can be reached. Only
by taking action in this world will we be able to
Only with a highly responsible attitude towards the achieve a higher level of participation.
future and the destiny of mankind can we promote the
construction of an open world economy, and practise The system of an open economy will step up the
global governance with broad consultation as a joint construction of a new development model with the
contribution to shared benefits. Support exchanges domestic cycle as the main structure and national and
and mutual learning between different sources of international cycles promoting each other, so as to
knowledge is the right way for the world to grow wider. create new advantages in international economic
This means being on the right side of History and cooperation and free competition.
continuing to promote the construction of new
economic and political world orders. On the other hand, we need to promote the
construction of a new type of international relations,
Mankind is currently emerging from a particular to adhere to the correct concept of justice and
historical period. The Covid-19 epidemic has fully interests in international trade, and to oppose all
affected the planet and we have sustained global forms of protectionism, hegemonism and Cold War
changes not seen for more than a century, as a mentality. Not only does this encourage countries to
reminder of the Spanish flu pandemic. The global make full use of their comparative advantages and
industrial and supply chains have been affected. jointly optimise the allocation of global economic
There have often been cases of unilateralism, resources, but it also fosters the construction of a
protectionism and interstate bullying, i.e. risks and global value chain for shared benefits that can
uncertainties in the international community. The promote a global market for the benefit of all parties.
world, however, has not returned to a state of total This means creating a free multilateral and non-
mutual closure and separation. Open cooperation is discriminatory trading system for the benefit of global
still maintaining itself as a historical trend and the economic stability, post-Covid recovery and
possibilities of common benefits for all are still what sustainable development.
people, namely citizens, want and desire.

China and the new Middle East

Author: Dr Murad Ali. Published in the The News International in May 2023
Due to its growing role in the Middle East, China is It must be emphasized that rivalry between Saudi and
emerging as “an economic heavyweight…a diplomatic Iran, where the former is the largest oil producer in
lightweight and…a military featherweight” in the OPEC, and the latter is also a major player, is a
region (RAND Corporation). decades-long tussle to gain predominance in the
Middle East. This battle for regional supremacy has
There is no doubt about the conclusions asserted in been shaped by multiple factors comprising the clash
one of the 2016 studies of the American think tank, of their respective religious identities, political
although Beijing still has minimal security or military ideologies, and core national interests. In this rivalry,
role in the region as compared with that of the US; its oil is an integral part and due to this international
diplomatic position has certainly magnified than how powers find it hard to stay away from the region.
it was in the past. The international community was
certainly taken aback by how China silently but Keeping in view their historical mistrust, the role of
successfully brokered a truce between Saudi Arabia Beijing has been hailed by most countries – sans the
and Iran, two illiberal regimes which are exceptionally US/Israel and the likes – in bringing Riyadh and
oil-rich countries in the volatile Middle East. Tehran to the negotiating table. Commenting about
their conflict, Saudi King Fahd once lamented in 1988:
It is too early to celebrate the deal and be sanguine “I don’t know where it will end…Iran has harmed
about the prospects of this rapprochement for the relations not only with us but also with its neighbors
region and beyond, including its implications for and the whole world…Iran has tried many times to
Pakistan which has friendly ties with both countries. undermine security in the Gulf region, the Arabian
Having said that, it is expected that the mending of Peninsula, and the world. What has Iran gained? Iran
fences between the two countries could bring has gained nothing”. At the same time, he also added:
considerable ease for Pakistani policymakers as they “we cannot change the geographic reality of Iran, and
have consistently struggled to strike a balance while Iran cannot change our geographic reality”.
choosing Riyadh over Tehran.
This is a fact that needs to be realized not only by
The recent opening of the Mand-Pishin ‘border Riyadh and Tehran, but all countries enmeshed in
sustenance market’, the first of the six such initiatives endless boundary and other disputes, including
planned on the border of Balochistan, Pakistan’s Islamabad and New Delhi. Mutual coexistence should
largest province by area and the Iranian province of be the norm. But alas, it is not so in most cases,
Sistan-Baluchestan, the country’s second largest particularly when one party is replete with hubris,
province out of 31 provinces in terms of size after fuelled by material superiority or ideological
Kirman, and many other such economic and trade superiority or both.
initiatives would at least not summon the kingdom’s

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If countries and their leaderships remain mired in international sanctions, Riyadh-Tehran hostility took
historical wrangles and do not want to talk to each a new turn when in January 2016, a furious mob
other at all, it will be a zero-sum-game for all. Those vandalized and scorched the Saudi embassy in Tehran.
nations can truly prosper that are able to get rid of
historical baggage and move ahead. There is no doubt In a tit for tat, Saudi Arabia responded expeditiously,
that both Saudi and Iran used to regard each other ordered its diplomats to leave Tehran and told Iranian
with immense scorn and their hatred for each other diplomats to leave Saudi Arabia within 48 hours. This
was rarely muted. particular episode was the harbinger of another dark
chapter in the increasingly deteriorating Riyadh-
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s current supreme leader Tehran bilateral ties. It was also a reminder of how
(in office since 1989), used to denounce the Saudi Saudi-Iran rifts have metastasised into various
royal family as “sinful idols of arrogance and theatres including Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and elsewhere
colonialism”. In a tit for tat, Crown Prince Mohammed throughout the Middle East and even beyond. The
bin Salman, widely known as MBS, used to always Saudi-Iran hostility has had violent repercussions.
assert that “if you see any problems in the Middle And like several Middle Eastern countries, the
East, you will find Iran”. Hence, given the intensity of economic and geopolitical implications of the
hatred and animosity, the current reconciliation is by competition are deeply felt in Pakistan as well.
no means a modest achievement of not only Beijing,
but also of Riyadh and Tehran to bury the hatchet China definitely deserves kudos for what it has
and move on. accomplished regarding the Middle East in a world
plagued by war after war.
At the same time, it must be remembered that there
have been such episodes of understanding in the past At the same time, what prompted Beijing to intervene
too. For example, from 1998 through 2001, the and quell hostilities at a time when the US and its
leadership in both countries issued statements about allies are bitterly embroiled in the Ukraine theatre?
collaboration that are reminiscent of today’s Well, China imports huge oil from hydrocarbon-rich
friendliness. Prince Nayef bin Saud, the Saudi interior Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran’s vast oil reserves,
minister, once declared that: “We consider Saudi discovered in 1909 by the British, where the Anglo-
Arabia’s security as Iran’s security and Iran’s security Persian Oil Company (APOC) reaped equally
as our security”. Iran’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia significant dividends, made Iran a weighty oil
went even further by stating that “Iran’s missile producer.
capabilities are at the disposal of the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia”. He added that “our relations with The Shah’s Iran emerged – as Daniel Yergin in his
Saudi Arabia have reached a historical stage where we Pulitzer Prize winner book ‘The New Map: Energy,
are complementing one another”. Climate, and the Clash of Nations’ has described – as
a ‘vital gas station for the British empire and the
However, several ill-fated events later brought an end United States, at least until the 1979 revolution’.
to the Saudi-Iran détente and resulted in renewed and Similarly, three decades later, in 1938 Saudi Arabia
fiercer rivalry. Specifically, the victory of Ahmadinejad followed the same path, rather it surpassed Iran when
in the 2005 presidential election reversed the course American surveyors discovered an inexhaustible
of their bilateral ties. Formerly a mayor of Tehran and supply of oil in Saudi deserts.
a veteran of the Revolutionary Guard, he renewed his
pledge to return Iran to its revolutionary course and Here, another major player entered the world of oil
assert itself as “the preeminent power of the region”. when the Saudis announced the arrival of the Arabia
American Oil Company (Aramco); by 1949 it was
Hence, old mutual suspicions and mistrust based on producing over half a million barrels of crude per day.
the fundamental incompatibility of the two For China, both Saudi Arabia and Iran are vital
governments and two systems, “one powered with sources of its oil needs today. Called the ‘world’s
revolutionary zeal and the other the status quo – one factory’, China is the world’s largest trading nation
Shia, the other Sunni” were reinvigorated once again. and importing approximately 38 billion kilograms of
Tehran’s interventions in Lebanon, the fall of Saddam oil from all Middle Eastern sources in 2000 to roughly
in 2003 and the subsequent Sunni-Shia civil war once 187 billion kilograms in 2017.
again brought the two countries on a collision path.
The Middle East has been a source of 50 per cent of
In another theatre, the Houthi advances in Yemen China’s total oil imports since 2000. Keeping in view
started ringing an alarm bell in Riyadh. As Saudi its current growth and future demands, it is projected
Arabia shares an eleven-hundred-mile porous border that by 2040, about 80 per cent of the oil China
with Yemen, the rise of the Houthis was a big gain for utilizes will come from abroad, the Middle East being
Iran. One deputy of Ayatollah Khamenei declared that a pivotal region to cater to China’s energy demands.
the capture of Sanaa was “a victory” for Tehran,
jubilantly adding that Tehran now controlled four Given this, China has significant economic interests
Arab capitals: Baghdad, Beirut, Damascus and Sanaa. in the Middle East. However, it is not a one-way traffic.
Saudi really felt threatened because Riyadh realized Like several other regional markets where China is the
that an Iranian encirclement would be an undeniable largest trader, Beijing is also a key exporter of
reality, something which must have given sleepless manufactured goods to Middle Eastern markets. It is
nights to the monarchy, resulting in the ill-fated because of Beijing’s tremendous manufacturing
Yemen war. prowess that President Obama in his autobiography ‘A
Promised Land’ asserts that “Americans bought cars
The implementation of Iran’s nuclear deal in January from Germany, electronics from South Korea, and
2016, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of practically everything else from China”.
Action (JCPOA) which led to the easing of US, EU and
UN sanctions, further confounded the security To some extent, the same is the case with Middle
dilemma of the Saudi Kingdom and its allies in the Eastern bazaars. The region buys all types of
Gulf region. Two weeks before the lifting of manufactured goods from China – from factory

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machinery and electronic equipment to clothing and MBS also expressed his desire to integrate the
shoes. Not to forget here are ‘Made in China’ prayer kingdom’s Vision 2030 with China’s own overseas
caps, prayer mats, prayer beads and other various initiatives. The then Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi
commodities that visitors bring from Saudi Arabia reciprocated, asserting that “China and Saudi Arabia
when they visit the kingdom for Hajj or Umrah. have achieved fruitful results in practical cooperation
as the two countries seek greater complementarity
Over the last decade and a half, the region has between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Vision
imported more from China than from the US. Like 2030 of Saudi Arabia”.
many other regions, trade growth between China and
the Middle East since the mid-1990s has been With or without the BRI, China has emerged as a
consistently spectacular. Between 1993 and 2016, global heavyweight when it comes to financing and
China’s exports to the Middle East grew from about $3 executing mega infrastructure projects, particularly in
billion to $124 billion. The region’s share of global the construction sector. For instance, research shows
Chinese exports has doubled since 1993, and now that “in 2017, seven of the ten largest construction
accounts for six per cent of China’s total. firms, by revenue, were Chinese”. Similarly, as per
another study, China has surpassed other nations as
While all this was prior to 2016, following the launch it has gained unrivalled capacity to implement mega
of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Middle East construction projects at home and abroad. It is
has been on President Xi’s radar as the BRI situates because of this unmatched potential that among the
Iran, along with Turkey, Egypt, and Israel, as transit 20 largest construction contractors, 14 are Chinese,
nodes in the grand web of infrastructure projects while six are from the EU and there are none from the
intended to connect continental Eurasia from east to US.
west. In Saudi Arabia too, Chinese companies have
established and continue to operate several transport Given the dominant role that China now plays in
facilities, including those utilized by millions of global transportation infrastructure, Riyadh’s
Muslim pilgrims visiting the kingdom for the annual prospects for achieving the much-vaunted Vision
Hajj. 2030 dream of becoming a logistics hub in the region
will also depend, to a considerable extent, on how the
All of this means more Chinese investment, more Kingdom allures Chinese actors. While China is
Chinese workers, and greater Chinese stakes in the already active in this sector in the region, as of 2016,
region. Some estimates suggest that by the end of more than 160 Chinese companies were operating in
2014, there were over 160,000 Chinese contractors the Kingdom. In 2018, Chinese firms won 13 per cent
based in North Africa and the Middle East. This of contracts across the Middle East region, including
number will certainly swell once BRI projects are fully work on five major energy projects in Saudi Arabia.
operational in the region.
In sum, Beijing is in many ways an ideal partner for
During his 2019 visit to China, signalling that Riyadh the Saudis as well as the Iranians, who like many in
was eager to promote partnerships beyond the US and Pakistan have been full of praises for the ‘China
Europe, Prince Muhammad bin Salman was given a model’ as a means to achieve economic reforms even
warm reception in Beijing. During the visit, he at the cost of political liberalization. However, while
announced a slew of agreements worth $28 billion, the US has certainly receded, focusing more on the
including a $10 billion plan for Saudi Aramco to Indo-Pacific theatre and the Ukraine war, it still has
partner with two Chinese companies to build a new substantial security (and economic) interests in the
refining and petrochemical complex in the Chinese region and will never like the idea of playing second
coastal city of Panjin in the central Liaoning province, fiddle to the Chinese in the region dominated
situated on the northern shore of the Liaodong Bay. primarily by the US since WWII.

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Author: Tabish Gauhar. Published in the The News International in July 2023
The man on the street is least concerned with the inflation, and the small and large industries that drive
technical reasons behind the recent back-breaking economic growth and create jobs.
increases in electricity and petrol prices that have
sharply eroded their monthly disposable income. By comparison, the much-richer Europeans were
shielded from last year’s energy price shock (due to
It is also Human Nature 101 that we instinctively seek Russia’s invasion of Ukraine) with almost $650bn of
simplistic answers and solutions that inadvertently subsidies, while much-poorer Pakistanis could not be
create false narratives and allow actual factors off the because we had to restore the IMF bailout package
hook without explanation. But to sustainably fix a and did not have the same financial wherewithal. In
structural problem, one must first diagnose its root any case, subsidies are neither the right answer nor a
causes before offering tailored remedies that may work sustainable structural solution to Pakistan’s energy
within the peculiar ecosystem in which it exists. problem.

On a purchasing power parity basis, it is perhaps safe Contrary to popular belief, electricity theft and bill
to say that the current energy prices in Pakistan are defaults are not the primary causes of power tariff
unsustainable for its residential, commercial, and increase. In fact, the regulated tariff determinations
industrial customers. It is a standard economic now assume an almost barebone ‘line losses’
textbook theory that the true cost of service should be allowance and a 100 per cent bill recovery ratio. Of
recovered from ratepayers, other than the most course, the actual aggregate technical & commercial
vulnerable segments that may remain subsidized via losses are higher in at least half of our distribution
targeted social security programs such as companies, but those incremental losses are not
BISP/Ehsaas. There is no (or very little) money in our necessarily or formulaically passed through to the end
federal budget to provide across-the-board relief to consumers.
average middle-class folks bearing the brunt of

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Nonetheless, the last-mile distribution sector will suffers in the do-nothing scenario, and that we can
continue to financially bleed and provide apply the lessons learnt from Pakistan’s relatively
unsatisfactory service without a customer-centric successful experience of liberalizing the
mindset that is impossible for state-owned natural telecommunication and banking industry.
monopolies to evolve. Their managements and boards
must be handed over to the private sector in an open What to do with legacy power purchase agreements?
and transparent process, alongside an equitable The chief culprit behind the increase in electricity
sharing of liability between the federation and rates is the host of legacy power purchase agreements
provinces per the spirit of 18th Amendment and that successive governments signed with foreign and
recent NFC Awards. domestic investors to set up independent power
projects in Pakistan.
Privatization, in any shape or form, without
competition, would however be a big policy mistake All these IPP deals are on ‘take or pay’ basis, providing
and a recipe for disaster. Since DISCOs have already almost guaranteed and very healthy returns under
lost exclusivity in their franchise zones, the wheeling sovereign cover, with dollar indexation, and several
(tolling) regime needs to be operationalized so that the other financial and contractual incentives.
bulk power customers can freely choose their electron
supplier. In a controlled manner, the market should It is easy, with 20/20 hindsight, to question the
be further liberalized to allow all consumers (including wisdom of policymakers to bind the country into long-
residential) the option to also choose their service term commitments on such unsustainable terms and
providers. To achieve this milestone, implementation conditions. It is, however, also true that no electricity
of the wholesale commodity market (CTBCM) needs to is worse than expensive electricity, and that we should
progress at God’s speed. be thankful for at least having the generation
infrastructure in place even if it is more than our
In a deregulated, multi-seller and multi-buyer model, actual needs today.
the biggest beneficiary will be the consumer who only
cares about affordable tariff and uninterrupted supply Notwithstanding the strong correlation between
of service that the prevailing system is unable to economic growth and electricity consumption,
provide. The biggest losers will be those DISCOs Pakistan’s economy can simply ill afford to pay Rs40-
whose prime customers will switch to cheaper and 50 for each unit of electricity produced by the
more reliable suppliers of electrons on the same wires. imported coal and LNG-based power plants. A primary
Unless they too are free to source their own supplies driver of the Rs2,500bn circular debt choking the
(that is: not forced to buy expensive power from the power sector is the fixed capacity charges that have
national pool) and set their own non-regulated tariffs now reached almost Rs2,000bn per year. With more
to effectively compete on a level playing field. than 20,000 MWs of additional ‘committed’ projects in
the pipeline at various stages of construction and
It is, however, the state’s responsibility to provide development, this continually rising must-pay cost
energy, as an essential service, to all people regardless cannot simply be ‘passed through’ to consumers in
of their profile and creditworthiness. Therefore, a the name of economic orthodoxy.
‘social cost’ will necessarily be imposed on the DISCOs
(even if they are privatized) that ultimately must be In fact, increasing rates depress overall electricity
funded by the federal and/or provincial exchequer to demand resulting in a higher per unit tariff for all.
provide societal justice without compromising the Customers are also forced to conserve (not necessarily
business case. a bad thing on its own), and incentivized to steal,
default or switch to captive sources of supply, while
In an ideal scenario, the most efficiently run the system’s fixed charges keep rising. Peel the onion
distribution companies should be allowed to charge a and you will find this happening at all levels, making
relatively low power tariff to their consumers without the entire sector unviable.
cross subsidizing their fellow countrymen in the loss-
making DISCOs as is currently the case. This, of As a general principle, reopening signed and sealed
course, is easier said than done as it will open a can contracts -- voluntarily or otherwise -- is a double-
of worms in other spheres (such as gas, water, and edged sword that damages long-term investor
agriculture) and require a lot of political will to do confidence or exposes the country to international
away with the ‘uniform’ nationwide electricity tariff arbitration. The sanctity of contracts should be
policy in vogue. But a differentiated, performance- maintained even though our economy continues to
based tariff regime would incentivize healthy pay a heavy price to arguably make those deals
competition among various distribution franchises in ‘bankable’ at the outset. Nonetheless, we need to
the long run. reprofile the front-loaded debt of the newer IPPs to
provide some breathing space to the ratepayers in the
In any case, Islamabad needs to realize that it cannot next 3-5 years.
and should not continue to run these last-mile
operations and cede their management control to the Debt restructuring is a controversial topic in Pakistan,
private sector and local governments. The fear of although it is common all over the world for
letting go, equally pronounced among the politicians financially distressed borrowers and their lenders to
and bureaucracy, may be justified because it is find new common ground when needed. Yes, we will
venturing into unknown territory, but it is mostly end up paying a bit more in absolute terms by
parochial in nature. The ability to provide jobs to stretching the loan tenor but need to provide some
constituents, influence transfers and postings, and tariff relief to consumers in the short-to-medium term
steer development funds for political purposes, is one but only if this is done as part of a holistic reform plan
of the main attractions of maintaining the status quo for the sector.
across the board.
The massive devaluation of the rupee against the US
The top leadership and decision-makers must realize dollar, alongside the major recent jump in
that it is the common consumer that ultimately international fuel prices, has also significantly

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contributed to the overall increase in consumer tariffs IPPs and redeploying the capital to build cheaper wind
in Pakistan. The exchange rate is related to a and solar hybrid plants, and desalination plants along
country’s macroeconomic fundamentals and not much the coastal belt. With the right policy framework and
can be done by the power-sector practitioners to avoid minimal red tape, we could use this money to also
its adverse impact. However, the freezing of the finance private projects across a wide spectrum
USD/PKR rate under the older IPP contracts must including mining of battery raw materials, nature-
have arrested some of the recent tariff increases but based carbon offsets, electric buses, electric rickshaws,
probably not enough to move the needle appreciably. and smart grids.

On the fuel side, we should do whatever it takes to Demand-side management is an uninteresting, yet
convert all existing imported coal power plants to crucial, area that does not receive enough attention
cheaper indigenous Thar lignite as expeditiously, from policy makers. A MW saved is a MW generated.
technically, and logistically as possible via the railway Our building codes and energy efficiency standards for
network. Several feasibility studies and analysis have consumer appliances sold on the market are not best
already been done on this public private partnership in class and must be urgently revised to promote
model to reduce consumer tariff and save foreign conservation and productivity. We employ slab rates
exchange. and peak/non-peak tariffs as financial incentives but
very little has been done to educate the consumer on
A technical reason behind monthly tariff increases is how to reduce their electricity bills beyond just
the so-called violation of merit order dispatch policy replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs.
which basically means that the least cost generation
principle is not always followed. There are often In the developed markets, various consumer
constraints such as transmission bottlenecks not yet distributed energy resources, such as rooftop solar PV
fixed, or contractual imperatives (must-run coal and home batteries, are now being connected to the
plants, for instance), but mostly it is due to distribution grid in a bi-directional and AI-driven
suboptimal fuel mix and availability caused by late digitized relationship between multiple sellers and
ordering and/or lack of funds. Although governments buyers of electricity. This not only reduces peak load
and power companies are loath to admit it publicly, but also the quantum of investment required to
circular debt chokes liquidity and flow of capital in the upgrade the transmission infrastructure as the energy
system resulting in unavailability of (imported) fuel sector “electrifies” further. The power sector is being
especially during the summer season. decentralized the world over and should also be
decentralized in Pakistan.
And this is also why consumers still experience
unplanned loadshedding from time to time, even when Long addicted to cheaply priced natural gas,
Pakistan’s current installed generation capacity Pakistan’s existing indigenous reserves are projected
exceeds peak demand. Simply put, if we don’t have to fully deplete within the next decade or so. Gas is
enough money to buy petrol, it does not matter how used in our country to cook food, heat homes,
many cars are idly parked in our garage that we are generate electricity, manufacture fertilizer, produce
nonetheless paying for in fixed costs. heat for process industries, and fuel CNG vehicles. Its
allocation among provinces, and various categories of
The cost of renewable energy has come down users, has always been a political and constitutional
appreciably over the past decade, thanks to hot potato.
technological improvements and the Chinese
‘economies of scale’ manufacturing miracle. In most We have also not had a major new discovery for some
instances, their total cost of generation is now less time despite a series of policies rolled out to
than even the ‘marginal’ fuel cost of imported coal, incentivize exploration and production of onshore,
LNG and oil-fired power plants operating in Pakistan. offshore, conventional, and tight, natural gas. Barring
It, therefore, makes economic sense to replace these a stroke of luck, we are likely to enhance our
hydrocarbon-based assets with newer wind and solar dependance on imported liquified (and cross-border
power to reduce overall consumer tariff. piped) natural gas in the coming years, unless we
reduce its demand in the economy.
However, without addressing the legacy fixed costs of
older generation plants, such ribbon-cutting optics We would be able to better manage the gas demand
are not the structural solutions and hard choices the and supply equation if domestic space heating and
sector requires. We need to consider these ‘stranded’ cooking gets electrified to a large extent in urban
costs part of the national debt and a budgetary line areas, or green hydrogen (produced by electrolyzing
item spread over the entire economy. While not a water using renewable energy) replaces it in urea and
solution per se, this accounting treatment would steel production. Likewise, it would help reduce gas
relieve power-sector consumers from bearing the demand if new wind and solar power plants alongside
entire financial load of prior policy actions and grid-connected batteries increasingly replace gas
inactions. turbines, and the LPG footprint is expanded for
commercial and residential heating and cooking.
From gas addiction to green innovation.
To help transition to clean energy, developed countries Suffice it to say that each of these workstreams
(including the USA, EU, and UK) have pledged funding requires a coherent set of enabling policies and
for developing nations in the form of grants, low regulations to allow the private sector to make the
interest loans and private investments. South Africa economics work and play its due role. For instance,
($8.5bn), Indonesia ($20bn), and Vietnam ($15bn) are without effectively curbing the smuggling of LPG (also
the first three beneficiary countries under a Just diesel) across the Iranian border on which an entire
Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) program, while informal ecosystem depends, no related policy would
India and Mexico are next in line. ever work.

One potential use of a similar JETP initiative for Like power, the gas market also needs to be
Pakistan could be the early buyout of idle oil based deregulated and liberalized by removing all

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impediments to the direct exchange of molecules (via import substitution) but without public funding
between sellers and commercial & industrial buyers. support. This can only happen if their investment
The government should just be a ‘matchmaker’ cases allow them to set their own ex-refinery prices,
between foreign suppliers (whether from Azerbaijan or implicitly benchmarked against market competition
Russia) and our domestic fertilizer and export- from importers, traders, and state controlled PSO with
oriented textile companies seeking state subsidies in almost 60 per cent market share (alongside Parco).
the name of regionally competitive energy tariffs. It is
true that from a pure economic standpoint, our value- For a transparent price discovery mechanism in real
add industries should have preferential access to time, mobile app technologies and a petroleum
indigenous natural gas vis-a-vis domestic heating and commodity exchange (like the electricity trading
cooking. platform under implementation phase) should be
employed. Regulatory enforcement agencies would
However, our socio-political ground realities are such also need to keep a close eye on any price
that households will always have priority over local manipulation, collusion, and cartelization attempts. A
gas production. It also makes little sense for the state huge fear of the unknown, exacerbated by a couple of
to import expensive LNG and sell it to residential country-wide fuel shortages and dry outs in the recent
customers at highly subsidized rates. While this has past, prevents policymakers from taking this leap of
been a major driver of the gas sector’s own circular faith in the market. The sooner they get over it, the
debt problem hiding below the radar, PSO’s LNG- better for everyone including the consumers.
related receivables of Rs450bn highlights that serious
disconnect. Since taxes and levies are regressive in nature, and
across-the-board fuel subsidies unsustainable, the
The government must also let the private sector decide government should launch a targeted, fiscally tenable,
whether to set up more LNG import terminals (at their and foolproof relief program for motorcyclists and
own cost and customer risk) by removing all obstacles rickshaws. Another way to lower the price of petrol
to their accessing the common pipeline infrastructure and diesel in Pakistan is to reduce their long-term
or using cryogenic road tankers. Like the power demand by increasing the penetration of electric cars,
DISCOs, our two state-controlled Sui gas distribution buses, rickshaws, and motorcycles. The e-mobility
companies will likely lose some of their best transportation sector is growing rapidly elsewhere due
commercial and industrial customers to cheaper and to falling battery costs, improving technology,
more reliable private suppliers -- unless they too are regulations, subsidies, expanding charging
allowed to source (and sell) their own gas from infrastructure footprint, and more EV manufacturers
wherever (and to whomsoever at whatever price) on a entering the space.
level playing field.
However, this will have to go hand in hand with
But no matter how we slice and dice it, the state will power-sector reforms in Pakistan to reduce the
have to recognize the previous take-or-pay contracts charging cost, improve quality of supply, and
signed with LNG suppliers and terminals as its strengthen the grid infrastructure. The domestic
sovereign liability that may, or may not, be fully automobile industry would also need to step up to
recovered from consumers. Yet again, there are no free locally assemble and manufacture affordable EV
lunches or quick fixes on the table here but spurring vehicles to support electrification of the transportation
overall economic activity with more affordable private space, if an enabling set of policies and incentives are
energy should hopefully compensate for such in place.
‘stranded’ costs in the long run.
In summary, there could well be more than one way to
Energy solution: less, not more, govt skin the energy cat, but daily firefighting and band-
The Russian invasion of Ukraine, and massive aid treatments will not address the sector’s systemic
currency devaluation, are the top two ingredients of issues. Make no mistake about it, structural reforms
the petrol (and diesel) ‘bombs’ thrown on motorists in and turnarounds are long and painful journeys, are
Pakistan recently. not a win-win for all, and require a paradigm shift in
thinking and approach. If we truly believe the
Since most of our crude oil and refined petroleum customer is king, all other considerations and current
products are imported, we remain at the mercy of practices that do not serve their needs ought to be set
international oil commodity markets that no longer aside. The bottom line is that we need less (not more)
swing by OPEC’s actions alone. The government’s only government in the show by restricting its role to
significant lever is the quantum of taxes and levies policymaking and regulatory oversight only.
that it prescribes in the retail consumer prices to meet
its budgetary needs. As a fundamental principle, the state must now stop
offering its sovereign balance sheet to energy suppliers
It also fixes the oil marketing and distribution margins, and instead direct them to sign corporate agreements
and the prime minister personally approves uniform with commercial and industrial customers at non-
country-wide petroleum prices every two weeks. regulated tariffs. A light-touch government footprint
Despite (or because of) this tight regulatory embrace (other than for truly strategic G2G transactions or the
and market intervention, everyone including the local financing of nuclear, dam-based hydro, and cross
refineries, oil marketing companies, retail dealers, as border energy projects) is needed for a more
well as consumers, is unhappy and struggling to sustainable and cost competitive sector.
make ends meet. Although deregulation and price
liberalization will not immediately reduce retail prices Reforms are frustrated by deeply entrenched vested
of petrol and diesel in Pakistan, the sector needs these interest groups who want to continue extracting rent
reforms to incentivize long-term investment and from the same broken system. It is a collective failure,
planning. and lack of will and imagination, that we are still
following the 1990s investment model.
For example, Pakistan’s five domestic refineries must
be upgraded and modernized to save foreign exchange

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A unified federal ministry of energy, alongside judiciary, media, civil society, among others) to protect
independent regulatory agencies, is a simpler and the public interest.
more effective organizational structure for the
executive. Yes, we need to enhance the institutional Relinquishing control will not be easy for the
and personnel capacity of Nepra and Ogra but that is government, but it is a way forward in the right
part of the evolutionary process. No one is arguing to direction. Finally, it will be tough to turn Pakistan’s
give carte blanche freedom to the private sector to loot energy sector into an island of excellence if it remains
and plunder the public under some misguided laissez- surrounded by a sea of chaos. Macroeconomic and
faire capitalist ideology. Far from it, we have more political stability are, therefore, indispensable allies
than enough checks and balances in our ecosystem and prerequisites of a successful turnaround in the
(executive, bureaucracy, regulators, parliament, coming years.

The Trinity of Taxation in Pakistan

Author: Ausaf Ashraf & Saud Bin Ahsen. Published in the The Daily Times in August 2023
The purpose of the Government is to uphold and uses concepts such as the Stanford Sociologist W.
protect the natural rights of its citizens. So long as the Richard Scott’s trichotomy of Regulative, Normative
Government fulfils this purpose, the laws given by it and Cultural Cognitive pillars and explains how the
are valid and binding but, when it ceases to fulfil them, normative and cultural-cognitive approaches may be
then the laws would have no validity and the used for nudging citizens to be more responsive
Government can be thrown out of power. In Locke’s taxpayers.
view, unlimited sovereignty is contrary to natural law.
The government derives its authority to collect taxes Starting with Culture is that complex whole that
from the constitution which is the ‘grundnorm’. includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom,
According to Hans Kelsun, the grundnorm is a part of and any other capabilities and habits acquired by
a normative theory of law and the constitution is the man as a member of society. More aptly, culture in
highest form of normative structure. each society and organization is mobile, and is derived
from a complex relationship between everyone in
In taxation, this normative structure provides the society and organization; it includes what those
social contract between the people and the individuals “think” (i.e., ideas, knowledge etc.) and
government. People reside their trust in the “do” (i.e. their behaviours and habits) as a member of
government by electing the public representative and a society or organization.
giving them authority to levy taxes and the
government is bound to spend the revenue so The term “culture of taxation” is not used frequently
collected on the social and economic well-being of the in social science literature. A country-specific tax
people. culture is the entirety of all relevant formal and
informal institutions connected with the national tax
As Pakistan is facing the challenge of low tax system and its practical execution, which are
collection, a detailed gap analysis was completed by historically embedded within the country’s culture.
the World Bank, which indicates that Pakistan’s tax The tax culture is the relationship between taxpayers
revenue potential would reach 26 per cent of GDP if and tax collectors in a tax system. The values and
tax compliance were raised to 75 per cent, which is a attitudes of people in a society or an organization,
realistic level of compliance for lower-middle-income both positive and negative, toward the tax system are
countries (LMICs). This means that the country’s tax part of the culture of taxation.
authorities are currently capturing only half of this
revenue potential. From the tax collector’s side, the cultural issue is
about the use of discretion. How do tax collectors use
However, recent studies have indicated that tax their authority to deal with a taxpayer? If tax
collection could be enhanced by improving tax culture collectors feel that they have more power than
and removing the trust deficit between taxpayers and taxpayers, the posture of tax collectors is likely to
tax collectors through positive changes in their dominate the taxpayer. The behaviour of the actors in
mindsets. Therefore, the challenge for Pakistan is to a tax system is important.
transform its tax culture which is shaped by
interaction among the trinity of taxation i.e. the tax The behaviour of taxpayers is about their decisions
policy givers, tax collectors, and taxpayers. regarding tax compliance, tax avoidance, and tax
evasion. The decision to comply with the tax law
The literature on taxation in Pakistan brings forth two depends on the cost-benefit ratio in terms of the value
sets of terms seeking to explain our lackluster tax of the tax evaded amount and the tax with penalties if
performance i.e. terms related to tax policy and tax caught. The tax and penalties are payable only if there
governance e.g. distortionary exemptions, concessions, is a high probability of being caught. The higher the
weak enforcement, low compliance by taxpayers, probability of detection the more is compliance as the
reliance on indirect taxes and issues in improving tax tax and penalty amount is higher than the original tax.
administration. The second set of terms emanating
from literature on public finance treats tax governance Tax Morale is also an essential part of tax culture. Tax
as a science and identifies its various characteristics morale is the intrinsic motivation of individuals to pay
such as buoyancy of the tax system, tax elasticity and taxes which is determined by several factors. Trust in
tax yield as explanatory variables. government institutions plays a significant role in tax
morale and emanates from a perception of fairness.
Now, we will explore the origins of these terms and Once people perceive the tax system and tax
the phenomenon associated with them in the authorities as fair, they will have more trust in those
mindset of the tax collector, tax policy giver and authorities and vice versa. Thus, the degree of tax
taxpayer and then develop a collective picture to show compliance might rely on how people consider
how the respective mindsets about these three sets of themselves and interpret their situation relative to
actors, through their mutual interaction, constitute a others and they might not pay taxes if they perceive
tax culture which is unhealthy. This op-ed series also unfairness. Tax Policy Maker: Tax law and policy

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affect taxpayers’ behaviour, especially when the tax friendly mindset setting the tax machinery at the
system is complex. The complexity of the tax system is operational level usually complains about
the sum of compliance costs and administrative costs. unrealistic and unevenly distributed text collection
Several studies find that high compliance costs are targets. The collection targets are assigned not
responsible for large informal sectors in developing giving due consideration to the ground realities and
countries. A good tax system needs to be least the potential of the area or a group of taxpayers.
distortionary, have ease of collection, not discriminate, The follow-up of the text collection targets by the
and be politically acceptable but Pakistan’s tax policy senior management is made minutely and on a
is not based on these well-known and clear principles. day-to-day basis which forces the field officers to
Ad-hoc tax revenue-enhancing measures through adopt every means to achieve the tax collection
SROs and mini-budgets have developed a complex tax targets ignoring the genuine grievances and
system that confounds principles of rational tax policy. problems of the taxpayers.
 Multiple fora and excessive litigation: The taxpayer
Exploring the tax collector mind set in Pakistan: has the choice to avail of any available forums
The tax collector in Pakistan generally thinks that the which include regular appeal, revision, ADRC,
taxpayers in general are tax evaders and do not want Federal Tax Ombudsman, and writ petition before
to discharge their tax obligations voluntarily. In order the Honourable High Court. Excessive litigation
to make them pay their due taxes under the law they and delays in decisions by the courts in tax cases
need to be regulated and tax laws need to be enforced are also among the factors that shape the mindset
strictly. This perception has evolved over time. With a of a tax collector. Hard-working and honest text
strong colonial legacy of bureaucratic behaviour, there collectors are discouraged. They lose their
is a disconnect between the tax collector and the motivation to positively and systematically conduct
taxpayer in terms of trust and cooperation to work for the tax audits of the defaulters. The higher courts
the common good of society. There are many reasons are liberal in granting stays even without taking
that can be traced to understand the level of distrust into account the departmental viewpoint. Judicial
and clash of divergent mindsets like the Colonial activism has contributed to developing distortion in
legacy. the smooth and speedy realization of due taxes.
 Weak internal accountability: Internal
The British rulers created an administrative system accountability and check and balance an integral
with the motive of strengthening their rule. After components of an organization guaranteeing its
independence, the colonial system of laws and transparency and efficiency. A strong internal audit
administration was adopted with little changes. The system also brings a balance to the working of the
bureaucracy joining the service in the newly officers. It ensures the quality in the delivery of
established country continued with its colonial service and sustainability of the organization in the
mindset. Largely the mindset of being the servants to medium to long run. An efficient internal audit
the public could not be inculcated. The tax-collecting system safeguards the taxpayers from excesses
machinery was also not an exception. The behaviour and non-professional treatment. Unfortunately, the
with the public continued to be of the master instead internal audit and accountability system of the
of being a public servant. No concept of facilitation in Federal Board of revenue is not so efficient, robust,
a true sense could ever be embedded in the overall and unbiased. The least favourite officers are
approach of the tax bureaucracy as well. The tax posted in internal audits. Therefore, the week
collector in traditional society places less emphasis on internal audit system has been instrumental in
guiding and facilitating the taxpayer and instead developing a mindset of the tax collectors to act
prefers to impose enforcement measures and create a according to their whims instead of following the
nuisance. They do not communicate with each other laws and rules in letter and spirit. In addition to
in a friendly manner. The tax collector does not want this, the ill-planned and non-integrated IT system
to go to the grassroots level and interacts with his of FBR has paved the way for tax collectors to avoid
client who is contributing to the national exchequer. due control and accountability.
This mindset is counter-productive to the healthy tax  Misuse of Tax Money: The taxpayers have a feeling
culture as the policy formulation and implementation of mistrust and obscurity against the government
are done without contextualizing the local and as to the fact that the funds generated out of their
cultural dynamics. taxes are not properly used rather, they are
mishandled. In this background, many taxpayers
Other reasons include a lack of professional capacity don’t feel the moral obligation to fulfil their part of
and proper training, Unrealistic collection targets, the social contract between the state and its
Multiple fora and excessive litigation, Weak internal citizens as long as the state doesn’t fulfil its duties
accountability, and Misuse of Tax Money. toward the general public.

 Lack of professional capacity and proper training: Focusing on the taxpayer’s mindset in Pakistan.
Ever since the reform efforts have been launched Following human nature and economic rationale, no
by successive governments the focus on improving one wants to part with his hard-earned money even in
and enhancing the professional capacity of the tax the shape of tax being a contribution to enjoy a
collectors was missing. There has never been a civilized society. Smart taxpayers avoid taxes by
well-thought-out and concrete human resource staying within the legal framework whereas
development strategy building the professional scrupulous ones would opt for tax evasion which is
capacity of the text collectors in a systematic liable to legal action.
manner. Isolated training programs with subjective
selections have been launched but there has never The taxpayer’s mindset develops in response to
been a comprehensive well-planned training and government legislation and tax policies. In our culture,
capacity-building strategy keeping in view the ever- the taxpayer believes that Pakistan inherited tax laws
changing requirements of a modern revenue from the colonial era the focus of which was to extract
agency. the maximum without any consideration for economic
 Unrealistic collection targets: Besides other growth and social welfare. Even today our economy is
obstacles in the way to developing a taxpayer- dependent on foreign loans for running day-to-day

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state business and these loans have attached collection from that of the optimum level. The
conditionalities that are not business-friendly. The problem needs to be tackled in a well-defined
policy interventions by the government under the conceptual framework. Following W. Richard Scot’s
direction of donors like the International Monetary institutional theory of Regulative, Normative and
Fund (IMF) are considered an erosion of state Cultural-Cognitive approaches policy actions can
authority. be proposed and categorized within the three
conceptual streams.
Moreover, it is believed that the governments are not  Policy actions: The exemptions and concessions
representatives who legislate under the dictation of should be rationalized and restricted to the extent
the foreign lending agencies and the pressure groups of general public welfare and the promotion of
within the country an example of such legislation is economic activity. To improve the trust of the
the Income Tax Ordinance 2001, which was drafted by masses in general and the taxpayers in particular
an Australian and went through 322 amendments the exemptions allowed to accommodate the elites
before the date of its enforcement as it conflicted with of the society should be withdrawn. The distortions
earlier legislation and the administrative framework of in the tax laws like presumptive tax regime and
the Income Tax department. Other reasons are also block taxation should be removed without yielding
taken into consideration below. to any pressure group or lobby to avoid the
complication of tax laws, increase revenue and
 Penalty/ Prosecution against tax defaulters: In our provide a level playing field for all taxpayers.
culture seeing is believing. The compliance by the Alternate Dispute Resolution Committees should
taxpayers improves if there is a probability of being be decentralized at the regional level to make it an
caught and a certainty of penalty. When tax effective forum to resolve the issues of the
defaulters are let off scot-free due to the legal and taxpayers involving factual controversies to create
administrative weaknesses then other persons also confidence in the taxpayer in the tax system and
feel encouraged to follow suit which promotes the promote a healthy culture. A full-fledged
culture of tax evasion. The compliant taxpayers prosecution department manned with experienced
lose trust in the system feel demoralized and lawyers is proposed on the pattern of the Advocate
consequently avoid paying their due taxes. General’s office to defend the tax appeals efficiently
 Non-user-friendly Information technology: and expeditiously. It is also proposed that the
Automation and IT intervention have been number of forums should be reduced to three i.e.
introduced to facilitate the taxpayers and are Commissioner Appeals, Federal Tax Courts and the
appreciated by the taxpayer however the IT Apex Court. The departmental officers should not
interventions are not user-friendly and operate in be posted in any appellate forum. The first forum
silos. The semi-literate population is not inclined to may take up appeals about factual issues and
use this software with ease and comfort. Delayed small cases. The tax court should have jurisdiction
Refunds: The taxpayers have a persistent issue of to accept appeals with legal issues and cases of
delayed refunds due to the confiscatory medium to large taxpayers. There should be a time
withholding regime. The compliant taxpayer has no limit for all forums to decide the cases keeping in
option to avoid this tax. The legislature has view the principle of time value of money.
provided a mechanism for a refund of excessive There is no second opinion on the importance of IT for
deductions but the department under pressure to an effective, transparent and robust tax system.
meet budgetary targets delays the refund without Integrated on real real-time basis, user-friendly and
any legal basis. This is another discouraging factor reliable IT systems are the most important factors in
that hinders the taxpayer from fulfilling his tax promoting the trust of the taxpayer in the system
obligations and becoming a compliant taxpayer. saving him from hassle and exploitation and creating
 Tax Litigation: The individual taxpayers and the ease of doing business for compliant taxpayers.
corporate entities earning huge profits usually  Administrative measures: Market-based
adopt the litigation and stay by the courts as a tool compensation package linked with a well-defined
to delay or avoid their due tax liabilities. The tax qualitative and quantitative performance
evaders compare the cost of litigation over the monitoring system and strong internal
period vis a vis their due tax liability and prefer to accountability would be greatly helpful in
go for the legal shield instead of depositing their modifying the mindset of the tax collector freeing
taxes. This practice by many taxpayers encourages him from the compulsions of sustenance and
the culture of preferring litigation instead of helping to change his attitude towards the taxpayer.
discharging the text liability as a responsible South Asian culture believes in heroic traditions.
citizen. The lawyer community is the impetus of The person known for his good deeds is respected
this culture. In the backdrop of the above analysis, and treated as distinguished. Using the tradition of
it can safely be concluded that there is a distrust the region public acknowledgement and
among the three stakeholders of the tax culture i.e., appreciation of highest paying taxpayers would
tax policymaker, tax collector, and taxpayer. They also promote the tax culture.
are operating in their spheres with their specific
mindsets which has led to a lack of mutual trust
among the three stakeholders resulting in low tax

Reviewing Pakistan’s climate action

Author: Shafqat Kakakhel. Published in the The Daily Times on May 11, 2023
It is gratifying to see that the National Security attempts to present a broad- brushed tour d’ horizon
Dialogue, which has emerged as an important of Pakistan’s climate change agenda.
national security forum, will address the existential
threat of climate change at its third session. Led by The robustness of a country’s climate action is
Federal Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman, a predicated on five essential prerequisites, noted below:
panel of eminent Pakistani and foreign experts will
discuss various aspects of the global climate crisis One, a political commitment by the national
and its ramifications for Pakistan. This article leadership to support the efforts of the international

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community to address the looming climate emergency initiatives concerning mitigation, adaptation and
and reinforce the resilience of the key economic capacity development. In 2013, the Ministry of
sectors, the citizens, and ecosystems to adapt to the Climate Change crafted a ‘Framework for the
adverse impacts of an increasingly volatile climate Implementation of the NCCP’ which prioritized the
through policies implemented in collaboration with all implementation of water and energy initiatives.
stakeholders. Follow-up on the policies has been insufficient. The
most notable climate projects are those developed
Two, active participation in regional and global and funded by the World Bank and the Asian
discourses for forging consensus on the climate Development Bank. Pakistan has also developed
change challenges and responses. several sectoral policies related to climate change
imperatives, namely the National Water Policy
Three, development and implementation of policies (2018), the Alternative and Renewable Energy
and plans of action for contributing to the realization Development Policy (2020), and the National
of the global agenda as well as adaptation to the Electric Vehicles Policy (2020). The National Water
impacts of climate change on the national economy, Policy includes a dozen or so major initiatives for
human security, and ecology. integrated water resource management. The
Energy Policy aims at producing 8000 MW of
Four, climate change governance comprising electricity from renewable sources by 2025 and
institutions operating at national and sub- national 20000 by 2030 representing 20 and 30 per cent of
levels for assessment, policy formulation, and action, the total energy produced in the country. The
as well as periodic review and monitoring of progress Electric Vehicle Policy contains targets and
achieved or missed, resource mobilization; and incentives aimed at capturing 30 per cent of all
passenger vehicles and heavy duty truck sales by
Five, resources (technical, technological, financial and 2030 and 90 per cent by 2040. Pakistan has also
human) mobilized from domestic and external sources submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution
and optimally deployed. to Climate Change (NDC) to the UN CC Secretariat
in 2016 and its revised version in 2021. The
Let’s see how Pakistan fares with regard to the mitigation measures in the NDCs include planting
aforementioned criteria. ten (10) billion trees, a 50 per cent reduction in
projected GHG emissions (subject to international
 High-level political commitment: The National grant finance), and increasing the share of installed
Security Policy of Pakistan (NSP) (2022-2026) capacity through renewable sources such as solar,
refers to Pakistan’s acute vulnerability to climate wind, and biomass to 30 per cent. Together with
change and proclaims the objective of “a climate higher investments in hydropower projects, the
resilient Pakistan that prioritizes climate country’s share of clean energy would reach 60 per
adaptation, sustainable water management and cent by 2030. The NDCs also refer to the increase
disaster management”. It aims to achieve the water, in the country’s protected areas, including national
food, health, and energy security of Pakistan. In parks, a number of nature- based ecosystem
recent years our leaders have attended the annual rejuvenation projects and recharging groundwater
climate change summits convened by the UN aquifers. In July 2022, the government, in close
secretary-general and reiterated Pakistan’s collaboration with the UN system, developed the
commitment to the global climate goals enshrined ‘Living Indus’ programme for ecosystems
in the Paris Agreement and elaborated by the restoration and climate adaptation comprising
annual climate conferences (aka COPs). Their nearly two dozen projects and initiatives aimed at
statements are disseminated at home. Although developing a sustainable, climate resilient Indus
the effects of climate change must be tackled in Basin such as clean energy schemes, sustainable
Pakistan’s coastal regions, cities and rural areas, groundwater governance, eco-tourism, biodiversity
the heads of our provincial governments and conservation, and eradication of plastic pollution.
autonomous regions seldom speak about climate The Living Indus programme will cover all the
change. However, with the support of domestic and provinces and autonomous regions and promote an
external partners the provinces have formulated ecologically vibrant and climate resilient Pakistan.
comprehensive climate change policies. The  Climate change governance (institutional
implementation of those blueprints has been arrangements): In 2017, Pakistan’s parliament
uneven, though. The provincial governments say adopted a National Climate Change Act which
they lack the financial and human capacities to qualifies as the most significant milestone in the
develop and implement climate change related evolution of the country’s climate agenda. The Act
policies. creates a robust institutional architecture for
 Participation in regional and global conferences: addressing all aspects of climate change. The Act
Our leaders’ participation in global climate establishes a National Climate Change Council
meetings has been mentioned earlier. Tragically the (NCCC), chaired by the prime minister or a
main regional cooperation organization, the South minister nominated by him/her.The council is
Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) mandated to approve climate related policies and
has become dormant since India scuttled the 16th coordinate their implementation. The Act envisages
Saarc Summit due to be hosted by Pakistan in a National Climate Change Authority (NCCA) to
Islamabad in November 2016.The environment serve as the main mechanism for the entire
ministers who had played an important role in spectrum of climate change policies, plans of
catalyzing regional climate change initiatives have action, projects for external funding etc. It also
also become silent.The South Asia Cooperative provides for a Climate Change Fund for climate-
Environment Programme (SACEP) has been doing related activities.
useful work but lacks political clout.
 Policies and strategies for action at federal and The present government has established the National
provincial levels: The Climate Change Policy of Climate Change Council which has held its first
Pakistan (NCCP) issued in 2012 and its updated meeting chaired by the prime minister. The other
version released in 2022 contain scores of policy provisions of the Act have not been operationalized

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despite the persistent demands by civil society. The

absence of a robust governance apparatus has The operationalization of the Climate Change Act
impeded climate action. It has also compounded the would not only energize Pakistan’s climate-related
challenges facing the small, poorly resourced, and activities but also enable the MOCC to pay more
overworked Ministry of Climate Change to handle its attention to the follow up of the other MEAs in
exponentially increasing workload thanks to the coordination with the relevant s ministries.
willingness of a number of friendly countries such as
the US, China, the UK, Germany, the Republic of Resources (mobilization and deployment): The MOCC’s
Korea, and Japan to support Pakistan’s climate budget has all along been one of the smallest among
change related plans. There is a pressing need for federal ministries. Over the years, Pakistan has
more proactive climate diplomacy. received funding for around 35 or projects from the
international funding windows such as the Global
The Ministry of Climate Change (MOCC) being the Environment Facility (GEF), the Multilateral Fund
officially designated focal point for climate change established under the Montreal Protocol for the Ozone
represents the country at all major climate change Layer, and more recently the Green Climate Fund
meetings, especially the annual COPs, the Petersburg (GCF) and the Adaptation Fund (AF).
ministerial meeting, the inter-sessional conference
held in June, and the summit convened by the UN Pakistan has been one of the smallest beneficiaries of
secretary general in autumn. The MOCC also serves global climate funding, mainly due to its lack of
as the focal point for all the dozen or so multilateral institutional capacity.
environmental agreements (MEAS) ratified by Pakistan,
including the biodiversity, ozone protection,
desertification and waste and chemicals conventions.

Revisiting National Security Policy 2022-2026

Author: Dr. Ikramul Haq. Published in the Minute Mirror on March 6, 2023
Pakistan, from its inception, was envisioned as an Gender Gap report has ranked us at 145th, right
Islamic welfare state, internationally relevant and above Afghanistan. The report states that Pakistan is
aligned with universal principles of justice, equality, a country where women have the smallest share of
and tolerance. Seeking a peaceful neighborhood based senior, managerial and legislative roles (4.5%), even
on mutual co-existence, regional connectivity, and lower compared to other developing nations like
shared prosperity. Being secure and economically Jamaica, where women represent 56.6% of workers in
resilient, and empowered by diversity of culture and that category, or Togo, which has the highest share of
demographic dividends, ensuring fundamental rights women in senior roles, at 70.1%.
and social justice without discrimination on the basis
of caste, creed, or belief. Promoting good governance The United States Commission on Religious Freedom
through strengthening of institutions, transparency, (USCIRF) in its report [Religious Freedon in Pakistan
accountability, and openness as articles of faith— 2022] claims that Pakistan is a country of 96.3%
National Security Policy of Pakistan 2022-2026 Muslims, a mix of Sunni and Shia (approximately 10-
15% Shia), 0.2% Ahmadi, Hindu and Christian, 1.6%
The National Security Policy of Pakistan 2022-2026 and Sikhs, Buddhists, Baha’is, and Zoroastrians
rightly identifies the key factors that are important for represent 1.0%.
averting potential threats to our existence and for
ensuring Pakistan’s prosperity. However, despite The report specifically highlights growing intolerance
knowing the way forward towards stability and for religious diversity fueled by extremism and existing
security, our rulers—civil and military alike—have problematic Pakistani legislation, citing recent attacks
failed to implement the requisite policies for reaping on religious minorities in the country. The report of
their benefits. The principle of universal justice is the USCIRF reveals that 84 individuals were charged
most important element for any national security under the blasphemy laws in 2021, apart from the
vision. Unfortunately, institutions responsible for incident of mob incited killings, including that of
dispensing justice appear quite indifferent. Since its factory manager Priyantha Kumara, a Sri Lankan
existence, Pakistan’s justice system has been working national. It also mentions the case of Muhammad
against the spirit of universal justice. Consequently, Mushtaq, a mentally challenged man from Khanewal,
we have been placed in the list of countries performing who was accused of burning the holy Quran and was
poorly with reference to abiding by Rule of Law. stoned to death and his body hung from a tree.

Through the Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) The report further pinpoints incidents of target killing
Act, 2010 [“18th Amendment”], the government’s of a Christian Priest in January 2022, death of two
executive branch was removed from the process of Sikh businessmen brothers and a man professing
appointment and removal of judges to allow Ahmadiyya faith, killed by a seminary student in
independence of judiciary but with unfettered powers Okara District, Punjab. These and many unreported
including self-accountability, this needs episodes not only testify to the poor performance of
reconsideration. Post 18th Amendment analysis of our country’s institutions for maintaining the spirit of
judicial performance shows that some decisions of the equity, but also confirm rising level of religious
courts have caused global embarrassment while those intolerance in the society. Assurance to all citizens of
challenged at international forums have resulted in equality, religious freedom and equal opportunities
huge losses to the national treasury. are prerequisites for stability and prosperity.

For evaluating judicial effectiveness, two important The national security vision of any nation state
aspects among others are quality of judgements envisages peaceful neighbourhood based on the
delivered and inclusion of women in higher judiciary principle of mutual co-existence. However, Pakistan
in accordance with their proportion in the population. remains perpetually in conflict with its neighbours,
We have failed to ensure both. The 2022 Global especially India. Pakistan and India may have political

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differences but they have never treasured their economic progress. In the past five years, we had six
common heritage in terms of history, culture, finance ministers, with each of them coming up with a
language, music, food, crops, so as to forge peace and different model to run fiscal affairs. Due to these
tranquility in the region. A prudent foreign policy varied approaches the most needed International
requires that both countries should maintain good Monetary Fund (IMF) Extended Fund Facility (EFF)
relations so that they can reduce their massive Programmes could not be completed within the agreed
defence expenses and divert these for the welfare of time frame. Moreover, repeated violations of agreed
their masses. conditions with the lender of last resort have created a
huge trust deficit. Resultantly, they are reluctant to
Pakistan and India have the capability to be good execute staff level agreement after the Ninth Review.
trade partners. Despite sharing many similarities,
both countries are a consistent threat to each other’s Delay in reaching an agreement with IMF is increasing
existence and are not ready to initiate dialogue to our economic difficulties. Our external financing
address their unresolved disputes. Similarly, Iran’s needs have reached alarming levels as for the ongoing
relations with Pakistan are not ideal either. Iran’s year we have to pay US$20.49 billion, whereas for
government believes that Pakistan is responsible for next four years, estimated payments are on an
its security related issues. average US$25.23 billion per year. These numbers are
exclusive of the additional impact that can arise due
Pakistan is a host to around three million Afghan to current account deficit as mentioned by the IMF in
refugees and supports Taliban government in its reports.
Afghanistan against opposition from the West. Despite
sharing borders, culture and religion, Pakistan and Pakistan’s average annual gross financing
Afghanistan hold opposing views on many issues. requirement in next four years will be around
While Afghanistan blames Pakistan for toeing US$37.5 billion. However, our current foreign
America’s hostile policies towards it in the past, exchange level shows that external debt servicing
Pakistan considers that Taliban-supported banned becoming due in one month is US$2.7 billion and
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is responsible for between 1 to 3 months it will rise to US$3.8 billion.
terrorist incidents within its borders [see also, A The country has very low levels of foreign reserves.
lesson from the Taliban]. Furthermore, delay in signing the IMF programme will
push us into more problems. Without resumption of
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the programme, it would be an uphill task to seek any
aimed at promoting and strengthening regional bilateral or multilateral monetary help to save
connectivity. This initiative is considered as game Pakistan from rescheduling external loans.
changing for Pakistan and the entire region. However,
we have failed to maximise gains from the second Our political leaders, beyond party affiliations, should
phase of CPEC—though the first one was completed realize that merely writing wish lists in the national
during Pakistan Muslim League’s (Nawaz) tenure security policy and acting contrary to them will not
(2013-18). bring us any good. The current political and economic
affairs are posing real threat to our national security.
The pace of completion of the second phase of CPEC We must devise a strategy for the implementation of
based on promoting industrial cooperation, trade, our national security vision contained in National
agriculture and socio-economic development, slowed Security Policy of Pakistan 2022-2026, starting with
down during the coalition government of Pakistan judicial reforms, followed by formulating a prudent
Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) as it could not get proper and pragmatic foreign policy.
attention of our authorities. Despite taking massive
loans and making economic/industrial zones,
Pakistan failed to set up new industries vital for GDP
growth and for creating employment opportunities. As
a result, in the last four years, we have failed to
improve our GDP growth. This has led us to a position
where gigantic debt repayments, coupled with
insufficient revenue generation capacity, pose grave
national security risk. Due to our casual attitude
towards CPEC, China is not happy with us either.

Another important factor for national security is

economic prosperity that comes with political stability.
However, due to continuous intervention in state
affairs by powerful institutions, we could not frame
prudent and pragmatic policies for streamlining our

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BRICS expansion could be a bad idea: As leaders of Russian leader into custody if he were to visit the
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa meet for country. Yet with the possibility of any such drama
their annual BRICS summit starting on Tuesday, now ruled out, two more substantive and interrelated
there is little doubt that the grouping has taken on developments will hold centre stage at the summit.
new importance amid intensifying great power China and Russia have expressed interest in
competition. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the expanding the group in an effort to grant it greater
West’s increasingly aggressive sanctions campaign weight in international affairs. Over 40 countries have
against both Russia and China serve as the context in expressed interest in joining the BRICS group with 22
which the global diplomatic community will be formally requesting membership. These include Arab
watching the conclave in Johannesburg. Indeed, the allies of the United States such as Saudi Arabia, the
war in Ukraine has already cast its shadow on the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt, and rivals
meeting. Russian President Vladimir Putin attending such as Iran. The list also includes countries from
only virtually to avoid South Africa any Africa, South America and Asia.
embarrassment: The African nation is a member of
the International Criminal Court, which has issued a The second issue is de-dollarisation. China and
warrant for Putin’s arrest on charges related to the Russia seem intent on using a larger BRICS forum as
conflict, and would legally be required to take the a focal point of their efforts to cut their dependence —

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and that of the global economy — on the US currency with Western interests against China. The availability
that has dominated cross-border invoicing and of Western economic support and access to technology
settlements since World War II. Beijing and Moscow has increased significantly and West-India relations
are already conducting most of their trade in local are experiencing a new era. This has significant
currencies, especially the Chinese Yuan. Russia has economic benefits for India that make Modi very
pitched for a new BRICS currency, perhaps backed by sensitive about being seen as empowering a
gold, that would be used as an international medium counterbalance to the G7.
of exchange between the members instead of the
dollar. Brazil is being led by a left-wing president who is
worried about alienating Washington as a business
For Russia and China, de-dollarisation has taken on partner and is knowledgeable of how the US tends to
fresh importance as they’ve increasingly come under take an aggressive posture against South American
sanctions from the West. Fear of how American and leaders who question its hegemony in the region.
Western economic statecraft can damage their South Africa is concerned that enhancing BRICS
economies and limit their national security autonomy membership will further reduce its influence in the
is a major issue of debate in both Moscow and Beijing. bloc. Officials in Pretoria are already concerned that
But while South Africa, Brazil and India have better other BRICS countries are far more influential in the
relations with the West, they too see lesser reliance on group as its economic and social progress has stalled
the dollar as being a positive for their economic in recent years. South Africa is also very concerned
growth and trade potential. Brazil’s President Luiz about having to take sides in the emerging new Cold
Inacio Lula de Silva recently stated that “[e]very night War between the US and China — though it is under
I ask myself why all countries have to base their trade a significant amount of pressure on South Africa to
on the dollar”. To them, de-dollarisation is less about align itself with the West. This is what has fuelled
overthrowing King Dollar from atop the hierarchy of demands by India, Brazil and South Africa for stricter
reserve currencies and more about carving out a rules to determine whether an aspiring member
separate method to transact between member states should be allowed to join or even become an observer.
without the need for the dollar, the Western-based India, in particular, has argued that democracies be
SWIFT messaging system and the services of New the focus of membership considerations. Such
York banks. That being said, BRICS in its current differences have undermined the work of other major
form already represents 26 percent of global gross global balancing organisations like the Organisation of
domestic product (GDP) and 16 percent of global trade. the Islamic Cooperation, G77 and the Non-Aligned
So a successful effort in this regard is likely to have Movement, too. The ascension of various other
ripple effects. countries such as Argentina, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria,
with their own complex foreign policy preferences,
But will this new currency gambit work? There is too would not be seen favourably by Washington. But a
little known about the plan to reach definite rapidly expanded BRICS won’t necessarily be more
conclusions. The BRICS track record on de- powerful. Indeed, it could make the organisation more
dollarisation has been mixed. China and Russia have incoherent and unable to reach a clear consensus on
successfully reduced their dependence on the dollar anything of importance. (Author: Ahmadi Ali.
for cross-border trade. On the other hand, the New Published in Al Jazeera on August 22, 2023)
Development Bank, established by BRICS in large part
to facilitate the de-dollarisation of state lending is A warning to the US, but not a new Cold War: Last
largely dependent on the dollar and is now struggling week, the bloc of nations known as the BRICS took
to raise that currency due to having Russia as a the historic step of inviting six new countries for
founding member. Its chief financial officer recently membership. The grouping of Brazil, Russia, India,
acknowledged that “You cannot step outside of the China and South Africa will be joined by Saudi Arabia,
dollar universe and operate in a parallel universe.” Iran, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina
The existing dollar hegemony is backed by an and Egypt as part of an expanded collective.
intensive network effect and a convenience factor. The But these six new entrants are among dozens of
stability of the dollar and deep dollar-denominated countries that have expressed interest in joining the
markets allow for predictability, ease of use and lower BRICS. Further expansions of an organisation many
cross-border transactions. A new BRICS currency may have touted as a systemic rival to the G7 seem almost
address some of these challenges but certainly not all. certain to follow in future summits. As economic
There is also a significant imbalance in resolve tensions soar and geoeconomics becomes a
regarding de-dollarisation within the grouping. Where battleground, countries of the Global South seem
sanctioned countries like Russia and China, as well as drawn to the BRICS group, which includes and is
prospective members like Iran, are eager to disabuse partially led by China. So, why are so many countries,
the US of its ability to impose costly financial including many US partners, participating in this
sanctions, others will be less inclined to bear the cost project and seeking to boost its mission?
of such a transition. Like the Shanghai Cooperation Many argue we are in the midst of a new Cold War.
Organisation — which also includes China, Russia Even members of the United States Congress have
and India among its members — a key issue lent credence to that concept. But that is an imperfect
undermining the political impact of BRICS as a bloc is analogy. As many have pointed out, China is a peer
the complex nature of relations between its nations, economy to the US and is likely to overtake it in gross
and their differing approaches towards the West. domestic product (GDP) soon, while the former Soviet
While they all dislike being called upon to abide by Union’s economy was, at its peak, only a third that of
Western sanctions, many of them have strong the US. But what is critically different in the global
relations with Western countries that they do not wish landscape of alliances is that many countries are in a
to hurt. India and China are strategic rivals that don’t position to choose their alignment. Scholars and
see eye to eye on many issues. During last month’s analysts have been discussing the rise of the Global
SCO summit, India refused to sign on to a key South for decades, especially since the 2008 financial
economic document because it included Chinese crisis, pointing to how the unprecedented and
diplomatic language like references to Beijing’s Global sustained economic growth of many countries outside
Development Initiative. India has broadly aligned itself the West was redistributing global power. Researchers

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have also concluded that while the global economy’s among them more appetising. Scholars who have
centre of gravity was in the Atlantic, between the US examined Beijing’s relationship with the international
and Europe, in 1980, it had moved 4,800 miles order argue that China seeks to engage international
(7,725km) to Izmir, Turkey, by 2008 and will likely lie institutions to argue for its preferences. But when it is
somewhere between India and China by 2050. This denied what it sees as power commensurate with its
new environment presents the nations of the Global global position, it seeks to create parallel institutions.
South with options about how to respond to growing This can be seen in the form of the Asian
friction among major powers and how to position their Infrastructure Investment Bank, the SCO and BRICS.
nations in the midst of great power competition.
The US and its linchpin allies have common values
During the Cold War, one could awkwardly divide the and deep social interaction. More importantly, they
world into three camps: the Western bloc, the Soviet have similar forms of government and economic
bloc and the countries that were part of the so-called management. This both binds them together and
non-aligned movement. After the Cold War, many of solves collective action problems regarding world
the norms of the Western bloc formed what is often affairs. US partners in the Global South, however, are
referred to as the liberal rules-based international not under this umbrella and instead court
order. This new order was enshrined into new multipolarity to maximise their bargaining position
organisations like the World Trade Organization and vis-à-vis duelling powers. Joining a forum like the
older venues like the United Nations during a BRICS is less a declaration of alignment with Beijing
“unipolar moment”, when democratic capitalism and and more an assertion by a country that they wish to
trade liberalisation seemed to have vanquished every remain neutral or play both sides in line with their
foe. But today, the rising power balancing the US is specific national interest. (Author: Ahmadi Ali.
not looking to form a Soviet-type bloc. The reasons are Published in Al Jazeera on August 31, 2023)
both material and ideational. China does not have the
military capacity to project power over large parts of Multipolar world — BRICS vs G7 — spurring return
the planet and make security guarantees to faraway of coups in Africa? A series of violent change of
friends. It also has a grim history with alliance politics governments in recent times in French-speaking West
– such as its fallout with the Soviet Union. So it and Central Africa by military men is raising the
eschews the kind of alliances that define the US’s spectre of a return to the hoary days of dystopia and
relationship with its linchpin allies in Europe and tyranny rampant in the continent between the 1960s
East Asia. Beijing has many partners, even and the end of the Cold War. The Cold War
“comprehensive strategic partners”, but no allies. represented a global system of bipolarity in which the
Beijing also has a precarious relationship with the United States and the Soviet Union competed
international order Washington built. The order is one intensely for global domination. Relations between the
designed and carried out with US interests and Soviet Union and the US were driven by a complex
preferences in mind – and to a lesser extent those of interplay of ideological, political, and economic factors,
its close allies. As China rises, the West, and the US which led to shifts between cautious cooperation and
in particular, jealously guard the rules they’ve crafted often bitter superpower rivalry over the years. The
and the pegging order within those organisations. interventions and alliances birthed in Africa between
China’s voting power and position in international fora the 1960s and 1980s helped to shape the realities of
are still extremely small compared with its economic the bipolar world system. During the Cold War, west,
weight. For example, China has a 5 percent voting central, eastern and southern Africa proved to be
share in the World Bank’s main lending arm despite fertile grounds for proxy war as the US and the Soviet
representing 16 percent of the global GDP. Union found it critical to expand their spheres of
influence, largely by promoting leadership in the
China has repeatedly asked for its voting power, and ‘Third World’ that would be sympathetic to their
those of other emerging economies, to be increased to causes. Out of the 486 attempted or successful
represent modern global economic distribution to no military coups carried out globally since 1950, Africa
avail. This is a rather enticing combination to many accounts for the largest number with 214, of which at
countries of the Global South. Many of them also see least 106 have been successful. Data compiled by
their preferences and interests underrepresented or American researchers Jonathan M. Powell and
ignored in the world order as currently constituted. Clayton L. Thyne show that at least 45 of the 54
Additionally, aligning with organisations like BRICS nations across the African continent have experienced
does not mean binding commitments to one side of at least a single coup attempt since 1950. Between
the new Cold War. The Shanghai Cooperation 1958 and 2008, most coups in Africa occurred in
Organization (SCO) may be a security cooperation former French colonies, as did six of the seven since
forum like NATO but it lacks any Article 5 feature. If 2019. Similarly, 12 of the 20 coups in the sub-region
the worst-case scenario, a Sino-American military since 2010 happened there. The latest successful
confrontation, came to pass, US allies would be putsch in Burkina Faso came on the heels of two
expected to quickly join it in the war but China’s attempted ones, in 2015 and 2016. The end of the
partners would not. In fact, an increasingly large Cold War also saw the end of the bipolar world system.
coalition of countries with competing and conflicting
political systems, ideologies and approaches to the After the Cold War, a neoliberal democratic
West may produce an increasingly unwieldy programme was inaugurated in Africa. It promised to
organisation and exacerbate its collective action free the continent from authoritarianism and military
problem. But China is clearly gambling that a larger, seizures of power, in favour of political pluralism and
more geographically and economically diverse set of the rule of law. Thus, many decades later, coups were
countries can eventually be marshalled towards the supposed to be rare, if not a thing of the past, and
goal of enhancing their collective representation in the dictatorships were supposed to be on the decline.
world order. For example, the inclusion of more
countries, especially major commodity exporters like In February, 1989, Francis Fukuyama gave a talk on
Saudi Arabia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates, may international relations at the University of Chicago.
make greater economic integration among BRICS With the Cold War coming to an end, he foresaw a
states and the use of non-dollar currencies in trade spread of liberal democracies throughout the world.

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On the contrary, Samuel Huntington presented his Cheatham, senior advisor, Global Policy at the United
self-fulfilling prophecy, namely the “clash of States Institute for Peace, said. Kamissa Camara,
civilisations”, where he argued that international Mali’s former minister of foreign affairs, believes that
politics would now be centred by the interplay of West Russia’s role in these coups and western charges of
and non-Western civilisations and thus lead to conflict. toxic influence by Moscow in the continent is always
Ultimately, it was some 30 years of peace and quiet in overstated. Camara said: “These Russian flags that
Africa until recent times. The soldiers are coming back. you see right after a coup has taken place have been
From Burkina Faso to Mali, Niger, Guinea, Chad, planted there. I have absolutely no doubt about that.
Sudan and now Gabon, mainly western-trained army
officers are seizing back the reins of power from “I do not believe that Russia is an important player in
politicians. Researchers Hakeem Onapajo and this region. I believe that there is definitely a Russian
Muhammad Dan Suleiman assert that “the quest for propaganda at play. But culturally and even looking
strategic influence and advantage by foreign powers in at these youth in West Africa, they speak French,
Africa has involved them in coups in the continent”. most of them. They study in French, and they either
“They tolerate local politics and authoritarianism as want to immigrate to France or the United States. I do
long as their strategic advantage is served,” they said. not see any of them queuing in front of the Russian
embassy.” But focusing on foreign influences ignores
With more of the region’s elected governments at risk each country’s internal politics and security, as well
of violent overthrow, French President Emmanuel as the effects they have on each other. On a cursory
Macron has warned that “all the presidents across the look, Deji Olatoye, a lawyer, said: “The Ali Bongo
region are more or less aware of the fate that awaits overthrow plays into the succession of coups that we
them” unless democracy is restored. “I think coups in have seen in the last couple of years across Africa.
Africa are a contagion now,” Feyi Fawehinmi, an However, Gabon is not an Islamist-ridden Sahelian
author and researcher, said. For Cheta Nwanze, a country. It may even appear to play into the so-called
partner at the Lagos-based consultancy SBM “messy middle” thesis of the Economist magazine —
Intelligence, the rising spate of coups “is part of a the idea that Africa’s key dysfunctional places stretch
trend that is largely sweeping across Francophone from the Sahel in West Africa through Sudan to
Africa (for now) as French-supported autocrats Central Africa. However, it signals something different.
pretending to be democrats slowly lose their grip on Gabon, though resource-rich like DRC, has managed
power”. “There’s a risk it would jump to Anglophone a facade of stability in the last few decades. “I think
Africa, as there’s also dissatisfaction with the the clearest signal is that there is a notice now being
economic outcomes of 30 years of civilian rule in those served on democracies that have failed to properly
countries, but the risk is mostly in French Africa. launch across the continent. We expect incipient
Cameroon and Togo are likely next,” he added. The democracies to totter at first, but then to mature as
widening ‘coup belt’ across the Sahel, West Africa and time goes on. What we have seen in the last decade is
Central Africa demonstrates a repudiation of US and that the wave of democratisation that swept through
western influence and pressure. Africa from the early 90s have largely produced
regimes that did not go beyond the box-ticking of
Years of unipolar power dominance and influence by election cycles.
the US and its western allies in the continent through
aid, loans, sanctions and threats of sanctions has left “There is a crying legitimacy gap, not just in the
many Africans unimpressed. The continent has made quality of elections, but in the outcome – the so-called
little economic progress during this period. Onapajo democracy dividends – for the populace. This has
and Suleiman said: “Governance deficits, non- manifested in diverse ways across the continent. In
fulfilment of the entitlements of citizenship, frustrated places like Gabon, Togo, Cameroon and Equatorial
masses (most of whom are young) and growing Guinea, it has manifested in effete sight-tight regimes
insecurity are chief among the inward-looking causes. and dynasties. The clearest signal from Gabon is to
International factors, including external influence, are these other sight-tight regimes, including in
among the outward-looking.” neighbouring Cameroon where President Biya’s regime
is deepening separatist disaffection. For other parts of
These immediate factors, according to them, “exist in the continent where election cycles are deteriorating,
a broader context that allows immediate causes to no matter how we choose to see or not see what has
persist long enough to spark coups. Unimpressive happened in Gabon, Ali Bongo’s overthrow is also a
democratic conditions in countries, and the notice.” The challenge to majority rule in Africa,
consistency of foreign influence in African countries, Camara concurs is that “democracy as we understand
make it unsurprising that there have been recent it in the west has not been that successful in some
attempted and successful military takeovers of African countries, including the ones that have
government”. While the US’ Africa policy promises recently experienced the coup”. “And so, first of all,
economic partnerships in areas that speak to both what I’m hoping is that the youth in these countries
African economic priorities and US strengths, for define their own path and design the institutions that
many in the continent, the west is more interested in they want to see,” she said. “And my second hope is
the political and economic mileage it can get from that we, as international partners, put our emphasis
Africa. on the private sector, which will be able to create the
jobs that will be needed in the next few years when
The rise of the BRICS group of nations and its recent these millions of youth will come onto the drug market
expansion poses a counterweight to the G7 western seeking a better future.” (Author: Nosa Igbinadolor.
powers. Originally, the countries came together as a Published in Business Today on September 1, 2023)
grouping in the late 2000s to coalesce around issues
of finance, development and trade. However, the bloc China’s vision for the Global South:
has now grown to symbolise one side of the ledger in a When the BRICS recently decided to invite six
world of bitter strategic rivalry and growing countries to join as new members, Chinese President
multipolarity. “Great attention to the BRICS around Xi Jinping hailed the expansion as a historic move
the world has helped China and Russia’s rhetorical that highlights the resolve of the BRICS to pursue
campaign to pin ‘the West’ against ‘the rest’,” Andrew unity and cooperation in the developing world. Beyond

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the BRICS, Xi’s comment is precisely a reflection of to $1 trillion by incubating over 3,000 projects around
what China envisions for the Global South. Since war the world. As a result, some 420,000 jobs have been
broke out in Ukraine, the US-led West has found itself created and nearly 40 million people have been lifted
in a somewhat awkward position where, despite its out of poverty in countries involved in the BRI. To a
lobby and charm offensive, the Global South can’t be large extent, it is the success of the BRI that has
persuaded into siding with the West on this war. In a prompted Western countries to roll out their own
recent example, a July summit between the European initiatives in a bid to compete with China, such as the
Union and Latin America failed to reach even a bland G7’s Build Back Better World and the EU’s Global
statement on the war due to their huge rift on this Gateway.
issue. The root cause of this “West against the rest”
phenomenon is that the West has in many ways failed From China’s perspective, anyone’s promise to invest
to grasp the real concerns and priorities of the Global in the Global South is not a bad thing. In fact, the BRI
South. To most developing countries across Asia, itself represents a platform that is open to the West as
Africa and Latin America, there are much more well, and some Western corporations have already
pressing issues to worry about – recovery from the benefited from it. In 2016, the General Electric gained
Covid-19 pandemic, indebtedness, food security, orders worth $2.3 billion for construction and
climate change, etc. Plus, ties with Russia also matter engineering projects under the BRI. Similarly,
to many of them, so they have pragmatically taken a Siemens has worked with over 100 Chinese partners
neutral position that enables them to better navigate on BRI-related energy and mining projects. Citibank
the geopolitics related to the war. In addition, and Deutsche Bank have participated in the financing
Washington’s narrative in framing the war – in fact, of BRI projects. By comparison, given the fact that a
many other international issues as well – as starting point of the Western initiatives is to compete
“democracy versus autocracy” is certainly not helpful with the BRI, whether they’ll provide opportunities to
in winning the hearts of the Global South countries. A Chinese companies remains an open question. Trade
little critical thinking would tell us that to define and investment are one aspect of China’s contribution
whether or not a country is a democracy using to development in the Global South. Furthermore, its
Western criteria alone is in and of itself undemocratic, economic rise over the past few decades represents a
and it only runs a risk of entrenching the existing victory for the mentality that each country deserves a
ideological divisions in the world today. development path in accordance with its own
conditions. China has pursued its economic
China’s ideas such as “community of shared future” achievements through a path featuring not only
and “balanced, sustainable security architecture” learning from the advanced economies but also
appear to better dovetail with the realistic need of the keeping its own DNA. In this sense, there could be
Global South countries. In essence, China’s worldview tremendous inspirations for underdeveloped countries
calls for shelving frictions and prioritizing cooperation regarding how to manage their future destiny. It looks
for the sake of mutual prosperity, rather than pushing like multi-polarity is becoming a reality in the world
countries to choose sides. More importantly, China’s today. In one example, the G7 industrialized
proposals on global governance are not empty slogans. countries’ share of global GDP declined to less than
Instead, they are based on concrete actions in China’s 45% in 2021, compared to nearly 70% in the late
foreign policy. When it comes to helping mitigate 1980s. As a major power in the developing world,
conflicts, for instance, China supplies more UN China has a responsibility to help bolster unity and
peacekeeping troops than the other four permanent prosperity in the Global South. The goal is to establish
members of the UN Security Council combined. Since a more equitable world order with increased
1990, Chinese soldiers involved in UN peacekeeping representation of the Global South in international
missions have left their footprints in more than 20 affairs. (Author: Ding Heng. Published in Pakistan
countries and regions across Southeast Asia, the Observer on September 5, 2023)
Middle East and Africa. During a June visit to China
by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Xi Jinping BRICS & the future of Chinese influence: BRICS
raised a three-point proposal aimed at working has taken a significant step in expanding its
towards peace between Palestine and Israel. In fact, membership to six influential countries in the Middle
China has been involved in mediating between the two East, Africa, and South America. This includes
sides since 2002, when China set up its special envoy Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and
for the Middle East. Some observers might view the the UAE. The inclusion of these six countries is seen
Iran-Saudi Arabia rapprochement as China enjoying as a major win for BRICS, es-pecially China. It is
the fruits of earlier diplomatic work done by others, generally believed that a new eco-nomic and political
but the deal was actually a result of many years of order is on the rise as influential Middle Eastern
balanced diplomacy and trust building that China has countries rally behind China’s led diplomatic and
carried out in the Middle East. In China’s mentality, economic initiatives.
peace and development come hand in hand. While the
former certainly paves the way to the latter, the latter Theatrics and optics are important in today’s world.
can also enhance the former in return. Let’s not forget Narratives also play a key role in global poli-tics.
that China’s growing economic ties with both Iran and There is a mixed narrative and debate on BRICS and
Saudi Arabia are an indispensable factor behind the way China has asserted its influence. It depends
Beijing’s successful brokering of the Iran-Saudi on how one views the developments.
rapprochement. And at a time when ASEAN has
become China’s largest trading partner, there are The criticism of BRICS is that it does not have any
more incentives on both sides to maintain stability in planned and well-elaborated membership criteria.
the South China Sea. In terms of development, it is no Therefore, becom-ing part of BRICS does not actually
secret that China has made enormous efforts to mean much. It also does not have a well-chalked-out
promote trade, cross-border investment, and strategic direction for what the goal and ultimate aim
infrastructure connectivity across the Global South. of including these six countries in BRICS would be. It
According to data compiled by the Chinese should also be kept in mind that there are limits to
government, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has cooperation among rival states in the Middle East.
over the past decade driven investments worth close Would new-ly evolved rivals like the UAE, KSA, and

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Iran merge their inter-ests in BRICS, or is it merely by the United States. Beijing has undoubtedly become
about securing a seat at the table? This is the a dominant force in the global economy, bolstering its
developing criticism of BRICS and its expansion that military and strategic capabilities. But it has not been
might see new critical points in the coming weeks. the only power trying to assert itself in recent years.
Russia under the revisionist leadership of Vladimir
There is also appreciation for BRICS. And it comes in Putin has also sought to regain its status as a world
abundance. The general public in the global south power. To that end, the Russian president has
celebrates the expan-sion. China is their new hero, at adopted more assertive politics vis-à-vis the West and
least in terms of optics. To them, China is the big moved closer to China, especially after Xi Jinping
country that is out there to build con-sensus, became China’s leader in 2013. Russia’s full-scale
cooperation, and address issues like regional rivalry. invasion of Ukraine has accelerated the showdown
Recent diplomatic developments like the Saudi-Iran over global leadership and prompted new questions
détente are considered a Chinese masterstroke and a over who should lead the ever more complicated
diplomatic win. A plethora of former diplomats in the international system. Some have argued for a
region, experts, and academics have appreciated the multipolar world system, claiming it would make it
rapprochement, which has added much value to the easier to manage global challenges, such as climate
Chinese diplomatic narrative. The BRICS expansion change, pandemics and cybercrimes. They say it is
and inclusion of six states is yet another feather in the fairer, more equitable and democratic than the
cap for China. unipolar or bipolar world systems. Others contend
that there is no one better suited to lead a fair and
As diplomatic developments take place rapidly, it is democratic world than the world’s leading democracy,
impor-tant to take stock of the future of Chinese America, along with its democratic allies. After all, it
influence. Influence has many tools. At the moment, remains the dominant military and economic
the Chinese strat-egy seems to be focused on creating superpower, dwarfing China, India, Russia, Japan
an image that the world wants to see. The last two and others in terms of its hard, smart and soft powers.
decades of ravaging wars, politi-cal upheavals, and Indeed, none comes even close to contesting US
changing alliances have created anxieties for the geopolitical clout, forward military deployments or
Middle Eastern states. During these periods, they maritime projection. The US has about 750 bases in
have wished to extricate themselves from the at least 80 countries worldwide. China commands one
quagmire of conflict that could end up toppling base – in Djibouti. Similarly, there is no match for its
governments and kingdoms. The Middle East has economic dexterity and vitality, high-tech innovations
been in the eye of the storm for too long. and commercial successes, not to mention the
Con-sequently, it wants to see a world of certainty, unrivalled Brand America. These claims hold much
predictability, and stability. China offers just that. truth and may have been totally convincing back in
the 1990s when the US emerged victorious from the
China proposes to put an end to potential and Cold War after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
anticipated cri-ses in the Middle East through But they no longer are. In the past two decades,
diplomacy. This is a relief for many apprehensions America’s political and economic decline has taken its
that the region has had. How long that will last is yet toll over its global leverage and authority, and its
to be seen. Its durability is not the issue in question. Faustian deals with unsavvy autocrats have damaged
The real challenge is putting the fears to rest for the its credibility. Strategically, US military entanglements
moment. in the Greater Middle East under the pretext of the
“global war on terror” since the 9/11 attacks have
BRICS boasts to represent 40% of the global greatly undermined US power projection. The
population and a quarter of global GDP. With six disastrous war in Iraq and the long and humiliating
influential states joining the mechanism, the total defeat in Afghanistan showed the limits of the US
wealth would be around 31 trillion dollars. However, military force. Strategic disengagement and
where China lacks is a durable regional mechanism retrenchments under Presidents Barack Obama’s and
that can actually perform and bring about change at Donald Trump’s administrations made it difficult to
the grassroots level. This requires cooperation and shape events and influence leaders, who increasingly
foolproof economic mechanisms outlined by the states. deemed the US an erratic and unreliable partner.
At the moment, the Middle Eastern countries have not
outlined a proper mechanism for cooperation. It is still On the economic front, the 2008 financial crisis,
in a nascent stage. The region is recovering from which started in the US and threatened the collapse of
decades of wars, like Afghanistan, and is infested with the global financial system, has dealt a blow to its
terrorist organisations operating from the Far East to neoliberal system, pushing more countries to diversify
Africa. Economic stagnation, terrorism, and regional their economic relations. It also paved the way for the
rivalries are some of the many issues that plague the rise of the G20, and the emergence of mid-size powers,
regions of the Far East, Asia, the Middle East, and which now exercise growing influence on the global
Africa. China is probably not commit-ted to stage at the expense of the US and its G7 allies.
addressing all of that. For a ‘Chinese order’ to take off, Meanwhile, Brand America suffered bigly, not least
it needs to offer something that would address these because of the advent of Trumpism in 2016,
issues at the earliest. China has captured the symbolising the retreat of Western liberalism and the
imagination of many. The influ-ence has started to rise of populist, corrupt and autocratic forces in the
show some signs. However, sophistication and West and beyond. These trends rendered American-
political finesse are still needed. (Author: Dr. Taimur promoted liberalism a harder sell to the rest of the
Shamil. Published in The Nation on August 30, 2023) world. US President Joe Biden’s declaration that
“America is back” after he defeated Trump in the 2020
Navigating the 21st century requires solidarity not election was not followed by a notable resurgence of
polarity. Over the past decade or so, signs that the US power. His attempts to salvage US leadership
American-dominated world order is crumbling have through the so-called “rules-based international
become increasingly more visible. The rise of China – system” have failed. This system has been viewed as a
boosted by its entry into the World Trade Organization rigged scheme that favours the West against the rest
in 2001 – has challenged the unipolarity maintained and, in the process, bypasses international law. And

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yet, the alternative – a multipolar world – is not such but make no mistake, the previous 300 years of
a bright prospect as other powers step in to fill the multipolarity were utterly disastrous, leading to
void. Multiple world powers competing and fighting to devastating regional, colonial and imperials wars of all
enhance their interests and advance their influence strands and horrors. And so, it seems to me that
does not necessarily add up to a better world. Rather despite having the advantage of a cleareyed historical
the contrary: Diversity shaped by animosity could also perspective, today’s world powers seem as rash as
lead to anarchy and chaos. their 19th and 20th century predecessors,
approaching world affairs as a zero-sum game instead
That is why, as the debate over the new global of a win-win gambit. In the not-so-distant past, world
leadership rages, the more important question to ask powers tended to be hypocritical, but today they are
is how this new order will be led and managed. It can increasingly cynical as if it is naive to be righteous
be either driven by strategic and ideological hostility – and smart to be cruel. In sum, multipolarity should
which would have a devastating impact on the world – not be confused with multilateralism. A bunch of
or by a more pragmatic, power-sharing scheme competing world powers do not make for a responsible
shaped by expansive economic and commercial international community. As long as international
relations. If history is any guide, there is no hope to be relations are driven by power and greed, not
had from international law or international cooperation and shared creed, the world will suffer
agreements when world powers are at loggerheads. regardless of who or how many are at the top. Given
Worse, the management of global challenges would the choice, the world should embrace solidarity over
suffer. The past 30 years of unipolarity and the polarity and collaboration over hostility. (Author:
preceding 30 years of bipolarity may have failed Marwan. Published in Al Jazeera on June 19, 2023)
miserably to bring peace and security to the world,


THE concept of economic interdependence and its stability in the country. It is an undenied fact that the
associated theories of liberal inter-governmentalism after effects of conflict in Afghanistan over the last
and neo-functionalism serve as the key driver for the four decades and militancy in the region has the
regional integration of states across the world. The tendency to negatively influence the geoeconomic
South Asian region has been prone to conflict since realities. Strained relationship between the Taliban
last four decades, particularly the two major wars administration and Pakistan will add to the challenges
fought in Afghanistan had its dynamic implications for for the varying sides. Moreover, the spillovers of
the geopolitics and regional integration. Liberals and Russia-Ukraine conflict as well as any possible future
realists have argued that economic interdependence US intervention in the region is also a major challenge
and conflict amongst states are inter-related with each since the human rights issues as well as ban on
other and while states tend to cooperate to further female education by Taliban Administration in
their trade relationship; consequently, they are keen Afghanistan is a major challenge for the international
to initiate a conflict to attain their hegemonic designs. community. China’s constructive engagement with the
China has emerged as one of the global powers in the political leadership of Pakistan and Afghanistan as
world with its deep-rooted geoeconomic interests well as its active support in the economic survival of
around the world. Being a neighbouring state, both these states is undenied; however, the futuristic
Pakistan’s relationship with China has been cordial geoeconomic realities of the region require a varying
and diplomatic and both states have collaborated and perspective to be envisioned. Peace and stability in
supported each other in their global and regional Afghanistan are the foremost requirement for any
initiatives. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) inter-state economic relationship and this issue needs
as a flagship project of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to be addressed by taking regional as well as global
had been initiated in 2013 with a vision to transform stakeholders on board. Rather sidelining Taliban, the
and integrate the geoeconomics of the region. Through global community needs to recognize the Taliban
its energy, infrastructure and transportation projects, Administration in order to engage them politico-
China has pledged to invest more than $62 billion in economically. First step needs to be taken by a global
different projects in Pakistan in order to enhance the power preferably, the United States and rest are
actual trade potential of the region. Gwadar is being expected to follow the course. Soft diplomacy by
envisioned as one of the busiest deep sea-ports in the Taliban can actually help them attain this objective
near future while trade connectivity with Central Asia much swiftly. Once the Taliban Government is
through Afghanistan will transform a conflict prone recognized by states around the world, their global
region into an economic hub. Chinese influence in interaction will help them to initiate economic
Afghanistan and its investment in the country has engagement with states across the world. Moreover,
been evident since the Ghani Administration. As the enhanced economic activity in the country will lead to
United States ended its diplomatic presence in the reduced poverty and decline in terrorism and
country in August 2021, China furthered its politico- militancy. Taliban Administration also needs to halt
diplomatic relationship with Taliban Administration. their support to the TTP in order to strengthen their
Recently, a Chinese firm signed a 25-year multimillion relationship with Pakistan. Conversely, if Taliban
dollar contract to extract oil from Afghanistan. Such a government is not recognized by any state, the world
venture indicates China’s long-term interest and its may witness another tragic attack like 9/11 leading to
geoeconomic relationship with Afghanistan. Though it another global conflict. Political reality like Taliban
is a fact that China has also not recognized the must not be undermined and if the United States can
Taliban government in Afghanistan as of now, negotiate and sign Doha Accord with them, it can
however, its economic and diplomatic engagement recognize their government as well, particularly after
cannot be overlooked, keeping in view its vision of they have survived around 18 months with a torn
reviving the old Silk Route. economy. China, Pakistan and Afghanistan will
become a regionally integrated economic reality, only
Afghanistan is geostrategically positioned at the if Afghanistan and Pakistan will stabilize their political
crossroads of South and Central Asia and economy and mend their relationship with the rest of
materializing the dream of transforming the region in the world. Recognition of Taliban government followed
to an economic hub is conditional to peace and by initiation of their economic relationship with the

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rest of the world, eradication of militancy followed by is the only way-forward to strengthen themselves as
peace and stability in Pakistan and Afghanistan, well as transform the region in a geoeconomic hub;
mature political relationship amongst the political however, prospects of conflict and interference of
parties of Pakistan and a collective effort aimed at global powers in the region with their strategic
working for national interest and balance in the objectives must not be overlooked as well. (Author:
relationship with the global powers are some of the Hassam Ahmed Siddiqi. Published in Pakistan
prerequisites for an integrated geoeconomic vision to Observer on September 2, 2023)
transform into a reality. Cooperation for all the states

Nuclear weapons should be relics of the past

In the quiet and peaceful steppe of Kazakhstan, a 65,000 in the mid-1980s to around 12,500 today,
dark and ominous legacy lingers beneath the surface. thanks to the landmark Treaty on the Non-
Over four decades between 1949 and 1989, 456 Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). However, we
nuclear bombs were detonated by the Soviet Union at cannot stop here. As the world marks the
the Semipalatinsk Test Site in northern Kazakhstan. International Day against Nuclear Tests on August 29,
While the echoes of nuclear explosions have long which the UN declared in 2009 to mark the closure of
faded, the scars of nuclear testing run deep. More the Semipalatinsk Test Site in 1991, we must embrace
than 1.5 million people in Kazakhstan were exposed to global disarmament. It is a moral imperative, a duty to
the toxic fallout from those tests. Countless lives were future generations, and a responsibility we cannot
irreversibly altered, and the environment was forever shirk. The resources currently spent on maintaining
scarred. I am a living testament to the horrors of and modernising nuclear arsenals could be
nuclear testing, as I was born without arms due to the channelled into eradicating poverty, addressing
effects of nuclear radiation. climate change, and advancing education and
healthcare. Education is a powerful tool in the fight
Decades have passed since the Semipalatinsk Test for disarmament. By raising awareness about the
Site was used as a canvas for nuclear experimentation, devastating consequences of nuclear weapons and
yet the threat to the world from nuclear weapons testing, we can inspire collective action and public
remains all too real. The global confrontation between demand for change. That is why I have dedicated my
major powers has raised the possibility that nuclear life to urging the world to rid itself of the destructive
weapons could be used, even if accidentally. The menace of nuclear weapons. Kazakhstan is hoping to
spectre of mutually assured destruction looms large, achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world by 2045, the
reminding us that the line between peace and centennial of the founding of the United Nations. We
catastrophic conflict is paper-thin. It is a line we can have just over two decades to make this a reality, but
no longer afford to tread. The recent diplomatic efforts the efforts must pick up pace now. The path towards
and agreements aimed at halting nuclear testing and nuclear disarmament is not an easy one, but it is a
proliferation have shown promise, but they are merely journey worth embarking upon. We owe it to ourselves,
steps on a longer journey. The Comprehensive our children, and the generations yet unborn. Let us
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), which seeks to ban not be remembered as the generation that failed to
all nuclear explosions, is a crucial instrument in this heed the call of reason and compassion. Instead, we
endeavour. Yet, despite its adoption by a vast majority should be remembered as the generation that had the
of nations, it awaits ratification by some key states, courage to stand up and say, “No more.” Let us be the
preventing its full implementation. Governments and ones to make nuclear weapons a relic of the past,
leaders must recognise that the pursuit of security forever banished from our world. (Author: Karipbek
through the possession of nuclear weapons is a fallacy. Kuyukov. Published in Al-Jazeera on August 29, 2023)
Kazakhstan once had the fourth-largest nuclear
arsenal in the world. But my country voluntarily
relinquished these weapons after gaining
independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Despite
being a young sovereign nation, the lack of nuclear
weapons did not threaten our security and stable
development. Quite the contrary. Through its multi-
vector foreign policy, Kazakhstan has developed good
relations with all its neighbours and beyond.
Kazakhstan’s case is proof that true security can be
achieved through the complete elimination of nuclear
weapons. Our path forward is clear. We must
advocate for the universal ratification of the CTBT,
leaving no room for ambiguity regarding the end of
nuclear testing. This will require not only political will
but also a collective commitment to securing a safer
world for generations to come. The pursuit of
disarmament must be a shared endeavour that
transcends borders, ideologies and differences. All
nuclear-armed states must demonstrate their
commitment to disarmament through substantial
reductions in their arsenals.

Nuclear disarmament is not a distant dream; it is a

tangible goal within our reach. The success of
initiatives like the International Campaign to Abolish
Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which led to the adoption of Diplomacy crucial to ending world’s escalating
the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons arms race: Ten years since the Syrian regime
(TPNW), demonstrates the power of global unity. The launched its atrocious chemical weapons attack on
number of nuclear weapons has declined from around Douma, killing more than 1,400 people, the state of

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international affairs should be ringing major alarm New technologies also pose a threat. Could cyber
bells in terms of the potential combat use of weapons weapons be deployed to take down an entire state
of mass destruction, including nuclear. infrastructure? How will artificial intelligence impact
military doctrines and decision-making? Will
At times, the world has come close. Nuclear-armed hypersonic missiles render defensive systems obsolete?
powers India and Pakistan have faced off against each What about space weapons?
other. As the years passed, previously closely guarded
secrets about the 1962 Cuban missile crisis have Major powers are wary of any alterations to the
revealed that the world was even closer than we balance of power and threat that could weaken their
thought to a nuclear disaster between the US and the response capabilities. Mutual assured destruction, the
Soviet Union. The success of the film “Oppenheimer” doctrine credited with staving off nuclear conflict
may just jolt the world’s leaderships and publics from during the Cold War, is dependent on the confidence
the comfort blanket of complacency and inertia. of all nuclear-armed parties in their second-strike
options. Strategic stability is dependent on all sides
Firstly, global clashes and instability are thriving. The knowing there is no benefit to a first-strike option.
standout issue is Ukraine and the Russian invasion,
as tensions with NATO descended into near-direct One would hope that increased tensions will energize
confrontation. As the war has escalated, the US and a renewed commitment to arms control mechanisms.
its NATO allies have been sucked in further, with ever- However, the opposite is happening, as the global
increasing weapons supplies and training. For years, architecture is crumbling away. In the European
NATO members have, in theory, agreed to a 2 percent theater, the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in
of gross domestic product target for defense spending. Europe, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
In 2014 ,only three members achieved this, while this and the Treaty on Open Skies have all collapsed, with
year 11 are expected to do so. European powers and the US blaming Russian
Finland has joined NATO, with Sweden to follow, both
for their own security, while at the same time Most of these agreements were, in any event, not
escalating matters with Russia. Even Switzerland is applicable to a non-bipolar world. We are now closer
reexamining its long-term neutrality status with NATO to a tripolar setup. Russia and the US may no longer
in mind. It has already declared that it wants to join be prepared to limit their arsenals to 5,000 to 6,000
the European Sky Shield Initiative, a German-led weapons. China is no longer willing to have a minimal
project to develop European air and missile defense deterrent of a few hundred nuclear weapons, as in the
systems. Military spending in Europe grew by 13 past. The US believes China will possess about 1,500
percent in 2022, the largest rise since the end of the warheads by 2035, but at what point will Beijing
Cold War. decide it has enough? Some in the US believe that the
only response should be that America has to maintain
In the longer run, the US-China relationship is parity in terms of the number of warheads with China
arguably far more perilous. Russian power is on the and Russia combined.
wane — it is a mid-level economy with a rusting, aging
military machine. China is the surging global force Proliferation also poses a danger in that it could
challenging the US at all levels. It is desperate to facilitate nonstate actors in acquiring ever more
assert its predominance in the Asia-Pacific, but some powerful weapons. One of the fears following the
fear farther afield too. Taiwan is just one of the hot chemical weapons attack in Douma was that
button issues that have to be managed carefully. extremists would be successful in their zealous quest
to steal such weapons from the Syrian regime’s
Chinese posturing is alarming not just to Taiwan, but arsenal. Who knows if instability in Pakistan or
also other neighbors including India, Australia and perhaps in North Korea could risk materials, even
Japan. Australia has invested heavily in its own long- weapons, falling into other hands?
range strike capabilities, purchasing US systems.
Beijing has told India to keep calm after an official None of this is helped by the inertia at the UN
Chinese map appeared to lay claim to Indian territory Security Council. In theory, the major powers all agree
in northeastern Arunachal Pradesh state and the that arms control matters, but they have wildly
disputed Aksai Chin plateau. On this map, China also diverging positions on what this means. The Ukraine
continues to maintain its claim to most of the South crisis has shredded any sense of shared decision-
China Sea. Keeping calm may not be so easy. making in the global interest. The US and China are
going through the motions of dialing down the
India has tensions with both Pakistan and China. If temperature with mixed success. Confidence-building
China expands its arsenal, New Delhi may follow suit, measures are a minimum requirement.
with a knock-on effect for Pakistan.
But diplomacy is the most secure, cost-effective and
The more irrational and unpredictable actors include reliable exit from this dangerous escalation of tensions.
North Korea. Pyongyang’s provocative missile tests are At a time when the planet requires huge investments
commonplace. South Korea and others have been to tackle climate change, environmental damage and
compelled to ramp up their defensive and offensive the impact of myriad conflicts, the last thing billions
capabilities to counter this. of citizens want to see is trillions splurged on
unnecessary doomsday weapons nobody ever wants to
Iran is, of course, progressing ever closer to nuclear see deployed. Medium-sized, non-nuclear powers may
power status. Its rapprochement with key actors like be the parties that can corral the big boys to bring
Saudi Arabia could act as a brake and the reduction their dangerous toys to the table and engage in the
in tensions is welcome, yet who is convinced this will grown-up talks we all need. (Author: CHRIS DOYLE.
last? Published in Arab News on September 4, 2023)

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As the legal battle over IIOJK continues

While hearing petitions against Jammu & Kashmir democratic local self-governance so people participate
Reorganization Act, the Indian Supreme Court asked in the internal institutions for their own good.”
state authorities to respond if there was a timeline to
convert the occupied Kashmir from a union territory It appears that the legal battle in the Indian Supreme
to a state. Earlier, the top court had admitted Court challenging the Jammu & Kashmir
petitions challenging the revocation of articles 370 Reorganization Act will continue but the bench is not
and 35-A that granted special status to the occupied giving a free hand to the state arguing that the misuse
territory. Thus continues what is going to be a long of authority and power by New Delhi in union
legal battle to take the case of Indian Illegally territories of Ladakh and J&K along with the absence
Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) to its logical of democratic process tend to question the legitimacy
conclusion. of the entire process that ended the special status of
J&K on August 5, 2019.
A five-judge bench that has been hearing the petitions
for two weeks observed on August 30 that the India’s top court is the last hope for those who are
reorganization of the state was not “one of a kind” as determined not to accept the Jammu & Kashmir
was pointed out by Solicitor General Tushar Mehta. Reorganization Act and want the country’s highest
That bench, headed by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud legal organ to give a fair judgment which can restore
and including Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Sanjiv the special status of the Muslim-majority territory. To
Khanna, BR Gavai and Surya Kant, noted that the what extent the Indian Supreme Court will give a
case of J&K bifurcation is no different from those of judgment adhering to the supremacy of law remains
other Indian states that have experienced the same. to be seen. While the Solicitor General stated before
The Chief Justice disagreed with the Solicitor General the Supreme Court that the union territory status of
who argued that the case of J&K is different because J&K was not permanent, he failed to mention how
the region shares border with two countries, and much time the Center will take to restore the J&K’s
mentioned that Punjab and Northeast also share electoral status which has been suspended for many
borders with foreign countries and can be equated years. While a roadmap for the restoration of electoral
with J&K. Yet, the Chief Justice in the August 30 democracy in J&K is sought by the five-member
hearing took note of how matters of national security bench, the Indian state has so far given no time
may be critical in case of J&K. framework.

The crisis that plunged the Indo-Pak relations into The ongoing legal battle needs to be examined from
another phase of degeneration was triggered on two angles.
August 5, 2019 when the Indian parliament ended the
special status of J&K and declared it — as well as First, legally, technically and morally, there is
Ladakh — union territories to be governed directly by justification of absorbing J&K into the Indian state by
New Delhi. After getting approval from the parliament ending the special status granted to it under the
by a two-thirds majority, the reorganization bill was Indian constitution. When there was no Constituent
signed by the president to become part of the Indian Assembly in Srinagar at the time the J&K
constitution. Illegality was reflected in that bill Reorganization Act was passed, how can that act be
because according to article 370 of the Indian deemed legal and constitutional? According to the law,
constitution any change in the status of J&K had to without the approval of the Constituent Assembly of
be approved by the Constituent Assembly of the state J&K, article 370 cannot be revoked. This legal point
which was non-functional at that time. has been focused by the petitioners challenging the
August 5, 2019 act. New Delhi can give all sorts of
The Solicitor General tried to sidetrack the ground reasons — ranging from threats to national security,
realities in J&K while giving arguments before the terrorism and violence — to justify the imposition of
five-member bench by stating, “If Gujarat, or Madhya the Center’s rule in Srinagar but cannot win the legal
Pradesh, was to be bifurcated, the parameters would battle if decided on merit.
be different. But when [the same has to happen to]
Jammu and Kashmir; considering its strategic Second, in view of its illegal stance on J&K, the Modi
importance, border state, history of terrorism, history regime will attempt a Pulwama-type, false-flag
of infiltration, history of outside influence, there would operation and put the blame on Pakistan in order to
be some considerations. We share borders with at make a case before Supreme Court that it needs more
least four countries, all of which may not be friendly time to restore the democratic process in J&K. A
— to put it mildly.” Pulwama-type operation would also help the BJP in
the May 2024 general elections.
The Solicitor General’s strange logic was contested by
the Chief Justice, arguing that “India has many states The Modi regime after holding G-20 tourism
that share border with neighbouring countries, and conference Srinagar in May this year is now planning
Jammu and Kashmir is no exception.” Citing the to hold Miss World contest in J&K on December 8 so
“complex” situation of J&K in terms of national as to give the impression to the world that all is well in
security, the Solicitor General said, “The history also the disputed region. Can India get away with its illegal
shows how the situation in Kashmir is developing… act of August 5, 2019 by holding such events? (Author:
the deaths of civilians, the deaths of security forces, Dr Moonis Ahmar. Published in The Express Tribune on
the number of attacks, stone-pelting, the hartals, September 5, 2023)
paralyzing schools, hospitals, banks, businesses and
everything. All of these are policy considerations. Historical injustices in Kashmir
Whenever a state reorganization takes place, not only Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General (SG) of the
are their policy considerations as to why but also a United Nations tweeted on August 23, 2023, ‘All
blue print as to what the Center would do after the human beings are born free and equal in dignity and
state is reorganized. How to bring youth in rights. As we mark the 75th anniversary of the
mainstream? How to employ, float schemes? There are Universal Declaration of Human Rights, our worst
several considerations. We will have to start with enemy is complacency. We must continue to make

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Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

human rights real in the lives of people everywhere.’ invoking Article 99 ought to be recognised as an
Honorable Antonio Guterres, I had written to you on option to consider in dealing with this problem,
January 7, 2017, upon assuming the office of the because nothing else to date has worked.
Secretary General that the unanimity of the Security
Council is indicative of their wisdom in believing that Narender Modi and Dr. Jaishankar Ji know it well
you are an ideal candidate with the character, vision that the United Nations resolutions can never become
and talent to face the growing challenges in an ever- outdated or obsolete or overtaken by events or
expanding global community. Six years later, I still changed circumstances. Mere passage of time or the
believe that you are the right person to pave the way flight from realities cannot alter the fact that these
to settle the complicated international conflicts like resolutions remain unimplemented until today. The
Kashmir. It is often suggested by so-called experts of passage of time cannot invalidate an enduring and
South Asia that if people had jobs, there wouldn’t be irreplaceable principle–the right of self-determination
such turmoil and rebellion in the streets. But when of the people of Kashmir. If passage of time were
the human rights of Kashmiris are so consistently allowed to extinguish solemn international agreements,
violated that such suffering becomes the norm, world then the United Nations Charter should suffer the
powers seem to forget that the pain of losing one’s son same fate as the resolutions on Kashmir. If non-
to a bullet or having the honor of one’s mother or implementation were to render an agreement defunct,
sister violated cannot be replaced with a job at an then the Geneva Convention in twenty-first century in
electronics factory as suggested by Amit Shah, Interior many countries is in no better state than these
Minister of India. The cry for self-determination has resolutions.
become deep and immersed in a bitterness that has
no substitute. It is high time that we try to make a constructive
departure. The best point for doing so is to restore the
It is worth noting that Kashmiris’ claim to self- focus where it originally belonged and where it still
determination is exceptionally strong even without the rests logically: the rights and interests of the people of
UN’s recognition. Kashmir has been historically Kashmir itself. What should be the procedure for
independent, except in the anarchical conditions of putting the dispute on the road to a settlement? The
late 18th and the first half of 19th centuries. And also, better way would be to ask the Secretary General of
the territory of Kashmir is larger in size than 121 the UN, with the concurrence of the Security Council,
independent countries and bigger in number than 117 to engage himself, directly or through a representative
nations of the world. The nation of Kashmir still of high international standing, in a sustained effort of
remembers when Narendra Modi abrogated Article facilitation which should ensure that the position of
370 & 35 A on August 5, 2019, his aim was not the the people of Kashmir is fully taken into account and
resolve the issue but to dissolve it? Then on August 8, aim at a settlement within a reasonable time-frame,
2019, you gave hope to 23 million Kashmiris by providing for a transitional period, if necessary, for a
articulating the principled position of the United calming effect. There cannot be a better agency than
Nations that Kashmir issue has to be resolved under the Secretary General of the United Nations himself to
UN Charter and applicable UN Security Council mediate or facilitate between the parties concerned.
resolutions. That signifies that the claim that Kashmir Secretary General has no ambition to assert
is an integral part of India does not stand. Kashmir dominance while as great powers do. Mediation by the
has an international dimension that deserves the Secretary General would be free from the jealousies
attention of the U.N. and the global community. and the ambitions that characterise individual
initiative. The Secretary General will have to remain
It is important to observe that when we talk about the under no obligation to please any particular power or
international dimension of Kashmir, it is because it particular set of powers or groups. Yes, there will be
has the sanctity of the UN Charter and UN Security resistance from India but if India is impressed with
Council resolutions and has become a big hurdle or what she would gain by a just settlement of the
obstacle in the growth and stability of both India and Kashmir dispute, her negativity may not be
Pakistan. The unresolved conflict over Kashmir insurmountable. (Author: Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai.
threatens the international peace and security of the Published in The Nation on August 29, 2023)
world. It is far past time for the UN to take forceful
action in order to restore peace to Kashmir. Perhaps

Pakistan amidst a polycrisis

The caretaker government has made a sensible days, the interbank rate of the dollar is still far behind
decision to link any possible relief in electricity bills to the open market rate, breaching the difference
the consent of the IMF in order not to jeopardize the threshold that Pakistan committed with the IMF.
ongoing standby agreement.
On the other hand, high demand for imports, negative
Pakistan needs to stay under the IMF umbrella for at market sentiments, hoarding, smuggling of
least the next few years, not only to overcome its greenbacks to Afghanistan, and uncertainty on
chronic balance-of-payments challenges (dollar election dates are pushing up the price of dollar
shortage) and take much-needed policy and structural against rupee in the open market. In fact, the
reforms under IMF scrutiny but also to regain the difference between the hawala and interbank rates, as
trust of local and international investors. This trust is well as open market and interbank rates, has once
crucial to ensure both a steady flow of dollars and again widened. This makes it unappealing for
prevent their hoarding or outflow. Without overcoming remitters to send their remittances through official
the trust deficit, the value of the rupee will remain banking channels.
under pressure.
Wonder why I am discussing the exchange rate in a
As I write this piece, the dollar is trading at Rs305.50 piece on energy prices? Please keep in mind that the
in the interbank market, Rs330 in the open market, depreciation of the rupee has serious repercussions
and Rs345-355 in the hawala market. Despite for the electricity sector. Assuming that all other
appreciating by Rs17 against the rupee in the last 13 factors, including the international oil, coal and gas

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Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

prices, remain unchanged, the current rupee

weakening would result in higher electricity bills after On expenditure reduction: besides many symbolic
two months. austerity measures, one of the ways to reduce
expenditures is to privatize the loss-making public-
This is due to two reasons: a higher fuel import bill sector enterprises (including electricity distribution
(reflected as fuel price adjustment every two months), companies). The caretaker government must kickstart
and higher capacity payment charges (which are the process of privatization of such units. However,
denominated in dollars) that the government is bound the time is too short for them to successfully complete
to pay to electricity generation companies even if it any privatization deal. The quickest way to reduce
does not buy a single unit of electricity from them. expenditures is to slash ‘politically motivated’ brick-
and-mortar projects from federal and provincial
Politically motivated delays in recovering the cost of development plans. If the amount spent on proposed
generation of electricity during the last 16 years relief in the energy sector is offset by a reduction in
resulted in accumulation of energy circular debt (ECD), PSDP, then the IMF may not object.
which, along with transmission and distribution
losses and cross-subsidies on tariff, piled up to Rs2.6 A cushion for such relief can also be created by
trillion by June 2023. For comparison, the ECD is one reducing the unit cost of electricity by reducing the
and a half times higher than Pakistan’s current year’s chronic inefficiencies, power theft, and misuse of
defense budget. An attempt to contain ECD in FY24 at entitlements in the power system.
the Rs2.6 trillion level means full recovery of all costs
from consumers during the current financial year. The To contain the depreciation of the rupee, the
result was exceptionally high electricity bills in August, government would have to improve the inflow of
which will further inflate as the rupee depreciates dollars. The two major sources of dollar inflow,
further. exports and remittances, are declining and must be
improved. However, in the short run, caretakers
We should also remember that it is not only the fuel should focus on securing some of the $9 billion
and transmission-distribution costs that are pinching Geneva pledges for the 2022 floods. Those pledges
the consumers. A major chunk of our electricity bills could not be materialized during the last fiscal year as
also consists of taxes and surcharges on those taxes, the IMF’s support for Pakistan remained suspended in
which every consumer, regardless of his/her income that period.
(and in some cases electricity consumption level), has
to pay to meet the government’s growing revenue Now that Pakistan is back in the Fund’s programme,
requirement. access to those pledges depends on the preparation of
tangible and concrete projects for flood rehabilitation
Before discussing why the government uses electricity and disaster preparedness. The best way to do it is
bills for the generation of revenue, let us continue through a cabinet committee and inter-ministerial
with the impact of the depreciated rupee. coordination mechanism to prepare some convincing
projects for the Asian Development Bank, World Bank,
The depreciated rupee also increases the domestic and Islamic Development Bank.
prices of petrol and diesel. The current rise in fuel
prices will result in another round of inflation and I can foresee some high-level visitors coming to
likely another round of public discontent. Pakistan in mid-September before or after the G-20
meeting in Delhi. Such visits would help boost the
The textbook way of curbing inflation is to increase market’s sentiments. However, a strong follow-up is
the interest rate. However, high interest rates not only required to capitalize upon the bilateral consensus
adversely affect businesses and export achieved during such visits. Clarity on the expected
competitiveness but also increase the government's length of the present caretaker setup and the general
domestic debt servicing cost, requiring additional elections’ timeline is a prerequisite for such follow-up.
revenue. Due to chronic failure to generate revenue
through direct taxation, the government ends up In the meantime, the caretakers should act swiftly
relying on indirect taxation. Electricity bills are one and decisively to break the vicious cycle of economic
such tool for collecting indirect taxes and that is why and energy crises and pave the way for sustainable
successive governments are tempted to keep adding recovery. (Author: Dr Abid Qaiyum Suleri. Published in
taxes to them. The News International on September 3, 2023)

Amidst this vicious cycle where one economic problem

leads to another, the pressure on caretakers will
mount to provide relief, especially on energy costs.
However, in the current fiscal framework, they have
no cushion to provide such relief. To address the
growing discomfort among consumers, the caretaker
government should try to redesign the fiscal
framework. It needs to enhance revenue mobilization
and reduce its expenditure. Additional revenue can be
mobilized by bringing the ‘taxable untouchables’, both
elite individuals and pampered sectors of the economy,
into the tax net. Everyone knows who they are and
why – due to different political-economy
considerations, successive governments failed to tax

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Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team


After World War II, as the global economic and first 15 years of the new century unfolded and global
political order shifted toward a bipolar world, Asian challenges intensified, problems such as hunger and
and African nations, which had gained independence poverty not only failed to see substantial
due to the global and regional repercussions of the improvements but deepened in certain regions.
war, chose not to align with either of the two poles. Moreover, critical issues like migration and security
They united in Bandung, Indonesia, on April 18-24, were impacted by the Global North's arrogance and its
1955, marking a significant moment when they limited capacity to address these challenges, resulting
emphasized the principles of neutrality and non- in their escalation from regional concerns to global
alignment to fortify their newfound independence. It is crises. Consequently, countries representing the
no surprise that Indonesia hosted this historic Global South have grown increasingly concerned and
meeting. Subsequently, the Non-Aligned Movement frustrated with the inadequacy of proposed solutions
officially came into existence in Belgrade in 1961, with to the world's pressing issues, prompting them to
leadership from Yugoslavia, India and Egypt. In the establish new multilateral platforms.
same year, the Atlantic alliance launched the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Over the past decade, marked by painful
Development (OECD). Today, it is equally developments and fervent debates on the
unsurprising that Brazil, Russia, India, China and restructuring of the international economic and
later South Africa came together to form BRICS (Brazil, political order in favor of the Global South, we have
Russia, India, China and South Africa). Given this witnessed a resurgence in their influence. The flaws in
historical context, the addition of Egypt, Argentina, projects, solution proposals and, even more troubling,
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran the financing methods presented for the United
and Ethiopia as BRICS members starting from Jan. 1, Nations' 17 SDGs in Africa – the rising continent of
2024, should not come as a shock. In the early 1990s, the 21st century – have placed the Global North in a
following the end of the Cold War and the collapse of challenging position, given their perceived
the Soviet Union, the world transitioned into a underestimation of these problems. It is, therefore, not
unipolar structure, which may have led to a perceived surprising that the Global South has chosen to take
weakening of the significance of the Non-Aligned the lead.
Movement. However, the existence of the "Global
South" remained as valid as the "Global North." Even In this context, there is an urgent need for enhanced
though the popularity of the Non-Aligned Movement dialogue and communication between the Global
waned, the reality of the Global South continued to be South and the Global North. A country like Türkiye,
a prominent feature on the global stage. which has consistently demonstrated its sincerity,
realism, impartiality, fairness and honest approach,
FADE OF BIG HOPES along with its reputation and credibility in diplomatic
The 21st century commenced with high hopes. The endeavors, is more critical than ever in fostering
issues of combatting poverty and bridging the cooperation and understanding between these two
disparities in living standards among continents and global actors. (Author: Kerem Alkin. Published in
nations, integral to the Sustainable Development Daily Sabah on September 9, 2023)
Goals (SDGs), sparked excitement. However, as the


THE XV BRICS Summit, held in Johannesburg on 22- a driving force behind the cooperation between the
24 August was not just a gathering of nations; it was two regions. This policy, advocated by President Xi a
a confluence of visions aimed at reshaping global decade ago during his first foreign visit to Africa, has
cooperation and development. One of the notable laid the foundation for a partnership that has
aspects of this summit was the welcoming of new weathered global challenges, including the ongoing
members into the BRICS fold. The Kingdom of Saudi COVID-19 pandemic. The spirit of solidarity and
Arabia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the United Arab cooperation that underpins China-Africa relations has
Emirates, Argentina, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and elevated the partnership to new heights, setting the
Ethiopia, among others, joined the existing members, stage for the realization of a high-level China-Africa
underscoring the global significance of the BRICS community with a shared future.
platform. The expansion was not just a numerical
increase but a strategic step towards creating a more President Xi’s speech identified three key themes that
comprehensive and representative alliance. would guide China-Africa cooperation and contribute
to global development: (i) Advancing a Just and
Central to this summit was Chinese President Xi Equitable International Order: President Xi’s call for
Jinping’s keynote speech during the China-Africa the unity of developing nations against vestiges of
Leaders’ Dialogue. His speech, titled “Joining Hands colonialism and hegemonism resonates strongly in an
to Advance Modernization and Create a Great Future era where a multipolar world order is emerging. This
for China and Africa,” encapsulated his vision for united stance fosters a world characterized by justice,
stronger China-Africa cooperation and its potential fairness and respect for national sovereignty. (ii)
impact on global development. Africa, often referred to Safeguarding Global Peace and Security: The shared
as the “hopeful continent” in the 21st century, has commitment of China and Africa to resolve differences
seen remarkable progress in the past decades. through dialogue and cooperation reflects the broader
President Xi acknowledged this transformation, international need for comprehensive security models.
praising African countries’ strides towards unity, The African aspiration to silence the guns aligns with
integration and independence. With the Organization China’s approach of common, comprehensive,
of African Unity marking its 60th anniversary, this cooperative and sustainable security, contributing to
moment serves as a testament to the continent’s global stability. (iii) Building an Open and Inclusive
resilience and progress. World Economy: President Xi’s emphasis on openness
and cooperation is a call for collective action to
China’s Africa policy, encapsulated in the principles of overcome the challenges of isolationism and
sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, has been protectionism. By advocating for shared benefits and

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Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

the inclusion of developing countries in the global for China Supporting Africa’s Agricultural
economy, China seeks to drive economic growth that Modernization: Through increased agricultural
is sustainable and mutually beneficial. investment, technological collaboration and capacity-
building, China aims to contribute to the
President Xi’s vision for China-Africa cooperation does transformation and upgrading of Africa’s agricultural
not exist in isolation but is deeply interwoven with sector. This initiative has the potential to bolster food
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which has security and economic sustainability across the
achieved remarkable success over the past decade. continent. (c) Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on
The BRI, launched in 2013, is a testament to China’s Talent Development: By offering training, technical
commitment to global development through enhanced assistance and educational exchange programs, China
connectivity, trade and infrastructure projects. Its aims to bolster Africa’s human resource capacity and
expansion into Africa, with projects spanning support its innovation and education sectors.
transportation, energy and telecommunications
sectors, has contributed significantly to the President Xi’s proposal to enhance the voice of African
continent’s modernization and development agenda. countries in multilateral financial institutions and
President Xi’s emphasis on cooperation mechanisms, advocate for the African Union’s full membership in
such as Belt and Road cooperation and the Forum on the G20 reflects China’s commitment to empowering
China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), further Africa on the global stage. To encapsulate, the XV
underscores the symbiotic relationship between BRI BRICS Summit not only marked the expansion of a
and the shared vision of China-Africa cooperation. geopolitical alliance but also served as the nexus for
forging shared values and aspirations. President Xi’s
The success of the BRI is a testament to China’s visionary discourse, articulated during his keynote
ability to foster inclusive and mutually beneficial address, lays down the architectural framework for
partnerships across regions. As President Xi aptly the synergy between China and Africa, resonating
noted, “What we need is to remove barriers rather with worldwide imperatives of a just international
than erect walls, open up rather than close off.” This order, global tranquillity, security and all-
principle aligns perfectly with the BRI’s focus on encompassing economic advancement. With the
connectivity and cooperation that transcends resounding accomplishments of the Belt and Road
geographical boundaries and promotes shared Initiative forming the backdrop, President Xi’s
prosperity. impassioned plea for unity, collaboration and
reciprocal prosperity holds the key to a forthcoming
President Xi’s vision also extends to three specific epoch defined by interwoven connections, cooperative
plans aimed at nurturing Africa’s growth: (a) Initiative ventures and prosperity that transcends boundaries.
on Supporting Africa’s Industrialization: China will As China and Africa march in harmonious stride, they
enhance its resources for cooperation with Africa, illuminate an extraordinary paradigm of international
particularly in growing its manufacturing sector and partnerships underscored by mutual esteem, empathy
realizing industrialization. This initiative, aligned with and the shared pursuit of collective advancement.
the goals of the African Continental Free Trade Area, (Author: Qaiser Nawab. Published in Pak Observer on
can elevate Africa’s economic diversification. (b) Plan September 3, 2023)


A small anecdote sums up the cognitive confusion and erupted in the north of the country. We had gone
lack of social or political investment about the straight into summer from winter, which for a city like
environment and climate change in high places in Islamabad is simply not the norm. Climate change has
Pakistan. When I took over the Federal Ministry of started swallowing entire seasons. Much more was
Climate Change and Environmental Coordination in amiss at the global warming levels than we had been
April 2022, it was called just the Federal Ministry of given to understand.
Climate Change.
In the entire 16 months of government, this small
The environment addendum was included later at my ministry redefined both itself and the nature of the
request to the cabinet, because the ministry was the climate challenge the country was coping with. It still
notified entity for all international environmental, has a long way to go.
biodiversity and climate change treaties and
conventions, as well as the lead department for the Given that our scope was limited to the federal
Wildlife Board managing the Margalla Hills National government, designed to deal with international
Park. When I walked into its lobby I noticed that the treaties and covenants which require national
insignia at the door said mosamiat, which actually frameworks and focal points, the challenges were
translates as ‘weather’ in English. After weeks of onerous. The implementers were the provinces, except
intensive consultations, it was agreed that in Urdu it in ICT, yet we were needed to create international
would now say mahauliat which was more appropriate. instruments and respond to multilateral conventions,
partners and climate governance systems that
From then onwards it was 16 months of crisis recognized only national frameworks. We organised a
management, while we built on new layers of Task Force on Heatwaves with all the provinces on
institutional roadmaps. Quite apart from changing its board, as well as a similar one on forest fires. The first
name to a more befitting one that matched the scope two were convened at PM House under my
of its work, in April we found ourselves confronted chairmanship, and we found that all provinces
with a cascading heatwave all over the country. responded really well to our guidance and capacity-
Climate stress had become the new normal. By June, building. We shared guidelines issued by both task
Pakistan had recorded for the third year running forces on how to cope with both challenges in different
temperatures at 53.6 C in parts of Sindh. We were, for terrain. To this day, these guidelines are used to save
yet another year, the hottest place on the planet. lives.
Along with that, our forests in three provinces had
ignited into a smoky patchwork of stubborn forest The rapid desertification of the delta region was
wildfires, while glacial lake outburst floods had another crucial challenge facing a country with

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looming water scarcity by 2025. The Ministry of Water branding as a leader became the place to campaign for
Resources was engaged to start a national climate justice, with the slogan, “what goes on in
conversation on water conservation, while we Pakistan will not stay in Pakistan”, resonating
accelerated our work with WWF on the stagnating worldwide as a case for revamped multilateralism as a
Recharge Pakistan project for restoring the health of real solution.
our wetlands in each province. By July 2023, the
Green Climate Fund (GCF) had agreed to convert our While we were trying to work on building back better,
loan for this project to a grant of $77 million, with the assessments told us that rehabilitating millions would
support of donors. Much more needed to be done. cost $16 billion. All available funds had been
repurposed for relief and for immediate cash transfers
At the same time, we completed and launched the 25- to those in the frontline of the human tragedy.
part Living Indus Initiative along with the support of Climate and early warning funds were the first to go.
the UNEP and other UN agencies, at both the For a country drowning in both debt and floods, the
international and national levels, completing in record 4RF plan was developed by the Planning Ministry,
time all consultations with the provinces. Going with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and three other
forward, the Living Indus is now ready to turn into a ministries putting in late nights, including Climate
functional organic, programmatic template for a Change as we planned and pushed for it at Geneva,
multi-level intervention to save the great river on where the UN hosted a Climate Resilient Pakistan
which 80 per cent of Pakistan is dependent. As it conference. As we reminded international audiences
stands, the Indus is now the fourth most polluted via powerful videos that captured a slice of the
river in the world. It is also Pakistan’s lifeline, which is devastation, 33 million people impacted was the size
why it needs attention. I hope the next government of three medium-sized European countries. Around $9
can spur the provinces to projectize the priorities we billion plus were pledged, double the estimate of what
identified for financing and development. we had expected, but experience told us pledges are
slow to materialize. The World Bank had already
In the north of Pakistan the summer of 2022 proved launched its Country and Climate Development
to be equally harsh, particularly in Gilgit-Baltistan, Report at COP 27 with us, targeting $348 billion as
where the glacial lake outburst floods afflicted the financing needed for Pakistan to keep its head
vulnerable communities in more than 75 crises. We above water until 2030.
managed to save lives with our early warning systems
via the GLOF programmes we were running there with Climate finance and technical capacity became a real
UNDP. This programme was upscaled to its second chokehold on rebuilding with resilience, but we also
stage as one of the most successful low-cost learnt that systemic vulnerability needed to be the
community-based programmes in a terrain which lens we looked at all sustainable development from
hosted the highest number of glaciers outside the now on. Women and children, and the indigent were
polar region. We were not able to slow down the impacted disproportionately during the crisis, and all
heating that caused glacial melt, nor decelerate the plans to adapt or build resilience needed to absorb
outburst floods that increased by 300 per cent, but we that field lesson learnt from the flood of 2022. The
were able to build resilience for it. Climate Ministry launched and drew on the Climate
Gender Policy we had completed with the support of
The real challenge proved to be coping with the great IUCN, and pushed hard to mainstream women and
mega-flood of 2022, that put Pakistan on the map for vulnerability in all planning at the department.
impacting 33 million people, breaking all records for
rain as it inundated one-third of the country, most As Pakistan continued reeling from the exogenous
particularly in the south. Sindh and Balochistan shock of accelerated climate impacts, it also became
became the hub of the NDMA’s disaster relief efforts, clear to many of us that global warming was not
with rescue itself running into weeks. The country’s changing course. The year 2030 marked the
entire public and private philanthropic infrastructure dangerous as well as the decisive decade.
was on maximum overstretch on the ground, and
simultaneous crises soaked up coordinated efforts of Pakistan was clearly located in an acute arc of
many ministries including this one, the PM, the FM, vulnerability, with GHG emissions reaching record
the military and all international agencies. There were levels translating into unprecedented land and sea
just too many people to manage, yet we pulled temperatures crossing the 1.5 C threshold set in Paris.
together in a prolonged and remarkable effort of Given that emissions were not going down globally, as
rescue, relief, rehabilitation and rebuilding. committed at Paris in 2015, but quite the opposite,
even a rough national stocktake suggested we shift
Shortly after, we had to gear up for COP 27. For the gears. Mitigation plans for switching to renewable
first time in the history of Pakistan the National energy were important, as much for our own energy
Council on Climate Change was convened under the independence and reduction of imports but also for
leadership of the PM. There, we presented and meeting our NDC commitments. Between the Ukraine
articulated Pakistan’s case for climate justice as a war, which interrupted critical energy and food supply
fractional emitter of greenhouse gases, while being chains, and extreme climate emergencies the world
clearly in the frontline of climate hotspots globally. We over, it also became clear that an axial shift was
fought hard for the creation of a Loss and Damage needed to focus key resources on resilience.
Fund, which we succeeded in creating at Sharm el
Shaikh, with the FM making sure Loss & Damage was Pakistan urgently needed a National Adaptation Plan,
put on the agenda of the conference as chair of G77 not to mention the governance tools needed to execute
plus China. For 18 days, we tirelessly pushed the case it at provincial and local levels. Why? Because if we
for Loss and Damage both at our pavilion and at cannot do anything about the era of ‘global boiling’ as
UNFCCC forums, for the entire Global South. The UN the UNSG called it after July of 2023, we can at least
SG spoke at Pakistan’s pavilion for the first time, do all we can to be better prepared. This means a
where the PM capped off his visit with a big push for whole-of-country shift in inclusive, local-centric
climate justice, just as he had done at the UN in development planning, budgeting, building and
September. Pakistan’s country pavilion and climate conserving, where tools are fit-for-purpose, not one-

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size-fits-all. It means a strategic shift in how we think do many other plans, like the EV policy parked for
of urban growth and rural renewal, and especially incentive changes in the Finance Ministry.
how we manage the critical water-agri sector in
climate governance models. It means far more The National REDD+ strategy, the upscaling of the
coordinated, smarter disaster management and early Green Pakistan program had started earlier, like the
risk warning investments. It means changing how we finished NCCP document. I did not believe in tearing
manage our hydromet sector, treat waste and sewage, up any policy on the basis of partisan politics. The
manage our municipal services, mitigate for impacts enhancement of forests, especially given the need to
on public health, women, labour and youth cohorts, prevent deforestation, is also on the way. Reduction in
invest in drought-resistant crops, and enlarge green emissions is a part of the large carbon sequestration
spaces and urban forests within cities, not run projects already prioritized in our delta mangroves,
bulldozers over every empty space. where Sindh has taken a global lead in enhancing
mangrove cover by 300 per cent from the 1990s. At
NAPs should, like country projections, be home-grown. the federal level, a comprehensive carbon trade
After six months of provincial consultations and many framework is on the anvil, premised on a carbon
drafts later, I requested a development writer at the registry being developed with support from the World
World Bank to help structure our knowledge Bank. Energy transition plans remain central to
document and pull it together by July 20, 2023. With ambitious mitigation efforts, especially with a shift
a core team of six, we worked literally round the clock, towards renewables, but financing remains a barrier
often around my dining table on weekends, to get it to much of the change.
done. It was passed by cabinet a week later. Its
success depends entirely on the provinces, as they are Lastly, but very importantly, we moved the Islamabad
the lead implementing departments. Our job was to Nature Conservation and Wildlife Management bill
work with key line ministries, provinces, Gilgit- through both houses of parliament to unanimous
Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and give approval, so that boundaries to the green area called
them this document as a roadmap, which many the Margalla Hills Wildlife Park are not further
developing countries have filed at the UNFCCC. encroached, and the vital connection between
Provinces can actually make their own adaptation biodiversity, environmental regeneration and climate
plans out of this to make a real shift in adapting to an change is reified and enhanced. Cities that leave their
era of global burn. green areas to the mercy of developers are not cities of
the future, and Islamabad deserves to keep its lungs
While we were doing all this, we knew that at the
same time Pakistan also needed a National Clean Air We also needed to create new rules for animal
Policy. Lahore was choking on its smog every winter. sanctuaries, define what constituted wildlife, and how
Children were being held back from schools in animals cannot be treated like circus creatures to be
November because the air was too toxic to breathe. paraded, caged, abused for human entertainment
Senior citizens were at risk. The NCAP identified key anymore. Zoos are increasingly frowned upon as
priority areas for national intervention and provincial places of unnatural habitat for many species, and we
action immediately for reducing the particulate matter have many examples of exotic and non-indigenous
and other toxins that are increasing the pollution species suffering cruel and indifferent treatment at the
levels of our cities. A Pakistan Cooling Action Plan has hands of local zoos, so all such facilities in Islamabad
also been developed to reduce emissions from cooling are now only reserved for the rehabilitation of animals
products such as refrigerators and air conditioners. found in illegal captivity for onward sanctuary.
Provincial consultations are underway to identify
targets and minimum energy performance standards. We called a meeting of all provinces to advise, not
direct, (as we cannot do that) them on how to revamp
Devolution dictates that each province act according their own zoos according to more humane laws,
to its own laws, so we hope air quality becomes a allowing animals to live in their own ecosystem where
priority, both for measurement and for action. they maintain nature’s balance better than humans.
Zoning will help all of us stay in our own allocated
For stopping the dumping of hazardous and other habitats. Let us hope some of this thinking and
waste in our country and coastline, we presented and planning devolves down to the local levels of Pakistan.
passed via cabinet a National Hazardous Waste
Management Policy. Countries that had dumped over Much of what we did in 16 months is just a
a 150 containers of mixed waste in our waters a few framework for intense time and resource investment
years ago can no longer do that without penalties planning for the next government. Pakistan needs to
invoked in coastal EPAs, and imports of waste for take the triple planetary crisis as seriously as a
recycling and industrial purposes have to be certified national security crisis.
by the provincial EPAs for genuine use, else we deny
them the NOCs at the federal level. In a similar vein, Securing Pakistan’s water: Every summer, Pakistan
the reduction of single-use plastics from markets has braces for flooding as the monsoon season and
begun with the public sector, which for ICT means the growing summer heatwaves cascade to trigger a series
federal government, extending then to prohibitions on of flood emergencies all over the country. This year too,
plastic items which under extended user thousands of people and livestock went into crisis and
responsibility protocols, manufacturers have agreed to evacuation as the River Sutlej rose to high flood,
stop in ICT from August 1, 2023. impacting several regions of the Punjab.

The battle against plastics is a long one, but the At the same time, and seemingly counterintuitively,
journey has to begin and go beyond polythene bags. but also because of unchecked population growth, we
Citizens need to be stakeholders, as no one can police are also primed to be water-scarce by 2025. The latest
climate change at the door-to-door level, but UN report, ‘Global Water Security 2023’, places
regulations lay a foundation. Our Urban Policy Pakistan in the critically-insecure category.
Framework still needs inputs from the provinces, as

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The hydrological base of Pakistan is the River Indus, Climate solutions, as it stands, face institutional
which sustains 90 per cent of food production, and fragmentation, and remain under-leveraged for the
clusters the world’s largest irrigation man-made needed transformational shift. Conventional thinking
systems in the world in the plains of the Punjab. in official quarters needs to change. Both scarcity and
Although monsoons add to the water in the system, flood modelling is needed. First, the Ministry of Water
data projections suggest that the Indus River is Resources needs to modernize its policy, capacity,
predominantly glacial fed, relying on them almost 60- outreach, and coordination, especially for data-based
70 per cent for freshwater availability. solutions for managing rising agricultural, industrial
and urban demand, far more than prioritizing long-
Data is always thin on the ground but a report by the gestation infrastructure projects.
International Centre for Integrated Mountain
Development (ICIMOD) suggests that the Indus River Mechanisms for regulating groundwater usage need to
system may be the most impacted by climate change, be introduced. Viable rain harvesting projects need
pollution, and the associated loss of permafrost. With outlays by each province and canal inefficiencies
high percentages of our water source linked to plugged in Punjab and Sindh. Flood adaptation and
transboundary rivers, rising in the mountains at the wetland recharge requires a number of coordinated
confluence of the Himalayas, the Karakoram and the community-based solutions. Many such action menus
Hindukush ranges, risks to water security and based on local solutions, including community ponds,
demand at home will have to be managed. A 2022 are available in the Living Indus Initiative project.
UNEP report points to dangerous levels of risk to
these “Asian Water Towers”, impacted increasingly by Second, the Federal Ministry of Planning, for its part,
extreme warming, which leads to flooding, landslides, needs to embed water, climate adaptation and cross-
and drought in the communities they sustain. sectoral demand management into the framework and
PC-1 formats it uses for development and resource
At the same time, rainfall and cyclonic patterns allocation, and move past colonial-era infrastructure
impacting Pakistan are now defined with high as the only road to conservation or flood-proofing.
unpredictability and intensity. One heavy monsoon
can compound the water discharge with heavy flows Third, the Ministry for Food Security needs to upscale
from upper riparian countries like India, which is its climate-smart agriculture solutions and build
linked in its basin and rivers to Pakistan’s Indus River resilience toolkits for changing both irrigation and
system, almost completely redefining the agri-water crop varieties in the provinces by sharing capacity and
nexus in the country. The 2022 monsoon was an local solutions. Agriculture is the largest consumer of
exceptional season of unprecedented, spectacularly water in Pakistan, particularly thirsty crops like rice,
high rainfall patterns that disrupted everything the sugar-cane, cotton, but there is little movement
world knows about monsoon cycles. towards pulses, lentils or crops that need less water
and are currently imported.
When it inundated one-third of the country and put
Pakistan in world headlines as a global hotspot for Sustainable irrigation models need to be promoted,
climate change, the UN secretary-general called it a not just in pilot projects but those that can be
“monsoon on steroids”. Buckets of water gushed down upscaled, while drought-resilient seeds and new crops
from the sky to redefine the topography of Sindh and have to be introduced in farms across the delta area
Balochistan, the two southern low-riparian provinces that is fast depleting its ground water as well as its
where aridity had advanced substantially over three local economy. Promoting intensive or subsidized solar
decades. tube-well usage is also not helping the groundwater
problem, because much of it has become a finite or
What is lesser known is the fact that every summer, toxic resource due to excessive usage, wastewater
as global temperatures rise, population growth and leaching, high pollution, water-logging, over-
water demand spikes will intersect with climate abstraction and no cyclical recharge. Arsenic levels
change to put severe pressure on water and food are the fourth highest in the world for Pakistan,
security. Hotter weather will lead to both higher especially in rural Sindh and Punjab.
demand for flood irrigation used by the agri-sector but
also higher volumes of water use in thermal power Fourth, the provinces need to take stock, execute
production. policy frameworks, and start legally enforcing flood
zoning, water conservation, metering, and municipal
Large upstream dams and barrages have not been management. Policies have to address looming urban
able to manage water availability on time for crop water scarcity and provinces have to connect the
sowing and harvesting among provinces, making complex dots of transparent water governance in a
water distribution, governance, and pricing one of the landscape of competing and uncoordinated municipal
most hotly contested issues in the federation. Late and land-use agencies in unchecked urban sprawl.
water releases, uncertainty in rainfall and runoff
regimes coupled with progressive warming has led to Big investments in the water, sanitation and health
desertification and sea-water ingress into dry riverbed sectors will help manage urban flooding impacts,
channels to destroy the soil and aquifers of the which is the one area international assistance can be
southern and coastal areas. made available. Wastewater treatment and
desalination interventions imply capital outlays but
What then does Pakistan need to do to manage the can be outsourced by cities on public-private
rising levels of water insecurity, unpredictability, partnership investment models. Different solutions
contested distribution and extreme challenges, will apply to mountain areas and different ones for the
ranging from surges in catastrophic flooding to crisis-ridden delta areas. These, including tech-based
parched earth and salinity of basins and soil? solutions, are identified and curated in the National
Economic constraints cannot continue to define Adaptation Plan 2023 put out by the Ministry for
adaptive capacity. Water security is too critical a Climate Change.
faultline to not merit creative solutions.

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Fifth, nature-based solutions must be applied Lastly, Pakistan needs its citizens to save water.
wherever possible. Mangrove ecosystems and wetland Freshwater is still available in the system, but per
recharge projects can build natural buffers to flooding. capita usage in the country is entirely unsustainable.
Where greening budgets are slashed the provinces can Under a high-warming and high population growth
monetize existing carbon sinks, like Sindh has done to scenario water demand is projected to increase almost
replenish and add to its mangrove cover. Whether 60 per cent by 2047, especially in the domestic and
they are mountain forests or delta mangroves, some industrial sectors.
percentage of trading in carbon markets can generate
the liquidity to replace forest cover. Currently, we have one of the fourth highest levels of
per capita water usage in the world. According to the
The good news is that Recharge Pakistan has found IMF, Pakistan’s per capita annual water availability as
itself a climate grant of $77 million, but once it is of 2017 was 1017 cubic meters, perilously close to the
spread out over the provinces into one project each, scarcity threshold of 1000 cubic meters. In 2023,
the scale will not be enough for full-basin upgradation. many urban areas have reported dangerous deficits
Across the country, environment and water which are compounded by the politics of informal
management interventions reinforce each other. This distribution.
means, among other things, basic climate zoning,
such as no hotels on riverbanks, or no highways We don’t want to become water scarce just because we
across green areas, because the environment does not could not change our habits. (Author: Sherry Rehman.
degrade in silos. Arid zones will grow bigger under all The writer is the former federal minister for climate
emission pathways, and when biodiversity losses hit a change and environmental coordination. Published in
danger zone, they take wetlands and rivers down. Pak Observer in August 2023)


Every government in Pakistan has made tall claims
about development and delivering wonderful benefits So, development is ‘of the people and for the people’.
to the people in its name; and yet Pakistan continues In other words, development means empowerment of
to occupy lowly positions in world rankings of every the people. That is the first characteristic of
indicator of human and economic development. ‘development’.

We are a country that is the fifth largest in the world, And the litmus test to measure the empowerment of
ranks at 161 in the development of its human people is not by how many billions are allocated for
resources, 123 in acquisition of knowledge by its this programme or that project. That figure may be of
people, 129 in establishing rule of law and dispensing interest to those who are given the contract or the
justice to its citizens, and 157 in GDP per capita. wheelers and dealers to calculate their cuts and
commissions, but it has no meaning for the people.
One thing that stands out from these low rankings is
that investment in the people of Pakistan to enhance What is important for the people is to tell them how
their knowledge, skills and abilities or protect their many new jobs and business opportunities are
rights with rule of law, has never been a policy priority. created through these programmes/ projects and
This has landed the country with a huge mass of what tools of empowerment – the new knowledge,
disempowered people, unable to create value for skills, technologies, abilities – are imparted to the
themselves or the country. people through these projects to enable them to add
value for themselves and for society. And how these
Development has become one of those popular words add to the safety, security and dignity of the citizens
like ‘democracy’, frequently uttered in public and protect them so that their rights, rewards and
pronouncements but often used as a shield to cover opportunities are not usurped by the high and mighty.
up personal agendas of vested interests, with little
benefits flowing out to the people of Pakistan. Any programmes or projects – and the money spent
behind these – that run counter to this litmus test
It is important to clear our minds about what may be projecting anyone’s pomp and power, but do
development really means, so that the energies and not qualify to be called ‘development’ for the country.
resources of a poor country do not continue to be
wasted, otherwise we will be groping around in the We learn from history that development has not been
dark like those blind men touching different parts of a continuous, consistent or sustainable process in
the elephant and mistaking its parts to be the animal any country. Even as all kinds of things were going on
itself. in the world – wars, conquests, invasions, settlements
or the rule of this or that king or conqueror, tons of
Development is an all-encompassing, multi- money spent and life going on as it may be – there has
disciplinary process, which touches the lives of people been no development to upgrade the life of the people
at individual and collective levels and adds to their living in these countries, even for centuries.
social, cultural, economic and political wellbeing. It is
not a catalogue of construction projects, and it is It is noteworthy to recall that it took 1000 years for
much more than economic growth. the world’s GDP to double before the 18th century,
because the environment for the development or
If development were synonymous with construction, empowerment of the people did not exist for centuries.
then no bigger development has taken place in history
than the construction of the pyramids of Egypt – but Let us look closely at home. When India started to
these were constructed by the Pharaohs to project become colonized after the Battle of Plassey (1757) it
their power and create comfortable conditions for their was contributing 25 per cent of the world GDP. About
afterlife, not to improve the social, cultural, economic 200 years later during which all kinds of things – and
or political wellbeing of the Egyptian people. governments by this or that local or foreign rulers –

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were going on, the country continued to be pauperised are prosperous and empowered can a country hope to
and its people disempowered socially, culturally, join the comity of developed nations.
economically and politically. When it was finally
decolonized in 1947, it had been pauperized by Of all things that separated modern from the medieval
colonial governance to such an extent that its world, the developed from the undeveloped, and the
contribution had fallen to a mere 3.0 per cent of the empowered from the dis-empowered, the most
world GDP. important was a culture change. While it affected the
whole range of how we conduct our life, work and
Again, a little more than 100 years ago, at the leisure, the most important ingredient of that culture
beginning of the 20th century, Argentina was among change was that individuals took centre stage in
the five most developed and richest countries of the society.
world. Today, it has slumped down to the 30th
position, its people suffering from 100 per cent It radically changed the status of the individual from
inflation. Argentina, like Pakistan, is among the being a slave or a subject to becoming a citizen with
biggest debtors to the IMF with $46 billion of inalienable rights which could not be taken away at
outstanding debt, and an unending begging bowl the whims and wishes of anyone. This empowerment
before the IFIs of the world. unleashed the creative powers of the people and
liberated them from the suffocating totalitarianism of
That is the second lesson to learn from history: that the medieval world.
development has not been a continuous, consistent or
sustainable process in the history of any country. Any doubts about it should be dispelled by an
That decades, even centuries, can go by without that example right from our home. Nothing explains better
society or country seeing any addition to the wellbeing the pitiful position of people in the suffocating and
or empowerment of its people. tyrannical medieval world than the Urdu phrase used
in the court of medieval kings: “jaan ki amaan
The third lesson to learn from history is that paanoon tau arz karoon” (I will speak or express my
development is not an autonomous or independent opinion only if you promise not to take away my life –
process. It does not happen by itself. It is a dependent in case my words do not please the lord!).
process – a byproduct of an environment or culture
that believes in empowering people and enabling them Human lives had no value in that culture – much less
to take the processes of development forward. their liberty and development. Every aspect of their
lives depended upon the whims and wishes of the
This is where we often make the mistake of putting rulers. Any remaining doubts on this would be put to
the cart before the horse and complaining why the rest by the diary of French physician Francois Bernier
cart is not moving forward (that is development is not who spent 12 years in India during the reign of
taking place). Our deceptive talk of development emperors Shah Jehan and Aurangzeb. How could
without a thought to creating the enabling anything, any idea, any reform grow in such a barren
environment for it has wasted 75 years and caused soil where survival was every day at risk.
despondency among the people of Pakistan. Can there
be a bigger vote of No-Confidence in the policy choices Liberating people from that suffocating tyranny was a
made for ruling this country than shown by the long struggle – both intellectual and physical – that
exodus of the people, leaving the country in droves weakened the medieval culture and made the
and even risking their lives in the waters of the transition to the people’s empowerment possible.
Mediterranean? What is important here is to highlight the important
features of this culture change and its new value set,
The point to note is that the enabling culture that which created an enabling environment.
encourages empowerment of the people is the
foundation upon which the processes of development For our purpose, we will briefly mention five main
can move forward. If the ingredients of that enabling features of the culture change which laid the
culture are put in place, development would foundation for the empowerment and development of
automatically happen, as one of the byproducts of the people: One, a belief system that all humans are
that environment – not the other way around. equal, and all lives, not just that of kings, conquerors
and clergy are important and must receive equal
To cut a long story short: development of a country rights and protection. Two, there is neither any divine
and disempowerment of its people do not go together. right to rule nor a hereditary one. The only legitimate
Without investing in people and empowering them, we way to rule over people is by the consent of the
would again be wasting years without developing the governed.
country. No country can claim to be developed while
its people remain disempowered. Three, society determines the shape, form, powers and
functions of the state, as well as the rights of citizens
That the people have the right to development and the – not the other way around. Four, knowledge is
state has a duty to provide an enabling environment rational and incremental. Five, the state is a man-
will be discussed now. made institution, not a divine creation; and its raison
d’etre is to work for the social, economic and political
Development processes are meant to empower people empowerment of its citizens in this world.
and add to their social, cultural, economic and
political wellbeing. If people remain disempowered, no Once this culture – this value set – is embraced and
angels are going to come in and lift the country from lays its roots in a country, development is an
its medieval backwaters of under-development and automatic output of this enabling environment which
put it on the path of power, prosperity and liberates the creativity of the human mind. It has
development. continued to add value and wealth to the world.
Previously, it took over a thousand years for the global
So the development of the country is a by-product of GDP to double before this culture change. Later, it
the development of its people. Only when its people doubled in 100 years in the 19th century and doubled

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again only in 50 years in the 20th century. It In an age of empowered people where new inventions,
continues to increase by leaps and bounds every discoveries and advances in science and technology
single day. are uncovering the secrets of the universe and leading
the march to ever new sources of power and
But countries still mired in the suffocating medieval prosperity, a country with disempowered people –
culture are miles away from economic growth. In mired in unending medieval games of instability with
these countries, economic stagnation and the status no agreed code of conduct – is creating problems for
quo continue to prevent people from realizing their itself and should reset its priorities.
potential. The shift from medieval to modern culture
can best be seen in the context of the power struggle Former Singaporean prime minister Lee Kuan Yew
between the state and society as an attempt to create had famously said that a country without the
a better balance of power between the two. discipline of abiding by an agreed code of conduct will
find neither democracy nor development.
The resistance of the state to this shift, which earlier
had a monopoly of power, also reflects its concern to And a World Bank report on Pakistan says it is
the emergence of a competitive centre of power in “heartbreaking” that the country has “so little to show
society which may hold the state accountable for not for so much money spent in the name of development”.
delivering on the empowerment of the members of On top of this, the country has buried itself under a
society – the people. mountain of unsustainable debt.

The insistence of some quarters on preserving the This reaffirms our fundamental concern: that we have
status quo is a throwback to the monarchical style of been misusing popular labels like democracy and
governance and the desire to continue to keep power development often contrary to the intent of the labels
within the same family or group. This is symptomatic themselves.
of the underlying fear of the empowerment of the
people and co-exists with non-representative rule. But The state should retreat from being an active player in
to believe that a country can develop without the development and focus on its principal function of
development of its people is wishful thinking. creating an enabling environment for the
empowerment of people. An empowered people will
If we analyze the failing states, we will see that the take care of not only their development but also the
disempowerment of their people is a common thread country; because people’s development precedes the
running through them all. Some countries have ended development of the country. (Author: Syed Mohibullah
up in the list of failing states despite being Shah. The writer designed the Board of Investment
independent for 200 years (Haiti) or rich with and the First Women’s Bank. Published in Pak
abundant mineral resources (DR Congo) only because Observer in August 2023)
their people have remained disempowered.


Pakistan’s persistent trade deficit has been a major Baseball and Golf. If Sialkot’s manufacturers can
impediment to economic development. The deficit produce Cricket Bats and meet 70% of the world’s
stood at $48.35 Billion in the 2022 fiscal year but has Football demand, they can also explore opportunities
declined to $27.55 Billion this year. Presently, in other sports.
Pakistan exports goods and services worth $35.21
Billion while imports are estimated to be $60.13 Low productivity complicates matters for Pakistani
Billion. Exports include textiles valued at $16.3 billion, firms competing in international markets. This is a
food items worth $4.7 billion, chemicals & consequence of poor infrastructure, a scientifically
pharmaceuticals at $1.4 billion, leather products at inept workforce with inadequate STEM skills and
$627 million and sports goods at $461 million. The limited access to finance and technology. Addressing
principal imports are crude oil & petroleum products these would necessitate a coherent government
priced at $17.5 billion, agricultural and fertiliser strategy since higher productivity levels will decrease
inputs quoted at $8.25 billion, food items primarily production costs and increase exports. Pakistan needs
cooking oils costing $7.96 billion, and machinery to invest in infrastructure to improve the efficiency of
estimated at $4.4 Billion. A portion of the trade deficit its export and import processes. This includes
is structural, such as petroleum for automobiles and investment in transportation, communication, energy,
machinery not produced domestically, but the and water supply networks. Improving infrastructure
imbalance may be mitigated via myriad strategies to will reduce the cost of production and transport,
substitute imports and increase exports. making Pakistani goods more competitive in
international markets. Practical examples include
To remedy the persistent trade discrepancy, let’s start hydropower projects to generate electricity at 3.5 to 5
by addressing the main factors contributing to the cents / kWh. This would be followed up with
problem. The first issue is the small export base of the investments in the Railways for cheaper transport of
country. Pakistan only exports a limited range of goods e.g. upgrading the ML – 1 and ML – 2 lines.
products and is heavily reliant on sectors such as Financial institutions need to be encouraged to
textiles and agriculture, thereby limiting the country’s pursue a policy of greater financial inclusion, which
ability to increase exports. Pakistan needs to diversify will benefit small and medium enterprises that often
its export base by identifying new sectors and struggle will access to capital. Special economic zones
products that have the potential to generate higher (SEZs) need to be prioritised to encourage export-
income. This will require state support for Pakistani oriented industrialisation. Providing firms operating in
firms entering new markets as well as investment in SEZs with quality infrastructure, utilities and support
Research and Development. For instance, the global services will attract foreign investors by creating a
sports equipment market is estimated at $160 Billion. favourable environment for firms to manufacture
Pakistani manufacturers could explore new exportable goods.
opportunities in sports such as American Football,
Rugby, Netball, Lacrosse, Australian Football,

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In the education sector, provincial governments energy at 4.5 cents / kWh. The economic growth
should prioritise STEM subjects. The IT and resulting from cheap electricity would have been
Technology sector could have become a success story enough to finance multiple metro line projects.
but successive governments ignored subjects such as
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Political turmoil and protests in the country
Biotech and bio-engineering. Therefore, it should not exacerbate problems, hinder investment and prevent
come as a surprise that the country is not prepared successive governments from formulating a coherent
for a future where Artificial Intelligence, Web 3, trade policy. Any mayhem in the country, whether by
Virtual Reality, advancements in Biotech and the 4th political parties or religious organisations, will scare
Industrial Revolution determine the trajectories of off foreign investors, including Chinese manufacturers
nations. There is no substitute for an educated and attracted by the China – Pakistan Economic Corridor.
competitive work force, and this necessitates Political stability is a prerequisite if Pakistan desires
concentrating on STEM subjects. to attract foreign investment to finance its trade deficit.
On the governance side, the state struggles with a
Moving on, Pakistan is heavily dependent on imports, cumbersome bureaucracy and red tape. Prospects of
particularly for energy and capital goods. The country legal disputes and a hectic dispute resolution
has a limited capacity to produce prerequisites framework further disincentivise investment. Pakistan
domestically, implying it must import them. An needs to create an attractive investment climate,
example is the $120 billion spent on Petroleum including a stable political and economic environment,
imports over the past decade. A calculated policy of favourable policies and regulations, and establish
import substitution would reduce imports. The special courts for investors. Improving the rule of law,
Federal government needs to identify sectors and reducing corruption, enforcing contracts and
products that have the potential to be sourced enhancing transparency are of vital importance. A
domestically and provide support to firms entering strong governance framework will create an
these markets. This will require investment in environment that is conducive to investment and
infrastructure, education and training, and access to economic growth. Foreign investment can help
finance and technology. Establishing a $10 billion Pakistan develop new export sectors and products,
Petroleum Refinery at Hub to meet refining demands, improve productivity levels, and reduce its
or even exceed capacity, would save the country $2 dependence on imports.
billion annually, or $20 billion over a decade.
Lastly, Pakistan needs to reduce trade barriers to
Pakistan would only have to import Crude Oil and increase exports. The country needs to improve its
subsequently refine it for domestic use. Demand for trade facilitation measures, including customs
Petroleum products could be met locally and tertiary procedures and regulations, to reduce the cost and
petroleum products could be exported, as China and time of exporting. The Federal government should
India are currently doing. The ensuing savings would negotiate trade agreements with friendly countries to
be enough to finance the construction of the Yulbo, improve market access for Pakistani exports in Saudi
Pattan and Tungus Dams for a cumulative Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Oman. Pakistan should take
generational capacity of 7,400 MW. Likewise, Pakistan advantage of its strategic location, which makes it a
has fertile land that could be used for the cultivation gateway to the Central Asian Republics, China, India
of Olives, soybeans and Palm, and subsequently, the and the Middle East. Promoting regional trade, and
production of edible oils. This would decrease the developing transport links and trade agreements with
$7.57 billion spent annually on the import of 4.5 these countries could increase trade flows and
million tons of edible oil. increase exports.

The devaluation of the Pakistani rupee has also Pakistan’s persistent trade deficit is a major challenge
contributed to the trade deficit by making imports to the country’s economic development. Despite the
more expensive and reducing the country’s plethora of problems and myriad challenges the
purchasing power, which in turn has a further country faces, all of these issues can be systematically
negative impact on domestic demand and GDP growth. addressed and rectified. Future governments need to
Pakistan needs to strengthen its currency to reduce diversify the export base, improve productivity levels,
the cost of imports and increase domestic purchasing promote import substitution, reduce trade barriers,
power. This will require sound macroeconomic policies, strengthen the currency, attract foreign investment,
including fiscal and monetary policies, that promote develop special economic zones, improve
economic stability and growth. Expenditure on future infrastructure, improve governance, and promote
projects will have to be determined by economic regional trade. These strategies will require significant
feasibility, development priorities and efficient investment and policy reform, but they are essential
outcomes, not based on gaining votes from for Pakistan to achieve sustainable economic growth
economically uninformed constituents. For example, and development. (Author: Ahmed S Cheema.
the $1.55 Billion spent on the Orange Metro Line in Published in Daily Times in August 2023)
Lahore would have been better spent on the 700 MW
Azad Pattan Dam, which would have generated cheap


The energy sector of Pakistan has been grappling with shedding, exponential increase in tariff and
a severe and urgent situation, burdened by the unexpected additional budgetary subsidies.
mounting circular debt (CD) and severe liquidity
pressures. These challenges have been building up for At the heart of this crisis lies the power sector,
more than a decade, fueled by a combination of requiring immediate and concrete reforms to restore
sluggish reforms, operational losses, and political its viability. Recognizing the gravity of the situation,
reluctances. The fiscal year 2023 witnessed a further the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s staff report
deterioration, putting immense strain on the power and statement have provided valuable insights and
sector, resulting in widespread power outages, load way forward. As part of the plan, the government is
poised to adopt an updated Fiscal Year 2024 Circular

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Debt Management Plan (CDMP) in 2023. The primary inefficiencies, administrative faux pas, and a chronic
aim of this plan is to reduce the budgeted FY24 power investment drought that’s left powerhouses running
subsidy from PKR 976 billion, equivalent to 0.9 dry. The resultant strain? Spiralling costs, an
percent of GDP. Moreover, the plan entails measures unwelcome reliance on premium imported fuels, and a
to offset the projected FY24 CD flow of PRs 392 billion burgeoning circular debt that increasingly feels like a
and stabilize the FY24 CD stock at its expected end- millstone around the government’s neck.
FY23 level of PKR 2,374 billion (2.2 percent of GDP).
The implementation of this comprehensive plan is The political arena, notorious for its ‘kick-the-can-
crucial to alleviate the energy sector’s woes and pave down-the-road’ approach, hasn’t helped. Fearing
the way for a sustainable and robust power industry electoral aftershocks and public furore, authorities
in the country. have shied away from biting the bullet on global
commodity pricing and exchange rate fluctuations.
In the reform plan, a crucial step is the timely The upshot: a liberal sprinkling of subsidies, intended
realignment of power tariffs with cost recovery levels as a salve, but only deepening the fiscal quagmire and
and annual rebasing (AR) by National Electric Power stretching the national purse strings to snapping.
Regulatory Authority (NEPRA). This entails regular
adjustments based on established formulas for annual Adding fuel to the fire are off-the-books subsidies-
rebasing, quarterly tariff revisions, and monthly fuel ephemeral band-aids that miss the heart of the
price adjustments. These measures play a pivotal role ailment. They’ve spun a web of dependency, turning
in arresting the accumulation of circular debt, easing power companies into subsidy junkies rather than
fiscal pressures, and restoring the financial health of champions of fiscal reform. The ripples of circular
power generators, ultimately ensuring a seamless debt aren’t just numbers on a ledger but real-world
energy supply. blackouts and dimmed factories. The everyday fallout?
Stalled production lines, shrinking payrolls, and
The government is also cognizant of the necessity to businesses turning to pricey power alternatives. And
target power subsidies more effectively. In this regard, for foreign investors? Pakistan’s energy landscape
efforts are underway to shield vulnerable segments of seems more minefield than goldmine. The capricious
society, introduce fairness, and reduce fiscal burdens. energy scene makes them skittish, curbing the very
To achieve this, the government is required to embark investments that could inject vigour into the economy
on the third stage of a multi-year subsidy reform plan, and pull it out of the fiscal doldrums. Addressing this
focusing on rationalizing subsidies for major Gordian knot, the touted Fiscal Year 2024 Circular
agricultural users. Alongside, regular tariff Debt Management Plan sounds like a step in the right
adjustments will be implemented while safeguarding direction. But it’s not just about plans on paper; it’s
lifeline and protected slabs for residential consumers. high time for brass tacks solutions that trim the fat off
the energy sector and lighten the load of this circular
Furthermore, the government is required to actively debt albatross.
pursue medium-term reforms to tackle costs and
circular debt. These initiatives involve measures to The first and most crucial step is the timely alignment
curb commercial and technical losses, renegotiate of power tariffs with cost recovery levels. Transparent
power purchase agreements (PPAs), and restructure and regular tariff adjustments, in line with established
guaranteed debts into more manageable terms. formulas, are essential to ensure that power
Additionally, there will be a concerted push to companies can cover their costs and invest in
augment renewable energy capacity and enhance infrastructure and maintenance. At the same time,
distribution efficiencies. These reform efforts have these adjustments should protect vulnerable
garnered support from esteemed international consumers through lifeline and protected tariffs.
financial institutions such as the World Bank and
Asian Development Bank (ADB). Additionally, there is a pressing need to better target
power subsidies. While it is essential to protect the
The natural gas sector is confronted with similar poor and vulnerable from rising energy costs,
challenges, necessitating regular biannual end-user subsidies must be designed to benefit those who truly
gas price adjustments while ensuring protection for need them. The government’s commitment to entering
the most vulnerable consumers. Collaborating with the third stage of a multi-year subsidy reform plan is
the World Bank, the government seeks to implement commendable. It should focus on phasing out
the weighted-average cost of gas pricing law, improve subsidies for well-off consumers while sparing the
data management and projection capabilities, and lifeline and protected slabs for low-income households.
implement reforms to reduce Unaccounted-for Gas
(UFG) losses. The gravity of the circular debt issue In the medium term, the government should pursue
within the energy sector demands immediate attention other critical reforms to reduce costs and circular debt
and decisive action. Failing to address this problem in the power sector. This includes efforts to reduce
could have far-reaching implications for the economy, commercial and technical losses, renegotiate power
leading to power shortages, diminished industrial purchase agreements to ensure fair pricing, and
output, and ultimately, a negative impact on the improve governance and terms of Power Purchase
overall growth and development of the country. The Agreements (PPAs). Increasing competition in the
recurrent problem of circular debt in the power and energy market and expanding renewable energy
gas sectors is not novel. For the past decade, the capacity are also crucial to diversify the energy mix
nation has grappled with mounting debt, resulting in and reduce reliance on expensive imported fuels.
a cyclic pattern that appears increasingly challenging
to break. The predicament has been exacerbated by Furthermore, addressing circular debt in the gas
several factors, including slow-paced reforms, sector requires a similar approach. Regular biannual
inefficient distribution systems, and political end-user gas price adjustments, as per established
resistance to essential tariff adjustments. formulas, can help maintain the financial viability of
gas suppliers while protecting vulnerable consumers.
Pakistan’s energy sector, long shadowed by systemic Simultaneously, measures to reduce Unaccounted-for
flaws, has been skating on thin ice. It’s a cocktail of Gas (UFG) losses through infrastructure

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improvements and theft control will contribute to the Fiscal Year 2024 Circular Debt Management Plan
overall cost reduction. (CDMP). Aimed squarely at reining in power subsidies
and offsetting the whirlpool of debt, it’s a roadmap to
To support the reform efforts, the government should breathe life into a flagging sector. And with a target to
work closely with international financial institutions stabilise the fiscal year’s debt at 2.2% of the GDP, it’s
like the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank more than just a flash in the pan. Central to the
(ADB). These organizations can provide technical reform drive is tariff realignment. A push towards
expertise, financial support, and valuable insights transparent, regular adjustments ensures the
from successful energy sector reforms implemented in economic gears don’t grind to a halt. And as the
other countries. government reshapes its subsidy strategy, shielding
the needy without bleeding the exchequer becomes
Moreover, a tailored Just Energy Transition paramount. Cue the third stage of the multi-year
Partnership Investment Plan (JETP-IP) must be subsidy reform, which zooms in on agriculture while
negotiated under the strategic initiative of China- keeping a protective arm around residential lifelines.
Pakistan Economic Corridor, so that energy transition
can be accelerated along with much needed The future? Think renewables, reduced losses, and
investment into power grids. better-managed debts. And while the gas sector
battles its own circular demons, the prescription
In conclusion, Pakistan’s energy sector, long a tangle remains eerily familiar: fair pricing and regular
of inefficiencies and fiscal acrobatics, stands at the adjustments. It’s a path that’ll need global guidance.
precipice. For a decade, it’s been ensnared in the Institutions like the World Bank and ADB aren’t just
stranglehold of a mounting circular debt, punctuated deep-pocketed allies; they’re repositories of wisdom,
by power blackouts and beleaguered bailouts. 2023 their lessons from other shores invaluable.
only darkened the clouds, with the power sector
bearing the brunt, beset by liquidity woes, and A final piece of the puzzle lies with the China-Pakistan
drawing ever deeper from the national purse. Economic Corridor. A bespoke Just Energy Transition
Partnership Investment Plan might be the linchpin,
The heart of the matter? A power sector that’s more energising grids and speeding up the energy transition.
out of steam than it can afford to be, its very viability In essence, Pakistan’s energy woes, knotted in
hanging by a thread. It’s a quagmire deepened by political indecision and historical inefficiencies,
political dithering, sluggish reforms, and perennial demand not just immediate panaceas but a
operational losses. To many, the grim tapestry looks sustainable vision. The country can ill-afford to let its
familiar – the sector has been down this gloomy alley energy sector keep running in fiscal circles. (Author:
before, tethered to a cyclic pattern of debt Dr Khalid Waleed. The writer has a Doctorate in
accumulation that’s becoming tougher to snap. Energy Economics and serves as a Research Fellow at
SDPI. Published in Daily Times on August 19, 2023)
The International Monetary Fund, ever the fiscal
harbinger, has thrown a lifeline. They have proffered

In an era defined by interconnectedness and shared orchestrate operations, and devise efficient strategies
challenges, global security has emerged as a to counter terrorism.
paramount concern. Against this backdrop, China’s
Global Security Initiative (GSI) assumes a significant Moreover, as societies evolve towards greater
role in shaping a safer world. The GSI, which Chinese digitalization, the importance of cybersecurity as a
President Xi Jinping introduced in February this year, fundamental aspect of global security is enhanced.
has garnered interest from scholarly experts in The GSI is expected to encourage global cooperation in
Chinese studies since its inception. cybersecurity matters, including the establishment of
standards for responsible cyberspace conduct by
As China rises as a global power, expectations from states, enhancing capabilities, and sharing
the GSI are high, and rightly so. This proactive and information. China, with its rich cybersecurity
comprehensive initiative holds huge potential to knowledge and rapidly growing technological abilities,
promote international cooperation, address security is a pivotal participant in this sector. It is irrefutable
threats, and foster sustainable peace. As this initiative that conflict and instability causes substantial
gains traction, it is critical to examine the damage to global security; the GSI possesses
expectations and implications for the rest of the world. considerable potential to foster a meaningful shift in
the promotion of global peace and dispute resolutions.
GSI revolves around multiple core concepts. A primary As a permanent member of the UN Security Council,
expectation from the GSI is its commitment to China’s capacity to influence international
multilateralism. The success of any global initiative peacekeeping endeavours and mediation initiatives is
depends on international collaboration and greatly amplified. The GSI should take a practical role
cooperation. In order to encourage inclusive dialogue, in aiding peacekeeping operations, promoting
consensus-building, and collective decision-making diplomatic communication, and offering logistical
when addressing security challenges, the GSI must support to nations going through conflicts.
build on this foundation and further strengthen the
current multilateral structures. Global security is The GSI is also expected to prioritise environmental
significantly threatened by cross-border risks like security by promoting sustainable development and
terrorism and organized crime, and the world expects addressing climate-related risks. China is committed
proactive action from the GSI in mitigating these to achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 and has
dangers. China’s history in managing internal security immense investments in renewable energy which
crises, especially its counter-terrorism activities in make it an influential actor in this domain. Moreover,
Xinjiang, makes it a key player in international anti- during instances of humanitarian emergencies and
terrorism initiatives. The GSI should collaborate with natural catastrophes, the world expects the GSI to
other nations to enhance the exchange of intelligence,

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play a pivotal role in delivering immediate and efficient promote Chinese perspectives on global security
aid and disaster relief. governance than as a concrete strategy for
establishing a Chinese world order within the realistic
China has already effectively persuaded numerous framework of China’s role as a participant in
countries to endorse the concept of the GSI. Although international security. It is believed that the GSI
the idea might have been ambiguous, when it was actually lacks the necessary regulatory tools to carry
proposed by President Xi at the SCO Council of Heads out President Xi’s aspirational policy objectives, and it
of State in Uzbekistan, the initiative was rapidly also needs an economic programme in addition to
backed by the majority of SCO members, that is, security measures.
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
and Uzbekistan. In addition to these, over 80 nations The transition of the GSI from rhetoric to reality is still
and regional organizations, including Cambodia, in progress, although China has presented numerous
Mongolia, Cuba, Uruguay, and Nicaragua, have rebranding frameworks to other countries, but few
expressed their appreciation. Pakistan also strongly have advanced beyond Beijing’s merely nominal
supports the Global Development Initiative, a similar endorsement, raising doubts about this initiative’s
Initiative aimed at expediting the process of achieving chances of taking off. Therefore, it is crucial to track
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), 2030, and the progress of the GSI over the coming years and how
the GSI. In Africa and the Middle East, the GSI has it relates to China’s larger objectives of reforming
been used in a variety of foreign policy and diplomatic global governance. It is also imperative to take into
initiatives. Moreover, Gulf governments consider the account the practical limitations that will be placed on
GSI as well aligned with their security views, hence it China when analysing its motivations. Eventually, for
will likely receive support from different parts of the the GSI, process is as important as results and even if
Gulf region. the most specialized components of the GSI results in
few concrete policy outcomes, the overall initiative will
However, despite this initial enthusiasm, the GSI will still foster a friendly international network. (Author:
face significant challenges in the actual Fatima Pasha. Published in Pakistan Today on
implementation. It is essential to comprehend the September 8, 2023)
actual capacity of China to implement the GSI as it
appears to function more as a rhetorical tool to


ISLAMIC spiritual thought is a tradition of fact, Sufism made a powerful impact on the fabric of
conceptualizing human affairs that originates with the Islamic polity, which contemporary scholarship has
Prophet Muhammad (570–632 CE) in seventh-century widely overlooked. Sufism began in the eighth and
Arabia. In his lifetime Muhammad recited the Qur’an ninth centuries in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Iran, with
and established a precedent (Sunnah) that Muslims groups of men of piety leading an ascetic life and
ever since have taken as a guide for establishing a seeking the mystic experience of union with God.
just community. In the following centuries, Muslims
spread the Islamic way of life (Deen) across the Middle Led by teaching masters called Shaykhs (or Pīrs in
East, North Africa, Southern Europe, Iran, Central Persian), it developed its ideal of poverty (Faqr) and
Asia and India, until today approximately one and half trust in God (Tawakkul) and spread its practice of
billion people, or one-fifth of humanity, identify as meditative recollection (Zikr). Its radical spiritual and
Muslim. Islamic spiritual thought has consistency social patterns provoked scholars of law and theology,
insofar as certain terms — such as community stirred up urban populations and challenged public
(Ummah), justice (‘Adl) and struggle (Jihad) — recur order. After being eclipsed by the Shi‘i renaissance of
throughout the Qur’an and Prophetic narratives the tenth century, Sufism reframed its path to God as
(Hadith) and subsequent spiritual texts. a branch of the Muslim sciences during the Sunni
revival under the Seljuk Turks. Leading into the
Throughout its history, however, Islamic spiritual caliphate of the Abbasid Nasir (1180–1225), Sufism
thought has incorporated modified and challenged organized itself into a large number of fraternities
Arab customs, Jewish law, Persian statecraft, (Tarīqah) based on a strict order of master and
Hellenistic philosophy, Christian theology and disciples and marked by initiation rites and common
European and American culture. Muslims are prayer ceremonies.
currently debating how to reconcile (or not) Islamic
notions of community and justice and struggle with Networks of Sufi centres called “lodges” (Ar Ribāt, or
concepts that first appeared in ancient Greece or Pers. Khānqāh) paralleled the educational institution
medieval Christendom, such as democracy, liberty of the madrasa and were favored by sultanate
and secularism. This entry provides a background to governments. The sultans sought sacred legitimization
that debate by focusing on how leading Muslim for the secular leadership they had acquired through
thinkers address questions of sovereignty and law or usurpation by securing the endorsement of Sufi
who ought to govern according to which interpretation Shaykhs, whom they often honored with the title of
of Sharia (divine law). Shaykh al-Islam. Sufism was profoundly undergirded
by the monist philosophy of Ibn al-‘Arabi (1165-1240),
According to Ibn-e-Rushd, philosophers were best who’s pivotal concept of the “Perfect Man” (Al-Insān
qualified to interpret scripture, tradition and law al-Kāmil) supplied both an ontological and ethical
because they possessed the highest form of knowledge. ideal. Yet Sufism engaged the emotions as well as the
Following Aristotle, he held that right and wrong were intellect, tolerating unruly wandering dervishes
determined by nature rather than by divine command (Qalandar) and growing widely popular through its
and that effective legislation required both theoretical provocative use of Persian love poetry, especially that
and empirical knowledge. In the last century of of Jalal al-Din al-Rumi (1207–73).
Abbasid rule in Baghdad, Sufism emerged as an
organized movement of fraternities, building up the Drawing upon an image familiar to steppe populations,
infrastructure of Muslim society and shaping the the Sufis advocated a “tent” of spiritual rule (Wilāya)
Islamic identity of the polity for centuries to come; in over the entire society. The hierarchy of saints (Awliyā’)

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would be anchored in a spiritual pole (Qutub), which Central Asia, the Shazhilis in Egypt and North Africa
would in turn be supported by his substitutes, the and the Suhrawardis and Chishtis in the Indus and
“stakes” (Abdāl) and “pegs” (Awtād). Sufi institutions, Ganges plains. The three great empires would draw
often built on the outskirts of urban centres around religious and political strength from Sufi resources,
the tombs of their founders, produced widely used the Ottomans from the Mevlevis and Bektashis, the
manuals that disseminated the ethical and spiritual Shi‘i Safavids from their Sunni Sufi roots and the
ideal of the Sufi way of life and contributed much to Mughals from the Qadiris and Naqshbandis. All that
the Islamic identity of populations in India, Southeast Islam requires is that men and women strive to create
Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Sufism made its a just society, where the vulnerable are treated
principal impact on Islamic spiritual thought and decently. This was the bedrock of the Islamic spiritual
social practice during the turbulent transition from essence to purify oneself and distribute equality and
the fragmentation of the Abbasid Empire and the justice to society. (Author: Umar Riaz Abbasi (PhD in
emergence of its three successors. Islamic Studies). Published in Pakistan Observer on
September 8, 2023)
During the sultanate period of Ilkhanids, Timurids,
Mamluks and Delhi Sultans, Sufi influence was
spread by many orders, among them the Kubrawis in

Pakistan’s Energy Policy: Foresight Versus Hindsight

Pakistan's energy policy has been dictated by a Chinese way. Secondly, the public sector, led by Mr.
hapless myopia that has more often than not left the Shahbaz Sharif & Co., managed to swiftly bring to
nation's citizens without power, or burdened with fruition four RLNG-based power projects of
excessive electricity bills. Instead of hasty political considerable magnitude.
posturing, prudence must govern Pakistan's energy
choices. While a handful of experts exhibited foresight by
raising pertinent questions about the viability of these
In the realm of energy production, Pakistan has exceptional projects, the majority gave their nod of
navigated through two contrasting scenarios over the approval. This collective decision-making has left us
years: periods of electricity scarcity that lead to load grappling with excess capacity and the "must run"
management, commonly known as load-shedding, and obligation imposed by several large projects, including
times of surplus capacity. In both situations, the RLNG and coal-based power initiatives.
public has not shied from voicing their concerns.
During shortages, the noise emanates from the roar of In hindsight, we must ask ourselves why we did not
generators in shopping districts, while in surplus strive for consensus before embarking on these
times, it echoes in the form of frustration over higher monumental ventures. Why did we not heed the voices
tariffs and hefty electricity bills. of experts who raised grave concerns about the
feasibility or non-viability of these projects? Why did
The journey into private sector involvement in power we not consider treating CPEC projects as
generation, which began in the 1990s, led us down a government-to-government (G2G) collaborations,
path of contracting more capacity than our immediate securing significantly reduced “returns on investment”,
needs. This era brought "accountability" into the both on debt and equity investments by the large
limelight and ushered in a tumultuous chapter SOEs (State Owned Enterprises) of the friendly
marked by costly litigation and international Government of China? These investments, protected
arbitration. At the helm of this accountability drive by the Government of Pakistan in terms of concession
was a figure known as 'Ehtisabur Reman.' Those agreements and China’s own Sinosure, could have
interested in the details of this tumultuous period can been structured more judiciously.
easily find them through a simple online search.
We cannot change the past, but we can chart a more
From 1997 to 2004, we grappled with the dual prudent course moving forward. Our first step should
challenges of surplus energy and excessive capacity be to lend an attentive ear to the experts, fostering
payments. Yet, from 2008 to 2015, we faced a severe consensus on how to address the capacity conundrum.
energy shortage, prompting us to explore various
avenues to meet the demand for electricity. Simultaneously, we must come together to establish a
consensus on how to attract investors, both local and
Reflecting on our energy landscape from 1947 to 2013, international, through the SIFC, the recently created
one can discern a pattern of "regular" capacity Special Investment Facilitation Council, while avoiding
expansion plans. During the 1990s, power generation the repetition of past mistakes.
capacity was bolstered through a mix of public sector
initiatives led by WAPDA and the Pakistan Atomic Just as a company seeks the wisdom of its board and
Energy Commission, as well as private sector shareholders and relies on the majority or
endeavors facilitated by the creation of PPIB in 1994 supermajority decisions of its directors or
and another facilitating agency (AEDB) established shareholders, our nation must collectively make and
around 2005. Typically, it took approximately a wholeheartedly implement informed decisions. We
decade from the inception of a project to its financial should not tolerate political posturing or misleading
closure, given the nature of the public sector projects tactics. Furthermore, blame games should have no
or the stringent requirements of the financial place in our pursuit of a more stable and efficient
institutions in standard “project finance” deals. energy future and economic stability. (Author:
Hasnain Naqvee. Published in Friday Times on
However, two notable exceptions emerged on September 8, 2023)
Pakistan's energy horizon, defying conventional
timelines and expectations. Firstly, the power projects
under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
arrived with unprecedented speed, characterized by
their immense scale and rapid execution, true to the

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Pakistan's foreign policy is shaped by a combination Kashmir dispute: The longstanding Kashmir dispute
of security concerns, diplomatic challenges, and between Pakistan and India remains a major
economic stability. It must overcome these to move challenge to Islamabad's foreign policy.
The dispute over a region claimed by both India and
Since its inception, security has dominated Pakistan's Pakistan has been a central point of contention
foreign policy. Having redefined its location as geo- between the two nuclear-tipped neighbouring but
strategic in a region rife with territorial conflicts, hostile countries since the Partition in 1947. Pakistan
Pakistan has fashioned a foreign policy where it delves has consistently advocated for the right to self-
into a combination of critical issues such as Kashmir, determination for the people of Kashmir and has
Afghanistan, and terrorism apart from other self- sought international support to resolve the issue.
serving interests. Amid these challenging issues,
Pakistan's foreign policy faces several challenges that Pakistan's foreign policy regarding Kashmir has
need to be addressed to effectively navigate the typically focused on diplomatic efforts to raise
complex international landscape. awareness about the human rights violations
perpetrated by India and the vain efforts to seek a
International relations scholars define foreign policy peaceful resolution through dialogue with New Delhi.
as a set of strategies, decisions, and actions a
government takes to pursue national interests in Pakistan has sought the international community's
relation to other countries. They analyse foreign policy involvement, particularly the United Nations, in
through the theoretical lenses of realism, liberalism, mediating the Kashmir dispute.
constructivism, and Marxism to understand the
motivations, strategies, and implications of a Islamabad has also highlighted the importance of
country's foreign policy decisions. For most countries, implementing UN Security Council resolutions on
their foreign policies are shaped by their unique Kashmir, which call for a plebiscite to determine the
domestic politics, historical experiences, cultural region's future. Additionally, Pakistan has supported
values, and geopolitical considerations. After that, the right of the Kashmiris to express their aspirations
factors such as balance of power, global and regional and has condemned any use of force or repression
dynamics, international institutions, and emerging against them.
challenges such as globalisation, terrorism, climate
change, and human rights influence them. For Pakistan, resolving this critical issue is crucial to
ensuring regional peace and stability. Pakistan should
For Pakistan, though, this has meant security, continue to engage bilaterally with India. It needs to
whether of the physical or the economic kind. But engage multilaterally at international forums to find a
there are other challenges as well which this article peaceful solution to the Kashmir conflict.
will explore.
It is important to note that while the Kashmir issue
Security concerns: Pakistan has long been grappling has been a key factor in Pakistan's foreign policy, its
with grave security challenges. This includes terrorism overall objectives extend beyond this specific dispute.
domestically and from across its borders, along with Pakistan aims to maintain friendly relations with all
regional conflicts. These security concerns not only countries, promote regional stability, and pursue
impact domestic stability but also affect Pakistan's economic development and cooperation.
relations with other countries.
Economic stability: During the ongoing fiscal year
Over the past 50 years, Pakistan has been embroiled 2023-2024, Pakistan's fiscal deficit is around 6.5% of
either directly or indirectly in various violent conflicts, its total GDP. Pakistan's total Gross Domestic Product
from the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in (GDP) stands at around $378 billion which is
1979, the resulting rampant militancy, the US war on significantly lower when compared to its eastern
terror and the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan neighbour India, whose current GDP is around $3.6
following the 9/11 attacks, all the while dealing with trillion.
low-intensity conflict on its eastern border with India
and sporadic issues cropping up on its western border Throw in a balance of payment and devaluation crisis,
with Iran. All of these have significantly impacted and the entire country has been engulfed by rampant
Pakistan's foreign policy. inflation, widespread economic deterioration, and
rising unemployment. In other words, Pakistan is
In managing an effective response to terrorism, facing the worst economic recession of its short
tackling militancy, and protecting the global history.
community's interests, Pakistan was almost driven to
the brink of economic collapse. Even though it Naturally, much engagement between Pakistan and
attempted to manage them domestically, its attempts other nations diplomatically circles to economics as
to raise the issue diplomatically at the international well.
level received a less than reciprocal response. Instead,
the global community was seen as utterly passive and Economic stability is essential for Pakistan's foreign
non-cooperative. policy to effectively engage with other nations.
Pakistan must address economic challenges such as
Still, to tackle these continuing challenges, Pakistan high inflation, unemployment, and low foreign direct
needs to further enhance its counter-terrorism efforts, investment (FDI).
strengthen its intelligence capabilities, and actively
engage with regional and international partners to Pakistan can strengthen its position in the
promote peace and stability. international community by implementing sound
economic policies, attracting foreign investment, and
promoting trade.

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Balancing regional alliances: Given the thrust of That being said, Pakistan needs to actively work on
Pakistan's external posturing hinges acutely on geo- improving its image through effective communication
strategic location, Islamabad's foreign policy often strategies, promoting cultural diplomacy, and
tends to involve balancing alliances with different highlighting its contributions to regional and global
regional powers. peace.

However, its economic dependence and fragile

democracy are among the key factors behind its Pakistan must enhance its soft power through smart
dependence on power brokers such as neighbour diplomacy to improve its caricatured image on the
China and the Western Block led by the US. regional and global hemispheres.
Way forward: Pakistan must strengthen its
Pakistan can ill afford to annoy China for the sake of institutions, including the foreign office, intelligence
the US, and vice versa. A perfect dilemma. agencies, and think tanks, to formulate and
implement foreign policy effectively.
No doubt, maintaining a delicate balance between its
relationships with China, the United States, and other Pakistan should actively engage in diplomatic efforts,
regional actors is an unenviable challenge. including bilateral and multilateral dialogues, to
promote its interests and resolve conflicts. Islamabad
Pakistan needs to pursue a balanced approach based should focus on economic diplomacy to attract foreign
on its national interests while actively engaging with investment, expand trade relations, and enhance
all regional stakeholders to promote peace, stability, economic cooperation with other countries.
and economic cooperation. The changing regional
security and strategic scenarios have always posed A liberal foreign policy can attract foreign investment
hurdles for Islamabad to shape cooperative and liberal and promote economic growth. By fostering a more
foreign policy with a focus on bilateral and open and inclusive environment, Pakistan can
multilateral relations. enhance its trade relations with other countries,
leading to increased exports, job creation, and overall
Image perception: Pakistan often faces negative economic development. Pakistan should build
perceptions and stereotypes in the international stronger diplomatic ties and foster cooperation with
community, significantly impacting its foreign policy the international community. This can lead to
objectives. collaborations in various fields, such as technology,
education, healthcare, and research, which can
Over the years, Pakistan has been blamed for various contribute to the overall progress and development of
issues, from human rights violations within its the country.
borders, persecution of minorities, harbouring
militants, sponsoring the Afghan Taliban, and hosting Additionally, Pakistan should emphasise promoting
safe havens for Al Qaeda and the Islamic State and protecting human rights, including freedom of
militants. speech, gender equality, and religious freedom
domestically, to improve its image at the global level.
Despite spending significant blood, treasure, time and
political capital combating religious militancy and Pakistan should reimagine its foreign policy to
supporting the international community in the fight improve its international reputation and demonstrate
against extremism and terrorism, the US and the its commitment to democratic values. This will surely
Western world have always accused Pakistan of help the country earn greater respect and friendly
duplicity and terrorism, which is, unfortunately, support from the international community. (Author:
pathetic and unjust. Rahim Nasar. Published in Friday Times on
September 7, 2023)

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A review of Pakistan’s higher judiciary

Author: Rana Banerji. The writer is former Special Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat in India.
Published in The Hindu newspaper on September 20, 2023.
The retirement of Justice Umar Ata Bandial as the Army decided to get rid of sitting Prime Minister,
28th Chief Justice (CJ) of Pakistan’s Supreme Court Nawaz Sharif, CJ Saqib Nisar disqualified him from
on September 16, 2023 brings to a close one of the holding public office for life in the Imran Ahmed Khan
murkiest chapters in the history of an institution Niazi versus Muhammad Nawaz Sharif case, otherwise
which has remained blemished due to its cyclical known as the Panamagate case, over non-disclosure
bouts of adherence to, or resistance against, the of an iqama (fee agreement). The legal soundness of
doctrine of necessity. this judgment has remained questionable. Moreover,
LAW OF NECESSITY According to Henry de Bracton, Mr. Nisar’s unwarranted forays into health
a 13th century medieval jurist, the doctrine of management or creation of a fund for building dams
necessity means “that which is otherwise not lawful is has also raised eyebrows.
made lawful by necessity”. In Pakistan, this doctrine
was first used in the Federation of Pakistan versus An attempt was again made in November, 2019 when
Maulvi Tamizuddin Khan case (1955), when the CJ Asif Khosa set the cat among the pigeons by
Federal Court of Pakistan (now the Supreme Court) making several disparaging remarks on the proclivity
headed by CJ Muhammad Munir upheld Governor of generals to give themselves ‘year after year’ of
General Ghulam Muhammad’s dismissal of Prime extensions. Describing his order as an ‘exercise in
Minister Khawaja Nazimuddin’s government. Maulvi judicial restraint’, Mr. Khosa suspended the extension
Tamizuddin Khan, president of the Constituent given to General Qamar Javed Bajwa as Army Chief by
Assembly, had challenged the Governor General’s Prime Minister Imran Khan earlier in the year. He also
actions in the Sindh High Court, which struck down extracted an undertaking from the Attorney General to
the Governor General’s order. amend laws pertaining to the Army Chief’s
appointment. Thus, in January 2020, the Army Act,
Thereafter in 1958, through the Dosso versus 1952 was amended by consensus, factoring in age
Federation of Pakistan, the Supreme Court upheld related extensions in the tenure of Service Chiefs,
Dosso’s conviction for murder under the Frontier Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee
Crimes Regulation, 1901 (FCR), even though the (CJCSC).
Lahore High Court had ruled that the FCR did not fall
under the 1956 Constitution. Martial law imposed by THE REIGN OF CJ BANDIAL
President Iskander Mirza was indirectly validated. In Mr. Bandial’s tenure was plagued by the selective
the Asma Jilani versus State of Punjab case 1972, assignment of judges to benches and the isolating of
Justice Hamoodur Rahman held Yahya Khan’s martial two senior most judges, Justices Qazi Faez Isa and
law as illegal. Asma Jilani Jahangir was a famous Tariq Masood from case work, while Justices Ijazul
human rights activist in Pakistan. This paved the way Ahsan and Munib Akhtar were overtly favoured and
for the restoration of democracy in the country. assisted him in politically sensitive cases. The Bandial
Court was publicly perceived to be openly partial to
However, in the Begum Nusrat Bhutto versus Chief of ousted PM Imran Khan. All encompassing anticipatory
the Army Staff case in 1977, the Supreme Court bail was given in the plethora of cases filed against
validated the imposition of martial law under the him. Even when Mr. Khan was arrested in May, and
doctrine of necessity. The pattern was repeated over brought to court under the custody of a posse of
the Junejo government dismissal in the Haji Saifullah Pakistan Rangers, CJ Bandial made sure that the
case, 1988 and in the sacking of the Benazir former PM was quickly released on bail by a lower
government by President Ghulam Ishaq Khan in court. In the Toshakhana case, Mr. Bandial sought to
August, 1990 (Ahmed Tariq Rahim versus Federation intervene even as appeal proceedings were pending
of Pakistan). before the Islamabad High Court.

The practice also emerged of martial law dispensers Furthermore, allegations on complicity in bench fixing
getting judges to swear fresh oaths of allegiance under and corruption among Supreme Court Judges
Provisional Constitutional Orders (PCOs), so that they emerged in audio leaks. Instead of recusing from the
would enable the disruption of constitutional Bench, as audios of his mother-in-law were included,
provisions. Only a few ‘braver’ judges dissented. the CJ reserved judgment and sat over the case for
Therefore, there were PCO judges and non-PCO judges three months before issuing a 32 page long-winded
in different political regimes. order, dismissing it as a challenge against judicial
independence. The schisms within the current 15-
THE IMPACT OF THE LAWYERS’ MOVEMENT member Court came out into the open, with judges on
In March, 2007, Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad his own Bench questioning the power of the Chief
Chaudhry defied the orders of General Pervez Justice’s ‘one-man show’.
Musharraf, President of Pakistan and Army Chief,
after which he was summarily dismissed over For example, new law was written into Article 63A of
misconduct and corruption charges connected to his the 1973 Constitution, wherein votes cast under a
son, Arsalan. Mr. Chaudhry’s cause was taken up in a whip by the parliamentary party leader were deemed
countrywide lawyers’ agitation which led to his valid, not that of the party’s head. This seemed
reinstatement two years later. Much has been made of contrary to the powers given under Article 95 for a
this milestone in Pakistan’s judicial history, signifying ‘conscience’ vote during a no-confidence motion. This
a standing up against the military establishment. ruling enabled the ouster of the Pakistan Muslim
However, Mr. Chaudhry’s tenure as CJ brought in League (N)’s Hamza Shehbaz-led provincial
other malpractices like discriminatory and arbitrary government in Punjab and its replacement by a pro-
appointments, based on personal loyalties. Imran dispensation under Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi.

The military establishment continued to play a role in Similarly, when a Bench led by Qazi Faez Isa ruled in
the decisions of the judiciary. In April 2017, once the March, against the powers of the Supreme Court to
initiate suo motoproceedings under Article 184 (2), CJ

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Bandial overruled this judgment. When the Shehbaz neighbouring Pakistan the decline was swift and in
Sharif coalition government legislated later to amend most cases irretrievable.
these powers under the Supreme Court (Practice and
Procedure) Bill, 2023, Mr. Bandial ruled the Act as As politicking took central stage and the rule of law
`beyond the legislative competence of Parliament’. began to take a back seat in the wake of the launch of
the new country, judiciary also became increasingly
THE WAY FORWARD involved in the country’s murky politics. The first
In the fractious backdrop of a burgeoning executive- Martial Law of 1958 was a test case for judiciary and
judiciary conflict, the 64-year-old Qazi Faez Isa was the Supreme Court to assert its ‘independence’. Its
designated Pakistan’s new Chief Justice in July, failure to prevent or stop an assault on the
almost two months before Mr. Bandial’s retirement. Constitution was a shameful act of obeisance to the
Mr. Isa has had multiple run-ins with the federal, powers-that-be. The rot started and it goes on. In
civilian and military establishment. In the Quetta 1969, another military dictator took the reins of power
Commission report (2016) constituted by the Supreme in his hands. No judiciary could come in his way as he
Court of Pakistan under Article 184(3) to investigate led the country to a devastating division. In 1977, a
the August 8 terrorist attacks in Quetta, he military General removed a constitutionally elected
commented adversely on ineptitude, particularly of government, took power and ruled for 11 years. No
the Interior Minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. Supreme Court could challenge, stop him. What a
disgraceful spectacle of a so-called, controlled
After the Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan (TLP)’s sit-in democracy! In 1999, yet another General dismantled
demonstrations at Faizabad Mor paralysed public life, the democratic dispensation, assumed control and
Justice Isa criticised, in February 2019, ‘excesses’ of went on to rule for 9 long years. This time the
the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), the Intelligence Supreme Court not only validated a military takeover
Bureau (IB) and the Military Intelligence (MI) in first but also, in another infamous gesture, allowed the
fostering and later, dispersing the protestors. This led dictator to make ‘such changes to the Constitution’ as
to the filing of a reference against him in the Supreme may be needed — an appeasement to the powers-that-
Judicial Council (SJC) by the Imran Khan government. be, unprecedented even by Pakistan’s standards!

Surviving these obstacles in appearances before the Judging by those standards, the role of the outgoing
SJC, and despite feet dragging by a reluctant Mr. Chief Justice is hardly surprising. Supporting a
Bandial after the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) political party, constituting benches to suit a political
government withdrew the reference, Mr. Qazi Faez Isa party, choosing to head the bench that would hear a
has now taken over as CJ, albeit for a short, one year case involving his own mother-in law came as no
term (till October, 2024). He would have to focus on surprise to those who have known the many
selecting one new judge to complete the 17-member structural weaknesses and the many questionable
court and address contentious judgments on criteria of how judges in Pakistan are appointed and
constitutional and administrative powers. elevated to superior courts. The outgoing chief justice
leaves a toxic legacy that would long be associated
Though there is a seeming constitutional impasse over with his name. It is shocking that there is no genuine
fresh delimitation of constituencies after a new system of institutionlised accountability of judges of
Census, Mr. Isa will have to take a call on the 90-day the superior judiciary. Accountability process is
deadline for holding fresh elections, so that the initiated only in the case of Justice Shaukat Aziz
caretaker government’s tenure does not get Siddiqi for his expressing views that were not
inordinately extended. acceptable to the powers-that-be. Or accountability
comes into play against Justice Qazi Faez Isa for
In sum, though interspersed with brief bouts of similar reasons.
independence, Pakistan’s higher judiciary has fallen
in line, whenever threatened by unforeseen outcomes Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? None. The
of political engineering by the omnipotent military picture has become even gloomier. There is a huge
establishment. CJ Isa’s tenure at least holds the despondency amongst those who would like to see the
promise of a return to a more principled interpretation advent of a new era where the rule of law and the
of basic law tenets, preserving the sanctity of civilian supremacy are the accepted and established
Pakistan’s only consensus document, the 1973 norms. Society will grow in strength and resilience
Constitution. only when the rule of law prevails and is accepted by
not only the rank and file but by the elite and those
End of another sordid saga in Supreme Court who wield power. Those who wield power must learn
history (Author: Rustam Shah Mohmand. Published to bow before the rule of law. Why is there no such
in The Express Tribune on September 20, 2023) crisis in neighbouring India! A huge country, more
ethnically and linguistically diverse than Pakistan,
Judiciary in Pakistan has, for ages, played second with more socio-economic disparities and yet held
fiddle to the powers-that-be. The great and noble together by the unchallengeable rule of law. There has
traditions of the pre-Partition India were being been no subversion of the Constitution, no Martial
decimated at the altar of political expediency. There Laws, no military rule even during the worst economic
were a few institutions of the British colonial rule of crisis — because the fabric of society has been held
which the undivided India was rightly proud of — the together by genuine democratic governance. Have we
Indian civil service, judicial systems, Indian Railways, ever heard of poll rigging in India? Never. How and
Punjab’s irrigation system, the post and telegraph when would Pakistan reach a stage where power
service and the land settlement. Each of these transfer is institutiuonalised, where the rule of law is
institutions was unique in the Third World countries supreme and where the danger of any ‘interference’ of
and indeed in many European countries. These were any sort does not exist? No hope looms on the horizon
institutions that India was rightly proud of. But while as yet.
the post-colonial India made a commitment to retain,
protect and patronise these institutions, in

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Pakistan’s Renewal of CISMOA With the US

Author: Mustafa Bilal. Published in The Diplomat on September 20, 2023.
Pakistan has reportedly renewed the Communications technology to India remained circumscribed by
and Information Security Memorandum of Agreement bureaucratic hindrances. This bureaucratic logjam
(CISMOA), a foundational defense agreement with the catalyzed the signing of the remaining three
United States, three years after it had lapsed. The foundational agreements, furthering the objectives
Pakistan-U.S. CISMOA was originally signed in 2005, envisioned under the aegis of DTTI.
in the thick of the post-9/11 Global War on Terror. A
year earlier, Pakistan had been designated a major Since the elevation of India as a Major Defense
non-NATO ally by the U.S. for being the frontline state Partner of the United States in 2016, both countries
in the counterterrorism campaign. Since its signing, have spent considerable political capital to finalize the
this defense accord served as the bedrock for LEMOA, COMCASA, and BECA agreements after
counterterrorism cooperation between Pakistan and extensive negotiations. These have had profound
the United States for more than a decade – until it implications for regional stability by solidifying India’s
expired in 2020. pivotal role as a “net security provider” in the Indo-
Pacific. The agreements also served to increase
Now that CISMOA is back in force, what are the conventional asymmetries in South Asia between
prospects for Pakistan-U.S. defense ties? India and Pakistan through the transfer of latest
military hardware to India and granting to India of
First, some background on what CISMOA actually is. real-time access to U.S. geospatial intelligence. These
To maintain its global defense partnerships, the foundational agreements have effectively acted as a
United States has routinely signed defense accords force multiplier for the Indian military as they have
with its allies and partners for sharing and securing emboldened the adoption of an assertive regional
classified military information. These agreements military posture.
establish a standardized framework that amplifies
operational compatibility among allied armed forces. In the background of these transformative
Beyond enhancing interoperability, they ease the legal developments, the United States has prudently
and bureaucratic impediments invariably associated navigated its concurrent engagement with Pakistan,
with the acquisition and transfer of sensitive military despite pessimistic commentaries about the future
technologies – a compelling prerequisite, as such trajectory of Pakistan-U.S. relations amid burgeoning
agreements are mandated by U.S. legislation India-U.S. defense ties and the U.S. withdrawal from
governing high-tech exports. Afghanistan. Pakistan’s geostrategic significance as a
key regional partner has stood the test of time as
These four types of foundational agreements – the prominent U.S. officials realize the imperative of
General Security of Military Information Agreement remaining engaged with Islamabad.
(GSOMIA), Logistics Support Agreement (LSA),
Communications and Information Security This was exemplified by successive visits of the
Memorandum of Understanding (CISMOA), and Basic CENTCOM commander and the second inter-agency
Exchange Cooperation Agreement (BECA) – therefore Pakistan-U.S. Defense Dialogue held in February
constitute the cornerstone of the United States’ 2023. The proceedings echoed resolute reaffirmations
international military cooperation. of shared commitment to counterterrorism and
expressions of U.S. readiness to ameliorate Pakistan’s
CISMOA was integral for Pakistan-U.S. military economic woes.
cooperation during the Global War on Terror. However,
as the war in Afghanistan prolonged and became a Earlier, in 2022, the Biden administration
strategic liability for the United States, there was a demonstrated the political will to maintain defense
discernible shift in U.S. foreign policy against an ties with Pakistan by approving and justifying a $450
evolving geopolitical backdrop. Washington began to million sustainment package for Pakistan’s F-16 fleet,
pivot away from the primacy of counterterrorism notwithstanding vociferous criticism from its “global
toward countering China’s rise in global politics. In an strategic partner” India.
era of strategic competition, India’s significance for the
United States was revitalized, as New Delhi presented During a seminar in April, Pakistan’s ambassador in
itself as an indispensable partner in addressing Washington, Masood Khan, made a case for
China’s ascendant global influence. reinvigorating defense cooperation in the context of
the resurgent insurgency in Pakistan since the U.S.
In stark contrast, relations between Pakistan and the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
U.S. deteriorated, marred by mutual distrust,
discordance over Afghanistan, and mounting The CISMOA renewal hence raises the prospects of a
frustrations that ultimately culminated with the breakthrough in the reinvigoration of defense
suspension of U.S. military assistance to Pakistan in cooperation between Pakistan and the United States.
2018. It’s noteworthy that CISMOA often serves as a
precursor to the deepening of military ties, as it grants
India and the United States cultivated their strategic legal legitimacy to Foreign Military Sales conducted by
partnership by fortifying the foundation laid by the United States. This institutional mechanism will
GSOMIA, the inaugural foundational accord signed in undoubtedly facilitate robust cooperation and
2002 to facilitate the exchange of military intelligence. streamlined communication within an ever-volatile
Key developments such as the India-U.S. nuclear geopolitical environment, as well as contribute
accord in 2008 and commencement of the Defense substantively to Pakistan’s counterterrorism
Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) in 2012 operations.
envisaged a transformative decade for the trajectory of
the bilateral defense partnership, shifting from a Nevertheless, a realpolitik analysis undermines
transactional “buyer-seller” dynamic to a partnership optimistic expectations for the future of Pakistan-U.S.
underpinned by co-development and co-production. relations. Short-term converging interests against the
However, the transfer of cutting-edge U.S. military mutual threat posed by terrorism will keep Pakistani

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and U.S. officials on the same page for now. But in the to picking sides between China and the United States.
long term, diverging interests shaped by regional Pakistan’s policymakers “not have time for the Cold
dynamics might obstruct further strengthening of War-style bloc politics that sadly seem to be making a
defense ties, considering the bipartisan consensus in comeback,” as Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto
the United States on thwarting China’s regional Zardari put it, but that choice is not up to Pakistan
ambitions. This underlying U.S. objective not only alone. It might only be a matter of time before
drives ever-closer India-U.S. military cooperation, but Pakistan is forced to concede to the dictates of great
also raises concerns in Pakistan, which has no desire power competition, undertaking otherwise undesirable
to rupture its close ties with Beijing. strategic decisions as geopolitical forces beyond
Pakistan’s control are at play.
Pakistani policymakers thus confront the intricate
balancing act of preserving their proclaimed aversion
The Geopolitics of the New India-Middle East-Europe Corridor
Author: Rajeswari Pillai. Published in The Diplomat on September 19, 2023.
One achievement reached on the sidelines of India’s
G-20 Summit was the new initiative to develop a rail
and shipping corridor connecting India to Europe via
the Middle East. According to a White House fact
sheet, leaders from the United States, India, Saudi
Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany,
Italy, and the European Union signed a Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) agreeing to establish a new
India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC).

That some of the major Middle Eastern countries

including Saudi Arabia, Israel, the UAE, and Jordan
are part of it makes it noteworthy, especially from a
geopolitical perspective. Announcing this at the G-20
Leaders’ meeting on the Partnership for Global
Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), the leaders The new corridor has other important dimensions,
noted that the IMEC will involve rail connectivity, including reliable and secure regional supply chains,
shipping lines, high-speed data cables, and energy better trade accessibility, and trade facilitation. The
pipelines. These will complement the existing participating countries are looking to “increase
maritime and road networks that will enhance efficiencies, reduce costs, enhance economic unity,
movement of trade and services “to transit to, from, generate jobs, and lower greenhouse gas emissions –
and between India, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, resulting in a transformative integration of Asia,
Israel, and Europe.” Europe, and the Middle East.”

Especially since China launched its Belt and Road While details are still awaited, what is currently
Initiative (BRI), the United States and its partners known is that IMEC is exploring many different routes
have made efforts to come up with effective alternative connecting several ports along the way, including
proposals. The PGII, launched as a counter to China’s Haifa in Israel, Piraeus in Greece, and three ports on
BRI at the G-7 Summit in August 2022, is also an the west coast of India: Mundra (Gujarat), Kandla
infrastructure initiative to fund connectivity projects (Gujarat), and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (Navi
in developing countries. Like IMEC, the PGII has four Mumbai). There are five ports in the Middle East that
focus areas: health and health security, digital will link up with the Indian ports and these include
connectivity, gender equality and equity, and climate Fujairah, Jebel Ali, and Abu Dhabi in the UAE as well
and energy security. A year later the MoU was signed, as the Dammam and Ras Al Khair ports in Saudi
the PGII has a string of projects and investments. Arabia. All of these are being shortlisted to make a

Along with IMEC, the G-20 summit

also saw the European Union
announce its plans for a “Trans-
African Corridor,” a transportation
network linking Angola, Zambia,
and the Democratic Republic of
the Congo. The Trans-African
Corridor was described in the
press release as “a powerful
evolution” of the PGII.

IMEC is significant from an

infrastructure and connectivity
perspective as well as from a
geopolitical angle. The project
involves two separate corridors –
the east corridor, which connects
India to the Arabian Gulf, and the
northern corridor, which connects
final decision that will be based on the routes that will
the Arabian Gulf to Europe. According to the MoU, the
“prospectively reduce the freight load on one route.”
IMEC is “expected to stimulate economic development
through enhanced connectivity and economic
It should be noted that all ports but the Mundra port
integration between Asia, the Arabian Gulf, and
in India, the Haifa port in Israel, and the Piraeus port

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in Greece are government-owned. The Mundra and would form “One Belt, One Road” (now more
Haifa ports are under the control of the Indian commonly known as the Belt and Road Initiative). BRI
conglomerate, Adani Group. Greece’s Piraeus port is has since outgrown its original corridors, becoming
controlled by COSCO Shipping, a Chinese state- global in scope. Under BRI, China has financed and
owned enterprise, which obtained a majority stake in built roads, power plants, ports, railways, and digital
2016. infrastructure. It is the world’s largest ever global
infrastructure undertaking, with China financing up
According to official sources cited in media reports, to $1 trillion in infrastructure around the world.
studies are being done to ascertain the state of the Nearly 150 nations have signed on to BRI in some
infrastructure, especially railway networks in the form. China pursued BRI in hopes that it would
Middle East. Missing links are being noted for fresh absorb excess manufacturing capacity, enable Beijing
construction work under IMEC. The proposed cost of to put its excess savings to use, narrow the gap
IMEC is not available, but one media report indicated between China’s affluent coastal cities and its
that partnering countries “may allocate an estimated impoverished interior, and help secure a consistent
$20 billion” toward the economic corridor. Other source of inputs for China’s manufacturing sector.
media reports have indicated an early estimate of $3 New trade routes would reorient commerce away from
billion to $8 billion for developing each of the IMEC the United States and Western Europe and toward
routes, although officials reportedly stated that “it is China, further boosting Chinese economic growth. In
too early to peg costs.” addition to the domestic drivers of BRI, China could
convert its economic clout into political sway,
The countries that signed the MoU are to meet in pressuring countries not to take stances that run
November to start firming up the details. counter to China’s interests on sensitive issues.
China’s investments in overseas ports would give its
In geopolitical terms, IMEC is touted as a counter to military greater power projection capabilities.
China’s BRI, but the scale and scope of the BRI is
much greater. Since its launch a decade ago, over 150 BRI’s implementation has raised serious concerns
countries and about 30 international organizations about debt and environmental sustainability. Many
have signed on to the BRI. India, from very early days, BRI projects were not economically viable and have
had objected to it because the China-Pakistan increased the debt load of already heavily indebted
Economic Corridor, a key component of the BRI, runs countries. As the COVID-19 pandemic eviscerated the
through territories claimed by India. Though a large global economy, debt crises emerged in countries that
number of countries have endorsed it, the BRI’s image were major recipients of BRI loans, such as Pakistan,
has been soured by debt woes in countries like Sri Sri Lanka, Zambia, and Kenya. As a result, since 2019
Lanka. Most recently, Italy announced a decision to China has spent over $100 billion bailing out
pull out of the BRI because it “did not bring the developing countries in debt distress. BRI has also
results expected.” financed carbon-intensive power generation, most
worryingly coal-fired power plants, locking in a
It is difficult for a single country to engage in the kind reliance on fossil fuels for decades to come.
of economic and strategic outreach that China has
undertaken through initiatives like the BRI. However, Such concerns have led China to recalibrate the
it appears that India, the United States, and a number initiative. Xi has stated that BRI will focus more on
of other technologically and financially capable poverty alleviation, health care, and green
countries can collectively dent China’s efforts by development. He has highlighted the need for
offering the developing world a viable alternative. The economic and fiscal sustainability of projects and
IMEC partner countries appear to have the right pledged that BRI will follow international standards
ingredients to cause some concern in Beijing. for project development. Still, there remains a gap
between such declarations and how BRI is being
Will the US Plan to Counter China’s Belt and Road implemented on the ground. Now, as China is
Initiative Work? (Author: David Sacks. Published in contending with its own economic issues, BRI is likely
Council on Foreign Relations on September 14, 2023). to move forward as a less ambitious undertaking, with
fewer major infrastructure projects and increased
At last week’s G20 summit, President Joe Biden focus on digital infrastructure, financial integration,
announced an India-Middle East-Europe Economic and people-to-people ties.
Corridor (IMEC), which seeks to counter the inroads
China has made through its Belt and Road Initiative An Alternative Emerges?
(BRI) by linking India, the Arabian Gulf, and Europe. While BRI has not gone according to plan, it
This reflects a recognition in Washington that even nonetheless poses challenges to the United States.
though BRI has encountered serious setbacks, BRI has increased debt burdens, locked countries into
Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s signature foreign policy carbon-intensive futures, tilted the playing field in
undertaking is not going anywhere. In addition, even a major markets toward Chinese companies, and drawn
stumbling BRI poses significant challenges to the countries into tighter economic and political
United States, as we argued in our CFR-sponsored relationships with Beijing. It has the potential to
Independent Task Force report. If successful, IMEC displace American companies, set technical standards
would help knit together important regions and offer that are incompatible with U.S. products, and push
an alternative to BRI, but major questions remain countries to politically align with China. BRI also
regarding financing, timeline, and viability. makes it harder for the World Bank and other
traditional lenders to insist on high standards by
The Belt and Road Initiative Turns Ten offering quick infrastructure packages that forego
In September 2013, during a visit to Kazakhstan, Xi rigorous environmental- & social-impact assessments.
Jinping proposed building a “Silk Road Economic
Belt,” later adding a “21st Century Maritime Silk Despite BRI’s many flaws, it is important to note that
road.” Taken together, these two strands, which it is addressing a real issue, namely the urgent and
sought to connect China to Central, South, and unmet need for infrastructure investment. The World
Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe Bank has identified an $18 trillion global

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infrastructure gap. As traditional lenders shifted their Pakistan at Crossroads of IMEEC and BRI (Author:
focus away from infrastructure, China was willing to Qamar Bashir. The writer is a former press secretary
step into this void, and as a result is now the world’s to the President and former press minister to the
largest official creditor. Embassy of Pakistan to France. Published in The
Daily Times on September 16, 2023)
Although the United States has recognized that it has
to offer an affirmative vision for global infrastructure The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor
rather than merely opposing BRI, its response has to (IMEEC) is a proposed trade and investment initiative
this point been insufficient. On the positive side, designed to connect India, the Middle East, and
under the Trump administration the United States Europe. This corridor holds great potential for
provided greater authorities to the Export-Import fostering economic growth and cooperation in these
Bank and established the Development Finance regions while serving as a counterbalance to China’s
Corporation. The Biden administration, for its part, expansive Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
announced an initiative titled Build Back Better World
(B3W), which seems to have been rebranded the The origins of the IMEEC project trace back to the
Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment 2016 G20 summit in Hangzhou, China, where leaders
(PGII). PGII aims to mobilize private capital to invest in of India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) agreed to
four areas: climate change and energy security, health collaborate on establishing a trade and investment
and health security, digital technology, and gender corridor. Subsequent agreements followed, involving
equity and equality. India and other regional countries like Saudi Arabia,
Israel, and Jordan.
Now, in an echo of BRI, the United States and its
partners have introduced IMEC, which seeks to link The IMEEC project carries substantial political and
India, the Arabian Gulf, and Europe via railways and economic significance. It seeks to strengthen trade
shipping lines. In addition to the trade links, IMEC and investment ties between India and the rapidly
envisions electricity and digital infrastructure as well growing economies of the Middle East and optimise
as pipe for clean hydrogen export. In Africa, a Trans- European economies, while enhancing connectivity
African Corridor (the Lobito Corridor) will connect within these regions, potentially fostering cooperation
Angola to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in various sectors, including energy, transportation,
and Zambia, eventually reaching the Indian Ocean. and tourism. Regionally, the IMEEC project aims to
Details regarding financing and timeline, however, create a new economic and trade bloc in the Middle
have yet to be announced. East and South Asia, which could reduce the region’s
dependence on China and promote improved stability.
If successful, these corridors have the potential to
increase supply chain security and resilience, Building the India-Middle East-Europe Economic
generate economic growth, and promote trade among Corridor (IMEEC) could indeed provide India with a
U.S. partners. European Commission president significant opportunity to gain traction against China
Ursula von der Leyen, for instance, noted that IMEC for several strategic reasons. The IMEEC project is
would make trade between India and Europe 40 often seen as India’s response to China’s Belt and
percent faster. At the same time, the new corridors’ Road Initiative (BRI), which has expanded China’s
geopolitical motivations are hard to miss. If the Lobito influence across Asia, Africa, and Europe. By
Corridor is able to increase the production and trade establishing IMEEC, India aims to create its own
of critical minerals such as copper and cobalt, it will economic and strategic corridor, countering China’s
decrease reliance on China for the electric vehicle growing sway in the region. It would enhance India’s
supply chain. IMEC can be seen as an effort to connectivity with the Middle East and Europe, two
respond to Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s tilt toward economically vibrant regions. This connectivity would
China, facilitate economic integration between Israel open up new trade routes and markets for Indian
and the Arab world, and promote an alternative to goods and services, helping India diversify its trade
Russian energy supplies. partners and reduce dependence on China. The
Middle East is a major source of India’s energy
IMEC and the Lobito Corridor are big undertakings imports. IMEEC could strengthen India’s energy
that will take many years to bear fruit even under the security by facilitating the transportation of oil and
best circumstances. But there is a better and simpler gas resources from the Middle East. It would also
way to compete with BRI right now: reorienting the provide alternative routes for energy imports, reducing
World Bank to focus more on digital connectivity, reliance on China-dominated sea routes.
infrastructure, and energy access while expanding its
lending capacity. Given its long history of leadership IMEEC could strengthen India’s strategic partnerships
in the World Bank and its unique position in World with countries in the Middle East and Europe.
Bank governance, the United States is well positioned Enhanced economic ties could lead to deeper security
to spearhead such efforts. The Biden administration cooperation, benefiting India’s security interests in the
should be commended for beginning this process, region. The project’s infrastructure development and
which could prove even more consequential than increased trade would boost economic growth in India.
headline-grabbing economic corridors. This growth would translate into more jobs and
increased revenue, further solidifying India’s position
Next month, attention will turn back to Beijing as Xi as a regional economic power. India has a substantial
hosts the third Belt and Road Forum for International trade deficit with China.
Cooperation, where he will likely introduce further
tweaks to BRI. The United States, for its part, has put By diversifying its trade partners through IMEEC,
an affirmative agenda on the table but has a long way India could potentially reduce this imbalance. A
to go in turning the idea into a reality. As Washington successfully implemented IMEEC could enhance
begins to do so, it should also reinvigorate the World India’s global influence and reputation as a proponent
Bank and introduce a trade strategy that of sustainable and equitable development, countering
demonstrates its commitment to the Indo-Pacific. some of the criticisms directed at the BRI. IMEEC
provides an alternative infrastructure network that

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aligns with India’s interests. This could encourage between different countries and boosting global trade
other countries, including those wary of the BRI, to and economic growth. Realizing this vision would
participate, bolstering India’s position as a leader in require addressing several challenges. It would require
the region. extensive coordination to merge the two projects
effectively to ensure compatibility between the BRI
India’s participation in the IMEEC project allows it to and IMEEC networks. Determining how to finance
exert political leverage and negotiate favourable terms, such an ambitious endeavour would be a complex
strengthening its position in regional and task. Public and private investment, as well as
international forums. However, the successful international cooperation, would be vital. The
realization of these benefits depends on effective combined projects would need to incorporate stringent
planning, investment, and cooperation with environmental safeguards to minimize adverse
participating countries. impacts.

The anticipated cost of the project is expected to reach While joining the BRI and IMEEC presents significant
billions of dollars, although the exact funding potential benefits, such as facilitating global trade and
mechanisms remain undetermined. The project is cooperation, it also comes with substantial challenges.
envisioned to involve the construction of new Nonetheless, the prospect of creating a comprehensive
transportation infrastructure like roads, railways, and global infrastructure network is an exciting concept
ports, in addition to the improvement of existing that could reshape the world’s economic and
facilities. geopolitical landscape. Careful planning and
international cooperation would be crucial to realizing
The financing of the IMEEC project is anticipated to this vision successfully.
involve a combination of public and private
investments. Governments of participating countries Despite not being a member of the G20, Pakistan
are likely to contribute some funding, but the majority stands to benefit from the IMEEC project in various
of the financing is expected to come from private ways. It could create new avenues for trade and
investors. investment for Pakistan. Pakistani businesses might
export goods and services to the participating
Several potential sources of financing for the project countries in the region, while foreign investors could
include Public funding from the governments of find opportunities to invest in Pakistan, capitalizing
participating countries, Private investment from on the project’s developments. Enhanced connectivity
commercial banks, investment funds, and other with the Middle East and Europe could make Pakistan
financial institutions, Grants from international an attractive destination for foreign investment and
organizations such as the World Bank and the Asian tourism. Better infrastructure and transportation
Development Bank, Concessional loans from links could facilitate the flow of people and goods,
governments and financial institutions and blended benefiting various sectors of the economy. The
finance arrangements that combine public and private construction and operation of new infrastructure
funding. could generate employment opportunities for
Pakistani workers.
In terms of the United States, the project serves as a
strategic response to China’s BRI, aiming to provide For Pakistan, the IMEEC project holds the promise of
an alternative and sustainable approach to unique advantages. Unlike other member countries,
infrastructure development while countering China’s Pakistan may not need substantial investments in
influence in the region. The project, once realized, constructing roads, bridges, and ports, thanks to its
could lead to new markets for American products and already established world-class road and
services, generate employment opportunities, promote communication network under the China-Pakistan
economic growth, and contribute to the vitality of Economic Corridor (CPEC). The potential integration
American businesses. of CPEC with the IMEEC project could be a game-
The possibility of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
and the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor Such integration has the power to invigorate trade
(IMEEC) joining forces and connecting presents an and investment between Pakistan and the
intriguing prospect. Both projects share common participating IMEEC countries, igniting job creation
goals of promoting economic growth and connectivity, and ushering in new opportunities for Pakistani
and they could complement each other by creating an businesses and the labor force. Furthermore, the
extensive global network of infrastructure. strategic positioning of Pakistan within this network
would significantly expand its reach to regional
The BRI, spanning over 60 countries across Asia, nations, the Middle East, and Europe.
Africa, and Europe, involves the construction of roads,
railways, ports, and other infrastructure, primarily When combined with the existing connectivity to sixty
connecting China to Europe and Africa. In contrast, countries through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI),
the IMEEC is more focused on strengthening Pakistan could enjoy a remarkable advantage over
connectivity between India, the Middle East, and member countries in both these influential corridors.
Europe. However, realizing this potential would require astute
political, economic, and financial strategies, alongside
The convergence of the BRI and IMEEC could create a effective communication and diplomatic skills.
vast interconnected network of infrastructure, Pakistan’s role in this evolving landscape could be
simplifying the movement of people and goods transformative if played wisely.

Pakistan's Climate Change and Food Security Challenges

Author: Dr Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi. Published in The Daily Times on September 20, 2023
Pakistan, like many countries around the world, is changing climate on agriculture and food production
grappling with the complex and intertwined challenges has far-reaching consequences for a nation where a
of climate change and food security. The impact of a significant portion of the population depends on

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farming for their livelihoods. Erratic weather patterns

have become increasingly common, with floods,  Diversifying Crops: Farmers can diversify their crop
droughts, and heatwaves disrupting crop cycles and selection to include varieties that are more resilient
leading to reduced agricultural productivity. The to changing climate conditions. For instance,
Pakistan Meteorological Department reports an drought-tolerant crop varieties can be planted to
alarming increase in the frequency and intensity of withstand water scarcity, while heat-resistant
these weather-related disasters over the past decade. crops can thrive in warmer temperatures.
Moreover, the melting of glaciers in Pakistan’s  Improved Water Management: Efficient water
northern regions is endangering the primary source of management is critical in a water-stressed country
water for its major rivers, including the Indus. This like Pakistan. Implementing modern irrigation
poses a direct threat to agriculture, as water for techniques, such as drip and sprinkler irrigation,
irrigation largely depends on glacial meltwater. The can help conserve water resources. Additionally,
International Centre for Integrated Mountain rainwater harvesting systems can supplement
Development (ICIMOD) estimates that the Hindu Kush irrigation during dry periods.
Himalayan region, which includes Pakistan’s northern  Weather Information and Early Warning Systems:
areas, could lose one-third of its glaciers by 2100. Access to timely weather information and early
Changing climate conditions, including prolonged warning systems can help farmers make informed
heatwaves and altered precipitation patterns, have led decisions about planting and harvesting.
to decreased yields in key crops like wheat, rice, and Governments and organizations can provide this
cotton. The Pakistan Agriculture Research Council information through mobile apps, SMS alerts, or
(PARC) reports a concerning decline of four per cent community outreach.
per decade in wheat yields due to rising temperatures  Improved Storage and Post-Harvest Handling:
and water scarcity. Reducing food waste is crucial. Improved storage
facilities, such as silos and cold storage, can help
Furthermore, Pakistan is already water-stressed, and preserve harvested crops for longer periods,
climate change is exacerbating this issue. Higher preventing post-harvest losses.
evaporation rates and reduced river flow are depleting  Access to Financial Services: Smallholder farmers
water resources for agriculture. The Pakistan Council often lack access to credit and insurance services.
of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) warns that Governments and organizations can provide
Pakistan may face a severe water shortage by 2025 financial support and insurance options to help
unless immediate measures are taken. In response to farmers recover from climate-related losses.
these challenges, Pakistan is implementing climate-  Government Policies and Support: Governments
resilient agricultural practices to adapt to changing play a crucial role in formulating policies that
conditions. This includes promoting drought-resistant support food security in the context of climate
crop varieties and improving irrigation techniques. change. These policies may include subsidies for
The government’s National Agriculture Emergency climate-resilient seeds and technologies, incentives
Program is a significant step in introducing climate- for sustainable farming practices, and disaster
resilient farming practices across the country. relief programs.
 Research and Development: Investment in
Transitioning to renewable energy sources, such as agricultural research is essential to develop new
solar and wind power, can reduce carbon emissions crop varieties and technologies that are adapted to
and mitigate climate change. Pakistan has made changing climate conditions. Research institutions
significant strides in solar energy production, with can work on breeding programs for climate-
solar farms contributing to the national grid. resilient crops.
Reforestation efforts are also underway to mitigate
climate change and protect watersheds. The Billion In conclusion, Pakistan faces significant challenges in
Tree Tsunami project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa aims to ensuring food security amidst a changing climate.
plant one billion trees to combat deforestation and its However, the nation is actively pursuing strategies
associated environmental impacts. The Pakistani and initiatives to mitigate these challenges. The role of
government and various institutions play a pivotal government and institutions is vital in implementing
role in addressing climate change and food security policies, conducting research, and fostering
issues. They are responsible for implementing policies international cooperation to safeguard the future of
and initiatives that aim to safeguard the nation’s agriculture and food security in Pakistan. It is a
agricultural sector and food supply. These policies complex and ongoing effort, but it is essential for the
include the National Climate Change Policy and the well-being of the nation’s population and its
National Food Security Policy, which provide a sustainable development.
framework for addressing climate change and food
security challenges. Institutions like the Pakistan Climate Change is an Existential Threat (Author:
Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and the Dawood Kakar. Published in The Daily Times on
Pakistan Meteorological Department conduct crucial September 13, 2023)
research to better understand climate change’s
impacts and develop adaptive strategies for farmers. US President Joe Biden maintains “Let’s face reality.
Moreover, Pakistan collaborates with international The climate crisis doesn’t care if you’re in a red or
organizations and donors to access funding and blue state. It’s an existential threat,” Presently, due to
technical expertise to address climate change and food climate change the stability of nature is in jeopardy.
security challenges. This collaboration fosters a global Against this backdrop, United Nations Secretary-
approach to tackling these critical issues. General Antonio Guterres argues that the record-
shattering temperature of July 2023 shows that Earth
Coping strategies for food security in the face of has passed from a warming phase into an “era of
climate change conditions in Pakistan are essential to global boiling.” He reiterates, “The air is unbreathable.
ensure a stable food supply for the growing population. The heat is unbearable. And the level of fossil fuel
These strategies focus on adapting to the changing profits and climate inaction is unacceptable.
climate and reducing vulnerability to its impacts. Here
are some key coping strategies:

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Leaders must lead. No more hesitancy. No more has proven drastic as many cities are on the verge of
excuses. No more waiting for others to move first. urban flooding. Heavy seasonal rains pounded
Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just Pakistan’s Punjab province by flooding roads in
the beginning. The era of global warming has ended; Lahore city and these monsoon rains crushed a 30-
the era of global boiling has arrived.” year-old rain record in Lahore. According to the
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA),
Scientists warned that the rise of 1.5C temperature of heavy monsoon rains persisted from 25 June to 30
July 2023 could cause floods and heat waves around July resulting in 179 individuals losing their lives, 264
the world. It is a caution for third-world states like people sustaining injuries, 1,594 houses damaged,
Pakistan where there is no existence of true natural and the loss of 480 livestock across Pakistan.
disaster management. The Pakistani government has
realized this fact but action still needs to be taken. Between 25 and 30 July, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Former Climate Change Minster of Pakistan Sherry (KP) province experienced severe devastation due to
Rehman opines that Pakistan is a forefront country heavy monsoon rains and flash floods. The Provincial
facing climate change effects which are causing Disaster Management Authority (PDMA), KP reported
drought and floods. 16 fatalities and 17 Injuries, 126 livestock perished,
and 228 houses were damaged. According to PDMA
The summer seasonal air across South Asia is a Balochistan, heavy rains and flash floods in
source of heavy monsoon that can cause up to three- Balochistan resulted in five deaths, four injuries, 131
quarters of Pakistan’s annual rainfall resulting in damaged houses, and 315 houses partially damaged.
frequent flooding across the country. In the summer The districts most affected by these weather
of 2022, record-breaking rainfall caused a conditions were Washuk and Kharan.
humanitarian crisis across the country. In June-
August 2022, Pakistan faced nearly 190% more rain This has severely affected the agriculture sector which
than its 30-year average. Consequently, the Southern makes up nearly a fourth of Pakistan’s Gross
Sindh and Balochistan were worst affected and Domestic Product GDP. Currently, areas near the
received ‘726% and 590%’ more of their normal Sutlej River face overflowing water and many districts
August rainfall, respectively. Pakistan still has not Bahawalpur and Kasur are flooded. According to the
come out of the losses inflicted by the 2022 floods in Punjab Disaster Management Authority about 480
which more than 10 million people were affected and villages in Punjab experienced flooding so far in
they are still deprived of necessities of life. August and still the areas are not out of danger.

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund This flood is caused by excessive water released by
(UNICEF) in Pakistan, 20.6 million people, including India and mismanagement by local authorities.
9.6 million children, need humanitarian assistance. Pakistan must understand that climate change is
Children are hungry and fighting a battle against beyond its control and neighbouring states can use
acute malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea, dengue fever, this nontraditional threat again in future. So remedies
typhoid, acute respiratory infections, and painful skin must be taken now to stop foreseen losses in the
conditions with greater risk of mental health. A study country. Balochistan is also affected by floods and the
has found that catastrophic floods of 2022 in Pakistan major reason behind that is illegal encroachments and
have imposed more than $30 billion in damages and lack of dams. The government should think seriously
economic losses. As per a UN Food and Agriculture about rebuilding the damaged dams and remove all
Organization August 29, 2022 report, nearly 80 per the illegal constructions that halt the natural way of
cent of crops in Sindh, which harvests roughly 30 per water making it to cause flood.
cent of Pakistan’s total cotton output, were destroyed.
Ostensibly, huge aid and support are required to $30 billion in economic losses in Pakistan inflicted by
ensure the rehabilitation of families who were climate change in 2022 validate that climate change is
displaced by floods. Though local bodies, NGOs, an existential threat and a bigger threat than the so-
UNICEF and Western states have helped to fulfil the called imaginary conventional threats. Arguably, for
humanitarian needs by rehabilitating and restoring Pakistan climate change would be a bigger threat than
the existing facilities for the families who returned India in the foreseeable future resulting in economic
home, the issue is not resolved completely and the losses, damaging infrastructure, reducing exports,
threat of revival of climate change issues is again at causing mental and cultural damage, increasing
doorstep. The recent monsoon wave in the country poverty and joblessness.

Practice & Procedure Act 2023 and the Way Forward

Author: Hafiz Ahsaan Ahmad. Published in The Daily Times on September 19, 2023
Without a doubt, there has always been a lot of debate government to pass the Practice and Procedure Act
about the Chief Justice’s authority, procedures, and 2023, which addressed these issues relating to the
discretionary powers, particularly in relation to the operation of the Supreme Court. A three-member
Suo Moto proceedings under Article 184(3) of the committee made up of senior judges, including the
Constitution and the makeup of the Supreme Court chief justice, was given the authority to take Suo Motu
judges’ benches in light of crucial constitutional notice as part of the Supreme Court (Practice and
issues. Political parties, bar associations, and the Procedure) Act, 2023, which aimed to properly
legal profession all raised these issues at various establish benches. Additionally, it covers the right to
points, but nothing has been done that should have appeal and the topic of first hearing in front of the
been done sooner, either through legislation with the Supreme Court in order to ensure transparency in the
Supreme Court’s support or by the Supreme Court Supreme Court’s processes.
itself through amendment of the Supreme Court Rules
of 1980. The (Practice and Procedure Bill) 2023 was approved
and passed by the National Assembly and Senate on
However, the legal dispute between the previous March 29 and March 30, 2023 respectively. The
administration and the superior judiciary over President sent the bill back for reconsideration
important constitutional questions compelled the without his signature, but after meeting all

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requirements and regulations, the Joint Session of

Parliament once more approved and passed the bill on However, on April 13, 2023, an eight-judge SC bench
April 10, 2023. that was considering a batch of three petitions
contesting the Supreme Court (Practice and Procedure)
The Act suggested that every case, appeal, or matter Bill 2023 gave the written order. Whether or not the
before the Supreme Court be considered and decided bill received the president’s assent, it was ruled on the
by a bench made up of the Chief Justice of Pakistan basis of judicial independence that “the act that
and two senior judges, in that order. Additionally, it comes into being shall not have, take, or be given any
states that any matter involving the exercise of effect (and) not be acted upon in any manner,” and
original jurisdiction under paragraph (3) of Article 184 since then there has been a stay order against the
of the Constitution must first be brought before the legislation, which has also been criticized.
committee for review. If the committee determines that
the matter involves the enforcement of one or more There is no legal dispute that the Chief Justice has
fundamental rights, it must then establish a bench the sole authority to establish benches for hearing all
consisting of at least three judges of the Supreme types of cases, including those brought or filed under
Court, which may also include committee members. Section 184(3) of the Constitution. However, the
Supreme Court of Pakistan shall be composed of a
The Act suggests that an appeal be filed within 30 Chief Justice to be known as the Chief Justice of
days of the larger bench of the Supreme Court Pakistan and such other Judges as may be
receiving jurisdiction’s final order, and that the determined by Act of Parliament, in accordance with
hearing date for such an appeal be set within a Article 176 of the Constitution of Pakistan.
window of no more than 14 days. Additionally, it gives
a party the freedom to select the attorney of its The Supreme Court’s interpretation of Article 191 and
choosing when submitting a review application. A Article 175(2) of the Constitution will undoubtedly
cause, appeal, or other matter’s application alleging lead to the conclusion that either the Parliament has
urgency or requesting interim relief must be the legislative authority under Article to make laws
scheduled for hearing within 14 days of the with reference to the Supreme Court or the Supreme
application’s filing. Court would have the prerogative granted by the
Parliament undeclared. The new Chief Justice has
The Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) does not have the now constituted the full court, which is a very good
authority to create special benches or choose its sign for determining the fate of the Practice and
members, as noted by Justice Qazi Faez Isa, who is Procedure Act, 2023. However, in all circumstances, it
currently the Chief Justice of Pakistan, and Justice would be crucial that the issue at hand be resolved as
Aminuddin Khan in a detailed order issued in early soon as possible and that the positive changes
April 2023 in a case involving regulation of the suggested by the Parliament through (Practice and
Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC). They Procedure Act 2023 be maintained either through
also stated that all hearings based on Suo Motu Parliament legislation or through Supreme Court
notices and cases of constitutional significance under Rules 1980, which would improve the Supreme
Article 184(3) should be postponed until they are Court’s functioning and public trust.
legislated upon, and since then he was not performing
hid judicial functions.

A decade of CPEC – An Appraisal

Author: Hadiqa Mir. Published in The Daily Times on September 16, 2023
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a geo- CPEC projects were divided into the short, medium,
strategically significant project for both China and and long term. The short-term projects were further
Pakistan. It will enable China to get out of the Malacca divided into two phases. The Early Harvest Projects
dilemma and provide an alternative trade route to (EHPs) to be finished in 2018 were part of Phase I.
China. For Pakistan, CPEC is a ray of hope in the Phase II involved building essential infrastructure for
prevailing tough economic and geopolitical energy projects, which was scheduled to be completed
environment, where it has limited foreign policy by the end of 2020 or early 2021. Phase-III projects
options. The estimated cost of CPEC is $62 billion with completion by the year 2025 included medium-
from 2015 to 2030. Domains of CPEC projects include term initiatives. The projects of this phase included
investment in the energy sector, transportation the establishment of industrial parks and SEZs. In
infrastructure, i.e., roads and railways, development addition, the Long-Term Plan (LTP) is a conceptual
of Gwadar Port and city, Fiber Optics infrastructure framework for the CPEC project. It is a national plan
and establishment of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) approved by both the Chinese and Pakistani
and industrial parks. governments that provides macro guidance for
implementing various projects. Development of
Year 2023 marks the completion of a decade since the railway infrastructure and operationalising other long-
start of the project. The subsequent visits of the term projects would be the main goals of CPEC Phase-
Federal Minister for Planning, Development and IV. This phase is anticipated to be completed by 2030.
Special Initiatives of Pakistan, Prof Ahsan Iqbal, and
Chinese Vice-Premier He Lifeng signify the importance CPEC has been one of the most popular and well-
of CPEC for both states. The infrastructure and energy supported projects in the history of Pakistan. The
generation projects have been completed, and the stakeholders of the project tried to utilise all available
outcomes are visible; however, it is only through resources to ensure timely completion of this mega
constant evaluation that we can analyse hurdles and project.
find ways to complete projects in time. Twenty-seven
projects, totalling $19 billion, have already been Since the inception of the project, CPEC has been one
finished, while 63 more projects with a cost of $35.2 of the most popular and well-supported projects in the
billion are expected to be completed by 2030. history of Pakistan. The stakeholders of the project
tried to utilise all available resources to ensure the
timely completion of this mega project. The energy

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projects, including coal, wind, hydro and solar power, breakwaters, fish landing jetty and dredging of
were planned to be completed by 2018 as part of berthing areas and channels.
EHPs and phase-I projects to fulfil the domestic and
industrial energy needs of Pakistan. So far, 14 The Pakistan Vocational and Technical Education
projects have been completed in the energy sector. Capacity Building Project, Pakistan Vocational
Sahiwal Coal-fired Project (1320 MW), Coal-fired Schools Equipment Upgrading and Renovation Project,
Power Plant at Port Qasim (1320 MW), China Hub Poverty Alleviation Training, and Emergency Relief
Coal Power Project (1320 MW), Engro Thar Coal Power Supplies for Increasing National Disaster Management
Project (660 MW), Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park (1000 Authority Disaster Preparedness Capacity are the
MW), Hydro China Dawood Wind Farm (50 MW), UEP completed projects in the Social and Economic
Wind Farm (100MW), Sachal Wind Farm (50 MW), Development sector under CPEC. In addition, there
Three Gorges Second and Third Wind Power Project are 11 projects under construction, and 10 are under
(100 MW), Matiari to Lahore ±660 KV HVDC consideration as well.
Transmission Line Project, HUBCO Thar Coal Power
Project (330 MW), Karot Hydropower Project (720 MW), CPEC projects have received equal priority from each
SSRL Thar Coal Block-I 7.8 mtpa and Power Plant government despite differences of opinion regarding
(1320 MW) and HUBCO Thal Nova Thar Coal Power the agreement’s terms and conditions. The prompt
Project (330 MW). completion of projects illustrates the importance that
all stakeholders gave to the project; however, some
Under the CPEC projects, two projects are still in projects experienced delays due to technical or
progress, while five more are being considered. The budgetary issues. For instance, SEZ near Faisalabad
unfinished projects include the Suki Kinari and two hydroelectric projects in Azad Kashmir
Hydropower Project (884 MW) and the Coal-Fired (Kohala Hydropower Project and Azad Pattan
Power Project at Gwadar (300 MW). Under- Hydropower Project) seem to be progressing slowly.
consideration projects include Kohala Hydropower The disagreement over the parameters of the
Project (1124 MW), Azad Pattan Hydropower Project agreement was the cause of this delay. Furthermore,
(700.7 MW), Thar Mine Mouth Oracle Power Plant and the most expensive project under CPEC, Main Line-1
Surface Mine (1320 MW), Cacho Wind Power Project (ML-1), which will modernise the railway from
(50 MW) and Western Energy (Pvt.) Ltd. Wind Power Peshawar to Karachi, costing $6.8 billion, was held by
Project (50 MW). China as it was reluctant to work at the one per cent
interest rate demanded by Islamabad. In this regard,
In the transport and infrastructure sector, six projects the CPEC Authority Ordinance was passed in 2019 by
were completed under CPEC including Havelian- the government to create the CPEC Authority and
Thakot Section of KKH Phase II, Multan-Sukkur ensure the speed of work and progress on CPEC
Section of Peshawar-Karachi Motorway, Pilot Project of projects. The authority has a great deal of autonomy
Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcast (DTMB), as well as enormous financial and managerial
Lahore Orange Line Metro Train, Khunjrab to capabilities.
Rawalpindi – Cross Border Optical Fiber Cable, and
Motorway from Hakla to D.I. Khan. All the projects In the 11th JCC Meeting held in April 2023, both
were completed as EHPs except for the Orange Line sides “showed satisfaction on the efficient execution of
project, which was completed in 2020. Moreover, five various CPEC projects and concurred that all
other projects are in the construction phase, i.e., outstanding matters would be amicably resolved in
Zhob-Quetta Road (N-50), Nokundi-Mashkhel Road, the spirit of traditional cooperation, mutual
Khuzdar-Basima Road (N-30), M-8 Hoshab to Awaran understanding, complete trust and brotherhood.
Road Section and Shandur-Chitral Road (KKH Furthermore, the progress on four priority SEZs was
Alternate Route). In addition, eight projects are in the declared adequate and concurred to quicken the pace
pipeline, whereas the final five will be long-term of advancement to draw the relocation of high-quality
projects. enterprises. Both parties expressed their appreciation
for the signing of the Framework Agreement for
Another major area of cooperation under CPEC Phase- Industrial Cooperation and agreed to hold bi-annual
III is the construction of SEZs to expedite and meetings to monitor its implementation.”
facilitate industrial cooperation and boost economic
activities between China and Pakistan. Four SEZs are “All stakeholders and successive governments have
under construction, including Allama Iqbal Industrial contributed to this mega-national cause that can alter
City, Boston SEZ, Rashakai SEZ, and Dhabeji SEZ. the economic condition of Pakistan and increase the
The work on these SEZs started in 2019, 2020, 2020 geostrategic and geopolitical significance of the
and 2023, respectively and is still in process. Besides country.”
that, there are various projects under consideration,
including the Industrial Zone in Mirpur, the Industrial Now, we have entered phase-III of CPEC, i.e.,
Park on Pakistan Steel Mill Land, the ICT Model completion of SEZs, and work is going on at a good
Industrial Zone, Moqpondass SEZ and Mohmand pace. Minor differences between parties, political
Marble City. instability and uncertainty might have impacted the
pace of projects; however, there is no doubt that there
In addition to the completed projects, there are many is political will and consensus on the usefulness of
under-construction projects in Gwadar as part of CPEC. There may be differences in terms and
CPEC. These projects are New Gwadar International conditions of agreements, but everyone acknowledges
Airport, health facilities including Pak-China that CPEC is the only opportunity in the prevailing
Friendship Hospital, Desalination Plants of 1.2 million geopolitical environment that can ensure Pakistan’s
gallons per day (MGD) and 5 MGD. Apart from that, economic development and prosperity. The
there are several projects under consideration as well, aforementioned evaluation of CPEC projects validates
including a Landfill Project, fishermen’s making the argument that all stakeholders and successive
industry on Gwadar West Bay, Gwadar Smart governments have contributed to this mega-national
Environment Sanitation System, construction of cause that can alter the economic condition of

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Pakistan and increase the geostrategic and

geopolitical significance of the country.

Literacy concerns in Pakistan

Author: Javed Pasha. Published in The Express Tribune on September 17, 2023
Many factors contribute towards the progress of a numbers drop to 3.6 million boys and 2.8 million girls
nation. The most important one is the development of at the lower secondary level. Disparities based on
its citizens through improving education and literacy. gender, socio-economic status and geography are
Literacy provides a platform to the individuals for significant. In Sindh, 52 percent of the poorest
their personal growth. children (58 percent girls) are out of school; in
Balochistan, 78 percent of girls are out of school.
Evidence shows that literacy programmes help
enhance democratic values, peaceful living and Pakistan Institute of Development Economics Report
community solidarity. By empowering people, 2022 states that by breaking down the data further, it
primarily through a critical and sovereign approach, has been discovered that approximately one in four
literacy can help them engage and assume an active (23.45 percent) children between the ages of 5–16 in
role locally and globally to face and resolve global Pakistan have never attended school. About seven
challenges. This helps in the transformation for more percent enrolled and dropped out.
sustainable and peaceful societies.
The report mentions that alongside enrolment, there
On the other hand, progress in other areas of social is a serious need to address the shortcomings of the
development, such as health, agriculture, water, system in place responsible for supporting and
energy and transport, can improve the environments overseeing public schools.
in which people live, work and learn. Learning
opportunities in multiple forms that become available The report emphasises that gaps in service provision
due to socio-economic development help promote at all education levels are a major constraint to
literacy. education access. Socio-cultural demand-side barriers
combined with economic factors and supply-related
In collaboration with its member states and partners, issues hinder the access and retention of certain
the UNESCO celebrates International Literacy Day on marginalised groups, in particular adolescent girls.
September 8. This year’s theme was Promoting
Literacy for a World in Transition: Building the At systems level, inadequate financing, limited
Foundation for Sustainable and Peaceful Societies. enforcement of policy commitments and challenges in
equitable implementation hamper reaching the most
The year also marks the mid-point towards the 2030 disadvantaged. Though an encouraging increase in
Global Agenda for Sustainable Development Goal 4, education budgets has been observed at 2.8 percent of
promoting Education for All, to which the the total GDP, it is still well short of the four percent
international community committed eight years ago. target.

The objectives of the commemoration include The recent Human Capital Review highlights that
advancements in literacy and fostering a more literate quality education for all children in Pakistan will
society, bringing together policymakers, practitioners, require a different approach and substantial financial
development partners, youth and individuals to play efforts, estimated to be 5.4 percent of the Gross
their roles. Domestic Product (GDP). It is added here that 81
percent of children are enrolled in government schools,
The Covid-19 crisis and other global challenges have whereas 19 percent are going to non-state institutions.
worsened the educational and literacy opportunities One percent are in madrassahs.
available to millions of children and adults, largely
those already marginalised before the pandemic. Over UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 is to “Ensure
373 million adults across the globe cannot read or inclusive and equitable quality education and promote
write, and 58 million primary school-age children are lifelong learning opportunities for all.” Gender equality
not attending schools. is linked to the right to education for all. Achieving
gender equality requires a rights-based approach that
Literacy enables people to acquire the knowledge, ensures that boys and girls, women and men, not only
skills and values required to succeed in our rapidly gain access to and complete education cycles but are
changing culture and economy. As such, literacy empowered equally in and through education. There is
contributes not only to engendering personal benefits, an opportunity for developing countries such as
such as better well-being and economic conditions, Pakistan to improve the living standard of their people
but also social, economic and political awareness. through quality education and access to primary
Pakistan has the world’s second-highest number of
out-of-school children. An estimated 22.8 million The UNICEF has established more than 500
children between 5 and 16 years of age are not temporary learning centres in the worst-affected
attending school, representing 44 percent of the districts in Pakistan and supported teachers and
population in this age group in 2018-19. children with education supplies. To support
children’s mental and physical health, the UNICEF is
The country faces a serious challenge to ensure that training teachers in psychosocial care and health
all children, particularly the most disadvantaged, screenings and is preparing for back-to-school and
attend, stay and learn in school. At the same time, enrolment activities for schools that have been
enrolment and progress has been slow in improving rehabilitated.
educational indicators in Pakistan.
Pakistan’s educational infrastructure will take many
According to a report, nearly 10.7 million boys and 8.6 years to develop if we want our 22.8 million out-of-
million girls are enrolled at the primary level. The school children to be in school. With technology and

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many digital resources available, we can support our constraints. It is the prerequisite for development,
schools. both individual and collective. It reduces poverty and
inequality, creates wealth and helps eradicate
Audrey Azoulay, the UNESCO director general, has problems of nutrition and public health.”
said, “Literacy is the first step towards freedom,
towards liberation from social and economic

Russia and North Korea: an engagement that displeases US

Author: Dr Muhammad Ali Ehsan. Published in The Express Tribune on September 17, 2023
The United States has a peculiar diplomatic history. It which was held in June 2018 in Singapore while the
applies coercive means, economic pressures, isolation second followed eight months later in February 2019
techniques and even military deterrence to enforce in Vietnam. Interestingly, had it not been for these two
behavioural change in states that challenge the summits, Kim Jong Un who has been in power in
American-driven world order and international system. North Korea for 12 years wouldn’t have visited and
But if the state behaviour continues to take a seen any other country except South Korea, China
threatening direction and creates issues that and Russia. But this is beside the point, what
undermine American national security then America happened in the first Summit was followed by the
changes gears and resorts to diplomatic engagement. joint statement by both sides which called for
Why not do this in the first place? Why practice transformed bilateral relations, complete
diplomatic isolation for years when immediate denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula and recovery
diplomatic engagement could resolve some of the of the remains of US soldiers during the Korean War
simmering crises in the world affairs? from the North. President Donald Trump also
announced the suspension of US-South Korea
North Korea is a country that was denied diplomatic bilateral military exercises for year 2018. These
engagement after the end of the Korean War in 1953. exercises are held every year between the two allied
And it was after 39 years, in 1992, that Washington countries. Kim Jong Un also reciprocated and
began engaging with North Korea for the reason that it returned 55 sets of US soldiers remains from the
had begun developing its nuclear programme. What North.
kind of policy would allow countries to take years to
become isolated, secluded, uncertain, insecure, Poor eight months follow-up on the Singapore Summit
impoverished and ultimately become threats to world and not cashing in on the opportunity of this historic
security? Why not strengthen engagement and build engagement was already laying grounds for the failure
mutual trust in these lost years? Countries such as of the coming Presidential Summit in Vietnam.
Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya and even Knowing what had happened to Iraq and Libya,
Pakistan that have experienced American interference President Kim would not denuclearise North Korea
in their internal affairs are examples of how such without sufficient guarantees for the security of his
interference has only led to increase in the difficulties country and so the follow-up Vietnam Sumit which
for these countries. People of these countries have was scheduled for two days was cut short in an
been subjected to sanctions and various diplomatic arbitrary manner by President Trump on the second
and military pressures yet none of these countries day without any announcement. This was taken as a
demonstrate pro-Americanism or an American-desired deep diplomatic embarrassment by President Kim and
positive change. it is because of this reason that North Korea no more
responds to American call for a re-engagement and
Except Afghanistan, what has troubled the Americans dialogue with US. President Kim has even given no
most about these countries has been their nuclear response to President Joe Biden’s repeated calls for
programme. When Pakistan carried out its first dialogue without any preconditions. This episode
nuclear test in 1998, the US imposed sanctions; and if clearly suggests that President Kim knows the
it had not been for 9/11 and the compulsive need that strategic significance of his nuclear programme and
the Americans felt for our use in their fight against he also knows that the US has no interest in what
Afghanistan, we could have continued being under kind of trajectory the future of his country takes, as
sanctions. In fact, North Korea can learn three great its only interest is denuclearisation of the Korean
lessons in how the US has managed and handled Iraq, Peninsula to which he doesn’t agree without some
Libya, Iran and Pakistan. In case of Pakistan, the North Koran pre-conditions being met.
lesson is simple: even if you are under US sanctions,
any future geopolitical necessity may force the US to In the third example which is the case of Iran,
reconsider not only making you a major non-NATO President Kim must have learnt that the US started
political ally but also a recipient of its civil and applying diplomatic and economic pressure on Iran
military aid. Western Pacific is showing all the signs of and isolated it economically to push it for agreeing for
becoming a conflict-prone zone; and to push back nuclear negotiations. Even when it eventually signed
China and deterring it from attacking Taiwan, the US the JCPOA nuclear agreement, it didn’t abide by it
may be willing to offer many military advantages to and walked out of it under the Trump administration,
the countries in the region. I don’t imagine North demanding not just a ban on Iranian nuclear
Korea allying with the US but given the conditions enrichment but also stoppage of its missile
North Korea may be able to extract the gains and programme and end to its support to militant
concessions that it could not during the two activities that lead to proxy wars in the Middle East.
Presidential Summits. The simple Iranian lesson for North Korea is that it is
strategic distraction and loss of diplomatic time and
In case of Iraq and Libya, the lesson is very simple: effort if the US along with its Western allies cannot
the dictators in both these countries gave up their stand up for their words and if agreements with them
nuclear weapons programme and the whole world has cannot hold.
witnessed what has become of them and their
countries. I personally think Kim Jong Un has already President Kim is currently visiting Russia and to
learnt this lesson and it is proved by the results of the America’s great discontent is openly agreeing to
two historical North Korea-US summits — the first of supply Russia with much-needed ammunition to fight

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the long-protracted war against Ukraine. This is when Ukraine will become another Vietnam, Iraq,
agreement seems as natural as is the US and NATO Syria or Afghanistan that the US would eventually
countries support to Ukraine. Russia would not need give up on the military means and consider applying
ammunition and North Korea would not need to diplomatic means to resolve the conflict. That has
supply it if there was some diplomatic effort to stop been generally the story and the diplomatic and
this war. The Ukraine War is another simmering crisis military history of the great superpower we know by
the US is making no effort to resolve diplomatically. It the name of United States of America.

Understanding the shifts in G20 and beyond

Author: Abdul Rafay Afzal. Published in The Express Tribune on September 16, 2023
In the intricate tapestry of international diplomacy, In the backdrop of the Indo-Pacific region evolving as
changes in its threads can reflect the shifting contours a global supremacy hub, Xi’s decision regarding the
of global power dynamics. A recent development that upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
has sparked lively discussions globally is Chinese summit in San Francisco will be watched closely. If
President Xi Jinping’s decision to abstain from Beijing chooses not to participate, unlike G20, it
attending the G20 Summit that was recently held in might further shade perceptions about China’s
India. international standing and influence over foreign
Commencing in 2008, the G20 has convened world
leaders for dialogue about pressing global issues, Underneath these dynamics, however, it remains
representing a potent embodiment of international crucial not to isolate China’s absence from the G20
cooperation. Presiding over the world’s most populous but perceive it as part of a larger narrative. While
nation, Xi’s absence warrants careful consideration — specifics are being deciphered, China, under the
it is an indicator of evolving political dynamics and a Communist Party, aims to navigate the tumultuous
possibly new diplomatic narrative. His absence, corridors of power politics, cement its role as a major
extending beyond health-related reasons, underlines a global actor, and subtly restructure the international
calculated recalibration in China’s diplomatic strategy. hierarchy.
It could be read as a shrewd maneuver further taxing
the already strained Sino-Indian relationship, Undoubtedly, the impact of these strategic
amplified by longstanding border disputes. Another undertakings will resonate far beyond the G20 meet,
possible perspective points to China’s support for shaping the course of future diplomacy and
alternative multilateral forums, such as BRICS, in potentially redefining the so-called East-West balance
counterbalance to Western-oriented ones like the G20. in international relations.

Simultaneously, India recently launched the India- Multilateralism on the rise (Author: Dr Ejaz Hussain.
Middle East-Europe corridor connecting Gujarat with The writer has a PhD in political science from
the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and Europe. Heidelberg University and a post-doc from UC-
Some perceive this as a move to counter China’s Berkeley. Published in The News Internation on
ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). However, September 17, 2023)
such a viewpoint might overlook the intrinsic
complexities of global politics. India remained central to the so-called Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM), founded in 1961. It tried to generate
Surely, this Indian venture as a counterstrategy the impression that it preferred neutrality vis-à-vis the
against the BRI stands on shaky ground. The BRI, USA-USSR Cold War. It interacted with both the super
with a vision to connect Asia, Europe and Africa powers, more with Soviet Russia under the Treaty of
through a network of roads, railways, ports and Peace, Friendship and Cooperation that they signed in
industrial parks, is touted as a gamechanger in global August 1971. With the end of the Cold War in 1991,
trade. Conversely, the India-Middle East-Europe India started opening up with all potential players in
corridor, while a significant initiative, has a the regional and global politics. This included the USA,
geographically narrower scope and may hardly Saudi Arabia, Russia and China. India thus followed a
neutralise the BRI’s far-reaching influence. policy of multilateralism emphasised by Shashi
Tharoor, the former external affairs minister, in the
Furthermore, while various countries may aim to post-Cold War period whereby membership in the
counterbalance China’s growing dominance, regional and international organisations became a top
establishing India as a fulcrum, might not suffice. priority. Unsurprisingly, India joined the World Trade
China, with its robust technological advancements Organisation (WTO), the Group of Twenty, commonly
and strong economy, continues to assert its influence known as the G20, the BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation
in the region and globally, rendering it challenging for Organisation (SCO) and some other regional forums.
any single nation to rival its dominance effectively.
The G20 has emerged as a prominent international
At the heart of these geopolitical maneuvers, Xi’s G20 forum that brings together leaders from the world’s
absence serves as a critical marker. His non- major economies to discuss and coordinate various
attendance could symbolise a broader narrative of aspects of global economic governance. It was
Eastern ascendance and the shifting axis of world established in 1999 in response to the financial crises
supremacy. It signals China’s decisive voice in carving of the late 1990s and has since evolved into a critical
its path, reinforcing its vision for global order, even platform for addressing global economic challenges. It
when met with dissent or questions. initiated from the recognition that the Group of Seven
(G7), consisting of the world’s most industrialised
Also noteworthy is Xi’s absence aligning with Russian nations, was insufficient for addressing the complex
President Vladimir Putin’s, hinting at a possible and interconnected nature of global economic issues.
indication of solidarity. Amidst fluctuating Sino-US Till the summit held in New Delhi last week, the G20
ties and dormant high-level interactions, Xi’s absence comprised 19 individual countries and the European
might affect the trajectory of this complex relation. Union (EU), thus representing a diverse cross-section
of the global economy. Its member countries include

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some key extra-regional players such as China, Asia, the Arabian Gulf and Europe. US President Joe
Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Biden has termed it “a really big deal.” However, no
Kingdom and the United States. timeframe has been provided with regard to its
practical initiation and completion. Some critics were
It represents two-thirds of the world’s population, 75 quick to project the IMEC as a counterweight to
percent of global trade and 85 per cent of the global China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that observed its
GDP. Since its inception, the G20 has focused on a 10th anniversary this year. Though, the IMEC reflects
wide range of global concerns such as financial the US desire, on the one hand, to engage India, the
(in)stability, trade issues and climate crisis. Gulf economies and the EU commercially yet the
former wants, on the other, to contain China
Organisationally, the G20 summit is a significant geopolitically. How the IMEC turns up depends on its
forum for realising international cooperation, bringing operationalisation. Nonetheless, given the current
together leaders from the world’s major economies to trajectory of commercial relations among China, India,
address pressing global issues. The G20 summit is the Gulf economies and the EU, the probability of
held annually with a rotating presidency, which India IMEC working against the Chinese interests seems
handed over to Brazil last week. Moreover, the group very low.
does not have a permanent secretariat and is
supported by the previous, current and future holders Last but not the least, the G20 members have
of the presidency, known as the troika. Currently, the expanded the group through the inclusion of an
troika consists of Indonesia, Brazil and India. important regional organisations, namely, the African
Union (AU). The AU, established in 2002, consists of
With regard to themes of the 18th summit concluded 55 member states from the African continent. Its
in New Delhi last week, the G20 carried a meta theme inclusion will certainly make G20 more inclusive,
titled “One Earth, One Family, One Future” whereby pluralist and emphatic in terms of addressing
important issues such as food security, climate and socioeconomic and climatic issues being faced by
energy, development, health and digitalisation were billions of people hailing from the Global South.
deliberated. In practice, however, the summit did not
look like ‘one family’ due to divergent interests of the However, the future course the G20 depends on the
core countries particularly the USA, Russia and China. behaviour and role of the key countries particularly
The latter had Premier Li Qiang attend the the US, China and Russia. Shifting strategic
proceedings. President Xi Jinping’s absence was alignments in the Middle East, South Asia and the
noticed by the world leaders as well as Indian and Indo-Pacific will impact regional geo-economics
international media. Importantly, Russian President connected, to large extent, to China’s BRI currently.
Vladimir Putin also stayed away. Foreign Minister This means that China, with increasing economic
Sergey Lavrov represented his country, which is at clout (extra)regionally, would have a comparable say
war with Ukraine. The latter received institutional in the working of not just G20 but also the BRICS, the
attention in terms of the language to be used to AIIB and the SCO. As far as India is concerned, G20
describe Russian action in that country. Compared to and other forums would certainly accord it space for
the harsh language used in the declaration of the voicing its foreign policy goals. However, given the
previous summit, this time around the American and economic disparities and social cleavages at home,
European leadership tactically consented to a India has still got a long way to go. Pakistan, for its
softening of the text where Russia was not condemned part, needs to learn multilateralism: engage all
categorically. The US is wooing India for its potential players to advance its interests regardless of
geopolitical objectives in South Asia and the Indo- ideology and geography. Saudi Arabia, Iran and the
Pacific, thus, not turning the summit into a failed UAE are doing exactly that in pursuing (economic) ties
exercise hosted by Modi-led India. The key EU with China, the USA, the EU, India and traditional
countries are also constrained by the geo-economic rivals.
realities in terms of Russian energy potential for the
European market productivity, as alternatives are
hard to come by in the short run.

The Chinese side seemed fine with this aspect of the

document, too. After all, China is a ‘comprehensive’
strategic partner of Putin-led Russia.

Another important outcome of the summit was related

to the establishment of India-Middle East-Europe
Economic Corridor (IMEC). The IMEC is supposedly a
transnational rail and shipping route stretching
across two continents where the United States expects
to energise economic development through improved
connectivity and economic integration among (South)

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