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Almonte, Dusojan,Garcia Mariella, Manduriaga, Pagsanhan, Palmario

04 Seatwork 1
The ethical scenario
Almonte, Dusojan,Garcia Mariella, Manduriaga, Pagsanhan, Palmario


Art and Offense

Is it the point of the work of art to be appealing or to be thought-provoking?

➤ Drawing, painting, sculpting, carving, and a great many other mediums are just some of the
ways that artists produce their works. However, the process that each artist uses to create
their work is one of a kind. This article only touches on one of the many reasons why art is so
vital; there are many more. Because each artist utilizes his or her work to represent a
particular collection of emotions, thoughts, requirements, and aspirations, the work of each
artist has a one-of-a-kind quality that gives it an appealing aesthetic quality to spectators.

It also allows us to consider political questions, such as "Who gets to decide which artists and
which projects may or may not receive funding from the state?

➤ Artists who are working on projects for public institutions such as museums and historical
societies that house collections of historic artifacts and artwork may be eligible for funding from
the government. These types of institutions include museums and historical societies. This is
due to the fact that a project of this nature ought to be remembered and kept safe, particularly
if the artifacts are put to some beneficial use. The following factors are responsible for this

Our concern here is ethical, and perhaps we can recognize that a number of highly significant
ethical questions can be raised: Does the artist have an ethical obligation to the sensibilities of
his audience? Or does he have a moral obligation only to be
faithful to his vision and his art?

➤ In the universalist worldview, every single human being is held to the same standards of
right and wrong conduct in terms of their moral obligations and responsibilities. Cruz is aware
of the weight of his responsibilities as a member of society as a result of his position in society
as well as his day-to-day engagement with the community. Because of this, he understands
that he is responsible for his own actions. Everyone needs to have a clear understanding of
these differences so that there are no misunderstandings on either side. This is owing to the
fact that the means by which individuals express their opinions and ideals can vary greatly
from person to person.

What constitutes offense, and at what point is offense severe enough as to require control or
to justify retribution? Does a religious majority have a monopoly on the understanding of what
is right or wrong?

➤ His immoral behavior infuriates me to no end. Obscenity is a legal term that refers to
anything that goes against the ideals of morality, and it is sometimes used as a synonym for
pornography. The word "obscenity" is used to refer to anything that goes against a person's
sense of right and wrong morality. You can also use the word "obscenity" as a synonym for
anything that does not live up to the socially accepted standards of behavior in public. The
evidence suggests that he engaged in pornography, which is against the law, and it has been
made available to the general public. As a direct consequence, this is a significant problem.
Almonte, Dusojan,Garcia Mariella, Manduriaga, Pagsanhan, Palmario

➤ According to the theory of cultural relativism, Catholics revere the image of Jesus, and they
would consider it an affront to integrate pornography into that picture, as well as unethical. On
the other hand, Muslims do not hold any veneration for the image of Jesus, and as a result,
they do not employ it in pornography. On the other hand, a depiction of Buddha would not be
considered disrespectful or unethical in any way

Does an artist have absolute freedom of expression, or are there proper restrictions to this
right? What do you think?

➤ Artists have the right to express themselves creatively in whichever manner they deem
appropriate, regardless of what the general public may think. Obscenity, on the other hand,
forbids representations of persons engaged in sexual or excretory acts that are too graphic to
be considered acceptable for public consumption. Due to the fact that this behavior falls under
the purview of the Criminal Code, each incident of it will result in the imposition of a sentence.



Sexual ethics is a study of a person's sexuality arid the manner by which human sexual
conduct must be exercised. There are many instances where sexual behavior must be
observed in order to properly nurture good interpersonal relationships. Thus, sexual ethics
becomes a vital subject that must be studied by everyone. One particular topic being
discussed within sexual ethics is the issue of pornography. Pomography is the explicit
manifestation of sexual matters presented in different forms of media. Pornography normally
shows different illustrations of nudity and sexual acts in print, videos, and social media outfits.
Some people view pornography as immoral, citing how it treats persons as mere sexual
objects for pleasure. Some people, on the other hand, view pornography as a personal way of
displaying one's freedom of expression, which must be respected by everyone. What is your
view on this?

Perhaps, virtue ethics, as a framework for moral valuation, can be utilized in assessing one's
sexual behavior specifically with regard to the person's fondness for pornography. If virtue
ethics aims for the development of the person's good character, does watching pornographic
materials reflective of such a character?

*From a virtue ethics perspective, the consumption of pornography raises important moral
considerations. Watching pornographic materials may not necessarily reflect the development
of good character, as it can potentially undermine virtues such as temperance, self-control,
and respect for others. The explicit nature of pornography often reduces individuals to mere
sexual objects, disregarding their inherent dignity and worth as human beings.

Is there a virtue that is produced by the behavior of patronizing pornography?

*Regarding the question of whether there is a virtue produced by patronizing pornography, it is

difficult to argue that this behavior cultivates any virtuous traits. Instead, it may foster vices
such as lust, selfishness, and a distorted understanding of intimacy. Virtue ethics emphasizes
Almonte, Dusojan,Garcia Mariella, Manduriaga, Pagsanhan, Palmario

the cultivation of virtues that contribute to the overall well-being of the individual and society,
and it is unlikely that pornography aligns with this aim.

What do you think will happen with regard to the character of a person if one habituates the
act of watching pornography?

*Habitual consumption of pornography can have negative effects on a person's character. It

may lead to desensitization, where individuals become less responsive to healthy sexual
relationships and more reliant on explicit and unrealistic depictions. This can hinder the
development of genuine intimacy, empathy, and respect within interpersonal connections.

Virtue ethics challenges the person to look at one's habits concerning sexual behavior. What
would possibly be affected by such behavior is the person's appreciation and valuation of
human relationships.

Virtue ethics challenges individuals to examine their habits and behaviors concerning sexual
conduct. In the case of pornography consumption, it can significantly impact a person's
appreciation and valuation of human relationships. By objectifying others and prioritizing
personal pleasure, the ability to form meaningful and respectful connections may be


Whistle-Blowing and the Duty of Speaking Truth to Power

Thus, there is a place for ethical principles in business, insofar as a business decision-maker's
goal is sustainability and not merely profit. But what can someone in the workplace do in the
face of unethical business practices?

-Yes, there’s an ethical principle in business like honestly, loyalty, fairness, law abiding etc. I
think someone in the workplace who dace of unethical business practices can do something to
stop this doing like whistle blowing but you need a proof before telling it so they will believe
you. Whistle blowing is not bad as long as you know that you are right, it will correct the
company you are working on and save the workers who’s working in the company.

What is whistle-blowing?

-Whistleblowing is the term used when a person passes on information concerning

wrongdoing, such as corruption, sexual harassment. This can be referred to as “blowing the
whistle”, “making a disclosure”, “making a whistleblowing report”, or otherwise. The person is
usually closely associated with the organization, often an employee, but also sometime a
supplier or a customer. They become a whistleblower when they observe behavior or actions
that they believe to be misconduct, illegal and not in line with the company’s code of conduct,
and report that suspicion as a whistleblowing matter.
Almonte, Dusojan,Garcia Mariella, Manduriaga, Pagsanhan, Palmario

On the other hand, if the unethical act that is instructed by the authority figure is clearly
against the principles of the subordinate, can he refuse to do it without fear of losing his job?

-Yes, he has the rights to refuse if he wants to. If he loses his job because he doesn’t want to
do the unethical issue like his subordinates, he can find another job in another company that
have a principle like he does. There are so many companies he can apply so it’s okey to lose
his job at least he didn’t follow the unethical act or the principal issue like his subordinate.


Animal Rights and Welfare

Peter Singer, in his book Animal Liberation, argues that animals are equal candidates for
moral respect; this
does not mean equal treatment as it does equal consideration. While Rene Descartes argues
that animals are
incapable of feeling pleasure and pain because they do not have any minds, Bentham and Mill
argues otherwise.
For them, animals are capable of feeling pleasure and pain and are thus to be included in
whatever moral
deliberation we are to make, especially when the decisions we make affect them. The animal's
capacity for
suffering is a vital characteristic that entitles them to equal consideration. While animal
intelligence is another
moral issue to confront, it cannot be denied that animal behaviorists have established that
animals do feel
physical pain. While other researchers simply dismiss this as an act of anthropomorphizing,
the vast research
on animal consciousness is worth considering at this point. Should animals have moral rights?

-All living beings, both human and non-human, deserve to have their moral rights respected
and acknowledged. We are all equal creations, even if we have different levels of intelligence
and cognitive abilities. As humans, we have the capacity to understand right from wrong, and
we should not ignore or dismiss the moral status of animals just because they cannot verbalize
their experiences and preferences like we can.

Even though animals may not be able to actively participate in upholding moral rights in the
same way humans do, we have the moral obligation to extend consideration and respect to
them. Their inability to voice their displeasure or pain does not negate their capacity to suffer,
which is a fundamental characteristic that entitles them to moral consideration.

Just because animals cannot explicitly demand their rights be recognized, it does not mean we
can disregard their moral worth. We should extend the same principles of respect, fairness
and compassion to all sentient beings, regardless of their level of cognitive sophistication. Our
shared status as living creatures created by the same higher power means we all deserve to
have our inherent dignity and moral rights acknowledged and protected.
Almonte, Dusojan,Garcia Mariella, Manduriaga, Pagsanhan, Palmario

Utilitarianism recognizes that animals do feel physical and emotional pain. But this does not
mean that we are
not allowed to cause animals pain.When causing animal pain obtains a greater happiness to
the majority of
humans and nonhuman animals, then doing so to sentient creatures can be morally
permissible. For this reason,
utilitarian’s nowadays rarely use the term animal rights as they do talk about animal welfare. If
human rights,
according to Bentham, are “nonsense upon stilts;” then the same is true with animal rights.
These rights are not
absolute especially when it would be detrimental to the society. Mill do talk about rights to
security, liberty, and justice, but he also argues that “particular cases may occur in which some
other social duty is so important, as
to overrule any one of the general maxims of justice:” This can mean that, as a utilitarian, the
pain and pleasure
of nonhuman animals must be taken into consideration when there are no concerns that would
justify their pain
for the sake of the greatest happiness of the greatest number. In this case, when animals are
used for the
development of household products and cosmetics, they are condemned by utilitarians.
However, when they
are used for medical experimentation that can lead to cure for a debilitating or terminal illness,
they are
acceptable to a utilitarian. Do you agree with this? Why or Why not?

-I agree with using animals for medical experiments that can lead to cures for debilitating or
terminal human illnesses. Even though it involves causing suffering to the animals, I believe
this can be justified from a utilitarian perspective. The potential benefits to the majority of
humans, in terms of saving lives and improving health, outweigh the harm done to the animals.
While animals may have to sacrifice and suffer for these experiments, the knowledge and
treatments gained can help countless people in the present and future. The utilitarian
approach considers the overall welfare and happiness of the greatest number, and in this
case, the medical advancements that come from animal research are seen as justifiable and
beneficial for humanity as a whole. Although it is a difficult ethical dilemma, the potential to
save human lives and reduce suffering is the overriding factor that makes this type of animal
experimentation acceptable from a utilitarian standpoint.



There are several ethical issues:

● Resource Allocation: The distribution of resources is a major ethical issue. Given the
lengthy wait times for other treatments and the pursuit of cost-saving measures, it is
unclear if the hospital is making the most fair and efficient use of its resources by
covering the cost of Mr. Goodwin's prescription.
Almonte, Dusojan,Garcia Mariella, Manduriaga, Pagsanhan, Palmario

● Justice and Fairness: Seeing Mr. Goodwin at the hospital when other patients could be
waiting for treatments might cause issues with justice and fairness. Giving one patient's
non-essential care priority over those of other patients who might be in more need may
seem unjust.

● Patient Autonomy and Preferences: When making decisions, it is critical to take Mr.
Goodwin's autonomy and preferences into account. In the event that he desires to take
his prescription in the hospital, despite the availability of community care support, his
preferences should be respected.

The decision to treat Mr. Goodwin in the hospital may have been made initially because to
several factors. Since Mr. Goodwin's medication is not covered by any Ministry of Health
program, the hospital may have taken on the responsibility to ensure he receives the
necessary treatment.
Mr. Goodwin may prefer or find it more convenient to receive his medication in the hospital
setting rather than arranging for community care support at home. It's possible that the
decision to treat Mr. Goodwin in the hospital has been a longstanding practice, and no
alternative arrangements have been explored until now.

There might be issues about justice and fairness if the hospital cannot afford to pay for
equivalent drugs for other patients. The hospital's capacity to help other patients in need would
be hampered if funds are set aside to pay for Mr. Goodwin's prescription. Consequently, it's
important to strike a balance between the requirements of specific patients and the more
general concepts of justice and fairness.

How are decisions regarding prioritization made organizationally? Are there agreed upon
frameworks or ethical principles that are used?

This ethical framework prioritizes actions that maximize overall happiness or well-being.
Decisions may be made based on the greatest good for the greatest number of people,
considering factors such as patient outcomes and resource utilization.The equitable
distribution of resources and advantages within a community or an organization is the main
emphasis of this idea. Allocating resources should be decided upon fairly to guarantee that
everyone has access to necessary services and medical care.
In the end, choosing priorities within healthcare organizations is difficult and necessitates
carefully weighing a variety of variables, such as organizational objectives, patient
preferences, resource availability, and ethical standards.

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