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Data science is a multidisciplinary field that combines statistics, programming,

and domain knowledge to extract insights from data. If you are interested in
pursuing a career as a data scientist after 12, here are some steps you can take:

- Choose a relevant major in college, such as computer science, mathematics,

statistics, engineering, or economics. These majors will help you develop the
foundational skills and knowledge for data science.
- Learn popular programming languages and tools for data analysis, such as Python,
R, SQL, Excel, and Tableau. You can take online courses, read books, or join
communities to learn these skills.
- Build a portfolio of data science projects that showcase your abilities and
interests. You can use public datasets, participate in competitions, or create your
own projects based on real-world problems. Make sure to document your process and
results clearly and effectively.
- Network with other data science enthusiasts and professionals. You can join
online forums, attend meetups and events, or reach out to mentors and experts.
Networking can help you learn from others, get feedback, and find opportunities.
- Apply for internships, jobs, or freelance gigs that match your skills and goals.
You can use online platforms, job boards, or referrals to find suitable positions.
Prepare your resume, cover letter, and portfolio to highlight your achievements and

here are five statistics questions from a data science perspective:

Hypothesis Testing: You are given a dataset of the weights of individuals before
and after following a particular diet for a month. How would you test if the diet
leads to a significant change in weight?

Regression Analysis: You have a dataset containing house prices and various
features such as area, number of rooms, location, age of the house, etc. How would
you determine which features significantly affect the house price?

Probability: In an A/B testing scenario, if 14 out of 50 users clicked on version A

of an ad, and 16 out of 50 users clicked on version B, what is the probability that
version B performs better than version A?

Bayesian Statistics: You are building a spam filter using a Naive Bayes classifier.
How would you update your model’s parameters as new data comes in?

Time Series Analysis: You have a dataset of a company’s monthly sales for the past
5 years. How would you forecast the sales for the next 6 months?

Remember, these questions are designed to test your understanding of statistical

concepts and their application in real-world data science problems. They may
require a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in statistical
programming languages or tools.

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