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Do the advantages outweigh

the disadvantages?
Buying things on the Internet, such as
books, air tickets and groceries, is
becoming more and more popular. Do
the advantages of shopping in this
way outweigh the disadvantage?
• Paraphrase the topic /
briefly introduce the topic • While ………...may seem advantageous,
• State your viewpoint I would argue that this has more
clearly drawbacks than benefits //
While...............may seem
disadvantageous, I would argue that this
has more benefits than drawbacks.
Let's practice!
1. In recent years, more and more people are choosing to read ebooks
rather than paperbooks. Do the advantages outweigh the
2. Children's education is expensive. In some countries, the
government pay some or all of the costs. Do the advantages
outweigh its disadvantages?
3. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning
a foreign language at primary schools rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Paragraph 1. On the one hand,
………...offer people several
Paragraph 2. In spite of all the
Body – Disadvantages advantages mentioned above, I
still profoundly believe
outweigh advantages that………… a negative trend.
Body – advantages
outweigh disadvantages
Paragraph 1: To begin with, several
problems can be anticipated
Paragraph 2: In spite of all the
disadvantages mentioned above, I
still profoundly believe that…………
a positive trend.

In conclusion, I personally In conclusion, I personally

think that the positive think that the negative
aspects of….. are more aspects of.................are
considerable than its more considerable than
negative ones. its positive ones.
How often do
you shop online?
What do you think
about shopping

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Buying things on the Internet is becoming
more and more popular. Do the
advantages of shopping in this way
outweigh the disadvantage?
Build your bank of
words and phrases
Discount coupon

Một thuận lợi của việc mua hàng online là người bán thường cung
cấp coupon giảm giá, vì vậy mọi người có thể mua hàng với giá cả phải
-> One of the benefits of online shopping is that sellers usually offer
discount coupons. Therefore, people can buy products at a reasonable
Shopaholic / shopping
• Addict (n) /ˈæd.ɪkt/
• Would you describe yourself as a shopping
Counterfeit (a)
• Những người bán đồ giả thường bán với
gía rẻ hơn giá gốc
• -> Sellers of counterfeit products often
charge less than the original price.
Faulty product

Khi bạn mua sắm online, rất có thể bạn sẽ nhận được sản phẩm lỗi,
-> When shopping online, you are likely to receive a faulty product.
In the digital world

Shopping apps are becoming increasingly popular in the digital

world. Do you agree?
Retailer (n) Để tránh hàng giả, bạn nên chọn

/ˈriː.teɪ.lɚ/ những đại lý bán lẻ uy tín.

-> In order to avoid counterfeit
products, you should choose
A person / shop trusted online retailers.
that sells goods
to the public
Opt to / for (v) To make a choice

More young people opt for online

shopping than the elderly. Do you
Nhiều người chọn mua sắm online
vì sự tiện ích của nó.
=> Many people opt to shop online
because of its convenience.
Legitimate (a) Legal

Để bảo vệ bản thân khi mua hàng online, bên cạnh việc tìm kiếm
những cửa hàng hợp pháp, bạn cũng nên kiểm tra ý kiến khách hàng.
-> To protect yourself when shopping online, beside looking for
legitimate online businesses, you should also check customer
Adverse consequences

Mua sắm online có thể có những hậu quả xấu đến môi trường bởi vì việc
sử dụng đóng gói nhựa
-> Online shopping can have adverse consequences for the
environment because of the use of plastic packaging.
Accessible to (a) Can be reached
or entered

Online purchase is becoming increasingly popular because

shopping apps are now more accessible to people of all
ages. Do you agree?
Sth that is done
Precaution (n) in advance to
avoid danger

People should take

precautions to avoid
online shopping scams.
Do you agree?
Relating to computers and To make a choice
the internet

A person / shop that sells Bad results Legal

goods to the public

Sth that is done in Can be reached

advance to avoid danger or entered

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