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Sierra Long

Dr. Jason Dew

ENGL 1302 284

11 April, 2024

Essay 3 Reflection Questions

1. What did you learn in 1301 that you used in your first essay in 1302? What did you learn in
another class that you used in this essay? Give examples, explain, and be specific.

In my AP English course last year, I had experienced peer review with my classmates, and I also
got to practice with my creative writing. I was able to improve my writing by learning how to
phrase my writing, experiment with my terminology, and I also learned the importance of
minimizing the use of personal pronouns and to be verbs.

2. What did you learn in 1301 that you did not use/was not applicable to your first essay in 1302?
What did you learn in another class that you did not use/was not applicable to Essay 1? Give
examples, explain, and be specific.

Something that I worked on heavily in AP English last year was the creative writing we worked
on throughout the year. The work we have done thus far has been research based and factual.
Creative writing could not be implemented in the work we have done in this class.

3. What did you learn in this first essay that can be applied in other courses? Give examples,
explain, and be specific.

One thing that I can use from this first essay in another course is the annotated bibliography. I
feel like this was a very organized resource that allowed me to effectively support my research
paper and go back to specific citations. This is applicable in my other courses because my UNIV
course actually had me use one of these. This just goes to show how applicable this is outside of

4. What do you think you learned in this first essay that will not be applicable to other classes?
Give examples, explain, and be specific.

Something that I’ve learned while doing this essay that I can’t use in some of my other classes is
peer review. Many of my other current classes are online or the work is very individually

oriented. As important and handy peer review can be, It cannot be utilized in my other current

5. How does the creation of an experiment with outside research help you improve your writing,
in general? How will it help you approach writing tasks in the future? Give examples, explain,
and be specific.

I wasn’t able to apply an experiment in this paper; However, I was able to apply lots of external
research to my paper which was helpful. I gained good insight on many different credible
perspectives and I was able to see many different facts come together to solidify my research

6. From the comments you received from the readers of your essay, what are your writing
strengths? Writing weaknesses? Are these weaknesses and strengths the same or different from
the weaknesses and strengths that you had in 1301? How so? Give examples, explain, and be
specific. Remember, grammar is neither a strength nor weakness.

My writing strength is that I’m good at explaining and communicating my point. I have a

broad word choice that allows me to clarify and articulate the points I make throughout my

essay. However, one of my writing weaknesses is that I struggle with consistency. I often find

myself stating my argument only a few times, rather than repeating it and keeping my argument

consistent throughout the whole essay. This, in turn, makes my argument seem weak. These have

been the same strengths and weaknesses that I’ve had in AP English last year.

7. What was the most challenging aspect of this essay? Least challenging? Give examples,
explain, and be specific.

The most challenging part of this paper was finding the best evidence to use for my paper. There

were a lot of sources that didn’t have good information to help build my argument, and I

ran into a problem where I kept finding the same sources, preventing me from

diversifying my sources. However, I was able to branch out and conjure up new sources

that allowed me to effectively build on my research topics.

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