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Name - Design of Isolated Column Footing

A. Data

Dimension of Column a= 250 mm 0.25 m

b= 250 mm 0.25 m
Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil SBC = 200 kN/m2
Grade of Concrete M30 = 30 N/mm2
Grade of Steel Fe500 = 500 N/mm2
Nominal Cover 50 mm
Diameter of Rebar 12 mm

B. Size of Footing

Load on column 600 kN

Weight of Footing and Backfill (at 10%) 60 kN
Total Load 660 kN
Area of Footing 3.3 m2
Size of Footing (a=b) 1.8165902 m
Adopting square footing of dimension,
(2x2)m (a' = b') 2m
2000 mm A= 4000000 mm2
Net Soil Pressure at Ultimate Load,
With Load Factor of 1.5, 1.5
Qu = (1000*1.5)/(2*2) kN/m2 375 kN/m2
0.375 N/mm2

Net Upward Pressure P 150 kN/m2 < 200 kN/m2

Hence, OK.

Factored Upward Pressure, P u 225 kN/m2

Factored Load, Pu = (1.5Load) 900 kN

C. Two-Way Shear

Assuming Overall Thickness of Footing,

D= 450 mm

Taking 12mm di bars for main steel, 12 mm
Effective thickness of footing, d 382 mm 0.382 m

Critical Section for Two-Way Shear or Punching Shear occurs at a distance of (d/2) from the
face of the column, where 'a' and 'b' are the sides of the column respectively.

Punching Area of Footing = (a+d) 2 0.399424 m2
(Here, a = b = side of column)
Punching Shear Force = Factored Load - (Factored Upward Pressure* Punching Area of Footing) 810.1296 kN

Perimeter of Critical Section = 4(a+d) 2800 mm

Nominal Shear Stress in Punching or Punching Shear Stress Ʈv
Ʈv = Punching Shear Force/(Perimeter*Effective Thickness) 0.757413613 N/mm2

Allowable Shear Stress, ks.Ʈc,

where, Ʈc = 0.25√fck 1.3693064 N/mm2
ks = 1.0 1

Thus, allowable shear stress, k s.Ʈc 1.3693064 N/mm2

Since, Ʈv < ks.Ʈc,

Assumed Thickness is sufficient to resist punching shear force.

Effective Depth for Lower layer of reinforcement, d 1 394 mm
Effective Depth for Upper layer of reinforcement, d 2 382 mm

D. Design of Flexure

Projection of Footing beyond column face is treated as a cantilever slab, subjected to factored upward
pressure of soil.
Factored Upward Pressure of Soil, P u 225 kN/m2
Projection of Footing beyond column face, I 875 mm 0.875 m

Bending Moment at critical section in the footing,
Mu = PuI2/2 86.132813 kNm /m width of footing
Area of Steel can be determined using MOR relation for reinforced condition,
given in Annex. G - 1.1(b) of IS:456-2000
Mu = 0.87fyAstd[1-fyAst/bdfck] 530.61 mm2

Corresponding spacing value,

From Table 96 of SP-16, S = 210 mm
Corresponding value of P t,
From Table 4 of SP-16, P t = 0.1389031

E. One-Way Shear

Critical Section for One-Way Shear occurs at a distance 'd' from column face.
For cantilever slab, total Shear Force along the critical section considering entire width 'B'
Vu = PuB(I-d) 221.85 kN
Nominal Shear Stress, Ʈv 0.2903796 N/mm2

From Table 61 of SP-16, Pt required to have a minimum Design Shear Strength Ʈc = Ʈv = 0.29 N/mm2
With fck = 30 N/mm2
Pt 0.33

Comparing both values from Flexure and One-Way Shear,

We provide, Pt = 0.33 (Larger of the 2 values)
Ast = Ptbd/100 1260.6 mm2

From Table 96 of SP-16,

Spacing provided (with 12mm dia bars) 90 mm

F. Check for Development Length

Critical Section is considered from Flexure.
Development Length for 12mm dia rebars,
Ld = 287.5 mm

Providing 50mm side cover, 50 mm

Total length available from critical section 825 mm > Ld

Hence, OK.

G. Check for Bearing Stress

The load is assumed to disperse from the base of column to the base of footing at the rate of 2H:1V.
Side of area of dispersion at the bottom of footing 2050 mm
A1 = (2x2) m2 4 m2
A2 = (0.25x0.25) m2 0.0625 m2
√A1/A2 8> 2
Hence, Limiting Value 2
Permissible Bearing Stress 27 N/mm2
Actual Bearing Stress = Factored Load/Area at column Base 14.4 N/mm2

Actual Bearing Stress < Permissible Bearing Stress,
Design for Bearing Stress is satisfactory.

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