Effect of Family Breakdown On Street Children.

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Meymuun Kelif and Mosisa Kejela, Effects of Family Breakdown on Children: The Case of

Shedder Refugee Camp Fafan Zone, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia: This study investigated
the impact of family breakdown, specifically divorce or separation, on children residing in the
Shedder Refugee Camp in the Fafan Zone of the Somali Regional State, Ethiopia. Using
descriptive and exploratory research designs with a qualitative approach, data was collected
through in-depth interviews, key informant interviews, and document analysis. The study
involved fifteen family members from divorced or separated families and five key informants
including refugee camp administration, community leaders, and religious figures. Thematic
analysis revealed that divorce/separation affected children in various domains including
economic, social, psychological, and academic aspects. Female children exhibited internal
behavioral effects, while male children displayed external behavioral effects. The study
emphasized the importance of involving relatives, social groups, government, NGOs, and the
host community in interventions aimed at rehabilitating children affected by family breakdown
in the refugee camp.

Kasim Gabowduale, Somali Families in Norway: A Critical Review of The Changing Socio-
structural Situation and it's Consequence for the Family. The study examines the experiences of
Somali refugee families resettled in Norway after fleeing the civil war in Somalia. Through
qualitative methods, it explores challenges such as trauma, cultural adaptation, and shifting
gender roles. Key findings include the impact of khat abuse on family dynamics, tensions arising
from remittance practices, and conflicts stemming from changes in traditional family structures.
Additionally, the study highlights concern about the erosion of cultural values and parental
authority due to children's assimilation into Norwegian society. Overall, it sheds light on the
multifaceted struggles faced by Somali refugees in Norway as they navigate resettlement and
cultural adjustment. With that cultural differences and societal differences caused gap between
parents and their children which at sometimes hard children to stay their families and they seem
that its difficult to live their parents, which eventually causes on children to live streets and left
everything. Also, parents’ separation in abroad especially have been increased numerously for
the past years and it caused some many children to end their lives in streets and addict drugs.
There are some effects of family breakdown:

Emotional Impact: Family breakdown can lead to emotional distress, including feelings of
sadness, anger, confusion, and loneliness, for all members involved. Children may experience
insecurity and fear about their future, while adults may struggle with grief and disappointment.

Psychological Effects: Family breakdown can contribute to psychological issues such as

depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and behavioral problems, especially in children who may
have difficulty coping with the changes and disruptions to their routine.

Financial effects: Separation or divorce often results in financial strain, as households may need
to adjust to a decrease in income, dividing assets, and potentially facing legal expenses. Single-
parent households, in particular, may face financial challenges in providing for their children.

Parenting Challenges: Co-parenting after a family breakdown can be challenging, as parents

navigate new roles, responsibilities, and communication dynamics. Conflict between parents can
further exacerbate these challenges and impact children's well-being.

Academic Performance: Children from broken families may experience academic difficulties due
to the emotional stress and instability they face at home. This can manifest as decreased
academic performance, lower motivation, and higher rates of absenteeism or behavioral
problems at school.

Social Relationships: Family breakdown can affect social relationships, as individuals may
struggle to maintain connections with extended family members or friends. Children may also
face challenges in forming trusting relationships or may exhibit difficulties in social interactions.

Long-term Consequences: The effects of family breakdown can extend into adulthood, impacting
individuals' ability to form healthy relationships, cope with stress, and maintain stable
employment. Research suggests that children of divorced parents may be more likely to
experience marital difficulties themselves later in life.

Health Impacts: Family breakdown can also have physical health consequences due to increased
stress levels and disruptions to routines. Chronic stress associated with family breakdown may
contribute to a higher risk of developing health problems such as cardiovascular disease, obesity,
and immune system disorders.

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