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Study on Quantum Computing

Hariom, Bhoopendra, Manvendra Singh, Divyanshi Gupta

Department of MCA, Greater Noida Institute of technology (Under Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University), India


Abstract- Imagine a computer that can solve problems in seconds that

would take classical machines millennia. This is the promise of
quantum computing, a burgeoning field leveraging the bizarre laws of
quantum mechanics. By harnessing superposition, where qubits can be 0
and 1 simultaneously, and entanglement, where qubits share an
unbreakable bond, quantum computers perform computations with
unparalleled speed and efficiency. This technology has the potential to
revolutionize diverse fields. Imagine designing drugs tailored to your
unique biology, predicting material properties with atomic precision, or
securing the future of digital communication with quantum-resistant
encryption. While challenges remain, such as building stable hardware
and developing efficient algorithms, quantum computing is rapidly
evolving. It holds the key to unlocking a new era of scientific discovery
and technological innovation, forever changing our world. Keywords:
Quantum computing, superposition, entanglement, qubit, revolutionize,
drug discovery, materials science, cryptography, future.

Keywords:- Quantum computing, superposition, entanglement, qubit,

revolutionize, drug discovery, materials science, cryptography, future.
computers was demonstrated by organising a set of
 Introduction:- mathematical operations specifically created for a
quantum computer. [1,2,3] The development of
New methods for the exploitation of different physical quantum computing has captured the interest of
resources, such as materials, forces, and energies, were researchers worldwide.
found as science and technology advanced. The
advancement of civilizations as a whole-results from
this over time. The development of computers can be 2. Limitations of Classical
seen as the result of years of technological progress,
starting with Charles Babbage's early theories and the Computers:-
eventual building of the first computer, Alan Turing's
groundbreaking work in artificial intelligence and
The "Public Key" systems, a clever mathematical
computing, and the deciphering of the German Enigma
discovery from the 1970s, offered a solution to the key
code. The procedure entails a series of transitions
distribution issue. Users can send messages in these
between various physical realisations, such as
kinds of scenarios without agreeing on a secret key.
integrated circuits, chips, gears, valves, and transistors.
The idea of a two-key safe is utilised, where a public
Even though computers these days are much faster and
key is used to lock it and a private key is used to
smaller than they used to be, They still have to
unlock it. In real life, these two keys correspond to
manipulate and decipher a binary bit that is being
large integer numbers. The private key can be used to
encoded in order to produce a useful computational
easily obtain the public key, but not the other way
output. The properties of conventional logic gates are
around. The reason for this procedure is that certain
determined by classical rules, whereas matter is
mathematical operations are easier to execute in one
subject to the laws of quantum mechanics. Quantum
way than the other. For instance, factorising two
technology must take the place of current technology if
numbers can be completed much more quickly than
computers are to get smaller. This is because quantum
multiplying them by two. If the time required to
technology can provide new computational types that
execute an algorithm remains relatively constant when
are both quantitative and qualitative, as well as new
applied to large numbers, then the algorithm is
algorithms that are based on the fundamentals of
considered fast. For instance, it takes significantly
quantum mechanics. The study of quantum
longer to multiply two thirty-digit numbers using the
computation is necessary because of the physical
trial division method than it does to multiply two
constraints placed on classical computers and the fact
three-digit numbers. Because of this, the trial division
that quantum computers can complete those particular
method isn't always a quick algorithm. Public key
tasks faster than a classical computer. Quantum
cryptosystems are seen to be able to get around the
mechanics ideas are used to enable the development of
basic distribution issue. But the security hinges on
quantum computers.
unverified mathematical presumptions, like how hard
it is to factor big integers.

1. Evolution of Quantum 3. Birth of Art of Quantum

Computing:- Computing:-
concept of quantum mechanically-based computing
In 1982, Richard P. Feynman postulated that a
devices was initially investigated in the 1970s and
quantum physical system consisting of N particles and
early 1980s by computer scientists and physicists
their quantum probabilities could not be simulated by a
Charles H. Bennet, Paul A. Benioff, David Deutsch,
standard computer without experiencing an
and Richard P. Feynman. The idea first surfaced when
exponential decrease in simulation efficiency.
scientists were debating the fundamental boundaries of
Nonetheless, a polynomial slowdown can be used to
computation. It is possible for scientists to conduct
simulate them in classical physics. The primary cause
experiments in quantum physics within a quantum
is that the user can describe the size of a particle
mechanical computer thanks to the system they
system without experiencing an exponential decrease
designed. On a classical computer, solving many-body
in simulation efficiency. Nonetheless, a polynomial
quantum mechanical problems takes exponentially
slowdown can be used to simulate them in classical
more time. On the other hand, the quantum computer
physics. The primary cause is that, in quantum
can complete all calculations in polynomial time. In
computing, the particle system's description size is
1994, Peter Shor devised a technique to use quantum
exponential in N, whereas in classical physics, it is
computing to solve factorization, a notorious problem
linear in N. By doing this, the slowdown that occurs
in number theory. The ability to factor large numbers
when simulating quantum systems may be avoided.
quickly and with computational times orders of
Feynman also discussed how the interference
magnitude smaller than those of conventional
phenomena is the reason behind the difficulty in using
a probabilistic computer to simulate a quantum Quantum computers can simulate complex climate
physical system. Therefore, all of these elements models more accurately, aiding in climate research and
contributed to the development of quantum computing, the development of strategies to mitigate the impact of
which made it possible to use quantum computers and climate change.
get around all of the drawbacks of classical computers.
Artificial Intelligence:-
4. Application Area of Quantum computing can enhance certain aspects of
quantum Computing:- artificial intelligence, including speeding up training
processes for machine learning models and solving
Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize complex optimization problems inherent in AI
various fields by solving certain problems algorithms.
exponentially faster than classical computers. Some
key application areas of quantum computing include: Simulating Physical Systems:-

Cryptography:- Quantum computers can simulate physical systems at

the quantum level, allowing for a deeper understanding
Quantum computers could break widely-used of quantum mechanics and materials science.
cryptographic systems like RSA and ECC by
efficiently factoring large numbers. Conversely, Database Search:-
quantum key distribution (QKD) promises ultra-secure
communication channels. Quantum algorithms, such as Grover's algorithm, can
perform database searches faster than classical
Optimization Problems:- algorithms, potentially impacting data retrieval and
Quantum computers can efficiently handle
optimization problems, such as logistics optimization, Secure Communication:-
portfolio optimization, and scheduling, by exploring
multiple possibilities simultaneously. Quantum key distribution (QKD) ensures secure
communication by leveraging the principles of
Machine Learning:- quantum mechanics to detect eavesdropping attempts.

Quantum computing can enhance machine learning 5. Quantum Parallelism in

algorithms, particularly for tasks like pattern
recognition, optimization problems, and complex data Computing:-

Drug Discovery and Material Science:- A task is divided into simple operations that are
performed one at a time in a serial fashion when using
Quantum computers can simulate molecular a traditional computer. There have been failed attempts
interactions and quantum states, aiding in drug to run two computers at the same time in order to
discovery and the development of new materials by address different aspects of a problem at the same
predicting their properties more accurately. time. The main reason for this is that the logic in
microprocessors is intrinsically serial; even when a
traditional computer appears to be performing multiple
Financial Modeling:-
tasks at once, it is actually only quickly cycling
through each step one at a time. This explains why
Quantum computing can be used for complex financial
even the most powerful supercomputers have
modeling and risk analysis, optimizing portfolios, and
limitations when it comes to solving large, complex
developing advanced algorithms for trading strategies.
problems. The microprocessors in these computers are
not slow; They are, rather, inefficient for these tasks.
Supply Chain and Logistics:- To deal with the problem of simultaneity, a computer
should be built with parallelism. Quantum computers
Quantum computing can optimize supply chain and
are examples of such computers. According to the
logistics operations by solving complex routing and
principle of linear superposition, a quantum system in
scheduling problems, leading to more efficient
a quantum state is a superposition of many classical
resource allocation.
and classical-like states. If this superposition can be
protected from all other external interferences, then a
Climate Modeling:- quantum computer can produce results based on all of
its different classical states. This is known as quantum
parallelism. understanding dynamics and decoherence control,
atomic-scale technology, and practical applications is
6. Concepts of Quantum ongoing. Complex number properties (analytic
functions, conformal mappings) can be used to
Computers:- discover new algorithms. The theoretical tools
required to solve many-body quantum entanglement
In contrast to classical computers, the fundamental are not well developed. Its improved characterization
unit of information in a quantum computer is enables better implementation of quantum logic gates
quaternary rather than binary. It is known as a "qubit" as well as the correction of correlated errors. The
(short for quantum bit) and is analogous to the term system and the observer are made up of quantum
"bit" in classical computers. The qubit's properties building blocks, but neither the decoherence nor the
stem from its adherence to quantum mechanics laws. measurement are fully understood. The transition from
We can put a qubit not only in the logical state 0 or 1, the classical to the quantum regime is a fascinating
but also in both 0 and 1, with a numerical coefficient subject to investigate. If there is something beyond
representing the probability of each state. quantum theory, it will be discovered in the race to
Because quantum mechanics only works at the atomic create quantum devices. While attempting to overcome
level and classical mechanics governs real- life decoherence, new limitations of quantum theory may
situations, the concept appears suspicious. The qubit be discovered. The race to miniaturise electronic
can be visualised physically as the spin of a one- circuits is not too far removed from nature's quantum
electron system (s=1/2); the two states +1/2 and - 1/2 reality. The new paradigm of quantum computing will
are the eigenstates of an external magnetic field with accelerate AI development and assist us in developing
spin 12. As a result, the qubit can have two values, 0 or tomorrow's innovations. Leading AI firms are making
1, which correspond to the two eigenstates of a single quantum computing developments by developing
electron's spin. It is also possible that it is the quantum processors and novel quantum algorithms.
superposition of these two states with complex
coefficients. This is the property that distinguishes
qubits from traditional bits used in computers.[5]

7. Experimental Realization of REFERENCES:-

Quantum Computing:- 1. Nielsen, M. E., Nielsen, M. A. & Chuang, I.
L. Quantum Computation and Quantum
The simplified architectural model of quantum Information. (Cambridge University Press,
computers makes them faster, cheaper, and smaller. 2000).
However, its conceptual complexities make
experimental realisation extremely difficult and, for a 2. Kloeffel, C. & Loss, D. Prospects for Spin-
time, unrealistic. Nonetheless, there have been Based Quantum Computing in Quantum
numerous attempts in this direction, with some Dots. Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 4,
promising outcomes. Perhaps quantum computers will 51–81 (2013).
soon replace traditional computers. Quantum
Computers Based on Heteropolymers Teich designed
and built the first heteropolymer-based quantum 3. Prashant. A Study on the basics of Quantum
computer in 1988, which was later improved by Lloyd Computing. arXiv:quant-ph/0511061.
in 1993. This heteropolymer-based quantum computer
employs a linear array of atoms as memory cells. 4. Mendonca, J. T. Theory of Photon
Information is stored on a cell by pumping the Acceleration. (CRC Press, 2000).
corresponding atom into an excited state. Laser pulses
of appropriately tuned frequencies are used to transmit 5. Duncan, T. Physics: A Textbook for
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duration of the pulse determine the nature of the 1982)
computation performed on selected atoms.[4]

8. Conclusion:-

Although quantum computation is a well-established

topic of interest, opportunities for future growth are
still being pursued. The research in quantum
algorithms, logic gate operations, error correction,

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