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Cek Fisik dan Diskusi Deep Dive

Proyek Revamp RDMP Balikpapan

Desember 2023
No : 06/MN/TimPMOCPM/2023 Implementasi Meeting Note (dari sisi Pola Pikir BTP) :
Tanggal : 28 Nov – 1 Des 2023
Jenis Dokumen : Biasa
✓ Khusus Proyek ini
Bisa Untuk Proyek Lainnya

Judul : Cek Fisik dan Deep Dive Diskusi Progress Project EPC Lawe-Lawe, ISBL-OSBL & RU V
Balikpapan Terkait dengan Revamp.
Penyelenggara : Fungsi CPM – IIO Dit Logistik Infrastruktur

Diterima Oleh : Disampaikan Oleh :

Joko Purnomo Amir H.Siagian

VP Central Project Management PMO Leader
IIO – Dit Logistik Infrastruktur

• Highlight Pelaksanaan Check Visit dan Deep Dive Diskusi

• Kajian Progess EPC Lawe-Lawe, EPC ISBL-OSBL, dan Fasilitas RU V

• Pelaksanaan Check Visit dan Deep Dive Diskusi Progress Project EPC Lawe-Lawe, ISBL-OSBL & RU V Balikpapan
berdasarkan Surat SVP Infrastructure Integration & Optimization No. 086/L30000/2023-S0 tanggal 24 November 2023 yang
dilaksanakan selama 4 hari dari 28 November s/d 1 Desenber 2023.

• Tujuan dilakukannya Check Visit dan Deep Dive Diskusi adalah team CPM :
1. Untuk melihat langsung progress fisik di site Proyek EPC Lawe-Lawe, RDMP Balikpapan dan melakukan diskusi
pendalaman terkait rencana dan kesiapan Plant Stop Revamp.
2. Memperoleh pendapat dan informasi dari front line tentang progress dan produktifitas di site khususnya pekerjaan
terkait dengan revamp.
3. Mendapatkan informasi tentang rencana target operasional CDU IV dan produk-produknya pasca Plant Stop Revamp.
4. Mengetahui upaya-upaya yang dilakukan dalam mempersiapkan Plant Stop Revamp.
5. Memastikan Plant Stop Revamp yang akan dilaksanakan jadwalnya secara on to on Februari-April 2024 telah dilakukan
persiapan dan perencanaan yang baik, karena terdapat constraint yaitu; masih berada di musim hujan, adanya Pemilu
dan masuk bulan puasa, sehingga berpotensi molornya durasi pelaksanaan Plat Stop Revamp.

Central Project Management – Dit. LI 4

• Readiness Program Revamping RDMP Balikpapan :
- Stream #1 : Crude Transfer
a. New Pipeline 52” Lawe-Lawe c. Crude Tank B (Lawe-Lawe) e. Crude Trasnfer Pump (G-320-01 A/B)
b. Transfer Line 20” (Lawe-Lawe) d. Crude Transfer Pump (420-P-01 A/B) f. Tank P5 (Buffer Tank Balikpapan)

- Stream #2 : Gas Supply Readiness

a. Pipa Gas Senipah b. Natural Gas Line c. Line Crude ke Buffer Tank CDU0IV dan CDU-V

- Stream #3 : Utility System Readiness

a. GTG-A/C/D (2 Operating & 1 Stand by) c. Utility Cooling Tower e. Piperack R-10/11/12/13/R-60/61/62/15/16/17
b. Boiler A d. IA/PA/N2 f. Sub-Station SS-76/SS-111/SS-114/MCR-01/SS-
‐ Stream #4 : Revamp & New CDU Unit (Pre-Flash)
a. CDU IV b. HCU c. VDU II d. LPG Rec. e. New CDU (Pre-Flash Unit)
‐ Stream #5 : Product Transfer Readiness
a. Tanki Minimum Requirement (EPC b. Temporary Modification of c. Piperack PSL320/R-80/81/82/83
Modifikasi Tanki) Construction Jetty. 5
Central Project Management – Dit. LI
- Stream # 6 : Jumper Line
a. UCW to PCT f. Stripper Water from Existing SWS Plant Recycle back to new
b. UCW to BWRO Tank D-337-01 A/B g. Piperack isolation valves to distinguish utilities piping between
PR 13 (priority piperack)
c. Modif New N2 to New Fuel Gas Header inside CDU-IV h. Jumper Line LP Stream from HVU-II to CDU IV
d. LLC tie-in to existing Flash Drum C-31-12 i. Additional gate valve 20” modif. For dividing line tank D-20-01A/B
% D-20-06A
e. New SWS outlet line from Pre-Flash unit tie-in Existing SWS Plant.

• Jadwal Pelaksanaan Plant Stop Revamp.

Pelaksanaan Revamp Mechanical Days akan dimulai pada tanggal 7 Februari dengan detil sebagai berikut.
CDU IV : 5 Hk Shut Down 35 Hk Mechanical Days 5 Hk Start up 45 Hk Total Stop
HVU : 5 Hk Shut Down 40 HK Mechanical Days 5 Hk Start up 50 Hk Total Stop
HCU A : 6 Hk Shut Down 58 Hk Mechanical Days 10 Hk Start up 74 Hk Total Stop
HCU B : 6 Hk Shut Down 58 Hk Mechanical Days 10 Hk Start up 74 Hk Total Stop

• Key-point Check Visit dan Diskusi Deep Dive:

- Melihat langsung progress fisik yang terkait Plant Stop Revamp di site dan mendapatkan informasi dari front line.
- Melakukan diskusi dan deep dive team Project Control dan team System Completion KPB dan Engineering RU V untuk deep
dive target kapasitas operasi CDU IV Pacsa Revamp dan product yang dihasilkannya .
- Mendapatkan data –data tentang readiness Plant Stop Revamp. Central Project Management – Dit. LI 6

• Overview Progress ISBL & OSBL

• Integrasi Schedule PSR (Plant Stop Revamp) Terkait ISBL & OSBL



Description Delay Reason Mitigation
Plan Actual
Engineering N/A N/A
Overall 87.94 -1,57
86.37 Procurement a. PO of Catalyst, Chemical, Lab. Eqp. still not yet issued a. Catalyst and Chemical Items are undertaking over
Engineering 98.64 +0,07 due to contractor budgetary by Owner.
98.71 b. Equipment Delivery & Final documents hold by vendor b. Evaluation on the potentially direct payment by
Procurement 93.26 -1,89
due to pending payment Owner
Construction Major contribution delay from Piping and Electrical discipline Expedite increasing manpower on critical work and take
Construction 82.61 -1,43 over JO’s critical work for Revamp.
Commissioning 7.93 -6,57 Commissionin Delay finalization of progress measurement weight value Commissioning progress measurement document to be
1.36 g finalized in December 2023.

ISBL AREA Plan re-forecast(*) Actual

OSBL AREA Plan re-forecast(*) Actual

-0,11% -0,11% -0,20% -0,21% -0,33% -0,16%

+4,41% +4,30% +4,19% +3,99%

-6,75% -6,96% -7,29% -7,45%

73,54% 77,95% 74,29% 78,59% 75,03% 79,22% 75,76% 79,75% 87,93%


23/11/2023 30/11/2023 07/12/2023 14/12/2023 23/11/2023 30/11/2023 07/12/2023 14/12/2023 (*) Plan mengacu BL Rev-3

Construction Progress by Unit Basis Plan Re-Baseline Actual > Plan (Re-Baseline) Actual < Plan (Re-Baseline)
As of 14-Dec-23
Finish Re- Finish Forecast Finish Forecast
ISBL Unit Unit
Baseline MPR 55
Dev OSBL Unit Unit Finish Re-Baseline
MPR 55

RFCC 83,7% 5,1% 88,8% U052 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0 Intercon. Pipe. -11,1% 89.8% 78,7% U321 05-Jun-24 17-Jul-24 -42

RFCC NHT 84,2% 4,2% 88,3% U053 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0 Flare system -12,9% 90.3% 77,5% U319 27-Apr-24 08-Jun-24 -42

DHT-I -5,9% 86,4% 80,5% U054 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0 Tankage -5,3% 91.3% 86,0% U320 12-Oct-24 13-Nov-24 -6

CCR Platforming II 53,9% 9,8% 63,7% U059 31-Jan-25 01-Feb-25 -1

325 (caustic system) -26.2% 98.5% 72,3% U325 16-Nov-23 15-Mar-24 -120
CWS -0,4% 94.6% 94,2% U332 14-May-24 15-May-24 -1
RFCC - LPGT -4,9% 84,8% 79,9% U062 31-Aug-24 30-Aug-24 +1
Fire protection -9,0% 99.8% 90,7% U333 24-Jan-24 19-Jul-24 -191
PRU -2,4% 86,6% 84,2% U063 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0
WWTP -10,2% 94.7% 84,5% U334 26-Sep-24 26-Sep-24 +0
Alkylation 86,1% 0,8% 86,8% U065 15-Aug-24 15-Aug-24 +0
SWI, Desal, Demin -16,1% 99.9% 83,8% U337 12-Feb-24 13-Jun-24 -122
WGSA -1,2% 83,9% 82,7% U066 15-Aug-24 15-Aug-24 +0
Air Facilities -5,0% 99.7% 94,7% U335 19-Jan-24 02-Mar-24 -43
Isomerization 48,5% 17,0% 65,5% U082 31-Jan-25 31-Jan-25 +0
F.O&F.G system 39.2% 35.9% 75,1% U315 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0
DHT II 62,8% 1,9% 64,7% U083 31-Jan-25 31-Jan-25 +0 331 (power&steam) -1,3% 94.1% 92,8% U331 10-Jul-24 27-Sep-24 -79
NHT-II 49,0% 25,2% 74,2% U084 31-Jan-25 31-Jan-25 +0 *Buildings -12,4% 84.7% 72,4% U341 24-Oct-24 31-Oct-24 -7
SGCU -4,8% 90,8% 86,0% U060 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0 Modif. jetty -26.2% 56.6% 30,4% U022 08-Oct-24 29-Oct-24 -21
Sat LPGT -12,4% 91,1% 78,8% U064 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0 New Product Jetty 24.9% 5,7% 30,6% U323 31-Aug-24 11-Oct-24 -41
Non-RFCC SWS -6,6% 88,7% 82,1% U067 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0
-2.64% U321 Intercon. Pipe.
ARU I -3,1% 91,5% 88,4% U069 31-Jul-24 31-Jul-24 +0 TOP 5 Delay Contribution
-1.70% U341 Buildings
ARU II -6,9% 93,0% 86,1%
on -7,45% OSBL behind Progress
U079 31-Jul-24 31-Jul-24 +0 -1.10% U337 SWI, Desal, Demin
DHT H2 Comp. -7,2% 81,1% 73,9% -0.69% U320 Tankage (the percentage of delay has considered the
U085 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0
weight value of each units)
NLP-1 87,2% 0,5% 87,6% -0.55% U334 WWTP
U160 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0
Finish Forecast
RFCC SWS -3,6% 91,3% 87,7% U167 15-Aug-24 15-Aug-24 +0 Additional Unit Unit Finish Re-Baseline
MPR 55

CDU IV 58,6% 8,6% 67,2% U001 28-Oct-24 28-Oct-24 +0 U068 29-Jun-24 29-Jun-24 +0
Hydrogen Manufacturing Unit -15,5% 73.5% 58,0%
VDU II 44,8% 7,6% 52,4% U002 28-Oct-24 28-Oct-24 +0 U169 28-Jun-24 28-Jun-24 +0
SRU w/TGTU (Two Trains) -11,7% 73.4% 61,7%
LPG Recovery Unit 56,3% 8,9% 65,2% U006 28-Oct-24 28-Oct-24 +0 Hydrocracking Unit 47.7% 0,6% 48,3% U003 28-Oct-24 28-Oct-24 +0


Progress Overall (%) TOP 3 Delay Contribution

Plan BL.003 : 90,21%
90.21 - 7,45
1. PIPING : - 3,31%
on -7,45% OSBL behind Progress
Realisasi : 82,75% 82.75 2. ELECTRICAL : - 2,03%

Dev. : - 7,45% 3. INSTRUMENT : -

(the percentage of delay has considered the weight value of each units)


Unit Re-Baseline Dev
U321-Intercon. Pipe. -11,1% 78,7%

U321 05-Jun-24 17-Jul-24 -42
U320-Tankage -5,3% 86,0% 1 Civil Concrete M3 143.296 141.888 13.116 92,45% 91,54%
U320 12-Oct-24 13-Nov-24 -6
U332- CWS 94,6% 94,2% Architecture
-0,4% U332 14-May-24 15-May-24 -1 2 M3 25.221 24.751 425 100,18% 98,31%
U337-SWI, Desal, Demin 99,9% 83,8%
-16,1% U337 12-Feb-24 13-Jun-24 -122 ❖ Masonry &
Utility (Demin water for Boiler) 3 M2 57.297 54.177 5.845 95,46% 90,26%
99,7% Plastering
U335-Air Facilities -5,0% 94,7% U335 19-Jan-24 02-Mar-24 -43 required for ISBL pre-
commissioning will be supplied Steel Structure
U331-Power&Steam) 94,1% 92,8%
Ton 30.637 30.530 737 97,99% 97,64%
-1,3% U331 10-Jul-24 27-Sep-24 -79 by existing plant,
U341-Buildings 84,7% 72,4%
-12,4% U341 24-Oct-24 31-Oct-24 -7 5 A/G Field Piping DI 841.933 629.280 344.371 86,47% 64,63%

U323-New Product Jetty 24.9% 5,7% 30,6% U323 31-Aug-24 11-Oct-24 -41 6 U/G Field Piping DI 145.322 153.210 12.340 87,78% 92,55%
U319-Flare system -12,9% 77,5% U319 27-Apr-24 08-Jun-24 -42 ❖ After Revamp some Utility
Equipment (GTG, IA/PA, UCT) Mechanical

7 Ton 22.357 21.534 1.543 96,88% 93,31%

U325-(caustic system) 98,5% 72,3% Rotating
-26,2% U325 16-Nov-23 15-Mar-24 -120 will be operating normally.
U333-Fire protection 99,8% 90,7% U333 24-Jan-24 19-Jul-24 -191 8 Mechanical Static Ton 16.498 17.187 396 93,83% 97,75%
❖ All Unit OSBL is forecasted
*U334-WWTP 94,7% 84,5% U334 26-Sep-24 26-Sep-24 +0
-10,2% ready before RFCC start-up 9 Electrical Cable M 2.535.517 940.833 2.209.972 80,47% 29,86%
(December 2024)
U315-F.O&F.G system 39.2% 35,9% 75,1% U315 31-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 +0
10 Instrument Cable M 1.255.448 1.083.653 631.732 73,19% 63,17%
U022-Modif. jetty 56,6% 30,4% U022 08-Oct-24 29-Oct-24 -21
11 Insulation M2 86.175 50.351 89.947 61,42% 35,89%
Plan RFS Actual > Plan (Bl-003) Actual < Plan (BL-003)

10 |

• Overview Progress ISBL & OSBL

• Integrasi Schedule PSR (Plant Stop Revamp) Terkait EPC Lawe-

Lawe dan ISBL-OSBL

11 |
*Cut Off Date : 7-Dec-23
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Act. Progress vs Plan
1. Crude Transfer
a. New pipeline 52 inch (Lawe-Lawe) 28.2.24 16.3.24 Onshore : 84% ;
offshore :36%
b. Transfer Line 20 inch (Lawe-lawe) 30.12.23 6.1.24 Onshore: 100% ;
offshore : 70%
c. Crude Tank B (Lawe-Lawe) 28.2.24 14.3.24 96%
d. Crude Transfer Pump (420-P-01 A/B) 2.2.24 22.3.24 89%
e. Crude Transfer Pump (G-320-01 A/B) Ready for operation 22.3.24 95%
f. Tank P5 22.3.24 -
g. D-20-6A 100% (Done)
2. Gas Supply readiness
a. Pipa gas senipah Gas in 25 Dec 23 Actual : 98,00%
Gas in …. Reinstatement Start Plan : 100%
b. NG Line 1 Nov 23 MC W/D MC NG Line to GTG; W1 Jan 24 Actual : 99.99%
Gas in stat Plant 15 Plan : 100%
c. Line crude ke buffer tank CDU-IV dan CDU-V W4 Dec 23 W4 Jan 24 -
3. Utility System Readiness
a. GTG-A/C/D (2 operating &1 stand by) GTG A Ready produce power for solorun 26 Dec GTG D Firing Actual : 97.86%
Baseline MC GTG C/D 28 Dec GTG C Firing Plan : 99.90%
b. Boiler A Baseline MC Boiler 31 Oct Actual : 90.56%
Firing: Steam Blow OSBL area & PSV Plan : 100.00%
W2 Mar 24 popping test: W2 Apr 24
Passivation finish Passivation finish
c. Utility Cooling Tower (U332) Baseline MC UCT 09 Nov
(OSBL unit) W4 Jan 24 (Revamp unit) W4 Mar 24
Actual : 90.11%
Plan : 99.09%
d. IA/PA/N2 Baseline Comm :20 Nov-23 W1 Mar 24 Actual : 85.35%
Plan : 99.01%
incld PI, EL, IC
e. Piperack R-10/11/12/13/ R60/61/62/16/17 Baseline MC : Dec-23
W4 Feb 24
Actual : 78.51%
Plan : 95.84%
f. Sub-Station SS-76/SS-111/SS-114/MCR-001/SS-101/102/103/UCR-001 Baseline MC Building: 30 Dec-23 SS-111&SS-114: W4 Jan 24 Actual : 79.20%
SS-101/102/103, SS76; MCR: W3 Jan 24 Plan : 88.69%
UCR: W4 Dec-23
Baseline Completed Inprogress Forecast Finish Now Plant Stop Revamp(1)
(1) Schedule Plant Stop Revamp RU V Balikpapan 2024 Rev. EE
*Cut Off Date : 7-Dec-23
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Act. Progress vs Plan
4. Revamp & new CDU unit (Pre-flash )
a. CDU IV 12.2.24 Actual : 43.90%
7.3.24 Plan : 46.39%
b. HCU 7.2.24 Actual : 46.20%
19.3.24 Plan : 69.45%
c. VDU II 7.2.24 Actual : 51.90%
16.3.24 Plan : 54.98%
d. LPG rec 7.2.24 Actual : 64.40%
27.2.24 Plan : 81.10%
e. New CDU IV (Pre-Flash Unit) Dec-23 Actual : 89.90%
Feb-24 Plan : 91.02%
5. Product Transfer Readiness
a. Tanki Minimum Requirement 29.3.24 Paket 1 P 0.92% vs A 0.43%
(EPC Modifikasi Tanki) Paket 2 proses award
Paket 3A DP3
b. Temporary Modification of Construction Jetty 11.2.24 Bidding process
(by KPI)
c. Piperack Metering Bridge/PSL320/R-80/R81/R82/R83/North Piperack Dec-23 W2 Jan 24 Actual : 91.66%
Plan : 98.06%
6. Readiness Jumper Line
a. UCW to BWRO Tank D-337-01 A/B Baseline MC W4 Oct 23 100% (Done)
b. UCW to PCT W4 Jan 24 Mat’l Complete End Dec ‘23
c. Modif New N2 to New Fuel Gas Header inside CDU-IV Revamp W4 Jan 24 Mat’l Complete
d. LLC tie-in to existing flash drum C-31-12 W4 Jan 24 Mat’l Complete
e. New SWS outlet line from Pre-Flash unit tie-in to Existing SWS Plant W4 Jan 24 Mat’l Complete W1 Jan ‘24
f. Stripped Water from Existing SWS Plant recycle back to New Desalter as Wash Water W4 Jan 24 Mat’l Complete W1 Jan ‘24
g. Piperack isolation valves to distinguish utilities piping between PR13 (priority piperack) W4 Jan 24 Mat’l Complete End Dec ‘23
h. Jumper Line LP Stream from HVU-II to CDU IV W4 Jan 24 In Progress Bidding
7. Program Penyehatan Existing RU V for Support Revamp 31.1.24
8. Permit Readiness W4 Mar 24
9. Start Up Revamp Work 29.3.24
Baseline Completed Inprogress Forecast Finish Now Plant Stop Revamp(1)
(1) Schedule Plant Stop Revamp RU V Balikpapan 2024 Rev. EE

• Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi

16 |
Revamping RDMP Balikpapan 1. Berdasarkan Progress, Forecast Mechanical Completion dan Constraint yang ada terhadap item-
item dari tiap-tiap Stream, maka terdapat beberapa Stream yang tidak memenuhi target waktu
untuk support revamp, yaitu Stream #1 (Crude Transfer), Stream #3 (Utility System) dan Stream #5
(Product Transfer).
2. Dengan adanya Stream yang tidak memenuhi target waktu, maka target kapasitas operasi CDU-IV
300 MBSD pasca revamp tidak akan terpenuhi.
3. Terdapat beberapa mitigasi atas tidak tercapainya beberapa Stream, namun belum jelas
Revamping RDMP Balikpapan 1. Agar dimintakan penjelasan ke KPI / KPB atas pesimisnya Stream #1, Stream #3 dan Stream #5
untuk selesai (MC / Commissioning) sesuai target waktu.
2. Agar dimintakan penjelasan ke KPI/KPB tentang Mitigation Plan penggunaan (kemampuan) Fasilitas
Utilities / Accessories Unit Exiting jika CDU-IV di operasikan pada kapasitas 250 MBSD
3. Agar dimintakan penjelasan ke KPI / KPB tentang target operasional CDU IV Pasca Revamp, lengkap
dengan Material Balance Hydrocarbon dan utilities-nya.
4. Agar dimintakan penjelasan ke KPI / KPB tentang antisipasi atas constraint yang ada selama periode
pelaksanaan Revamp, yaitu; musim hujan, hari Pemilu dan bulan puasa, agar total durasi
pelaksanaan revamp tidak molor.

(*) MWT dilaksanakan oleh Man PMO Downstream dan Tim

Central Project Management – Dit. LI 17


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