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3/12/24, 2:16 PM The Necklace Final Exam | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

The Necklace Final Exam

Total questions: 50
Worksheet time: 9hrs 55mins
Instructor name: Jenny Carlo

1. A sequence or organized pattern of events related to a conflict is....

a) plot b) rising action

c) exposition d) climax

2. The ______________ of a story provides background information.

a) plot b) rising action

c) exposition d) climax

3. The ___________________ of a story is the turning point where the conflict reaches a peak.

a) exposition b) climax
c) rising action d) resolution

4. Occurs at the end of a story and shows how the conflicts are resolved.

a) exposition b) falling action

c) resolution d) plot 1/11
3/12/24, 2:16 PM The Necklace Final Exam | Quizizz

5. Suspense builds and complications arise in the _____________________

a) rising action b) plot

c) climax d) falling action

6. At the beginning of the story, Mme. Loisel's unhappiness is due to a contrast between

a) what she wants and what her husband wants b) what she has been promised and what she has received
c) what she has and what she wants d) what she once had and what she hopes for the future

7. During the party, Mme. Loisel can be described as all of the following EXCEPT

a) Anxious b) Exuberant
c) Cheerful d) Joyous

8. The events of the story suggest that what Mme. Loisel fears most is

a) boredom b) poverty
c) the loss of her beaty d) humiliation

9. Mme. Loisel's feelings towards her husband are never described directly, but the reader can infer that she treats him with...

a) gentleness b) appreciation
c) affection d) resentment 2/11
3/12/24, 2:16 PM The Necklace Final Exam | Quizizz

10. How does Madame Loisel's anguish about borrowing the necklace turn out to be ironic?

a) The necklace later causes her even more worry b) She does not enjoy wearing the necklace
c) Madame Forestier hardly misses the necklace d) No one notices her at the reception

11. The theme of "The Necklace" concerns the danger of:

a) trying to escape one's fate and begin a new life b) attaching importance to wealth instead of being happy with what
you have
c) getting too deeply in debt and the loss of friends because of it d) giving into spouse's demands and the problems that arise

12. Which sentence most clearly conveys a JEALOUS tone?

a) "Finally, all was paid back, everything including the exorbitant rates b) "The hunted everywhere, through the folds of the dress, through the
of the loan sharks and accumulated compound interests." folds of the coat, in the pockets. They found nothing."
c) "She excitedly tore open the envelope and pulled out a printed card d) "She had a well-to-do friend, a classmate of convent-school days
bearing these words..." whom she would no longer go to see, simply because she would feel
so distressed on returning home."

13. One example of irony in the story is the Mme. Loisel borrows Madame Forestier's necklace to give the appearance of having more money than
she really does, but in the end:

a) The minister asks her to dance, unaware that she is poor b) The necklace is what causes her to eventually become poorer than
she ever was to begin with
c) She and Madame Forestier have equal amounts of riches d) She was able to fool everyone into thinking she was rich 3/11
3/12/24, 2:16 PM The Necklace Final Exam | Quizizz

14. One example of VERBAL IRONY is:

a) Rue des Martyrs as the name of the street they live on is a double b) The sarcasm in the necklace exchange with Madame Forestier
c) When the replacement necklace is replaced, it is returned the same d) The double meaning of the name "Loisel"
as the original one

15. Which of the following is NOT part of the rising action?

a) Mme. Loisel buys a new dress with her husband's money b) The husband brings home the party invitation
c) Mme. Loisel borrows a necklace from her friend d) Madame Loisel is described as grieving for luxuries, upset at her life
as the wife of a clerk

16. Which of the following is the climax?

a) M. Loisel realizes he has to give up his inheritance to pay for the b) The Loisels realize that the necklace is gone
replacement necklace
c) Mathile Loisel finds out the necklace was fake d) Mathile Loisel has the time of her life at the party

17. Which of the following is NOT exposition

a) Madame Loisel grieved over the shabbiness of her apartment b) Mathile throws the invitation and refuses to go to the party
c) The Loisels are middle class; the husband is a clerk d) The story takes place in Paris

18. True/False
In "The Necklace" Monsieur Loisel could be describe as selfish

a) False b) True 4/11
3/12/24, 2:16 PM The Necklace Final Exam | Quizizz

19. True/false
Material wealth was very important to Madame Loisel

a) True b) False

20. True/false
It is ironic at the end of the story when we learn that Mme. Forestier has lost the necklace.

a) False b) True

21. True/False
The Loisels are very poor at the beginning of the story

a) True b) False

22. Mme. Loisel truly appreciated the loving relationship she had with her husband

a) False b) True

23. True/False
Monsieur Loisel gives up his inheritance to try to pay for the replacement necklace

a) False b) True

24. The Loisels live like pauper for ten years because Monsieur Loisel lost money in the stock market

a) True b) False 5/11
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25. True/False
The Loisels had to move out of their apartment and into an attic because they were poor.

a) True b) False

26. Exorbitant means

a) Out of this world b) Many possibilities

c) Extra d) Outrageous, excessive

27. Adulation means

a) Desperation b) Excessive praise

c) Envy d) Jealousy

28. Aghast means

a) Adored b) Suspecting
c) Shocked d) Unsure

29. Vexation means

a) Horror b) Crooked
c) Annoyance d) Series 6/11
3/12/24, 2:16 PM The Necklace Final Exam | Quizizz

30. True/False
Mathilde told Madame Forestier that the clasp was broken on the necklace.

a) False b) True

31. which word to know means:

"a poor person, especially one who depends on public charity"

a) Martyr b) Seine
c) Pope d) Pauper

32. Words to Know

If a tree fell on your house, it would be quite ________________ to your family.

a) ruinous b) rambunctious
c) prospects d) exorbitant

33. Words to know

GAMUT means:

a) the ability to read and write b) being physically fit

c) the entire range of something d) causing great pain or distress

34. When I tried to save money for my summertime vacation, I was in a true state of __________________ trying to not buy other things that I wanted.

a) privation b) ruinous
c) expectation d) adulation 7/11
3/12/24, 2:16 PM The Necklace Final Exam | Quizizz

35. Fill in the blank:

Students who take their education seriously have greater _____________ than those who try coast through high school.

a) vexation b) prospects
c) luck

36. At the beginning of "The Necklace," what is the most likely conclusion that readers can draw about Madame Loisel's character, based on the life
she desires?

a) She cares primarily about her husband. b) She enjoys working.

c) She cares primarily about material things. d) She has simple needs.

37. In "The Necklace," what does Monsieur Loisel's treatment of his wife most clearly reveal about the character?

a) He enjoys accompanying his wife to fancy receptions. b) He cares deeply about his wife's happiness.
c) He cares far too much about material things. d) He has grown tired of his wife's complaints.

38. What motivates Mme. Loisel to borrow the necklace in the beginning of the story?

a) a. She didn't want to be noticed by the other guests. b) b. She wanted to show off and be seen as high class.
c) d. She wanted her husband to get a better job at the Ministry of d) c. She wanted to Mme. Forstier look good.
Education. 8/11
3/12/24, 2:16 PM The Necklace Final Exam | Quizizz

39. In "The Necklace," what long term effects does the loss of the necklace have on the Loisel's lives?

a) The loss of the necklace causes the Loisel's to fight, separate, and b) The loss of the necklace causes the Loisel's to go into debt, live in
seek a divorce. poverty, and work at multiple jobs.
c) The loss of the necklace causes the Loisel's to adopt a life of crime in d) The loss of the necklace brings the Loisel's closer together and
order to repay their debts. makes their marriage stronger.

40. Which statement best summarizes one of the main messages of "The Necklace"?

a) People should learn to be happy with what they have rather than b) People should never lend anything to friends who cannot be counted
longing for things beyond their reach. on to return them.
c) People should always strive to build better lives for themselves, d) People should beware of friends who are not honest and try to take
regardless of the sacrifices they must make. advantage of them.

41. Which event demonstrates the surprise ending in "The Necklace"?

a) Madame Loisel tells Madame Forestier that she had lost the necklace b) Madame Loisel tells Madame Forestier that she had had a very hard
that her friend had lent her. life because she had to replace the lost necklace.
c) Madame Loisel does not recognize her old friend Madame Loisel d) Madame Forestier tells Madame Loisel that the necklace that had
because Madame Loisel has aged so much. been lost was a fake that was worth very little.

42. What is the theme of the story?

a) It is better to appreciate what you have. b) Fake it until you make it!
c) If you don't like what you are doing in life, work harder! 9/11
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43. Which of the following literary elements is prominent in the story's ending?

a) metaphor b) irony
c) flashback d) point of view

44. The narrator suggests that Mathilde’s problem is that she

a) needs a job to give her self-worth b) was born into the wrong social class
c) does not know how to spend her vast wealth d) does not really love her husband

45. Who is the author of The Necklace?

a) George Ramponneau b) Guy de Maupassant

c) Alfred Noyes d) H. H. Munro

What is situational irony?

a) When the audience knows something that a story's character does b) A contrast between an expected outcome and the actual outcome
c) Speaker's intention is the opposite of what he/she is saying d) When a symbol in a story contradicts the theme of a story 10/11
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47. Who says, "No...there's nothing so humiliating as looking poor in the middle of a lot of rich women. "

a) Madame Forestier (Rich Friend) b) Madame Loisel (Wife)

c) Monsieur Loisel (Husband)

48. Who says, "It was worth at the very most five hundred francs!..."

a) Madame Forestier (Rich Friend) b) Madame Loisel (Wife)

c) Monsieur Loisel (Husband)

49. Who says, "Are you sure that you still had it on when you came away from the ball?"

a) Madame Loisel (Wife) b) Monsieur Loisel (Husband)

c) Madame Forestier (Rich Friend)

50. Madame Forestier immediately recognizes Madame Loisel at the conclusion of the story.

a) False b) True 11/11

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