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Understanding the Culture,
Society, & Politics
Presented by | Group 2
Banks and corporations both play a part in the economic
growth of society. In short, loans from the bank will keep
businesses going. Continued operation of businesses leads to
greater chances of generating more income for the business
and increasing employment. More income would entail more
savings to be deposited in a bank which will be used to lend
to future customers. In this case, it can be seen that the bank
plays a role in facilitating the cycle of expediting investments
and generating more income and savings.
A retail bank is a type of bank that focuses on consumers or the general public as its
customers. One’s personal bank account, like checking and savings accounts, is
usually in a retail bank. Retail banks can be considered to be the most common and
widespread of all the types of banks.
A commercial bank also provides the same services as a retail bank; however, it
focuses on businesses and businessmen as its main customers.
Commercial banks provide short-term loans for businessmen for investment purposes
An investment or an industrial bank provides medium and long-term loans and
deposits to business industries.
There are different types of corporations that are classified based on specific factors
like the corporation’s purpose, manner of taxation, and number of shareholders.
A business corporation is created to operate and generate profit. Companies like
McDonald’s and Starbucks are examples of business corporations.
A non-profit corporation is established to serve the public rather than pursue profits.
A corporation whose income is taxed through the corporation itself is a C- 2
A non-state institution (NSI) is an organization or entity that operates
independently from the formal structures of the government or state.
These institutions are typically private or non-governmental
organizations that are not directly controlled or funded by the state.
Non-state institutions can exist in various sectors, such as Private
Sector and Religious Institution.

Cooperatives and trade unions are both types of non-state institutions,

but they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics.
Both cooperatives and trade unions are non-state institutions that aim
to serve the interests of their members, Cooperatives focus on
collective economic and social needs, while trade unions primarily
focus on protecting workers' rights and improving their working
conditions and wages.
> Cooperative - According to the International Cooperative Alliance
(ICA), a cooperative is "an autonomous association of persons united
voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural
needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically
controlled enterprise."
For Examples:
1. Agricultural cooperatives: Formed by farmers to collectively
purchase inputs, market their products, or process and distribute
their goods (e.g., dairy cooperatives, coffee cooperatives).
2. Worker cooperatives: Owned and controlled by the workers
themselves, who share the profits and decision-making
responsibilities (e.g., manufacturing cooperatives, taxi
> Trade Unions - A trade union is an organization formed by
workers to protect their rights, improve their working conditions,
and negotiate better wages and benefits with employers. According
to the International Labour Organization (ILO), a trade union is "an
organization of workers that aims to protect and promote their
interests through collective action, including through the process of
collective bargaining."

For Examples:
1. Professional unions: Represent workers in specific professions
(e.g., nurses union, pilots union).
2. Industrial trade unions: Represent workers in a particular
industry (e.g., automotive workers union, steel workers union).

Transnational Organization Groups (TOGs) operate across borders

to address common goals such as human rights, environmental
conservation, and social justice.

1. Amnesty International: Advocates for global human rights.
2. Greenpeace: Promotes environmental conservation worldwide.
3. Doctors Without Borders: Provides medical aid in crisis zones.
4. World Economic Forum: Addresses global economic challenges.
5. International Red Cross: Offers humanitarian aid in
Additionally, Transnational Organization groups, or NGOs,
operate internationally with diverse members and shared goals.
They advocate for policy change, provide essential services, and
contribute to conflict resolution, impacting global governance,
economy, and society. Despite challenges, they play a crucial
role in addressing global issues and promoting cooperation for a
better world.
development/transnational-corporations/ 7
Development agencies are organizations, often governmental or non-profit,
dedicated to promoting economic, social, and environmental progress in
regions or countries facing various challenges. These agencies typically
work on a range of initiatives aimed at improving living standards,
reducing poverty, enhancing infrastructure, and fostering sustainable
development. They operate through a combination of funding, technical
expertise, and capacity-building efforts, collaborating with local
governments, communities, and other stakeholders to achieve their goals.

One of the primary functions of development agencies is to provide

financial assistance and technical support to projects and programs in
areas such as healthcare, education, agriculture, and infrastructure
development. They often work in partnership with
governments, NGOs, and international organizations to leverage
resources and maximize impact. Development agencies also play a crucial
role in advocating for policies and practices that promote equitable
growth, social justice, and environmental sustainability, both at the
national and international levels.

Moreover, development agencies engage in capacity-building activities to

strengthen the institutions and skills necessary for sustainable
development. This may involve training government officials, community
leaders, and local organizations in areas such as project management,
governance, and resource mobilization. By empowering individuals and
institutions to drive their own development processes, these agencies aim
to foster long-term resilience and self-reliance within communities,
ultimately contributing to lasting positive change and progress.
International organizations encompass various entities formed by
nations, corporations, or nonprofits with a common purpose,
spanning from mutual defense to trade, profit-making ventures, or
humanitarian aid. These entities collaborate across borders to
address global challenges or pursue shared goals.

Examples include:
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) - an alliance for
mutual defense among member states like the US and
European nations.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries- a coalition of
oil-exporting nations such as Saudi Arabia and Venezuela
regulating oil production and prices.
Toyota - a multinational corporation manufacturing and selling
cars globally, adapting to local cultures and markets.
National Geographic Society - an international nonprofit
promoting scientific exploration and environmental
conservation through research and education initiatives.

These organizations operate on different scales and with diverse

objectives but share the commonality of transcending national
borders to address issues or pursue interests on an international

Understanding the Culture,
Society, & Politics

Presented By : Group 2

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