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Class code: BAS-T124WSB-5

Group: IV
Name: Trần Tuấn Đạt
Nguyễn Việt Bách
Đinh Mai Khanh
Nguyễn Thái Phương Anh

HW7 (group): Informative presentation analysis

PART 1: HW7 (individual)

● Step 1: Choose an informative presentation on the topic of your interest. Remember to include
a link to the video.
● Step 2: Watch and answer the following questions (refer to the required Cheesebro reading to
do this):
1. What is the central idea of this presentation?
2. What main points does the presentation develop? State them in complete sentences in parallel
3. What type of attention-grabber does the speaker use? How effective is it? How does the
speaker create the need for the information?
4. What are your reactions to this presentation (benefits and objections)?

PART 2: HW7 (Group)

After completing the tasks individually, share your answers as a group, discuss and note your team’s
observations on what made the presentations successful/effective from the audience’s standpoint.
Your group submission file should include:

● Part 1: Original responses of group members to the individual task.

● Part 2: A paragraph of group reflection on what made the presentations successful/effective.

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PART 1: Individual task

Trần Tuấn Đạt - 24005986

I. Step 1: Choose an informative presentation on the topic of your interest
Addiction to Technology is Ruining Lives - Simon Sinek on Inside Quest
II. Step 2: Watch and answer the following questions (refer to the required Cheesebro reading to do

1. What is the central idea of this presentation?

- The more the cell phone is showing up, the more it impacts people’s relationships.
2. What main points does the presentation develop? State them in complete sentences in parallel form.

- The use of cell phones creates dopamine, which is highly addictive.

- With dopamine, it allows people to cope with stresses and anxieties (short-term).
- The need for approval from peers.
- KIDS don’t know how to form deep meaningful relationships.
3. What type of attention-grabber does the speaker use? How effective is it?
- Speaker captures attention by citing a startling fact. It leads to curiosity for those who are new to
the topic.
* How does the speaker create the need for the information?
- Speaker names a friendly environment and circumstances which is usually done on a daily basis.
4. What are your reactions to this presentation (benefits and objections)?
- Benefits:
● Broaden the listener horizon about the cons of phone using.
● Show the gap between active use and addiction.
- Objections:
● Must focus more on the disadvantages of overuse of cell phones.
● Give a deeper explanation about the examples.

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Nguyễn Việt Bách - 22003590
I. Step 1: Choose an informative presentation on the topic of your interest
We can cure almost all human diseases. Here’s how - Albert László Barabási
II. Step 2: Watch and answer the following questions (refer to the required Cheesebro reading to do

1. What is the central idea of this presentation?

- The speaker explain what is network medicine and how it can be applied in the future to help cure
diseases and change medicine.

2. What main points does the presentation develop? State them in complete sentences in parallel form.

- Introduction about The map of life: Human Genome Project.

- What is network medicine.
- Problem that our body can result in a failure.
- New kind of doctor will emerge.

3. What type of attention-grabber does the speaker use? How effective is it? How does the speaker create
the need for the information?

- The speaker use video and imagine to explain clearly help the audience to easily to understand
the subject.

* How does the speaker create the need for the information?
- The speaker explain step by step to help the audience get the simple and required information to
understand the subject then develop the subject.

4. What are your reactions to this presentation (benefits and objections)?

- Benefits:
● Help audience to understand more about there body and how medicine have developed.
- Objections:
● The clip should be a bit longer because this is quiet hard topic for the vast majority.

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Đinh Mai Khanh - 23005935
I. Step 1: Choose an informative presentation on the topic of your interest
Interpersonal skills training: 5 lessons for building people skills
II. Step 2: Watch and answer the following questions (refer to the required Cheesebro reading to do

1. What is the central idea of this presentation?

- The presentation underscores the critical need for interpersonal skills training in organizational
learning and development, emphasizing its impact on customer service, sales, corporate culture,
and employee engagement.

2. What main points does the presentation develop? State them in complete sentences in parallel form.

- Importance of Interpersonal Skills: Vital for organizational success, particularly in customer

service and sales.
- Negative Impact of Lacking Skills: Emphasizes the potential harm to corporate culture, morale,
and collaboration, leading to higher turnover.
- Survey on Managerial Discomfort: Cites a Harvard Business Review survey revealing managerial
discomfort in communication, highlighting the urgency for interpersonal skills training.

3. What type of attention-grabber does the speaker use? How effective is it? How does the speaker create
the need for the information?

- The presentation effectively captures attention by illustrating the direct impact of lacking
interpersonal skills on an organization's bottom line.

* How does the speaker create the need for the information?
- The speaker highlights how interpersonal skills influence various organizational aspects,
supported by a survey emphasizing the urgency of addressing the skill gap.

4. What are your reactions to this presentation (benefits and objections)?

- Benefits:
● Offers practical insights and lessons for improving interpersonal skills.
● Addresses real-world challenges faced by managers, making the content relatable.
- Objections:
● Could benefit from more specific examples or case studies.
● Individual lessons might not fully cover the holistic development of a comprehensive
training program.

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Nguyễn Thái Phương Anh - 23005321

I. Step 1: Choose an informative presentation on the topic of your interest

Simon Sinek on Intensity vs Consistency

II. Step 2: Watch and answer the following questions (refer to the required Cheesebro reading to do

1. What is the central idea of this presentation?

- The central idea of this presentation is that consistency, rather than intensity, is key to building
strong personal relationships or a positive company culture, but also whole-life.

2. What main points does the presentation develop? State them in complete sentences in parallel form.
- Consistency, not intensity, is crucial for personal and professional growth.
- Just as regular exercise is more effective than a one-time intense workout, consistent efforts yield
long-term benefits in relationships and company culture.
- While intensity may provide immediate results, consistency is necessary for sustainable success
and trust-building.
- Examples of consistent actions in building a strong company culture include regular greetings,
engaging in conversations, and maintaining focus during meetings.
- Embracing vulnerability, which requires consistency in openness and trust, fosters better
communication and rapport among team members.

3. What type of attention-grabber does the speaker use? How effective is it? How does the speaker create
the need for the information?
- The speaker uses analogies and relatable examples to engage the audience's attention. By
comparing building a strong company culture to personal habits like dental hygiene and exercise
routines, the speaker creates a connection that makes the message more memorable and
- The attention-grabber works well because it takes complicated ideas and shows how they connect
to everyday situations. This makes people feel like the information is important for their own
lives, which makes them want to learn more.

4. What are your reactions to this presentation (benefits and objections)?

- Benefits:
● Providing practical insights into how consistency can positively impact personal
relationships and organizational culture.
● Encouraging audiences to reflect on their own behaviors and habits.
- Objections:
● There may be differing opinions on the relative importance of intensity versus consistency
in achieving goals.
● The presentation makes things too simple and doesn't fully explain complex issues. Also,
it doesn't address the challenge of consistently applying its ideas in fast-paced workplaces.
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PART 2: Group task

The presentations were particularly effective and successful due to several noteworthy aspects. Firstly,
each presentation adeptly conveyed a clear central idea or thesis, providing a solid foundation for the
audience to grasp the main focus of the discussion. This clarity of purpose ensured that listeners could
follow along easily and understand the key points being presented. Moreover, the presentations were
structured in a parallel form, where the main points were articulated in a cohesive and organized manner.
This parallel structure facilitated comprehension and allowed for a smoother flow of information,
enhancing the overall effectiveness of the presentations. Furthermore, the speakers employed attention-
grabbing techniques that resonated with the audience and heightened engagement. Whether it was
through citing startling facts, offering relatable examples, or injecting humor into their delivery, each
speaker effectively captured the attention of the audience from the outset. By doing so, they successfully
created a sense of curiosity and interest among listeners, compelling them to remain attentive throughout
the presentation. One particularly notable aspect was the speakers' ability to contextualize the information
and demonstrate its relevance to the audience's personal and professional lives. By drawing connections
to everyday experiences and real-world scenarios, the speakers effectively conveyed the importance of
the information being presented. This approach not only fostered a deeper understanding of the topic but
also created a sense of urgency or need for the information, prompting audience members to actively
engage with the content. Overall, these presentations excelled in effectively communicating their
messages, offering practical insights, and encouraging reflection among the audience. While there may
have been potential objections or areas for improvement, such as providing more specific examples or
addressing potential challenges, the overall impact of the presentations was undeniably positive. Through
their clear structure, engaging delivery, and relevance to the audience, these presentations successfully
achieved their objectives and left a lasting impression on listeners. (308 words)

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