HW6.1 (Individual) - Teamwork Analysis - 2 - 4

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Reflecting on the evaluation form, our team's performance falls into the category of "Average

teamwork" with 20 points, indicating a mixed bag of strengths and areas for improvement. While
we demonstrated some positive attributes, such as encouraging open discussion about task
division and displaying a willingness to assist one another, there were noticeable deficiencies in
other aspects, particularly in establishing a clear team purpose and effectively resolving conflicts.
These shortcomings could have hindered our progress and impacted our overall performance.
Personally, I must admit to a rather passive role within the team, which likely contributed to our
challenges. Moving forward, I am committed to taking a more proactive stance by actively
participating in discussions, voicing my opinions, and assuming more responsibility for tasks
within the group.

Looking ahead to future group assignments, particularly a group presentation, there are several
strategies we can implement to improve our teamwork experience. Firstly, regular check-ins to
review progress, clarify expectations, and ensure alignment on tasks and deadlines can help keep
us on track and prevent misunderstandings. Additionally, establishing clear channels of
communication and decision-making processes will facilitate smoother collaboration and
minimize potential conflicts. Moreover, incorporating team-building activities or icebreakers can
foster a stronger sense of cohesion and trust among members, ultimately enhancing our ability to
work together effectively. By addressing these specific areas for improvement and actively
engaging in the group process, I am confident that we can elevate our teamwork to a higher level
and achieve greater success in our future assignments.

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