PT 1 - Grade 9 Circular

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Grade: 9

Rustomjie International School, Jalgaon Rustomjie International School @rustomjieinternational

April 03, 2024

Kindly note down the schedule and syllabus for the PT - 1.

Social Science – 19/04/2024 – Friday

History : Geography :
Ch.1 - The French Revolution Ch.1 - India - Size and Location
Economics :
Ch.1 - The story of Village Palampur
(Reference book)
Hindi – 20/04/2024 – Saturday
Ô¹ãÎãà : ̾ãã‡ãŠÀ¥ã :
‡ãŠãäÌã¦ãã : 1 - ÀõªãÔã ‡ãñŠ ¹ãª Î㺪, ¹ãª, Ôãâãä£ã
‡ãŠãäÌã¦ãã : 2 - ÀÖãè½ã ‡ãñŠ ªãñÖñ ËñŒã¶ã ‡ãŠãõÎãʾã :
¹ã㟠: - ªìŒã ‡ãŠã ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀ ¹ã¨ã ËñŒã¶ã
¹ã㟠: - ºãœñ¶³ãè ¹ããË (†ÌãÀñÔ› ½ãñÀãè ãäÎãŒãÀ ¾ãã¨ãã) ‚ã¶ãìÞœñª ËñŒã¶ã
ÔãâÞã¾ã¶ã :
¹ã㟠1 - ãäØãÊËî
(Reference book)
Sanskrit – 20/04/2024 – Saturday
¹ãÆ©ã½ã : ¹ããŸ:- 1 ¼ããÀ¦ããèÌãÔ㶦ãØããèãä¦ã: ËñŒã¶ã ‡ãŠãõÎãʾã :
ãä̪¦ããè¾ã: ¹ããŸ:- 2 ÔÌã¥ãÇãŠã‡ãŠ: ãäÞã¨ãÌã¥ãöã½ãá
̾ãã‡ãŠÀ¥ã : ‚ã¶ãìÞœªËñŒã¶ã½ãá
1) ÔÌãÀ Ôãã䶣ã: ¹ã¨ãËñŒã¶ã½ãá
2) Î㺪¹ãããä¥ã
(ºããˇãŠ, ºãããäˇãŠã, ¹ãìÓ¹ã, ½ãìãä¶ã, ½ããä¦ã, ÌãããäÀ, ¶ãªãè,
¼ãã¶ãì, £ãñ¶ãì, ½ã£ãì, ãä¹ã¦ãð, ½ãã¦ãð, ÔÌãÔãð )
3) £ãã¦ãì¹ãããä¥ã (Ë›á , Ëð›, ËÝá ˇãŠãÀ)
(Reference book)
Science – 22/04/2024 – Monday
Chemistry :
Physics :
Ch.1 - Matter in our surrounding
Ch.8 - Motion
Biology :
Ch.5 - Fundamental Unit of Life
(Reference book)
Math – 23/04/2024 – Tuesday
Ch.1 - Number Systems
Ch.3 - Coordinate Geometry
Ch.6 - Lines and Angles
(Reference book)
English – 24/04/2024 – Wednesday
Beehive :
L.1 - The Fun They Had Grammar :
Poem - The Road Not Taken Determiners
Integrated Grammar
Moments :
Comprehension :
L.1 - The Lost Child
Writing Skills :
Paragraph Writing
(Reference book)

Subject : English
Section Section Total
A Reading Skills (Unseen Passages 2) 20
B Writing Skills and Grammar 10
C Literature 20
Total 50

ãäÌãÓã¾ã:- ãäÖ¶ªãè
Œãâ¡ ¹Çãζ㠇ãñŠ ¹ãƇãŠãÀ Øãì¥ã
ÌããÞã¶ã ‡ãŠãõÎãʾã (ÌãÔ¦ãì¹ãÀ‡ãŠ ¹ãÆζã) 5
̾ãã‡ãŠÀ¥ã 20
(ºã) ÔãããäÖ¦¾ã (Ìã¥ãöã㦽ã‡ãŠ ¹ãÆζã) 15
ËñŒã¶ã ‡ãŠãõÎãʾã 10
‡ãîŠË 50

ãäÌãÓã¾ã:- ÔãâÔ‡ãðŠ¦ã½ãá
Œãâ¡ ¹Çãζãã¶ãã½ãá ÔÌãÀŠ¹ã: ‡ãîŠË ‚ãâ‡ãŠ
(‡ãŠ) ‚ã¹ãã䟦㠂ãÌãºããñ£ã¶ã½ãá 8
ÀÞã¶ã㦽ã‡ãŠ½ãá ‡ãŠã¾ãýãá
(΋) 10
¹ã¨ãËñŒã¶ã½ãá / ãäÞã¨ãÌã¥ãöã½ãá /‚ã¶ãìÞœñª ËñŒã¶ã½ãá
‚ã¶ãì¹ãƾãì‡ã‹¦ã ̾ãã‡ãŠÀ¥ã½ãá
(Øã) 12
Ôãã䶣ã / Î㺪¹ãããä¥ã / £ãã¦ãì¹ãããä¥ã
(Üã) 20
¹ãã䟦ã Øã²ããâÎã / ¹ãã䟦㠹ã²ããâÎã /¹ãÆζããä¶ã½ããÃ¥ã½ãá /‚ã¶Ìã¾ã¹ãîãä¦ãà /Ü㛶ãã‰ãŠ½ã
¹ãî¥ããćãŠã: 50

Subject : Math
Section Section Total
A Objectives 10
B Attempt the following 10
C Solve the following 12
D Solve the following 10
E Case study 8
Total 50

Subject : Science
Section Section Total
A 7
(MCQ, Fill in the blank, Name the following)
Subject : Social Science
Section Section Total
A Objectives (MCQs, ) 8
B Answer in short 4
C Answer the following questions in short. 12
D Case study 8
E Answer the following questions in detail. 15
F Map based questions 3
Total 50

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