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Nine Days

Copyright © 2022 Joelina Falk

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distribute, or transmitted in any form without
written permission of the publisher, except for brief passages by a reviewer for review purposes only.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are a product of the author’s
imagination and used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, events, or things—living or dead—is
entirely coincidental.

You can find me here:
Colin 4
Lily 6
“Hey stupid, I love you”—Hey Stupid, I Love You by JP Saxe


“No?!” I think my best friend has officially lost his mind. All I did was tell him Lily and I
are getting married, and he deadass tells me no.
“Yes, no.” Aaron folds his arms in front of his chest, refusing to continue to put on his
hockey gear. “Like, who are you? Miles?”
What the hell does Miles have to do with me getting married tomorrow?
I admit, it’s a last-minute decision and Lily deserves more of a bachelorette party than what
she’s getting tonight, but she had no complaints. If she did, Lily would have told me, and I
would have put off marrying her for another two days. Yes, only two. I can’t wait any longer.
“Miles?” Grey comes walking into the locker room, setting his bag down before turning his
full attention to Aaron and me. “Don’t think anyone could get close to Miles.”
How lucky we have been, right? Not everyone can brag about still being on the same hockey
team as their best friends after college. But fuck, my father sure did his best to get us all to join
the New York Rangers.
Well, Grey, Aaron, and me, that is. Miles got an offer, but he refused to go pro after he had
to choose between being a father or skating. Can’t say he saw it as an option as, to him, the
only one was to be there for Brooke.
But, hey, at least we still live in the same city, right? The same building. We see each other
regularly, and, I’m not even going to lie, I’m the best godfather there is.
“Our princess asked my sister to marry him.”
Grey’s eyes widen drastically, his jaw drops down to the floor as he gawks at me. “You did
“I have. We’re getting married tomorrow. Nothing big or fancy. Just family and closest
friends.” Why is that so difficult to believe?
I love my Lilybug. I know she loves me just as much, even though she says she hates me
for making her stay alive. Apparently spending her days at home or on movie sets isn’t what
she imagined. Too bad, so sad.
I’m glad she’s very much alive, otherwise, I wouldn’t know what I’d do with my life.
“You’re twenty-five years old,” Aaron says. “Don’t you think that’s a little… early?”
I shake my head. “I wanted to marry her an hour after I met her.” Not exactly, but close
enough. I’m not that weird. I gave it two hours. “We’re talking about starting a family
sometime in the future. We’re not getting younger, and Lily wants at least two children before
the age of thirty. So, no, I don’t think it’s early.”
Grey takes a seat across from me, sliding a hand down his face. “You’re at the peak of your
career, Carter.”
“And that means I can’t have a wife and start a family?” I look at Aaron, raising my brows
as I say, “What if Sofia told you she wanted to get married? Would you tell her no?”
He lets out a deep breath, shaking his head ever so softly while looking down at his hands.
Sometimes I believe Aaron thinks Miles, Grey, and I are stupid. We know they eloped and
refuse to tell anyone yet for God knows what reasons. So that means Aaron doesn’t have room
to talk.
The room is so quiet, I almost forget I’m not alone while I think about how differently I
thought my best friends would react when I break the news to them.
I mean, I didn’t think Aaron would take it that well, given it’s his sister I’m about to marry.
Though, he might as well suck it up as we’ve been dating for four years already. We moved in
together shortly after graduation… not that she had any other choice.
I promise I didn’t force Lily to move in with me, but I did say I’d move in with her if she
wouldn’t move in with me. Honestly, we’ve been living together for the last semester of college
already anyway, so it didn’t make much of a difference.
The only major one was that Aaron was no longer with us. We no longer had to make sure
Aaron wasn’t around when I wanted to fuck my girlfriend.
“Fuck her over, and I’ll come for you,” Aaron says, bringing me back before I could get lost
in thoughts of Lily and me.
“Fuck her over what? An open fire? Sounds dangerous.”
His face scrunches up in disgust, making me laugh. Eventually, Aaron slaps his hand on my
back. “Congratulations on your engagement, Fairy Godmother.”
Grey grins, nodding his head at me. “Did you propose to her on the phone?”
Yeah… not my finest moment there, I admit.
The team has been stuck in Michigan for a couple of days due to snowstorms. No airline
dared to take off here. And truth be told, my fiancée would murder me if I went on a plane
when we can’t even see further than six feet.
Now, you may be wondering how we’re supposed to get married under these conditions.
The snowstorm retrieved a day ago, so technically we could be on our way home right now,
but my stupid team agreed on teaching little kids how to skate. A whole afternoon long.
But, hey, at least we leave around six and I finally get to go home to my soon-to-be wife.
And as far as the proposal went… I didn’t propose over the phone. I may or may not have
proposed to Lily about a year ago, but we decided to keep it on the down-low as she got to be
the director of the next Hollywood blockbuster and she feared people saying she got to do it
because we are engaged.
I don’t think anyone cares much about who directs a movie as long as it comes out well, but
I’m not here to know all about it. She happens to be all in on the film industry stuff whereas
my knowledge about it doesn’t go further than my college degree.
However, we did have a conversation about getting married tomorrow on the phone.
It doesn’t even matter.
I am getting married tomorrow. To the love of my fucking life. To the woman that brings
light to my darkness. To the very one blonde girl that breaks my heart with every tear that runs
down her face, even when it’s just from watching a video.
There’s nothing I want more in life but to be the last person Lily kisses ever again. To be
the last guy she will ever love. To be there when she faces struggles and know I’ll always hold
my hand out to her, even when I can’t do much to help.
She’s everything I never knew I needed, and I’m planning to hold onto her for the rest of
my life.
“knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes”—What Am I? by Why Don’t We

Arms sneak around my waist the second I want to thank Emory for spending her entire day
yesterday decorating the apartment complex’s rooftop for our wedding.
Without Emory, the rooftop would have looked far too sad. But thanks to her, and the help
of her husband, the entire rooftop is lit up with fairy lights and decorated in white. I cried when
I looked at it this morning.
But the most admirable, heartwarming, and bawling-my-eyes-out piece about the last-
minute venue… the reserved seats for Eira and Aiden.
Colin only came back home this morning, which was fortunate to keep up some wedding
traditions. Like not seeing the bride the night before the ceremony. Although, he did try to
Facetime me at least six times last night.
It doesn’t matter anymore anyway, we’re married now. Like officially fucking married. As
in, we’re husband and wife. Can you believe it? No? Me neither.
A chin rests on my shoulder, hands pulling me closer. “I miss you, mi sol.”
I chuckle softly, leaning into Colin’s touch. “How so?”
Colin turns me around in his arms, his hands cupping my face before he presses his lips to
mine ever so gently. My heart must be skipping too many beats because my breathing stops,
my blood rushes through me faster than ever before, and something inside of my chest warms.
“You’ve been away from me for way too long.” He exaggerates a sigh.
Smiling, I shake my head in disbelief. “I went to the bathroom.”
Thanks to an untraditional wedding, I don’t wear a big dress or anything too fancy, so at
least my bathroom visits don’t take me felt like hours. I’m only wearing a cute satin dress with
a slit up my leg.
“Everyone is stealing you from me today. I thought we got married, doesn’t feel like you’re
mine.” He is such a baby.
I pout at him in false sympathy. “Want me to rub your back for comfort?” Like he did mine
earlier when I had one of the worst panic attacks of my entire life.
He nods, sniffling. Then suddenly a mischievous grin creeps up on his face. “Or better yet,
how about you rub something else?”
“Always thinking with your d—”
He lifts me as any guy would when they first carry their newly wedded wife into their home,
earning a bit of a shriek from me. “Think we can sneak away for a little while?”
I shake my head, yet I don’t argue when he carries me toward the elevator. “I think they’ll
notice when the groom and the bride both vanish into thin air.”
“So be it. I’m allowed to fuck my wife whenever I want.”
Once we reach our floor, our apartment, and bedroom, Colin opens the door with his elbow,
kicking it shut behind us. He’s quick to stand me on my feet, walking around me to unzip my
dress on the back.
I can feel his lips press to my shoulder as he moves my hair to the front. Then he leaves a
trail of kisses on my neck, my head tilting to grant him more access.
Perhaps I should be worried that someone will come looking for us, but I’m not. So let them
see my husband loving me, guess they’re all expecting it anyway.
Most of our guests are horny hockey players, of course, they’re counting on it. His family
won’t dare look into the bedrooms, neither would my father or Aaron. And my friends… think
the two of them will manage to stay with their dates for a moment.
Or so I am hoping.
Colin is about to push one of the straps down my shoulder when I stop him. “You have to
remove the garter belt first.”
“The what?”
I bring my leg forward, causing the slit in my dress to show the lacy fabric on one of my
thighs. “Thank god you clearly don’t care about it because a garter belt toss looked awkward
as hell.”
“How often did you see one?” He kneels before me, his eyes staying locked with mine as
he lifts my leg and sets my foot down on his propped-up knee. Colin doesn’t even take off my
shoes first.
“I watched a few videos online,” I admit. I was a bit nervous about wedding traditions and
I wanted to know exactly what I want to do and what not. Sofia had gotten me the garter belt
and insisted I wear it.
Carefully and very slowly, Colin slides the garter belt down my thigh, making sure to trace
his fingers along my skin to make me shiver from his touch. Once over my knee, he uses one
hand to pull it down my leg while his other hand reaches up my thigh, past my hip, and comes
to a hold right on my ass.
Once the garter belt is around my ankle, he smirks at me, licks his lips as though he can’t
wait to get a taste of me. And quite frankly, I can’t wait to get a taste of him either.
Colin takes off the garter belt entirely, then tosses it away.
“Drop the dress,” he says and sets my foot back down to the floor. I do as I’m told, quickly
pushing one strap after the other down my shoulder until the top half of my dress falls to my
waist. From there, Colin pushes it over my hips and eventually lets it drop to the floor. A
moment later, he tugs on my panties, slides them down my legs, and tosses them away as well.
As he unbuttons his shirt, his eyes stay locked with mine. Not once do they travel down to
my exposed chest, even though I know he loves to look at my boobs. He is a boobs guy after
Unfortunately, I am not that strong. The second his dress shirt is opened entirely, his tattooed
chest and defined abs visible, my eyes cannot stand to look into his a second longer without
moving down after every single blink.
Taking a step toward me, he picks me up only to throw me right onto the bed…but not
before kissing my lips over and over again, pouring as much of his love into single pecks like
I’ve had yet to experience. Lucky for me, I just have, and I do not plan on ever exchanging the
man loving me for anyone else.
Except for Tom Holland, perhaps.
Finally, Colin looks at me. And I mean he looks at me. His eyes scan over my body, fire
burning in his eyes with a mix of admiration and love, but mostly lust.
He holds a hand to his heart, head falling back like Colin is thanking every single God out
there for…anything, really. “You’re killing me with how perfect you are, mi sol.”
My cheeks heat up, heart beating faster as his words lock themselves inside of it forever.
Colin Carter, my husband, thinks I’m perfect.
Both of our eyes move over to the champagne bottle standing on the nightstand. I know
we’re not supposed to touch it before our official wedding night, but technically, we’re already
going to have sex now, so what does it matter, right?
Colin seems to think the very same, otherwise, he wouldn’t make his way over to the
nightstand and open the bottle. He takes a sip, then hands the bottle over to me. While I, too,
take a sip straight from the far too expensive, rich, sweet, and fruity-tasting champagne, Colin
gets rid of his shoes and pants, though unfortunately, his boxer briefs remain on his body.
A short moment later, he takes the champagne bottle from me and sets it down on the
nightstand, eyes narrowed when they meet mine again.
He lifts me off the bed, my legs wrapping around his hips before he turns us around and
takes a seat on the bed, keeping me on his lap, pressing his erection right against my pussy. His
hands lie on my ass, squeezing at the same time as his lips come in touch with mine. A kiss so
intense, I can feel it wrap itself around my heart, demanding to never stop.
His tongue glides along my lower lip, biting before soothing the pain with another glide of
his tongue. It then slips inside of my mouth, getting a taste of me.
Colin groans while I moan into his mouth as his hand finds down to my pussy, fingers
pressing against my clit, sliding to my entrance.
He doesn’t enter me, smirking at the frustration that overcomes me when he’s nothing but a
My hips move, desperate for him. Maybe if I rub myself against him, his fingers somehow
end up inside of me…they don’t.
He removes his hand from me, but I’m still shifting in his lap, praying to create some friction
between our bodies, stimulating myself on his covered cock.
“I think you could use a little more teasing.” Not letting me argue, his lips crash back down
on mine, tongue instantly slipping into my mouth, claiming me as his. Not that I'm complaining,
I'm totally fine with kissing this man for the rest of my life. He can have me. All of me. My
mouth, my body, my heart. He has all of me already.
“I love you,” I say, sounding breathless, gasping when Colin groans and his hand comes
back down to my pussy, pushing a finger deep inside of me.
“Damn right you do, mi sol.” He pulls out of me, stilling with only his thumb on my clit.
“Say it again.”
“I love you, Colin Carter.”
A torturous, yet satisfied, raspy sound escapes from the depth of his throat, his chest
rumbling as his fingers push back inside of me. My head falls back into my neck, mouth
opening as moans leave me.
With his free hand, he lifts my head, speaking against my lips. “I love you, Lily Carter.” He
kisses me deeply. A kiss filled with love, passion, lust. They stay locked as he thrusts his fingers
in and out of me, his thumb drawing circles, pressing down, then drawing even more circles on
my clit.
Sparks ignite inside of me as we kiss, dragonflies going off in my stomach, but by now I’m
so familiar with them, they no longer bug me.
I can feel my boobs bounce, swaying to the rhythm of Colin’s fingers thrusting inside of
His other hand traces up my waist before cupping one of my boobs, squeezing it before his
thumb runs over my hardened nipple.
My legs start to shake, my forehead resting against my husband’s shoulder as I am no longer
capable of holding myself up. I clench around his fingers, my orgasm taking me more or less
by surprise with a thousand bolds of electricity rushing through my body, tensing then going
entirely limp.
He stands up, turning us around before he lies me on the bed, hovering right over my body.
His lips touch my skin, my lips, every inch he can reach while his cock presses against my wet
pussy, eliciting groans out of me when he rubs against me.
I reach down to trace my fingers over his erection, gliding my palm along the length of his
cock. Colin groans, removing my hand from his body to pinch both of mine above my head,
earning some unnamable sound as a protest. I want—need—to touch him. Now.
It’s quite unfair how he’s allowed to have his hands all over me, kiss me and tease me with
his cock whereas I can’t even touch him.
“What do you want, mi sol?” His lips move over my body, kissing my skin everywhere he
can reach from the position right over me. “What do you need?”
“You,” I breathe out. “I want to touch you, have you touch me. I need you inside of me,
now. Please.”
He chuckles and releases my wrists, allowing me to touch him. Allowing me to stroke my
hands down his muscular back, my nails digging into his skin enough to leave fainted red marks
that I know I’ll enjoy looking at the second I get the chance.
My hips lift to his at the same time as he pushes against me, letting my wetness soak his
briefs, rubbing me in just the right places. I cry out into his mouth, my back arching as I press
my chest against his, sending a tremor through my body at the contact.
“Come for me again, Lilybug.”
My arms wrap around my husband’s neck, holding him close to me as his cock rubs against
my sensitive clit, bringing me to yet another orgasm.
At this point, I’m nothing but a mess, desperate for some air. My lungs seem to be so tight,
not a single breath stays in them longer than a second.
I think I might have just died. At least I didn’t end up in hell, but neither am I in heaven as
this may be a little too sinful. I don’t even care where I’m at, for as long as I’m here with Colin.
In a matter of seconds, Colin is off the bed and has removed his boxer briefs. Saliva builds
in my mouth as his cock jumps free, looking like another great orgasm.
He chuckles when I lick my lips. When my eyes come up to his, I find him looking at the
nightstand on his side of the bed, unsure of getting some condoms.
Usually, we don’t use them because I was on birth control, but lately, I’ve had some issues
regarding my mental health, so I stopped taking them.
I’ve been doing a lot better ever since Colin is in my life, I wasn’t going to risk that going
downhill, even if that meant getting off birth control. I honestly refuse to jeopardize my
happiness again, refuse to feel the way I used to ever again. So, then there’s a higher chance of
getting pregnant…so be it. I want children anyway.
“I’ll risk it.”
His eyes snap to mine, surprise and what must be shock glistening inside of them. “Yeah?”
I nod softly. “Yes. Unless you don’t…” My words trail off when his weight is back on top
of me, his lips pressing to mine instantly.
“Two conditions,” he says, stealing another kiss before he continues. “You’ll come with me
to Toronto tomorrow.”
Right. Today was the only day he had off before Colin will have to leave for yet another
hockey game. But he did at least promise me a honeymoon once the season is over.
“I can do that.”
He grins. “I don’t have a second condition. Just thought it sounded cool to have two.”
Of course, he doesn’t.
I smile at him, shaking my head at the same time. “Well then, Mr. Carter…you’ve got
yourself a deal.” My hands come up to his face, making sure he looks at me when I say my
next words. “But if you don’t want this yet—”
Colin eases his dick inside of me with one smooth push, cutting off my words. “I was ready
to knock you up a minute after you said you loved me for the first time.”
I’m not sure if I should believe him or doubt it, both are pretty much possible with this guy.
His brain works in ways I’ll never understand, but that’s all right. I have a whole lifetime with
him to learn.
He kisses my lips, my neck, starting to move inside of me. I moan loudly, my arms wrapping
around his torso, nails scratching his back.
“You’re mine, Lily,” Colin grunts into my ear. “Say it.”
A cry of pleasure that sounds awfully a lot like his name slips past my lips.
His hips push in my direction, and I feel his cock slide deeper inside of me. My hands slide
over his back muscles before they settle on his ass, giving his cheeks a firm squeeze.
“I’m yours,” I cry out, my breath leaving me and not seeming to ever come back. “All of
“That’s right, mi sol.” He pushes into me, hitting a spot that makes me gasp, my vision going
black. “All mine.” I try to keep my eyes open, but they fall shut when his lips slam down to
mine, a slobbery kiss that is made of lust and only a little love. “And I’m all yours.”
“Mine,” I repeat, the word leaving me together with the breath that draws out of me. My
eyes roll back at the same time as my head leans deeper into the pillow. “Oh, God. Colin…don’t
stop, please.”
“Fuck.” He groans into my mouth, bringing a hand between our bodies, right to my pussy
to rub my swollen clit.
My legs begin to shake, my heart pounding faster in my chest as my muscles tense before
going limp.
Colin rides through my orgasm, chasing his own. I close my legs around his hips, feeling
him shudder before he collapses on top of me and spills his cum right inside of me.
It takes us both a moment to catch our breaths, just lying there with him on top of me, more
or less cuddling.
Eventually, Colin lifts his head, looking right into my eyes when he says, “I better get a mini
you out of this. Though, boy or girl, they should be named after me.”
Of course.
I chuckle. “I have a better idea.” His brows rise in anticipation. “We should name them after
your siblings. Maybe Eira or Aiden’s middle name, you know?”
His mouth opens, then closes, only to open again. “Fuck, I love you so much,” he whispers
against my lips, sealing his confession—though, I already knew he loves me—with a gentle
“Te quiero.”
“Your Spanish pronunciation is horrible, mi sol,” he laughs, his body shaking as he does.
“But don’t worry, I’ll teach you someday.”

The End

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