Mia Molina-Thursday Homework

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Mia Molina

Professor: Dr.Dew

Thursday homework

Take a Look activity on the bottom of page 145

Defining genre to me means what we have read, watched, and what we listen to over time. One
of my favorite genres is listening to country and rap. For some reason that type of music tends
to calm me down and relax me in a certain situation,

Reflect activity on the bottom of page 150

Making a list of all the directive verbs in assignment
 Concluding
 Information
 Writing
 Thinking
 visualize

Thinking about the Text questions (1-5) on page 176.

1)Thinking about your stance to me was that there were so many different genres that I had
never heard of before that caught my attention in many ways. Reading about many genres
makes me want to learn more about each one individually.
2) There are many different perspectives when learning about genres and although we might
have our favorite one it is always cool to learn new ones
3) I believe that languages have an important part in our genre because many people from
around the world try to learn all types of genres no matter what language.
4) Some risks that I am willing to take with my language is by challenging myself to learn about
other genres and practicing them daily.
5) I believe that as I become better at understanding different genres, I will become more aware
of what each genre has and their own meaning.

Reflect activity in the middle of page 473.

I would believe this includes a lot of analysis as it states the many different genres and explains
the reasons for each one. There are many genres that are explained such as hip-hop, country,
folk, and fantasy etc. All those genres are one important way we structure in our world.
Mia Molina
Professor: Dr.Dew

Synthesis Questions

1. What is synthesis?

Synthesis refers to combining multiple sources and ideas. As a writer, you will use information
from several sources to create new ideas based on your analysis of what you have read.

2. How are summarizing and synthesis different?

When you are asked to synthesize sources and research, many writers start to summarize
individual sources. However, it is not the same as synthesis. You share the key points from an
individual source and then move on and summarize another source. On the other hand, in
synthesis, you need to combine the information from those multiple sources and add your
analysis of the literature. That means that each of your paragraphs will include multiple sources
and citations, as well as your ideas and voice.

3. What should you do to create a successful synthesis?

To effectively synthesize the literature, you must first critically read the research on your topic.
Then, you need to think about how all of the ideas and findings are connected. As you will be
writing your paragraphs, you will be focusing on a back-and-forth conversation between the

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