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Chapter 1
Structure & Pointers
1. Define Structure.
What is the use of structure data type in C++ programs ? 2
Structure is a user-defined data type to represent a collection of logically related data
items, which may be of different types, under a common name.

2. Structure is a _______ data type. 1

(a) Fundamental (b) Derived (c) User defined
c) User defined

3. The keyword used to define structure data type in C++ is _______. 1


5. Define a structure named ‘Time’ with elements hour, minute and second. 2
struct Time
int hour;
int minute;
int second;

6. Identify and correct the errors in the following code segment. 2

int regno;
char name[20];
float mark=100;

struct student
int regno;
char name[20];
float mark;

7. Consider the given structure definition. 2

struct complex
int real;
int imag;
(a) Write a C++ statement to create a structure variable.
(b) Write a C++ statement to store the value 15 to the structure member real.

(a) complex x;
(b) x.real=15;

8. Define Nested Structure with an example 2

An element of a structure may itself be another structure. Such a structure is known as nested structure.
struct date
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short day;
short month;
short year;
struct student
int adm_no;
char name[20];
date dt_adm;
float fee;

9. Compare Array and Structure in table form, 3

Array Structure
Derived data type User-defined data type
A collection of same data type A collection of same or different data type
Elements are referenced using subscripts Elements are referenced using dot operator
When an element of an array becomes another array, multi When an element of a structure becomes another structure,
dimensional array. nested structure.
Array of structures is possible. Structure can contain arrays

1. What is a pointer in C++? Write the syntax or example to declare a pointer variable. 2
Pointer is a variable that can hold the address of a memory location.
data_type * variable;
int *ptr1;

2. What is a pointer in C++? Declare a pointer and initialize with the name of your country. 3
Pointer is a variable that can hold the address of a memory location.
char *ptr1=”India”;

3. If int num = 5; write C++ statements to declare a pointer variable and store the address of num into it. 2
int *ptr;
ptr = #

4. Which operator is used to get the address of a variable in C++ ? 1

& / address of operator

5. If ‘ptr’ is a pointer to the variable ‘num’, which of the following statement is correct? 1
(i) ‘ptr’ and ‘num’ may be of different data types.
(ii) If ‘ptr’ points to ‘num’, then ‘num’ also points to ‘ptr’.
(iii) The statement num = &ptr is valid.
(iv) *ptr will give the value of the variable ‘num’.

Ans. (iv) *ptr will give the value of the variable ‘num’.
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6. Find and correct error in the program code given below :

int a = 5;
float *p;
p = &a;
cout << p;

Ans. variable ‘a’ and pointer ‘p’ belongs to different data types. To store the address of ‘a’, the data type of ‘p’
also must be int.
int a = 5;
int *p;
p = &a;
cout << p;

7. Write the use of * and & operators used in pointer. 2

address of operator ( & ) - used to get the address of a variable.
Indirection or dereference operator (*) - retrieves the value at the location pointed to by the pointer. Also known as
value at operator.

Methods of memory allocation

1. What are the different memory allocations used in C++. Explain. 3
The different memory allocations are
1. Static memory allocation.
2. Dynamic memory allocation.
The memory allocation that takes place before the execution of the program is known as static memory
The memory allocation that takes place during the execution of the program is known as dynamic
memory allocation.

2. Write any two features of dynamic memory allocation. 2

• The memory allocation that takes place during the execution of the program.
• new operator is required.
• Pointer is necessary.
• Data is referenced using pointers and value at operator.
• delete is needed for deallocation.

3. Which of the following operator is used for dynamic memory allocation ? 1

(a) * (b) & (c) new (d) delete
(c) new

4. How will you free the allocated memory in C++ ? 2

In the case of static memory allocation, memory is allocated and released by operating system.
In the case of dynamic memory allocation, memory is allocated using new operator and released using delete

5. What is meant by memory leak in C++ Programming ? 2

If the memory allocated using new operator is not freed using delete, that memory is said to be an orphaned
memory block. This memory block is allocated on each execution of the program and the size of the orphaned block is
increased. It has an unfavorable effect. This situation is known as memory leak.

6. Explain the reason for memory leak in programming. 2

a. Forgetting to delete dynamically allocated memory.
b. Failing to execute the delete statement due to poor logic of the program code.
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Pointer and array

1. Read the following code fragment. 3
int a[] = {5, 10,15,20,25};
int *p = a;
Predict the output of the following statements.
(a) cout<<*p;
(b) cout<<*p+1;
(c) cout<<*(p+1);

(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 10

2. Read the following C++ code: 2

int a[]5 = {10, 15, 20, 25,30};
int *p = a;
Write the output of the following statements.
(a) cout<<*(p+2);
(b) cout<<*p+3;

(a) 20
(b) 13

3. What is the difference between the two declaration statements given below. 2
(a) int *ptr = new int(10);
(b) int *ptr = new int[10];

(a) A memory is dynamically allocated and initialized with the value 10;
(b) An integer array of size 10 is created dynamically.

Pointer and string

1. Represent the names of 12 months as an array of strings. 2
char *month[12]={“January”,”February”,”March”,”April”,”May”,”June”,”July”,”August”,”September”,”October”,

Pointer and structure

1. What is meant by self-referential structure ? 2
Self referential structure is a structure in which one of the elements is a pointer to the same structure.
struct Node
int data;
Node *link;

Chapter 2
Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
Programming paradigm
1. What is Procedural Oriented Programming? What are its disadvantages? 3
Procedure-Oriented Programming specifies a series of well-structured steps and procedures to compose a program.
In this paradigm, when the program becomes larger and complex, the list of instructions is divided and grouped
into functions. To further reduce the complexity, the functions associated with a common task are grouped into modules.
a. Data is undervalued.
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b. Adding new data element may require modifications to all/many functions.

c. Creating new data types is difficult.
d. Provides poor real world modelling.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm

1. What is the object oriented programming paradigm? Give any two advantages. 3
Object-oriented paradigm is a paradigm where data and functions that operate on that data are clubbed into a single
unit called Object.
It is good for defining abstract data types.
Implementation details are hidden from other modules.
It can define new data types as well as new operations for operators.

2. Distinguish between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object-Oriented Programming. 2

1. What is the difference between structure and class? 2

Structure Class
Specification only about data about data and functions
Declaration using the keyword struct Using the keyword class

Data Abstraction
1. ________ protect data from unauthorized access. 1
(a) Polymorphism (b) Encapsulation (c) Data abstraction

(c) Data abstraction

2. Explain data abstraction with an example. 2

Data Abstraction refers to showing only the essential features and hiding the details from the outside world.
Example: TV.
A TV can be turned on and off. But we don’t know how it happens. It is hidden from us.

3. Showing only the essential features and hiding complexities from outside world refers to ________ 1
Data abstraction

Data Encapsulation
1. Differentiate between Data Abstraction and Data Encapsulation. 3
Data Abstraction refers to showing only the essential features and hiding the details from the outside world.
Encapsulation binds together the data and functions that manipulate the data, and keeps both data and function safe
from outside interference and misuse.

2. How do the access labels of class data type implement data hiding? 2
Members declared under private section are not visible outside the class.
Members declared as protected are visible to its derived class, but not outside the class.
Members declared as public are accessible anywhere in the program.

3. Wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit is called ___________. 1

Data Encapsulation

1. What do you mean by Inheritance in C ++ ? 2
Inheritance is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties and functionalities of another class.
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2. In inheritance the existing class is called _________. 1

Base class

3. Identify the type of inheritance that has two base classes and one derived class. 1
(a) Multi level inheritance (b) Multiple inheritance
(c) Hierarchical inheritance (d) Hybrid inheritance

(b) Multiple inheritance

4. List any four different forms of inheritance. 2

(a) Multi level inheritance
(b) Multiple inheritance
(c) Hierarchical inheritance
(d) Hybrid inheritance

5. Which type of inheritance has one base class and two or more sub-classes ? 1
Hierarchical inheritance

1. The ability of data to be processed in more than one form is called _____________ 1

2. Write short note about polymorphism. 3

Polymorphism refers to the ability of a programming language to process objects differently depending on their
data type or class. More specifically, it is the ability to redefine methods for derived classes.
There are two types of polymorphism.
a. Compile time (early binding/static) polymorphism
b. Run time (late binding/dynamic) polymorphism
Compile time polymorphism rrefers to binding a function call with the function definition during compilation.
Run time polymorphism refers to the binding of a function call with the function definition during runtime.

3. The ability of a message or data to be processed in more than one form is called ________. 1
(a) Polymorphism (b) Encapsulation
(c) Data abstraction (d) Inheritance

(a) Polymorphism

Chapter 3
Data Structures and Operations
Data Structure
1. What is data structure? How are they classified? 2
Data structure is a particular way of organising similar or dissimilar logically related data items which can be
processed as a single unit.
Data structures are classified as
a. static data structures
b. dynamic data structures.

(For static data structure, the required memory is allocated before the execution of the program and the memory
space will be fixed throughout the execution.
Eg. Data structures designed using Arrays
For dynamic data structure, memory is allocated during execution. It grows or shrinks during run-time as per user's
Eg. Data structures designed using linked list.)
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2. List the different operations performed on data structure. 2

a. Traversing
b. Searching
c. Inserting
d. Deleting
e. Sorting
f. Merging

3. Explain any three operations performed on data structures. 3

Traversing - Visiting each element of a data structure at least one.
Searching - Process of finding the location of a particular element in a data structure.
Inserting – Adding a new data at a particular place in a data structure.
Deleting – Removing a particular element from the data structure.
Sorting - Arranging the elements in a specified order.
Merging - Combining elements of two sorted data structures to form a new one.

4. The process of combining all the elements of two sorted data structure is called ______. 1

The data structure that follows LIFO principle is known as stack. It is an ordered list of items in which all
insertions and deletions are made at one end, usually called Top.

1. Name the data structure that follows LIFO principle to organize data. 1

2. In ________ data structure, the element added atlast will be removed first. 1

3. Explain about operations performed on STACK data structure. 3

The operations that can be performed on STACK are PUSH and POP.
PUSH - Process of inserting a new data item into the stack.
POP - Process of deleting an element from the top of a stack.

4. Write an algorithm to add a new item into a stack. 2

Write the algorithm to perform PUSH operation. 2
Consider an Array STACK[N].
N – Maximum size of the array.
TOS – variable which stores the position of Top of the stack.
VAL – Data to be added into the stack

Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : If (TOS < N) Then //Overflow checking
Step 3 : TOS = TOS + 1
Step 4 : STACK[TOS] = VAL
Step 5 : Else
Step 6 : Print ""Stack Overflow "
Step 7 : End of If
Step 8 : Stop

5. Write an algorithm to perform pop operation on a STACK. 3

Consider an Array STACK[N].
N – Maximum size of the array.
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TOS – variable which stores the position of Top of the stack.

VAL – variable which stores the Data to be added into the stack

Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : If (TOS > -1) Then // Underflow checking
Step 3 : VAL = STACK[TOS]
Step 4 : TOS = TOS - 1
Step 5 : Else
Step 6 : Print ""Stack Underflow "
Step 7 : End of If
Step 8 : Stop

6. What is meant by STACK underflow ? 2

Deleting an item from an empty stack is known as Underflow.

1. The _______ data structure follows First In First Out (FIFO) principle. 1

2. Describe about QUEUE data structure. 2

A data structure that follows the FIFO principle is known as a queue. It has two end points - front and rear.
Inserting a new data item in a queue will be at the rear position and deleting will be at the front position.

3. Write an algorithm to add a new item into a queue. 3

Consider an array QUEUE[N]
N – Size of the array
FRONT – variable which stores the position of front position.
REAR - variable which stores the position of rear position.
VAL – variable which stores the Data to be added into the Queue

Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : If (Rear == -1) Then //(Underflow checking)
Step 3 : FRONT=REAR=0
Step 4 : QUEUE[REAR} = VAL
Step 5 : Else If(REAR<N) Then
Step 6 : REAR=REAR+1
Step 7 : QUEUE[REAR] = VAL
Step 8 : Else
Step 9 : Print “Queue Overflow”
Step 10 : End of If
Step 11 : Stop

5. What is the advantage of circular queue over linear queue ? 2

0 1 2 3 4

Consider a queue as shown above. The value of REAR and FRONT will be 4. It is not possible to insert a data in
this queue using the algorithm even though there are 4 spaces.
This limitation of linear queue can be overcome by circular queue. It is a queue in which the two end points meet.
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Linked list
1. Illustrate Linked List with suitable diagram. 2
A linked list is a collection of nodes, where each node consists of a data and a link - a pointer to the next node in
the list. That is, the first node in the list contains the first data item and the address of the second node; the second node
contains the second data and the address of the third node; and so on. The last node at a particular stage contains the last
data in the list and a null pointer.

2. Each node in a linked list has a ___________ to the next node. 1

Pointer / Link

3. In a linked list, the link part of the last node contains ___________ data. 1
NULL pointer

Chapter 4
Web Technology
Communication on the web
1. Name the different types of communication on the web and explain briefly. 3
Communication on the web are
Client to web server communication
Web server to web server communication
In Client to web server communication, usually HTTP protocol is used. But for security reason, in banking
applications and email services HTTPS protocol is used now. It encrypts data and send to the server.
Web server to web server communication also may be required in certain web applications. For example, the
communication between the web server of an online shopping site and a bank web server. Here a special server called
Payment gateway acts as a bridge between merchant server and bank server and transfers money in an encrypted format

Web server technologies

1. What is a web server. 2
Web server is the server computer that hosts websites. It is also used to refer to a web server software that is
installed in a server computer.
A web server consists of a server computer that runs a server operating system and a web server software installed
on it.
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2. Briefly explain about web server. 2

A web server is a powerful computer which is always switched on and connected to a high bandwidth Internet
connection. Depending on the requirements, a web server can have single or multiple processors, fast access RAM, high
performance hard disks, Ethernet cards that supports fast communication. To ensure faster Internet connectivity and
redundant power supply, a web server is usually installed in a data center.

3. Default port number of HTTPS is ______________ 1


Static and dynamic web pages

1. Differentiate between static web page and dynamic web page. 3

Static Web Page Dynamic Web Page

The content and layout is fixed. The content and layout may change during run time.
Never use databases. Use databases to generate dynamic content.
runs on the browser and do not require any server side runs on the server side application program and displays the
application program. result.
easy to develop. requires programming skills.

1. ________ tag is used to include scripting code in an HTML page. 1

2. Write any one attribute of <SCRIPT> tag. 1

type, src

3. a) What are scripts in web programming? 2

b) Differentiate Client side scripting and server side scripting. 3

a) Scripts are program codes written inside HTML pages. There are two types of scripts.
a. client side scripts Eg. vbscript, javascripts
b. server side scripts. Eg. PHP, Perl, ASP

Client side scripting Server side scripting
Script is copied to the client browser Script remains in the web server
Script is executed in the client browser Script is executed in the web server and the web page
produced is returned to the client browser
mainly used for validation of data at the client. usually used to connect to databases and return data from the
web server
Users can block Users can not block
type and version of the web browser affects the working of type and version of the web browser does not affects the
client side scripts. working of client side scripts.

4. Explain the different types of scripting languages. 3

Different types of scripting languages are
client side scripting languages.
Server side scripting languages.
Client side scripting Languages – These are mainly used for validation of data at client.
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It is the most popular client scripting language, because it works in almost every browser. JavaScript can be
inserted inside HTML code or can be written as an external file. Extension of a javascript file is ‘.js’
VBScript is a scripting language developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is used either as a client side as well as
server side scripting language.
Server side scripting Languages - Server side scripts are used to create dynamic web pages.
PHP stands for 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor'. The main objective of PHP is to develop dynamic web pages at ease.
Extension of a php file is ‘.php’.
JSP is a simple and fast way to create dynamic web page. JSP files have the extension ‘.jsp’.

Cascading Style Sheet

1. Prepare a short note on Cascading Style Sheet. 2
CSS is a style sheet language used to describe the formatting of a HTML document. Using CSS, we can
control the colour of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs etc. CSS can be implemented in three
different ways - inline, embedded and linked.

Basic concepts of HTML documents

1. Expand the name of the language which is used to develop a web page. 1
Hyper Text Markup Language

2. A HTML document is saved with a name having ___ extension. 1


3. What is the basic structure of an HTML document ? 2

<TITLE> This is the title of web page </TITLE>
Hello, Welcome to the world of web pages!
4. What is a tag? What are the different types of tags in HTML? 2
Tags are the commands used in the HTML document. It tell browsers how to format and organise web pages.
The different types of tags are container tag and empty tag.

5. Explain about container tag and empty tag. 2

Tags that require opening tag as well as closing tag are known as container tags.
Eg: <HTML>, <BODY>
Tags that require only opening tag is known as empty tags.
Eg: <BR>, <IMG>, <HR>

6. Write an empty tag used in HTML. 1

<BR>, <IMG>, <HR>

7. What is meant by empty tag in HTML? Write any three empty tags. 3
Tags that require only opening tag is known as empty tags.
Eg: <BR>, <IMG>, <HR>

8. What is meant by attribute in HTML? 1

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Attributes are parameters frequently included within the opening tag. It provide additional information such as
colour, alignment etc to browser.

Essential HTML tags

1. The ________ tag identifies the document as an HTML document. 1

2. Name the attributes of <HTML> tag. 1

Dir, Lang

3. Explain various attributes of <BODY> tag. 5

Background – specifies an image as background of a web page.
Bgcolor - specifies a colour for the background of the web page.
Text - specifies the colour of the text in the web page.
Link - specifies the colour of the hyperlinks that are not visited.
Alink - specifies the colour of the active hyperlink.
Vlink - specifies the colour of the hyperlink which is already visited.

4. Explain about Link, Alink and Vlink. 3

Link - specifies the colour of the hyperlinks that are not visited.
Alink - specifies the colour of the active hyperlink.
Vlink - specifies the colour of the hyperlink which is already visited.

5. Which attribute will be used to give green colour to the background? 1


Some common tags

1. List and explain any four text formatting tags in HTML. 2
<B> - Making text bold.
<U> - Underlining the text.
<SUB> - Creating subscripts.
<SUP> - creating superscripts.

2. Write the use of any four tags given below. 2

<B>, <U>, <SUB>, <PRE>, <IMG>, <BR>

<B> - Making text bold.

<U> - Underlining the text.
<SUB> - Creating subscripts
<PRE> - Displaying preformatted text
<IMG> - To insert images in HTML pages.
<BR> - Inserting line break

3. Explain about following HTML tags with example 5

(a) <BR> (b) <HR> (c) <S> (d) <SUB> (e) <STRONG>

<BR> - Inserting line break

<HR> - creating horizontal line
<S> - Striking through the text
<SUB> - Creating subscripts
<STRONG> - Making text bold

4. Write HTML code to display the following in a web page 1

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A 3B 5


5. Write HTML statements for displaying the following text : 2

(a) H 2O
(b) a2 + b2

(a) H<SUB>2</SUB>O
(b) a<SUP>2</SUP>+<b<SUP>2</SUP>

6. Write HTML code segment to display H2SO4. 2


7. Compare <Q> and <BLOCKQUOTE> tags. 3

<Q> - used to display the content in double quotation marks.
<BLOCKQUOTE> - used to indent the content.

8. Write any two attributes of <FONT> tag and their effects in the web page. 2
Color – specifies the colour of the font.
Size - Specifies the size of the font.
Face - specifies the font face.

9. Write the HTML statement to scroll the text "God's own country". 1
<MARQUEE> God’s own country</MARQUEE>

10. List and explain the following tags with two attributes : 3
(a) <BODY> (b) <MARQUEE> (c) <FONT>

(a) <BODY> - specifies the body section of HTML document.

Background – specifies an image as background of a web page.
Bgcolor - specifies a colour for the background of the web page.

(b) <MARQUEE> - displays a piece of text or image scrolling horizontally or vertically in the web page.
Height - specifies height of the marquee.
Width - specifies width of the marquee.

(c) <FONT> - used for changing the font characteristics.

Color – specifies the colour of the font.
Size - Specifies the size of the font.

HTML entities for reserved characters

1. Write HTML code to display the following in a web page 1

x &gt; y

Inserting images
1. Which tag is used to insert an image into a web page. 1

2. Write the HTML statement to insert an image file "kerala.jpeg". 1

<IMG Src=”kerala.jpeg”>
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3. Write the HTML code to insert an image “Profile.jpg” aligned in center of a web page. 2
<CENTER> <IMG Src=”Profile.jpg”> </CENTER>

4. Mention the purpose of ‘src’ attribute in <IMG> tag. 2

Src attribute specifies the file name of the image to be inserted.
Eg: <IMG Src=”kerala.jpeg”>

5. Mention the purpose of ‘Alt’ attribute in <IMG> tag. 2

Alt attribute is used to specify an alternate text for an image, if the browser can not display the image.
Eg: <IMG Src=”kerala.jpeg” Alt =”Image of Kerala”>

Chapter 5
Web Designing using HTML
1. Explain about various kinds of Lists in HTML with example. 5
There are three kinds of lists in HTML. They are
1. unordered lists
2. ordered lists
3. definition lists.

Unordered lists
Unordered lists display a bullet or other graphic in front of each item. An unordered list can be created with
the tag pair <UL> and </UL>. Each item in the list is presented by using the tag pair <LI> and </LI>.
The attribute of <UL> tag is Type.
Example. • Science group
• Humanities group
• Commerce group

Ordered lists
Ordered lists display a list of items in some numerical or alphabetical order. An ordered list can be created with
the tag pair <OL> and </OL>. Each item in the list is presented by using the tag pair <LI> and </LI>.
The attributes of <OL> tag are Type and Start.
Example 1. Science group
2. Humanities group
3. Commerce group

Definition lists
A definition list is a list of terms and the corresponding definitions. No bullet symbol or number is provided for
the list items. A definition list is created using the tag pair <DL> and </DL>. Each term in the list is created using the
tag <DT>. Each definition is created using the tag <DD>.
Example Science group
Subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology
Humanities group
Subjects are Political Science, History, Geography, Economics
Commerce group
Subjects are Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics

2. The HTML tag used to specify a data item in a definition list in a web page is ______. 1

3. Compare ‘type’ attribute of <OL> tag and <UL> tag. 3

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In <UL> tag, ‘Type’ attribute is used to specify the symbol used before each item. The possible values are
Disc(Default), Disc and Circle.
In <OL> tag, ‘Type’ attribute is used to specify the numbering system. The possible value are 1(Default), A, a, I, I.

4. ________ attribute of <OL> tag enables to change the beginning value of the list. 1

5. Write HTML code to display the following list in a web page. 3

Higher Secondary Education
• Science group
• Humanities group
• Commerce group

<H2 Align=”center”> Higher Secondary Education</H2>

<LI>Science group</LI>
<LI>Humanities group</LI>
<LI>Commerce group</LI>

6. Write the HTML code to create the following list : 3

1. RAM
2. Registers
3. Mother Board

<LI>Mother Board</LI>

7. Write the two tags associated with <DL> tag and the use of each in making a definition list. 2
<DT> - to create each term
<DD> - to create each definition

1. What is a hyperlink? Explain about the different types of hyperlinks available in HTML. 3
Hyperlink is an element, a text, or an image in a web page that we can click on, and move to another
document or another section of the same document.
The two types of hyperlinks are
a. Internal hyperlink
b. external hyperlink
Internal linking
A link to a particular section of the same document is known as internal linking.
External linking
The link from one web page to another web page is known as external linking.

2. The Hyper Reference of <A> is represented by _______ attribute. 1


3. Which attribute is used with <A> tag to specify the name of the web page to be linked ? 1
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4. What is graphical hyperlink ? 2

Hyperlink made using an images is graphical hyperlink.

5. Write HTML tag for the following. 2

a. Hyperlink to the website
b. email link to

a. <A Href = “http :// www.dbsc”> Higher secondary </A>

b. <A Href = mailto : “”> SCERT </A>

6. Differentiate the following HTML code fragment : 1

<A Href = “http :// www.dbsc”> Higher secondary </A>
<A Href = Mailto : “”> SCERT </A>

a. Hyperlink to the website

b. email link to

7. Explain the use of ‘name’ attribute in <A> tag. 3

‘name’ attribute is used in Internal linking. It is used to name a section.
Example: <A Name= "Introduction"> INTRODUCTION </A>

1. What is the use of <EMBED> tag in HTML ? 2
<EMBED> tag is used add music or video to the web page. The main attribute of the <EMBED> tag is Src,
which specifies the URL of the music or video files to be included.
Example : <EMBED Src= "song1.mp3" Width= "300" Height= "60">

1. Explain the HTML tag <table> and its attributes. 3
<TABLE> tag is used to create tables.
Main attributes are:
Border – specifies the thickness of the border.
Bordercolor – spaecifies the border colour.
Align – specifies the alignment of the table in the web browser.
Bgcolor – specifies the background colour of the table.
Background – specifies background image for a table.
Width – specifies width of a table.
Height – specifies height of a table.
Cellspacing – specifies the space between cells.
Cellpadding – specifies the space between the content and cell border.

2. Write short note about the tags used to create a table in HTML. 3
<Table> - used to create table.
<TR> - used to create a row in a table.
<TH> - Used to create a heading cell.
<TD> - Used to create a data cell.

3. Distinguish between Rowspan and Colspan used in the creation of tables in web pages. 2
rowspan - specifies the number of rows to be spanned by the cell.
Colspan - specifies the number of column to be spanned by the cell.

4. The space between the content and cell border in a table can be changed using ________ attribute. 1
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5. Write HTML code to create a table in a web page as shown below. 5


<TABLE Border=”1”>

6. Write an HTML code to create a table as shown below. 3

<TABLE Border=”1”>
<TH>Computer Science</TH>
<TH>Comp.Appl. <BR> (Commerce) </TH>
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<TH>Comp.Appl. <BR> (Humanities)</TH>


7. Write the HTML code to create the following table :

<TABLE Border=”1”>
<TH> ID </TH>
<TD>Computer Science</TD>

8. Write HTML code to display the following table in a web page. 5

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<table border="1">
<caption><B>Result of ABC school</B></caption>
<th rowspan="2">Year</th>
<th colspan="2">Students</th>
<th rowspan="2">Pass <BR> Percentage</th>
<tr align="center">
<tr align="center">

9. Write the HTML code to create a web page which includes, the following table. 3
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<TABLE Border="1">
<TH colspan="3">No. of Student</TH>
<TD rowspan="2">Boys</TD>
<TD rowspan="2">Girls</TD>

1. What is meant by nesting of <FRAMESET>? Explain its need. 3
Inserting a frameset within another frameset is called nesting of frameset.
Using nested frameset we can divide the browser window and include more web pages in a browser window.

2. Write any one attribute of <FRAMESET> tag. 1

Cols, Rows, Border, Bordercolor

3. Write notes on the different tags used to divide the browser window into different sections. 2
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<FRAMESET> - for partitioning the browser window into different frame sections.
<FRAME> - defines the frames inside the <FRAMESET> .

4. NORESIZE is an attribute of ____________ tag. 1


1. Name and explain any two attributes of FORM tag. 2
Action - specifies the URL of the Form handler.
Method - specifies the method used to upload data. The most frequently used Methods are
Get and Post.
Target - specifies the window or frame where the result of the script will be displayed.

2. What is the use of Action attribute in <FORM> tag ? 2

Action - specifies the URL of the Form handler.
Example : <FORM Action= "login.php" Method= "post">

3. Which attribute of <input> tag is used to make different kinds of controls like Text box, Radio button, Submit button. 1

4. List any three values provided to Type attribute of <INPUT> tag and specify the use of each. 3
text - creates a text box
password – creates a password box.
checkbox - creates a checkbox where user can enter Yes or No values
radio – creates radio button.
reset – creates a reset button.
submit – creates a submit button.

5. Check the given HTML code. Fill the missing code to generate an output as shown in the figure. 3
<form name=’loginForm’>
<input type=”text”>
<input type=”………..” value=”Login>
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<form name=’loginForm’>
<input type=”text”>
<input type=”passwd”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Login”>
<input type=”reset” value=”RESET”>

1. Identify errors in the following HTML codes. 5
a. <UL Type=”A” start=5>
b. <h1><b>web programming </b></i></h1>
c. <img src=’Profile.jpg’ size=50>
d. <a href=””>
e. <frameset rows=”50%,25%,25%”>
<frame src=”1.html”>
<frame src=”2.html”>

a. <UL Type=”A” start=”5”>

b. <h1><i><b>web programming </b></i></h1>
c. <img src=”Profile.jpg” size=”50”>
d. <a href=mailto:””>
e. <frameset rows=”50%,25%,25%”>
<frame src=”1.html”>
<frame src=”2.html”>
<frame src=”3.html”>

Chapter 6
Client Side Scripting Using JavaScript

<SCRIPT tag>
1. ________ tag is used to include scripting code in an HTML page. 1

2. Explain <SCRIPT> tag and its attribute. 3

<SCRIPT> tag is used to include scripting code in an HTML page. The Language attribute of <SCRIPT> tag is
used to specify the name of the scripting language used.
Example : <SCRIPT Language=”JavaScript”>

Data types in JavaScript

1. List three data types in JavaScript and give example for each. 3
The following are the three basic data types in JavaScript.
a. Number
b. String
c. Boolean
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Number - All numbers fall into this category.

Example- 27, -300, 1.89, -0.0082
String - Any combination of characters, numbers or any other symbols, enclosed within double quotes, are treated as a
Example - “Kerala”, “Welcome”,“1234”, “Mark20”, “abc$”
Boolean - Only two values fall in boolean data type. They are the values true and false.

2. Identify suitable JavaScript data types for the following. 3

a. “Super Computer”
b. “true”
c. 67.5

a. String
b. String
c. Number

3. Classify the following values in Java script into suitable data types ? 3
(27.4, false, “true”, 25)

27.4 - Number
false – Boolean
“true” - String
25 – Number

4. Which of the following data is represented by Boolean data type in JavaScript? 1

(a) 1 (b) TRUE
(c) “true” (d) true

(d) true

5. Classify the following values in JavaScript into suitable data types. 2

67.4, “true”, false, 0

67.4 - Number
“true” - String
false - Boolean
0 - Number
Variables in JavaScript
1. Name the keyword used to declare a variable in JavaScript.

2. How will you declare a variable in JavaScript? Give an example. 2

Variable is declared using the keyword var.
Example: var x;

3. Write JavaScript statements to create a number and string variables. 2

var x,y;

Operators in JavaScript
1. Write any four comparison operators in JavaScript. 2
> >= < <= == !=
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2. Explain the two purposes + operator in JavaScript. 2

a. to add two numbers. Example: 10 + 20
b. to concatenate two strings Example : “Good” + “Morning”

Control structures in JavaScript

1. What are the different control structures used in JavaScript? Explain any one with an example. 3
Different control structures used in javascript are if, switch, for and while.

for is a loop. It is used to execute a group of instructions repeatedly.
Example : for(i=1;i<=10;i++)
document.write(“ ”);

The above code displays numbers from 1 to 10.

2. Briefly explain about any two control structures in JavaScript. 3

for is a loop. It is used to execute a group of instructions repeatedly.
Example : for(i=1;i<=10;i++)
document.write(“ ”);

The above code displays numbers from 1 to 10.

while loop is a simple loop that repeatedly execute a group of statements based on a condition.
int i=1;
document.write(“ ”);

The above code displays numbers from 1 to 10.

3. The JavaScript function given below is used to display the sum of digits of a given number. Fill in the blanks to complete
the function. 2
<sript language=”JavaScript”>
______________ sumdigit()
{var n,s;
for(s=0;________________ ; n=n/10)
s=s+_________ ;

<sript language=”JavaScript”>
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function sumdigit()
{var n,s;
for(s=0;_n>0; n=n/10)

3. Write a JavaScript code to display the numbers from 1 to 100. 2

<SCRIPT Language=”JavaScript”>
var i;
document.write(i );

4. Compare ‘OnKeyDown’ and ‘OnKeyUp’ events of JavaScript. 3

onKeyDown - Occurs when the user is pressing a key on the keyboard
onKeyUp - Occurs when the user releases a key on the keyboard

Built-in functions
1. Write the JavaScript code to display “Welcome to Kerala” inside the <h1> tag as shown in the HTML page.
<Script lang=”JavaScripit”>
<h1> ………………………. </h1>

<h1>document.write(“Welcome to Kerala”);</h1>

2. Write the syntax of any three built-in functions in Java script. 3

a. alert(“Welcome”);
b. “Gandhiji”.toUpperCase();
c. “Gandhiji”.toLowerCase();

3. Briefly explain about any two built-in functions available in JavaScript. 2

a. alert() – This function is used to display a message on the screen.
Eg: alert(“Welcome”);
b. toUpperCase() - This function returns the upper case form of the given string.
Eg: “Gandhiji”.toUpperCase()

4. Write the uses of the following built in functions in JavaScript : 3

(a) typeof( )
(b) isNaN( )
(c) charAt( )
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(a) typeof() – This function returns the data type of a value.

(b) isNaN() - This function is used to check whether a value is a number or not.
(c) charAt() - this function returns the character at a particular position.

5. Consider a string “Gandhiji”. Write JavaScript code fragment to do the following tasks. 3
a. Convert the string to upper case.
b. Find the length of the string.
c. display the 3rd letter in the string.

a. “Gandhiji”.toUpperCase();
b. “Gandhiji”.length;
c. “Gandhiji”.charAt(2);

6. Explain the working of the following JavaScript functions and specify the output of each. 3
(a) isNaN("254")
(b) "Covid-19".charAt(3)
(c) "MASK".toUpperCase()

(a) false
(b) I
(c) MASK

Accessing values in a textbox using JavaScript

1. What are the mouse events in JavaScript? Explain. 3
onClick - Occurs when the user clicks on an object
onMouseEnter - Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved onto an object
onMouseLeave - Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved out of an object
onKeyDown - Occurs when the user is pressing a key on the keyboard
onKeyUp - Occurs when the user releases a key on the keyboard

2. The following HTML code will call the ShowMessage() in JavaScript. 2

<INPUT Type=”button” value=”show” onClick=”ShowMessage()”>

Modify the code to call the ShowMessage() when

a. User moves the mouse over the button.
b. User presses any key on the keyboard.

a. <INPUT Type=”button” value=”show” onMouseEnter=”ShowMessage()”>

b. <INPUT Type=”button” value=”show” onKeyDown=”ShowMessage()”>

Ways to add scripts to a web page

1. Briefly explain the different ways in which a JavaScript code can be inserted in a web page. 3
1. Inside <BODY>
Here, the scripts will be executed while the contents of the web page is being loaded.
2. Inside <HEAD>
This method separate scripts from contents to be displayed in the web page.
3. Externam Javascript file
Here scripts are written in a separate file with extension ‘.js’. This file is then linked to the HTML file.

1. Consider two strings “education is the most powerfull weapon” and “you can use to change the world”. 2
Write JavaScript code to
a. Store these strings in two variables.
b. Combine the two string variables.
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var x, y,z;
x = ”education is the most powerfull weapon”;
y = “you can use to change the world”;

z = x + y;

Chapter 7
Web Hosting
Web hosting
1. What is web hosting ? 1
Web hosting is the service of providing storage space in a web server.

Types of web hosting

1. Explain about various types of web hosting. 3
There are three types of web hosting.
a. Shared Hosting
b. Dedicated Hosting
c. Virtual Hosting
a. Shared Hosting
In shared hosting, many different websites are stored on one single web server and they share resources like RAM
and CPU.
b. Dedicated Hosting
In dedicated hosting, the client leases the entire web server and all its resources.
c. Virtual Hosting
In virtual hosting, a physical server is virtually partitioned into several servers called Virtual Private Server(VPS).
Each VPS works similar to a dedicated server and has its own separate server operating system, web server software and
packages installed in it.

2. Distinguish between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. 3

In shared hosting, many different websites are stored on one single web server and they share resources like RAM
and CPU. Shared hosting is most suitable for small websites that have less traffic. Shared servers are cheaper and easy to
In dedicated hosting, the client leases the entire web server and all its resources. Dedicated servers provide
performance, but they are very expensive. Websites of large organisations, government departments, etc. opt for
dedicated web hosting.

3. VPS stands for ________________. 1

Virtual Private Server

4. Write short note about virtual private server. 2

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a physical server that is virtually partitioned into several servers using the
virtualization technology. Each VPS works similar to a dedicated server and has its own separate server operating system,
web server software and packages installed in it.

Domain name registration

1. New Domain names are checked in the databases of __________ before approving registration. 1

2. The IP address of a webserver connected to a domain name is stored in _________. 1

A Record
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FTP client software

1. To transfer the files of the website from our computer to the web server ________ software is used. 1
FTP client software

2. What is FTP client software? Differentiate FTP and SFTP. 3

FTP client software is used to transfer files from our computer to the server computer.
To connect to an FTP server, FTP client software requires a user name and password. FTP sends username
and password to the server as plain text which is unsecure.
Nowadays SFTP protocol is used in FTP software. SFTP encrypts and sends usernames, passwords to the server
which is secure.

.3. Write any two examples for FTP client software. 2

FileZilla, CuteFTP, SmartFTP

Free hosting
1. What is meant by free hosting ? 2
Providing storage space in a web server free of charge is called free Hosting. The service provider displays
advertisements in the websites to meet the expenses. Free web hosting is useful for those who are not able to spend money
on web hosting.

2. Explain the merits and demerits of free hosting. 3

Free of Charge.
Provide domain name registration services.
useful for those who are not able to spend money on web hosting.
The service provider displays advertisements in the websites.
The Service Provider may place certain restrictions on the files

Content Management System

1. CMS stands for ________. 1
Content Management System

2. Write a short note about Content Management System. 3

Content Management System (CMS) refers to a web based software system which is capable of creating,
administering and publishing websites. Most CMS is available for free download. CMS provides standard security
features in its design, that help even people with less technical knowledge to design and develop secure websites.
Example : WordPress, Drupal and Joomla!

Responsive web design

1. What is responsive wen design? What is its significance in modern computing devices. 3
Responsive web design is the custom of building a website suitable to work on every device and every screen size.
Responsive web design can be implemented using flexible grid layout, flexible images and media queries.
Flexible grid layout - set the size of the entire web page to fit the display size of the device.
Flexible images - set the image/video dimensions to the percentage of display size of the device.
Media queries - provide the ability to specify different styles for individual devices.

Chapter 8
Database Management System

1. What is meant by Database? 1

Database is an organized collection of inter related data stored together with minimum redundancy.
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Advantages of DBMS
1. List any four advantages of DBMS. 2
1. Controlling data redundancy.
2. Data consistency.
3. Sharing of data.
4. Crash Recovery.
5. Data Integrity.
6. Data Security.

2. Explain any four advantages of DBMS. 4

1.Controlling data redundancy - Duplication of data is known as data redundancy. In DBMS, data is stored at
one place. Thus data redundancy is controlled.
2. Data consistency – Showing different values of same data in different files is called Data inconsistency. By
controlling data redundancy, data consistency can be achieved.
3. Sharing of data - The data stored in the database can be shared among several users or programs.
4. Crash recovery - DBMS provides mechanism to recover data from the crashes.
5. Data integrity - Data integrity is maintained through error checking and validation routines.
6. Data security - Through the use of passwords, data is made available only to authorised persons.

Components of DBMS
1. List down the components of DBMS. 2
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Data
4. Users
5. Procedures

2. Explain about different components of SQL. 3

1. Hardware - It is the actual computer system used for storage and retrieval of the database.
2. Software – It consists of the actual DBMS, application programs and utilities.
3. Data - It is the most important component of DBMS. For effective storage and retrieval of
information, data is organized as fields, records and files.
4. Users - The different users of DBMS are Database Administrator (DBA), Application
Programmers, Sophisticated users and Naive Users.
5. Procedures - Procedures refer to the instructions and rules that govern the design and use of the

Database Abstraction
1. With suitable diagram, explain the levels of database abstraction. 3

There are three levels of

a. Physical level – It describes how data is actually stored on secondary storage devices.
b. Logical level – It describes what data is stored in the database, and what relationships exist among those data.
c. View level - It describes only a part of the entire database.

2. The level of data abstraction in DBMS that is closest to the user is known as _______. 1
(a) Physical level (b) Logical level (c) View level (d) Conceptual level
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(c) View Level

3. Abstraction of the database can be viewed as ________ levels. 1

(a) two levels (b) four levels (c) one level (d) three levels

(d) three levels

Data Independence
1. What is Data independence? Explain different types of data independence. 3
The ability to modify the schema definition in one level without affecting the schema definition at the next higher
level is called data independence.
There are two levels of data independence,
a. Physical data independence.
b. Logical data independence.
a. Physical data independence - Physical data independence refers to the ability to modify physical level without
affecting conceptual (logical) level.
b. Logical data independence - Logical data independence refers to the ability to modify a conceptual (logical)
schema without affecting view level.

Users of Database
1. List and explain different database users in DBMS.
The database user are database Administrator, Application Programmers, Sophisticated users and Naive Users. 3
a. Database Administrator - The person who is responsible for the control of database is the
Database Administrator (DBA).
b. Application programmers - Application programmers are computer professionals who interact with the DBMS
through application programs.
c. Sophisticated users - Sophisticated users include engineers, scientists etc who interact with the DBMS through
their own queries.
d. Naive users - Naive users interact with the DBMS by invoking pre written application programs.

Relational data Model

1. Expand RDBMS. 1
Relational Database Management System

Terminologies in RDBMS
1. Define the following terms. 3
a. Relation
b. Candidate key
c. Tuples and attribute

a. Relation is a collection of data elements organized in terms of rows and columns.

b. A candidate key is the set of attributes that uniquely identifies a row in a relation.
c. The rows (records) of a relation are called tuples.
d. Columns of a relation are called Attribute.

2. The number of rows in a relation is called _________________. 1


3. Distinguish between the terms degree and cardinality used in RDBMS. 2

Cardinality – Number of rows (Tuples) in a table.
Degree - Number of columns (Attributes) in a table.

4. Consider the following table. 2

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a. Identify the degree and cardinality of the given table.

b. Identify a suitable primary key for the given table.

a. Degree – 4
Cardinality - 5

5. Find the cardinality and degree of the following relation. 2

Degree – 4
Cardinality – 3

6. If a table has 10 rows and 5 columns, what will be its degree and cardinality ? 2
Degree – 5
cardinality – 10

7. Write short note about following terminologies in RDBMS : 3

a. Relation
b. Domain
c. Foreign Key

a. Relation is a collection of data elements organized in terms of rows and columns.

b. A domain is a pool of values from which actual values are drawn in a column.
c. A key in a table can be called foreign key if it is a primary key in another table.

1. What is a Primary Key? What is the significance of primary key in a relation? 2
A primary key is one of the candidate keys chosen by the database designer. It is a set of one or more
attributes that can uniquely identify tuples within the relation.

2. A ________ key is set of one or more attributes that can uniquely identify tuples within the relation. 1
Primary Key

4. In RDBMS, the minimal set of attributes that uniquely identifies a row in a relation is called ________. 1
Candidate Key

5. Define the terms primary key and alternate key. 2

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A Primary key is one of the candidates keys chosen by DBA.

A candidate key that is not the primary key is called an alternate key.

Relational Algebra
1. Consider the given table SPORTS and write relational expressions for the following questions: 2

a. Select the name of all players.

b. Select name and goals scored by players who have scored more than 70 goals.

a. π Name (SPORTS)
b. π Name, Goals(ϭ Goals>70(SPORTS))

2. Explain about UNION, INTERSECTION and SET DIFFERENCE Operations in Relational Algebra. 3
UNION - UNION operation returns a relation containing all tuples appearing in both of the
two specified relations. The symbol of this operation is U.
INTERSECTION - INTERSECTION operation returns a relation containing the tuples appearing in both of the
two specified relations. It is denoted by ∩.
SET DIFFERENCE - it returns a relation containing the tuples appearing in the first relation but not in the second
relation. It is denoted by – (minus).

3. Consider the following relations.

Find the result of the following relational algebra operation. 3


a. Arts ∩ Sports

AdmNo Name Batch

4010 Fazil B1

b. Arts U Sports
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AdmNo Name Batch

3001 Manju A1
3009 Cristy C1
4010 Fazil B1
3090 Arun K2
4015 Arjun B1
3005 Fathima C2

4. Observe the following tables in DBMS. 5

a. Explain UNION operation with the help of the above two tables.
b. What will be the result if INTERSECTION operation is performed on these tables?
c. Which operation is to be performed to get the list of students in Football from class 12A?

a. UNION operation returns a relation containing all tuples appearing in both of the two specified relations.

Football U Athletics
PCode PName Class
101 Rahul 12 C
105 John 11 A
107 Noufal 12 A
103 Renjith 12 B
110 Irfan 12 A
b. Football ∩ Athletics

PCode PName Class

105 John 11 A

c. Selection

5. If a table STUDENT has 5 columns and another table TEACHER has 3 columns, the Cartesian product
STUDENT X TEACHER will have ______columns. 1
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Chapter 9
Structured Query Language
Components of SQL
1. Distinguish between DDL and DML and give examples for each type. 5
The DDL commands are used to create, modify and remove the database objects such as tables, views and keys.
The common DDL commands are CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.
DML commands are used to insert data into tables, retrieve existing data, delete data from tables and modify the
stored data. The common DML commands are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.

2. Explain about different components of SQL. 3

SQL has three components.
1. Data Definition Language (DDL)
2. Data Manipulation language (DML)
3. Data Control Language (DCL).
The DDL commands are used to create, modify and remove the database objects such as tables, views and keys.
The common DDL commands are CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.
DML commands are used to insert data into tables, retrieve existing data, delete data from tables and modify the
stored data. The common DML commands are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.
Data Control Language (DCL) is used to control access to the database. The common DCL commands are

3. Classify the following commands into DDL, DML and DCL in SQL : 2
Delete, Drop, Restore, Update

DDL – Drop
DML – Delete, Update
DCL - Restore

Datatypes in SQL
1. Write short note about data types in SQL. 3
SQL data types are classified into three. They are numeric data type, string (text) data type, and date and
time data type.
The most commonly used numeric data types in MySQL are INT or INTEGER and DEC or DECIMAL.
The most commonly used string data types in MySQL are CHARACTER or CHAR and VARCHAR.
The data type used to store date type value is DATE and to store time value is TIME.

2. Name the most appropriate SQL datatype required to store the following data. 3
a. Name of a student (maximum 70 characters)
b. Date of Birth of a student.
c. Percentage of marks obtained (correct to 2 decimal places)

a. varchar
b. date
c. dec

3. Write short notes on any three data types in SQL. 3

1. INT or INTEGER - Integers are whole numbers without a fractional part. Eg. 69, 0, -112
2. DEC or DECIMAL – Decimals are numbers with fractional part. Eg. -999.65
3. CHAR or CHARACTER – Character represents fixed length string.
4. VARCHAR(size) - VARCHAR represents variable length strings.

4. Differentiate between CHAR and VARCHAR data types in SQL. 3

Character represents fixed length string. Character includes letters, digits, special symbols etc.
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The syntax of this data type is CHAR(x), where x is the maximum number of characters.
Eg. Name char(25)
VARCHAR represents variable length strings. It is similar to CHAR, but the space allocated for the data
depends only on the actual size of the data, not on the declared size of the column.
Eg. Name varchar(25)

5. Write short note about numeric and string data types of SQL. 3
The most commonly used numeric data types in MySQL are INT or INTEGER and DEC or DECIMAL.
INT or INTEGER - Integers are whole numbers without a fractional part.
Eg. 69, 0, -112
DEC or DECIMAL – Decimals are numbers with fractional part.
Eg. -999.65

The most commonly used string data types in MySQL are CHARACTER or CHAR and VARCHAR.
CHAR or CHARACTER – Character represents fixed length string. Character includes letters, digits, special symbols
VARCHAR(size) - VARCHAR represents variable length strings. It is similar to CHAR, but the space allocated for the
data depends only on the actual size of the data, not on the declared size of the column.

1. What is meant by column constraints? Write any 4 column constraints in SQL. 3
Constraints are the rules enforced on data that are entered into the column of a table.
The column constraints are
i. NOT NULL - This constraint specifies that a column can never have NULL values.
ii. AUTO_INCREMENT - If no value is specified for a column, then MySQL will assign serial numbers automatically.
iii. UNIQUE - It ensures that no two rows have the same value in the column specified.
iv. PRIMARY KEY - This constraint declares a column as the primary key of the table.
v. DEFAULT – This constraint is used to set default value for a column.

Aggregate Functions
1. Explain the use of any three aggregate functions in SQL. 3

1. Null values in in tables are specified as “null”. State whether true or false. 1
false. “null” is a string
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2. What is the use of SELECT command in SQL? Write down its syntax of usage. 2
SELECT is used to retrieve information from specified columns in a table.
Syntax - SELECT <column_name>[,<column_name>,<column_name>, …] FROM <table_name>;
Example – SELECT name FROM student;

3. Briefly describe three optional clauses used with SELECT command in SQL. 3
a. WHERE - used to select specific rows.
b. ORDER BY – used to sort the result of a query.
c. FROM – It is an essential clause with SELECT command. Used to specify the table name.

4. Write the differences between WHERE and HAVING clauses in SQL. 3

WHERE clause is used along with SELECT to select specific rows.
Eg. SELECT Rollno, Batch FROM student
WHERE Name=”Pranoy”;

HAVING is used along with GROUP BY clause. The condition in HAVING clause is applied to form groups of
Eg. SELECT course, COUNT(*) FROM student
GROUP BY course

5. Explain the rules for naming a table or column in SQL. 3

• The name may contain letters, digits, under score and dollar symbol.
• The name must contain at least one character.
• The name must not contain white spaces, special symbols.
• The name must not be an SQL keyword.
• The name should not duplicate with the names of other tables in the same data base.

6. Define VIEW in SQL. How it is created? 2

A view is a virtual table that does not really exist in the database, but is derived from one or more tables.
Eg. CREATE VIEW newschool
AS SELECT Rollno, Name, Batch FROM student;

7. Which command is used to delete the table? 1


8. Differentiate DELETE and DROP in SQL. Write the syntax of DELETE and DROP. 3
used to remove individual or a set of rows from a table. It is a DML command.
DELETE FROM <table_name> [WHERE <condition>];
DELETE FROM student WHERE RollNo=1027;

used to remove a table from the database permanently. It is a DDL command.

DROP TABLE <table_name>;
DROP TABLE student;

9. Write SQL queries based on the table STUDENT given below. 5

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(a) Add a new, field percentage to the table.

(b) Update percentage of all students. (percentage: Total/3)
(c) Find the average of column total from student in cornmerce batch.
(d) Delete all students in Humanities batch.
(e) Find the number of students whose percentage is greater than 90.

(a) ALTER TABLE student

ADD percentage DEC(5,3);
(b) UPDATE student
SET percentage = Total/3;
(c) SELECT avg(total) FROM student
WHERE batch=’Commerce’;
(d) DELETE FROM student
WHERE batch=’Humanities’;
(e) SELECT count(*) FROM student
WHERE percentage > 90;

10. Write SQL queries based on the table PRODUCT given below. 5

a. Set PID as a Prlmary key.

b. Display the Name and Price of the product having highest price.
c. Change the Name of the supplier ‘Exotic Liquids’ to ‘Singapore Foods’.
d. Delete all the products of supplier ‘Tokyo Traders’.
e. Display Pname and Supplier of all products in the ascending order of price.

a. ALTER TABLE product

b. SELECT name, price FROM product
WHERE price= (SELECT max(price) FROM product);
c. UPDATE product
SET name = ‘Tokyo Traders’
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WHERE name = ‘Exotic Liquids’;

d. DELETE FROM product
WHERE name = ‘Tokyo Traders’;
e. SELECT product, name FROM product
ORDER BY price;

11. Consider the given table ‘Bill’ and write SQL statements for the following questions. 5

a. To update the values of the column Total with Unitprice *quantity.

b. To list all tuples of Bill table.
c. To insert new tuple to Bill table with the following values:
1118, “Brown Rice”, “05-03-2020”, 42, 6
d. To display maximum unitprice.
e. To Delete the row with Itemcode = 1008 from Bill Table.

a. UPDATE bill
SET total = unitprice * quantity;
b. SELECT * FROM bill;
c. INSERT INTO bill VALUES(1118, ‘Brown Rice’, ‘05-03-2020’, 42, 6, NULL);
d. SELECT MAX(unitprice) FROM bill;
WHERE itemcode = 1008;

12. A table named STUDENT with fields RollNo, Name, Batch, Mark, Grade is given. Write SQL statements for the
following. 5
a. To display the details of all students in ‘Science’ batch.
b. To display the details of these students having grade A or A+.
c. To count the number of students in each batch,
d. To change the grade of the student to A+ whose RollNo is 50.
e. Remove the details of student whose RollNo is 10.

a. SELECT * FROM student

WHERE batch = ‘Science’;
b. SELECT * FROM student
WHERE grade IN (‘A’, ‘A+’);
SELECT * FROM student
WHERE grade = ‘A’ OR grade = ‘A+’;
c. SELECT batch, COUNT(*) FROM student
GROUP BY batch;
d. UPDATE student
SET grade = ‘A+’
WHERE Rollno = 50;
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e. DELETE FROM student

WHERE RollNo = 10;

Chapter 10
Server Side Scripting Using PHP
1. PHP stands for _______. 1
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

1. What is the difference between PHP and Javascript. 2

Javascript PHP
Client side Scripting Language Server side Scripting Language
Depends on the browser Does not depend on the browser
Code is visible to the user, so less secure Code is stored and executed in the server. So
user can not access the code. Therefor it is

1.What is the expansion of LAMP? 1
Linux, Appache, MySQL, PHP

2. A web server that supports PHP on any operating system is ____________________. 1


Output statements
1. What is the difference between echo and print in PHP. 3
2. Compare echo and print commands in PHP with suitable examples. 3

echo print
Can take more than one parameter when Takes only one parameter
used without parenthesis
Does not return any value Returns TRUE (1) on successful output
Returns FALSE (0) on unsuccessful output
Faster than print Slower than echo
echo “Hi Welcome”; print “Hi Welcome”;
echo (“Hi Welcome”); print (“Hi Welcome”);
echo “Hi”, “Welcome”;

1. In PHP, the name of a variable starts with _____________ sign. 1

1. Prepare a short note about different Data types used in PHP. 3
The data types in PHP are divided into two
a. Core Data types
b. Special Data Types
Core data Types
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Core data types are

Integer – whole number without fractional part.
Eg. 32, -100
Float - Numbers with fractional part.
Eg. 3.14
String – Anything within quotation mark. Quotation can be single or double.
Eg. “Apple”, ‘PHP’
Boolean - Data type that represents only two values TRUE and FALSE.
Special Data Type
Special data types are
Null - A Special data type that can have only one value NULL. Used for emptying variables.
Eg. $x = null;
Array - Variables that hold multiple values. In PHP there are three types of arrays – indexed array,
associative array and multidimensional array.
Object - An object can contain variables and functions that processes the variables.
Resources – Special variables that hold references to other external resources.

2. List PHP Core data types. 2

Integer, Float, String, Boolean

1. Briefly explain about operators in PHP. 3
Assignment Operators
Used to assign a value to a variable. = is the assignment operator.
Eg. $mark=80;
Arithmetic Operators
Used to perform arithmetic operations. Arithmetic operators are +, -, *, /, %
Relational Operators
Used to compare values. Relational operators are ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=. The result of relational operators
are TRUE or FALSE.
Logical Operators
Used to perform logical operations. Logical operators are &&, ||, !, xor
Increment / Decrement Operators
Used to increment the value of a variable by 1. The operators are ++, --

2. Name the PHP operator to join two strings. 1

concatenating operator (.)

3. The dot(.) operator is used for ________ operation in PHP. 1

combining two strings.

Control Structures
1. Write a PHP program to find the biggest of three numbers. 3
$a = 10;
$b = 50;
$c = 30;

if($a > $b && $a > $c)

echo “a is the biggest number”;
elseif ($b > $c)
echo “b is the biggest number”;
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echo “c is the biggest number”;


2. Write the syntax of for loop in PHP and explain its working. 3
for(initialization; condition; update statement)
body of the loop;

Firstly loop control variable is initialized. Then condition is evaluated. If it returns TRUE, body of the code will be
executed. Then Update statement is executed which changes the value of loop control variable. Again condition is
This process continues till the test expression evaluates to FALSE.

3. Write PHP code to display all even numbers below 100. 3

for( $i=100; $i > 0; $i = $i-2)
echo “$i “;

1. Name different types of arrays in PHP. Explain with examples. 3
In PHP there are three types of arrays
a. Indexed Arrays
b. Associative Arrays
c. Multidimensional Arrays
Indexed Arrays
Arrays with numeric index are called Indexed Arrays. They use non- negative integers are keys.
Eg. $regno = array(1000,1001,1002);
Here $regno[0] is 1000, $regno[1] is 1001 etc

Associative Arrays
Arrays with named keys are called Associative Arrays.
Eg. $result = array(“Arun” => “35”, “Binu” => “80”, “Deepu => “60”);
Here $result[“Arun”] is 35, $result[“Binu”] is 80

2. In PHP, arrays that use string keys are called _______________ 1

Associative Arrays

1. Write a function in PHP to find the factorial of a number. 3
function fact($num)
for($i = 1; $i<=num; $i++)
$fact = $fact*$i;
return $fact;
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2. Write the outtput of the following PHP code fragment. 2

function justAfun ($num)
$num = $num * 5 + ($nurn + 6);
return $num:
echo justAfun(100);


3. Write the uses of any three string functions in PHP with syntax. 3
strlen() = returns the length of a string.
strcmp() = used to compare two strings.
Strpos() = finds the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string.

Three Tier Architecture

1. Describe three tier architecture of PHP. 3
It is a client-server architecture in which user interface, application programs and data storage are separated into
layers. It is easy to modify one layer without affecting the other layer.
Tier 1 – It is the front end in which the content is rendered by the browser.
Tier 2 - It accepts the requests from the clients, runs the requested script and sends back the output to the client.
Tier 3 – It is a back-end database consisting data and DBMS software. The DBMS software interprets and execute
the SQL commands sent from the web server and sends back the result to the web server.


1. Name the global variables used for passing data using HTTP GET and POST requests. 2

Chapter 11
Advances in Computing
Distributed Computing
1. What are the advantages of distributed computing ? 2
Economical, Speed, Reliability, scalability

Parallel Computing
1. Compare serial and parallel computing. 3

Serial Computing Parallel Computing

A single processor is used. Multiple processors with shared memory is used.
A problem is broken into series of instructions A problem is broken into parts that can be solved
Instructions are executed sequentially Instructions from each parts are executed simultaneously
Only one instruction is executed on a single processor at any More than one instruction is executed on multiple processors
time. at any time

Grid Computing
1. Write any two advantages of grid computing. 2
1. capable to solve larger, more complex problems in a short time.
2. Makes better use of existing hardware.
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3. Scalable

Cluster Computing
1. A widely used Operating system for cluster computers is _______________ 1

2. Prepare short note on cluster computing. 2

It is a form of computing in which a group of PC, storage devices etc are linked together so that they can work like
a single computer. The components of a cluster are connected through a fast LAN. It is a relatively low cost form of
parallel processing machine.
Advantages are
Price Performance ratio

Cloud Computing
1. What is Cloud Computing? Write any two advantages of Cloud Computing. 2
It refers to the use of computing resources that reside on a remote machine and are delivered to the end user as a
service over a network.
Cost savings

2. Briefly explain different types of cloud services. 3

Different types of cloud services are
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Software as a Service (SaaS)
A SaaS provider provides a complete application to the customer, as a service on demand.
Eg. Google Docs
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
A PaaS provider provides platforms to design, develop, build and test application over the Internet.
Eg. LAMP platform
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
IaaS provides basic storage and computing capabilities as a service over the network.
Eg. Amazon Web Services

3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. 3

Cost Savings – Companies can reduce their capital expenditure.
Maintenance – Cloud service providers do the system maintenance, thus reducing maintenance cost.
Mobile Accessibility – cloud services are accessible from anywhere even while traveling.

Security and Privacy – Data is sent on a publicly accessible network and is stored in a shared disk system. So there
is a danger of stealing and corrupting data.
Lack of standards – Clouds have no standards. So they are interoperable.

Artificial Intelligence
1. NLP is _________________ 1
Natural Language Processing
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Computational Intelligence
1. The study of control and communication between man and machine is called ______. 1

2. What is ANN ( Artificial Neural Networks)? 3

ANN is an algorithmic modelling of biological neural system. It has the ability to perform pattern recognition,
perception and motor control. In addition to these characteristics, it has the ability to learn, memorise and generalise.

3. Briefly explain any four applications of Computational Intelligence. 4

Biometrics refers to metrics related to human characteristics and traits. Biometrics authentication is used
in identification of individual.
Robotics is defined as the scientific study associated with the design, fabrication, theory and application
of robots.
Natural Language Processing
NLP focuses on developing systems that allow computers to communicate with people using any human
Automatic Speech Recognition
ASR allows a computer to identify the words that a person speaks into a microphone or telephone and
convert it into written text.

4. Name the application of computational intelligence that refers to metrics related to human characteristics and traits. 1

5. What is meant by GIS? Give an example. 1

GIS is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking and displaying data related to various positions
on earth’s surface.
GIS is used in soil mapping, agricultural mapping etc

Chapter 12
ICT and Society
1. Expand ICT. 1
Information and Communication Technology

1. What is e-Governance ? Briefly describe the three components of e-Governance. 4
e-Governance is the application of ICT for delivering government services to citizens in a convenient and
transparent manner.
The components of e-Governance are
a. State Data Centre (SDC)
b. State Wide Area Network (SWAN)
c. Common Service Centres (CSC)
State Data Centre (SDC) - State Data Centre provides several functionalities. These include securing data storage,
online delivery of services, citizen information/services portal, disaster recovery, etc.

2. What is e-Governance? List the different types of interactions in e-Governance. 3

e-Governance is the application of ICT for delivering government services to citizens in a convenient and
transparent manner.
Different types of interactions are
Government to Government (G2G)
Government to Citizens (G2C)
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Government to Business (G2B)

Government to Employees (G2E)

3. Give an example of Common Service Centre associated with e-Governance of Kerala. 1

Akshaya centres

2. Define the term e-Governance. List any three benefits of e-Governance. 4

e-Governance is the application of ICT for delivering government services to citizens in a convenient and
transparent manner.
Benefite of e-Governance are
It leads to automation of governement services.
strengthens the democracy
more transparency in the functioning
makes every government department responsible
saves unnecessary visits of the public to offices.

1. A system of financial exchange between buyers and sellers in an online environment is called _____. 1
Electronic Payment System (EPS)

2. What are the advantages of e-Business ? 2

It overcomes geographical limitations
reduces the operational cost
minimises travel time and cost
remains open all the time
We can locate the product quicker from a wider range of choices
1. Define the term e-learning. 1
The use of electronic media and ICT in education is termed e-Learning.

2. An Educational channel of Kerala Government is _______________ 1


3. Textual information available in electronic format is called __________ 1


4. List and explain any three e-learning tools. 3

a. Electronic books reader (e-Books) - Portable computer devices, loaded with digital book content.
b. e-Text - Textual information in electronic format.
c. Online chat - Communicating with people at different places.
d. e-Content - e-Learning materials made in different multimedia formats.
e. Educational TV channels - Telecasting/webcasting channels which are dedicated for the e-Learning purpose.
Example: VICTERS

3. Write any three advantages of e-Learning. 3

offer courses on variety of subjects to large number of students from distant location.
cost for learning is much less. It saves journey time and money, instructor fees, etc.
provides facility to do online courses from various nationally or internationally reputed institutions.
Time and place is not a constraint for e-Learning.

Intellectual Property Right

1. What is Intellectual Property Right? 2
IPR refers to the exclusive right given to a person over the creation of his/her mind, for a period of time.
Intellectual property is divided into two categories
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a. industrial property
b. copyright.
Industrial property right applies to industry, commerce and agricultural products.
Eg. Patent, Trademark,
Copyright applies to a wide range of creative, intellectual or artistic forms of works.

2. Briefly describe any three ways of protecting Industrial Property Rights. 3

Patents: A patent is the exclusive rights granted for an invention.
Trademark: A trademark is a distinctive sign that identifies certain goods or services.
Industrial designs: An industrial design refers to the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of an article.

3. Explain Infringement. 3
Unauthorised use of intellectual property rights are called intellectual property infringement.
Patent infringement - Using or selling a patented invention without permission from the patent holder.
Trademark infringement - Use of a trademark that is identical to a trademark owned by another party, where both the
parties use it for similar products or services.
Copyright infringement - Reproducing, distributing, displaying or adapting a work without permission from the copyright
holder. It is often called piracy.

1. What is cyberspace? How cyberspace has influenced our life? 2
Cyber space is a virtual environment created by computer systems connected to the Internet.
Formerly, communication was mainly dependent on postal service. Nowadays e-mail has gained wide acceptance
and legal validity for communication.
Social movements organised over social media.
Today, many people prefer to purchase these goods online from e-commerce websites.
Almost all banks offer Internet banking facilities to its customers.

Cyber Crimes
1. Briefly describe about any three types of Cyber crimes against individuals. 3
i. Identity theft: - Use of another person's identifying information, like their name, credit card number, etc. without
their permission to commit fraud or other crimes.
ii. Harassment: - Posting humiliating comments focusing on gender, race, religion, nationality at specific
individuals in chat rooms, social media, e-mail, etc.
iii. Impersonation and cheating: - Impersonation is an act of pretending to be another person for the purpose of
harming the victim.
iv. Violation of privacy: Violation of privacy is the intrusion into the personal life of another, without a valid

Cyber Ethics
1. Write any two ethical practices can be followed when using internet. 2
Do not respond or act on e-mails sent from unknown sources.
Avoid the use of unauthorised software.
Do not use bad or rude language in social media and e-mails.

Cyber forensics
1. Write a short note on ‘Cyber Forensics’. 3
Traditional law enforcement tools and methodologies do not successfully address the detection, investigation
and prosecution of cyber crime.
Forensics is the process of using scientific knowledge for identifying, collecting, preserving, analyzing and
presenting evidence to the courts.

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