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Mia Molina

Professor: Dr.Dew

Tuesday Homework

Classroom of Hope: The Voice of One Courageous Teacher on the US–Mexico Border

1. What is the author’s thesis?

The author's thesis states that Lyn Mckinley examined the many different experiences of
the transitional students on the US-MEXICO border. Therefore, there were many
challenges that the students faced for higher education.

2. How strong is the thesis?

The thesis is fairly strong due to the fact that it mentions the different experiences the
students had and how they are being depended on to teach the immigration students on
building connections, and bilingual education for all students.

3. What evidence does the author use to support his argument?

A very important piece of evidence that is supported in this argument is that helping
students adjust and flourish as they come across both languages and learning the
education as well.

4. What category of evidence is this?

The category of evidence in the article explains the amount of people that moved and
how many deaths as well.

5. How strong is the evidence?

The evidence is strong due to the fact that there were many students that transitioned
from the US- Mexico. But also due to the fact that it is very challenging for students who
go through that but therefore; they do it for the education.

6. What can you take from this article to use in your writing?
Some things that I can take from the article is that there are many characteristics on
how people adjust to their new realities in the U.S. after having experienced and
inexperienced levels of armed conflict in their home cities.

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