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DPP - 3
Q.1 A ball is thrown upwards from the ground with an initial speed of u. At two instants of time,
having an interval of 6 s, the ball is at a height of 80 m from the ground. Find u. Take g = 10 ms −2.
Q.2 A particle is dropped from height 100 m and another particle is projected vertically up with
velocity 50 ms−1 from the ground along the same line. Find out the position where two particle
will meet?
Q.3 A particle is dropped from a tower is found to travel 45 m in the last second of its journey.
Calculate the height of the tower.
Q.4 A body projected vertically upwards from the top of a tower reaches the ground in t1 second. If
it is projected vertically downwards from the same point with same speed, it reaches the ground
in t 2 second. If it is just dropped from the top, it reaches the ground in t second. Prove that t =
√t 1 t 2 .
Q.5 A stone is dropped from a balloon going up with a uniform velocity of 5 ms −1 . If the balloon was
60 m high when the stone was dropped, find the height of balloon when the stone hits the ground.
Take g = 10 ms−2 .
Q.6 A particle is dropped from the top of a tower h-m high and at the same moment another particle
is projected upwards from the bottom. They meet when the upper one has descended a distance
. Show that the velocities of the two when they meet are in the ratio 2: (n − 2) and that the initial

velocity of the particle projected up is √ .

Q.7 A particle is projected vertically upwards from the ground at time t = 0 and reaches a height h at
(gT2 +2h)
t = T. Show that the greatest height of the particle is 8gT2

Q.8 A rocket is fired vertically from rest and ascends with constant net vertical acceleration of
300 msec −2 for 1 minute. Its fuel is then all used up and it continues as a free particle in the
gravitational field of the earth. Find
(a) maximum height reached
(b) the total time elapsed from take-off until the rocket strikes the earth.
Q.9 A car accelerates from rest with 2 ms−2 on a straight track and then it comes to rest applying its
brakes. The total distance travelled by the car is 100 m in 20 s. Based on the above facts,
The distance covered during acceleration is
(A) 25 m (B) 15 m (C) 10 m (D) 5 m
Comprehension 10 to 13

A body is projected from the ground vertically upwards, The body is observed to be at height ℎ
above the ground at two times 𝑡1 and 𝑡2 while ascending and descending respectively. Based on
the above facts, answer the follow. ing questions.
Q.10 The velocity of projection (u) must be
1 1
(A) u = 2 g(t1 + t 2 ) (B) u = 4 g(t1 + t 2 )

(C) u = 2g(t1 + t 2 ) (D) u = 4g(t1 + t 2 )

Q.11 The maximum height (H) reached by the body is
1 1
(A) H = 2 gt12 (B) H = 2 gt 22
1 1
(C) H = 8 g(t1 + t 2 )2 (D) H = 4 g(t1 + t 2 )2
Q.12 The velocity (v) of the body at height 2 is
1 1
(A) v = 4 gt1 (B) v = 4 gt 2
1 1
(C) v = 2 g√t12 + t 22 (D) v = 4 g√t1 t 2

Q.13 The velocity of the particle at half the maximum height.

8 8
(A) 2 √t12 + t 22 (B) 4 (t12 + t 22 )
g 8
(C) 2√2 (t1 + t 2 ) (D) (t1 + t 2 )

Q.14 A balloon rises up with constant net acceleration of 10 ms −2 . After 2 s a particle drops from the
balloon. After further 2 s match the following (Take g = 10 ms−2 )
(A) Height of particle ground (p) Zero
(B) Speed of particle (q) 10 SI units
(C) Displacement of particle (r) 40 SI units
(D) Acceleration of particle (s) 20 SI units

Q.15 Statement-1: A balloon ascends from the surface of earth with constant speed. When it was at a
height 50 m above the ground, a packet is dropped from it. To an observer on the balloon, the
displacement of the packet, from the moment it is dropped to the moment it reaches the surface
of earth, is 50 m.
Statement-2: Displacement (vector) depends upon the reference frame used to measure it.

1. 50 ms−1 2. 80m 3. h = 125m 4. t = √t 1 t 2 5. h = 80m
v1 2
6. = 7. 8. (a) 216000m (b) 447.88
v2 n−2

9. (A) 10. (A) 11. (C) 12. (C) 13. (C)

14. A → (r) B → (p) C → (s) D → (q)
15. (D)


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