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Chapter II-1

YABUBAYASHI Norihiro / Chugoku District Transport Bureau

Tokyo MOU 11th General Training Course

Structure of SOLAS ch.II-1
part A General(reg.1~3)
part A-1 Structure of ships(reg.3-1 ~ 3-12)
part B Subdivision and stability(reg.4)
part B-1 Stability(reg.5 ~ 8-1)
part B-2 Subdivision, water tight and weathertight integrity(reg.9 ~ 17-1)
part B-3 Subdivision loadline assignment for passenger ships(reg.18)
part B-4 Stability management(reg.19 ~ 25)
part C Machinery installations(reg.26 ~ 39)
part D Electrical installations(reg.40 ~ 45)
part E Additional requirements for periodically unattended machinery spaces(reg.46 ~ 54)

part F Alternative design and arrangements(reg.55)

part G Ships using low-flashpoint fuels(reg.56 ~ 57)
Summary of major amendments to Chapter II-1
Amendment Status Enforce date Major contents
Original(1974) 1980.5.25 Part B applied to passenger ships
Part B applied to cargo ships partly
Replaced 1984.9.1 (Watertightness, Collision Bhd, Double
bottom on Cargo ships
Partly revised 1986.7.1 Application date ('84.9.1→'86.7.1)
1989 E/R Bhd on Cargo ships
Partly revised 1992.2.1
(Res.MSC.13(57)) WTD on Passenger ships
1990 Damage stability criteria for cargo ships of
Partly revised 1992.2.1
(Res.MSC.19(58)) 100 m and over
Enhancement of safety for RoRo
(Res.1 of Partly revised 1997.7.1
passenger ships
Damage stability criteria for cargo ships
Partly revised 1998.7.1 extended to ships of 80 m and over

2005 (2009 Amendment)

(Res.MSC.194(80)) 2007.1.1 Construction drawings
Replaced 2008.7.1 PSPC
2006 2009.1.1 Damage stability criteria, totally revised
(Res. MSC.216(82))
Summary of major amendments to Chapter II-1
Amendment Status Enforce date Major contents
New 2010.7.1 2008 IS Code
Onboard stability computer or shore-
New 2014.1.1 based support, after a flooding casualty
for new large passenger ships
For passenger ships,
Damage stability criteria
2017 Partly revised 2020.1.1 Damage control drills
2018 For cargo ships,
(Res.MSC.436(99)) clarifying requirements of Part B
MSC.474(102) Partly revised
Water level detectors for multiple cargo
MSC.482(103) New 2024.1.1
MSC.496(105) Partly revised
COSTA CONCOLDIA disaster 2012 Source : Wikipedia

(2020 Amendment)

Source : Wikipedia 4
R1 Application
Unless expressly provided otherwise
1.1.1 .1 for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2020; or
.2 in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which are at a similar stage of
construction on or after 1 July 2020; or
.3 the delivery of which is on or after 1 January 2024.

apply the latest requirements (e.g. Res. MSC.421(98) (2020 Amendment)

MSC.436(99) ・・・)

1.1.2 for ships not subject to the provisions of sub-paragraph 1.1.1 but constructed on or after 1 January 2009

(part B, B-1,B-2 and B-4)

:apply the requirements amended by Res. MSC.216(82), MSC.269(85) and MSC.325(90)
(However amended Reg.8-1.3 and 19-1 shall be complied) (before 2020 Amendment)
(other parts)
:apply the latest requirements (e.g. Res.MSC.436(99)) (2020 Amendment)

2 for ships constructed before 1 January 2009

apply the requirements amended by Res. MSC.1(XLV), MSC.6(48), MSC.11(55), MSC.12(56),

MSC.13(57), MSC.19(58), MSC.26(60), MSC.27(61), Resolution 1 of the 1995 SOLAS Conference,
MSC.47(66), MSC.57(67), MSC.65(68), MSC.69(69), MSC.99(73), MSC.134(76), MSC.151(78)
and MSC.170(79) (before 2009 Amendment)
(However amended Reg.8-1.3 and 19-1 shall be complied) 5
Part A-1 Structure of ships


anchor dragging, grounding and shearing The hull fractured in 2 parts
while under way on the Indian Ocean.

Ship Structure
R3-1 Structural, mechanical and electrical requirements for ships
In addition to the requirements contained elsewhere in
the present regulations, ships shall be designed, Flag
constructed and maintained in compliance with Classification Society (R.O.)
structural, mechanical and electrical requirements of a
Recognized Classification Society or with applicable
national requirements of an Administration which Ch.II-1
provide an equivalent level of safety.

R3-10 Goal-based ship construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers (GBS)
Apply to oil tankers of 150 m in length and above and to
bulk carriers of 150 m in length and above, constructed
with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper-side tanks in
cargo spaces, excluding ore carriers and combination
.1 for which the building contract is placed on or after 1
July 2016; or
.2 in the absence of a new building contract, keel laid on
or after 1 July 2017;
.3 delivered on or after 1 July 2020.*
Ships shall be designed and constructed for a specified
design life to be safe and environmentally friendly, when
properly operated and maintained under the specified
operating and environmental conditions, in intact and
specified damage conditions, throughout their life.
* : Refer Circular Letter No.4204/Add.7 Guidance concerning unforeseen delays in the delivery of ships by COVID -19 Source: MSC.1/Circ.1596
Ship Structure


hatch coaming
end bracket

Positions of critical structural areas

(Ship Structure Access Manual)

Cape size bulk carrier

about 100,000GT, 300m length,
age of ship: 16y, cargo: Iron ore
Where are the location of these cracks?
Ship Structure
Where are the location of these cracks? A, B or C?
A. Forward area
hatch coaming
B. Midships area end bracket
C. Aft area

No.9 No.8 No.7 No.6 No.5 No.4 No.3 No.2 No.1

No.5 C/H

No.9 No.8 No.7 No.6 No.5 No.4 No.3 No.2 No.1


bending moment

・midships ・heavy cargos ・age of vessel 9

No.3 C/H
Hatch coaming
end bracket


No.2 No.1
No.5 No.4 No.3 No.2 No.1 C/H C/H

General Cargo ship, 3,000GT, age of ship : 13y, 10

Bulk carrier, 17,000GT, age of ship:18y, steel slab Scrap metal
Towing and mooring equipment

When this ship was leaving berth, her bit in forward was broken.
In that moment, the flying hawser hit C/O’s head and it broke his neck bone.
(general cargo ship, 3,000GT, keel laid: 2007)

Starboard-side bit Broken bit

Port-side (berth side)

Towing and mooring equipment
R3-4 Emergency towing arrangements and procedures ETA
Emergency Towing Arrangement
Emergency Towing Arrangements shall be fitted at both ends on board every tanker
of not less than 20,000 tonnes deadweight
Emergency Towing Procedure
Ships shall be provided with a ship-specific Emergency Towing Procedure. Such a
procedure shall be carried aboard the ship for use in emergency situations and shall
be based on existing arrangements and equipment available on board the ship.
R3-8 Towing and mooring equipment
This regulation applies to ships constructed on or after 1 January 2007,
but does not apply to emergency towing arrangements required by regulation 3-4.
Arrangements, equipment and fittings of sufficient safe working load for use in the
normal towing and mooring operations shall be provided.
Arrangement of deck facilities
Each fitting or item of equipment shall be clearly marked with any restrictions on mooring deck in the bow
associated with its safe operation, taking into account the strength of its attachment
to the ship's structure. * Refer to Guidance MSC/Circ.1175
Universal Fairleader
Safety Working Load

Closed Chock
SWL marking

Do you think the issues shown in pictures below as deficiencies?

①weld bead and paint ②No weld bead, only paint


③No paint, only weld bead

Emergency Towing Procedure
Is the plan reflected the actual arrangement?

② ?


? ⑦
Emergency Towing Procedure ⑤

⑥ ?

Accommodation Ladder, Gang way
Reg.3-9 Means of embarkation on and disembarkation from ships
3. For all ships , the means of embarkation and disembarkation shall be inspected and
maintained* in suitable condition… * Refer to guidelines … MSC.1/Circ. 1331
All wires used to support the means shall be maintained as specified in ch.III / R20.4.

ch.III / R20.4 : Renewed when necessary due to deterioration of the

falls or at intervals of not more than 5 years, whichever is the earlier.

Accommodation ladder Gangway

Part B Subdivision and stability

COUGAR ACE (2006) Costa Concordia (2012)

Ballast handling error & swell Grounding & flooding

Stability Calculation
If the ship’s stability for each departures were not calculated and ascertained,
will this be a deficiency?
(Ship’s type: General cargo ship, keel raid date: 1 July 2015)

Stability calculations were not carried out

Stability Calculation
R20 Loading of passenger ships (2020 Amendment)
1. On completion of loading of the ship and prior to its departure, the master shall determine
ship’s trim and stability and also ascertain and record that the ship is upright and in
compliance with stability criteria in relevant regulations. The determination of the ship's
stability shall always be made by calculation or by ensuring that the ship is loaded
according to one of the precalculated loading conditions. The Administration may accept
the use of an electronic loading and stability computer or equivalent means for this purpose.
A Calculation result of loading computer

Most ships have used loading

computer. It may be approved
by the Administration.

The title and underlined parts in paragraph 1 are amended by Resolution MSC.421(98)
and shall be applied to ships in accordance with R1.1.1.1

R1.1.1.1 .1 for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2020; or
.2 in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which are at a similar stage of
construction on or after 1 July 2020; or
.3 the delivery of which is on or after 1 January 2024.

For cargo ships, only apply to new ships 18

Stability Calculation
If a ship’s stability for each departure was not calculated and ascertained,
Is this a deficiency?
(Ship’s type: General cargo ship, keel raid date: 1 July 2015)

For cargo ships, “Regulation 20 Loading of passenger ships” apply to ships subject
to the provisions of R1.1.1.1 (constructed on or after 1 July 2020 etc.)

keel raid date: 1 July 2015 NOT APPLIED

If ship’s cargo is dry bulk cargo ( if IMSBC cord is applied),

IMSBC code 2.1.3 requires that the master shall be able to calculate the stability・・・
IMSBC code / 2.1.3 To aid stability Having regard to SOLAS regulation II-1/5-1, a stability information booklet shall be
provided aboard all ships subject to the Convention.
The master shall be able to calculate the stability for the anticipated worst conditions during the
voyage, as well as that on departure, and demonstrate that the stability is adequate.

However, regardless of constructed date, most of ships are required to calculate

their stabilities upon each departures in accordance with their ISM manuals.

PSCO should check the ISM manual.
Stability Calculation sheets
Are input values correct?
Stability Calculation sheet
LW:6,000MT :If LW was changed (e.g. SOx scrubber retro-fit),
constants:100MT it should be reflected.
:The value of constants should not be changed frequently.
(Constants shall not be used as adjuster.)

Ballast Water Record Book

No.1 BWT(S):100MT No.1 BWT(S):100㎥
No.1 BWT(P):100MT No.1 BWT(P):100㎥
No.2 BWT(S):0MT comparison No.2 BWT(S):0 ㎥
・ ・
・ ・
・ ・
No.5 BWT(P):50MT No.5 BWT(P):50 ㎥

:Free Surface Moments should be calculated. or log book,

sounding log, etc.

Stowage Plan
No.1 C/H:5,000MT No.1 C/H:5,000MT
No.2 C/H:5,000MT No.2 C/H:5,000MT
・ comparison
・ ・
・ ・
No.5 C/H:5,000MT ・
No.5 C/H:5,000MT
or ORB part II, Cargo
Record Book, etc.


Stability Calculation sheets
GZ curve Is the result safe?

Stability IS code part A
max. GZ(1): 2.5m > 0.2m
angle at max. GZ(2):60deg. > 25deg.
(2) heeling angle
initial G0M(3):2m > 0.15m
Area(0~30deg.)(4):0.3m・rad > 0.055m・rad
Area(30~40or φf deg.)(5):0.25m・rad > 0.03m・rad
Area(0~40or φf deg.)(6):0.55m・rad > 0.09m・rad

Max. Shearing Force:15,000kN at Fr.150
< allowable Shearing Force:25,000kN at Fr.150
initial G0M:2m ,
Draft(mean):6m Max. Bending Moment:400,000kN・m at Fr.100
< allowable Bending Moment:500,000kN・m at Fr.100

This condition satisfies

Intact Stability and Damage Stability.
GM limit curve in Stability Information
① Ballast Water ③ Bending Moment
Stability calculation Ballast Water Record Book
Calculation Result
27-02-2019 13-01-2019 (Latest record)
FPT: 0MT 3.3.1 Discharge from 0700-1700
No.1 BWT(S):195MT at Tianjin/CN
No.1 BWT(P):195MT 3.3.2 687.3㎥, remain
No.2 BWT(S):180MT WBT1P=183.4㎥, remain:12.35㎥
No.2 BWT(P):180MT WBT1S=183.4㎥, remain:12.35㎥
・ WBT2P=160.2 ㎥, remain20 ㎥

・ WBT2S=160.2 ㎥, remain20 ㎥
3.3.3 yes
3.3.4 C/O signature
3.6 WBT was not exchanged due to
geography limit

The ballasting record after 13-01-2019

Max. Shearing Force:17,000kN at Fr.60
might not be entered into BWRB.
< allowable Shearing Force:27,000kN at Fr.60

② Ballast Water Max. Bending Moment:500,000kN・m at Fr.120

Stability calculation Ballast Water Record Book > allowable Bending Moment:470,000kN・m at Fr.120
Arrival Wakayama 01-07-2022
on 05-08-2022 3.3.1 01-07-2022 1400 6hrs,
Porthed land, Australia Bending Moment exceeds
FPT: 100MT
No.1 BWT(S):0MT 3.3.2 17,000MT, remain 0㎥ allowable value(106%).
No.1 Sometimes
BWT(P):0MT the 3.3.3 yes
Ballasting for And She has cracks on her
No.2 BWT(S):0MT 3.3.4 C/O signature structures.

is not entered into BWRB
・ ・ (No ballast water intake)
・ ship approaches・ the berth.

No.5 BWT(P):0MT 07-08-2022
APT:00MT Bulk carrier, 17,000GT,
3.1.1 07-08-2022 1400 3hrs,
Sub Total: 100MT
age of ship:18y, steel slab
Wakayama, Japan
3.1.2 17,000 ㎥
3.1.3 C/O signature 22
Ship’s Stability
R5 Intact Stability
Inclining test & IS code
1 Every passenger ship regardless of size and every cargo ship having a length (L) of 24 m and
upwards, shall be inclined upon its completion.
* The lightship displacement and the longitudinal, transverse and vertical position of its centre of
gravity shall be determined.
In addition to any other applicable requirements of the present regulations, ships having a
length of 24 m and upwards constructed on or after 1-July-2010 * shall as a minimum comply
with the requirements of part A of the 2008 IS Code** . * Amended by Res. MSC 421(98)
LW survey for passenger ship
5 At periodical intervals not exceeding five years, a light weight survey shall be carried out on all
passenger ships to verify any changes in lightship displacement and longitudinal centre of gravity.
The ship shall be re-inclined whenever, in comparison with the approved stability
information, the following deviation is found or anticipated:
Displacement exceeding 2%; or
Longitudinal centre of gravity exceeding 1% of L** .`Ls` to `L` amended by MSC 421(98)
Draft mark
6 Every ship shall have scales of draughts marked as clearly at the bow and
stern and if for operational issues such scales are not accessible then the ship
shall also be fitted with a reliable draught indicating system able to determine
the draught at bow and stern.
draught mark at the bow and stern
Ship’s Stability
R5-1 Stability information to be supplied to the Master
Stability Information
1. Master shall be supplied with the information to the satisfaction of the Administration.
[Samples of Permissible GM (KG) table & GM limit curve]
Permissible KG table based on Draughts GM limit curve based on Draughts

Damage stability
Intact stability
(Considering Trim)


Permissible KG for Permissible KG for

damage stability intact stability

Trim: +4m
Trim: -1m


Stability information shall be 24

approved by the Administration
2020 amendment for Existing Passenger Ships
Costa Concordia disaster
〇 Sailed closer to the island and struck a rock on 13-01-2012
〇 Flooded, lost propulsive powers and heeled about 70°
〇 Master - not having been the last to leave
- abandoned about 300 passengers
〇 32 deaths

Costa Concordia
Flag: Italy keel laid: 30-06-2006
Gross tonnage: 114,147 capacity:
Loa: 290.20m 3,780 passengers
2020 amendment propulsion: Diesel-electric and 1,100 crew

for passenger ships after

required subdivision index :R

R6 Boost of “required subdivision index R”
R8-1 Operational information after a flooding casualty R

R19-1 Damage control drills

Retroactive applications for existing passenger ships etc. before

persons on board :N
2020 amendment for Existing Passenger Ships
R8-1 System capabilities after a flooding casualty on passenger ships
1. Application
Passenger ships having length, as defined in R2.5, of 120 m
or having three or more main vertical zones shall comply with
the provisions of this regulation.
2. Availability of essential systems in case of flooding damage
A passenger ship *constructed on or after 1 July 2010 shall be designed so that the
systems specified in ch.II-2/R21.4 (Safe return to port) remain operational when the
ship is subject to flooding of any single watertight compartment.
3. Operational information after a flooding casualty
For the purpose of providing operational information to the Master for safe return to
port after a flooding casualty, passenger ships *constructed on or after 1 January 2014
as specified in paragraph 1 shall have:
*The previous regulations (MSC.325(90))
.1 onboard stability computer; or was amended by Res.MSC436(99) .
.2 shore-based support,
based on guidelines developed by the Organization (see following table).
para 2 para 3
Constructed date Application Application Guideline
13/5/2016~ 〇 〇 MSC.1/Circ.1532/Rev.1
1/1/2014~13/5/2016 〇 〇 MSC.1/Circ.1400
1/7/2010~1/1/2014 〇 〇※ MSC.1/Circ.1589
~1/7/2010 × 〇※ MSC.1/Circ.1589 26
※ Ships shall be complied with the requirements not
later than the first renewal survey after 1 January 2025.
2020 amendment for Existing Passenger Ships
Safety centre

Onboard Stability Computer

At the safety centre in a Cruse ship ( constructed on 2017,

about 170,000GT), her onboard stability computer calculated
a simulation condition on 1 subdivision flooding in E/R.

2020 amendment for Existing Passenger Ships
R19-1 Damage control drills for passenger ships
1 apply: passenger ships constructed before, on or after 1 January 2020
2 A damage control drill shall take place at least every three months. The
entire crew need not participate in every drill, but only those crew members with damage
control responsibilities.
3 The damage control drill scenarios shall vary each drill so that
emergency conditions are simulated for different damage conditions
and shall, as far as practicable, be conducted as if there were an actual
emergency. A scene of Damage Control Drill
4 Each damage control drill shall include:
.1 for crew members with damage control responsibilities, reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the
muster list required by regulation III/8;
.2 use of the damage control information and the on board damage stability computer, if fitted, to conduct stability
assessments for the simulated damage conditions;
.3 establishment of the communications link between the ship and shore-based support, if provided;
.4 operation of watertight doors and other watertight closures;
.5 demonstrating proficiency in the use of the flooding detection system, if fitted, in accordance with muster list duties;
.6 demonstrating proficiency in the use of cross-flooding and equalization systems, if fitted, in accordance with muster list
.7 operation of bilge pumps and checking of bilge alarms and automatic bilge pump starting systems; and
.8 instruction in damage survey and use of the ship's damage control systems.
6 Every crew member with assigned damage control responsibilities shall be familiarized with their duties and about
the damage control information before the voyage begins.
7 A record of each damage control drill shall be maintained in the same manner as prescribed for the other drills in
regulation III/19.5. 28
Watertight / Weathertight doors
A bulk carrier has the bellow indicator panel on the bridge.
Is the Bos’n Store Ent. Door(S-side) weathertight? or watertight?

Not lit

Lamp test

Watertight / Weathertight doors
A bulk carrier has the bellow indicator panel on the bridge.
Is the Bos’n Store Ent. Door(S-side) weathertight? or watertight?

(Bos’n Store Ent. Door) (Damage Cont. Plan)

Don’t open at sea Limit switch

watertight hinged door Normally closed at sea

Watertight doors - external
R2 Definitions
16. Weathertight : means that in any sea
conditions water will not penetrate into the
17. Watertight : means having scantlings and
arrangements capable of preventing the
passage of water in any direction under the
head of water likely to occur in intact and Weathertight door Watertight door Watertight door
damaged conditions. [below water level] [around freeboard deck level]

R15-1 External openings in cargo ships

1. All external openings leading to compartments assumed intact in the damage
analysis, which are below the final damage waterline, are required to be
Side port door indicator
2. External openings required to be watertight
in accordance with paragraph 1 shall, Open Close
except for cargo hatch covers, be fitted with
indicators on the bridge.
Lamp test Dimmer
External opening [Reefer carrier]

3. Openings in the shell plating below the deck limiting the vertical extent of damage shall be fitted with a device
that prevents unauthorized opening if they are accessible during the voyage.
4. Other closing appliances which are kept permanently closed at sea, shall be provided with a notice affixed to
each appliance to the effect that it is to be kept closed. Manholes fitted with closely bolted covers need not be 31
so marked.
Watertight doors - internal
R13-1 Openings in watertight bulkheads and internal decks in cargo ships Power operation Handle Doors Close
used while at sea
2. Doors used while at sea are to be “sliding watertight
doors” capable being remotely operated from the bridge
and also locally on each side of the bulkhead.
〇 Indicators shall be provided at the remote control
positions and at the bridge showing whether the
door is open or closed.
〇 Audible alarm shall be provided at the door closure.
〇 Power control and indicators are to be operable in
Hand power operation Handle Local control
the event of main power failure. Bridge control / indicator
Sliding water tight door
normally closed at sea 1. Keep the door closed during the voyage
2. The use of the door shall be authorized by
3. Access doors and access hatch covers the officer of the watch
normally closed at sea, shall be provided
with means of indication locally and on
bridge whether these are open or closed.
Notice is to be affixed to each to the effect that it Bridge indicator
is “not to be left open”.

permanently closed at sea

5. Other closing appliances which are kept permanently closed at sea
shall be provided with a notice “to be kept closed”. 32
Manholes fitted with closely bolted covers need not be so marked.
Local indicator
Watertight doors - management
R22 Prevention and control of water ingress, etc.
4. Portable plates on bulkheads shall always be in place before the voyage
commences, and shall not be removed during navigation except in case of
urgent necessity at the discretion of the master. The necessary precautions
shall be taken in replacing them to ensure that the joints are watertight.

5. Watertight doors fitted in watertight

bulkheads dividing cargo between
deck spaces … shall be closed before
Paint condition?
the voyage commences. The time at bow thruster room “keep closed at sea” Portable plate between E/R and S.G.R.
which such doors are opened or - not closed during last voyage - kept to be opened at sea always
closed shall be recorded in log-book.

Indicator in bridge

Deck log-book

Watertight door between deck spaces Hinged Water tight door [Vehicle carrier]
Watertight doors

Not water tight



Not stuffed

Indicators are not working

〇 ×

✔ ✔

Local indicator

Lamp test !
Color coding is not compulsory for cargo ships
Damage Control Plan / Booklet
R19 Damage Control Information
1. Permanently exhibited, or readily available on the
Navigational Bridge.
Plans showing clearly for each deck and hold the
boundaries of the watertight compartments, the
openings therein with the means of closure and
position of any controls and the arrangement for the
correction of any list due to flooding.
Booklets containing the aforementioned information
shall be made available to the officers of the ship.

Damage Cont. Plan Damage Cont. Booklet
Water level detector
R25 Water level detectors on single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers
– Single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers
» Ships constructed on or after 1 July 1998 and (L) of less than 80 m, or
» Ships constructed before 1 July 1998 and (L) of less than 100 m.

(L) 100 m Damage stability criteria

80 m

1 Feb ‘92 1 Jul ‘98 (Date of Keel laid)

The water level detectors need not be fitted in ships complying with regulation
XII/12, or in ships having watertight side compartments each side of the cargo hold.
Apply Not apply

Single C/H
Water level detector
New regulation from 1st January 2024 (MSC.482(103))
R25-1 Water level detectors on multiple hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers
and tankers
Multiple hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers and tankers
constructed on or after 1 January 2024 shall be fitted with water
level detectors in each cargo hold intended for dry cargoes.
Water level detectors are not required for cargo holds located
entirely above the freeboard deck.

Part C Machinery installation
Part D Electrical installation
Part E Additional requirements for periodically
unattended machinery spaces

Machinery installation
R26.7 Cleanliness of Engine room
Main propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery including boiler and pressure vessels
shall be kept in clean condition for cleaning, inspection and maintenance.

Drain around the FO strainer

Excessive leaked oil on
generator engine

Tanker lorry to collect dirty oil

Leaking oil around FO pump

Excessive dirty oil COMMON

accumulation on tank top DEFECTIVE AREA 39
Machinery installation


Following general deficiencies would warrant following more detailed inspection.
1. inspection of engine-room logbook
2. investigation into the record of machinery failure and accidents
3. request for running test of Machinery

Leaking oil around FO pump Excessive amount of

Missing operation wire leaking water from pump Malfunctioned gauges

Missing operation handle Leaking water from piping or cooler

Dirty tank top and oily bilge 40
Machinery installation
R26.1 Protection shall be provided on moving parts, hot surface and other hazards. DEFECTIVE AREA

non protection cover for non protection cover for removed heat insulation lagging
rotating part of LO pump rotating part of OWS pump for M/E exhaust piping
Be careful not to get sleeves of
your working clothes caught by
rotating part of machineries
DANGER during inspection

removed heat insulation lagging for T/C on No.1 G/E non protection cover for No.1 G/E
and No.2 G/E’s ・・・
V-belt between cool. water pump and gear box was missing.

PSCO requested No.2 G/E running test.

But it was impossible because No.2 G/E was not operatable.

gear box for FO pump

Cool. water FO pump for

pump No.2 G/E
No.2 G/E was out of commission. The vessel has following generators;
No.1 G/E(120kW): good
No.2 G/E(120kW): broken
No.3 G/E(50kW): good
E/G(50kW): good

Was the above condition detainable?

R40.1.1 Electrical installation shall be such that:

all electrical services necessary for maintaining the ship in normal operational and habitable conditions*
will be ensured without recourse to the emergency source of electrical power.
* refer SOLAS Ch. II-1 Reg. 3.5 and MSC/Circ.1464
R41.1.1 Main source of electrical power of sufficient capacity to supply all those services mentioned in regulation
40.1.1 shall be provided. This main source of electrical power shall consist of at least two generators.
(For ship constructed on or after 1st Sep. 1985)
R41.1.2 The capacity of these generators shall be such that in the event of any one generator being stopped it will
still be possible to supply those services necessary to provide normal operational conditions of propulsion
and safety, and service for habitability.(e.g. cooking, heating, mechanical ventilation, sanitary and fresh
In case of generator being out of commission
If we find generator is out of commission, we should investigate whether power is available to maintain
normal operational conditions of propulsion and safety, and service for habitability as required.

What’s normal operational and habitable conditions ? Please refer SOLAS

Ch. II-1 Reg. 3.5 and MSC/Circ.1176 providing interpretation of primary and 43
secondary essential services and services for habitability in detail.
How do you check the amount of the sufficient capacity ?

No.2 G/E was out of commission.

The vessel has following generators;
“electric power load table”
No.1 G/E(120kW): good
(electrical power consumption plan)
No.2 G/E(120kW): broken
No.3 G/E(50kW): good
E/G(50kW): good

Were No.1 and No.3 G/Es available to

maintain normal operational conditions of
propulsion and safety, and service for
habitability? We should check “electric
power load table”.
According to “electric power load table”
・Navigation condition :98.5kW
・Arrival and Departure condition :108.7kW
・Emergency condition :116.4kW

Two G/Es with each 120kW capacity

were needed for the vessel.

Emergency Generator
If E/G can not start automatically (only manual starting by man hands), is it any problem?
(Tonnage: 3,000GT, Ship’s type: general cargo ship)
Auto. starter is not installed on the E/G.
Only manual cranking starter is installed.

R42.3.1 for passenger ships

Where the emergency source of electrical power is a generator, it shall be:
.1 started automatically upon failure of the electrical supply from the
main source of electrical power and shall be automatically connected
to the emergency switchboard

R43.3.1 for cargo ships

Where the emergency source of electrical power is a generator, it shall be:
.2 started automatically upon failure of the electrical supply unless a
transitional source of emergency electrical power in accordance with
paragraph 3.1.3 is provided; where the emergency generator is
automatically started, it shall be automatically connected to the
emergency switchboard; those services referred to in paragraph 4 shall
then be connected automatically to the emergency generator; and unless
a second independent means of starting the emergency generator is
provided, the single source of stored energy shall be protected to
preclude its complete depletion by the automatic starting system; and
.3 provided with a transitional source of emergency electrical power as specified in paragraph 4 unless an
emergency generator is provided capable both of supplying the services mentioned in that paragraph and of being
automatically started and supplying the required load as quickly as is safe and practicable subject to a maximum
of 45 s.
Emergency Generator
for cargo ship
Option 1

Total time period for starting and
supplying power automatically ≦ 45 seconds

Option 2

OR +
emergency battery
Total time period for starting and
supplying power automatically > 45 seconds

Option 3


Isn’t the auto. starter needed if Transitional emergency battery is installed? 【Option 2】
Let’s check again SOLAS. 46
Emergency source of electrical power

R3.12 Emergency source of electrical power is a source of electrical power, intended to supply
the emergency switchboard in the event of a failure of the supply from the main source
of electrical power.
R43.3 The emergency source of electrical power may be either a generator or an accumulator

R43.2 The emergency source of electrical power shall be capable, ~, of supplying

simultaneously at least the following services for the periods specified hereinafter, ~:

[Extracts] Passenger ship Cargo ship

Emergency lighting for muster and embarkation station 36h 3h

Emergency lighting in alleyways, E/R, stowage position for fire men’s outfit, etc.. 36h 18h
Navigation lights 36h 18h
GMDSS radio installation 36h 18h
Internal communication equipment 36h 18h
Navigational equipment 36h 18h
Fire detection alarm 36h 18h
one of Fire pumps (If emergency generator equipped (cargo ship)) 36h 18h

Steering gear (if it is required by R29.14) 30m / 10m 30m / 10m

Watertight door 30m NA

Next page
Steering Gear

R29.14 Where the rudder stock is required to be over 230 mm diameter in way of the tiller, excluding
strengthening for navigation in ice, an alternative power supply, sufficient at least to supply the steering
gear power unit which complies with the requirements of paragraph 4.2 and also its associated control
system and the rudder angle indicator, shall be provided automatically, within 45 s, either from the
emergency source of electrical power or from an independent source of power located in the steering
gear compartment. This independent source of power shall be used only for this purpose. In every ship
of 10,000 gross tonnage and upwards, the alternative power supply shall have a capacity for at least 30
min of continuous operation and in any other ship for at least 10 min.

If rudder stock diameter ≧ 230mm, steering gear shall be supplied automatically within 45s.

○ alternative power;
emergency source of electrical power or
an independent source of power located in the steering gear compartment
○ capable of putting the rudder over from 15°on one side to 15°on the other side in
not more than 60 s

○ Period of supplying ;
≧ 10000GT : 30min
< 10000GT : 10min
Steering Gear
diameter of rudder stock in way of the tiller

≦120㎜ >230㎜

Aux. Steering Aux. Steering Aux. Steering

aux. steering gear Gear aux. steering gear Gear aux. steering gear Gear
- have - don’t have - have - don’t have - have - don’t have
(R29.6) (R29.6) (R29.6)

the main steering the main steering

the main steering
main aux. main aux. gear comprises main aux. gear comprises
gear comprises two
steering steering steering steering two or more steering steering two or more
or more identical
gear gear power units gear gear identical power gear gear identical power
units units
not operated by operated by operated by
power power power
not not passen not passen passen
cargo operated cargo operated operated cargo
operated operated ger operated ger ger
by power by power by power
by power by power by power
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
by by by by by
by both
single single both single both

alternative power is not required

alternative power is not required aux. steering gear steering gears alternative power is required
–operational in Black –not operational
Out in Black Out 49
Steering Gear
rudder stock diameter < 230mm

○ main steering gear is only one power unit.

○ aux. steering gear is not operated by
(machinery) power.
○ alternative power(emergency source of
power) does not supply to steering gear
automatically within 45s.

ESB - not supply to

steering gear
○ E/G auto. starter is not needed.
(transitional source of emergency power is needed.)

(If rudder stock diameter ≧ 230mm,

E/G shall be started automatically
within 45s)
(If an independent source of power located in the
steering gear compartment is installed, E/G auto.
starter is not needed.)

only one power unit aux. steering gear powered by engine
by man power 50
Steering Gear

diameter of rudder stock in way of the tiller

≦120㎜ >230㎜

Aux. Steering Aux. Steering Aux. Steering

aux. steering gear Gear aux. steering gear Gear aux. steering gear Gear
- have - don’t have - have - don’t have - have - don’t have
(R29.6) (R29.6) (R29.6)

the main steering the main steering

the main steering
main aux. main aux. gear comprises main aux. gear comprises
gear comprises two
steering steering steering steering two or more steering steering two or more
or more identical
gear gear power units gear gear identical power gear gear identical power
units units
not operated by operated by operated by
power power power
not not passen not passen passen
cargo operated cargo operated operated cargo
operated operated ger operated ger ger
by power by power by power
by power by power by power
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
by by by by by
by both
single single both single both

alternative power is not required

alternative power is not required aux. steering gear steering gears alternative power is required
–operational in Black –not operational
Out in Black Out 51
Steering Gear
R29.10 Communication device shall be provided between navigation bridge and steering gear room.

R29.11 Rudder angle indicator shall be indicated on the navigation bridge, it shall be independent of the steering gear control system. And
rudder angle shall be recognizable in steering gear room.
R29.12.2 low level alarm of hydraulic oil tank shall be audible and visual alarm on the navigation bridge and engine room.

R29.12.3 Fixed storage tank having sufficient capacity to recharge at least one power actuating system, and fixed recharging piping for it.

R29.13.2 Handrails and gratings or other nonslip floor to ensure working conditions in the event of hydraulic fluid leakage.



Communication between navigation

bridge and steering gear room Needle of indicator for
rudder angle cut off
Broken wooden Gratings for non-slip
Low level sensor Sufficient capacity? measure and missing several plates

Enough level? 52
Hydraulic oil tank Reserve tank
Starting arrangements for emergency generator
R44.2 Emergency generator arranged to be automatically started shall be equipped with starting devices
with a stored energy capability of at least three consecutive starts. A second source of energy shall
be provided for an additional three starts within 30 minutes unless manual starting can be
demonstrated to be effective.
R44.3 The stored energy shall be maintained at all time, as follows:
.1 electrical and hydraulic starting systems shall be maintained form the emergency switchboard
.2 compressed air starting systems may be maintained by the main or auxiliary compressed air
receivers through a suitable non-return valve or by an emergency air compressor

Stored energy for starting device Manual starting devices

Example Example

No.1 No.2

Manual operated-
hydraulic accumulator
2 sets of starting batteries

Air tank for compressed

air for starting device Manual operated spring-
starting device
Burst of battery for E/G starter
Some batteries for E/G starters were bursted
when crew pushed “E/G start” button for E/G running test.
○ explosion sound
○ no flame
○ bursted battery box
○ flying battery fluid
One Japanese PSCO was hit by flying battery fluid.

Be careful not to stand by

batteries when you carry out
E/G starting test during PSC.

Box top cover
Stowage of batteries
R45.9.1 Batteries shall be stored in suitable space and efficiently ventilated.
9.3 Batteries shall not be in sleeping quarters except sealed type.
10 Explosion proof electric equipment shall be provided in any space where flammable mixtures
are liable to collect such as battery rooms, paint lockers and acetylene store.

Emergency generator room Battery Room Paint Locker

Explosion proof type

Vent pipes
leading to
open air

Battery emits flammable

gas and might explode.

Batteries stowed in 55
box with vent pipes
Measured specific gravity of Batteries
The PSCO may verify whether the responsible ship’s personnel are familiar with maintenance
procedures for batteries

Specific gravity of Charging

battery liquid at 20℃ condition
1.280 100%
1.240 75%
1.200 50%
Red area
SG is 1.16
1.160 25%
1.120 0%

Don’t check by yourself. Acid liquid may get you

injured! You should ask assigned crew to check it.
Verify the condition of Emergency batteries
R43. In case where Emergency electric power source is only accumulator battery.

3.2.1 Battery shall be kept within 12% above or below its nominal voltage during discharge , without recharging.

Enlarged DC24V × 0.12=2.88

24-2.88= 21.12

Do not be below DC 21.12 V

R43.3.2.1 Battery shall be kept within 12% above or

below its normal voltage during discharge, without

Battery charging and discharging panel

Emergency Generator
Record of emergency generator load test R43.7 Periodic testing of complete emergency system including automatic
starting system shall be conducted .

No requirement in Convention
for a specific period of testing.
F.O. level can
be checked

Needle of pressure Cooling water totally being empty

gauge for L.O. cut off

Self closing valve Minimum level

for 18h running of E/G may be marked
No requirement in SOLAS for marking to indicate
CAUTION minimum fuel oil level for 18hours operation
On-load test for emergency generator under “AUTO” mode

Emergency generator
sequence test

Procedure of Test for emergency generator

1. Turn the switch lever in “TEST” position.
2. Then engine is started automatically.
3. And the emergency generator supply the power.
4. At this time emergency load is black out once.
5. After finishing the test, turn this switch back in “NORMAL” position.

Electrical insulation & Earth monitor on Em’cy Switchboard
R45.4.2 When a distribution system, whether primary or secondary, for power, heating or lighting, with no
connection to earth is used, a device capable of continuously monitoring the insulation level to earth
and of giving an audible or visual indication of abnormally low insulation values shall be provided.
Low insulation
⓪ Turn on all emergency lights. ② In case it indicates low, ③ Detect which emergency ④ After maintain the
① Check electrical insulation discriminate which line is light is earthing. Maintain the emergency light, Check
monitor on E.S.B.. earthing. In this case line for earthing emergency light. again the electrical
emergency lights is earthing. insulation monitor on
E.S.B. in E/G room E.S.B..
You must not switched
off brakers by yourself.

∞ 0

Emergency Light on upper deck

(EX-proof type) - earthing

0.008 MΩ ∞ MΩ ∞ MΩ



Maintenance 60
Precautions against shock and other hazards of electric origin
R45 Precaution against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin

2 Main and emergency switchboard shall be arranged as easy access without danger, and the side,
rear and front of switchboard shall be suitable guards.
Where necessary, non-conducting mat or grating shall be provided at front and rear of the

In front of main switchboard Rear of main switchboard

Precautions against shock and other hazards of electric origin

Is there a case that non-conducting mat or grating is not required?

Example of a non-conducting floor.
The floor of E.C.R. consists of Vinyl-tile, glass wool,
Ply-wood and air space.
Ventilator system in machinery spaces
R35 Ventilation system in Machinery spaces
Machinery spaces of category A shall be provided adequate ventilation system for
machinery and boiler at full power operation and personnel.
Missing gasket

No damper in mushroom
Mushroom type E/R Vent. damper

No damper handle on duct


Remote cont. damper in E/R Air Tk for the damper

Not close
refer to ch.II-2 R5.2.1 closing appliances and stopping devices of ventilation COMMON
Unattended Machinery Space
Document evidence for UMS

Periodically unattended machinery space : Yes

Minimum Safe Manning Document

Bilge alarm in E/R

Class notation for UMS

Classification Cert.

Alarm system Fire alarm in E/R Oil mist detector

Class notation for UMS

Lloyd’s UMS





Suspension of UMS ship

Endorsement (Reverse side)

M0 was suspended at owner’s request on 10

October 2008.
Endorsed at Tokyo on 21 January 2010.

Character(S): CHG, MPP, LSA, RCF, M0, AFS

Descriptive Note(s): The ship has complied with the

requirements of Chapter -1,Part E of SOLAS, “Periodically
unattended machinery spaces(UMS)”.

Oil mist detector
R47. Means shall be provided to detect and give alarms at an early stage in case of fires.
.2 Oil mist detector or Temperature monitor for engine bearing shall be fitted to engines
of 2,250kW or cylinder bore of 300mm and above.

Purpose of the Oil Mist Detector

High temperatures, in excess of 200℃ that occur on bearing surfaces under initial failure
conditions, can lead to a rapid generation of oil vapor.

Oil Mist Detection (OMD) has been used to monitor diesel engine crankcases for potential
explosive conditions and early detection of bearing failures.

The systems available rely mainly on analyzing the optical density of oil mist samples drawn
from the crankcase compartments, through pipes to the detector

Applied for ships

constructed on or after
1st September 1984

Oil Mist Detector DAIHATSU: MD-SX
Test key button for the
Sensor unit
alarm and function test


Crankcase of main engine

System overview
1. If oil mist density increased, the
sensor detects the higher density. Crank
2. Alarm is given, and if the density is case
over the setting, the engine will slow Controller panel
down or stop automatically. in engine control
Sensor unit
Operation check for OMD
Density indicator Alarm Sensor unit

controller Smoke tester

Sensor unit
Test Method and Operation Check (For IACS M10.13)
How to check operation
1. At starting or stopping of engine
2. Check of the mist density indicators are increased.
How to check the sensor
1. Remove the sensor.
2. Turn on the power switch of controller.
3. Spray directly to the sensor by using a smoke tester (spray type)
4. Check that the sensor correctly detects the smoke. Oil Mist Detector panel indicating
fault alarm

Part G Ships using low-flashpoint fuels
R2 Definitions
30. low-flashpoint fuel : means gaseous or liquid fuel having a
flashpoint lower than otherwise permitted
under regulation II-2/

LNG applied as low-flashpoint fuel in actual use.

LNG is better than FO in the aspect of SOx, NOx and CO2 emission.


“魁”, the tugboat powered by LNG

This ship is the first LNG ship which
built in Japan.
“Sakigake” means in Japanese;
① pioneer; leader; taking the initiative;
forerunner; harbinger; herald
② leading an attack; charging ahead of 70
others (towards the enemy)
Ships using low-flashpoint fuels
R.56 Application
〇 Part G shall apply to ships using low-flashpoint fuels:
1. Building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2017
2. (absence of a building contract) Keel is laid on or after 1 July 2017
3. Delivery is on or after 1 January 2021

LNG bunker ship

PCC Cape-size bulk carrier RORO passenger ship

powered by LNG powered by LNG powered by LNG

〇 Part G shall not apply to gas carriers, as defined in

regulation VII/11.2, using their cargoes as fuel and
complying with the requirements of the IGC Code, as
defined in regulation VII/11.1
LNG carriers
IGF code is not applicable.
IGC code shall be applied. 71
Ships using low-flashpoint fuels
R.57 Requirements for ships using low-flashpoint fuels
〇 Ships using low-flashpoint fuels shall comply with the requirements of
the IGF Code.
Ships using low-flashpoint fuels
A ship designed to use low-flashpoint fuels

Fuel gas tank with

Sprinkler system

Keel laid is 08.12.2015

IGF code is still not applicable
Dual fuel engine 73
Documents required to be onboard by ch. II-1
Reg. document application
R3-2 Coating Tech. File building contract: on or after 2008.7.1 etc.

R3-4 Emergency Towing Procedure all ships

R3-6 Ship Structure Access Manual oil tankers of 500GT and over,
IX bulk carrier of 20000GT and over
R3-7 Construction Drawing ship constructed on or after 2007.1.1

R3-10 Ship Construction File oil tankers and IX bulk carriers of 150m in
length and above
building contract: on or after 2016.7.1 etc.
R3-12 Noise Survey Report ships of 1600GT and above
building contract: on or after 2014.7.1 etc.
R5-1 Stability information Every passenger ship and cargo ship having
a length of 24m and upwards
R18 Passenger Ship Safety Certificate passenger ships

R19 Damage Control Plan and booklet all ships

R28 Manoeuvring information all ships

R46 Document evidence for UMS UMS ships 74

Thank you for your attention!!


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