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IELTS Course
Speaking Materials


Ageing population The elderly, Retirees/ Retired people, The aged,
Older people, Pensioners, People living longer
Developed Countries Western Countries, First world countries, Advanced
Social problems Problems that affect people such as health, Education
Economic problems A problem with the ability of a country to pay for the
services that it provides
Society Country, Nation, State
Internet The net, The web, Online, Cyber-space
Government The state, The administration
Potential Possible, Likely
Bright Shining, shiny, gleaming, colorful
Calm Quiet, peaceful, Tranquil, Mild, smooth, Composed.
Come Approach, Arrive, Reach
Cool Cold, Icy, Frigid, Chilly, Frosty
Cut Crop, Slit, Chop, Slice, Reduce
Dangerous Hazardous, Risky, Unsafe, Harmful
Dark Shadowy, Gloomy, Dim, Dusky, Black, Dismal
Decide Determine, Settle, Choose
Definite Certain, Sure, Distinct, Obvious
Delicious Scrumptious, Delightful, Appetizing, Tasty
Destroy Ruin, Demolish, Extinguish
Dull Boring, Monotonic, Tedious, Tiresome
Fall Drop, Topple, Plunge
Fast Quickly, Rapidly, Swiftly, Hasty
Happy Pleased, Satisfied, Delighted, Joyful, Cheerful
Hide Conceal, Cover, Mask, Veil
Hurt Damage, Harm, Injure, Wound
Idea Thought, Concept, Plan
Important Essential, Vital, Necessary, Significant, Inevitable,
Lazy Indolent, Sluggish
Make Fabricate, Manufacture, Build, Create, Originate,
Form, Invent
Part Portion, Slice, Piece, Section, Fraction
Bulk Mass
Incompatible Inappropriate, Mismatched
Device Equipment

Devote Dedicate
Diminish Minimize
Ethical Moral


Format Arrangement
Insights Wisdom, Perception
Mature Adult
Medium Average, Intermediate
Minimal Smallest, Lowest
Norm Standard
Mutual Common, Shared
Passive Inactive
Preliminary Introductory, Beginning
Rigid Strict, Inflexible
Rout Road, Path, Itinerary
Research Study
Response Feedback, Reaction
Achieve Acquire, Attain, Accomplish
Appropriate Relevant
Assist Facilitate, Aid
Categories List
Conclusion Summary
Implement Perform, Execute
Consequence Outcome, Result
Element Substance
Feature Characteristic
Final Ultimate, End
Impact on people’s health Negative effects on well-being
Not ignored by the media Frequent media coverage
For their continuing existence To survive
Analysis Examine
Approach Way
Area Field
Assess Evaluate
Authority Regime, Government
Surrounding Environment
Estimate Forecast, Predict, Anticipate
Earning Revenue, Income
Individual Each
Interpretation Explain
Involve Associate
Commodity Trade good
Contradiction Oppose, Negate
Denote Specify
Discover Detect, Find
Deviation Difference, Diversion
Replacement Shift, Displacement


Framework Infrastructure
Inspection Survey, Audit, Check
Arbitrary Random
Revise Review, Recheck
Restore Repair, Renew
Agenda Schedule, Timetable
In use In operation
In several different countries Thought western Europe/ Asia
People who could read & write Literate people
Understanding remains limited Still huge gaps in our knowledge
Hardships Problems
Descendants Present inhabitants
Life is a harsh Life is a struggle
A handful of A few
Respect for --- grows Much more credibility
Rudimentary Underdeveloped
Vision is exceptional Extremely keen vision
Ancient water supplies Roman Empire--- pipes and sewers
Destroyed River ecosystems Environmental effects
Surprising downward trend of Unexpectedly demand has fallen
The need to raise standards Must be built to higher specifications
Due primarily to Mainly because of
Domestic water consumption Water in home
Taking notes on Written comments on
Body language Non-verbal behavior
Comment objectively Make unbiased statements
Focus on Deals only with
Supplemented by data Additional information
Native speakers of the language Those who speak the language
Harm Damage, Hurt
Possible damage Potential harm
People Global citizens, men and women individuals
Largely Substantially, Considerably, Vastly, Greatly
Early Death Premature Death
It causes It results in , It leads to, It is the prime contributor
Crime Offence, Robbery, Burglary
Criminals Offenders, Robbers, Burglars
Amazing Incredible, Fantastic, Unbelievable, Wonderful
Angry Mad at, Excited, Inflamed
Answer Reply, Respond
Ask Question, Demand, Inquire, Query, Interrogate
Bad Evil, Sinful, Faulty, Inferior, Imperfect, Harmful,


Defective, Heinous, Dismal, Foul, Wrong, Nasty.

Beautiful Pretty, Gorgeous, Sparkling, Lovely, Magnificent
Begin Start, open, initiate, Commence, Originate
Brave Courageous, Fearless, Bold, Valorous, Heroic
A shared objective They understood his ambition and believed in it
Conscious of their own Limitation Aware that they were not the most intelligent
Strengthen commitment Deepens engagement
Contributions are valued Every recommendation is important
Share their ideas Interchange of ideas.
Books can be taken away Borrow a book
Orientation Induction
About 1900 The early years of the twentieth country
Records date from Vegan keeping records
Intensive burst of energy Explosive release of energy
Growing international importance Increasing global participant
Recognized at a younger age Identified early
Recognized at a younger age Identified early
Apparent Visual, Evident
Debate Argument
Local Domestic
Tourists Travelers, Holidaymakers
Impact Influence
Journal Magazine, Paper
Global team effort International working party
A hypothesis Researchers have suggested
Worldwide regulation International standards
More at risk Extremely vulnerable
Auditory problems Hearing impairment
Current teaching method Modern teaching practices
A cooperative project An initiative carried out by several groups
Traditionally Historically
Unpredictable Erratically
Extended Longer
Citizens and government groups Government official and residents
It goes without saying that Of course
It is quite clear that Obviously
It is often argued that People say
It is sometimes suggested People say
It is particularly significant that Importantly
It is likely that Probably
Becoming aware of Begin to realize
Without realizing Not consciously considered
Recognize Distinguish


They lack Doesn’t exist

Not unpleasant Acceptable
Accessible to modification Easier to change
Convenient Handy
Increase in demand A tremendous need developed
Shortage of fuel Not enough coal
Deficiency in minerals Inadequate diet
Terminate Cease
Means Vehicle
Through Via
Widespread Broad, Popular
Contemporary Current, Modern
Assurance Certainty, Sureness, Confirmed
Conference Discussion
Cycle Round
Phase Stage
Aggregate Sum, Total
Adjustment Adaption
Transform After, Change, Shift, Modify
Wane Decline
Enforcement Compulsory, Imperative
Enlargement Expansion
Fundamental Basic, Key
Generate Create
Marginal Slight
Supervise Monitor
Corresponding Consistent
Highlight Emphasis, Stress
Eject Exclude, Omit
Stock Fund
Hierarchical Sequence, Serial, Consecutive
It is generally believed The conventional picture is
Large number of people Thousands of slaves
Large pieces of Massive blocks of
Use the energy of the wind Harnessing the wind
By the beginning of the 16th By 1500

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