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Marshall James G.

Ramirez October 30, 2021

First Year, Section A

Guided Question:
1. What specific characteristics of Rizal would you want to emulate?

- Dr. Jose Rizal being an optimistic person that has positive outlook about
everything despite of hardships and even it sacrifices his own life. He gives all
his strength and knowledge to enlighten the Filipinos to fight for their right
and freedom. He is hopeful that his plans will be successful. His confidence
gave courage to the Filipino people that they will learn to fight for their life
and their country which give us the life now. Furthermore, his works and
intelligence set our country to be free and have rights in doing and improving
our country, but remind us to stop fighting against our own countrymen
because fighting never give us a peaceful life.

2. Do you think Filipinos still need a hero like Dr. Jose Rizal nowadays?

- Yes, because our country still needs a hero. We need a role model and an
inspiration to look up to. Heroes are like the pride and pillar of a country, and
they display the characteristics of a nation. Having a hero like him would
serve as an example to the generations to come because even Filipinos now a
days are aware of their rights and duties, but we still need someone that is
truthful and really fight for a good purpose not for themselves. We need a hero
like Dr. Jose Rizal that sacrifices his own life for the good of all.

3. How does the story of the life of Rizal in the movie 🎦 inspire you as a student?

- The life of Rizal in the movie inspired me as student by showing me how

Rizal was so intelligent. I realized that being an intelligent person is good, but
if you use it for your countrymen it is the best. He chose to fight for his
country through knowledge and the power of letters. He noticed the continued
suffering of his countrymen at the hands of the Spaniards and sought to put an
end to this situation. I really appreciate his ways to make Filipinos awaken
from being a coward through his writings, the novels: Noli Me Tangere and El

4. What is the significant message of the movie?

- The significant message of the movie is that it showed us how hard it was for
them to gain the freedom that we are enjoying right now. That behind every
free man at the moment is equivalent to a man that was maltreated by the
Spaniards before. It was a very heroic thing to do, sacrificing your own life
and not having the assurance if all your sacrifices will be worth it in the end.
At the end the novels of Dr. Jose Rizal became an inspiration over the
“KATIPUNAN” or the “Sons of the People.” Andres Bonifacio condemns the
friars and he said that the Spain is deaf and blind, they only make people
become imbeciles and criminals. The only way for independence and freedom
is through revolution. The Katipunans tear their ‘cedulas’ that symbolizes to
end all of their ties with Spain and unity with revolution. Based on the ending
of the film of the movie is every Filipinos must learn how to love his country
and we must give importance of our freedom that may lead us to have a
peaceful and abundant life.

5. How will the writing of Rizal become significant in the present time?

- To recognize the importance of Rizal's ideals and teachings in relation to

present conditions and situations in the society. To encourage the application
of such ideals in current social and personal problems and issues and develop
an appreciation and deeper understanding of all that Rizal fought and died for.
At present, the writings of Rizal become significant by using it as inspiration
to overcome difficulties, fight to have justice, learn to find a better life and
never tolerate the wrong doings of other people especially when it ruins the
life of our countrymen.

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