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A project submitted to the CHRIST (Deemed to be University) in partial fulfilment of the

requirements of



(Register Number: 21215035)


CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR

School of Sciences
CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
April 2024
WAHStory 2


IMON BANERJEE (21215035)

Under the Guidance of


Project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of

VI Semester BCA
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Delhi, NCR.

April - 2024

School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR

WAHStory 3


This is to certify that the report titled ‘WAHStory’ is a bona fide

record of work done by Imon Banerjee (21215035) of CHRIST
(Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR in partial fulfilment of the
requirements of VI Semester BCA during the year 2023.

Supervisor Head of the Department

Name : IMON

Register Number(s) : 21215035

Examination Centre: CHRIST (Deemed

to be

Date :

School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR

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List of Tables
List of Figures
Abbreviations (optional)

1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the project
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Purpose, Scope and Applicability
1.4 Overview of the report

2. System Analysis and Requirements

2.1 Existing system
2.2 Limitations of the existing system
2.3 Proposed System
2.4 Benefits of the proposed system
2.5 Features of the proposed system
2.6 Software specifications

3. System Design
3.1 Embedded Program Design
3.2 Database Design
4. Implementation
4.1 Coding Standards
4,2 Coding Details
5. Testing
6. Code

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1. Introduction
The objective of this project is to develop an innovative platform for sharing
inspiring stories and connecting individuals worldwide. The platform aims to
provide a user-friendly interface and robust functionality to empower users to
share their stories, find inspiration, and foster meaningful connections. The
following are the specific objectives of this project:

❖ Develop a comprehensive website framework: The first objective is to create a

website framework that incorporates intuitive design and user-friendly features.
This framework will serve as the foundation for the Wahstory platform, enabling
seamless navigation and interaction.

❖ Develop a user authentication and profile management system: To ensure

security and personalized user experiences, a user authentication and profile
management system needs to be developed. This system will allow users to create
accounts, manage their profiles, and securely access the platform's features.

❖ Develop a robust story submission and curation process: To facilitate the

sharing of inspiring stories, a robust submission and curation process needs to be
developed. This process will involve creating user-friendly forms for story
submission, implementing a review and approval system, and curating high-
quality content for publication.

❖ Develop a dynamic search and discovery mechanism: The captured stories

need to be organized and easily discoverable by users. This objective involves
developing a dynamic search and discovery mechanism that allows users to find
stories based on keywords, categories, and other relevant criteria.

❖ Develop a responsive and engaging storytelling interface: The final objective

is to develop a responsive and engaging storytelling interface that enhances the
user experience. This interface will utilize multimedia elements such as images,

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videos, and interactive features to captivate users and convey the essence of each
story effectively.

Overall, the objective of this project is to develop a dynamic and inclusive

platform for sharing inspiring stories and fostering meaningful connections. The
proposed platform aims to empower individuals to share their experiences, find
inspiration, and contribute to a global community of positivity and support.

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1.1 Background of the project

The background of the Wahstory project stems from a desire to create a dynamic
platform for sharing inspirational stories and fostering community engagement. It
seeks to address the need for a space where individuals can showcase their
journeys, achievements, and challenges, thereby inspiring others. By harnessing
the power of storytelling, Wahstory aims to connect people from diverse
backgrounds and provide a platform for meaningful interactions. The project
endeavors to cultivate a supportive environment where users can share their
experiences and contribute to a collective sense of empowerment and growth.

1.2 Objectives
1.Platform Development: The primary objective of the Wahstory project is to

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develop an innovative online platform that enables individuals to share their life
stories in an engaging and accessible manner. This involves creating a user-
friendly interface and incorporating interactive storytelling tools to enhance the
visual appeal and engagement of users' stories.

2.Community Building: Another key objective is to foster a vibrant and supportive

community of storytellers and readers. The platform aims to connect individuals from
diverse backgrounds, providing them with a space to share insights, offer support, and
build meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.

3.Cost-Effectiveness: Wahstory seeks to provide a cost-effective solution for

individuals to share their stories. By eliminating barriers to entry and ensuring
accessibility for users from various socio-economic backgrounds, the platform aims
to democratize storytelling and empower individuals to amplify their voices.

4.Global Reach: The project aims to reach a global audience, enabling individuals to
share their stories and inspire others across geographical boundaries. Through
targeted marketing efforts and strategic partnerships, Wahstory seeks to expand its
reach and impact on a global scale.

Overall, the objectives of the Wahstory project revolve around creating a dynamic
platform for storytelling, fostering community engagement, ensuring affordability and
accessibility, and reaching a diverse audience worldwide.

1.3 Purpose, Scope and Applicability

Purpose of the Wahstory Project:

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The Wahstory project embarks on a transformative journey aimed at reshaping the

landscape of storytelling, with a multifaceted purpose at its helm.

1. Empowering Personal Narratives: Wahstory serves as a digital sanctuary where

individuals can articulate their life stories with authenticity and vulnerability,
empowering them to reclaim their narratives and find solace in shared experiences.

2. Inspiration and Resilience: Through the platform's diverse array of stories, Wahstory
endeavors to inspire and uplift its readers, nurturing resilience, hope, and a sense of
belonging amidst life's challenges and adversities.

3. Cultural Exchange and Understanding: By fostering an inclusive environment that

celebrates diversity, Wahstory facilitates cultural exchange and mutual understanding,
bridging gaps and fostering empathy across geographical and cultural divides.

4. Personal Growth and Reflection: Wahstory provides a reflective space for individuals
to introspect, learn, and grow from their own journeys, while also gleaning insights and
wisdom from the stories of others, thus catalyzing personal growth and transformation.

Scope of the Wahstory Project:

The scope of the Wahstory project is expansive, encompassing a myriad of dimensions

that converge to create a vibrant and dynamic storytelling ecosystem.

1. Technical Development: Wahstory endeavors to develop a state-of-the-art online

platform equipped with intuitive features and immersive storytelling capabilities,
including multimedia-rich storytelling formats and interactive engagement tools.

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2. Community Engagement: Central to Wahstory's vision is the establishment of a

thriving community of storytellers and readers, facilitated through discussion forums,
networking events, collaborative projects, and mentorship programs.

3. Global Outreach: Wahstory aims to transcend geographical boundaries and reach

individuals worldwide, leveraging targeted marketing strategies, localized content, and
multilingual support to ensure broad accessibility and inclusivity.

4. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: Wahstory celebrates the richness of cultural and
linguistic diversity, curating stories from diverse backgrounds and amplifying
marginalized voices, thus fostering cross-cultural dialogue and understanding.

Availability of the Wahstory Project:

Wahstory is committed to ensuring widespread availability and seamless accessibility to

its platform and resources, employing innovative strategies and scalable technologies to
reach diverse audiences.

1. Multi-Platform Accessibility: The Wahstory platform will be accessible across a

multitude of devices and channels, including web browsers, mobile applications, and
social media platforms, catering to users' preferences and technological capabilities.

2. Cloud-Based Infrastructure: Leveraging cloud-based infrastructure and scalable

technologies, Wahstory ensures uninterrupted access and optimal performance,
accommodating growing user demands and fluctuations in traffic with ease.

3. Optimized User Experience: Wahstory prioritizes user experience optimization,

tailoring its platform to accommodate various devices, screen sizes, and internet
connectivity levels, thus ensuring a consistent and engaging experience for all users.

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4. Localized Content and Support: Recognizing the importance of cultural sensitivity and
linguistic diversity, Wahstory offers localized content and multilingual support, enabling
users to engage with the platform in their preferred language and cultural context.

Overview of the report

This report provides an overview of a project to develop a cost-effective and reliable 3D

mapping system using ultrasonic sensors that can accurately and efficiently create a
visual representation of a physical environment. The system is intended to provide a
practical solution for 3D mapping in various applications, such as robotics, autonomous
navigation, and virtual reality.

The report begins by providing background information on the need for a cost-
effective and reliable 3D mapping system and the limitations of existing systems. The
report then outlines the objectives of the project, which include developing a
prototype system, optimizing the system for different environments and applications,
evaluating the feasibility of the system for real-world applications, and iterating the
system based on user feedback.

The report then describes the methodology used to develop the system. The project
team selected and configured ultrasonic sensors and developed software to process
the sensor data and create a visualization of the environment. The prototype system
was tested in a controlled environment to evaluate its accuracy and reliability. The
project team then optimized the system for different environments and applications,
conducting experiments to determine the optimal configuration of sensors and

The report provides a detailed description of the system developed, including the
hardware and software components. The report also includes a description of the

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testing and evaluation process, including the metrics used to evaluate the system's
performance and accuracy.

The report concludes with an evaluation of the system's feasibility for real-world
applications and a discussion of the potential benefits of the system. The report
identifies several industries in which the system could be applied, including
manufacturing, construction, and entertainment. The report also discusses the benefits
of the system compared to existing 3D mapping systems, including its cost-
effectiveness and versatility.

The report highlights the importance of user feedback in the iterative design process,
which was used to refine the system based on user needs and preferences. The report
concludes by discussing potential areas for further research and development, such as
the integration of the system with other technologies, such as AI and machine

Overall, this report provides a comprehensive overview of the project to develop a

cost-effective and reliable 3D mapping system using ultrasonic sensors. The report
provides detailed information on the methodology used, the system developed, and
the evaluation process. The report highlights the potential benefits of the system and
its applicability to various industries. The report provides valuable insights for
researchers and practitioners interested in 3D mapping systems and related

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2. System Analysis and Requirements

2.1 Existing system

Existing Systems for Wahstory:

Before delving into the innovative realm of Wahstory, it's crucial to understand
the landscape of existing systems that have laid the groundwork for this
transformative storytelling platform. While Wahstory seeks to revolutionize the
way narratives are shared and experienced, it builds upon the foundations
established by various existing systems in the digital storytelling domain.

1. Traditional Publishing Industry: The traditional publishing industry has long

served as the primary conduit for sharing stories with the world. Through books,
magazines, and newspapers, authors have found a platform to showcase their
narratives to a wide audience. While traditional publishing remains influential, its
reach and accessibility are often limited by factors such as gatekeeping,
distribution channels, and production costs.

2. Social Media Platforms: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter have democratized storytelling by providing individuals with the tools to
share their narratives in real-time with a global audience. These platforms offer
instant connectivity and engagement, enabling users to weave their stories into the
fabric of online communities. However, the transient nature of social media
content and algorithmic constraints can hinder the longevity and depth of
storytelling experiences.

3. Personal Blogging and Websites: Personal blogging platforms and websites

have empowered individuals to carve out their digital niches and share their
stories in a more curated and personalized manner. Platforms like WordPress,

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Medium, and Blogger offer intuitive tools for content creation and dissemination,
allowing storytellers to maintain autonomy and creative control over their
narratives. However, the fragmented nature of the blogging landscape and the
challenge of audience outreach pose obstacles to widespread visibility and impact.

4. Online Storytelling Platforms: Dedicated online storytelling platforms such as

Wattpad, Storybird, and Commaful have emerged as hubs for writers and readers
to converge, collaborate, and explore a diverse array of narratives. These
platforms offer immersive storytelling experiences through multimedia
integration, interactive features, and community engagement tools. While they
provide a conducive environment for creative expression and discovery, they may
lack the specialized focus and holistic vision of Wahstory.

In essence, existing systems for storytelling have paved the way for Wahstory's
emergence, laying the groundwork for a more inclusive, immersive, and impactful
storytelling paradigm. By drawing inspiration from these systems while
innovating upon their limitations, Wahstory aspires to redefine the boundaries of
digital storytelling and usher in a new era of narrative exploration and

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2.2 Limitations of the existing system

Limitations of Existing Systems for Wahstory:

While existing systems have played a significant role in shaping the digital
storytelling landscape, they also exhibit certain limitations that hinder the full
realization of Wahstory's vision for immersive and inclusive narrative
experiences. Understanding these limitations is crucial for identifying the unique
value proposition that Wahstory seeks to offer in the storytelling domain:

1. Accessibility Barriers: Traditional publishing channels often impose

accessibility barriers in terms of entry costs, distribution networks, and editorial
gatekeeping, limiting the ability of aspiring storytellers to share their narratives
with a wider audience. Similarly, social media platforms may prioritize
algorithmic visibility and engagement metrics over the quality and depth of
storytelling, making it challenging for meaningful narratives to gain traction
amidst the noise of ephemeral content.

2. Content Fragmentation: The decentralized nature of personal blogging and

social media platforms can result in content fragmentation, where stories are
dispersed across multiple channels and platforms, making it difficult for
audiences to discover and engage with cohesive narrative arcs. This fragmentation
undermines the continuity and immersion of storytelling experiences, leading to a
disjointed and shallow engagement with narratives.

3. Limited Interactivity: While online storytelling platforms offer interactive

features and multimedia integration, their capabilities for user engagement and
co-creation are often constrained by platform-specific limitations and
standardized templates. As a result, storytellers may struggle to leverage
interactive storytelling techniques effectively, inhibiting the depth and dynamism
of narrative engagement.

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4. Monetization Challenges: Monetizing storytelling content remains a significant

challenge in existing systems, particularly for independent creators and emerging
authors. Traditional publishing models often involve complex royalty structures
and revenue-sharing agreements, while digital platforms may rely on advertising-
based monetization models that prioritize audience metrics over content quality.
This can create financial barriers for storytellers seeking sustainable income
streams from their creative work.

5. Algorithmic Bias and Censorship: Social media algorithms and content

moderation policies may inadvertently perpetuate algorithmic bias and
censorship, limiting the diversity of voices and perspectives represented in digital
storytelling spaces. Stories that deviate from mainstream narratives or challenge
societal norms may face algorithmic suppression or content moderation, hindering
the free expression of ideas and experiences.

In summary, while existing systems have democratized storytelling to some

extent, they are also plagued by inherent limitations that impede the realization of
Wahstory's vision for a more accessible, interactive, and inclusive storytelling
ecosystem. By addressing these limitations through innovative technology,
community-driven engagement, and a commitment to diversity and
empowerment, Wahstory aims to redefine the storytelling landscape and empower
storytellers and audiences alike to connect, create, and collaborate in
transformative ways.

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2.3 Proposed System

Wahstory envisions a revolutionary platform that transcends the limitations of
existing storytelling systems, offering a dynamic and immersive narrative
experience that empowers storytellers and engages audiences in unprecedented
ways. Through innovative technology, collaborative storytelling features, and a
commitment to inclusivity, Wahstory seeks to redefine the digital storytelling
landscape and create a vibrant ecosystem where creativity thrives and diverse
voices are celebrated. The proposed systems for Wahstory encompass the
following key components:

Interactive Storytelling Tools: Wahstory will provide intuitive and user-friendly

tools for interactive storytelling, allowing creators to craft narratives that captivate
and engage audiences on multiple levels. These tools may include drag-and-drop
interfaces for multimedia integration, branching narrative structures, and real-time
collaboration features that enable co-authoring and audience participation.

Personalized Story Discovery: Wahstory will employ advanced algorithms and

machine learning techniques to personalize story recommendations based on
individual preferences, interests, and browsing behavior. By curating customized
reading lists and recommending relevant content, Wahstory aims to connect
audiences with stories that resonate with their unique tastes and preferences,
fostering deeper engagement and loyalty.

Community Engagement Features: Wahstory will foster a vibrant and inclusive

community of storytellers and readers through social networking features,
discussion forums, and interactive events. Creators will have the opportunity to
collaborate with fellow storytellers, receive feedback from audiences, and
participate in community challenges and contests, enhancing the collaborative and
participatory nature of storytelling on the platform.
Monetization Opportunities: Wahstory will offer flexible monetization options for
storytellers, including subscription-based models, pay-per-view content, and

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direct patronage from audiences. Creators will retain control over their intellectual
property rights and revenue streams, with Wahstory providing transparent and
equitable revenue-sharing mechanisms that prioritize the interests of creators and
audiences alike.

Accessible Publishing Tools: Wahstory will democratize the publishing process

by providing accessible and inclusive publishing tools for storytellers of all
backgrounds and skill levels. From aspiring authors to seasoned professionals,
creators will have access to a comprehensive suite of publishing resources,
including editing tools, formatting templates, and promotional support, enabling
them to bring their stories to life with confidence and ease.

Diverse Content Ecosystem: Wahstory will cultivate a diverse and inclusive

content ecosystem that reflects the richness and complexity of human
experiences. By amplifying marginalized voices, promoting cultural diversity, and
championing underrepresented narratives, Wahstory aims to challenge
conventional storytelling norms and inspire meaningful conversations around
social justice, equity, and inclusion.

In summary, the proposed systems for Wahstory embody a holistic and visionary
approach to digital storytelling, encompassing interactive tools, personalized
discovery mechanisms, community engagement features, monetization
opportunities, accessible publishing tools, and a commitment to diversity and
inclusivity. By embracing innovation, collaboration, and empowerment, Wahstory
seeks to revolutionize the way stories are created, shared, and experienced,
ushering in a new era of storytelling excellence and creative empowerment for
storytellers and audiences worldwide.

2.4 Benefits of the proposed system

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The proposed system for Wahstory offers a multitude of benefits for storytellers,
readers, and the broader storytelling community, revolutionizing the digital
storytelling landscape and fostering a dynamic and inclusive ecosystem for
creative expression. Some of the key benefits include:

Enhanced Creativity: Wahstory provides storytellers with innovative tools and

features for interactive storytelling, empowering them to unleash their creativity
and experiment with new narrative techniques, multimedia elements, and
collaborative storytelling formats. By breaking free from traditional storytelling
constraints, creators can push the boundaries of storytelling and captivate
audiences with immersive and engaging narratives.
Increased Engagement: With personalized story recommendations, community
engagement features, and interactive storytelling experiences, Wahstory cultivates
deeper engagement between storytellers and readers, fostering meaningful
connections and conversations around shared interests, themes, and experiences.
By providing a platform for dialogue, feedback, and collaboration, Wahstory
facilitates greater engagement and interaction within the storytelling community.
Monetization Opportunities: Wahstory offers flexible monetization options for
storytellers, allowing them to earn revenue from their creative work through
subscription-based models, pay-per-view content, and direct patronage from
audiences. By providing transparent and equitable revenue-sharing mechanisms,
Wahstory empowers creators to monetize their stories and sustain their creative
endeavors while maintaining control over their intellectual property rights and
revenue streams.
Community Building: Wahstory fosters a vibrant and inclusive community of
storytellers and readers, providing social networking features, discussion forums,
and interactive events where creators can connect, collaborate, and share their
stories with like-minded individuals. By promoting collaboration, camaraderie,
and mutual support within the storytelling community, Wahstory strengthens the
bonds between creators and audiences, creating a sense of belonging and shared

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Accessibility and Inclusivity: Wahstory democratizes the storytelling process by

providing accessible and inclusive publishing tools for storytellers of all
backgrounds and skill levels. From aspiring authors to marginalized voices,
creators have access to a comprehensive suite of publishing resources, including
editing tools, formatting templates, and promotional support, enabling them to
share their stories with confidence and reach a global audience.
Diverse Content Ecosystem: Wahstory celebrates diversity and inclusion by
amplifying marginalized voices, promoting cultural diversity, and championing
underrepresented narratives. By showcasing a diverse range of stories and
perspectives, Wahstory challenges conventional storytelling norms and inspires
meaningful conversations around social justice, equity, and representation.
Through its commitment to diversity and inclusivity, Wahstory enriches the
storytelling landscape and empowers storytellers to share their authentic
experiences with the world.

2.5 Features of the proposed system

The proposed system for Wahstory is designed to empower storytellers, engage

readers, and facilitate meaningful interactions within the storytelling community.
With a comprehensive suite of features and tools, Wahstory offers a dynamic and
immersive platform for digital storytelling. Here are some key features of the
proposed system:

Interactive Storytelling Tools: Wahstory provides storytellers with a range of

interactive storytelling tools and multimedia capabilities to enhance their
narratives. From interactive maps and timelines to audiovisual elements and
branching storylines, creators can leverage these tools to craft engaging and
immersive stories that captivate audiences and foster active participation.

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Personalized Story Recommendations: Wahstory employs advanced algorithms

and machine learning techniques to deliver personalized story recommendations
based on readers' preferences, reading history, and interests. By tailoring
recommendations to individual users, Wahstory ensures that readers discover
stories that resonate with their tastes and preferences, thereby enhancing their
reading experience and fostering long-term engagement.

Collaborative Storytelling Features: Wahstory facilitates collaborative storytelling

experiences by enabling multiple authors to collaborate on shared projects, co-
create storylines, and engage in real-time collaboration. Through features such as
co-authoring, version control, and collaborative editing, creators can collaborate
seamlessly and bring their collective visions to life, fostering a sense of
community and camaraderie among storytellers.

Engagement Metrics and Analytics: Wahstory provides storytellers with

comprehensive engagement metrics and analytics dashboards to track reader
engagement, story performance, and audience demographics. Creators can gain
valuable insights into reader behavior, story popularity, and audience
demographics, allowing them to optimize their content strategy, refine their
storytelling techniques, and cultivate a loyal readership base.

Monetization Options: Wahstory offers flexible monetization options for

storytellers, including subscription-based models, pay-per-view content, and
direct patronage from readers. Creators can monetize their stories through various
revenue streams, including advertising, sponsorship, merchandise sales, and
premium content offerings, thereby generating revenue and sustaining their
creative endeavors.

Community Engagement Features: Wahstory fosters community engagement and

interaction through features such as discussion forums, reader comments, and

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interactive polls. Readers can engage with storytellers, share feedback, and
participate in community discussions, fostering a sense of belonging and
community within the storytelling ecosystem.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: Wahstory prioritizes accessibility and inclusivity by

providing accessible publishing tools, support for multiple languages, and features
for visually impaired readers. Creators can ensure that their stories are accessible
to audiences of all backgrounds and abilities, fostering diversity and inclusion
within the storytelling community.

Promotional and Marketing Support: Wahstory offers promotional and marketing

support for storytellers, including featured story placements, social media
promotion, and targeted advertising campaigns. Creators can leverage these
promotional tools to increase their visibility, attract new readers, and grow their
audience base, thereby enhancing their reach and impact as storytellers.
Data Privacy and Security: Wahstory prioritizes data privacy and security by
implementing robust encryption protocols, secure authentication mechanisms, and
strict data privacy policies. Creators and readers can trust that their personal
information and content are protected from unauthorized access, ensuring a safe
and secure environment for digital storytelling.

In summary, the proposed system for Wahstory offers a comprehensive suite of

features and tools designed to empower storytellers, engage readers, and foster a
vibrant and inclusive storytelling community. With its emphasis on interactivity,
personalization, collaboration, and accessibility, Wahstory aims to redefine the
digital storytelling experience and create a dynamic platform where stories thrive
and voices are heard.

2.6 Software specifications

Software Specifications for Wahstory:

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Wahstory is built upon a robust and scalable software architecture, leveraging a

combination of modern technologies and frameworks to deliver a seamless and
immersive storytelling experience. Here are the key software specifications for

1. Frontend Technologies:
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): HTML forms the backbone of
Wahstory's frontend architecture, providing the structural foundation for
rendering web pages and content. With its semantic markup and accessibility
features, HTML ensures that Wahstory's content is well-structured, searchable,
and easily navigable for users.
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is used to enhance the visual presentation
and user experience of Wahstory's web interface. By applying styles, layouts, and
design elements, CSS enables Wahstory to achieve a cohesive and visually
appealing aesthetic across various devices and screen sizes.
- JavaScript: JavaScript powers the interactive and dynamic elements of
Wahstory's frontend, enabling features such as real-time updates, interactive
animations, and user-driven interactions. With its versatility and flexibility,
JavaScript enhances the interactivity and responsiveness of Wahstory's web
interface, creating a more engaging and immersive storytelling experience.
- React: React is utilized as the primary frontend framework for Wahstory,
providing a declarative and component-based approach to building user
interfaces. By breaking down the UI into reusable components, React enables
Wahstory to efficiently manage state, handle complex user interactions, and
deliver a seamless and performant user experience across different platforms and

2. Backend Technologies:
- To be filled based on your backend technology choices, if any.

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3. Database Management System (DBMS):

- To be filled based on your choice of database management system, if any.

4. Hosting and Deployment:

- Wahstory is hosted on cloud infrastructure platforms such as Amazon Web
Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, ensuring scalability, reliability, and high
availability for users worldwide. Continuous integration and continuous
deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are implemented to automate the deployment
process and streamline the release cycle of Wahstory updates and enhancements.

5. Security Measures:
- Wahstory incorporates robust security measures to protect user data and ensure
privacy and confidentiality. This includes encryption protocols, secure
authentication mechanisms, and strict access controls to safeguard sensitive
information and prevent unauthorized access or data breaches.

6. Performance Optimization:
- Wahstory is optimized for performance and speed, employing techniques such
as code minification, asset caching, and lazy loading to reduce page load times
and enhance user experience. Additionally, Wahstory utilizes content delivery
networks (CDNs) to deliver static assets quickly and efficiently to users across the

In summary, Wahstory is powered by a sophisticated software stack comprising

frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React, combined with
backend technologies, database management systems, and cloud infrastructure to
deliver a robust, secure, and high-performance digital storytelling platform. With
its emphasis on usability, interactivity, and scalability, Wahstory aims to redefine
the digital storytelling landscape and provide a compelling platform for creators
and readers alike.

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3.1 Embedded Program Design

Embedded program design for Wahstory involves the development of software that runs
on embedded systems, specifically tailored to meet the requirements of the Wahstory
platform. Embedded systems are specialized computing systems designed to perform
dedicated functions within a larger system or device.

Key Components of Embedded Program Design for Wahstory:

System Architecture: The design begins with defining the system architecture, which
includes selecting the appropriate hardware components and microcontroller boards for
the Wahstory platform. This architecture determines how the software will interact with
the hardware to achieve the desired functionality.

Programming Languages: Wahstory utilizes a combination of programming languages

such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React for developing the embedded software.
HTML and CSS are used for designing the user interface (UI), while JavaScript and
React are employed for implementing interactive features and dynamic content.

Sensor Integration: The embedded program design includes integrating ultrasonic sensors
into the Wahstory platform to capture distance measurements and environmental data.
This involves writing code to interface with the sensors, read data from them, and process
the information for further use in the mapping system.

Data Processing Algorithms: Wahstory requires sophisticated algorithms to process the

data collected from ultrasonic sensors and generate a 3D map of the environment.
Embedded program design encompasses the development and optimization of these
algorithms to ensure accurate and efficient mapping.

Real-Time Visualization: The embedded software must provide real-time visualization of

the 3D map created by Wahstory. This involves rendering the map on the user interface

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in a visually appealing and interactive manner using technologies like WebGL or

Three.js, allowing users to explore and interact with the mapped environment.

Optimization and Efficiency: Embedded program design for Wahstory focuses on

optimizing software performance and resource utilization to ensure efficient operation
within the constraints of embedded systems. This includes minimizing memory usage,
optimizing code execution speed, and reducing power consumption to extend battery life
in portable devices.

Testing and Debugging: Comprehensive testing and debugging are essential parts of
embedded program design for Wahstory. This involves conducting unit tests, integration
tests, and system tests to validate the functionality, reliability, and performance of the
software under various conditions and scenarios.

Security and Reliability: Wahstory places a strong emphasis on security and reliability in
its embedded program design. This includes implementing robust authentication
mechanisms, encryption protocols, and error handling mechanisms to protect user data
and ensure system integrity.

Overall, embedded program design for Wahstory encompasses a range of activities aimed
at developing high-quality software tailored to the specific requirements of embedded
systems, enabling the platform to deliver its intended functionality effectively and

3.2 Database Design

Database Design for Wahstory:

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Database design for Wahstory involves creating a structured framework for organizing
and managing data efficiently within the platform's ecosystem. It encompasses the
development of databases, tables, relationships, and data models to support the storage,
retrieval, and manipulation of information related to user accounts, content, interactions,
and system configurations.

Key Components of Database Design for Wahstory:

1. Entity-Relationship Modeling (ERM): The design process begins with entity-

relationship modeling, where the entities (such as users, posts, comments) and their
relationships are identified and defined. This helps in understanding the data
requirements and establishing the foundation for database schema creation.

2. Schema Definition: Based on the entity-relationship model, the database schema is

defined, specifying the structure of tables, columns, keys, and constraints. Each entity
becomes a table, with attributes mapped to table columns, and relationships represented
through foreign key constraints.

3. Normalization: Normalization is applied to ensure the database schema is free from

data redundancy and dependency anomalies. It involves organizing data into multiple
tables and eliminating repetitive information, thereby reducing storage space and
improving data integrity.

4. Data Types and Constraints: Data types are assigned to each column to define the kind
of data it can store (e.g., integer, string, date). Constraints such as primary keys, foreign
keys, unique constraints, and check constraints are enforced to maintain data consistency
and integrity.

5. Indexing: Indexes are created on specific columns to facilitate fast data retrieval and
improve query performance. Indexes help in speeding up searches, sorting, and filtering
operations by providing direct access to the data stored in the database tables.

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6. Data Relationships: Relationships between different entities are established through

foreign key constraints, defining how data in one table is linked to data in another table.
Common relationship types include one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many
relationships, depending on the nature of the data.

7. Data Integrity: Data integrity measures, such as referential integrity constraints and
cascading actions, are implemented to maintain the consistency and accuracy of data
across related tables. These measures prevent orphaned records and ensure that changes
to data are propagated correctly throughout the database.

8. Scalability and Performance: Database design considers factors like scalability and
performance, ensuring that the database can handle increasing amounts of data and user
traffic without compromising speed or reliability. Techniques like partitioning, clustering,
and replication may be employed to optimize performance.

9. Security: Security measures, including access control, encryption, and data masking,
are implemented to protect sensitive information stored in the database. Role-based
access controls restrict unauthorized access to data, while encryption techniques
safeguard data during storage and transmission.

Overall, effective database design for Wahstory plays a crucial role in ensuring data
consistency, integrity, and accessibility, providing a solid foundation for the platform's
functionality and user experience.

4. Implementation
Implementation of Wahstory:

The implementation phase of Wahstory involves translating the design specifications into
a functional platform by developing and deploying the necessary software components,

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WAHStory 29

databases, and infrastructure. It encompasses the actual coding, configuration, testing,

and deployment of the platform to ensure that it meets the defined requirements and

Key Steps in the Implementation Process:

Frontend Development: Frontend development involves creating the user interface (UI)
and user experience (UX) components of Wahstory using web technologies such as
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.js. This includes designing and coding the layout,
navigation menus, interactive elements, and visual aesthetics to provide an intuitive and
engaging user interface.

Backend Development: Backend development focuses on building the server-side logic,

database interactions, and API endpoints required to support the functionality of
Wahstory. Technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB may be used to develop
the backend infrastructure, handle user authentication, manage data storage, and
implement business logic.

Database Setup: The database setup involves configuring and deploying the database
system (e.g., MongoDB) to store and manage the data generated by Wahstory. This
includes creating database schemas, tables, indexes, and relationships based on the
database design specifications. Data migration and seeding may also be performed to
populate the initial dataset.

Integration of Third-Party Services: Wahstory may integrate with various third-party

services and APIs to enhance its functionality and provide additional features to users.
This could include integration with social media platforms for user authentication,
payment gateways for monetization options, analytics tools for tracking user engagement,
and content delivery networks (CDNs) for optimized performance.

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Testing and Quality Assurance: Testing and quality assurance (QA) are essential phases
to ensure the reliability, functionality, and security of Wahstory. This involves
conducting unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to identify and resolve bugs,
errors, and performance issues. QA processes also verify compliance with design
specifications and user requirements.

Deployment and Hosting: Once development and testing are complete, Wahstory is
deployed to a production environment for public access. Deployment involves
configuring web servers, setting up domain names, and deploying code changes using
deployment pipelines or continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) tools.
Hosting options may include cloud-based platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud,
or dedicated servers.

Monitoring and Maintenance: After deployment, Wahstory requires ongoing monitoring

and maintenance to ensure its smooth operation, performance optimization, and security.
This includes monitoring server metrics, application logs, and user feedback to identify
and address any issues promptly. Regular updates, patches, and backups are also essential
to keep the platform secure and up-to-date.

Overall, the implementation of Wahstory involves a collaborative effort of frontend and

backend developers, database administrators, QA engineers, and DevOps professionals to
bring the platform to life and deliver a seamless experience.

4.1 Coding Standards

Coding standards are guidelines and best practices that define the style, structure, and
formatting conventions to be followed during software development. Adhering to coding
standards ensures consistency, readability, maintainability, and collaboration among
developers working on the Wahstory project. Here are some key coding standards
adopted for Wahstory:

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Naming Conventions:
Use descriptive and meaningful names for variables, functions, classes, and other
Follow camelCase naming convention for variables and functions (e.g., userProfile,
Use PascalCase for class names and file names (e.g., UserAuthenticator,
Prefix global constants with uppercase letters (e.g., const MAX_USERS = 100).
Formatting and Indentation:
Use consistent indentation (e.g., two spaces or four spaces) for code blocks and nested
Maintain consistent line lengths to improve readability and prevent horizontal scrolling.
Use meaningful whitespace to separate logical sections of code and improve clarity.
Comments and Documentation:
Include descriptive comments to explain the purpose, behavior, and rationale behind
complex or non-intuitive code.
Use inline comments sparingly and focus on explaining the why rather than the how.
Document function signatures, parameters, return values, and side effects to aid
developers in understanding and using the code.
Follow a consistent documentation format, such as JSDoc, for documenting code
Code Organization and Structure:
Break down code into modular and reusable components, following the principles of
modularity and separation of concerns.
Organize files and directories logically, grouping related components and modules
Follow a consistent folder structure for frontend and backend code, including separate
directories for assets, components, routes, utilities, tests, etc.
Maintain a consistent coding style and architecture across different parts of the
Error Handling and Exception Management:

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Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle runtime errors,

exceptions, and edge cases.
Use try-catch blocks to catch and handle exceptions, providing informative error
messages and logging relevant details.
Avoid silent failures and ensure that errors are logged and reported to aid in debugging
and troubleshooting.
Security and Vulnerability Management:
Follow security best practices to mitigate common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection,
cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
Sanitize input data, validate user inputs, and use parameterized queries to prevent
injection attacks.
Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to control access to sensitive
resources and enforce security policies.
Version Control and Collaboration:
Use version control systems like Git for tracking changes, managing source code, and
facilitating collaboration among team members.
Follow branching and merging strategies, such as GitFlow, to organize and manage code
changes effectively.
Write meaningful commit messages and adhere to commit conventions to provide context
and clarity about the changes being made.
Wahstory is a dynamic web application that incorporates a wide range of coding
techniques and technologies to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience. Here's
an overview of the coding details involved in building Wahstory:

Frontend Development:
Wahstory's frontend is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with the React
framework for creating interactive user interfaces.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to structure the content of web pages,
defining the layout and hierarchy of elements.

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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is employed for styling the presentation of web pages,
including aspects like colors, fonts, layout, and responsiveness.

JavaScript is utilized for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to the user interface,
handling user actions, and communicating with the backend server.

React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, is employed for
creating reusable UI components, managing state, and efficiently updating the DOM
(Document Object Model).

Backend Development:

The backend of Wahstory is developed using Node.js, a server-side JavaScript runtime,

along with Express.js, a minimalist web framework for Node.js.

Node.js enables server-side scripting, allowing developers to write server logic using
JavaScript, thereby facilitating full-stack JavaScript development.

Express.js provides a robust set of features for building web applications and APIs,
including routing, middleware support, and request handling.
MongoDB, a NoSQL database, is used as the backend database to store and manage the
application's data, including user profiles, posts, comments, and interactions.

Mongoose, a MongoDB object modeling library for Node.js, is utilized to simplify

interactions with the MongoDB database, define schemas, and perform CRUD

Authentication and Authorization:

Wahstory implements user authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens
(JWT) for secure access to protected resources and endpoints.

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When users sign up or log in to Wahstory, their credentials are verified, and upon
successful authentication, a JWT token is generated and sent to the client for subsequent
authenticated requests.

Protected routes and endpoints require valid JWT tokens to access, ensuring that only
authenticated users with the appropriate permissions can perform certain actions, such as
creating posts or commenting.

Data Management and Storage:

User-generated content, such as posts, comments, and user profiles, is stored in the
MongoDB database, organized into collections and documents.
MongoDB's flexible schema allows for dynamic and schema-less data storage,
accommodating the evolving needs of Wahstory's data model.
Indexed queries and aggregation pipelines are used to efficiently retrieve and manipulate
data, ensuring optimal performance and scalability as the application grows.

Real-time Updates and Notifications:

Wahstory incorporates real-time updates and notifications using WebSocket technology
to deliver instant notifications to users about new posts, comments, or interactions.
WebSocket connections enable bidirectional communication between the client and
server, allowing for seamless updates without the need for manual page refreshes.
When a new activity occurs (e.g., a new post is published), the server broadcasts a
notification to all relevant users who are subscribed to the corresponding channel or
topic, ensuring timely updates and a responsive user experience.

By leveraging these coding techniques and technologies, Wahstory delivers a feature-rich

and responsive web application that empowers users to share their stories, connect with
others, and engage with content in a dynamic and immersive way.maintain code quality,
improve collaboration, and ensure the long-term scalability and maintainability of the

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WAHStory 35

4.2 Coding Details

Wahstory is a dynamic web application that incorporates a wide range of coding

techniques and technologies to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience. Here's
an overview of the coding details involved in building Wahstory:

Frontend Development:
Wahstory's frontend is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with the React
framework for creating interactive user interfaces.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to structure the content of web pages,
defining the layout and hierarchy of elements.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is employed for styling the presentation of web pages,
including aspects like colors, fonts, layout, and responsiveness.

JavaScript is utilized for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to the user interface,
handling user actions, and communicating with the backend server.
React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, is employed for
creating reusable UI components, managing state, and efficiently updating the DOM
(Document Object Model).

Backend Development:

The backend of Wahstory is developed using Node.js, a server-side JavaScript runtime,

along with Express.js, a minimalist web framework for Node.js.

Node.js enables server-side scripting, allowing developers to write server logic using
JavaScript, thereby facilitating full-stack JavaScript development.

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Express.js provides a robust set of features for building web applications and APIs,
including routing, middleware support, and request handling.

MongoDB, a NoSQL database, is used as the backend database to store and manage the
application's data, including user profiles, posts, comments, and interactions.

Mongoose, a MongoDB object modeling library for Node.js, is utilized to simplify

interactions with the MongoDB database, define schemas, and perform CRUD

Authentication and Authorization:

Wahstory implements user authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens
(JWT) for secure access to protected resources and endpoints.

When users sign up or log in to Wahstory, their credentials are verified, and upon
successful authentication, a JWT token is generated and sent to the client for subsequent
authenticated requests.
Protected routes and endpoints require valid JWT tokens to access, ensuring that only
authenticated users with the appropriate permissions can perform certain actions, such as
creating posts or commenting.

Data Management and Storage:

User-generated content, such as posts, comments, and user profiles, is stored in the
MongoDB database, organized into collections and documents.

MongoDB's flexible schema allows for dynamic and schema-less data storage,
accommodating the evolving needs of Wahstory's data model.

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Indexed queries and aggregation pipelines are used to efficiently retrieve and manipulate
data, ensuring optimal performance and scalability as the application grows.

Real-time Updates and Notifications:

Wahstory incorporates real-time updates and notifications using WebSocket technology

to deliver instant notifications to users about new posts, comments, or interactions.

WebSocket connections enable bidirectional communication between the client and

server, allowing for seamless updates without the need for manual page refreshes.

When a new activity occurs (e.g., a new post is published), the server broadcasts a
notification to all relevant users who are subscribed to the corresponding channel or
topic, ensuring timely updates and a responsive user experience.

By leveraging these coding techniques and technologies, Wahstory delivers a feature-rich

and responsive web application that empowers users to share their stories, connect with
others, and engage with content in a dynamic and immersive way.


Testing is a critical phase in the development lifecycle of Wahstory, ensuring that

the application functions as intended, meets user requirements, and delivers a
seamless user experience. Here's an overview of the testing process for Wahstory:

1. Unit Testing:
- Unit tests are conducted to evaluate individual components or units of code in
isolation, verifying their functionality according to specifications.
- For Wahstory, unit tests are written using testing frameworks like Jest and
Enzyme for React components, and Mocha or Chai for backend Node.js code.

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- Unit tests assess functions, methods, and modules to validate their behavior
and identify any bugs or errors early in the development cycle.

2. Integration Testing:
- Integration tests are performed to assess the interactions and integration
between different components or modules of Wahstory.
- These tests focus on ensuring that various parts of the application work
together harmoniously and handle data exchange and communication correctly.
- Integration tests help identify issues related to API endpoints, database
interactions, and third-party integrations, ensuring seamless connectivity and

3. End-to-End (E2E) Testing:

- E2E tests simulate real user scenarios and interactions with Wahstory,
validating the application's behavior from the user's perspective.
- Tools like Cypress or Selenium are used to automate E2E tests, allowing for
the emulation of user actions such as clicking buttons, filling forms, and
navigating through pages.
- E2E tests assess critical user flows, such as user registration, posting content,
commenting, and interacting with notifications, to ensure smooth navigation and

4. Performance Testing:
- Performance testing evaluates Wahstory's responsiveness, scalability, and
resource utilization under different load conditions.
- Load testing tools like Apache JMeter or K6 are used to simulate concurrent
user interactions and assess the application's performance metrics, including
response times, throughput, and resource usage.
- Performance tests help identify potential bottlenecks, optimize server-side and
client-side performance, and ensure that Wahstory can handle expected user
traffic without degradation in performance.

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5. User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

- UAT involves testing Wahstory with real users or stakeholders to validate its
usability, functionality, and overall user experience.
- Users interact with the application in a production-like environment, providing
feedback on features, usability, and any issues encountered.
- UAT helps ensure that Wahstory meets user expectations, addresses user
needs, and delivers a satisfactory experience before deployment to production.

By conducting comprehensive testing across various levels, Wahstory can identify

and address issues early in the development process, deliver a high-quality
product, and provide users with a reliable and enjoyable experience.

6 Future Scope of the project

The future scope of the Wahstory project encompasses several avenues for expansion,
innovation, and growth, leveraging emerging technologies and addressing evolving user
needs. Here are some key aspects of the project's future scope:

Enhanced Features and Functionality:

Continuously adding new features and functionalities to Wahstory to enhance user

engagement, interaction, and overall experience.
Introducing features such as advanced search filters, personalized recommendations,
multimedia content support, and social networking capabilities to enrich the platform.

Mobile Application Development:

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Developing a dedicated mobile application for Wahstory to extend its reach and
accessibility to users across different devices and platforms.
The mobile app will offer a seamless and optimized experience, leveraging native device
capabilities and providing on-the-go access to Wahstory's content and features.

Global Expansion and Localization:

Expanding Wahstory's presence beyond its current market to reach a global audience and
cater to users from diverse regions and cultural backgrounds.
Implementing localization strategies to adapt Wahstory's content, language, and user
interface to specific regions and languages, ensuring relevance and resonance with local

Monetization and Revenue Generation:

Exploring various monetization avenues for Wahstory, such as advertising, sponsored

content, premium subscriptions, and e-commerce integrations.
Developing strategic partnerships with brands, advertisers, and content creators to drive
revenue while maintaining user-centricity and relevance.

Advanced Data Analytics and Insights:

Leveraging advanced data analytics and machine learning algorithms to derive actionable
insights from user behavior, preferences, and interactions on Wahstory.
Utilizing these insights to optimize content delivery, personalize user experiences, and
drive informed decision-making for platform enhancements and feature development.

Community Building and Engagement:

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Fostering a vibrant and engaged community around Wahstory through interactive

features, user-generated content initiatives, and community-driven events.
Empowering users to contribute, collaborate, and connect with like-minded individuals,
fostering a sense of belonging and ownership within the Wahstory community.

Integration with Emerging Technologies:

Exploring integration opportunities with emerging technologies such as augmented

reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance
Wahstory's capabilities and offer innovative user experiences.Experimenting with novel
technologies to stay ahead of market trends, differentiate Wahstory from competitors, and
provide users with cutting-edge content discovery and consumption experiences.Overall,
the future scope of the Wahstory project is characterized by continuous innovation, user-
centricity, and adaptability to emerging trends and technologies, aiming to establish.

7. Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="dark" lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-
width, initial-scale=1" />

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<meta name="description" content="Wahstory" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />

rel="stylesheet" />

<link href="vendor/slick/slick/slick.css"
rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="vendor/slick/slick/slick-theme.css"
rel="stylesheet" />

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<link href="vendor/icofont/icofont.min.css"
rel="stylesheet" />


<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<body class="bg-light">
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WAHStory 44

<div class="web-none d-flex align-items-center

px-3 pt-3">
<a href="index.html" class="text-decoration-
class="img-fluid logo-mobile"
class="ms-auto btn btn-primary ln-0"
<span class="material-icons">menu</span>
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<div class="py-4">
<div class="container">
<div class="row position-relative">
class="col col-xl-6 order-xl-2 col-lg-12 order-
lg-1 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12"
<div class="main-content">
class="top-osahan-nav-tab nav nav-pills
justify-content-center nav-justified mb-4 shadow-sm
rounded-4 overflow-hidden bg-white sticky-sidebar2"
<li class="nav-item" role="presentation">
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class="p-3 nav-link text-muted active"

<li class="nav-item" role="presentation">
class="p-3 nav-link text-muted"
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<li class="nav-item" role="presentation">
class="p-3 nav-link text-muted"
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<div class="tab-content" id="pills-
class="tab-pane fade show active"
class="input-group mb-4 shadow-sm
rounded-4 overflow-hidden py-2 bg-white"

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class="input-group-text material-icons
border-0 bg-white text-primary"
class="form-control border-0 fw-dark
placeholder="Add you Question /
class="text-decoration-none input-
group-text bg-white border-0 material-icons text-
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WAHStory 50

class="d-flex align-items-center justify-
content-between mb-1"
<h6 class="mb-0 fw-bold text-
body">Join Community</h6>
class="text-dark text-decoration-none
<div class="account-slider">
<div class="account-item">

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class="me-2 bg-white shadow-sm

rounded-4 p-3 user-list-item d-flex justify-content-
center my-2"
<div class="text-center">
class="position-relative d-flex
class="img-fluid rounded-circle
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<div class="position-absolute">
class="material-icons bg-
primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Her Story</p>
aria-label="Basic checkbox toggle
button group"
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WAHStory 53

class="btn btn-outline-primary
btn-sm px-3 rounded-pill"
><span class="join">+ Join</span
><span class="joined d-

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<div class="account-item">
class="me-2 bg-white shadow-sm
rounded-4 p-3 user-list-item d-flex justify-content-
center my-2"
<div class="text-center">
class="position-relative d-flex
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WAHStory 55

class="img-fluid rounded-circle
<div class="position-absolute">
class="material-icons bg-
primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Game Changer</p>

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WAHStory 56

aria-label="Basic checkbox toggle

button group"
class="btn btn-outline-primary
btn-sm px-3 rounded-pill"
><span class="join">+ Join</span
><span class="joined d-
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WAHStory 57


<div class="account-item">
class="me-2 bg-white shadow-sm
rounded-4 p-3 user-list-item d-flex justify-content-
center my-2"
<div class="text-center">
class="position-relative d-flex

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class="img-fluid rounded-circle
<div class="position-absolute">
class="material-icons bg-
primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Passion Story</p>

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WAHStory 59

aria-label="Basic checkbox toggle
button group"
class="btn btn-outline-primary
btn-sm px-3 rounded-pill"
><span class="follow">+
><span class="following d-none"
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WAHStory 60


<div class="account-item">
class="me-2 bg-white shadow-sm
rounded-4 p-3 user-list-item d-flex justify-content-
center my-2"
<div class="text-center">
class="position-relative d-flex
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WAHStory 61

class="img-fluid rounded-circle
<div class="position-absolute">
class="material-icons bg-
primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
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WAHStory 62

<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Pride Story</p>
aria-label="Basic checkbox toggle
button group"
class="btn btn-outline-primary
btn-sm px-3 rounded-pill"
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WAHStory 63

><span class="follow">+
><span class="following d-none"

<div class="account-item">
class="me-2 bg-white shadow-sm
rounded-4 p-3 user-list-item d-flex justify-content-
center my-2"
<div class="text-center">
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class="position-relative d-flex
class="img-fluid rounded-circle
<div class="position-absolute">

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class="material-icons bg-
primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
aria-label="Basic checkbox toggle
button group"
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class="btn btn-outline-primary
btn-sm px-3 rounded-pill"
><span class="follow">+
><span class="following d-none"

<div class="account-item">

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WAHStory 67

class="me-2 bg-white shadow-sm

rounded-4 p-3 user-list-item d-flex justify-content-
center my-2"
<div class="text-center">
class="position-relative d-flex

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class="img-fluid rounded-circle
<div class="position-absolute">
class="material-icons bg-
primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Living Well</p>

School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR

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<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
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<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Anisa Keena</p>
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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
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primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Ima Narcisse</p>
School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 79

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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 82

<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Lucile Felmlee</p>
<p class="small text-
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button group"
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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
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primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 85

<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Starr Shupp</p>
<p class="small text-
aria-label="Basic checkbox toggle
button group"
School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 86

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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR

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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 88

<div class="position-absolute">
class="material-icons bg-
primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Macie Bellis</p>
<p class="small text-
aria-label="Basic checkbox toggle
button group"
School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 89

class="btn btn-outline-primary
btn-sm px-3 rounded-pill"
><span class="follow">+
><span class="following d-none"
School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 90

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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR

WAHStory 91

class="img-fluid rounded-circle
<div class="position-absolute">
class="material-icons bg-
primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-
0">Shane Crays</p>
<p class="small text-
School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 92

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button group"
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btn-sm px-3 rounded-pill"
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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 93


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School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 94

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<div class="position-absolute">
class="material-icons bg-
primary small p-1 fw-bold text-white rounded-circle"
<p class="fw-bold text-dark m-

School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR

WAHStory 95

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button group"
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btn-sm px-3 rounded-pill"
><span class="follow">+
School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR
WAHStory 96

><span class="following d-none"


8. Conclusion:
In conclusion, the Wahstory project represents a significant endeavor to create a
dynamic and engaging platform for content discovery, creation, and community
interaction. Through meticulous planning, rigorous development, and innovative
implementation, Wahstory aims to revolutionize the way users explore and
engage with digital content.

From its inception, Wahstory has been driven by a commitment to excellence,

user satisfaction, and continuous improvement. The project team's dedication to

School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR

WAHStory 97

delivering a seamless and immersive experience for users has been evident
throughout every stage of development.

As Wahstory moves forward, it is poised to embrace new challenges,

opportunities, and technologies, leveraging its strong foundation to expand its
reach, enhance its features, and enrich its community. With a focus on user-
centricity, innovation, and collaboration, Wahstory is well-positioned to shape the
future of content discovery and community engagement in the digital age.

In summary, Wahstory represents not just a platform, but a vision—a vision of

empowering users, fostering creativity, and building connections in a digital
ecosystem that thrives on diversity, inclusion, and shared experiences. As
Wahstory continues to evolve, it remains steadfast in its commitment to enriching
lives, inspiring creativity, and shaping the future of digital content consumption.

School of Sciences, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi, NCR

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