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Assignment 2 – Individual Assessment

GENE 4300 - Section 1

Semester 2 2023/2024

Instructor’s Name:

Prof. Ir. Dr. Zuraida Ahmad

Written by:

Muhammad Darwish Bin Mohd Sukri (2014169)

1. Discuss the concept of sustainable development from an Islamic
perspective and its implications for engineering solutions in societal and environmental
In Islam, sustainable growth is based on the idea of "Tawheed," which means "unity and
balance" in creation. This point of view stresses khilafah (stewardship) over the Earth and calls for
responsible resource management for both current and future generations. These concepts guide
engineering solutions that focus on being efficient, protecting resources, and doing as little harm as
possible to people and the environment.

2. Evaluate the impact of engineering solutions on the environment and

society, considering both short-term benefits and long-term sustainability, in accordance
with Islamic ethical values.
When looking at engineering solutions from an Islamic point of view, they need to think about
more than just the short-term rewards. They should think about how they will affect people in the long
run and how they will affect their morals. In line with Islamic morals, this means figuring out how bad
the effects could be for environments, communities, and future generations, while also recognising the
value of everything.

3. Discuss the responsibility of engineers in ensuring the sustainability of

their projects, considering the principles of Islamic ethics and their implications for
environmental stewardship.
According to Islamic ethics, engineers need to make sure that their projects last by
incorporating ideas like duty (muhasabah), fairness (adl), and balance (mizan). This means changing
habits that reduce waste, pollution, and resource loss while increasing the good things for people and
the environment.
4. How do Islamic ethical values guide engineers in balancing economic
interests with environmental preservation and social justice in their projects?
Moderation (wasatiyyah), fairness (insaf), and compassion (rahmah) are some of the Islamic
moral concepts that help engineers find a balance between economic needs, protecting the
environment, and social justice. To do this, we need to think about the needs of both current and
future generations, put social safety ahead of personal gain, and work for fair distribution of resources.

5. Explore the challenges faced by engineers in adhering to Islamic ethical

values while meeting project requirements and societal expectations regarding
It can be hard for engineers to follow Islamic morals while also meeting the needs of projects
and society's standards for sustainability. Some of these issues are balancing different groups'
interests, dealing with short-term economic pressures, and pushing for honest business practices in the
industry. On the other hand, engineers can deal with these problems and support long-term growth by
using Islamic concepts when making decisions.

6. Reflect on the role of education and professional training in promoting

the understanding and application of Islamic ethical values in engineering practices
related to safety, health, and environmental concerns.
Education and professional training are very important for helping people understand and use
Islamic moral principles in engineering work that involves health, safety, and the environment. This
means teaching ethics as part of engineering programmes, giving people chances to think about and
talk about ethics, and encouraging a culture of ethical responsibility among engineering workers.
Education and training help advance sustainable development that is in line with Islamic principles by
giving engineers the information and skills they need to use Islamic ethics in their work.

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