04-Case Study YouTube Equipment, Planning, Branding, & Promoting Secrets (Transcription)

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Legendary Marketer™

Affiliate Marketing Business Blueprint

“Case Study: YouTube Equipment, Planning, Branding, & Promoting Secrets”

Hey there my friend. Welcome back to this case study. YouTube Equipment, Planning, Branding, and
Promoting Secrets. I'm going to introduce you to a fellow Legendary Marketer client and community
member, Thomas Garetz. He's going to be taking you through quite frankly a masterclass on equipment,
planning, branding, content creation, promoting literally from A to Z. Very, very powerful segment and
training. I'm not going to waste anytime introducing it because quite frankly, it's better to just jump right in.
I'm excited for you to watch this one. Sit back and get ready for a great training. Let's jump into it right

Thomas Garetz:
I did a lot for this. I wanted to make it super valuable and I guess I didn't really want to go into my story
too much. I just kind of want to get into the value. But like Dave said, I wasn't the best example back four
or five years ago. I was a drug addict and I'm fortunate enough to be multiple years clean. Almost four
and a half years. And I am just super grateful that going from that to getting a job that I was able to make
a decent amount of money in and eventually I just ... I didn't like the job anymore. And I started in drop
shipping. That's how I got into this online world. And from drop shipping I learned about ClickFunnels and
that's how I got into affiliate marketing. So that's basically ... The beginning of 2019 was when I started
affiliate marketing. Okay. So that's just kind of a quick backstory. Now we're here. Let's just get into the

Thomas Garetz:
I made some slides and like Dave said, I created my own program. But this is just an overview and I'm
going to go show a lot of this stuff live and I think it's going to be super valuable. It's High Ticket YouTube
Secrets, How To Start Your YouTube Channel and Make High Ticket Commissions. And this is Strategy
by Thomas Garetz. This isn't like a ... I wouldn't say like your typical strategy that people would give you
but it's really how I wish I started out. Okay. Like I've made a lot of mistakes. I didn't really have the best
training when I started and this is kind of like what I've made out to be my own. And I think it's probably
the most simple way to get started with YouTube and with affiliate marketing.

Thomas Garetz:
The first step with anything in life really, business especially is mindset. Like if you don't have that
everything else is going to fall over. What is it? You can't fill a broken glass or whatever. But some of
these points I have on this slide are general mindset stuff and some are YouTube specific. So the first
thing is you have to either figure out your why or remember your why. And then to go a little more in depth
on that, a lot of people ask is wanting money a real why? And it really just depends how you look at it.
Like wanting to making money just to buy shit, that's not a why. Stuff won't make you happy. Maybe for a
quick little jolt of dopamine but it won't give you longterm happiness. But if you want money to provide for
your family, be able to quit your job, spend more time with your family, location freedom, all that stuff, I
personally believe that is a big enough why and it doesn't have to really be ... Everyone's different but a
lot of us, especially in this space, want money, but it's about why you want that money. You can't just
want it to buy stuff. That's my opinion. That's just how I feel. I'm sure a lot of people understand that.

Thomas Garetz:
And then the next thing is shiny object syndrome. Dave kind of touched on this. This is the fastest way to
failure. You have to think longterm. Get rich quick does not exist. Anything works. Any business model.
Any platform. All of it works. There's people successful with everything and there's people doing
woodworking and this or that and it's like all they have to do is just focus and think longterm. And one of
the main things a lot of people ... Like this is one the YouTube specific ones. Especially TikTok. But it's
dealing with hate comments. You got to understand that those people, they really have nothing against
you. A lot of the time the hate gets brought to the top because it's louder than kindness. But it's like you
just got to kind of realize that those people ... Just have compassion for them because obviously they're
either just trying to get a bunch of likes or they're really feeling pretty sorry for themselves so they're just
trying to bring you down so don't let that affect you.

Thomas Garetz:
This next one, this is a little harder in my opinion and this is dealing with criticism. So you'll deal with this
from friends, family, loved ones, everything. I dealt with this. People saying, "Why would you want to quit
your job? That business isn't going to work. Yada, yada, yada." That stuff hurts. But for me I turned it
around to, I'm going to show them. So that's what I did with that. And another YouTube specific thing is
getting over your fear of posting. A lot of people don't want to post on the camera. They don't want to be
on camera. And the only time I feel that that is okay not to be on camera ... Not that it doesn't work. It's
totally fine but a lot of the time it's just a fear. But for example if you're in a specific job or you can't do that
and you have to have a different pen name or business name and you can't show you face, that's
understandable. But if it's just like you're scared ... I was scared. I was even nervous for this and I do
videos all the time but it's just, you got to get over that.

Thomas Garetz:
So the next thing is there are no shortcuts to success. That goes back to get rich quick doesn't exist. Like
you have to just work hard and not give up. And then the last thing is buying views and subscribers and
sub for sub on YouTube, it's bad. It doesn't work. So you just got to do it the real way and put in the work.

Thomas Garetz:
So then step two is strategy. So why use YouTube? The first thing is your videos last for months are
years on YouTube compared to certain platforms where they only last for ... Like Twitter for example, a
couple minutes or Facebook, a day or two. Like that's why I like YouTube. It is more work upfront but in
my opinion the payoff is much more in the longterm. And it just builds the know, like and trust factor the
fastest. Just video in general is the future. And then it's like, what is affiliate marketing? Because like I
said I do affiliate marketing on YouTube. That's my main source of income and it'll probably always be.
And the reason why is ... Oops, sorry. But I'm sure all of you know what affiliate marketing is but it's like
you just promote someone else's product. You don't got to deal with product costs. You don't got to deal
with shipping like if you're doing drop shipping. You don't got to really deal with any customer support,
payment processors. It makes things a lot more simple. But why do affiliate marketing with YouTube?
Okay. And also why Legendary is the best for this strategy. And it's because you can do the simple
strategy. I never really named this but I'm just going to coin that right now.

Thomas Garetz:
And this strategy from the way I'm looking at it, it really only works on YouTube and with specific affiliate
programs, Legendary being one of them and the one I have experience with obviously. And this is how I
wish I started. Less is more. So for example, when I first started, like I said I got into it with ClickFunnels.
ClickFunnels costs money. And then I was told I needed an email software, click tracking software. That
all cost's money. And there's a ton of tools. And I'm saying these tools are bad. I use them. And in the
long run, you are going to want them. But the first six months ... First of all, I didn't make any money and
the tools really did nothing for me. I was getting a email subscriber a week. This is only possible with
YouTube though. Like some platforms if you're doing ads, you need that stuff. It's not even a discussion
or negotiation. You need it. But with YouTube what you can do is instead of doing all those things and
using all those tools, you can leverage Legendary Marketer's tools and just focus on creating content and
being way more productive. Because Legendary Marketer has an affiliate link where you go to their

Thomas Garetz:
The value there and the more simplified it is because you don't need those tools, you don't need a
domain, you don't need a domain email. And again, you should get those tools once you start making
money. After you start making money then get them. But if you're just focused on strictly creating content
and sending straight to an affiliate program and they do the followup, they have the funnel, they do all that
stuff, and you're letting a professional company do that. When you're just starting out and all of a sudden
you got to learn copywriting, you got to learn how to use these email softwares, domain, all this stuff. That
alone took me months to figure out and it costs money. So that's what I think is the best strategy and
that's how I wish I started. And again, less is more. That goes back to don't try to be on every platform like
I was when I first started out. If you just focus on less you will get more.

Thomas Garetz:
Step three is preparing. So like preparing for YouTube basically. Does quality matter? Yes and no. My
setup cost less than $300 back in the day. I know some of this stuff went up in price because of COVID
and all that but I have 36K subscribers, I still have a $50 webcam, $30 DIY lights that I made from some
light posts on Amazon and some Home Depot light clamps. And then I have $120 USB microphone. You
just got to know how to set it up. So at the end of the day quality is about the content. Obviously you don't
want to have some crappy microphone where it's like, they can't hear you or you're in a dark room and
you're trying to record a video. Like you have to have certain things but it's not about having a 4K camera
or crazy expensive gear just to get started. That just a common excuse. So the YouTube Starter Kit Guide
... This is one of the many resources I have. It shows all the gears, accessories and tools that I use and
some. All the resources are at thomasgaretz.com/resources. So if you go to that link it will bring you to
this page. This is a Google document with all of the resources I'm going to be talking about. It's pretty

Thomas Garetz:
But the YouTube Starter Kit Guide is right here. You don't have to enter an email. It's just right here. And
this is a free guide. I actually took it off the market a while back and kind of recreated it but I never really
gave it to anyone after that. So this is just your guys' and it shows the audio I use which is the Blue Yeti.
The video, which is the Logitech C920X. And then I say to get this lighting because DIY wasn't worth it.
And then there's other devices if you want to go for more expensive and have a camera. And then I also
show the accessories you can check into and then all the tools I use for YouTube. So that's super, super
valuable right there.

Thomas Garetz:
And then starting is step four. So picking a niche ... This strategy is in the make money online niche.
Sorry, something's popping up. Should I hit admit on Cathy or see waiting room Dave? I don't know what
this is. I'm just going to hit admit. Okay, there we go. So this strategy's in the make money online niche
where it's just ... Everyone can hear me right? Hopefully. So it's like the online marketing, online business
space. So the next step is you have to create your channel. You have to decide between using your
personal name or using a pen name/business name. Like my channel's Thomas Garetz. Jonathan's
channel is Passive Income Lifestyles. So you have to decide between that and then you want to create a
brand new Gmail account. Use this Gmail only for YouTube. So that's what I did here. And then we're
going to create the account. So after you've created your Gmail account all you do is go to YouTube and
then if it's your only account it will have you logged in automatically. So right there. And then you click
create channel. Okay. So hit get started. And what you want to do is you want to use a custom name. And
that's going to create your brand account. So you hit select there. And then now you can use a name
rather than your Google name.

Thomas Garetz:
So I did a video that I'm going to show you later but the channel name I used was MoneyLand. I'm just
going to use that because I already created stuff for that. But yeah, so you could name it your own name,
you could name it a pen name, business name like this. It's totally up to you. Having a keyword in your
name can be helpful but also if you have a unique last name like me where we only have one Garetz
family, it makes finding you much easier. So you kind of got to decide between that. If your name's John
Smith maybe go with a business name. It's totally up to you at the end of the day though. So then we just
hit create. Now I'll go back here. The next step is enabling the correct settings so you got to make sure to
verify your account. I'll show you how to do that quick. So we're going to do all this stuff later, so we're
going to set up later.

Thomas Garetz:
And then you're going to want to go right here. Go to YouTube Studio. And then you can learn more if you
want or just click off, and then go to settings. There's a few settings you want to set up. Default units is
good. Channel. So country of residence. So we do United States. And then channel keywords would be
like ... You always want to have your name. So MoneyLand or whatever it is. You could do affiliate
marketing, make money online. You want to set those up but that's good for now. I'm just going to do it
like that. Advanced settings. You want to say no. Set this channel as not made for kids. I never upload
content that's made for kids. You want to display the number of people subscribed to your channel. And
then what we're going to do is we're going to hit save and we're going to set some other stuff up in a
second. So hit save and then ... Oh, I guess we should verify the account quick. Well, I'm not going to
verify it but I'll show you how to do that. So go back to channel. And then feature eligibility right here, so
you just click verify phone number and then you just do that quick and it's super simple.

Thomas Garetz:
And what that does is it unlocks videos longer than 15 minutes, custom thumbnails, live streaming and
appealing content claims. Really the first two are the most important but if you do lives then you definitely
want that. Okay. And then if we go to ... I think it's right here. Advanced settings, manage your YouTube
account and then channel status and features. You can also verify here. This is how I used to do it. If you
do it the way I showed you before this I'm not sure if it automatically enables them so just go into here
after you've done it and you can enable live streaming, you can enable longer videos and then custom
thumbnails and content idea appeals or whatever it was. So yeah, that's how you do that. And then the
next step is you have to decide on an upload schedule. This is important because it's going to be going
onto your channel art. So for me, I upload only once a week right now but you want to pick like ...
Anywhere from one to three days when you're starting out is probably best. And then you want to kind of
continue to upload on those days. You can test out different days and stuff but having an upload schedule
lets people know that oh, you upload at this time and they're going to keep coming back for those videos.

Thomas Garetz:
And then I suggest creating a month's worth of content before uploading your first video because it's
easier to stay consistent. So if you're uploading two videos a week, create eight videos and then upload
your first video. So then this is starting continued. And this is building out your channel. There's three
steps to this. The first step is branding and then there's three steps to that. So it's your profile picture,
channel art and channel watermark. So if we go back over here they actually gave us a new setting in
YouTube Studio. So if we go to YouTube Studio and then we go to customization right here, you can see
branding right there. So you have your profile picture, banner image and video watermark. The video
watermark shows in the right side of your video, like the bottom right. So if we go back to here and we
have resources. This is the channel watermark. So you open this right here. It's going to open just the
image and then you right click it, save image as. Save it to your desktop and then just hit save. Now it's
right there.

Thomas Garetz:
And then what you want to do is I also have ... Excuse me. I also have Canva templates. I say please do
not edit the templates. Instead, after you click on the links below, go to file and make a copy. So this may
look different for me than it does for you because it's my own thing. But I'll show you what it pops up here.
I'll open it incognito. Let me try again. Maybe I already did that one. Let's try the channel art. I think I
already have this stuff downloaded but basically it will probably upload. It will open up a page that just
shows the image and then you click edit design or something basically. So that's what it will do. And then
before you edit any of this stuff you're going to want to go to file and then make a copy so you're not
editing the stuff that other people are going to use because that will ruin it for everyone. Now, I've already
created one for MoneyLand. I'll just explain quickly how I do this. I have a video where I go in depth and
it's right here. A free course on my YouTube channel. That shows all of this. It's like an hour long and it
has timestamps in the description and you can skip to the points.

Thomas Garetz:
I just want to keep this quick but I'll show you how I did this. I'm going to add a page, and then all I did is I
went to text right here. I clicked, add heading. And then I typed in MoneyLand. I chose the font right here
and I used Norwester. And then I highlighted this point and then I made it green. And then there you go.
That's how I did that. I made it a little bigger. And then all I did was I copied that and pasted it. Control C
and control V. And then I just wrote this. Helping you ... Oops, we don't want it that big though. Just like
this. And I'll change it to white. Okay. So I did something like that and then this is where you would want
to say, "Helping you make money online with new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3
p.m.," or whatever. That's why you want your upload schedule. I just did this for example. And then also
what I did is I lowered the height like that a little bit. And then how I got these images is I went to elements
and I think I just typed money or something and then I just added these.

Thomas Garetz:
And the reason why I do that is because ... This is just for example but this middle part ... This whole thing
is going to show on a TV. This middle part is only going to show on mobile and then all of this is going to
show on desktop. So for example if I go over to my YouTube channel, you can see this whole thing shows
but if you would go to this on your phone you would only see this middle part. So when you're using the
template make sure you put stuff kind of how I have it laid out so it will fit right on all of the devices. And
then you can see on the left I have my video types and on the right I have subscribe with an arrow and
then I have links right here. So I'll show you how to do that. But then let me just go into the profile picture.
What I did here. The sizes are in here if you want to just make it yourself. 800 by 800 and then the other
was like ... What is it? 2560 by 1440. But you can just use the templates. Just remember to make a copy.

Thomas Garetz:
For the MoneyLand one, all I did is I made a new page. I made it green. And then you can just choose
new color right here too. And then I went to elements, I did circle and then I used this. I made it the whole
length of that. And I made it black. And then again, I just put text in the middle. So to download the image
you're going to go download, PNG and then this is page three. There's multiple pages so I would go to
page three. Once it lets me. All right so page three and then download. And then the last thing I need to
download is this right here, so I'm going to download page two. Download PNG page two. Download.
Now this is what my page looks like right now. We're going to put these pictures in. So the first thing is
profile picture. We're going to hit upload, downloads. All right. There we go. Loaded finally. This is the
profile picture so we're going to double click that. And then you want to make sure it goes to the whole
width, the whole thing like that and then hit done. We're going to upload the banner right here.

Thomas Garetz:
So it actually shows ... This is a new thing. I've never used this new customized thing. But you can see on
all devices ... I don't know why it says that. This is viewable ... Oh, it shows viewable on all devices I see.
So this right here you'll see on ... This is what you'll see on mobile, this is desktop, and this TV. Okay. So
like I saying. So then hit done. And then for the watermark we're going to hit upload. I think I saved that to
my desktop right here. Keep it the full width. And then you can do it at the end of the video, entire video,
custom start time. I start mine at like a minute after the intro is usually finished and then that's how I do
that. And then it looks like we just hit publish up here. Now if we refresh this page you can see it looks like
a real YouTube channel now. So that's pretty dope. Now the next thing is we go back to here. Is our basic
info. So that's the channel description, your about page, your links which is like your subscribe link which
I'll show you how to do, and then you can add an affiliate link later, and then your contact info.

Thomas Garetz:
So do not use the same email as YouTube. You don't want to make it easier for hackers to do it. Now I
have my domain email there but you could just create a new email. Like for MoneyLand it would be like
moneylandsupport@gmail.com. So it's not that big of a deal but eventually you do want to have that type
of stuff, especially obviously if you're using an email software you need a domain email. But yeah, so
again, they make it easy for us so we just go to basic info. So channel description. For me, I wrote a story
but you could do it like, "Welcome to our YouTube channel, MoneyLand." We could say like, "Where we
upload the new and best make money online content." And you could say, "We upload new videos
every ..." And then you would put your upload schedule. And then you could say, "Make sure to subscribe
so you don't miss anything." So that's just a quick little basic about page but you could do it more or less,
whatever you want to do. But just try and get a couple keywords in there and then mention your upload
schedule and what you post about.

Thomas Garetz:
Language. You could do your original language. I don't know why ... Oh, that's like a translation. I have no
idea about this. I'm just being honest. This is all new. But you could mess with if you wanted. Now the
next thing was links. So when I showed you my YouTube channel right here, I have links on the banner.
And if we go to my about page the links also show up right here. So what I'm going to do is, you want to
take your channel link right here, you want to add a link, you want to post your channel link here. But
we're not done yet. You want to go over here. You want to go to the resources and you want to take this
link. Add this to your channel link. ?sub_conformation=1. And you put that at the end of your link and then
the title could be like ... I have it in all caps and I say subscribe here. And then you can say links on
banner. I only show two. You could keep it at two. Obviously only have one but we could do it like that.
And then this email would be your contact email like I showed you over here. If people want to contact me
they can view email address for business inquiries.

Thomas Garetz:
So you could name it MoneyLand Support, MoneyLand Inquires, or whatever. And then you put that in
your email address there and then we hit publish. So now pay attention to this corner right here. If I hit
refresh, you can see subscribe here now. Okay, so if I click that what happens is it pops up this box that
says confirm channel subscription and you can hit subscribe. So that's the subscribe link.
Thomas Garetz:
Now the last step of the customization right here is the layout which you won't do until you start posting.
Like I say here, it's your video spotlight and featured sections and then you do that after posting. I'll show
you what mine looks like quick. It's right here. It's like a channel trailer and then a featured video. So you
have two videos you can put there. That's for people who haven't subscribed. This is for returning
subscribers. And then you can have featured sections where it shows different playlists or recent videos,
all that stuff. So that's that. And you obviously can't do that until you start uploading.

Thomas Garetz:
Now the next step is ... Let me go back to that. Is setting up is step five. So this is setting up your AVL
plus B. So that's your audio, video and lighting plus background. Okay so with your microphone you want
to get it pretty close to your mouth. Like six to 10 inches. Closer the better but you don't want to be eating
it. That probably sounded terrible but you get what I'm saying. So the next step is positioning your
camera, your webcam or whatever without a ton of space above you. So you want to be like how a video
should look. Just look at other popular creators and see what they're doing. But basically like kind of how I
have it. I can't see my video right now but it's usually about a little bit of space above my head. And the
next thing is the three point lighting setup is the norm but lighting alone can be like an hour long topic. I'll
show you examples of that on the next slide. And then make sure your background has light.

Thomas Garetz:
This is key. So hopefully, if you can see my webcam, I'm going to show you what it looks like. You see
what it looks like with light in my background. Now check this out. That's what it looks like without
background lighting. Hopefully you can see that but typically when I turn that off my face gets blown out
and it looks awful. So background lighting is super, super important. Now here's what ... Oh yeah, I
showed you the example. Now here's what the three point lighting setup is. So it's the key light, fill light
and the hair light. And your camera's right here. They key light is a 45 degree angle from you. The side
does not matter and this is your brightest light. Your fill light is the opposite side of your key light. A little
further to the side from your camera and it's not as bright as your key light and it fills in the shadows on
the other side of your face. The hair light, this adds light to your hair/back and separates you from the
background and it also ads depth. But don't forget, again, background lighting is key like I showed you.
And again, this is not set in stone.

Thomas Garetz:
Let me show you my setup. This is my setup. I told you DIY lighting. You can see my little desk from Ikea.
I have my cheap microphone stand. I have my background lighting. The only thing that's different from
this picture is I added this ring light and it's about right where it is basically. It's to the corner, the left
corner of my desk, and it's a little higher up pointing down. So that's my key light. This is my brightest
light. This is my fill light. It fills in the other side of my face. And then my background light and then this is
basically my hair light. Okay so it's not your typical three point lighting setup but in a way. So again, this is
the only difference besides this is I took off these shower curtains that I used to soften the light because
they were so old they were starting to turn yellow. But yeah, so that's my setup. It doesn't have to be
anything crazy. And then I have a little phone stand right here which is what I have my phone on so I can
look at notes and stuff.

Thomas Garetz:
Now this is setting up continued and this is setting up the business side. So do you need an LLC to start?
Disclaimer, I'm not a licensed professional. This is just my experience and what I personally did. Get that
out the way. I used Incfile to create my LLC. I added a link. If you want to check it out it's like a zero dollar
link to sign up for the silver plan and then you just pay state fees. I did the gold plan. Do your research.
Talk to a professional. That's just what I did. I live in the US as well so I don't know about anything else
but that's what I did. And a lot of people get hung up on that part. I've had a lot of questions about that. I
myself got a little hung up on that part. Not going to lie. So I think it's important to just do some research,
talk to someone and then choose one and get started. It really doesn't matter that much. Especially when
you haven't made any money yet. So after you've decided on that get your affiliate link from Legendary
Marketer's back office and then add a tracking tag. So if you've never done that before what you do is you
go to Legendary Marketer ... Close some of this out so I'm not so laggy.

Thomas Garetz:
And then assuming you're already a part of their affiliate program, which you should be, you go to
affiliates and then you go to funnels and then the business challenge is the main link you want to choose.
I promote the business challenge black but they're both pretty much the same. From what I've talked to
Dave about, they pretty much convert the same so it's totally up to you. I'm just going to use the business
challenge black as an example. Then you go to affiliate links. Now there's two capture pages which is
your opt in page. So the only difference between promoting Legendary's thing directly and doing it
yourself is a bridge page. This is what I have a bridge page in between that. So a capture bridge sales
page. So my bridge page basically just talks about my experience and then kind of like pre frames them,
pre sells them a little bit. So that's the only difference. But I know there's people who are very successful
at Legendary and don't do that. And again, in the future I do suggest doing that but at the start you can
just start very simply. And then all you do is you choose one of these. I'll just do this one for example. And
then you're going to want to add the tracking tag. Either YouTube or YT. Hit add. So now every lead you
get that comes into the leads, you'll know it's from YouTube.

Thomas Garetz:
So you're going to copy this link and then you're going to go a website called bitly.com. This is a free link
tracker. It's not as good as ClickMagic but again, you don't need that stuff. So we're going to click right
here. We're going to paste our link in there. So this is our original affiliate link. Not the best looking link.
It's much better than a ClickBank link but it's not the worst either. But then you can either ... If you want
you can keep it but we're just going to shorten it and then now this is your affiliate link. So what you can
do now is you want to put this in a document and then also what you can do is you can go back to
channel customization and then you go to your basic info, add a link. You could say start your biz. And
then you can post your affiliate link there and publish it. And then if we refresh it you can see right there
you have your affiliate link now. But you want to save that link. You want to put it in a document

Thomas Garetz:
Also I should mention that Bitly is a free ... You can get a free account. And then what you can do is you
can change the end of this. But because everyone's linked together ... Legendary Marketer is probably
taken but you could do like T Garetz-Legendary. So you can change these random numbers and letters.
But this is just fine too. Now go back to this. So we did all of this. We did that. We did that. And then
optional, add the affiliate link to your channel links. Again, optional. And then step six is planning.
Planning. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Killing it with the quotes today. So getting unlimited video
ideas. Sorry. So the ... Oh lord. Okay. Are we still here? Lagging out.

Thomas Garetz:
Okay. I think we're back. All right, sorry guys. So the most common way to get video ideas is modeling
success. Look at other successful people in your space and model them. That's the best and easiest way
to do that. Another way is Morningfame and this tool is key for my business. So before I get to far in this
let me show you both of these quick. So for example ... Close this out too. On YouTube you could go to
someone like Kevin David. He's a pretty big YouTuber. Huge YouTuber in the space. You go to his
channel, go to videos and then you can sort by most popular. And then you can model after these proven
and popular videos. Now, what I do is I use a tool called Morningfame. This tool changed the game. This
is what Grace was talking about. This is the tool I told her about. And how it works is it links to your
YouTube channel and then it gives you all this data. It tells you different strategies and it tells you like
create more of these videos. It shows you the algorithm and videos that are triggering, channels that are
triggering, search terms that are triggering. Like all this stuff.

Thomas Garetz:
And the main thing I really love about this is their keyword research tool. So for example let's just say
we're going to do a video about affiliate marketing. This is a very competitive key word so I wouldn't
suggest it but I'm just doing this as an example. So you would hit affiliate marketing. And then you can
see that E, E, D, F. Those are bad grades. You usually want to get Ds if possible. Es are okay but you
don't want Fs. And at the beginning it's going to be kind of tough for a lot of keywords just because they
don't have much data on your channel and your brand new. But for this one right here, this is B, D, D, D,
D. Affiliate marketing course or how to start affiliate marketing with no money. A, ?, A, C. Those are way
easier to rank for and they're longer tail uncommon keywords and it's great choices for smaller channels.
They also show you uncommon and common hashtags. So then you would click this. You would choose it
for step three. Now it shows you again, the average subscribers. It shows you the average views, the
likes, relevance, all that stuff. It also shows you the top videos showing up in search for that.

Thomas Garetz:
So then you would choose it for step four. And then this is how I plan my videos and I'll get into this later
in the slides. But that's what I love about Morningfame. Now the other options. You have the
YouTube/Google ABC method. So this is like going to YouTube and typing in affiliate marketing and then
typing the letter A. A, so affiliate marketing Amazon, affiliate marketing Amazon tutorial. And they say that
the top one is the highest search volume. So this would be the highest with the A. With would be the
lowest out of these top ones. So then you do affiliate marketing A, affiliate marketing B, affiliate marketing
C. And there's tons of ideas right there. And you can do the same on Google and you can also go to
related searches at the bottom. That's another way. And then you could go right here to answer the
public. This used to be a free tool but it's a paid tool now and they limit your searches to one per day. But
any VPN will let you get past that very easily. I use Windscribe. I've heard good things about NordVPN
but I don't know the price or anything about that.

Thomas Garetz:
But basically if we go right here to Answer the Public and let's type in affiliate marketing and then hit
search. I don't like the circle graph but basically it shows you what, are, will, when can. So you can either
just click up ... Where is it? Oh, right here. Data. So now it shows it in order. Easier to read. Are affiliate
marketing courses really worth it? Is affiliate marketing worth it? Is affiliate marketing dead? These are all
video ideas. So it's crazy valuable. But if I go back and then I type in make money online ... Oh, it let me
do it. Maybe it's limited to two. I don't know what the limit is but let's try again. We'll type in chocolate like
he says. Yeah. So you've hit the maximum number of free searches for today. So it's two searches, not
one. My bad. But if you use a VPN you could pick a different location and then reopen the page and it'll let
you do it again. So that's a quick little tip to get past that.

Thomas Garetz:
Now, this is planning continued. Planning is the most important part. So this is the steps to create good
videos fast in order. So the title, search phrase. You want to find a searchable keyword, like I was saying
in Morningfame. You use Morningfame for that. I basically showed you that a little bit but the next step is
research and script the video. So after you've picked your search term right here ... This is your search
term. You can see it's highlighted in all yellow like that and it's bold. So if I took this and I posted it right
there you can see it's highlighted right there. But basically you want to go here. You want to look at the
top videos. You can look at other videos. You want to watch at least three of them. And then I added
another resource. It's the YouTube script template. This is just a quick little script I made up. And this is
basically how I make my scripts. I script the entire video. I think I skipped that part but watch at least three
videos, script the entire video in Google Docs and break the script into sections. Also try and make the
intro short and concise.

Thomas Garetz:
So I do this. You don't have to do this. You can script bullet points or however you want to do the script.
But basically what I do is I do an intro. I introduce myself. "Hey, what's going on guys? Thomas Garetz
here." Then I say the exact search term/keyword. So I'd be like, "In this video I'm going to show you how
to start affiliate marketing with no money." And then you could say a little bit more but you want to hook
them and say why to watch entire video or whatever. So it's like, "And I'm going to show you how to do
this, this and this, and if you stay until the end of the video I'm going to show you a bonus method that
could make you even more money." And then say ... And if you're excited ... And this is what I say. "And if
you're excited make sure to smash the like button and let's get into the video." And then the screen goes
black. I don't do any intro video or nothing like that. I used to. I think it's waste of time, especially when
you're first starting out. But then the start of the video comes. I restate the search term.

Thomas Garetz:
"So again like I said in this video, I'm going to show you how to make money with affiliate marketing with
no money," or whatever it was. And then I get started with the content fast. Then this just makes it easier
to script the video. They don't actually have to be legitimate steps. It could just be what you're doing in the
video. So when you're watching these videos and researching, make sure you're writing this and keeping
notes as you're doing it. So it'd be like step one ... You wouldn't have to say this is step one. You could be
like, "First what we're going to do," and then you have ... So it'd be like, "First what we're going to do is
we're going to do this. You're going to go to this website and this is what we're going to do." So that's the
idea. The step one, you're going to do this. On the sub step, this website, the key point, what you're going
to them. Then you do that again and again and again and at the end of the video, I always do a call to
action for Legendary Marketer.

Thomas Garetz:
"Hey, if this video wasn't really for you or you want to see that bonus method I was talking about, click the
first link in the description for my number one recommendation." Or whatever. And then you could also
say ... You can hand them off to another video and you can also say, "Smash the like button and
subscribe." It's optional. Just know that too many call to actions can have a negative impact but test
different things. And when I say hand them off to another video, you can use what's called end screens.
And you can do an end screen and say, "If you want to check out another video about how to make
money with affiliate marketing with a website," or whatever you want to say, "Click the video on the
screen right now." And then that will keep them going in the process watching more videos. I don't do that
all the time but I think it's valuable, especially when you're starting out.

Thomas Garetz:
All right. So the next step is your description. So you've already done your script, now you want to write a
description and you do Morningfame for this and you do your tags and pinned comment and you use
Morningfame for this. So for example, for my description I would be like, "In this video I'm going to show
you," and then I put my keyword. So if I take that away, pay attention to my relevance right here. It's at
75%, now it's at 92%. That makes me much better in search. So in this video I'm going to show you how
to start affiliate marketing with no money and yada, yada, ya. So you would keep it about two or three
lines. And then what you want to do is you want to put my number one recommendation to make money
or start your business, whatever. And then you put your Bitly link. Your affiliate link. And then what I do is I
do overview of this video. So then I just write like ... Here, I'll just show you one that I finished. Mine are
really long. I'll be honest. You don't have to make them this long. This was a super long video.

Thomas Garetz:
But I have the two, three, four lines right there. I have my affiliate link, I have my program link. I show the
resources I talked about in the video. I do a summary of the video. I broke that into sections as well. And
then I did a table of contents/timestamp because this video was super long. And then you always want to
have your disclaimers. And then you want to have three hashtags. As far as tags they're done right here
as well. So if I go ... I didn't save it. I should have saved it. But basically what you're doing here is
Morningfame will suggest search terms and ... Like for your tags right here. You always want to use your
entire search term. So it'd be this one right here. How to make money on YouTube without showing your
face. And then you can do it with showing your face or voice. And you can see if I delete those I'm at
96%. I don't know if it'll affect it much but a little bit. So if I delete all of these you'll see it goes down. But
you want to add ones with your keyword in it. So add that. Add that. You can see it goes way up.

Thomas Garetz:
So like that and 500 is the max. I always have my name in it because from what I know it does help a little
bit with suggested. But yeah, that's that. And then for a pinned comment they say to recommend one of
your related videos. It's totally up to you. Sometimes I make a funny comment like, "It would take you less
time to read this comment then to smash the like button." And then sometimes I put my affiliate link.
Sometimes I put a video. Whatever. So that's that. So I'm going to try and hurry this up but you get the
idea there. Hopefully. The next step, again planning. You can create your clickable thumbnails in order.
So the first step is to take a picture of yourself, add emotions. So it would be like ... I'm going to try and do
this quick. Actually I won't be able to take a picture of myself. I'll just use a random picture. But it would be
like ... Because I'm using my webcam. It would be like ... Just like emotion. So take a picture of yourself.
You can do that with a camera app.

Thomas Garetz:
Then what you want to do is you want to remove the background. So this is optional but I suggest doing it.
You can do it with Remove.BG. I say to right click and save image as to get past credits. Again, you have
credits you can use. So like for example if we go to Remove.BG and then upload an image ... Hopefully I
have a random image. Okay. Right here. Okay so the original is like this then it removed the background.
If I hit download high res you can see I only have one credit but the trick, if I right click it, save image as, it
won't use my credit. So that's another little tip. Another little hack. Okay. So I saved the image, it's right
there. Now the next step is adding an outline to your image. So this is like on my videos or on my pictures
if we go to ... Here, actually I have a thumbnail template right here so if we open that up. You can see I
added an outline to this. That white outline. You can do that in Gravit Designer. So I say Gravit Designer. I
don't think I have enough time to show you how to do that so just go to YouTube and search how to use
Gravit pen tool on YouTube.

Thomas Garetz:
So that's how you do that. It's another free tool. Gravit Designer. That's what I personally use to make my
text because you can add outlines and shadows. But Canva actually did an update and now you can add
shadow on Canva as well. The text isn't quite as nice as I like it but it works. I made this all in Canva
except for the outline obviously. So my template for thumbnails is I use one little line of text here. I use
like a clickable image or icon they call it. Basically entices clicking. And then I have my image on the right
side. So basically if I was to add a page I would drag this photo in here. And then I would put it here. This
is such a bad picture. Oh my god. That's hilarious. Okay. So I would make it a literally bigger. And then
you see it's kind of not the best lighting. What I would do is I would add effects. Or adjust, sorry. I would
adjust it. I would add some contrast. Add a little brightness. Add some saturation. Something like that.
You see it adds it pretty nice. So if I reset that you can see the difference. Then to add a text again, you
would add the text here. You would say whatever the video is about. You could say no website.
Considering we're doing the affiliate marketing with no website one. You would make it white.

Thomas Garetz:
You always want it to be bold lettering. So this is all right. I would probably just use Anton because it
makes it smaller. So no website like that. And then what you do is you go to effects and then you go to
shadow and then you go transparency all the way up. Or actually no, blur all the way up I think. Go black.
Or maybe it is transparency some. Yeah. Like that. And then what you can do also is you can click on this
and you can duplicate it here or just control C and control V and then you can add a couple and that'll
make it really dark. And then you can just add an element like type in a website and then you can put your
little website thing here. I usually add an arrow. So to do that again you would just type in arrow. So
you're just taking arrow, put it pointing a that, change the color if you can. This one doesn't look like
change the color but some of them you can. Like this one you can change the color. And then you could
just change the background. I usually use like a blue but yeah, it's totally up to you.

Thomas Garetz:
So that's a quick tutorial on how to make a thumbnail. The last thing you can do is you can go over here
and then you can choose a file for your thumbnail right here. So I think I downloaded this before. I'll just
use one of the ones I make. And then you want to make sure your thumbnail kind of sticks out against the
other ones and you can look at dark mode as well. So you can see mine's blue. All of theirs is like red. It
kind of sticks out. And you can show sizes. Right here, look at the other sizes and make sure it looks
good on all sizes. And boom, there you go.

Thomas Garetz:
So now the next step ... What do we got? Like 20 minutes left? Then you complete the thumbnail and
then you can also do this all after you do the video but doing it before is good too. So I showed you all
that, comparing the thumbnails. And then the last step ... Or actually this isn't the last step, almost the last
step, is how to act on camera. This is creating. I just say be you. Try not to be super unenergetic and
boring. Like, "Hey guys, I'm going to show you how to create. And you should act on camera like this,
that." You don't want to be monotone and boring and also hand movements do help. It keeps people
engaged. Now recording videos the easy way. So this is how I do it. I have this little thing like I showed
you, the little stand for my phone. So what I do is I look at the script. I do it on Google Docs so I can open
it up on my phone very easily from my computer. I do it on my computer. Open it on my phone. I look at
the script, I read a line, I look up at the camera and I say it. I stop. Don't look down right away. I stop and
then I look down. And then I repeat. And you just do that over and over.

Thomas Garetz:
A lot of people when they're not scripting, they go off on tangents, they go off topic, they forget what
they're going to say, they don't say something they wanted to say. And this is from my experience the
most important thing I've done was start scripting my videos. I can tell when I don't script my video, they
just don't do as good. It's just facts. At least for me. So how to record your videos. I say recording your
videos in sections like when we scripted the video, you record the intro, finish it. Then you record the start
of the video, finish it. Okay. Then you record step one. You know what I mean? So then when you're
editing you have it in sections and it's a lot easier to really ... Maybe you screwed up. You could just redo
that section. I used to never do this but I started doing it and it's a lot easier. Because a lot of the time,
especially if your computer is not good, sometimes you could have something screw up and if the video's
a half our long because you just recorded it in one section, it screws the whole things up. So I think that's
the easiest way to do it.

Thomas Garetz:
And then I suggest Camtasia. Dave showed you Loom. The reason I suggest Camtasia is because that's
what I use to edit as well. So it's just easier. It's all included. A USB mic, your USB webcam and then
Camtasia. It's automatic. It's so quick compared to using a camera or whatever. You don't have to
download anything. It's just automatically gets put in there. So OBS Studio is also an option. It's free. And
then how to edit your videos with Camtasia. I don't have enough time to show you this but I included a
video from my own program that no one else has access to obviously besides them but it's right here.
How to edit your videos with Camtasia. The password is legendary. So when you open this up it will
say ... Maybe it's because I already typed in the password. But it will say type in a password or whatever.
And it's just legendary. No capitals. Just legendary. And that shows you literally the process of me editing
a full video and how Camtasia works. This is just what I use but you can use whatever. You could use
QuickTime to record, you could use iMovie to edit. You could use Loom. You could not edit your videos.
However you want to do it. But if you're going to do this strategy and you're going to script your videos,
you've got to edit them.

Thomas Garetz:
It's just you're going to have a bunch points where you're looking down and not talking. You can't have
that. And that video's super valuable. And then the last step is export and upload the video. And this is
where Morningfame shines. So for example, let me see if I have a short video. So we'll go to YouTube
quick. And then what you would do ... I hope I have a short video. Let me check real quick. Let's see here.
Here we go. Okay. All right. So what we would do is we would go over here. You would hit create. You
would upload video. And then you would select the file. You could just click here and it will open up your
files. So here it is. This video. And then what it does is it pops this up. With Windows, what you can do is
you can drag this over and it will split it in half. And then what you can do is you can open up another
thing here. And then we'll go to Morningfame. Then we're going to go to our keyword research right there.
And then we can go to optimize here and we'll open up one of our videos.

Thomas Garetz:
So now what we can do is we have half ... Our YouTube on this side and then Morningfame on this side.
And you've already filled all this out because that was in the prior steps. So what we do is we click here,
control A, that selects it all, control C, and then go over here. If it lets me. Oh my gosh. I need a new
computer. All right. Then we select all that and then control V. And then you literally click there, control A.
That's our description. Go here, control V. And then you go right here. Click upload thumbnail. Oh, I didn't
verify my account so I can't do that. Make sure to verify your account so you can do custom thumbnails.
You would add to playlists right here. I talk about that in the free course on my YouTube channel, which is
in the resources. You can check that out. But basically you'll just create a playlist. You could create one
with the same title, the same search term. So it could be like that. That could be the name of your playlist.
And then you want to make sure, if you set your things right, this is all set. So no and no.

Thomas Garetz:
And then for tags right here, we click here, go down, copy to clipboard. Okay. Now it's copied. Click here.
Paste it. There's all our tags. 500 out of 500. You can choose your language. There's a setting in
YouTube which you can choose this. I must have forgot. But you just go down to United States. Or, what
am I ... English, right? I think we can choose English, United States. And then you don't have to do
anything here. I don't add a location. I know some people do. If you add a location it won't show your
hashtags. It's up to you. I don't do that. For category, a lot of people do people and blogs. I do how to and
style because it's a how to video. And then you go next. This stuff isn't ... You can't do it until this three
minutes is finished. And then this is where you would add an end screen and add cards. And then for
visibility what you would want to do is you want to schedule it out and then choose the time. Don't do
premiers when you first start out. All that does is it sends a notification to your subscribers and says a
video is going live in 30 minutes, and then 15 minutes, and then live or whatever. So it's pointless to do it
when you don't have any subscribers or you don't have many.

Thomas Garetz:
But basically it shows the video like it's a live premier. So that's how you would do that. And I'll show you
how to do this in two minutes. But let me see if there's anything else left. Okay. So the last point ... I won't
go on the slides for a second. I'll talk for a quick minute. But basically, after you've done all this, you're
going to want to promote your video. The best way to do that is make a short, 15 second to minute long
video covering the main points of your YouTube video on TikTok. And then at the end of the TikTok video
you say, "Hey, if you want to checkout the full video, checkout my YouTube channel." Or, "Checkout the
full video on my YouTube channel. Link is in my bio." And you don't even need a link because you can put
your YouTube channel link in your settings and it will have a little icon for YouTube. So that's how I've
done it and that's how my channel blew up because of that.

Thomas Garetz:
So now it is ... Oh, we still have to wait for the SD. It's almost done. That goes quick. 95%. So we're done
with ... And then the last part was, again, your pinned comment. You can't do that until the channel's live.
So once it's live then you comment this and you just click three little dots and pin the video. Or pin the
comment, sorry.

Thomas Garetz:
Okay. Now this is done. So for an end screen what we would do is we would hit add. You're not going to
have any videos. This channel's brand new. But what you would do is you can do this at the last 20
seconds of the video. So you would do something like, "Hey, again, if you want to checkout another
video, click the video on the screen right now." So you can use their little templates where it's a video and
a subscribe button, two videos, two videos that way. Or you can just add elements. So could do a video
and then you could make it bigger. You could put it in the center or however you want. You can choose
your most recent video, best for viewer, or choose a specific video. Obviously we don't have any but that's
how you would do that. And you could say, "Hey, if you want to checkout my review of Legendary
Marketer, click the video on the page right now. Yada yada ya." And then you can change the amount of
time the thing lasts right there. And then you would just hit save. All right. So I'm going to discard

Thomas Garetz:
Same thing for cards. Those are those little cards that pop up on the video. You can have five of these in
the total video. You won't have link until you're actually in the partner program and monetized but you can
add videos, playlists, or other channels. So again, you could say during the video, "If you want to
checkout Legendary Marketer's review, click the card above." I don't use these that much but these are
powerful. If you want to do them, I suggest not really doing them too early on. But some people do. It's up
to you. Test different things.
Thomas Garetz:
So that's that. And then again you would go over here, you would schedule it out, click schedule, and
you're good to go. I'm not going to actually upload that video but then it would be in your videos right here.
It's actually still going to be right there as draft I think but maybe not. It should be. It's probably just not
loading. There it is. So I'm going to delete this. All right.

Thomas Garetz:
Let me go back to my slides quick. We did all of that. We did that. And then promote. TikTok is the best.
Get Legendary Marketer's 15 second free leads. Follow that training. And then again, make short
versions of each YouTube video and upload it to TikTok and have a call to action at the end sending them
to the full video. And then also, you want to make other types of TikTok videos too unless you're
uploading a bunch. But consistency is key in everything. And then I say then just rinse and repeat the
process over an extended period of time and don't give up. And boom. Did we make it Dave? I think we
did it in time.

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