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1. A. Identify what variety of language is used in the conversation. The

variety of language used in these conversations is formal or official.

This can be seen from the use of well-structured sentences, the use of

formal words, and the use of polite expressions.

B. Because in every conversation with the person we are talking to, we

must use polite and formal language so that the person we are talking

to can easily understand and not be easily offended.

C. Identify the topic of the conversation.

The topic of the conversation is making an appointment for a project

meeting. In the conversation, they discussed the meeting schedule,

desired days, and requested to bring a project outline.

2. Currently I am in my work room and my office location is close to my

house, I like working in this office because the distance is very close.

I was impressed by the very beautiful design of this room and my

work equipment was very complete.

In this room I am very comfortable because it is far from the crowd

and I work quietly.

3. A. The sender of the memo was Daniel Livingstone, Director of Personnel

B. For all company employees

C. About discipline to respect time.

D. Company employees who have followed the company's rules.

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