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"Second Term Final Revision"

O.L revision Sheet

The answer key

2018 - 2019

A) Listening
1) Listen and choose the correct answer from a , b or c:
1. What does Tamer suffer from?
a) Fever b) Flu c) A headache
2. What does the doctor think Tamer has?
a) A cold b) Pain c) Fever
3. What does the doctor advise him to do? ‐ To stay in ……….………
a) room b) bed c) chair
4. What will happen if Tamer stays in bed?‐ He'll feel …………………
a) better b) worse c) fitter

B) Language Functions

2) Complete the following dialogue :‐

Mona : Do you like cooking , Amal?
Amal : Of course and I always help my (1)mom..
Mona : What do you like to (2eat ?
Amal : Fish and rice.
Mona : Where do you cook?
Amal : In the (3) kitchen .What about you?
Mona : (4) me to.

3) Supply the missing parts in the following two mini‐dialogues:

1. Hany : What is your ball made of?

Fady : It is made of plastic.
2. Soha :what do you like to do in your free time?
Hala : I like painting in my free time.

C) Reading Comprehension

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:‐

In many cities, rubbish is taken to places where the different

materials are put into large containers. Paper, newspapers metal
cans, glass and plastic bottles are most often made into new things.
Even mobile phones contain some metal and plastic. Parts that we
can recycle. What happens if these materials aren't recycled? They
stay on the land and they can pollute the, soil and our drinking
water. So, when you next put your rubbish outside, ask yourself,
"Can any of this be used again?"

a) Answer the following questions:

1. Where is rubbish taken before it is recycled?

- They stay on land and pollute the soil.

2. Why can we recycle old mobile phones?

-because they contain some metal and plastic.
3. What does the underlined word "They" refer to?
-The metals

b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:‐

4. Old materials can……………...the environment if they aren't
a. help b. save c. pollute d. clean
5. Old materials are often made into………….................…....
a. new phones b. newspapers c. old things d. mobile phones

D. The Reader

5. a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1. What did the dragon refuse to do?

‐ To go back to the…….......................………
a. moon b. sky c. sun d. sea
2. What did the Iron Man listen to while eating? ‐ The
a. play b. chat c. song d. dance

b. Answer the following questions :

1. Why did the Iron Man ask the dragon to sing?

-It was a trick to make him stop hurting people .
2. Why were people no longer afraid of the dragon ?
- Because the dragon has stopped hurting people.
E. Usage and Writing

6. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1. You look so young in this photo. When was it………..…….?
a. took b. taking c. take d. taken
2. My cousin is very …………................…. at playing football.
a. well b. will c. good d. badly
3. My father is painting our house …...........................……….
a. himself b. herself c. him d. myself
4. The best shoes are usually made of ……......................…….
a. cotton b. leather c. wood d. paper
5. Mice often live in a ………..............………. in the ground.
a. hole b. container c. hill d. plant
6. A …………….…........... of tuna fish is enough for me .
a. bottle b. jar c. can d. cup

7. I'll turn ……......……………………. the lights when I finish reading.
a. up b. down c. off d. on
8. ..……….............…....……you eat, you will be hungry.
a. If b. Unless c. When d. Why

7) Read and correct the underlined words:

1‐ Boil water to make it dangerous to drink. (safer )

2‐ You should sweep your teeth before you sleep. (brush )
3‐ Cotton , rice and sugar cane are important drops. . ( crops )

F‐ Writing

8) Write a paragraph of Six (6) sentences on:

"Mobile phones"
Answer by yourself

Exam 2
A) Listening
1) Listen and choose the correct answer from a , b or c:
1‐ What are the best countries to make shoes ?
a) Korea and Japan b) Egypt and Italy c) Italy and Spain
2‐ What do we wear with shoes ?
a) Paper b) Socks c) Cotton
3‐ What are shoes important for ?
a) Sleeping b) Walking c) Swimming
4‐ What are the best shoes made of ?
a) Rubber b) Cotton c) Leather

B) Language Functions

2) Complete the following dialogue :

Hany : What is wrong with you , Gad?
Gad : I feel (1)sick.
Hany : What did you eat lately?
Gad : I (3) ate fast food in a restaurant.
Hany : I think you shouldn't eat fast food.
Gad : Yes, you are (4) I will not do it again .

3) Supply the missing parts in the following two mini‐dialogues:‐

1. Saeed : What mustn't you do if oil in a pan catches fire?
Mother :you mustn't pour water .
2. Basem : What are the care tyres made of ?
Ahmed : Car tyres are made of rubber.

C) Reading Comprehension

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

One day, my mother was cooking in the kitchen when my sister
offered to help her. My mother told my sister to be careful.
Suddenly, my sister cried out in pain because she held a lid of a pan
on the cooker. Quickly, my mother put some ice on her hand and
told her to get out of the kitchen. When my mother finished
cooking, she said to my sister " You mustn't touch a hot pan without
a towel " and You must dry your hands before you touch something

a. Answer the following questions:

1. What was the mother doing in the kitchen?
-She was cooking in the kitchen .
2. Why did the daughter cry out in pain?
- She held a lid of pan on the cooker.
3. What did the mother put on her daughter's hand?
-to wear a towel .
b.Choose the correct answer from a ,b ,c or d :
4. The mother told her daughter to be …………….
a. ill b. careful c. weak d. sad
5.We mustn't touch a hot ……………… without a towel.
a. fan b. man c. pan d. book

D. The Reader

5. a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :‐

1. Why couldn't people hurt the dragon ? ‐ Because it was too ……..
a. small b. big c. thin d. light
2. How often did the dragon fly to the sun ?
a. Once b. Twice c. Three times d. Four times
b. Answer the following questions :
1. What did the dragon ask for ?
- The dragon asked for not going to the sun again .
2. What did the Iron Man ask the dragon to do ?
- to sing a song and do not hurt people .
D. Usage and Writing

6. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1. The letters are written on the ……………...............….. of the
computer .
a. keyboard b. mouse c. printer d. mouse mat
2. An ………….............… is a message sent by someone using the
internet .
a. e‐mail b. voicemail c. airmail d. mailbox
3. This toy plane comes from the USA. It's
a. Korean b. African c. Asian d. American
4. Books are made ……………...............….. paper
a. in b. of c. by d. from
5. ……..………................. are open shoes that you can wear in hot
a. Boots b. Sandals c. Trainers d. Snacks
6. The TV is as expensive …………............….. the computer.
a. as b. more c. most d. less
7. If it's very hot today, I ………......................…….. at home.
a. stays b. will stay c. stayed d. staying
8. ………………..........……… I use your book? ‐ Yes, you can.
a. Do b. Can c. Must d. Should

7. Read and correct the underlined words:

1. Thank you, I will carry it himself. ( myself)
2. You shouldn't eat too much cakes. (many )
3. Now , it’s difficult to carry phones around. (easy)

F‐ Writing
8) Write a paragraph of Six (6) sentences on:
"Stay safe"
Answer by yourself

Exam 3
A) Listening
1‐ Listen and choose the correct answer from a , b or c :
1. Where does Magdy work?
a. At a newspaper b. At a hospital c. At a school
2. What is Magdy's job?
a. A reporter b. An architect c. A printer
3. When must the newspapers be ready?
a. At night b. In the afternoon c. Early in the morning

4. When does Magdy work?
a. In the early morning b. At night c. In the afternoon

B‐Language functions

2) Complete the following dialogue:

Ahmed : Hi, Amr. You look worried. Where are you going?
Amr : I'm going to the (1) The hospital .
Ahmed : What's (2) wrong with you?
Amr : I have a very bad cold.
Ahmed : I hope you get (3) get soon.
Amr : (4) thank you very much.

3) Supply the missing parts in the following two mini‐dialogues:‐

1. Amina : Do you think we won't need doctors in the future?

Maha : no , I do not think so .
Amina : agree. We always need doctors.
2. Mr Reda What is Bilharzia?
Nesma : Bilharzia is a very dangerous disease.

C) Reading Comprehension

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:‐

Samy is a good grocer. He has a small shop. He has got five children.
One is a boy called Omar and the others are girls. Omar goes to a
secondary school. He wants to be a doctor. The
girls go to primary and prep school. Samy gets up early morning. He
has breakfast, then tea. After that, he leaves for his shop where he
sells rice, sugar, tea and coffee. All people like him because he sells
good things.

a) Answer the following questions:

1) How many girls does Samy have?

- four girls .
2) Why do people like Samy?
Because he sells good things.
3) What is Samy's job?
- He is a good grocer.
b) Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c or d:
4) Samy has breakfast ……………… he leaves for his shop.
a) after b) since c) before d) during
5) Samy sells ………................…….
a) sugar and tea b) meat c) medicine d) oil

D‐ The Reader
5) a. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1. ………………….saw the Iron Man coming down the hill.
a. Teacher b. Iron Man c. Bird d. Hogarth
2. The Iron Man followed the farmers and Hogarth to …………...
a. a trap b. a farm with a plough c. a scrap metal yard d. a family
eating lunch
b. Answer the following questions:

3. Why couldn't the people destroy the dragon?

- Because he was huge and strong .
4. What did we learn from this story?
-If you are nice to the people , they won't hurt you .
Usage and Writing

6) Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d:‐

1‐ Put a …………………………. on the pan while cooking.
a. towel b. cooker c. lid d. hand

2‐ That's a very nice picture! Did Amal paint it ………..?
a. hers b. himself c. herself d. she
3‐ 7. I don't have much money so I'm going to buy the …………..bag
in the shop.
a. cheap b. cheaper c. cheapest d. less cheap
4‐ He can't………………… under water.
a. relax b. break c. melt d. breathe
5‐ We use oven ………………… to hold things that are hot.
a. hands b. coats c. pans d. gloves
6‐ The train is .……………….. comfortable than the bus.
a. most b. more c. little d. as
7‐ Sugar cane …………..… in Upper Egypt .
a. is growing b. growing c. is grown d. grown
8‐ People in South Africa use old …………… to make toys.
a. cans b. kites c. books d. clothes

7) Read and correct the underlined word:‐

1. Fiat is made of Italy . (in )
2. We use mobile screen to take photos. (camera )
3. Takes the right medicine to get better quickly. (take )
F‐ Writing
8) Write a paragraph of Six (6) sentences on:
" Where things are made"
Answer by yourself

Exam 4
A) Listening
1) Listen and choose the correct answer from a , b or c :
1. For whom is the Nile very important?
a) Farmers b) Builders c) Butchers
2. What else use our river ?
a) Flies b) Insects c) Bees

3. What can insects carry ?
a) Dates b) Dishes c) Diseases
4. How do insects affect water? – They make it ….............
a) unhealthy b) healthy c) clean

B‐Language functions

2) Complete the following dialogue :‐

Ola : What are car tyres (1) made of ?
Father : They are made of (2) rubber.
Ola : Where does rubber (3) come from?
Father : It comes from rubber trees.
Ola : Do you know anything made of rubber?
Father : Yes. Tennis (4) balls are made of rubber.

3) Supply the missing parts in the following two mini‐ dialogues:‐

1‐ Alaa : Have you ever visited your uncle's farm?
Salah : Yes , I have.
2. Mazen : Is pollution bad for your heath ?
Omar : Yes, pollution is very bad for the environment.

C‐ Reading Comprehension:
4) Read the following , then answer the questions:
The internet is a wonderful invention. It is useful because it helps us
to find the information we need in no time. Children should be
careful when using it. They shouldn't post their photos on websites.
They mustn't give out their passwords to anyone other than their

a. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is the internet useful?
-we use it to find information .
2. Why is a wonderful invention?
- Because it an useful invention .
3. Why is should children do when using the internet?
- The should be careful when using it .
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b ,c or d:
4. Children mustn't give out their ………….........…….. to anyone.
a. swords b. passports c. passwords d. words
5. They shouldn't post their photos on…………….......…..
a. websites b. walls c. addresses d. desks

D‐ The Reader

5) a. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

1‐ The farmers wanted to make a ……………… for the Iron Man.
a. tractor b. trap c. statue d. prize
2‐ At the end, the people could………………. The Iron Man and the
a. hate b. destroy c. understand d. talk

a. Answer the following questions:

1‐ What do you think Hogarth's favourite hobby was? Why?
-Write your opinion .
2‐ Why do you think the Iron Man chose the fire and the sun to do
the test?
- Because it was so difficult so keep doing it so he challenged
him to that
E‐ Vocabulary & Structure

6) Choose the correct answer from a , b ,c or d :

1. If you eat many sweets, you …………… your teeth.
a. 're hurt b. 'd hurt c. 'II hurt d. 've hurt
2. A healthy ……………….. contains food from each group.
a. fat b. vitamin c. diet d. body
3. Dirty water is……………..
a. good b. health c. healthy d. unhealthy
4. A ………………..shows the readers what the article is about.
a. column b. headache c. headline d. headlight
5. Reporters visit places to get ……….……..
a. food b. money c. information d. supplies
6. A …………………..writes for a newspaper .
a. doctor b. farmer c. reporter d. lawyer
7. A headline is added for ……… know what the article is about .
a. writers b. designed c. reporters d. readers
8. All the rooms ………………...….every morning .
a. are cleaned b. clean c. are cleaning d. cleaned

7) Read and correct the underlined word:‐

1. People with damaged lungs mustn't breathe very well. (can not )
2. How can I did this exercise? (do )
3. Winter is least sunny than spring. (less)

F‐ Writing
8) Write a paragraph of Six (6) sentences on:
" " Rubber"
Answer by yourself

Exam 5
A) Listening
1) Listen and choose the correct answer from a , b or c :
1. When is the information of an article checked ? ‐…………………....
an article is written .
a) Before b) After c) During
2. What should the information be ?
a) False b) Wrong c) Accurate
3. What should be corrected, too ?
a) The spelling b) The writing c) The listening
4. Where is the information checked ? ‐ In the newspaper………..
a) report b) office c) agency
B‐Language functions
2) Complete the following dialogue :‐
Shop assistant : Can I help you?
Mr Tarek : Yes, please. I'm looking for a good jumper.
Shop assistant : What (1) size this one?
Mr Tarek : Is it made of (2) wool ?
Shop assistant : Yes, it's made of good wool.
Mr Tarek : How (3) much is it ?
Shop assistant : It is 200 (4) pounds .
Mr Tarek : Ok, I will take it. Thank you.

3) Supply the missing parts in the following two mini‐ dialogues:‐

1. Samira : Do you think we won t need doctors in the future?
Amira : no , I do not .
2. Soha: Which is bigger the computer or the laptop ?
Maha : A computer is bigger than a laptop.

C‐ Reading Comprehension
4) Read the following, then answer the questions:
The mobile phone is one of the most important inventions. In April
1973, a man called Martin Cooper made the first call on a mobile
phone. People were surprised to see a man talking on the phone
while he was walking in the street! Early mobile phone was different
from modern one. Modern mobiles are lighter than early mobile
phones. It was difficult to carry around early mobile phones. The
battery of the early mobile didn't last as long as it does today. It
lasted only one hour.

a. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the mobile phone?
-It is one of the most important inventions .
-2. How long did the battery of the early mobile last?
- for an hour .
3. How do the early mobiles look like?
- They looked huge and big .
b. Choose the correct answer from a .b .c or d :
4. People were ……………to see a man talking on the phone.
a. sad b. bad c. angry d. surprised
5. It is ……………to carry around early mobile phones.
a. difficult b. different c. same d. easy

D. The Reader

5) a. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

1. The Iron Man helped the people to ………………the dragon.
a. catch b. burn c. destroy d. control
2. The dragon ……………. To show that he is sorry.
a. sang b. ate people c. flew to the sun d. laughed

b. Answer the following questions:

3. Why do you think people couldn't destroy the dragon?
-Because it is huge and strong .
4. The Iron Man was really strong. How?
- He managed to make the dragon a friend to the people without
fighting .

E‐ Vocabulary & Structure

6) Choose the correct answer from a , b ,c or d :
1. When I feel ill, I ………………….. to the doctor.
a. went b. going c. go d. goes
2. I can type on the computer with the…………………..
a. earphones b. keyboard c. printer d. mouse mat
3. Don't touch hot pans, Ali or you will burn……………….
a. himself b. yourself c. ourselves d. myself

4. Children ………………. play with matches.
a. can b. have c. mustn't d. must
5. ……….comes from trees and we use it to make furniture and
a. Tyres b. Wood c. Rubber d. Rubbish
6. Bilharzia is a …………..which people can get from swimming in
dirty Water.
a. canal b. disease c. medicine d. pool
7. Water can become unhealthy when animals and …………… use it.
a. sleeves b. insects c. plants d. cars
8. We use oven …………………to hold things that are hot.
a. hands b. coats c. pans d. gloves

7) Read and correct the underlined words:

1. I think English is as easier as maths. (easy )

2. It's a good idea to make some exercise. ( do )
3. You must make care of your possessions. (take )

F) Writing

8) Write a paragraph of Six (6) sentences on:

How are newspapers made?
Answer by yourself

The listening script

Tamer : I’ve got a headache.
Doctor : I think you’ve got a cold. If you stay in bed, you’ll soon feel

Exam (Two)
Shoes are important for walking. We always wear socks with them.
The best shoes are made
of leather. Italy and Spain are the best countries to make shoes.

Exam (Three)
Magda boils water if it isn't clean. She washes her hands before she
eats or cooks. She keeps
food in the fridge or covers it.

Exam (Four)
The Nile is very important for farmers, but many insects also use our
river. Sometimes this can
make the water dirty and it can become unhealthy. Insects can also
carry diseases.

Exam (Five)
After an article is written, the information is checked by people in
the newspaper office. They
want the information to be accurate and the spelling is correct, too.


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