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Group interviews can follow the format of However this can also be a disadvantage as the

either structured, semi-structured or presence of others might influence the responses a

unstructured interviews. Often used in respondent gives. They may want to conform to others
market research, they are also commonly in the group or may remain quiet throughout.
referred to as focus groups.
People are also
Group Interviews

They involve a researcher unlikely to want to

or researchers asking a discuss personal
group of people from a matters in front of
specific background others
about their opinions or
experiences Skilled researchers may also be able to draw
conclusions about people’s opinions and motivations
Depending upon the format, they can through observing the body language of the
provide quantitative or qualitative data respondents when they are together which can be
but usually a combination of both used as a form of qualitative data.

One advantage of this method is that it can Group interviews are often
Due to status
provide a lot of data in a short space of used in education with
differences, people
time. The validity of responses is often pupils, parents and teachers
may still answer in a
higher if respondents agree on experiences e.g. Archer, Willis, Demie
socially desirable way
or motivations behind behaviours and McLean

Sociological Research Methods

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