Conflict in Tablighi Jamat and The Real Cause Behind It

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‫ واﻟﺼﻼة واﻟﺴﻼم ﻋﻠﻰ رﺳﻮل ﷲ‬, ‫اﻟﺤﻤﺪ‬


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah!

This is a message to all of my Muslim brothers and sisters around the world.

Since couple of days, you might have noticed conflict going on in one of the efforts of Deen, that’s called

Very few of us know about the real cause behind it and most Muslims are in doubt about it.

Today, I’ll try to make this a bit clear in front of you all.

But first, we all Muslims know that, Islam is based on the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He
was the last prophet and he left us the Quran and his Sunnah. So, whoever wants to follow him and wants to
be a Muslim has to follow the Quran and Sunnah. And a Muslim’s life has to be according to the Holy
Quran and Sunnah.

My Muslim brothers and sisters!

Some of you might be a member of this effort called Tabhligi Jamat, or you might not be. You might have a
soft spot for it in your heart. This effort was based on the Quran and Sunnah.

But since couple of days, there has been a conflict going on in this effort itself, and now as a result, it’s
divided into two groups: one that follows Maulana Saad, the grandson of the son of the establisher of this
effort Maulana Ilyas (R.A.). They call themselves as “ita’ati”.
And another group that follows the Shura (council), that was stablished in 1993 by the 3rd Leader Maulana
In’amul hasan (RH), to handle this worldwide effort after his death. The Shura (council) where Moulana Saad
was a member of and worked with them until 2015.

Some members of this Shura worked and did this effort with Maulana Saad’s grandfather side by side.

Now you might have faced a question in your mind that:

“what’s causing this conflict”?

It’s Moulana Saad who is causing the conflict as he is the main cause of this separation.

It is because of his:

1) Speeches against the Quran and Sunnah.

2) Breaking the Shura (council) that was stablished in 1993 and calling towards Dictatorship.
3) Making unwanted changes in the principals of Tabligh on his own will.

These are the three main causes for this crisis.

Most of the people who are attached to this effort think that “this crisis is because of Imarat
(leadership) and Shura (council).”
For example, Moulana Saad is claiming himself as the only Ameer. While the Shura (council) is saying: “This
effort should be handled by the Shura as it was peacefully and unitedly handled for more then 20 years, not
by himself alone.”

But this kind of thought comes in second place. The main thing that’s causing this conflict is that
Maulana Saad said somethings that goes clearly against the Quran and Sunnah. Here I’m mentioning
some of them:

1)He said:
“Musa (AS) went to mount Toor for worshiping and left the ‘effort of Dawah’ for his ‘ummah’ only
for 40 days.
Because of him leaving the effort, ‘Five hundred eighty-eight thousands of them left the Deen and
turned ‘gumrah’ (misguided)!
Musa (AS) left the effort only for 40 days, only 40 days!!”.
( (Na’uzubillah!)

He was accusing Musa (AS) for their misguidance. If you look closely into this matter, it seems like
he is indirectly accusing Allah SWT. Because Musa (AS) didn’t go to Mount Toor on his own will,
but to follow Allah’s SWT command.

2)He said:
“In a Walima (wedding ceremony) the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) moved from his “ma’mool’
(usual practice), as result of that, penalty came upon him from Allah.”
(Naujubillah!) (

He said the Prophet (peace be upon him) was feeding people meat and bread in one wedding, which deviated
from his usual practice of feeding people dates, and so penalty came upon him. Yet we find in hadith the
Prophet (peace be upon him) said: [٤٨٧٢:‫ﺎري‬4‫ ]ﲱﯿﺢ اﻟﺒ‬."‫وﱂ وﻟﻮ )ﺸﺎة‬#ٔ"
“perform a Walima, even if it is only with a goat.” (Sahih al-Bukhari,no. 4872).

Who does he think he is! putting a judgement on our beloved Prophet (PBUH).

3)He said:
“You say hedayat [guidence] is in Allah’s hands. Why don’t you understand! If hedayat was in Allah’s
hands, why would he sent the Prophets? “
(Astagfirullah!) (

Yet, we find in the Holy Quran Allah (SWT) said: [٥٦ :‫ َﺸﺎُء ]اﻟِْﻘَﺼِﺺ‬P ‫ َْﳞِﺪي َﻣْﻦ‬N?َ‫ْﺒَﺖ َوﻟِﻜ?ﻦ ا‬Kَ‫ْﺣ‬#I ‫اﻧ ?َﻚ َﻻ َْﲥِﺪي َﻣْﻦ‬
“You can’t give guidance to whomsoever you wish, but Allah gives guidance to whomsoever He wills.” (Sura

4) He said:
“All of the rulings of Islam are “khilaf” against human nature”.
(La hawla wala quwwata illa billah)
Yet the whole Muslim world knows Islam is the only religion that’s fully corresponded with human nature.
5)He said:
“The six sifats of tabligh are complete and full deen whoever says it’s not full deen, He is a jahil (an
With all respect, where’s fasting, Hajj and zakat? Aren’t they part of the deen, too?

6)He said:
“Just because five percent of Sahabas did ‘nafarmani’ (disobeyed) the prophet. Allah’s azab
[punishment] came upon them all”.
How can the Sahaba’s disobey the Prophet (peace be upon him), where they were always ready to sacrifice
their lives of him!
Who are you to judge the sahabas where Allah SWT said: “Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with
And the Prophet (PBUH) said:."‫ﲱﺎﰊ‬#ٔ ‫ﺒﻮا‬Z‫ﺴ‬X ‫“ "ﻻ‬Don’t ever abuse my Sahabas”.
What a statement he made on the sahabas!, yet we know that they are the true measure for hedayah.

7)He said:
“The Sahabas used to think returning from Madina and going back to their own villages is apostasy
from Islam. So, don’t you think denial of coming to Nizamuddin is a small thing”.
(Na’uzubillah) (
This statement of his is enough to prove his lack of knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah and arabic
grammar. Can you imagine what he’s trying to say about denial of going to Nizamuddin!!!

8)He said:
“Disagreeing with any action of this effort (Tabligh) is directly denying the action of the
He made some unwanted changes in the effort on his own will. then tried to prove it with wrong
interpretations from the life of Sahabas.. But when he got informed about the false statements he started
saying: “Disagreeing with any action of this effort (Tabligh) is directly denying the action of the

9)He said:
“Keeping a mobile that has a camera and using it, is haram. If someone prays with it, his prayer
won’t be accepted.”
( [on 1:20]

10)He said:
“There are 4 ‫( ﺷرط‬four conditions) for your tauba to be accepted. Among them one is ‘khorooj fi

He means, if you don’t go to Tabligh. your tauba won’t be accepted.

Yet, in Islam there are only three conditions for your tauba (repentance) to be accepted.
I humbly ask him: we know, this effort started from 1926, wasn’t the people’s tauba before 1926 accepted?
And what about the huge number of Muslims who don’t do tabligh, aren’t their tauba accepted?
11)He said:
“giving Dawah outside the masjid is against Sunnah”.
Yet a general reader of the Prophets (PBUH) seerah (biography) knows numerous stories where he (PBUH)
gave dawah outside the masjid.
If he’s (PBUH) practice is against Sunnah then what is Sunnah?

12)He said:
“After Makkah and Madinah, the most holy and precious place in the world is Nizamuddin Masjid”.
Yet, every muslim knows that the third precious masjid is Masjidul Aqsa.

13)He said:
“I’m your Ameer. If you don’t follow me, go to hell”.
How could a person with this kind of mind set be an Ameer?!

14)He said:
“The dog that was with ‘Ashabe kahf’ wasn’t a dog. It was a tiger”.

15)He said:
“Who ever thinks, after doing this effort he won’t get help from Allah SWT, he should do
suicide”. ( (la hawla wala quwwata illa billah)

16)He said: “Eating from separate plates is the culture or Jews”.


And the list goes on.

To avoid prolongation, I have mentioned a few here, otherwise, there are so many statements he made that
clearly goes against the Quran and Sunnah.
You could find few here:‫ & وﯾﮉﯾﻮ‬

These statements of his, are all over the internet, and it’s not a hidden reality anymore.
Even some of his blind followers stood up and wrote books, defending him and trying to prove what he said
isn’t against the Quran and Sunnah. Isn’t that his own followers claiming that these are his words? And some
of them say he didn’t say this. If he didn’t say it, then why try to prove that his claims are not against the
Quran and Sunnah. One time they say: “he didn’t say those claims”, and another time they say: “he did,
but..,”! Isn’t this double standard?
Dear brothers and sisters!

Does Shariah allow us to follow a misguided person that spread such of those faulty thoughts among the vast
majority of Muslims? And is he even qualified enough to be followed as a leader of deen with this kind of
knowledge about Islam? We follow the scholars to guide us to the Quran and Sunnah, but if he stands against
the Quran and Sunnah then how can he be followed towards them! He is perverting the jurisdiction of islam
and making his own interpretation and presenting as its Islam.

As a guide, you can’t just say your personal opinion about root of Deen, where millions of people take your
speeches as a guidance from Quran and Sunnah. You should be aware of what you say. But sad thing is,
reality stays opposite.

This is one of the main causes for the conflict and separation in the effort.

You might ask, and surely as you should:

Why doesn’t anyone inform him and warn him about the impact of it in the Ummah?

The answer is that he was informed and warned so many times via so many ways; not from now, but from
the beginning by the members of Shura and the elder Ulama alongside. The Ulama kept the issue in
themselves hoping that the issue will end soon. because they didn’t want the Ummah to know about this
matter and fall in doubt. But the sad reality is that Maulana Saad ignored them and didn’t care much about it.
In addition, he keeps repeating those wrong ideology in his speeches even now.
After informing him again and again they saw it’s no use. rather he’s still continuing, and a huge number of
Muslims are getting affected by his faulty ideology day by day. And there turning aggressive to the rest of the

Some brothers say!

Why did the members of Shura leave Nizamuddin markaz?
My brothers! maybe you haven’t read the letters they gave to the Ummah before they left.
If you’ve read at least one of them you would’ve found your answer.

Here is a small part of Moulana Ibrahim Dewla’s (H.F) letter:

“Such a group is controlling Nizamuddin Markaz whom are trying to make the wrong statements right. And obstructing any
kind of beneficial reformation. This is a very bad situation for this effort.
Whom think that there’s nothing going on in the Markaz and the effort is on it’s own routine, this thinking is absolutely wrong
and clearly against reality.

the situation overrode the limit and my stay in Nizamuddin ‘was becoming a testimony that the effort is running on the right
track and I’m pleased with the current situation’.
And so, I was very concerned because of what’s going on in Nizamuddin.
After doing Istikharah for many days I have decided that I will make a clear statement in front of the members of this effort.
When everything becomes normal then I won’t think twice about returning. my going back to Gujarat is not to make a team or a
group, Rather it’s to save this effort and to save my self from blandishment. I have to give my answers to Allah.
May Allah save this effort and the members of it. Amin.
Ibrahim Dewla
As a Muslim you must know when the Ulama of the Ummah notice any activity that goes against the basic
rules of Islam. Being responsible for the duty, they must point it out and guide the Ummah to the right path.
So, the Ulama around the world (particularly Ulama of Indian subcontinent) started warning and raising
awareness about Maulana Saad’s mistakes about core beliefs of Islam, rather than authentic understanding of
Quran and Sunnah, followed by Prophet (PBUH), his companions and the people of three golden era.
Subsequently, the Ulama of Bangladesh as well stood for clarifying the matter.

My Respected brothers and sisters!

This isn’t something that is related to Tabligh only, but it’s an ideological attack (whether Maulana
Saad is realizing it or not) that goes against the Shariah, which is among the core belief of Islam and

Following those facts, majority of Tablighi members in Bangladesh are practicing Dawah under the guidance
of Ulama and Shura. and raising awareness about the true understanding of Islam among those, whom are
trapped by Maulana Saad’s mistakes and turned into blind followers of him, by explaining about his mistakes
and faults. But some of Maulana Saad’s blind followers did not take this kind of activity as Naseeha (advice),
instead they started blaming and cutting relations, even though they were invited so many times for making
things clear and avoiding any kind of activity that led to conflict.

But they didn’t listen, and rather they kept ignoring all requests of brotherhood.

Because of this blind following, ignorance and hatred towards the Shura and The Ulama.
What came as a result is very devastating, brutal and inhumane. An act that the human race never heard of in
the past and the future history will never forget neither forgive. An attack by the practicing Muslims on them
whom guided them and taught them how to pray and recite the Quran and practice Islam.

They attacked in Tongi where usually World Ijtema is held every year and in December.

Why the attack placed in Tongi and why in December?

We should know that the World Ijtema is held in Tongi ever since 1967. It’s the second largest annual
gathering of Muslims worldwide. About 4 million people attend every year from across the globe. It’s held on
January every year.

We know, if a small gathering is arranged, it needs so much work behind it. So, imagine a gathering of 3 to 4
million! And who much of hard work is needed. For this reason, every year members of this effort from all
around Bangladesh and specially Students and the Ulama from most of the big madrasas in Dhaka gather one
or two months earlier to do the work unselfishly.

Likewise, this year, works and students were in the field working for the preparation of next World Ijtema.
But they weren’t ready for what’s to come for them the next day.

It was Saturday, the first of December 2018. They had faced something they didn’t even imagine in their
dreams. An act that’s hardly found in the pages of history and will be a shame for our era to the future. It’s a
mark that could never be erased. An act that made the whole world speechless.
Because this wasn’t an ordinary attack on an unarmed innocent group. Rather an attack on group of students
and Ulama that are the future of Islam and the human race. They are the greatest people of mankind, they are
whom praised in Quran and Sunnah so many times. In the Holy Quran, Allah SWT says : ‫^َﻦ‬bِ ? ‫ُْﲂ َوا‬dْ‫ُﻮا ِﻣ‬d‫ َٓﻣ‬# ‫^َﻦ‬bِ ? ‫ ا‬N?ُ‫^َْﺮﻓَﻊ ِ ا‬
‫ٌﲑ‬Kِ‫ ِﺑﲈ ﺗَْﻌَﻤﻠُﻮَن َﺧ‬N?ُ‫ﺎٍت َوا‬k‫وﺗُﻮا اﻟِْﻌ ْ َﲅ َدَر‬#f
[١١ ‫ ٓﯾﺔ‬# : x‫ﺎد‬w‫]ﺳﻮرة ا‬
Allah will raise those who have believed among you, and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is acquainted
with what you do. (Sura Mujadalah:11)

Even the Prophets (peace be upon him) said,

ٍّ ‫َ•َﺬ ِ َﲝ‬#I ‫َ•َﺬُﻩ ﻓََﻘْﺪ‬#I ‫ ﻓََﻤْﻦ‬، ‫َﺎَء ﻟَْﻢ ﯾَُﻮ ّ ِرﺛُﻮا ِدﯾﻨَﺎًرا َوﻻ ِدْر َ ًﳘﺎ َوﻟَِﻜ ?ﳯُْﻢ َو?رﺛُﻮا اﻟِْﻌ ْ َﲅ‬Š‰ِْ‫ˆﻧ‬I‫ ا?ن ا‬، ‫َﺎِء‬Š‰ِْ‫ˆﻧ‬I‫ َوا?ن اﻟُْﻌﻠََﻤﺎَء ُ ْﱒ َوَرﺛَُﺔ ا‬، ‫ِِﺮ اْﻟَﻜَﻮاِﻛِﺐ‬ƒ‫"ﻓَْﻀُﻞ اﻟَْﻌﺎِﻟِﻢ ~ََﲆ اﻟَْﻌﺎِﺑِﺪ َﻛَﻔْﻀِﻞ اﻟَْﻘَﻤِﺮ ﻟَْﯿ َ َ‚ اﻟَْﺒْﺪ ِر ~ََﲆ َﺳﺎ‬
‫ﺎﻣﻊ ﺑﯿﺎن‬k]" ‫ﻆ َواِﻓٍﺮ‬
= =
. [١٦٩-•‫اﻟﻌﲅ وﻓﻀ‬
The superiority of the Alim over the devout worshipper is like that of the full moon to the rest of the stars (i.e., in brightness).
The Ulama are the heirs of the Prophets who bequeath neither dinar nor dirham but only that of knowledge.
They were from them whom the Prophet (PBUH) said about:
[٢٢٣:‫ﻪ‬k‫]ﺳﲍ ا ﻦ ﻣﺎ‬،‫َﺤ َﳤَﺎ ِرًﺿﺎ ِﻟَﻄﺎِﻟِﺐ اﻟِْﻌ ْ ِﲅ‬dِ‫ْﺟ‬#I ‫َﻜَﺔ ﻟََﺘَﻀُﻊ‬ƒِ‫َوا?ن اﻟَْﻤَﻼ‬،
“And verily, the angels spread their wings = for the seekers of knowledge out of delight”.

Indeed, that day was a Black Saturday for Islam.

They were in the field not knowing what’s to come. Suddenly they found out that, the group that follows
Moulana Saad is surrounding them and blocking all the gates to the field with thousands of gathering. They
got frightened and tried to get out, but it was helpless because all the gates were blocked by them. So, they
told the police to take proper action and the police replied to them saying: “don’t worry we won’t let them
in”. But As the time went, they increased in numbers. So, the students and whom were inside the field of
Tongi, requested the police again and told them what they were fearing. But the police said, “don’t worry, as
soon as it’s 11 o’clock we’ll move them from here, so don’t worry, go inside and do zikir and tilawat”.

But the world saw what happened when the time came. It was 11 o’clock and the followers of Maulana Saad
started throwing stones from the roof top of the buildings and disarrayed them. Then they broke the gate and
entered inside. (

Here is a video where one of their leaders Mr Ashraf ali acknowledged that they broke the gate.
( [in Bangla].

They planned this attack and wore green straps so that they could identify each other and not attack
their own ones. They were divided in groups and every group leader had a card tied on his neck.
Everything was preplanned.
& ( )

They entered with bamboos and started beating up whomever they found in front of them—students, youth
and the aged. This was a brutal inhumane attack. They hit everyone on the head and fractured it. They hit on
the head not twice but once because if they hit twice the person might die, and if once, then the victims will
live, but in “hell”. Namely, his life will be a living hell due to suffering. This way of attack was preplanned.
where they knew where to hit to ensure that they would be hurt badly, but not killed.
( )

That’s what the inhumane blind followers did. One friend of mine told me, a friend of his was first beaten on the
head but since he didn’t faint, they broke his hands and his legs then tied him with his turban and chucked him in the river.
This was the act of those whom say about “Ikramul Muslimeen” and whom give lectures to others about
generosity and kindness.

It’s been more then half a month, but still the hospitals are full of wounded and injured. Some of them turned
mentally disordered. I saw a young Alim who turned mentally ill because of severe brain injury.
The doctor in the Tongi Hospital said: “The Tongi Hospital has never seen this much patients with this kind
of severe injury ever”.
There’re so many students under treatment whom don’t even have a mustache. More than 5 thousand were
injured. And unfortunately, one passed away.

The attack was led and ruled by Mr. Wasiful Islam, eng. Nasim, Mr. Ashraf Ali followers of Maulana Saad.
and Maulana Farid Uddin Masud as a managing director .

It was a sad event for this Ummah.

For evidence: ( )
( (

Someone once said: “if you’re blind for a human, you’ll do anything for him.” And in Bangladesh we saw the
reality of this statement.

And Moulana Ilyas (r.a) said:

If the principles of Tabligh is overlooked and the leadership of this effort is mishandled, then the
‘fitnah’ that was to come after centuries, will come within weeks, rather within few days and it will
surround us all.”

We’re currently witnessing the reality of this statement in the whole world.

It’s sad and very sad when people do a crime and make lies about it afterwards.

After that attack

Their spreading fake news that they didn’t go there to attack rather to do zikr and joor(Tablighi meetings).

I humbly ask them, from when did you start tying straps on your arm while doing joor? And where
were your sleeping beds then?
Isn’t it obvious it was an identity not to attack each other?
And what was the purpose of bringing the bamboos?

They forced some students to say that “they didn’t want to come, but their teachers forced them to”. If they
didn't say it on camera then they would have been beaten like the rest. So, the students did what they were
told to do and were recorded and shared on the internet, even though these students came at their own will
to work. One student said: “they forced us and scared us so much that one of my brothers peed in his pants
because of fear.”
( [in Bangla]
( [in Bangla]

They make shameful claims saying that “the Ulama occupied the field”. If so, would they have ever left small
kids in the field? Who would be foolish enough to occupy the field with kids? If they really wanted to occupy,
all the older students would’ve gathered. In that case would the followers of Moulana Saad have the courage
to even look towards them? What a foolish, baseless and eye-washing claim!

This kind of inhuman act isn’t only happening in Bangladesh, now we’re witnessing similar acts in other
countries as well. Like this one:
Their beating up a Qari who pointed out moulana Saad’s mistakes and as a result he had to face this
If you listen to this video careful you’ll hear one saying: “Are you gonna say anything about Moulana Saad?”
Another one is saying: “cut his beard, I’ve got ordered from the top to cut it”.

What kind of Islam is this my brothers and sisters. What kind of islam are they trying to establish!!

“What’s the end to this crisis”?

There’re two solutions to this crisis:

1) Either the Shura and the Ulama leave Quran and Sunnah and start following Maulana Saad’s words
that goes against the word of Allah and teachings of Prophet Muhammad S.M. and accept his

2) Or they hold onto the Quran and Sunnah and guide the ummah towards it. And follow the Shura
that’s based on the Quran and Sunnah and the principles on this effort.

A Mumin and Muslim can’t ever choose a path that goes against the Quran and Sunnah even if he
has to give his life for it.

We loved Maulana Saad. But you should know, we love Islam and the Sharia more than anything else.

That’s why, I humbly request those brothers and sisters who are still following Moulana Saad,
please think about the situation. This is just not a matter of Tabligh, but rather a matter of your iman, your
deen, Quran and Sunnah and your akhirath. So, don’t destroy your dunya and your akhirah for someone else’s
dunya. Make your decision and choose your path before it’s too late.

We still appeal to Maulana Saad, please stop with your fault lecturers and stop calling towards dictatorship
and accept the Shura that once you were a member of.
Tabligh was a peaceful effort for all these years and once you claimed a dictatorship status, the unity of the
ummah started falling apart.
How much more blood do you want? How much more of separation do you want to see? Please stop! Please!
For the sake of the Deen, for the sake of the effort and so many innocent lives.

If you do, you’ll see the Ummah unite again and loving you more than before.

May Allah unite the Ummah under the base of Quran and Sunnah.



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