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Mary’s College of Baliuag

Baliuag, Bulacan
SY 2021-2022

Subject: Health Grade Level: Grade 8 Quarter: 1st

Module Number #: 1 Topic: Gender and Human Sexuality

As you continue to grow and develop, you must know how to manage the crucial aspects
of your personality and sexual health. This module will help you understand the concept of
gender and human sexuality. It will also enhance your decision-making skills to help you
manage your sexuality-related concerns.

1. What to know?
Human Sexuality
Human sexuality can be defined as the measure of maleness and femaleness in
one's individuality including mental, emotional, spiritual and physical characteristics.
The way we behave, how we express ourselves, and how we react and interact with
all the things around us, including our own body, are determined and affected by our

To better understand human sexuality, we must know the words that are
associated with sexuality, such as sex and gender.
Sex refers to the biological characteristics of being a boy or a girl, as evidenced
by the external and internal reproductive parts.
Gender is a social concept of how men and women should think, feel, and act.
It refers to femininity or masculinity of a person’s role and behavior. Below are the
symbols for male and female gender.

Male Female

Sexuality is an essential component of One's Personality

Sexuality is a natural and healthy part of life. Everything about being a male or
a female: its essential aspect is masculine or feminine identification. Sexuality
involves the name given at birth, the toys played with, the clothes are worn, the friends
played with, the roles and responsibilities at home, and a sense of self–worth when
sexual understanding is positive.

Dimensions of Human Sexuality

Human sexuality is an integration of three dimensions: biological, psychological,
and sociocultural.

The Biological Dimension

This dimension is described by the person’s biological or physical sexual
characteristics as controlled by the sex chromosomes and hormones produced by
the sexual glands. As mentioned, a female has XX sex chromosomes, and the male
has XY sex chromosomes.


The Psychological Dimension

The table below shows the psychological and emotional characteristics of men and

• tend to be more logical and arguing • tend to be more intuitive depending
things out step by step before reaching often on the “sixth sense”. They often
a conclusion. notice little things that men overlook.
• tend to be less emotional and do not • get easily upset and also shows it more
cry too easily. easily
• are often insensitive and may hurt • are more sympathetic and caring
others without realizing it.
• are more egoistic. They want success, • want affection. They want to be told
money, power. They want to be looked that they are beautiful; that they are
up to. loved.
• are more realistic • are more idealistic
• are clear and direct to the point in • tend to beat around the bush.
expressing themselves.
• are not likely to show their feelings and • are vocal about their feelings and
express their love in words and actions. would readily express their affection to
the man they love.

The Sociocultural Dimension

The society surrounding a person contributes to his/her sexuality. It includes the
family, school, and people from the neighborhood. The table below shows the difference
in social qualities of men and women.

• are more independent • tend to be dependent
• are interested in things, objects • are interested in people

Factors that affect one's attitudes and practices related to sexuality and sexual

A person attitude and practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors are
affected by the following:
A. Family

Sexual awareness of most people begins at home with the

love and affection given by the parents and siblings. They
become aware of their being by how their family treats them
in terms of clothing, toys, games, and hobbies.

B. Religion

Religious beliefs and doctrines may

significantly influence sexual attitudes and
behavior. People differ in their stand on
morality, for their religious and spiritual
beliefs differently bound them. Many
religions would disagree with premarital sex
and extramarital sex.


C. Peers and Friends

It so very common among teenagers to gather
together and have their “girls’ talk” or “boys’ talk”
The time spent by teenagers in school is
considerably longer than at home with their parents.
Others would socialize with their friends and same-
age neighbors even after classes.

D. Multiculturalism
The marriage between couples coming from
different countries is no longer new things nowadays.
Since they came from different countries, they may
also have cultural differences, specifically in matters
of sexuality. Some states would consider abortion as
illegal and morally, but in other countries it is allowed.


E. Socioeconomic Status
The living condition also affects sexual behavior. It is very observable, especially
in depressed areas, with people living in poverty or below the poverty line. Since most
of these low-income families would not send their children to school, teenagers tend
to mingle with friends of the same age and eventually engage in sexual activities.
Proper sex education leads to responsible parenthood.
F. Media
Media includes television, radio,
movies, and printed advertisements and
the widely used worldwide web.
These forms of media are not only
meant for public service, but these are
also the source of information for sexual


Teenage concerns

What are the different issues/concerns of teenagers?

Adolescence is a period of stress and strain. Simply put, it is a period of worry
and tension for teenagers. There are some issues or concerns that may seem to bother
them at this point in their lives.
These issues include identity crisis, sexual identity and sexual behavior, pre-marital sex,
teenage pregnancies, and abortion.

What is Identity Crisis?

An identity crisis is a feeling of not being sure about yourself and what purpose you
have in life. This results in confusion and sadness.

What is sexual identity?

Sexual identity refers to the sexual self-concept adolescents or teenagers develop

themselves. The first time
teenagers recognize their
sexual attraction feelings
marks the beginning of their
sexual identity, and they carry
this on throughout their life.
This is the state when
teenagers establish to whom
they are romantically or
sexually attracted. Their
sexual identity dictates their
sexual behavior or sexual
What is Sexual Orientation?
Sexual orientation is a romantic attraction. The attraction may be toward the opposite
sex, the same sex, and others may have no attractions. This stage is very critical for at
this point; teenagers identify their sexual identity, and there is a need for the support and
guidance of the family, especially the parents.

What is the premarital sex?

Premarital sex is engaging in a sexual act with a partner before marriage. Teenagers
who have a romantic relationship and experience emotional attachment and strong
sexual attraction toward a partner are more likely to engage in premarital sex. The sexual
act often leads to the process of reproduction or having a baby.
Teenage girls who already have their
monthly period or menstruation are
biologically capable of reproduction.
Teenage boys are also capable of
reproduction by the time they reach

What is Teenage pregnancy?

Premarital sex may eventually result in
teenage pregnancy. Teenage (
pregnancy refers to untimely or early 1600x900-noPad.jpg?1507968625)
pregnancy of female. The following are
the reasons for teenage pregnancy based on the study University of the Philippines
Population Institute last January 2015.

▪ Peer pressure
▪ Lack of information on safe sex
▪ Breakdown of family life
▪ Lack of good female role models in the family
▪ Absence of accessible adolescents-friendly clinics.

Teenage pregnancy poses danger to young mothers. These are:
▪ Inadequate nutrition due to poor eating habits
▪ Danger associated with the reproductive organs are not ready for birth
▪ Maternal death due to higher risk of eclampsia

While in 2014, data of the Philippine Statistical Authority (PSA) revealed that in the year
2013, 10% of pregnant teenagers died.

What is Abortion?
Abortion ends a pregnancy by removing the fetus or embryo before it can survive outside
the uterus.
Teenagers who get pregnant are unprepared for this unexpected situation. If there will
be no support from the parents and even from her partner, the teenage mother may think
of aborting the baby.

Development of Decision Skills in Managing Sexuality Related Issues

Teenagers are usually impulsive and tend to do things without thinking and make
decisions based solely on their emotions and feelings. Teenagers usually fail regarding
sexuality or managing sexuality-related issues, which may be attributed to their age and not
being psychologically prepared. Not knowing what to do, sometimes they let others make
decisions for them or just imitate the same decisions as their friends without even thinking of
what the best thing is really to do for a certain problem. To be able to make responsible
decisions in sexuality-related problems or issues, you may use the following steps as your

1.Define your problem.

People must identify or define their problem personally.
2. Gather information
Information may come from other people like family and friends or reliable
written materials.
3.Define principles and values.
Decisions may be affected by some principles. Teenagers must be aware of
their own personal values, family values, and values of society. These values may
also affect their decision.
4.Evaluate potential choices or alternatives
Think of the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. List down the short-
term and long-term effects on you and your loved ones.
5. Make a decision
Decide on what is the best choice to solve your problem.
6.Evaluate your decision
Identify if you had a good or poor decision. Remember that you can always
change your decision. If a poor decision was made, maturity and responsibility
might be shown by correcting it and preventing it from committing the same

✓ Sex refers to the biological characteristics of being a boy or a girl, as evidenced by the
external and internal reproductive parts.
✓ Human sexuality is an integration of three dimensions: biological, psychological, and
✓ Gender is a social concept of how men and women should think, feel, and act. It refers
to the femininity or masculinity of a person’s role and behavior.
✓ Human sexuality may be defined as the measure of maleness and femaleness in one's
individuality and physical characteristics. The way we behave, express ourselves, and
react and interact with all the things around us, including our bodies, are determined
and affected by our sexuality.
✓ As a teenager, you will be going to encounter different issues and concerns.
✓ These issues include identity crisis, sexual identity and sexual behavior, pre-marital sex,
teenage pregnancies, and abortion.
✓ Some guidelines that can help an individual to manage those issues and concerns.


Course Hero (2020). Sexual Glands DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid Determines.
acid-determines-all-the-traits-and/ (n.d.) Gender and Human Sexuality.
U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (2019). Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Mr. Cristopher Nociete Ms. Edilyn Bucar

MAPEH Teacher IBEd MAPEH Area Coordinator

Reviewed by: Approved by:

Ms. Jennifer Santos Mr. Perfecto Austria

IBEd Academic Coordinator IBEd Principal

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