Lesson-1 Grade4 Science

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Subject:- Science Std:- 4

Lesson 1 Parts of a Plant and Their Functions

Q.1 Choose the correct answers.
1. Carrot is an example of a _____________________ that is used to store food.
a)leaf b)root c)stem d)flower
2. The _______ carries water and mineral salts from the roots to various parts of
the plant.
a)stem b)leaf c)flower d)fruit
3. Tiny pores present in the leaves are called ________________.
a)stomata b)chlorophyll c)photosynthesis d)stamens
4. The brightest and the most colourful part of a flower is the ___________.
a)sepal b)petal c)stamen d)pistil
5. Seeds are present _______________ the fruits.
a)inside b)outside c)beside d)below
Q.2 Fill in the blanks.
1. Roots help trees to remain firmly fixed to the ground.
2. The stem is the main part of the shoot.
3. Ginger stores excess food in the stem.
4. Photosynthesis occurs only during daytime.
5. Stamens are the male reproductive organs of a flower.
6. A new plant grows from the seed.
Q.3 State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
1. The root system consists of the branches, leaves, and fruits of a plant –
Reason- The shoot system consists of the branches, leaves, and fruits of a
2. Some plants store excess food in their stem – True
3. The root fixes the plant to the soil – True
4. The stem protects the seeds – False
Reason- Fruits protect the seeds.
5. All fruits are edible – False
Reason- Some fruits are edible.
Q.4 Match the following.
Column A Ans Column B
a. Fixation 5 1.Green gram
b. Food factory of a plant 3 2.Flowers
c. Underground stem 4 3. Leaf
d. Pleasant smell 2 4. Turmeric plant
e. Can grow into a new plant 1 5.Roots

Q.5 Name the following.

1. The dry outer covering of coconut is called – Husk
2. Colourful part of the flower – Petals
3. Green, leaf like parts of a flower – Sepals
4. Green substance found in leaf – Chlorophyll
5. A plant that stores extra food in the leaves – Spinach
6. The roots transport water and nutrients to all parts of plants by a special
tissue called – Xylem
7. Underground stems – Potato, Turmeric
Q.6 Differentiate between root system and shoot system.
Root system Shoot system
1.Root of the plant grows under the 1.Shoot of the plant grows above the
ground. ground.
2.Main functions are fixation, 2.Main functions are photosynthesis,
absorption, storage, prevention of soil transport and reproduction.
3.Does not undergo photosynthesis. 3. Undergo photosynthesis.
4.Consists different types of roots. 4.Consists of the stem, branches,
leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.

Q.7 Answer the following questions.

1. Give any two examples of plants that store extra food in their roots.
Ans. Carrot and beetroot are two plants that store extra food in their roots.
2. Which type of root can grow aerially? Give examples.
Ans. Adventitious roots can grow aerially. Example: Banyan tree, mangroves.
3. Give any two examples of plants that store extra food in their stem.
Ans. Potato and ginger are two plants that store extra food in their stem.
4. Why are leaves called the kitchen of a plant?
Ans. Green leaves of a plant prepare food, so they are called food factories or
the kitchen of a plant.
5.How are fruits useful to plants?
Ans. Fruits protect the seeds and store the excess food prepared by plants.
6. Where are seed present?
Ans. Seeds are present inside the fruits.
7.Is it safe to sleep under a tree at night?
Ans. It is not safe to sleep under a tree at night because plants exhale carbon
dioxide at night that might cause breathing troubles. Also, poisonous insects can
bite or sting.
8.Describe the functions of Root system.
Ans. Functions:
a. Fixation: Roots fix the plant firmly to the soil. Big trees have thick and
widespread roots under the soil to support them, for example, neem tree
and banyan tree. Thus, the roots help the tree to remain firmly fixed to the
b. Absorption: Roots absorb water and mineral salts from the soil and help
the plant to prepare its own food.
c. Storage: Some plants store excess food in their roots, for example, carrot,
radish, and beetroot.
d. Prevention of soil erosion: Roots prevent soil erosion by holding the
topsoil together tightly.

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